View Full Version : [4E] Grandpre Academy, Ace and Monique Infiltration (IC)

2011-12-15, 02:00 PM
Happened previously....( From Post 132) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12381013#post12381013)

As the door open, Ace and Monique sees the small room. They spot some crates and barrels in corners. As they were told, a ladder leading to the main floor can be spotted to the left. The trap leading there is open and they can hears some people chatting on above from the hole. Directly in front of the door, they see a table with four chairs. On the talbe some card are dealt for 3 players. They also can spot the players, all of them standing drawing shortswords when they spot Ace. While they dont appear ready to jump on the sorcerer, they appear wary.
The man in charge ask Monique,
"Dammit Mark, you know the boss hate it when you bring some stranger here... who's this?"

You guys post here, I'll post in the main thread what is known to them.

Monique and Ace Map :
G1 is the man speaking.
The yellow square is where the trap is in the roof.

2011-12-15, 05:25 PM
The Vistani grins and removes his hat, bowing. Ace of Spades, at your service. I was on my way here to deliver Brammer's latest report, when I ran into Mark and his companion, who were on their way to the Fils D'Or to get that same report. Mark's companion continued onto the Fils D'Or to check that Brammer had nothing new to add, while Mark led me back here to deliver my report.

Ace Bluff: [roll0] (I think this is his bonus, not 100% sure).

2011-12-15, 05:28 PM
"He works for Brammer. Got a message for the boss, too. So, unless you wanna keep him waiting...?" 'Mark' makes an impatient gesture.

2011-12-16, 10:37 AM
The mens relax a little with the explanation and return their sword to their scabbards.
"Hey dont pick on me Mark, I am just doing my job."
The man close the door behind Ace and they start to return to their table to resume their card game.

You guys move to the ladder and climb up.

As you get up into the warehouse main room, you can see what Mark ment, it isnt really mappable. There is crates piled up everywhere and there is no real pattern. The place is completly open up to the 20 feet high roof and is bathed partially in daylight, coming from the slightly openned high windows, and by some torches placed here and there. While the there is no real darkness, you can only see the place partially, because of the way the crates are placed.

As Monique get up, a man close by talk to him,
"Yer finaly back eh?"
Seeing Ace come up, an edge of a small grin appear on the human face and he speaks softly, an hint of malice in his voice,
"What is this? Ya know ya shouldnt bring random people here. Maybe I should save ya some trouble and deal with this man meself."
Two other mens behind him discreatly drawing daggers. It is quite evident that this man doesnt like Mark at all and is thinking about doing trouble.
You also spot a man leaning on his quarterstaff and a couples halflings playing with their slings on the crates looking at the scene, but they appear less agressive toward you.

I am gonna assume you guys colsed the secret pasage as asked.

Map :
Ok, there area blackned are not in darkness, but you cannot see them from your position, I'll clear them when you can see them.
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F15) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings

What do you guys do?

NOTE : Sofia should not be on the map, I' dragged her thre by mistake.

2011-12-16, 01:16 PM
'Mark' shoots a glare right back at the man. "He'll fry you where you stand -- this guy works for Brammer and has a personal message for the boss. So, be my guest 'n cause a ruckus. I'm sure it'll make a nice show, and then your friends can explain why they delayed the message. That is, if he doesn't burn them up, too."

Intimidate check [roll0]
Bluff check [roll1] you can use either one that seems applicable.

2011-12-16, 02:06 PM
Monique words stop the two mens from completly drawing their weapon. They look intimidated by the bard in disguise and hesitate. The man who spoke grin dissapear and he look nervously over his shoulder at his allies.
"Pff.....stupid prick..Boss, Mark is back.", he yell the last part to his right, toward the area where the office should be and step back and head east behind the crates grumbling, quickly followed by his two friends.

You head in the direction the mans yelled, loosing sight of some mens , but also gaining sight fo some others, to finaly see a man fitting Green description coming from a door leading in what appear to be some office. You can see part of a desk and some firepit from the open window behind the man.
The man himself is tall and thin, but still muscular. His blond hairs is half hidden by some green bandanna, and his blue eyes appear to shrink in irritation when he spot Ace presence and turn his gaze unto Monique.
"Damn it Mark, what did I tell about bringing strangers here?"
Even though he appear pissed off, he stay calm and his eyes dart back onto Ace,
"I HOPE for your sake and Mark's that your presence here is justified. Speak, why are you here?" The man tone leave little doubt that he would not hesitate to kill you both if the next explantion isnt convincing enough. To put some emphasis on this, he casually lay his hand on the pummel of his two swords, but doesnt draw them.

Map :

2011-12-16, 03:41 PM
'Mark' differs to Ace, allowing him to answer for himself and spin his version of the tale.

2011-12-16, 05:02 PM
Ace grins and bows, removing his hat to reveal his red Vistani bandana. He stands up and replaces the bowler. I am The Ace of Spades, a mage-for-hire in the employ of Brammer, and by extension yourself. I went to the Fils D'Or to deliver my report, and Brammer forwarded me here. Mark and his companion were on their way there when they ran into me; Mark led me back here to tell you what I know, while [insert name here, Ace knows it but I don't] went on to collect Brammer's full report. He smiles again, fingering a playing card that suddenly appeared in his hand. Where would you like me to deliver my report? I've a number of things to say about events in and around the city.

Bluff: [roll0]

2011-12-16, 05:46 PM
The man keep his gaze onto Ace for a few more seconds, then apparently relax a little. He still appear unhappy about the situation, but end up saying,
"What are you waiting for then? What is so important that Brammeur would sent you here rather than simply waiting for me to send someone to him? Tell me about it."
You can sense that the man isnt the patient kind.

