View Full Version : [3.5] Under-appreciated monsters

2011-12-16, 02:04 PM
Hi all, (if you don't want to read the entire post, check the TLDR at the bottom)

I'm planning an upcoming sandbox campaign (whenever my group finally gets back together). I have plenty of time work out details but I wanted this to have slightly different feel than most games. Basically, I have designed a newly discovered continent complete with a snowy area, desert area, jungles, forests, etc. I'm not designing a whole new world, just a new area in it. I'm sticking to Greyhawk since it's simpler for us. We have more experience with it than other campaign settings. I could port it over to FR or Eberron but I just don't feel like it and the players aren't interested in those settings this time around. So to keep the group happy, I went with their consensus.

Basically all ecological types are represented or could be added if I missed them. The game won't start for a few months (i asked for time to prepare and they allowed me much, how nice of them). I have most of the social encounters and NPCs worked out.....

Now what I am hoping to get from you wonderful folks is the monster population. I want to stay away from the common ones (orcs and golbins, etc.) that are used. I have monster manuals 1-5. I would like to stay away from MM1 because they know it too well and MM2 because of the blatant CR issues it has....I've seen the thread on here about it. Even if Frostburn/Sandstorm has good stuff, I have them too. Hell ANY creature from ANY 3.5 sourcebook EXCEPT MM1/MM2. (My library is quite extensive)

Each area of the map has a few locations (ruined city, ziggurat, basic caves, etc. IE. dungeon crawls)that can be inhabited by one or more creature types plus for the random encounters.

But anything from the rest of the MM's that seems to be under-used in your opinion. The PC's have not been decided yet so I can't give any details about that other than to say that, hopefully, this campaign will go for levels 1-20. I plan to be very generous during character creation giving them the option of a higher point-buy or maybe 5d6 drop lowest 2 because I don't plan this to be a "nice" place where level 1 PC's will be guaranteed to run into level-appropriate encounters. They will be told that running away is a viable survial tool here. I won't go too far over their heads but maybe at level 1, the could come across a CR 5-6 encounter that they should (again hopefully) be smart enough to avoid for now.

So if you could provide a few varying CR's, it would be appreciated. That way, I can use them in various plot hooks at various levels. I plan to have random encouter tables of the various locations with some hostile and some non-hostile (hopefully)encouters

TLDR: What under-used creatures from any 3.5 sourcebook, except MM1/MM2, would you like to see in a campaign? Any terrain/organization can be viable. Varying CR's for level 1-20 campaign

Oh and it would be nice if you could list the book it comes from

2011-12-16, 02:39 PM
I love these huge plant beasts from MM3. Briar Guardian or something, I believe.

Monsters of Faerūn also has a lot cool stuff. Helmed Horrors probably being my number one, but an angry Baelnorn, Shadow Dragons, Cursts, Beasts of Malar, or Deepspawn would all also be great fun.

Fiend Folio has the Chwidencha, which is a giant spider minus the body plus lots of more legs. Got updated in Underdark, I think.

And speaking of Aberrations, I love the Tsorchar from Lords of Madness. Small slimy worms that fuse together into larger organisms that then take over other creatures from the inside.

2011-12-16, 02:53 PM
You can get some stuff out of Dangerous Denizens: The Monsters of Tellene (my copy says it uses the update material for 3.5). It has a undead treant in it.

(Hmm, I am toying with the idea of a treant that recites poetry of Poe, its name will be Po E Tree, the undead would give a nice flavor to it)

Hmm I could give it a wizard level and an undead raven for a familiar.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 02:59 PM
Concordant killers from MM4 are the illegitimate offspring of fiend and celestials who hunt down and kill both sides in order to balance out reality.

EDIT:Po E Tree? your pun has official imploded my brain, well done.:smallbiggrin:

2011-12-16, 03:39 PM
Hmm I could give it a wizard level and an undead raven for a familiar.

Don't forget a druid friend named Lenore

Thanks for the tips...I'm hoping more people contribute to give me some more good stuff to play around with

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 03:43 PM
.I'm hoping more people contribute to give me some more good stuff to play around with

No problem, just let us use them too.

