View Full Version : Dragonhold

2011-12-10, 07:34 PM
You gather around the table. Your a motley band of adventures, hailing from across the continent. You have chosen to sit together because each of you think the other can at least handle themselves in a battle. You each order a drink, sizing each other up. The bar quiets as a bluish skinned dragonborn stands on a table:

"Hear ye, hear ye! The Blue King is hiring pirate hunters to hunt down the final pirate fleet of Marthal the Rover, hidden in the Pirate Isles. Those who complete this task will be richley rewarded!"

The herald exits the building, tacking a sign to the wall near the entrance. Across the smokey room, you can notice that the reward has a lot of zeros.

You hear a slightly drunk voice from the bar: "Damnable dragons and their dragonborn lackey's. I wish they'd all rolls osh into the mountains and leaves the human buisnessh to humansh."

(Roll a perception check)

2011-12-10, 08:28 PM
Zachwell snorts - hearing both the drunkard and the Dragonborn. He'd never be associated with snobs like that. Certainly a tempting offer, he noted as he looked over at the paper....he would ask the opinion of everyone else. "Anyone else interested? I'm indifferent." he asked, motioning towards where the reward was posted.

2011-12-10, 09:15 PM
Please roll a perception check striped

2011-12-10, 09:23 PM
I apologize. [roll0]

2011-12-10, 09:45 PM
The little figure perched in the windowsill shook her head. "I'd never sell out me friend like tha... oh my, tha's a lot of money. Still, it's not for me." Flora's voice drops to a stage whisper. "I've no need ta have the Blue King's navy controlling all the coast and the Grand River. They'd ruin my travel plans. Besides, I owe some of the pirates a good turn."

Looking from the two hulking reptilian warriors to the bar, she shakes her head. "Tha's a stupid man right there. Hey fella, what's your problem wi' the Dragonborn? Tha's like saying you hate all humans, or all halflings. They're not all like the kings, and even the kings aren't all the same." She doesn't bother to say out loud which of the dragon kings she thinks can go rot, as Flora likes having her head and neck attached to each other.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-12-10, 10:45 PM
A warrior looks at the drunkard from a table in a corner of the bar. He shakes his head, and speaks to the man.

"To hate those that rule this place openly is to sign a death sentence with your own blood, drunkard. Griffon stares at the drunkard with his cold, auburn eyes. He stares at the offer.

"I would've done it without the incentive. Pirates take honest citizen's work for themselves. I will take on this quest.
Griffon stands up and shoulder's his shield, "Where are the pirates?"

And Striped, I'm pretty sure the Dragonborn is gone.

2011-12-10, 11:14 PM
Woops. Gotta roll for perception. Messed up alot first try.


2011-12-11, 12:21 AM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

A large, Dragonborn with blue-tinted scales, much like the herald who just left, cracks his knuckles and chuckles to himself in a basso rumble that seems to shake the drinks on the table.

"I know a thing or two about pirate hunting. I also know a thing or two about pirating, for what it's worth!" Kriv slaps his hand on Zachwell's back, "Besides, we Dragonborn aren't so bad after all. Come to think of it, I've only got a few days on my sentence left. I guess I might as well get paid while I'm "fulfilling my obligation to the community", right?"


2011-12-11, 12:22 AM
first roll didn't take ....


2011-12-11, 05:29 AM
Maryas, Deva Invoker

Sitting on the very edge of the bench, Maryas takes a sip of his fruit juice. Obviously, anything non-alcholic would be terrible in this bar, although the alcoholic drinks, judging from the others didn't really set the bar that high.

"Flora, I can't see much wrong in finding a few outlaws to bring them to justice. I was eager to see what type of ruler this blue dragon king was, and it seems he at least wants to do something about piracy." He waves his drink towards the rewards. "On the other side, a reward this big is just asking for trouble. It might stir up something worse than just pirates"

Maryas puts his drink on the table. "So, I reckon everybody is in? Then let's not delay and go to these isles"


2011-12-11, 05:41 AM

Ok, trying it in a different post, obviously my previous post is haunted.

2011-12-11, 08:29 AM
Flora is the only one who hears one of the less drunk patrons of the bar mutter under his breath: I'll be doing my darndest about those dragons.
The sign on the wall states that all interested in hunting down the pirates should head to the docks, slip thirty-five.
Unless anyone states otherwise in their next post, I’ll get you guys moving down to the docks in my next post.

2011-12-11, 12:29 PM
"But they aren't all bad... Ah, fine. I'll come, I'll come." The halfling grumbles, but the prospect of a new adventure is too strong for her to really be angry.

