View Full Version : Idea for Divine Magic Treasure

2011-12-10, 12:38 PM
Any ideas for treasure rewards for characters 6-7th level that are divine-based and not Arcane?

Our campaign is set in Cormyr after the Spellplague, so there is very little arcane magic, and most arcane items that were not vaulted or epic level were drained/exploded. The PCs have had very low rewards so far, and they are about to face a major challenge (exterminating a gnoll tribe, the Flesh-Rippers), and I think the time is right for a real reward. I want them to feel they've accomplished something. So far my best idea is a lucky coin that acts as +1 protection (one of the PCs is a cleric of Tymora), but I'm coming up empty after that.

I want to be consistent in the world, so just duping standard items and calling them divine won't work--I want this to feel different than a previous campaign we had years ago, in the original FR setting with high magic.

Any help is welcome. Also, play mechanic note, we've all grown up and moved on, so we play with D20 pro. Items that directly affect rolls, stats, health, abilities, etc. fit in best with that platform.

Much thanks!

Shades of Gray
2011-12-10, 12:46 PM
Make magic item keywords have prayers as their activation. You can increase the bonuses on items by a certain amount dependent on alignment/religion. Make the more powerful items only useable by members of a certain religious sect.

2011-12-10, 02:12 PM
I think the idea of making items alignment/faith dependent could work. So thank you.

Your comment made me think about specifically what kind of items, and so I looked at prerequisites for various magic items, and that suggested a pretty simple criteria: no items with arcane prereqs, just those with divine prereqs.