2011-12-16, 06:11 PM
The man keep his gaze onto Ace for a few more seconds, then apparently relax a little. He still appear unhappy about the situation, but end up saying,
"What are you waiting for then? What is so important that Brammeur would sent you here rather than simply waiting for me to send someone to him? Tell me about it."
You can sense that the man isnt the patient kind.

Ace shakes his head. It pertains to, ah... delicate matters. Would you trust every single one of the men currently within earshot? I know I wouldn't, he replies, with a sidelong glance at the brutes that had expressed a desire to kill him earlier. Do you have an office?

2011-12-16, 06:42 PM
The leader think for a second then look around and nod,
"Ok, lets go to my office."
As he says that, he sidestep and make a hand motion to let pass Ace in front, indicating the open door leading to the office.
"Go ahead, and you,", turning his attention to Monique pretending to be Mark, "Dont go anywhere, we have to talk when I am done with this man."

I am not gonna assume you accept this until you say you go onward with his orders (reply to this).

2011-12-16, 07:50 PM
After a glance to Ace, 'Mark' nods and mumbles something affirmative. 'He' will try to be close enough to overhear the flow of the pair's conversation though.

2011-12-16, 08:04 PM
Acceding to Green's wish, Ace moves in front of him and into the office, taking a seat if there's one available that isn't clearly Green's. When the swordsman has taken a seat, or made it sufficiently clear that he won't be taking a seat, Ace begins. Alright, so I'll explain what I've been doing for the past few days. Brammer contracted me as a middle man of sorts. He knew that once the heist was pulled, the Watch would be hunting you down and the thieves would be trying to clear their name. Naturally, the first needs a culprit, and the second is a likely suspect. I have insinuated myself into the Guild on his behalf, and made fast friends with the Watch. I plan to bring the watch down on the thieves in one fell swoop, killing two birds with one stone. He pauses, to see if Green has anything to interject here. Over the past few days, I've been getting into their good graces; saving peasants in the countryside, helping the Guild "spy" on Brammer's operations and misleading their "investigation", if you can call it that. Now I just need your help getting some incriminating evidence into place so the thieves can take the fall, and you should be relatively free to move the goods, which I assume you've stored in this warehouse.

2011-12-17, 05:30 PM
If the office is relatively soundproof and I am out of sight of the grunts in the warehouse, I am going to try a high-risk maneuver.

What I want to do is turn into Green, then order the guards out of the warehouse in small groups to get them out of our hair. I will make a formal post if this is something I can try to do.

2011-12-19, 10:06 AM
Ace enter the small room. Beside a single desk with a chair and a fire pit, the room is devoit of any feature. Even the desk doesnt have anything on it. There is a two more door in the room, one leading outside for sure, and an other leading to an other room. Ace position himself in front of the firepit, as the warehouse leader follows him and close the door behind him.

Monique did follow the two mens a few steps and stop by the crates, as she is clearly uninvited. From her position, she can hear most the discussion in the office, but it does require much concentration. She have to focus herself onto that task to manage it. The agressive mens are still discussing among themselves at the other corner of the room, looking at her with angry eyes.

In the room, Green listen to Ace report, his attention fully on the sorcerer. He doesnt say anything until Ace is done. Even when Ace stop talking, the man keeps looking at him for a good 10 seconds, his face serious.
As he open his mouth to say something, some light knocking sound can be hear in the front door.

The man appear surprised for half a second, but quickly regain his composure.
He stride quickly to the door, keeping his eeys waryly on Ace.

The man shake the door a little. To Ace surprise, the man voice is less agressive, and more welcoming when he says,
"I am sorry, the door is stuck, who are you?"

The voice of surely a very young man can be heard throught the door.
"I'm Mike. I work for the docks, well I deliver some letters. I am looking for someone called, uugh.. Green Dagger, is he here like I been told?"
"Yeah, wait a second, I'll try to unstuck the door again."

This time, the man unlock the door , shake it a little to fake working on it and open the door. A young man, no more than 10 year olds, stand in front of the door. He offer a letter to the man, who quickly give him a few copper peices and takes the letter.
The young boy flash a smile and thanks the man before leaving.

The man then store the letter in a pocket and return his full attention to Ace, while closing the front door.

"Ok, let's pretend that I beleive you. Why would I take a chance thrusting you? I already have my own plans and it isnt this pityful band of thieves, nor the guard for that matter, that will stop it... You, on the other hand, someone I have nearly no information on can be a problem..."

What do you guys do?
Map :

2011-12-19, 02:25 PM
Ace smiles. Because, sir, you underestimate the Watch. And the thieves too, but that's an aside. You are currently their top priority; you are in their city, and they will find you. Unless, of course, you toss them something to catch their eye just long enough to make your move. By the time they realize the thieves haven't got the food, it'll be too late. He moves up along the room, tapping his fingers on the fireplace. Now the thieves. The truth is, Brammer didn't insist I make my way here immediately. When I reported my progress, I could see it in his eyes; the Guild had made him, and he knew it. I can't risk strapping my reputation to that bumbling idiot; this is why I gave your man Mark that line to get me in here, to see you. I would like to act quickly, before the thieves make the link from Brammer to this warehouse.

Sure, give it a shot. If it goes south, though, know that Ace might not be able to help you. Green looks really dangerous, and I'm not sure I can even handle him on my own, let alone help you with the guards outside.

2011-12-19, 03:19 PM
In the office (Ace) :
Ace isnt quite sure why, but the man appear to still be unconvinced,
"So you think Brammeur have been unmasked? Like these petty thieves, it is a little matter. As for the guard, I find your idea interesting, but I already have my own plan for them : they are like a blind man that I help cross the road."
The man cannot hide a faint wicked smile as he says that, before he resume speaking.
"Now, what is the plus value for me to keep you alive? I like your courage, but you are an high risk ... investment."