As she follows her tablemates out of the tavern, Flora passes by the more sober looking man at the bar. "He was drunk, an' saying stupid things in front of his betters. You're not. What have you got against the dragons, sir?" Flora's voice becomes a tiny whisper. "Because I'd reckon it's th' same thing I've got against them."

2011-12-11, 01:28 PM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

Kriv's deep voice bellows as the group exits the tavern, "C'mon little one. I've got lots to teach you about pirate hunting. Now there's the fun way to do it and the right way to do it. We're going to focus on the fun way . . . " Kriv's voice fades as he and his new crew head down the road, making their way to the slip.

2011-12-11, 01:41 PM

" 'Bad' is part of perception." he chuckled in a sort of deep growl. "I guess us and that sum of money are in agreement." he stated matter-of-factly, getting up after Kriv.

2011-12-11, 02:16 PM

Maryas gathers his goods and gets up, leaving the bar with a skip in his step. "Oooh, this will be so much fun. The river boats were ever so slow, I hope the trip to these pirate isles will be somewhat more engaging."

2011-12-11, 05:36 PM
"Remember,just because I am Pursuing the bounty as well does not mean we are friends." Griffon heads out the door and to the spot.

2011-12-11, 06:22 PM
You begin to walk down to the pier. The town around you is built on a cliff overlooking the water. The town curves down around the cliff edge to the docks on the water. Upon the crest of the cliffs rests the Blue King's castle. Occasionally the king himself. heads out into the night, hunting down a pirate to vent frustration. Being as big as he is, he usually brings the entire boat back and dumps it in a graveyard of ships, just up the coast from the port.

The bar you were just at happens to be high on the cliff, so its a fair walk down to the port below. There are many a joke told about the hike required to get from the docks to the summit of the Blue King's Castle.
As you are passing through the residential district, you hear a commotion inside one of the houses.

"Arg! She bit me arm!"

"I thought you said she was dead! Why's she up and moving!"

"Shut up and barricade the door!"

Over all this you hear a low moan.

Other than the sounds emanating from within, the house seems to be just like every other one down the lane.

Do you enter the building?

Things to put in post:
Do you enter the building or keep walking (individual choice. You'll probably meet at the docks afterward.

If you enter, in what order do you enter?

2011-12-11, 08:46 PM

"Amusing as that might be, not my problem." Zachwell said, walking down to the docks. He starts looking thoroughly across the docks for the information necessary to get them their job.

2011-12-11, 09:32 PM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

Kriv chuckles at Zachwell. "Not so fast. Technically I am an officer of the Blue King's navy." he says, holding his clawed hands in the air, making quotation marks with his fingers. "I am obligated to investigate, as much as it pains me. They'll add months to my sentence for shirking one's duty, as they put it."

Kriv sighs as he approaches the door. He then slams his fist into it a few times and shouts, "Open up, by order of the Blue King"

Not sure if it would be worth it to make an intimidate check now or in the immediate future, but just in case I'm not around, here's a roll to keep the plot going.


2011-12-11, 10:03 PM
"Some hero you are." Flora rolled her eyes at Zachwell. She ducked into the shadows across the street from the house and drew her bow. "Got ye covered, officer." Kriv can hear her giggling at the title.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-12-11, 11:31 PM
"If someone is in trouble, you have to help them. It doesn't matter how inconvienent it is." Griffon glares at Zachwell as he walks away, and heads over to the door.

"Sir, is there something wrong?" Griffon frowns, and looks inside the window.

Perception check(if I need it)

2011-12-12, 05:04 AM

"We'll meet you at the docks in a moment, Zachwell!" Maryas shouts to Zachwells back. He then turns to the house, walks up next to Kriv and says "This'll probably be nothing, right?" Maryas' hand clenches around the staff, as if to comfort himself. He then smiles and relaxes a little. "How bad could it be?"

[roll0] to see if I can hear them talking inside

2011-12-12, 09:43 AM

The door was weak enough that Kriv's three knocks were enough to knock it off its hinges. Both Griffon and Kriv get a good look at the interior of the house. Three humans currently cower behind a makeshift barrier of a shelf, desperately using planks to push an old woman back. Something seems off about the woman. Her neck is at an odd angle and she emits a near constant moaning.

In the southeast corner of the house you notice a stairway leading upstairs, and in the center of the room there is a table with chairs around it. In the northwest corner of the house there is a chest.


Surprise round for party. I can't access mythweavers for some reason right now, so post order is initiative order.