Po E Tree the undead treant with a raven familiar, bad puns, cultural references and beautifully-bizarre nigh-nonsensical monster, I love it.:smallbiggrin:

2011-12-16, 03:54 PM
No problem, just let us use them too.

Oh of course....this is for everyone to use

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 03:58 PM
Fun for the whole family!
It's... make your own impossible magical abomination against logic,sanity or good taste.
Warning not for children under 12,over 12 or anyone who has not already sacrificed their sanity to the internet. results may vary


2011-12-16, 06:15 PM
I actually enjoy fighting Nagas.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 07:16 PM
I actually enjoy fighting Nagas.
How would you feel about a 3-headed fire breathing naga ninja wizard?
... with a moustache.

2011-12-16, 07:21 PM
Murderjacks (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040828a) are totally awesome, but since they come from a web article, most people probably don't know they exist.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 07:27 PM
Woodling are half-plant creatures its nature's equivalent of the half-outsider template.
Xorvintal dragons from MM5 dont have spellcasting but do have the abilities to play 50 Xanados Roulette schemes at once, all spread over the course of years or even decades.

2011-12-16, 07:28 PM
Anything that could qualify as a giant spider.:smallwink:

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 07:43 PM
the Tauric template from savage species(people appreciate but they dont seem to grasp the sheer staggering variety of what this template can accomplish)

The bone and corpse templates from BoVD(lich-lite or a zombie with INT24, try it today, no need for LA,for one of them at least.)

Obah-blessed from dungeon magazine(extra arms,stat boosts, generally amazing)

Unholy scion from heroes of horror(demonic fetal mind control!)

2011-12-16, 07:48 PM
Ravids don't seem to get much (if any) mention here outside of a viable alter self form for outsiders. By themselves, they aren't really much of a combat threat, but if you ever need a justification as to why the PCs are being attacked by animated objects...:smalltongue:

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 07:51 PM
Ravids don't seem to get much (if any) mention here outside of a viable alter self form for outsiders. By themselves, they aren't really much of a combat threat, but if you ever need a justification as to why the PCs are being attacked by animated objects...:smalltongue:

I can remember running a maze-like dungeon with a ravid in the centre, it kept animating the furniture and decorations, it was pretty funny, the PCs thought it was a ghost/invisible wizard, took them ages and many,many see invis/detect magic to work it out.

2011-12-16, 09:39 PM
Rasts are from MM1, but nobody I know remembers they exist. Half the time I come across that page while flipping through the MM, I'm surprised, because I've forgotten what the hell that thing is.

2011-12-16, 09:40 PM
Gnolls and Grimlocks. Why do orcs and goblins get all the attention?

2011-12-16, 09:55 PM
Owlbears. Think about it, it is a massive creature with claws bigger than a bears, with the strength of a bear, with a beak that could snip your head off like you pull a grape off a vine.
I think they're pretty freaky (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/156/8/5/Owl_Bear_by_BenWootten.jpg) to be honest.

2011-12-16, 09:58 PM
Owlbears. Think about it, it is a massive creature with claws bigger than a bears, with the strength of a bear, with a beak that could snip your head off like you pull a grape off a vine.
I think they're pretty freaky (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/156/8/5/Owl_Bear_by_BenWootten.jpg) to be honest.

Owlbears are iconic like the beholder and are used plenty.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 10:01 PM
Similar to the owlbear but from previous editions is... the duckbunny

I'm pretty sure someone has considered templating one of these things to the mid 40's just to screw with epic parties

2011-12-16, 10:16 PM
Rust Monster, in years of playing I've never actually faced one as a PC, used them as a DM though, both to attack players and to assist them, Why should Warforged take Unarmored Body when a Rust monster could just get rid of that nasty icky metal for them. Does not help that it also ate all of the parties unattended metal objects that the Warforged was left in charge of... When was the last time you looked at a Rust Monster and went AHHH, and not AWWWW, or MOVE JMMINY LET ME AT THE WOOD GOLEM.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 10:19 PM
OH GOD, mental image of rust monster PC, lvs in monk means you cannot outrun it,increased saves/evasion mean you cannot blast it, increased BAB means it always hits, it would destroy an unprepared party.

