View Full Version : Homebrew Tiny Leprachaun underbalanced, balanced or IMBA??

2011-12-12, 04:56 AM
Hello all,
One of mine players want to play a tiny Leprachaun with a LA of +0/+1 with LA buy-off, but preferable LA+0.

So I did some googling and found a homebrew Leprachaun on DANDwiki.com (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Leprechauns_%283.5e_Race%29).

I used this one as Base template and made the following adjustments;

additional -2 con
small to tiny
reduced base land speet to 10ft
removed pot of gold
removed spell-like abilities (he is gonna play sorcerer anyway)
added a restriction to compenents used for spells (same as spell component pouch).

This makes the following template

Leprechauns are small happy go lucky people, constantly laughing and playing pranks on passerbys.

Physical Description
Leprechauns are around 2 feet tall in height and can weight anywhere from 5-8lbs.

Leprechauns like all types of people, no matter the size, age or sex. They are all around friendly people. That said, victims of their pranks may not feel the same way.

Described as neither wholly good nor wholly evil, they are either Chaotic Neutral or Neutral, as they are very unlikely to follow any sort of rules.

Leprechauns can be found all around the world, you just have to know where to look.

Leprechauns religion varies from leprechaun to leprechaun.

Leprechauns speak Common and Sylvan

Leprechaun names can vary from anything simple to the complex.

Racial Traits

+4 cha +2 Dex -6 str -4 con: Leprechauns are very good at talking, and are agile, but due to their Tiny size they are squishy.
Tiny( humanoid/fey ): Leprechauns are a tiny version of a human, this caused by their Fey heritage
Tiny:Leprechauns a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a -8 size bonus on grapple attemps, and a +8 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses tiny weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are 1/2 of those of a Medium character.
Leprechauns base land speed is 10ft
Leprechauns are to tiny to use the larger components used for spells; they can use all the material components and focuses needed for spellcasting, except for those components that have a specific cost, divine focuses, and focuses that cost more the 20gp. (AK same restrictions as spell component pouch).
Lucky/1day: Once a day a leprechaun may re-roll any one die to try and get a better result. Out of the 2 roles the leprechaun always takes the more desired one
Automatic Languages:Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages:Any language except for secret ones, such as Drudic.
Favored Class: Sorcerer

Is this template balanced? Not overpowered or underpowered? I placed the component restriction due to the fact that a caster prefers to be tiny (more AC, Hide Bonus, attack bonus (ranged touch)).

Thanks in advance,

2011-12-12, 08:06 AM
Hello all,
One of mine players want to play a tiny Leprachaun with a LA of +0/+1 with LA buy-off, but preferable LA+0.

I'd consider refluffing the Jermlaine (MM2), which is already tiny-sized, LA +0, and fey-themed.

And I would try really, really hard to not add:

Marshmallow Weapon Proficiency (Ex): You are considered proficient with pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, and purple horseshoes. You also gain a +1 bonus on attacks and damage when using these as weapons.

...but I would probably fail.

2011-12-12, 08:10 AM
Maybe in stead of giving him de component restriction I should go for a reduction in range and damage of spells.
That due to his size he can use far less magic than a medium sorcerer, thus his damage and range is reduced by 25%. And then create a magic feat that removes this reduction.

Tiny Spell Master
The tiny being is able to use the full potentional of magic.
Prerequistes; Tiny, Empower Spell, Caster level 9th
Normal; Tiny creatures are too small to handle the full potentional of magic, thus their range and damage is reduced by 25%
Benefit You are able to use the full potentional of magic removing the reduction due to your tiny size.

2011-12-12, 08:13 AM
Marshmallow Weapon Proficiency (Ex): You are considered proficient with pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, and purple horseshoes. You also gain a +1 bonus on attacks and damage when using these as weapons.

I like this one :P

2011-12-12, 08:22 AM
There are tiny creatures in D&D already. They don't deal less damage with their spells, they can use spell components, and the have the same range. It's magic. Literally.

2011-12-12, 08:51 AM
You are right reducing the damage is not the best way.
I think the next template will be the one (after some digging about Leprechauns).

Leprechauns are small happy go lucky people, constantly laughing and playing pranks on passerbys.

Physical Description
Leprechauns are around 2 feet tall in height and can weight anywhere from 5-8lbs.

Leprechauns like all types of people, no matter the size, age or sex. They are all around friendly people. That said, victims of their pranks may not feel the same way.

Described as neither wholly good nor wholly evil, they are either Chaotic Neutral or Neutral, as they are very unlikely to follow any sort of rules.

Leprechauns can be found all around the world, you just have to know where to look.

Leprechauns religion varies from leprechaun to leprechaun.

Leprechauns speak Common and Sylvan

Leprechaun names can vary from anything simple to the complex.

Racial Traits

+4 cha +2 Int +2 Dex -8 str -4 con: Leprechauns are tricky talkers, and are agile, but due to their Tiny size they are squishy.
Tiny( humanoid/fey ): Leprechauns are a tiny version of a human, this caused by their Fey heritage
Tiny:Leprechauns a +2 size bonus to Armor Class, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a -8 size bonus on grapple attemps, and a +8 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses tiny weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are 1/2 of those of a Medium character.
Leprechauns base land speed is 10ft
Lucky/1day: Once a day a leprechaun may re-roll any one die to try and get a better result. Out of the 2 roles the leprechaun always takes the more desired one
Silver Coin: The leprachaun has one magical silver coin which returns form anywhere back into his pocket at will.
Pot o' Gold/3 day: The Leprechaun stores his gold in his pot that he can summon three times a day. This fuctions the same as a bag of holding, but can only store gold.
Automatic Languages:Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages:Any language except for secret ones, such as Drudic.
Favored Class: Bard

I think you can do some nice Role Playing with the "Silver Coin" ability :)