In the warehouse (Monique) :
You manage to ear most of the discussion between Ace and Green. You suddenly realise that you lost sight of the three crook who theathened you when you can in the warehouse.

Ace : You might want to roll a social skill with your next reply :) (depend mostly what you say/mood you want to use... probably something between diplomacy or intimidate)

Monique : Remember that you spell doesnt change your equipement (and clothing). Also there is people everywhere in sight right now. Note that I find it an interesting idea, just wonder how you plan to pull this off if you really want to try it.

Map :

2011-12-19, 04:23 PM
Oh, I thought we were in a corner or something. If there are people looking at me I can't do it.

2011-12-19, 04:41 PM
A good question. You are a wise businessman, Mr. Green. Very well. I am a master of chaotic magic, bending the eddies of the chaos flows to my will; I am a diplomatic man, capable as serving as a face for your operations. I can pick locks with some skill and I am a natural leader. He tips his hat a second time, emphasizing his bandana. And I am of the Vistani. If you have heard of my people, then you know this alone makes me an excellent addition to your operation.

Ace Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-12-19, 08:46 PM
Inside the Office (Ace):
The man keep his serious gaze for a few more seconds, then flash a smile to Ace.
"Alright, I like your style. The pay is 3 golds per week. There is a bonus when the mission will be completed, 15 gp. Of course, there is some bonus also if you end up doing battle, call it a risk bonus."
The man ascratch the back of his head, apparently thinking then say,
"So you say you infiltrated the thieves right? Then go back to them and check out what they do and plan to do next. I'll send a man get a report from you later, dont come back here unless you have something major to report. Where are you living right now?"

Damn you guys hace high skills bonus!

Congrats, you just completed a skill challenge (Earned 250 XP.... so 50 XP each ).... note that I keep this from the others for now.

2011-12-20, 12:43 AM
I've current living arrangements, but I think it best I switch them. If Brammer's compromised, I don't want the thieves to have an easy way to snoop through my things. Any suggestions?

2011-12-20, 08:37 AM
"Ok, go take a room at the Silver Mug Tavern, I'll have someone contact you there. It is located in the "port district. you shouldnt have any trouble finding it.

The man doesnt wait for Ace to reply and open up the door leading to the main room. He sees Mark standing by, apparently waiting for him. He yell,
"Greg, come here."
Green motion Ace to follow him. Once in the warehouse, a man walks from behind the crates to the south.
"Whas up boss?"
"Escort Ace of Spades out, sewer exit."
The leader turn to Ace,
"Dont disapoint me Spades."

Anything you guys wanna do or does Ace simply leave?
Map :

2011-12-20, 11:27 AM
Sir, I am certain you won't be disappointed by my performance. Ace bows, tips his hat to the room at large, and then follow Greg out of the warehouse.

Ai! Hopefully 'Mark' isn't in trouble...

2011-12-20, 12:12 PM
Greg lead Ace to the trap and down into the secret room. The tree mens look at Ace, then Greg,
"Juss bringin him out."
Greg lift the wooden beam to unlock the door to let Ace out.... (Post 145) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224051&page=5)

Ace, from this point, please stop reading this thread. I'll continue with Monique only here after this post (later this afternoon).

If you want to do something special in the secret sewer room, before walking out in the sewer (and to AShe and Marius), send me an PM.

Otherwise, wait for me to say in the IC main thread that you walk out (the two threads arent exactly at the same In game time right now...

2011-12-20, 01:09 PM
When Ace is down in the secret basement and heading out, you spot the 3 mens who threathned you as you came inside appear to the south.

The leader take a last look at the trap door leading down, then whirl around to face Monique,"Mark you moron! You should know better than to bring strangers here. Tell me you at least met him before when you've met Brammeur for me."
A wicked smile is displayed in the three mens face as they apparently anticipate Green reaction and appreciate seeing Mark being in trouble.

It is just you and me here Monique now :smalltongue: ... good luck:smallamused:

Map :

2011-12-20, 04:37 PM
"Y-yeah, boss. He's a smooth operator -- you didn't kill him, right? So, I mean, he was useful, right? Didn't I do the right thing boss, right?" 'Mark' stammers out his excuses.

diplomacy check: [roll0]

2011-12-21, 07:27 AM
The bandits leader sigh heavyly and visibly relax, letting go of his anger a little,
"It's ok. Just dont do that again. You were probably lucky, the man appear honest enough, if I can use honest in his line of work."
Monique notice that the three mens lost their grin and appear frustrated that Mark isnt getting more punishment.
"I did not detect any lies and it really look like to want to join our organisation, I am not willing to take any chances at this point. Garret and Leaf, you keep watch. Borris, go get Mike from the cave, the two others are to keep watch for now. Tell them that if the new man they just saw come back, they have to make him wait outside and come get me. Mark", Green gaze meet yours are he name the man whom you are impersonating, "and Will, you come with me. The rest of you, get down and ready to move the wares."

The mens appear to be surprised and a little worried. The man who intercepted you sooner, who Green named as Borris, clear his throat and say,
"W-we're gonna move the food in broad daylight? I am not questionning you, but that would be dangerous, I..."
Thinking the the agressive leader would be insulted by what she have seen of him so far, Monique is surprised when wicked smile appear on the leader face instead of outrage.
"I am changing the plan, just get ready and dont worry too much."
The leader stride toward his office, with staff weilding man who just climbed down from the crates.

What does Monique do?
I'll put up a map soon.

Map :

2011-12-21, 06:14 PM
'Well damn.' Monique thinks to herself. 'Here I thought I was gonna have an easy time of this.'

She continues to play her part, racking her brain for a plan. 'If I can get Green and this guy alone -- maybe I could lead them into an ambush? I hope we go outside soon. That way, I can make a break for it if things go south.'