2011-12-12, 01:31 PM
Kriv is not at all surprised that his knocks took the door off of its hinges. The salty sea air tends to wear out the metal and wood relatively easily, plus he himself was a bit of a brute. In fact, the only people who did seem surprised were the inhabitants of the house. Kriv wasted no time charging in to take control of the situation, issuing orders as if he was born to it.

"You four! Stop what you are doing, drop your weapons and place your hands over your head. I am looking for a reason to hurt you, so feel free to resist."

Move: Run (move + 2) 7 squares to be 3 squares behind the Woman. I grant CA until SoMNT

Minor: Dragonfear (blast 5) against all enemies
vs Will
Hit: Targets take -2 penalty to attack rolls and grant combat advantage until EoMNT.

Standard: Charge Woman and attack with MBA
[roll1] vs AC (+8 attack, +1 for charge. Add additional +2 for CA if I hit with previous attack)
[roll2] damage to Woman


Standard: Intuitive Strike vs Woman
[roll=Attack Woman]1d20+8 vs Will
1d8 damage, and the next ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll (for a +4 bonus total)

2011-12-12, 01:40 PM
(rolls in my action point didn't stick in previous post)


Standard: Intuitive Strike vs Woman
[roll0] vs Will
[roll1] damage, and the next ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll (for a +4 bonus total)

2011-12-12, 03:24 PM
Kriv's dashing assault splatters the old woman across the shelf. Bits a gore and half-congealed blood dripped down the shelf.
The 3 men behind the counter, one barely more than a boy freeze at Kriv's command.

And combat is over in one round :smallamused:

2011-12-12, 03:43 PM
Flora dashes in after Kriv, skidding to a halt at the edge of the table when she sees the... woman? "Oh, tha's no good at all..." She nocks an arrow, but doesn't even get a change to fire, as the Dragonborn destroys what she suspects was not a living person with one blow.

"Tha's disgustin'. Fine hit, Kriv."

"You three all right? Anyone hurt? Wha' about you there, lad?" She hops over and helps the men right their makeshift barricade. "We were passing by outside, heard the commotion. Apologies for your door. Can any of ye tell me what exactly was going on in here? It's just, I've seen a lot of people, an' they don't usually look or act like that when livin'. How'd you fellas get an undead old lady on your hands?"

[roll0] Diplomacy, for the three men.

2011-12-12, 04:19 PM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

Kriv's visage softens from pure intimidation into slight confusion, as he looks down at his sword, then at the wall, then at the floor. "She must have been a bit ripe. Uh, sorry for your loss? I get a little ahead of myself sometimes. Let me just, uh, take care of this for you." Kriv tries to smile a comforting grin, but the mouth full of teeth make it less convincing.

While the halfling takes care of the citizens, Kriv walks over to the doorway, picks up the door, and jams it back into place. Using the handle of his sword, he hammers the nails back into the hinges and gives it a test swing or two.

"Sorry for the mess. From all the hollering I figured there was some crazed ogre or something in here. Didn't think it would be a grandma. What were you all doing anyway? Which one of you was bitten?"


[roll0] to assist Flora

2011-12-12, 05:02 PM
"She was me granma" The youngest one ventures.
"We were all 'round her deathbed, cause she was dying. Then she breathed her last and we all went downstairs for a drink or two. Then we heard a thump from upstairs, and a moan."

The eldest pipes in: "That thing came stumbling down the stairs and bit me. We got behind the shelf, then y'all showed up."

2011-12-12, 05:52 PM

Entering through the newly fixed door, Maryas' is immediatly drawn towards the newly "decorated" shelf. He kneels down at what is left of the old lady, shooting a look in Kriv's direction. "You didn't really leave much to look at. Do you treat all women this way?" He looks over the shelf at the three men. They still look shocked, possibly from the old woman's second death in about 10 minutes, certainly from being shouted at by the dragonborn. "You say you were bit? Show me the wound, please."



To see if I can find anything special about the undead, or his wound (use whichever applies

2011-12-12, 06:45 PM
"The dead... walking again? It's fine... she was only one. The threat is over now." Griffon shakes his head.

He looks at the body, trying to find anything special, bite marks, anything, and trys to sense if the boys are hiding something.


1st is perception, second is insight

2011-12-12, 07:01 PM
"Do ye boys mind if I take a look upstairs? Seein' as how that was where she passed on and all. One or some or all of you can come if you want, I'll welcome the extra eyes." The rambunctious halfling is already halfway up the staircase when she finishes her question, but is also clearly making a point to be open with these poor men. The stereotype of the halfling sneakthief was an old one, and Flora wanted no part of it.

[roll0] Perception

2011-12-12, 07:26 PM
Maryas notices nothing odd about the wound. It look like what a standard bite would look like. Seems as though the boy got lucky though, the granny only had two teeth left in her mouth. The body seems to have nothing unnatural, meaning whatever force that controlled it didn't modify her body.

