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View Full Version : What are the most optimised domains for a pathfinder cleric?

Sunken Valley
2011-12-14, 01:23 PM
Any domains or subdomains, not restricted by deity.

Sunken Valley
2011-12-15, 05:39 AM
nobody is going to post are they?

2011-12-15, 06:23 AM
Sometimes people just don't know. I posted a question about Bestow Curse, one in one of the FAQ threads and once on it's own, never got an answer, just because people weren't sure. It happens.

2011-12-15, 06:45 AM
It depends on what you want your cleric to do. Trickery and Travel are the two most generally, but I have no idea what you want to do.

Wings of Peace
2011-12-15, 06:50 AM
What do you mean by "most optimized domains"? Because typically people use their domains to optimize their Cleric not the other way around. If you're just asking which are the best domains then the answer is "it varies". Depending on what you want your Cleric to specialize in different domains will be better than others.

2011-12-15, 08:21 AM
Travel and Trickery are good ones, Luck is also a great Domain, and I also like Liberation. And Nobillity cause of the free cohort. XD

Sunken Valley
2011-12-15, 09:09 AM
What do I mean by optimised? I mean some domains that will help me A: Survive B: be useful to my party, both in a fight and out of it C: Do stuff which helps clerics or that clerics don't normally do but are still useful and D: do something which the rest of the party don't do.

You may remember I played a conjurer wizard in my game. A highly optimised one. But it still was not good enough. The bad guys often made their saves, my saves were low, I dealt less damage than the rest of the team, I didn't do anything much as I only provided general battle control (which was more likely to hit my team than the baddies) and I spent my last fight hidden inside a rope trick. Meanwhile the party has no divine spell casters (the last two being killed) and they drop to low hit points (with the exception of me, because I am a coward with 45Hp and AC 22 who could die any second). We are 5th level. I retired my wizard because he wasn't useful. I want to play a cleric because currently, this party needs one.

Party Composition:
Alchemist (poorly played and always getting himself into trouble.)
Barbarian (former paladin before death, new player who plays all his classes by hitting stuff)
Bard (the most powerful member, specialises in mind control)
Fighter (great sword, the rules lawyer)
Monk (new player who forgets about her ki pool often)
Sorceror (undead bloodline, former inquisitor and then a monk before his deaths. Specialises in blasts.)

And a retired wizard whose going to play a cleric (or a summoner if they let me).


2011-12-15, 10:22 AM
Well, I don't know if anything of this changed in Pathfinder, but from my 3.5 knowledge:

War can be good, though it depends on the deity.
A Cleric of Kord gets Greatsword, Aengrist gives the Bastard Sword (do a 1-level dip into exotic weapon master for uncanny blow).

Travel is excellent in both regards, domain power and spells
Luck is awesome, cuz... rerolls and some decent spells.
Trickery also has awesome spells, usefulness of domain power depends on how many skillpoints you have left. You can make a great partyface-cleric with Trickery. Best in combination with Cloistered Cleric imho.

If ur cheezing out ur DMM:Persistent, then the Planning domain (domain power: Extend spell feat), Undead domain (domain power: Extra turning), Charm Domain (Boost charisma once per day by 4 points - guess what, thats 2 turn undeads more - time to buff up) are clear favorites, though I don't think theres any deity that offers more than one of those so you'd have to be a cleric of "a concept" or something.
Also, spells of those domains are so-so.

There is one awesome domain for clerics that don't worship a specific deity though: The Transformation Domain (Races of Eberron)... though you'll have to be a shapechanger. The spells range from decent to absolutely broken and your domain power is +1 cl transmutation, which is decent too.

Also, though thats not what you've been asking for... I've got 2 other recommendations for you.
If your going the DMM:Persistent route, go Cloistered Cleric. The lower BAB gets negated by your persistent Divine Power.
Archivist is another decent option. You don't get DMM:Persistent right away but you'll get a ton of spells from all kinds of divine caster spell lists, domains, etc. And if you really want, you can still get your DMM:Persistent later by taking the PrC Sacred Exorcist (Complete Divine). With that build a Archivist would be considerably stronger than a cleric.

2011-12-15, 11:20 AM
@#Raptor: For better or worse, in PF-only play, there's no DMM: Persist available (Persistent Spell is still around, but it's very, very different).

The advice given is pretty good, in general. Trickery, Liberation, and Travel are in the top tier, regardless of build. Animal and Nobility are both very nice because of the free cohort. If you want to focus on healing, the Healing domain is actually not bad, given the free empower (though having healing as "just a thing you can also do" will be enough, from the cleric, for many groups). Also, I'm a pretty big fan of the Weather domain, for all the really nasty druid spells it gives. Subdomains, I'm less familiar with - generally my tactic is find a domain I like, and see if any subdomain makes me like it more (not an optimal strategy, but it's at least easy, especially as most of my clerics are NPCs).

Also... in PF, Clerics are nice and flexible, but if there's one specific task you want to focus on, Oracles will generally be just a little bit better (Oracle of Battle > Battle Cleric, Oracle of Life > healbot cleric, etc.)

2011-12-17, 10:56 AM
Hmm, interresting. I guess too much stuff changed from 3.5 to PF to give any sort of well-grounded advice without knowledge of PF rules and stuff. Nvm then ^^