2011-12-21, 09:19 PM
Monique follows the leader ito his office. He doesnt stop there and head to the next room. As Monique enter the room, she notice that it is some bedroom. A curtain block the only window. There is a single table in the middle of the room and a simple bed in the north-west corner. A big curtain cover most of the woooden floor.

Map :

"Ok, you two help me out, we move these furnitures around and remove the carpet."

Green push the table aside, fliping it over to completly block the window and use the bed to hold it in place. Then, with your help, he roll the carpet from south to the north and leave it there.

"Now help me remove these planks. Carefull not to fall in."

You help Green to remove some part of the floor, revealing an hole dug up into the floor. You cannot see the bottom.

Will, who have been helping you look a little surprise about this, and ask the leader,
"What is this?"

"Plan B", answer simply Green.

"Will, go tell Greg to come here and ask everyone to start carry the crates here. Mark, help me set up this contraption."

Will leave the room toward the warehouse while Green opened up the chest in the corner and is pulling out some rope, pulleys and wooden frame.

Map :

Ok, this is quite a bit.
If you wanted to do something and interrupt the flow of thing above with an action, just post it and I'll adjust what happens (which might change what happens after that action).
I prefered to post more than to post and stop at each steps to save time... if you prefer that I go slower in my replies and give you more opporutnities to act, just ask. I beleive you would have gone with the flow on all above... but I could be wrong :smallwink:

I gave you two map, one before you moved the furniture, one after.

2011-12-21, 10:18 PM
Okay, that works for me. I think this works.

'Mark' helps Green with the pulley system, asking "So where does this lead?"

2011-12-22, 08:29 AM
As he fix the pulleys to the floor, Green open his mouth to answer you, then stop himself. You can see his eyes narrow a little, then decide to simply reply,
"Somewhere safe."
You can sense that he doesnt trust you, making you beleive that he probably doesnt trust anyone with more than they should know.

Greg, the man who escorted Ace out, comes into the room.
"Alright Greg, you climb down and go warn Wrath that we need his gang at the hole, he'll understand. Then you go to the alternate camp and get the mens there moving. Tell them that we are doing plan B, they'll know what to do."

As he finish speaking, a few mens comes into the room with crates of food.
"Alright, let lower the food down there. Nick and Damien, you climb down as well and are in charge to load the food onto the small carts down there, dont worry when the ratmens comes, they are with us. Mark and will, you help me lowering the crates."

The orders given, everyone start to do their work. The mens bring the crates, that will tie up to the pulley systam, Green and you bring it down and the mens at the bottom are loading it onto some small carts.

Monique can see when the mens go down that the hole itself have been dug up throught dirt and stone. It is about 20 feet deep, ending into an even stone flooring that look like natural cavern.

Wanna do something special or you go with the flow and wait to see what happens next?

2011-12-22, 12:47 PM
'%#€&$ me, now there's ratmen?' Monique thinks to herself, 'I gotta get outta here...'

'Mark' continues to help load the crates for a moment, then tries to sell the worst excuse he can, "Hey, Greg, cover for me -- I gotta take a piss."

[roll0] to seem natural.

2011-12-22, 02:28 PM
Working the ropes is quite physical and Monique get the feeling that Green thought you would be stronger and perform better. You work for some time and when you think it is the right moment, you try your ploy.

When you ask for a sustitute, Green sigh, but you can also see releif in his face as he say, "Couldnt you have gone while you were out? Will keep tieing. Mark just tell Gaston to come here help me. When you're done with your needs, just help carry the crates instead. Dont go out, just pee in a corner of the warehouse, we are leaving this place soon anyway."

Monique heads to the warehouse, passing by other gang members carrying crates. She can see that most people are working hard and quickly.

Changet he name you used... it should be Will, not Greg. It is Will that is working with you two - Tieing up the crates. Greg left in the hole.
You have no idea who is Gaston.

what do you do? (how do you try to sneak out?)
Right now, you are at the door coming from Green office tothe warehouse.

Note that you are not exactly in sync with the others right now : You are ahead of them in time...
I still want continue to devellop on your side to gain time later, but if they do something that affect the warehouse (like decide to attack it befroe you get out, it might change what happened a little... but I dont forsee this for now.


2011-12-22, 06:44 PM
The main warehouse door is JK 8-9 right?
I'm going to casually walk out it.
[roll0] bluff check if necessary

'Mark' attempts to walk out the main door as inconspicuously as possible.

2011-12-22, 08:04 PM
Monique walk casually toward the main double doors. After a few steps, she hears a loud cracking sound coming from the north. She whirl aroud in time to see Bolerum crashing in the middle window yelling,
"Gluttons! Hoarders! Thieves! If any among you cowards are ready to die, COME AT ME!"
Everyone is stunned by his sudden appearance, including Monique.

Bolerum is standing on piled crates 10 feet high, overlooking the huge room. He spot two halflings standing over crates as well, who were watching the windows. As he scan the rest of the room, he notice that the mens are apparently carring the crate, that he assume to be the stolen food, toward an open door west. Bolerum spot Monique, still disguised as Mark near the double door.

Bolerum manage to break in with the jump a«nd landed on his feets.

Bolerum have a surprise round (ONE STANDARD ACTIN ONLY)
You are 10 feet high on crates.

It is bolerum turn.

NOTE : Bolerum and Monique, please dont read the IC main thread for now... I'll run the other in there.

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2011-12-22, 11:16 PM

Bolerum sizes up his opponents.

Free action Knowledges (Nature):
HM: [roll0]
HW: [roll1]
HGM: [roll2]
HGB: [roll3]
HaS: [roll4]

2011-12-22, 11:55 PM

"You'll take that nowhere!"