Griffon can't be sure if there were any bite wounds on the body. A good portion of it has been mangled from Kriv's blow. While rummaging around the body, he finds a gold ring and a necklace. The necklace is inset with a black stone. The boys don't seem to be hiding anything, just shocked over the fact their granma came back to life and attacked them. The middle aged man seems quiet. He hasn't said anything the entire time.

Flora searches all over the upper story, mostly finding stuff you'd find in a normal house. Nothing seems to be way out of place, 'cept for a trail of destruction leading from the bed to the stairs. Flora notices a small locked jewelry box on the bedside table. It is small enough to pocket, and you don't think the family would notice.

2011-12-12, 08:45 PM
Flora doesn't want to admit it, but she is tempted by the little jewelry box. After a brief battle with her demons, she elects to leave it be. She comes back down the stairs and rejoins the other adventurers. "Nothin' to note upstairs, 'cept where the lady, uh, got out of bed again, as it were. Anything down here?"

2011-12-12, 09:16 PM

"Nothing out of place down here either, as far as I can tell. Although you" he looks at the boy "have been extremely lucky, it seems. Seems your grandmother didn't have enough teeth left to puncture your skin. Those who in need are always granted hope." A brief smile graces the deva's face before he becomes serious again. He looks at the trio of unfortunates, finally letting his gaze rest on the middle aged man. "Can you tell us anything about her last days? Anything that might seem weird, when you think back? Elderly women don't often go for walks after they find their path to the Raven Queen's palace."

2011-12-12, 09:30 PM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

"Let me grab Zach before we get into too much explanation."

Kriv heads toward the door, taking the extra half second to make sure he doesn't accidentally rip it off its hinges again. "Hey Zach!" he bellows "You missed out on the action! I practically yelled someone to death! Or undeath. Or redeath. Ahhh whatever. Anyway get in here, it's story time."

2011-12-12, 10:04 PM
"Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She was just getting on in her years and started getting sickly. She slowly got weaker and weaker. Then one day she up and died. Then she came back. We didn't do nothing out of the ordinary."

Insight checks everyone! Also, the dock is far enough away that Kriv will have to spend a ways walking there before he gets in shouting distance with Zachwell. Sorry I've been neglecting your interactions Striped. If Kriv joins up with you and you decide not to come back, I will begin telling your story at the same time as the zombie house. However, it should wrap up here soon.

2011-12-12, 11:14 PM
"Well, tha' seems fair enough. 'Tis the way many people go on. Most don't come on back, though."

[roll0] Insight

2011-12-12, 11:37 PM
Griffon fondles the necklace and looks at the man suspiciously.

"Where did you get this?" he asks, keeping it out of the reach of the man and narrowing his eyes.

Insight check:

2011-12-12, 11:43 PM
"Bought it from a man at the market. Only cost a 5 coppers piece, so you can hold onto to it to help your investigation."

"Now get out of our house. We have to clean up the mess you made. There's been to many undead in the area for us to stay, we're moving someplace else."

And with that statement you're herded out the door and into the street. They try to slam the door, but one of the hinges breaks again and the door is left hanging in the wind.

2011-12-12, 11:51 PM

"What kind of concern is this?" he said, trudging back up as he looked over his shoulder to see Kriv yelling. He shook his head. "Alright, alright, I'll come...." he grumpily walked back up the hill, only to see the party shuffled out of the house. "What- what's this!?" he growled, looking amused at the half-broken door.

2011-12-13, 12:41 AM
"None of your concern, dragonborn." Griffon growls, shouldering his way past Zach, heading towards the docks.

2011-12-13, 01:46 AM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

"Aww don't get your knickers in a twist, Shiny!" Kriv shouts jokingly to Griffon. "Lets get ourselves down to the docks before there are no more slots for us. I aim to be on a ship and out of this place before nightfall. Hunting pirates, of course" he says, with a knowing look to Flora.

2011-12-13, 02:07 AM
You all level up! More story to come when I'm not sleep-deprived.

2011-12-13, 02:20 AM

"Would you mind if I took a look at it for a moment? It doesn't look like a simple 5 copper necklace" Maryas skipping a little to keep up with the brusque way Griffon is walking "In fact, with a stone like that I could see a merchant selling it for 5 times, maybe 10 times the price. And what did he mean, too many undead in the area? I haven't noticed any undead in the past week..."

[roll0] in case I can still make a difference

[roll1] on the necklace, if Griffon lets me hold it for a moment

2011-12-13, 02:30 AM
Maryas notices that the necklace feels off somehow. Then again, that could just be the sea air.

