View Full Version : (PF) Paladin feat help

2011-12-16, 05:32 AM
I am making a Paladin for a new adventurer and we are switching from 3.5 to Pathfinder

I have a few different ideas on what kind of pally I want to play

My first thought was a halfling mounted with a lance who wants to end necromancy

They I thought It could be fun to be an Old half-orc who leads by example, someone who just wants to make the world a better place and runs around with Great-axe

Or an orphan who wants to protect people who could quickly adopt the party into his "family"

well eventually after many different Paladins where formed in my head and dismissed I came up with one I think I could really love

A paladin who is less sure of her self, one who could grow into a more well rounded person. Someone with a strong love of justice, but it is something she learned about in books. A good cannot comprehend evil kinda person, No ranks in sense motive, lots of ranks in Knowledge's. .

Well after I came up with this great idea I realized I stole it from a video game. (sorta)

The Paladin I decided to create was an expy of Estellise Sidos Heurassein.
So I figued might as well go all the way with it and Focus on healing and Shielding

I rolled for stats got 10,13,14,15,15 and the golden 18
so I went
13 Str Don't need to be very strong
15 Dex I want a good AC
15 Con I also want a lot of hit points
14 Int Good for all the Knowledge's I want to take
10 Wis to really hit home with the being naive
and 18(+2) in Cha power up my healing and I want people to like me

I know what feats I want at higher levels I just cannot make up my mind at 1st I get two feats
Power attack looks fun, but does not fit the idea very well
Weapon focus also does not realy fit
Combat Expertise fits the tank idea but is boring, but it dose make improved trip an option, Shield focus could also be good
but none of those bring up the sheltered feeling I want form my Paladin
maybe Skill focus into a knowledge or Heal but those feel like wasted feats I am already spending a lot of skills on feats and both traits to pick up two more knowledge skills
Guardian of the Forge of Knowledge History and Scholar of Ruins for Knowledge Geography

I know at 3 I want Reward of Life
then at 5 Greater Mercy or Word of Healing
at 7 I will take the other one
at 9 Ultimate mercy

but nothing at first level seem to jump out at me and say Take me


2011-12-16, 05:53 AM
It's hard to go wrong with "Extra Lay On Hands"

2011-12-16, 06:42 AM
I assume you are going to be a human.

So I would advice you to switch the Dex and Str since you will be running around in armor pretty often and it gives you a better chance at doing maneuvers.

Combat Expertise IS the thing you want. You want her to fight defensively? Combat Expertise and Dodge would be "good".

And as mentioned Extra LoH is hardly ever wrong.

2011-12-16, 09:10 AM
Are you allowed to use 3.5 Feats for your Pathfinder Paladin?

2011-12-16, 07:28 PM
Could I take extra Lay on Hands at first level?
Is a tower-shield worth it or how about Dazzling Display, yeah Intimidate is not a Class skill but with my high Cha I could strike fear into the heads of my enemy's specially if they are a size smaller, and it can even work with my idea of being naive wasting time flourishing a sword instead of hitting someone with it

2011-12-16, 07:59 PM
with a 13 STR, but 15 DEX, it might be worth it to snag Weapon Finesse... but really only if you are gonna put at least one more point into it, say at level 4.

If you are going shields, Shield Focus and Missile Shield are good choices. Always nice to negate one ranged attack/round...

Combat Reflexes is often a good choice for those with shields... its a decent way to increase damage output without THF...

Dazzling Display is only really good if you have a rogue in the party... its a huge waste of action economy otherwise.

As others said, Extra Lay on Hands aint bad.