Blinding light erupts from Bolerum's holy symbol as he invokes Kord to smite one of the men carrying the crate.

Standard Action: Radiant Delerium on HGM 4. [roll0] (+1 Lvl +2 Cha +1 Enh +2 CA) vs Reflex for [roll1] Radiant damage, foe is dazed UENT, foe has -2 AC (save ends)

Bolerum is hoping to make the men drop the crate, perhaps injuring or disabling both.

2011-12-23, 10:23 AM
Bolerum light hit the man hard, making him yell in pain and fall to the ground quite dead. The other man who was holding the crate with him cannot hold it alone. With the other dead man leaning against the crate, the man nearly get pinned under it, but manage at the last second to push himself out of the falling crate way, ending prone on the ground.

One of the man regain his senses as he sees his ally fall to the ground and yell, "He is alone, kill him!"

I resolved your surprise round before the other (who have not posted it yet).

Bolerum hit and kill HGM4.
HM1 makea save not to get pinned under the crate (rolled 15). He saved bu end up prone.

We now wait for Ace, AShe and Marius to post their action.

Initiave :
Round : Surprise
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27 <-----------------Active player
Green (+7).........: 23 (Surprised)
HM (+5)............: 23 (Surprised)
Marius(+5).........: 19
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14
HGB (+6)...........: 12 (Surprised)
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12
HaS (+4)...........: 11 (Surprised)
HW (+4)............: 11 (Surprised)
HGM (+0)...........: 11 (Surprised)
Monique(+1).......: 10 (Surprised)

Monsters status :
(E12) - HM1.......: Prone
(I13) - HM2........:
(G12) - HGB1......:
(C13) - HaS1......:
(M17) - HaS2......:
(D16) - HaS3......:
(D14) - HaS4......:
(K12) - HaS5......:
(G11) - HGM1......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead

Players Status

(C16) Bolerum: 41/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 12/12

(??) Ace : 32/32 , TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 6/6

(??) Ashe : 37/37, TEMP HP = 0, Healing Surges : 7/7

(I10) Monique : 32/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

(??) Marius : 32/32, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/7

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2011-12-29, 08:55 AM
With a sword in hand, Green comes out of his office. He quickly scan the room and spot Bolerum on the crate.
"Seize him, I want to interrogate him."

The man who almost got buried under the crate rise to his feets and look at Bolerum with angry eyes. He draw his sword and move toward the crates.

An other man also move drawing his weapon. He goes around the crate and try to climb them, but fumble and slide back down.

Monique sees Bolerum taking a quick glance throught the window.
Green :
Minor : Draw Shortsword
Standard + move : Move to E10

HM1 :
Move : Stand up from prone
Minor : Draw longsword
Standard : Move to D15

HM2 :
Minor : Draw longsword
Move : Move to D18
Standard : Move to C18 and try to climb but fail (rolled 8).

It is Ashe turn.

Initiave :
Round : 1
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27
Green (+7).........: 23
HM (+5)............: 23
Marius(+5).........: 19
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14 <-----------------Active player
HGB (+6)...........: 12
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12
HaS (+4)...........: 11
HW (+4)............: 11
HGM (+0)...........: 11
Monique(+1).......: 10

Monsters status :
(E10) - Green ........:
(D15) - HM1.......:
(C18) - HM2........:
(G12) - HGB1......:
(C13) - HaS1......:
(M17) - HaS2......:
(D16) - HaS3......:
(D14) - HaS4......:
(K12) - HaS5......:
(G11) - HGM1......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead

Players Status

(C16) Bolerum: 41/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 12/12

(I10) Monique : 32/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2011-12-30, 08:46 AM
Next, one of the man put down his side of the crates and draw a dagger. He throw it in a quick and fluid motion. The dagger hit Bolerum armor but is deflected by it and sink deep into the wall behind the paladin.

Green :
Minor : Draw Shortsword
Standard + move : Move to E10

HGB1 :
Move : Put the crate down
Minor : Draw Dagger
Standard : Throw dagger at Bolerum (-2 (Cover from crate because of the angle/higher ground)), 18 VS AC (Miss)

It is Bolerum turn.

Initiave :
Round : 1
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27
Green (+7).........: 23
HM (+5)............: 23
Marius(+5).........: 19
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14
HGB (+6)...........: 12
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12 <-----------------Active player
HaS (+4)...........: 11
HW (+4)............: 11
HGM (+0)...........: 11
Monique(+1).......: 10

Monsters status :
(E10) - Green ........:
(D15) - HM1.......:
(C18) - HM2........:
(G12) - HGB1......:
(C13) - HaS1......:
(M17) - HaS2......:
(D16) - HaS3......:
(D14) - HaS4......:
(K12) - HaS5......:
(G11) - HGM1......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead

Players Status

(C16) Bolerum: 41/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 12/12

(I10) Monique : 32/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2011-12-30, 09:24 AM

"Take me alive? Come now, are you men or are you poachers?" the paladin taunts. He then shoves a nearby crate with his foot toward one of the scum below.

Since this is a medieval warehouse, I'm assuming these stacks of crates are light enough to be moved by hand, albeit with some difficulty. A 10' stack would still give a nice bit of leverage to someone at the top trying to push it over - and since the crates are not on a ship, they're likely unsecured.

Standard Action: Shove the stack of crates in C17 onto HM2 at C18, sending hundreds of pounds in a hard container on top of him, hopefully killing him (possibly hurting and/or immobilizing him). [roll0] (added Str and Level, but not enhancement[+1] or proficiency bonuses[+3])

Move Action: If successful, move to C17 onto the now 5' stack of crates. Athletics+7 automatically wins the climb DC.

Minor Action: Unused.