Insight is for reading people:smallamused:

2011-12-13, 12:37 PM
The party continues down to the dock. After a little while of searching, you manage to find the correct berth for the ship heading out. After a short discussion with the captain. The boat departs from the slip, heading out to the pirate isles.

The ship is a two masted schooner. The only major armament is two ballistae mounted on the fore and aft of the ship. They fire steel tipped harpoons, with the option of attaching a rope to the end.

There is a restlessness throughout a crew. Quite a few of them have friends among the pirates and aren't eager to see them before the bar of justice. Occasionally, you hear a mutter of how this ship was built to be a pirating ship, but you don't hear anything definite. However, the captain and quartermaster remain steadfast in their duty to take down the pirates. There has yet to a direct conflict, but there have been a few near-miss "accidents".

After a few days at sea the first-mate sidles up next to Flora. "I'm not so happy about hunting down these pirates. I have a few friends among the pirate fleet. Would you be interesting in a rearrangement of the leadership on this vessel?"


You hear a muffled thump from behind you, but don't notice anything in the shadows.

2011-12-13, 02:33 PM
A bit seasick, the little ranger isn't at her sharpest. "I also have a few friends in the pirate fleet, and I want no harm to come to them. I'm guessin' this rearrangement ends with you in charge?"

"Our group, though, we're not all here for the same reasons. Some of us came for tha' fat reward the Blue King promised, and others came just because piratin' is a wicked thing, most of the time. They may fight you if you try to take over, and if it comes to it, I'll side with them instead of a mutinous stranger, so pick your words carefully, sailor."

"Furthermore, I'll have no part of it if you're plannin' to kill the captain and quartermaster. You may not care much for 'em, but I'll not stand to see a man slain for no other crime than trying to do his job."

Flora gives the man a mischievous smile. "Now that I've said my piece, you may take it or leave it. What do you have in mind?"

2011-12-13, 03:07 PM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

Leaning against the railing of the ship, Kriv feels relaxed and at home among the salty spray of the sea. With his eyes closed, Kriv takes a deep breath and sighs, relishing in the freedom of the open water. As he opens his eyes, he sees the First Mate and Flora deep in conversation.

Noting her body language, Kriv takes a few steps in her direction, addressing the two of them, "Everything ok here, little one?"

Insight check on the mood between Flora and the First Mate

Diplomacy check to be inquisitive without ruffling feathers

2011-12-13, 06:24 PM

Zachwell, safely aboard the ship and away from whatever nonsense was troubling them on shore, got along fine on the sea, though he was still rather intimidating to be approached. He went by quietly, speaking to the group he trusted - at least to fight. He noticed from across the ship Kriv, first mate, and Flora talking, and grinned, walking out of sight if anything were to come up. He heard whispers at least - he guessed what part of the conversation might be about.

2011-12-13, 07:16 PM
Griffon went off on his own for the few days on the ship, and was standing near the mast. He didn't hear the conversation.

2011-12-13, 09:36 PM
"Nothin' wrong, Kriv, at least, not yet. Just havin' a chat." Flora was glad to have the hulking Dragonborn nearby. People were markedly more polite when the "pirate hunter" was about.

"It seems the first mate here isn't happy with our destination or mission. Somethin' about having friends in the pirate fleet. Can you imagine such a thing?" Flora's eyes twinkled. "He brought up the possibility of, what did you call it? Rearrangement of command?"

The board ate my post, apparently. Let's try this again. :smallmad:

2011-12-13, 09:54 PM
If Kirv had to describe the feelings he got as he approached Flora and the first-mate was tense, suspicious and hopeful. The suspicion seemed to be directed at Flora, while the hope was directed at Kirv.

"I've seen your face before. No sailor or pirate doesn't no Kirv. You were the bane of every lawman on the three seas till you got captured. Then you were the bane of every pirate on the three seas. 'Cept for your old crew. I don't think I heard one instance of you going after yer old crew. Why the change of heart? Why not change up who's in charge here. No bloodshed of course, that would be pointless. I respect the captain, but I disagree with him."

"Also, you said you were in this for the money. The bounty is a paltry sum compared to what you can get from a life time of liberating cargo."


Kriv hears a creak of the deck, but can't tell if its just the rocking of the ship or something else.

2011-12-13, 11:11 PM
Griffon frowns, and listens, thinking he hears a sound.


Needless to say, he hears nothing.

2011-12-14, 12:43 AM
Griffon notices nothing out of the ordinary. Just Kirv, Flora and the first-mate talking by the mast.

