View Full Version : The Xen'drik Expedition

2011-12-14, 12:47 AM
OOC: post your character sheets and select a color code for your text if you so desire. Also, I will try to post at least once every day. Now, without further ado...

You have just finished slaughtering the pirates with the help of Adar, and have recovered their stolen loot along with an unsigned letter instructing the deceased pirate captain to wreck any ships that pass by, and to be ready to meet soon. The letter does, however, bear the marking of a black eagle in the bottom right hand corner.

You are all still standing in the pirates' cave with more loot than you can carry. Adar, the goliath hunter, is kneeling over the corpse of his friend, Maradar, who died in the attempt to free his brother in arms. After finishing his prayer, Adar gingerly takes his comrade's corpse in his arms, and turns to face you, speaking in a gentle, but deep voice that reminds you of a whale's song.

"The five of you have my eternal thanks for freeing me, hereafter, you shall be known as friends and allies of my tribe. I am in your debt. But... I must still ask a favor of you; Will you help me bear Maradar's body back to land? I must bring him home, so that the proper rites may be done, and his spirit laid to rest."

2011-12-14, 12:40 PM
To do list:
Return Body of Goliath
transport goods to last chance
avoid bear
"We would be honored to lay him to rest. Let us gather all we can carry and return to the colony."
*does so*

Doctor Wyrm
2011-12-14, 06:05 PM

We'll help, then we oughta get the pirates' loot back to Last Chance. I'll help carry the body. I'll say a few words if you need 'em.

2011-12-14, 09:11 PM
Character Sheet


2011-12-15, 04:45 AM
OOC: If I misspell something, please correct me; these newfangled fantasy names can be kinda difficult sometimes. Also, character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353363).

IC: Is our vessel seriously going to be able to hold all this cargo, the five of us, and two goliaths? If so, is there anyone here who wants to buy a continent? I can sell you the deed to this very beautiful continent on which we're currently standing, if you happen to have a few gold coins in your pockets. *Sighs and glances at Maradar's body, shaking his head dejectedly*

2011-12-16, 09:54 PM
Sure I'd buy a continent, but I'm out of coinhttp://27.media.tumblr.com/avatar_6feb8634e3d0_128.png

2011-12-16, 10:49 PM
OOC: Still waiting on the others...

The combined weight of the two goliaths and all of the pirate's loot would be too much weight for the boat, though it may be possible to move everything in two trips.

2011-12-16, 11:55 PM
OOC: Here's my character sheet http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353450

IC: I don't know what kind of second rate continent you plan on buying, but I think I'll save up for the deluxe model. As for transporting the trade goods and ourselves out of this cave complex we are well within our three day timeline, but we need to get these supplies out of here before whoever wrote that letter comes back. If I grasp the moons I may be able to reason with the bear so we can release it into the wild, but it may have been driven beyond reason by its cruel treatment at the hands of these pirates.

2011-12-19, 12:30 AM
OOC: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353537

IC: I think we should take care of the bear issue first. It's blocking the only exit to the cave and if we need to do two trips to get all the cargo plus goliaths...it's problematic. I could try to communicate with it or release it into the wild but Cormac's right, it might have been driven insane from how the pirates have been treating it and we need to be prepared to deal with that as well.

2011-12-19, 12:59 AM
It may be sad to say but it may just be the most Humane thing to end the poor animal's misery. I hope it does not come to that however.

2011-12-19, 11:41 AM
IC: It is the final option, but hopefully I'll be able to reason with the poor animal.

Doctor Wyrm
2011-12-20, 09:00 AM
Well, reasoning with the poor thing won't do much if it's still hungry. They got meat in here of some kind we can throw to it, don't they?

Don't they?

2011-12-20, 10:52 AM
Aside from the pirate corpses strewn about the cave, there are twelve casks of salted meat amongst the loot.

2011-12-20, 12:25 PM
*Throws salted meat to back of cave to distract bear from our loading of the boat*

2011-12-20, 01:39 PM
From the pit, all of you hear the cracking of wood as the starving black bear rips the cask apart to feed on the preserved meats inside. It tears into the meat pieces in a frenzy, growling as it consumes half of the cask's contents in the space of 15 seconds.

After that however, it slows, leisurely ripping the chunks apart with its teeth and claws, allowing all of you to pack your boat with half of the supplies, along with Maradar's body, and to push off back toward Last Chance.

2011-12-21, 08:52 PM
The large load slows the boat's progress that, by the time you return to Last Chance, the sun is just hovering over the horizon. Several villagers come down the long steps to help you unload the loot, though they keep their distance from Adar, who carries Maradar's body over his shoulder. When the six of you make it up the stairs, Alascon and Elaydren are there waiting for you.

"I'm glad to see you returned!" Alascon grasps each of your hands, then turns to the goliath.

"Adar, I take it?"

"I am"

"I am sorry for your friend's death. Uten and the other hunters await your return down the road out of town. But come, you must all be hungry, and I see that you have fought a hard battle; Into the inn, so that your wounds may be mended and your stomachs filled. We shall hear the tale and plan our next action!"

Alascon motions toward the inn, where a the promise of a warm bed, full meal, and healing await...

2011-12-22, 12:43 AM
I take it we'll still be safe if we leave the rest of the goods until morning?

OOC: purple ftw

Doctor Wyrm
2011-12-24, 11:44 AM
Seems like everyone unloading things has got their work cut out for them. I'll help 'em if they need it. If not, is there something else I can help with?