2011-12-30, 10:15 AM
The paladin push the crates beside him with his brute strenght. While they are quite heavy, they arent very stable, and the push work as intended. the four top crate fall down at the surprised soldier bellow and he cannot dodge them in time and end up being buried under them and let out a painful yelp.

The halfling sping into motion. They all draw slings and scatter around the battlefeild, taking advantageos position. Two of them simply shoot a pebble at the paladin, but three of them use three stones and whirl them all in one throw at the paladin. The stones rain onto the paladin with a chorus of sound onto the paladin armor. Only two of the pebbles really hit a sensible spot, leaving a light bruise on Bolerum left arm.

A robed man comes out of the office and immediatly draw a wand, taking positon behind his allies.

An other man comes out of the office, club in hand while an other put down the crate and rush at Bolerum drawing his weapon. As he end his charge, Bolerum deflect the weak club attack with his greatsword.

Great idea Bolerum.

I gave you CA since HM2 doesnt see you from his position and you hit VS his reflex.
You deal 11 damages, HM2 is prone, Buried(Superior Cover -Work both ways) and Restrained (Save ends both)

HaS1 :
Minor : Draw Sling
Standard Shoot Bolerum (-2 (Cover)), 12 (Miss)

HaS2 :
Minor : Draw Sling
Move : Shift to L16
Standard Stone rain on Bolerum (3 attacks at -2),
Attack 1 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 16 (Miss)
Attack 2 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 11 (Miss)
Attack 3 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 20 (Miss)

HaS3 :
Minor : Draw Sling
Move : Move to E16
Standard Stone rain on Bolerum (3 attacks at -2),
Attack 1 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 13 (Miss)
Attack 2 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 22 (10 damages)
Attack 3 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 20 (Miss)

HaS4 :
Minor : Draw Sling
Move : Move to F16
Standard Stone rain on Bolerum (3 attacks at -2),
Attack 1 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 23 (3 Damages)
Attack 2 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 15 (Miss)
Attack 3 on Bolerum VS AC (-2 (stone rain)) : 15 (Miss)

HaS5 :
Minor : Draw Sling
Move : Move to J14 (two climb check DC 5 = 7 and 17)
Standard Shoot Bolerum , (-2 (Cover)), 17 (Miss)

HW1 :
Move + Standard : Double move to I12
Minor : Draw wand

HGM 1 :
Standard: Put crate down
Minor : Draw Club
Move : Move to D17

HGM 2 :
Standard: Put crate down
Minor : Draw Club
Move : Charge Bolerum at F12 (+1 (Charge)), 14 VS AC (Miss)

It is Monique turn.

Initiave :
Round : 1
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27
Green (+7).........: 23
HM (+5)............: 23
Marius(+5).........: 19
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14
HGB (+6)...........: 12
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12
HaS (+4)...........: 11
HW (+4)............: 11
HGM (+0)...........: 11
Monique(+1).......: 10 <-----------------Active player

Monsters status :
(E10) - Green ........:
(D15) - HM1.......:
(C18) - HM2........: Prone, Buried (Superior Cover - work both ways) and Restrained (Save ends both)
(G12) - HGB1......:
(C13) - HaS1......: 10 Feet high
(L16) - HaS2......: 10 Feet High
(E16) - HaS3......:
(F16) - HaS4......:
(J14) - HaS5......: 10 Feet High
(D17) - HGM1......:
(F12) - HGM2......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead
(I12) - HW1.......:

Players Status

(C17) Bolerum: 29/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 12/12
5 Feet high

(I10) Monique : 32/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2011-12-30, 07:02 PM

Torn by her indecision, Monique lets everyone else act before her. She grits her teeth in frustration, and decides to enter the combat herself.

She walks to the corner, drawing her wand. She levels it at Will and mutters something to herself as she attempts to draw him back towards her.

Move to K9
Minor: draw my wand
Standard: [roll0] v Will (hahaha)
On hit, [roll1] psychic damage and pull to K10

2012-01-09, 10:37 AM
Monique inpose her will to Will, peircing his will and draging him to her side.
Green is surprise at Mark action, and his eyes narrow looking at Monique.

Marius fly inside the building, landing onto the high crate beside the window, overlooking the whole place, with bolerum beside him on lower crates.

Seeing the warlord entry, Green yell,
"This isn't Mark, kill him, kill them all."
He then stride toward Monique drawing his short sword and lauch all his fury on her. He use both his weapon on the bard. The longsword pass Monique defense slamming hard on her left arm, making her wince in pain, but she manage to jump above a low cut from the shortsword.

Seing Marius enter the warehouse, one of the soldier take time to see what the man will do before taking his own actions. Meanwhile his buried friend keep trying to free himself from the fallen crates. While doing this, he try a futile attack at Bolerum, not even coming close to the Kord disciple armored body.

Monique hit and drag Will.

Ace did play his turn, granting a free fly move of 5 to Marius, making him enter the building (it actually takes only 3 movements to get on the crate (C16, 10 feet high), so you could land on the floor in one of the opening (flying with two movement left to you... but it would provoke OAs since you'd leave a sqare adjacent to the monsters (the one 5 feet high).
I am pretty sure you will want to fly down (instead of climbing or falling down on your turn still provoking Oa's anyway- unless you want to stay up the crates.... so I'll wait for your turn to know exactly where you end up... ).

Green :
Move : Move to J9
Minor : Draw short sword.
Standard : Two-Weapon Rend on monique (two attacks)
Attack Monique with Longsword : 26 VS AC, 13 damages
Attack Monique with Longsword : 17 VS AC, (Miss)

HM 1 : (Delay)

HM2 :
Standard : Longsword at Bolrum (-2 (Prone), -2 (Restrained), -5 (Seperior Cover)), 16 VS AC (Miss)
End of turn : Save Vs Buried/restrained = 2 (Failed)

It is Marius turn (Run effect ends).
Remember that you have a fly of two squares possible still (at the start of your turn). Say exactly where you pass/go if you take it, so I know who can OA you).