2011-12-14, 02:40 AM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

"If you know anything about me, bucko, you'll know that I don't stand for mutinous talk on my deck." Kriv says, leaning ever so much closer, drawing up his bulk almost imperceptibly until he fills the first-mate's field of vision entirely.

"That said, this isn't my deck. This is your deck, and we are but lowly privateers under contract with the Blue. I've my letter," Kriv pulls out a signed agreement from a fold in his cloak, "and I've a mind to stick to it. If you and your crew wish the sweet trade, then you and your crew are the ones to be having this discussion. Don't you agree?"

With that, Kriv turns around, tucks the letter back in his pocket and makes his way over to Griffon, "Hey Shiny! You haven't fallen overboard yet. That bodes well for ye . . ."

Intimidate check to get the first-mate to leave Flora and the other party members alone, and to drive home the point that Kriv is not mutinous.


2011-12-14, 04:35 AM

The initial thrill of being on the seas, within the only land you can see being small brown dots on the horizon, quickly died for the young Deva. The continuous movement of the ship below him doesn't quite nauseate him, but he decided he didn't want to take his chances. Now he spends a lot of his time in the kitchen, helping the cook and keeping busy. While peeling some potatoes, Maryas' mind turned back to shore, or more specifically, the undead grandma on the shore. The way his companions weren't even surprised by the woman coming back to life is jarring. "Say cook, do you know anything about people coming back to life?"

Afterwards, he goes belowdeck. To try to ask around a little more, to have another look at that necklace, and to get his mind off his stomach trying to make him revisit breakfast.

Trying to get people to talk about something they don't care about, must be diplomacy right? [roll0]

2011-12-14, 09:06 AM
The first-mate backs of and walks towards his quarters at the back of the ship. As he does so, three crewmen appear out of the shadows and follow him. They seem surprisingly quiet for three men.

Below deck, the cook is talking with Maryas: "You must be talking about the black dragon's kingdom. They're tons of undead there. Almost everyone sends their relatives to be buried there."

2011-12-14, 05:39 PM
"Aye. You know what is strange? The fact that we come across an undead old lady, and now we are on a ship, out of sight, in the middle of an endless sea. Sounds like something out of a dark fairy tale to me."

Griffon speaks to Kriv, while watching the first mate go away.

"Someone stealthy should probably follow him. I think he may be up to something" Griffon whispers, and heads down to the area with Maryas and the cook.

"Cook, have you ever seen a thing such as this before?" Griffon holds up the necklace and asks the question, keeping it out of reach.

Diplomacy: 1d20+9
Intimidate: 1d20+9

2011-12-14, 05:41 PM
Last post's rolls didn't take.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

2011-12-14, 06:16 PM
Flora looks oddly at Griffon. "Yes, he's contemplating mutiny. He was quite open with us abou' it. Still an' all, you did ask for someone stealthy, and here she be. I'll go have a look, shall I?" The halfling slips into the shadows with a grin and quietly follows after the first mate and his rather silent henchmen.


2011-12-15, 02:19 AM

The cook looks at the necklace.
"I don't think I've seen something like that before. Looks pricey though. One of the sailors might know better, or even own a necklace like that."

Flora slowly moves through the shadows, following the first-mate and his henchmen. However, they quickly head back to their respective berths and turn in for the night. You don't think they'll be talking till daylight comes.

Big story drop once I get some sleep.

2011-12-15, 05:20 AM

"Could you tell us then how the undead in the Black's lands come back to life? And do people send their dead willingly, or is it.... non-optional?" He looks at the necklace, and the cook. A quick sigh leaves his blue lips. "I'm sorry, Griffon, I haven't a clue how the old lady came back"

2011-12-15, 09:24 AM
"Where are you from? Have you been living under a rock? The Black Dragon is a necromancer, and hires many of them to work on the kingdom. The undead are used to expand the catacombs were everyone is buried. Once the body decays to a skeleton, it is reanimated to expand the catacombs. Most people send their dead there because there are no graveyards in the other dragon cities."

2011-12-15, 03:47 PM
The next day, you are roused by a shout from the mast: “Land ho!” The captain is quickly at the helm, yelling to the crew:
“Finally, we reach the Pirate Isles! Ready the ballistae! We don’t know where the pirates are hiding. I want Sharpeyes on the Crow’s Nest. Give me a wave when we you see anything suspicious.”

There is a bustle among the crew as they get in position. Once they’re in position, a quiet hangs above the deck. The only sound is the creak of the ship. The ship drifts slowly along.

A panicked shout comes from above: “CAPTAIN!”