2011-12-24, 11:52 PM
Elaydren turns to Croin, raising her eyebrow and crossing her arms.

"The labourers can take care of it, right now we have far more important -"

"That would be splendid Croin. I'm sure that the farmers would appreciate your help." Alascon smiles warmly as he cuts Elaydren off. The Cannith disciple glares down at him, then purses her lips and stalks brisquely back into the inn.

Alascon, still smiling, turns to the rest of you and gestures toward the inn.

"Feel free to join us whenever you are ready Croin."

Inside, each of you are healed to full health, and given a smooth, warm soup (as will Croin, once he returns from helping the farmers).

For those going in with Alascon:

Alascon takes those who come with him to his study on the second floor of the inn, and offers each of you a seat before he sits himself behind his desk on a raised stool.

"Adar has already gone to bed, I've sent him some materials that will preserve his friend's body, at least until he can be laid to rest. Tomorrow he will return to his friends outside, and then we'll be able to start working the fields again. In addition, the way will be free for you to begin exploring and mapping out the nearby wilderness."

"Now, from what Artemis has said, I understand that there is more cargo still at the pirate's camp? That's fine, I will have Seargent Dolom and some of the militia accompany you on a second trip to the cave - if you're willing to go back - so that the rest of the supplies can be recovered." Alascon now leans forward, knitting his fingers together.

"However, I also ask that, at some point, you explore the old light-house. Since it is apparent that the wreckers hijacked it, it is unlikely that the house keeper and his family are still alive. Their bodies should be brought back if possible, and then a replacement light house keeper found. Oh! Before I forget..." He leans back, opens a drawer, and sets out a pouch of coins on his desk.

"As an extra reward for your actions; Here is fifty gold pieces for each of you, including Croin. Now, is there anything I can do for you before I head off to bed?"

For those staying behind to help the labourers:

The labourers are tough and hard-bitten, but appreciate what help is given.

The work only takes a little under an hour. Afterwards, one of the labourers, a middle aged elf with mid length blonde hair approaches you. He introduces himself as Solis, a hunter.

"A few weeks ago, before this business with the tribesmen outside, I was out tracking a deer, and I came across... Well... What was once a fleshraker. Thing had been mutilated; Not eaten mind you, there was too much left for it to have been killed by a sane predator. I do think that maybe there's a crazed animal or something out there, or was out there. It might be dead or gone by now, but I'd appreciate if you folks could put my mind at ease. We'll be putting our cattle and ranch hands back out to the farms pretty soon, and I'd sleep easier knowing that no crazed animal's going to come bearing down and ruining things for all of us. Do you think you and your friends could look into it?"

2011-12-25, 01:45 PM
OOC: Do we want to split up the treasure or just wait? Also we should figure out where we go from here and what order we're going to do things in.

IC: Cormac will go and help the laborers

2011-12-26, 01:34 AM
I will go with the Laborers and tell the worker that We will see what we can do about the beast.

2011-12-27, 09:35 PM
I will go with the laborers too. This fleshraker business sounds interesting...

2011-12-28, 08:06 PM
*Goes back to the inn*

OOC: Am I the only one going back to the inn?

Doctor Wyrm
2011-12-29, 08:21 PM
I'll give the laborers a hand, and then I guess we'll look into that mess with the fleshraker when we're done with that.

2011-12-30, 09:55 PM
I feel that the lighthouse is much more immediate, and will probably take less time. We could easily do that tomorrow on our way back to the cave to get the rest of the supplies.

2011-12-31, 04:46 PM
OOC: Just a note for future reference, if I put something in spoilers, it means that it's only meant to be observed for particular characters or when the group is split. As I understand it, only Kal (CTYankee) is currently talking to Alascon. Everyone else is helping the laborers.


For those who are helping the laborers:

Solis smiles, and grasps Traven's hand.
"Thank you, it'll really put my mind at ease. Now, the corpses that I've found have usually been about 20 miles north-west of town, close to unexplored territory, though there are definitely some old ruins and probably some caves where a predator might lair itself. Good luck to you!" Solis turns to leave, but turns back.

"Oh, and thanks for your help unloading everything." afterwards, he leaves.

2012-01-02, 08:14 PM
OOC: Sorry I thought time had passed my bad.

2012-01-04, 12:27 AM
Hey guys. I'm buying a new combat mat. Its a big one. 36" by 48". let the awesomeness commence.

2012-01-06, 03:18 PM
OOC: Do we remember if something was already being done about the fake lighthouse?

2012-01-11, 10:50 PM
ooc: Sorry for the long hiatus, 12 more days then we're back to it! Also, we should figure out times to play. Tuesday and Friday afternoons after 3 are best for me, but I'm open to other slots as well.


After your various activities, you all turn in for the night.

In the morning, Adar meets you outside the tavern, with Maradar's cloth-wrapped body slung over his shoulder. Uten and the two remaining goliath hunters are with him.

"Thank you again for freeing me; I go to return to my people. We will cross the river and travel South East, towards Zathros mountain, to join with a friendly tribe. If ever you have need of the strong arms of Adar and the Kathaals, go to the mountain and declare your names. You will be known, I promise it."

Adar turns to Uten, who avoids his gaze and approaches you, his head lowered.

"I apologize for my conduct and suspicion. I know now that it was misplaced. In return for my transgressions, I have shown the small man, Alascon, where we encountered the other humans; They are many miles down river, though they may have moved since we attacked. If, in future, you should call on us, I hope that we may consider each other friends." Uten lifts his gaze to each of you, and extends a large open palm.