Initiave :
Round : 2
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27
Green (+7).........: 23
HM2 (+5)............: 23
HM1 (+5)............: 23 (Delay)
Marius(+5).........: 19 <-----------------Active player
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14
HGB (+6)...........: 12
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12
HaS (+4)...........: 11
HW (+4)............: 11
HGM (+0)...........: 11
Monique(+1).......: 10

Monsters status :
(J9) - Green ........:
(D15) - HM1.......: (Delay)
(C18) - HM2........: Prone, Buried (Superior Cover - work both ways) and Restrained (Save ends both)
(G12) - HGB1......:
(C13) - HaS1......: 10 Feet high
(L16) - HaS2......: 10 Feet High
(E16) - HaS3......:
(F16) - HaS4......:
(J14) - HaS5......: 10 Feet High
(D17) - HGM1......:
(F12) - HGM2......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead
(K10) - HW1.......:

Players Status

(C17) Bolerum: 29/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 12/12
5 Feet high

(K9) Monique : 19/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

(C16) Marius : 32/32, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/7
10 Feet high (on Crates)

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2012-01-09, 06:14 PM

"Well, this looks like a right mess." Marius says, entering the window by magical flight. He floats over one of the combatants, suffering their reprisals before landing behind them. "I'll go help Mark, you should be okay for now, until our reinforcements unveil themselves. Stay strong." He yells to Bolerum.

He takes off across the room, maneuvering for a powerful charge at Green.

Bonus Move: to E14

Minor: Inspiring Word on Bolerum [roll0]

Move: From E14 to H14

Charge from H14 to J10 (do not provoke OAs from charging)

Okay, I don't understand how or if this would work since it's different than 3.5.

I want to Bull Rush Green, and use him to break the window and push him out it. This should cause extra damage to him (and eliminate the most dangerous threat at the same time). I'm not sure if I can Bull Rush as part of a charge or not (3.5 you would have to "charge" to use a bull rush). If I cannot do this then I will do a MBA against Green.


2012-01-09, 07:50 PM

Marius, in a heroic surge smiles at Mr. Green. "So, Mr. Green, how many of your men can you trust?" Marius devotes his attacks at Mr. Green, drawing his attention from Monique.

Action Point: Standard (Guarding Attack): [roll0]
Monique gets +4 AC from Mr. Green's attacks until EOMNT if I hit

I gain +4 temp HP

...looks like a waste of an action point.

2012-01-09, 08:19 PM
Marius rush at Green and manage to slip by his defenses dealing a decent strike. He then push his luck and strike hard once more, but the human cross his weapon and block the warlord attack between his blade with ease.

The human who waited finaly spring into action and run after him. He manage to pass Marius defense while he exerted himself ove his boss.

Next comes an shaddy human to flank the warlord drawing his weapon and try to strike his head, probably to daze him. Marius, seeing the ploy, he duck under the wean swing.

An other bandit comes out of the trap door mace in hands.

Marius hit with his charge.
Marius Miss with his AP. (Gain 4 Themp HP)
Marius heal Bolerum 12HP

HM1 : (Take Delay)
Move : Move to H15
Standard : Charge at Marius (J11) (+1 (Charge), +2 (CA- Flank)) , 30 VS AC, 9 damages

HGB1 :
Move : Move to I10
Minor : Draw Mace
Standard : Dazing strike on Marius (+2 (CA - Flank)), 13 VS AC (Miss)

HGB2 :
Standard + Move : Walk out of hole in H17

It is Bolerum turn.

Initiave :
Round : 2
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27
Green (+7).........: 23
HM2 (+5)............: 23
Marius(+5).........: 19
HM1 (+5)............: 23
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14
HGB (+6)...........: 12
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12 <-----------------Active player
HaS (+4)...........: 11
HW (+4)............: 11
HGM (+0)...........: 11
Monique(+1).......: 10

Monsters status :
(J9) - Green ........:
(J11) - HM1.......:
(C18) - HM2........: Prone, Buried (Superior Cover - work both ways) and Restrained (Save ends both)
(I10) - HGB1......:
(H17) - HGB2......:
(C13) - HaS1......: 10 Feet high
(L16) - HaS2......: 10 Feet High
(E16) - HaS3......:
(F16) - HaS4......:
(J14) - HaS5......: 10 Feet High
(D17) - HGM1......:
(F12) - HGM2......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead
(K10) - HW1.......:

Players Status

(C17) Bolerum: 41/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 11/12
5 Feet high

(K9) Monique : 19/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

(J10) Marius : 23/32, TEMP HP = 4, Healing surges : 7/7

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2012-01-09, 09:27 PM

Surveying the wild melee and his friends pinned to the door, the paladin's grim expression acknowledges his error. Uncharacteristically quiet for a few seconds, he moves into action, intent on setting things right. He snaps his attention to the men surrounding his companions, charging in viciously with his greatsword overhead.

Move: to G15, provoking an OA from HGM1.

Standard Action: Charge HW1, ending at K11, provoking OA from HM1. MBA [Str] vs AC on HW1 (CA and charge bonuses included) [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

AP: Fearsome Smite [Cha] vs AC on HW1 (CA included) [roll2] for [roll3] damage and target is -1 to Attacks UENT.

Minor: Divine Challenge to HM1.

2012-01-10, 10:04 AM
The apparent leader look suspiciously at Marius and quickly scan the room after the warlord claim of more traitors.

