View Full Version : [3.5] "Fiends Foiled, Monsters Mangled, Vampires Vanquished, Demons Demolished."

2011-12-13, 06:02 PM
So, in a long and boring story that eventually led me to avoid all games ran for weeks, I decide to slink away from Life for a bit and lose myself in a few other universes for a while...I start rereading Jim Butcher's Dresden Files (one of the few things I'll claim to be an immensely avid fan of and where the title quote comes from), rewatching a few personal fave series in Warehouse 13, Supernatural, and good ol' X-Files.

Now I'm (more or less) recharged and just running with all sorts of ideas and really jonesin' to run again (provided my friends let me, heh)...but I'm still not fully feeling running something large and long lasting (with Red Hand of Doom sitting on one hand and the Age of Worms on the other...)...I've decided to try and figure out a series of short little one shot adventures that should just be pure fun.

The current idea, due to heavy inspiration at the above mentioned titles, would be a sort of Arcane FBI/PI style game--it actually works really well, because in my homebrew universe there's a major organization I designed that fits this bill perfectly.

So, the cast of PCs is as such...young Initiates of the Arcane, just out of general training and being sent on field assignments. Their goals? Look into Arcane trouble and danger, investigate, and stop any problems before they mess up the balance of Arcane power. Stop would-be liches, banish outsiders and devils before they cause havoc, reel in dangerous magical items and cursed objects...pretty much go into the world and stop magical trouble and save innocents.

I've got a lot of ideas floating around and am looking forward to it heavily...but what do you think, Playground? What sort of ideas do you get in line with this sort of set up?

2011-12-13, 07:16 PM
I'd say for inspiration take a look at Hellboy and the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_for_Paranormal_Research_and_Defense).

2011-12-13, 07:22 PM
I would really enjoy that setting idea in Pathfinder... I wouldnt limit to just arcane per se though. rangers, PF Inquisitor etc would have fun... Monster hunter types. Though I would roll with an Eldritch Knight myself. maybe Arcane trickster.

The Boz
2011-12-13, 07:30 PM
I would really enjoy that setting idea in Pathfinder... I wouldnt limit to just arcane per se though. rangers, PF Inquisitor etc would have fun... Monster hunter types. Though I would roll with an Eldritch Knight myself. maybe Arcane trickster.

I'm running exactly that right now. It's a PF campaign situated in a homebrew continent, and the PCs just joined the Obsidian Tower, an organization dedicated to hunt demons and other outsiders. Among the PCs are an Inquisitor and a Paladin. They seem to be having fun, but the Obsidian Tower campaign only began, they were just doing entry quests and side quests so far.

2011-12-13, 07:37 PM
I'd say for inspiration take a look at Hellboy and the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_for_Paranormal_Research_and_Defense).

Although not mentioned, I actually have looked through this, heh. Thanks for the link, regardless though. There are just a lot of good sources for this sort of stuff.

I would really enjoy that setting idea in Pathfinder... I wouldnt limit to just arcane per se though. rangers, PF Inquisitor etc would have fun... Monster hunter types. Though I would roll with an Eldritch Knight myself. maybe Arcane trickster.

Eh, it's sort of a necessity considering the organization I've developed...they're all arcane users of some sort. I'm still not 100% settled on making everyone be an arcane caster of some sort, as yeah, you're right, other classes can make awesome monster hunter style characters (one of my personal favorite was a tiefling planar ranger who roamed the planes searching for the demon/devil that was her 'father'; simplistic mechanically, wonderful characterization).

Well, they can always be mercenary types/outsourced, heh.

I'm running exactly that right now. It's a PF campaign situated in a homebrew continent, and the PCs just joined the Obsidian Tower, an organization dedicated to hunt demons and other outsiders. Among the PCs are an Inquisitor and a Paladin. They seem to be having fun, but the Obsidian Tower campaign only began, they were just doing entry quests and side quests so far.

I don't really ever want this to become TOO big....like the series I mentioned, I want it to have a very episodic feel--to come from ye old X-Files: a monster-of-the-week type deal.

I suppose I phrased it wrong...it's interesting to hear that other people have thought about/are doing this sort of thing...Like I said, I've a lot of ideas going through my head (hell, just going through the MMs looking for undead, outsiders, aberrations was enough of a fire starter, really)...But I am interested in hearing what other people might do.

So to set it up a bit more official like...think of it like an episode of a TV show. Designed to tell a whole story in a short time. Throw in TvTropes for good measure, and what do ya come up with?