The captain cut him off and shouted back: “I TOLD YOU TO WAVE! NOW THE PIRATES KNOW WHERE WE ARE!”


And with that proclamation, the Wyvern racks across the deck, dragging one of the sailor off the deck.

Griffon: [roll0]
Zachwell: [roll1]
Maryas: [roll2]
Flora: [roll3]
Kirv: [roll4]
Wyvern: [roll5]
Crew: [roll6]

Flora goes first. Dragon is 4 squares from the ship, above the treeline. The next 3 squares are water, and then the ship begins. The ship is 5 squares across, and 20 squares long.

2011-12-15, 07:59 PM
Flora had been trying (unsuccessfully) to nap below decks when she heard the commotion. Poking her head out of the hold, she looks up just in time to see the Wyvern and it's unfortunate prize go rushing over her head. "Avandra, don't you go failin' me now!" She snatches a pair of arrows from her back and looses them at the beast before dashing to a slightly less open spot at the edge of the deck.

Draw arrows as a free action.

Standard: Twin Strike vs the Wyvern. Two Attacks.
#1: [roll0] vs AC
#2: [roll1] vs AC

#1: [roll2]
#2: [roll3]

Move: 5 squares, her back up against whatever side of the ship is furthest from the Wyvern.

2011-12-15, 08:49 PM
One of Flora's arrows goes wide, while the second strikes true. The wyvern doesn't seem to notice the arrow. It banks around and does a flying biting attack at the crew, this time aiming for Kirv.


He hits Kirv, gouging a chunk out of his shoulder. (8 damage)

Everyone but Kirv needs to update their character sheets.

2011-12-16, 12:01 AM
Forgot that the crew was next, sorry.

The crew desperately tries to winch the ballistae to the proper aim. "You'll have to stop that dragon from moving so we can shoot it!"

2011-12-16, 01:24 PM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

After being staggered by the attack, Kriv looks to Zachwell and Griffon and tries to urge them to action. "What are you two waiting for? Grab these javelins and start hurling!"

Kriv carries 3 javelins with him to use as ranged weapons. Talking is a free action, and it should be a move/minor for either Zachwell or Griffon to move over to Kriv and grab a javelin from him. Then standard to do a Ranged Basic Attack.

Javelin info is below. Javelins use strength as the bonus for attack/damage instead of dex.

Simple one-handed melee weapon
Cost: 5 gp
Damage: 1d6
Proficient: +2
Range: 10/20
Weight: 2 lb.

Heavy Thrown (You hurl a thrown weapon from your hand, rather than using it to loose a projectile. A basic attack with a heavy thrown weapon uses your Strength.).

2011-12-16, 01:46 PM
Map thanks to Melth:

2011-12-16, 02:16 PM

Zachwell charges to the front of the battle, facing the Wyvern. With a sudden malicious fury, he spits poison over the side of the deck, straight at the Wyvern. "This stupid beast is nothing! he spat.

Move up front (next to Flora)

Dragon Breath on the Wyvern.
Attack Roll: [roll0] (vs Reflex)
Damage: [roll1]
The attack (whether it hits or misses, marks the Wyvern.

Also, note that an opportunity attack against the Wyvern would allow me to stop his movement.

2011-12-16, 02:43 PM
The dragon easily dodges the acid.

2011-12-16, 11:07 PM
pepz, you're up. Remember, you can ready an action for the next time the wyvern flys over.

2011-12-16, 11:24 PM
Maryas waits until the scaly monster comes flying by again, then decides to strike him with all the fiery fure of Bahamut's breath. He then casts wall of light to cover Kriv, Melteim and Griffon.

[roll0]versus Reflex
if it hits, I will slide the wyvern down one square.

My apologies for the short post, I'm currenty in the depatures hall of Schiphol :P

2011-12-16, 11:32 PM
gaminggod your up

2011-12-17, 01:44 AM
On it. Updating sheet to include temp hit points and AC bonus

"Back you creature!" Griffon yells at the beast, and swiftly goes over to Kriv and takes a javelin.

He grunts, and hurls it at the wyvern.

Bonus: + 6 (+3 strength, +2 prof, +1 half of level)


2011-12-17, 01:45 AM
Whoops. Forgot damage

2011-12-17, 02:18 AM
Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord

Kriv shouts to Griffon, "Don't forget to put your strength into it Shiny!"

Kriv then turns to face the Wyvern head on, "Are you dragon enough for this?" and unleashes a roar to rival that of the Wyvern. While the beast is momentarily distracted, Kriv reaches for some rope in his backpack and yells to Flora, "Feather the beast, will ya?"


