View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Wizard/Unseen Seer

2011-12-13, 04:18 PM
I'm contemplating building an Unseen Seer for my upcoming campaign, with a wizard base. The only problem is it is going to be a pathfinder game. Many things are going to be brought over, but I don't know if practiced spellcaster is going to be one of them. Is Unseen Seer worth it (if I'm going for a sneaky guy casting spells to modify his sneakiness) with the -3 CL on all spells aside from divination? There is a trait involved that would reduce that to -1, magical knack I believe. That's the only caster-level increasing feat or trait that I know I will have access too.

I'll probably be taking 1 level of rogue for the class skills (we're using pathfinder rules for that) so I'd be looking at a net -4 loss in CL on non-divination spells, or -2 if I use magical knack. Is either worth it? Or should I just go for Arcane Trickster (the pathfinder version is a little better than the 3.5 version)? At this point a straight wizard is out of the question for what I'm trying to do.

I don't often play full casters, and when I do they're straight druids or clerics. Never played an arcane caster before. We're starting at level 1 so I've alot of time to figure out what I want to do.

2011-12-13, 04:50 PM
Is Unseen Seer worth it (if I'm going for a sneaky guy casting spells to modify his sneakiness) with the -3 CL on all spells aside from divination?
I think it is. Remember, you lose caster levels, but not spell levels. You're still getting level 9 spells. Just stay away from being a Focused Specialist Diviner. THAT was a mistake on my part. ;)

(And "Sneak Attack for 20D6" is always fun. :smallamused: )

But, yeah, not bringing over Practiced Spellcaster will hurt multiclassing casters quite a bit. Talk to the DM.

2011-12-13, 04:54 PM
Even if he brings it over, I'm not sure if he'll let it apply to divination spell power. Would the Unseen Seer still be worth it with only pathfinder divination spells? So no hunter's eye, for example. He's porting over a lot of things, but is still in the early levels of planning so I'm assuming pathfinder only unless otherwise stated. He said he's bringing Unseen Seer over because he knows I've been wanting to play one for awhile; our group has pretty much converted to Pathfinder though.

2011-12-13, 05:05 PM
Naturally, if some of the "staple" Unseen Seer spells aren't moved over, the appeal lessens. It's still a good "sneaky" PrC, but maybe there are others more suitable.

2011-12-13, 05:15 PM
Naturally, if some of the "staple" Unseen Seer spells aren't moved over, the appeal lessens. It's still a good "sneaky" PrC, but maybe there are others more suitable.

What are the staple Unseen Seer spells?

2011-12-14, 01:26 AM
What are the staple Unseen Seer spells?

Hunter's Eye (off the Ranger spell list), Divine Insight SpC ( Cleric/Paladin, CL+5 to one skill check), Know Opponent SpC (Bard/Cleric). There are probably others too, I might be missing some obvious ones.

2011-12-14, 03:47 AM
Hunter's Eye (off the Ranger spell list), Divine Insight SpC ( Cleric/Paladin, CL+5 to one skill check), Know Opponent SpC (Bard/Cleric). There are probably others too, I might be missing some obvious ones.

Golem Strike (already a sorc/wiz spell), vine strike and grave strike are all handy if you plan on the sneak attack route.

2011-12-14, 08:57 AM
Golem Strike (already a sorc/wiz spell), vine strike and grave strike are all handy if you plan on the sneak attack route.

Golems aren't immune to precision damage.
Undead aren't immune to precision damage.
Plants aren't immune to precision damage.

Just saying...

Additionally...what is meant with: "You lose caster levels but not spell levels?"

2011-12-14, 03:28 PM
Additionally...what is meant with: "You lose caster levels but not spell levels?"

Your caster level (the number that determines your SR-roll, or how many D6es to roll when you cast a fireball) goes down for all spell schools except for Divination. However, you still get spells as normal for your combined number of character levels that grant you casting.

So for a Rogue 3/Wizard 4/Unseen Seer 9, you would have access to level 7 spells of all schools, your caster level for Divination spells would be 4 (Wizard) + 9 (Unseen Seer) + 3 (from the Divination Spell Power class feature), totalling caster level 16.

However, your caster level for (say) Evocations would merely be 4+9-3 = 10.

Some / many add the Practiced Spellcaster Feat to gain +4 to their caster level, offsetting the -3 from Unseen Seer with a +4 boost. I think this is technically legal, but it kind of goes against the "feel" of the class. But that's fluff, not RAW: ;)