View Full Version : [PF]delicious ranger cheese

2011-12-14, 12:15 AM
Another thought I had.

The wild stalker archetype allows a ranger to rage. The shifter archetype can shape shift into an animal like form several times per day.

The only class features between the two that might cross are the first combat style feat, and even then the shifter archetype just says that you have to pick the unarmed combat style: it doesn't change the feature in of itself.

Can you say 8+ strength by level four? If this build works, it's going to be hilariously awesome!

2011-12-14, 01:37 AM
A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as another alternate class feature. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/class-archetypes)

Sorry, it doesn't work.