GamingGod - remember that you can add your STR modifier to damage rolls with heavy thrown. Your damage should be 1d6+3, not just a 1d6. So you really did 5 damage, not 2.

That being said...

Kriv will do DragonFear as his minor action, then follow with Direct the Strike, which grants a Ranged Basic Attack to Flora. Kriv will also try to turn his javelin into a harpoon so that he can try and pin the Wyvern in place.

Minor Action: Dragonfear
[roll0] vs Will
Hit: Target takes -2 penalty to attack rolls and grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Standard Action: Direct the Strike - Flora can make a Ranged Basic Attack against the Wyvern

Minor Action: Grab rope from backpack and (if allowed) tie the rope on to one of my javelins

2011-12-17, 12:39 PM
The javelin hits the dragon, barely scratching his hide.

As Kirv shouts at the dragon, it gazes balefully at him, ignoring any affects of the shout.

Go Flora for a single attack.

2011-12-17, 01:50 PM
The halfling nods and dutifully pops over the edge of the ship, sending another arrow sailing at the Wyvern.

Basic Ranged Attack granted by Kriv: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-12-17, 02:11 PM
The dragon barely notices the arrow as he comes around for another pass. He flies towards Kirv. Maryas unleashes his magic but it misses.

Flora, Griffon and Maryas get AoO

2011-12-17, 05:08 PM
When the dragon moves down to hit Kirv, Griffon grabs his longsword and brings it down onto the dragon's head.

+7 (+3 STR, + 1 Half of level, + 3 Prof with Longsword)


Saving Martyr's Blessing for later, if that's fine with Kriv.

2011-12-17, 05:27 PM
Griffon's sword just misses the wyvern's neck.

2011-12-17, 05:44 PM
I'm a newb. Ignore this post.

2011-12-17, 05:49 PM
AoO are any type of attack. I'll let you redo your previous post.

2011-12-17, 06:31 PM
Flora stretched her bow back to its limit and let fly at the Wyvern. "Kriv, get down!" she cried out as it closed in.

Thanks for clarifying, Dead. Putting this in a new post because the dice are being uncooperative.

Attack of Opportunity

Standard: Careful Strike: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

2011-12-17, 06:46 PM
The arrow hits the wyvern, but doesn't seem to faze it.

2011-12-18, 02:14 AM
Maryas, frustrated by seeing the wyvern just shrug of the righteous fury of the Platinum Dragon, decides to try again, this time not directing his baleful fury, but the incandescent glint in his eye.

[roll0] wisdom versus reflex

2011-12-18, 09:18 AM
The dragon once again ignores the attack and strikes at Kriv:


He just misses and flys over to the side of the ship.

"You got to lock down his movements!" Shouts the captain.

Flora is up.

2011-12-18, 03:38 PM
Flora pivots and fires the heaviest arrow in her quiver at the beast's wing joint, trying to slow and cripple the wyvern. "We're doin' our best! Why aren't you an' your useless crew helpin'?!" The halfling does not appreciate the captain shouting obvious advice in the middle of the battle.

Minor: Use Hunter's Quarry, designate the Wyvern as my quarry.

Standard: Hunter's Bear Trap: [roll0] vs AC.

Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

Also, the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both).

Miss: Half damage, no ongoing damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

2011-12-18, 04:51 PM
The arrow misses its target, but in its effort to dodge, the wyvern slows down.

2011-12-20, 03:24 AM
That means it's the guards turn now, right?

2011-12-20, 10:01 AM
They already went. The wyvern still isn't in the area they can hit at the moment.

2011-12-21, 08:39 AM
Zachwell is up

2011-12-31, 05:36 AM
I'll just state my actions so we at least have the option of going on, but there's not much to do without resorting to my daily

Increasingly frustrated by this flying monster that keeps avoiding all of his righteous strikes, Maryas decides to try to focus. He takes a deep breath and stares at the deck for a moment. He recalls his still-vivid dream of his God and instead of focusing on fury or fire he now focuses on how intense it all was. He recalls every scale, every glint on the teeth from an unseen light source.

Maryas breathes out, looks up again and puts everything he has in his blast, certain he will hit this time, surely....

[roll0] Wisdom vs Reflex

HOLY CRAP A CRIT :D that's 12 radiant damage and a slide downwards, right there :)

2012-01-02, 12:45 PM

Seeeing that the Invoker was able to bring the Wyvern down to the deck, Kriv shouts out in excitement and command "Shiny! Get over to that bloody beast and take him out!"

2012-01-07, 09:30 PM
Maryas's strikes the dragon with an righteous blow, crashing the dragon down into the water.

Sorry for the delay. Switched computers and my reminder disappeared.