Bolerum walk boldly throught the enemies ranks, provoking them all. The pinned down soldier cannot even reach Bolerum, while the human in front of him manage to hit the armor but doesnt do any damage. As the paladin pass beside the halfling slingers, they both try to hit him with their bare hands, but cannot manage to find an opening on the heavy armored human. When Bolerum finaly charge the human wizard, the soldier beside it swing his weapon, but Bolerum duck under the high swing and thrust his greatysword at the weak mage. The mage eyes open wide as he sees Bolerum positionned to impale him and manage at the last second to move aside and save himself, still taking a decent hit that open a bleeding wound.
The wizard start to cast to defend himself, but Bolerum exert himself and rise him big weapon high and bring it down quickly onto the wizard before he can finish his spell. A loud cracking sound comes from the weapon as it breaks throught the bone and the human fall limp to the ground with to force of the impact.

The halfings look at each other and one of them point Bolerum. They all whril their sling at the same time and let fly bullet at the same target : Bolerum.
Nine bullet soar directly at the paladin, nearly all of them hitting the metalic armor, but apparently only one really damage the Kord disciple.

Green then yell,
"Focus your shot on the less armored ones you dimwits!"

Next comes the club weilding humans. One charge Bolerum while the other goes around toward Marius. They both manage to surprise the heroes, dealing minor wounds to them.

Bolerum, a charge ends you turn (except for AP).
So your Minor action could not be done after the charge... but since it can be done from 10 squares, I'll assume you would have done it between your move action and standard (charge) since he was in range :smallwink:

Bolerum movement provoke Oas :
HGM1 =15 VS AC- miss,
HM2 (-2 (Prone), -2 (Restrained), -5 (Sup. Cover)) : 8 - Miss
HaS3 (with bare hands) : 17 - miss
HaS4 (with bare hands) : 16 - Miss
HM1 : 11 - Miss

Bolerum hit and bloody HW1
Bolerum hit and kill HW1

HaS1 :
Standard : Stone rain on Bolerum (3 sling attack at -2)
Attack on Bolerum : 6 VS AC (Miss)
Attack on Bolerum : 20 VS AC (Miss)
Attack on Bolerum : 17 VS AC (Miss)

HaS2 :
Standard : Sling on Bolerum, 22 VS AC, 3 damages
HaS3 :
Move : Move to G13
Standard : Sling on Bolerum, 16 VS AC (Miss)

HaS4 :
Move : Move to G13
Standard : Sling on Bolerum, 15 VS AC (Miss)

HaS5 :
Standard : Stone rain on Bolerum (3 sling attack at -2)
Attack on Bolerum : 13 VS AC (Miss)
Attack on Bolerum : 15 VS AC (Miss)
Attack on Bolerum : 17 VS AC (Miss)

HGM 1 :
Move : Move to G15
Standard : Charge Bolerum at J12 (+1 (Charge)), 25 VS AC, 2 damages

HGM 2 :
Move : Move to I9
Standard : Club at Marius, 24 VS AC, 2 damages

It is Monique turn.

Initiave :
Round : 2
Ace(+7)..…………..: 27
Green (+7).........: 23
HM2 (+5)............: 23
Marius(+5).........: 19
HM1 (+5)............: 23
Ashe(+8) ........ : 14
HGB (+6)...........: 12
Bolerum (+3).…….: 12
HaS (+4)...........: 11
HGM (+0)...........: 11
Monique(+1).......: 10 <-----------------Active player

Monsters status :
(J9) - Green ........:
(J11) - HM1.......: Divine challenge (Bolerum)
(C18) - HM2........: Prone, Buried (Superior Cover - work both ways) and Restrained (Save ends both)
(I10) - HGB1......:
(H17) - HGB2......:
(C13) - HaS1......: 10 Feet high
(L16) - HaS2......: 10 Feet High
(G13) - HaS3......:
(G14) - HaS4......:
(J14) - HaS5......: 10 Feet High
(J12) - HGM1......:
(I9) - HGM2......:
(E13) - HGM4.......: Dead
(K10) - HW1.......: Dead

Players Status

(K11) Bolerum: 36/41, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 11/12
5 Feet high

(K9) Monique : 19/34, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 7/8

(J10) Marius : 21/32, TEMP HP = 4, Healing surges : 7/7

Map :
The dark brown boxes (like F17) are crates pilled up to 5 feet high (require a Dc 5 climb check to move onto)
The light brown boxed (Like F18) are crates pilled 10 Feet high (require a Dc 10 climb check - unless you are on a dark brown box, which is DC 5)
HM are human wearing some chainmail and carry swords
HW are humans with a quarterstaff
HGM are humans with clubs and daggers
HGB are humans with mace and daggers
HaS are haflings with slings
The black square in H18 is a trap door leading to a basement (you see a ladder in it).

2012-01-11, 02:14 AM

Monique panics as the swordsman cuts deep into her arm, failing to react quickly enough to use her armor's magic and deflect the blow. She hurriedly fumbles open the latch and stumbles out the door into the street. She casts her signature spell at Green, hoping to give the mighty paladin of Kord an opportunity to do some real harm.

Minor: open the door. If this is a standard, then I will revise my turn.
Move: shift to L8
Standard: Blunder on Green [roll0] v W (-2 if he has concealment or whatever)
On hit: [roll1] and shift to K10, where Bolerum may attack it with +5 power bonus

2012-01-11, 08:37 AM
Using the distraction that Marius created and Green scanning the room, Monique put her shoulder under the heavy beam sealing the double doors shut and lift them. It is quite heavy, but she still manage to flip it over and throw it onto the crates to her left. As the beam hit the crates, she takes the doors hadle and pull them hard to open them.
Green spot the door beside him at the last second and reflexivly takea step back not to get it right into the forehead, letting it open fully and bath the room with sunlight....

We all return to the main thread to contniue this.
Post 168 coming soon.