View Full Version : Optimisation for Gestalt Psions

2011-12-14, 01:59 PM
Hello, all.

I intend to play a Gestalt psionic character in a game soon, with a high point buy (40+) and since I've never really built a Psionic character before I'd like some ideas for a powerful and fun character to play.
I'd like some help on race in particular. I'd probably go Psion on one side.
Any guides on feats and so on would be appreciated.

I've heard Psion / Factotum is powerful?

2011-12-14, 02:13 PM
Factotum is a great gestalt for any Int-based character, yes. Between Cunning Surge and Schism, you'll have so many standard actions that you won't know what to do with them.
Because of how psionics work, you can always take a second manifesting class on the other side, and their PP will pool together. Since having more powers known is never bad, this is worth considering, but you'd have to go Ardent//PsyWar or suffer MAD.
Almost all Psionic PrCs lose you one or more manifester levels. If you take them on your non-manifesting side, and advance Psion on the other side, you'll have full manifesting. This will let you grab stuff like Psychic Weapon Master or Metamind without losing precious ML.

2011-12-14, 02:30 PM
So if I take Psion on one side and I use the other one for any prestige classes and standard classes that'd work fine?

The other member's going to be a Psion/Wilder, so I'll be going more for a Jack-of-All-Trades character, to solve the stuff he can't.

2011-12-14, 02:49 PM
The best gestalt combinations are typically have yin/yang tendencies such as passive/active, endurance/burst, or chassis/abilities, along with some effort to synergize the ability scores.

Also, how is your DM ruling things like hybrid classes in gestalt, cause RAW is dumb and should always be houseruled.

Some things you can grab:
Monk 2 + Tashalatora - Welcome to being a useful monk in 2 levels and 2 feats(1 of which is covered in monk)
Ascetic Psion - Int to AC, albeit for 2 feats
Carmendine Monk - Int to AC, but Faerun instead of Eberron
Swashbuckler 3 - Int to damage with finesseable weapons(unarmed is of note here)
Swordsage 2 - Works better than Monk at early levels, cause you can wear armor, but can't afford the PP to keep your AC powers up yet.
Warblade - Lots of minor Int synergy
Factotum - Some really good Int synergy as well as a strong skill list.

2011-12-14, 03:01 PM
Ranger/Scout are good too, for the huge buffs to skill points, HD, and additional weapon/armor proficiencies.

Scout is a personal favorite for gestalting with Psion, particularly Nomads. Swift action teleportation means lots of skirmish damage.

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-14, 03:28 PM
Your other party member is going to be the best blaster imaginable. I would go psychic rogue so you can have some utility but still have a power point pool that can keep up with his to a degree.

2011-12-14, 03:40 PM
Hmmm. I know the Psionic rogue is the Lurk. That's about it.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-12-14, 04:06 PM
Lurk=/= Psychic Rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) :smalltongue:

And a Psion//Psychic Rogue/Psychic Assassin (also in The Mind's Eye articles) sounds fun and pretty solid IMO.

Decent combat ability, tons of skill points 6+int on a int based manifester means at least 10 per level (or 11 if you go Human or a variation of then), TONS of powers and PP. hmmm

Psion 6/Slayer 10/Psion +4//Psychic rogue 6/Psion +1 (to off set the ML lost due Slayer)/Psychic Assassin 10/ Psychic rogue +3.... Full Psion manifesting and Psychic rogue 14 manifesting (needs dual prestige classes allowed though.)

Morph Bark
2011-12-14, 04:07 PM
Hmmm. I know the Psionic rogue is the Lurk. That's about it.

Psychic Rogue is a Rogue variant available for free online on the official WotC site.

Warblade could be very great with this. Only problem is that that might suck away some of your actions, which you may want to spend on manifesting powers. However, in that case you can simply mostly take counters, like the Diamond Mind ones that switch saves for Concentration checks.

Rogue or Scout or Factotum will be a great boost to skills. If you choose Changeling for your race, you can even take the Rogue and Egoist racial substitution levels, granting you 10 skill points per level from the Rogue side. Plus Sneak Attack applies to ranged and melee touch attacks.

2011-12-14, 04:13 PM
No, this is the psionic rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b).

Much better than the Lurk.

I'm very partial to Warblade//Psion. But honestly, the Psion/Psychic Rogue would probably be great also.


The swordsages are out in force.

2011-12-14, 04:30 PM
Your other party member is going to be the best blaster imaginable.
Ardent > Wilder for blasting, hands down.

2011-12-14, 05:23 PM
Psychic Rogue is a Rogue variant available for free online on the official WotC site.

Warblade could be very great with this. Only problem is that that might suck away some of your actions, which you may want to spend on manifesting powers. However, in that case you can simply mostly take counters, like the Diamond Mind ones that switch saves for Concentration checks.

Most maneuvers also work inside AMF/APFs, and Warblades don't have access to the ones that don't. So if you're ever trapped somewhere your Powers won't work, simply hack your way out with Mountain Hammer.

Not to mention that Warblade will give you a Good Fort save and Int to Reflex, along with d12 HD and Medium Armour Proficiency. Note that Powers can be cast freely in armour, so that Armour Prof is actually useful.

2011-12-15, 07:41 PM
Gishy build:

Warblade 5/Psion 5
Warmind 10/Psion 10
Psychic Warrior 5/Psion 5 (or whatever)

Go nova:

Psychic Rogue 5/Psion 5
Metamind 10/Psion 10
Psychic Rogue 5/Arch Psion 5

Sneaky time:

Psychic Rogue 5/Psion 5
Psychic Assassin 10/Psion 10
Psychic Rogue 5/Psion 5 (or whatever)

Telflammor Build:

Factotum (or Psychic Rogue) 8/Psion 8
Telflammor Shadowlord 6/Psion 6

2011-12-16, 02:33 AM
"Powerful" and "jack-of-all-trades" do seem to indicate factotum on the other side. There are other options, though.

You might consider playing a monster, assuming LA is one side. Pixies are always fun.

You could go warblade. Stock up on counters and wear heavy armor. You'll be hard to kill.

You could go wildshape ranger / master of many forms. That gives you a bunch of new versatility. Also, the ranger skill list is very nice (be a human and take able learner to keep it).

A dip in carmendine monk could be handy, if for whatever reason you don't want heavy armor.

Remember that you can mix and match these. Most of them are pretty multiclass-friendly.

What level are you starting?

2011-12-16, 02:54 AM
I've heard Psion / Factotum is powerful?

Fairly powerful, but...

Honestly? I'd suggest Psion 20//Factotum 8/Warblade X/ToB PrC Y. Even if you pick up mostly Diamond Mind/Iron Heart counters with Warblade, you'll be a beast. And if you pick up Iaijutsu Focus ranks, you'd want Sapphire Nightmare Blade... In fact, all of Diamond Mind requiring Concentration checks are good for you. Take 15, and all that.

You can attack a bit, and have some decent non-psionic offense, your saves are pretty good, and you're a level 20 Psion. Oh, and you have a large number of skills.

Egoist is the suggested specialization, too.