View Full Version : Dwarf Quest: Day 1

2011-12-10, 07:30 AM
You guys wanted me to tell you how my session went with my Monk. Well... we had our first session yesterday.

It's a survival campaign. Basically, it's been a long winter and the Dwarves are low on food. A hunting expedition was sent out and we volunteered to go out as guards in case something dangerous pops up.

Two hours worth of travel in 2+ feet of snow, we encountered a wolverine. My Dwarf Monk was the first on the scene (my Dwarf Fighter couldn't deal with the heavy snow and was covering the groups rear.) Thanks to no ranks in Knowledge Nature and no prior experience outside the cave, my monk had no idea what it was. I asked one of the hunters if it counted as food, and he said yes. Since no one seemed inclined to fire in the surprise round, I figured the DM wanted this to be my time to shine... so.

I charged ahead wildly, sliding in with a sweeping leg attack, thinking I could trip the wolverine with my Improved Trip attack, come in with a Grapple attack, pin the thing, roll over, and hold it there until one of the clumsier Dwarves can finally get through the snow and slit it's throat so we can get back to the warmth of the cave before I fail a Fortitude Save.

I successfully attacked the bajeezus out of it! Then I rolled a 1 to trip it. It all went downhill from there. I rolled a 2 on INIT, and apparently the wolverine rolled a 20 and proceeded to full round attack me down to 3 hp, thanks to my 11 AC. By the end of the second round I was reduced to -5 and gurgling out the words "Avenge me!" before my bloodied mess of a frame sunk into the soft powder snow.

With no healer in the group, they had to stabilize me, wrap me in a winter blanket, and haul me and the wolverine carcass back to the mines to recover. Incidentally, there was no healer because our healer didn't make it to session 1. Que sera.

So... first experience... not so glorious, but loads of fun, all the same. I enjoyed the crazy kinds of attacks I could use. Technically, that wasn't my first battle. My first "battle" was in teaching my PCs little sister how to defend herself. I accidentally kicked her in the face and laid her out flat... my PCs mom was not too happy about that.