View Full Version : Fistful of d10s?

2011-12-15, 03:25 PM
I like d10s. They're pretty nice. A 50% chance of dealing 6-10 is cool, and rolling hit points with fighters generally works out well for me.

So my question is, what kinds of spells or abilities allow you to use a fistful of d10s? Stuff like fireball and Sneak Attack use the crappy d6, and while harm is technically a maximized 1d10/level ability, you don't actually get to roll a fistful of d10s, so it's not as satisfying, I think.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

2011-12-15, 03:29 PM
How about the psionic power Mind Thrust?

2011-12-15, 03:30 PM
Maybe abuse of size increases? I dunno how you'd have to fiddle it to land on a pile of d10s, but with enough effort, it seems conceivable.

2011-12-15, 03:33 PM
How about the psionic power Mind Thrust?

Ooooh, you're right! Mind Thrust does use d10s, doesn't it? The Will Negates is kind of harsh, but by the time you get 20d10, the DC is 20+mod, so...that's cool.

As for Size increases, I don't think that works. The d10 uses a different progression than the d6 (d10> 2d8 > 4d8, etc)

2011-12-15, 03:42 PM
You might also start with a d10 weapon and then get as many swings as humanly possible. Whether this is through Oversized TWF with bastard swords (you didn't say this had to be GOOD, right?) or, more likely, Telekinesis—well, that's up to you.

Technically, a level 20 straight-class Monk gets five swings with a 2d10 weapon. You could easily add Snap Kick for another, and most GMs I've met will let TWF work with unarmed strikes, though the rules are fuzzy there. This is a terrible idea, but as a thought experiment, it WILL get a whole bunch of (potential) d10s on the field at once.

If we want to graduate from "not worth it" to "not worth it AND not RAW," I'd certainly allow a feat to turn a Soulknife's Mind Strike from d8s to d10s, but you might be better off with the Monk.

In all seriousness, Telekinesis on a whole bunch of d10 weapons is probably a good choice.

2011-12-15, 03:45 PM
In all seriousness, Telekinesis on a whole bunch of d10 weapons is probably a good choice.

Eh...I was hoping for a scaling ability that just gave you d10/level or /2 level or /caster level, you know? Like a spell, or a breath weapon, or something. Mind thrust certainly works. And I suppose telekinesis spam on bastard swords will work as well.

2011-12-15, 03:51 PM
Since Telekinetic Thrust comes online before Telekinesis does, a Wilder would be a decent choice, now that I think about it. Between Mind Thrust and Telekinetic Thrust, we have two major thrusts that deal piles of d10s as early as level 6!

. . . Why does that sound so creepy?

(OK, a Psion does this at level 5, but the Wilder is classier, and they'll also get bigger handfuls of dice sooner.)

Uncle Casw
2011-12-15, 03:54 PM
Harm, Greater (Heroes of Horror)
d12s are even better than d10s

2011-12-15, 04:02 PM
I am seconding the idea behind using bastard swords, and taking improved critical :D.

Not only that, see if you can be a monstrous race like thri-kreen, or attempt to be permanently transformed into one by paying for a wish spell.

If you follow that route, and then get your four bastard swords, and go to town. Focus on getting as high bab as you can. I'm not sure it'll be a fist full of 1d10s, but it'll be at least 4!

2011-12-15, 04:04 PM
Switch to a White Wolf game.

Shade Kerrin
2011-12-15, 04:25 PM
Off the top of my head, Channeled Pyroburst deals d10s if you can get 2 rounds of prep-time before combat. Or if you cast it with Shadow Evocation.

Checking SpC:

Greater Fireburst deals d10/level(15 max) within 15ft of you, 5th level
Junglerazer deals up to 10d10 neg energy damage, but only against fey, animals, plants and vermin, 3rd level
Rainbow Blast deals a d10 of each element at level 9 and 10, 3rd level

I only included the ones that would actually give a proper fistful

2011-12-15, 04:34 PM
Switch to a White Wolf game.

Thread won. Your prize will be mailed to you.

2011-12-15, 04:52 PM
A fully charged Channeled Pyroburst will do d10/caster level in damage in a 20ft radius.

It's a 4th level spell from PH2.

EDIT: Oops, I'm bad. Poster above me already got it.

Olo Demonsbane
2011-12-16, 01:40 AM
Greater Fireburst is a burst of fire (oh really? :smalltongue:) centered on you that does d10/level fire damage. 5th level spell from Spell Compendium.