2011-12-16, 10:35 PM
OH GOD, mental image of rust monster PC, lvs in monk means you cannot outrun it,increased saves/evasion mean you cannot blast it, increased BAB means it always hits, it would destroy an unprepared party.
Monk levels don't accomplish any of those things as well as basic HD advancement would, because for every Monk level you'd get two Aberration HD, four after 5 levels of Monk. An HD-advanced Rust Monster is much more frightening than one with Monk levels at any CR.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 10:44 PM
Monk levels don't accomplish any of those things as well as basic HD advancement would, because for every Monk level you'd get two Aberration HD, four after 5 levels of Monk. An HD-advanced Rust Monster is much more frightening than one with Monk levels at any CR.

What if you advanced it by HD then gestalted it with a monk/monk-like character (LA+0race character's CR=lv according to MM)

2011-12-16, 10:47 PM
What if you advanced it by HD then gestalted it with a monk/monk-like character (LA+0race character's CR=lv according to MM)
Then you would get a horrible mess, because one side of the gestalt would have 4x the CR of the other.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 10:49 PM
How so? all you have to do is make sure the CRs line up, it doesnt even have to be straight monk.

2011-12-16, 10:52 PM
How so? all you have to do is make sure the CRs line up, it doesnt even have to be straight monk.
They won't ever line up.

Aberration 5//Monk 5 (CR3 on the left, CR5 on the right).
Aberration 9//Monk 9 (CR4 on the left, CR9 on the right).
Aberration 13//Monk 13 (CR5 on the left, CR13 on the right).

And so on. Unless you propose switching the sides every couple levels for some strange, unfathomable reason.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-16, 10:54 PM
I said CRs, not HD

2011-12-16, 10:58 PM
That's fantastic; gestalt works level by level, because it's a player-side variant.

2011-12-17, 12:27 AM
I enjoy using the Unholy Scion :smallsmile: Used it during my first Horror game and scared the ba-jesus out of my players :smallbiggrin: Its unfortunate that my party never really knew what was going on until the very last moment :smallamused:

I wanna use that Template again for a C'thulu game... no... I MUST!

The Template is rarely used because... well it can only really work once due to how memorable such a game can be if you create the proper atmosphere of sheer horror that can surround your party from going to a mundane surrounding to... well the house pretty much trying to murder you...

2011-12-17, 01:15 AM
Owlbears are iconic like the beholder and are used plenty.
Really? Never seen them actually used, and they are in the Stupid Monsters (http://www.headinjurytheater.com/article73.htm) list.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-17, 02:53 AM
That's fantastic; gestalt works level by level, because it's a player-side variant.
I basically just sort of looked at it and said CR of a monster is the equivalent of the ECL(lv+LA) of a character. basically it was a way to keep monster abilities relevant at higher levels. Just sort of think of the monster side as a monster class.

2011-12-17, 06:13 AM
OH GOD, mental image of rust monster PC, lvs in monk means you cannot outrun it,increased saves/evasion mean you cannot blast it, increased BAB means it always hits, it would destroy an unprepared party.

I see your rust monkster and raise you one advanced shadow rust monster.

Wait until it's night. Be invisible. Eat everything. Have 60' move speed. Have fast healing. Have Mirror Image.

Underused monsters...well, evil fatso things Nupperibos aren't used much. Granted, their blind, deaf, incredibly fat and stupid, but...hey, what's not to like about a monster that can get -3 initiative?

2011-12-17, 09:17 AM
Underused monsters...well, evil fatso things Nupperibos aren't used much. Granted, their blind, deaf, incredibly fat and stupid, but...hey, what's not to like about a monster that can get -3 initiative?

I see where you are going there but I was guess I should clarify....USEFUL monsters, not poor saps that will get destroyed by the PCs in one round:smallsmile:

motoko's ghost
2011-12-17, 09:18 AM
They are useful, they force them to waste a round and burn resources while you whip out your evil mcguffin of doom(patent pending)

2011-12-17, 09:34 AM
They are useful, they force them to waste a round and burn resources while you whip out your evil mcguffin of doom(patent pending)

You make a valid point...

And to keep up with my original request, my contribution is the Lurking Strangler because it's a low level fight but it hints at the possible Beholder to come since Beholders like to keep them as pets. It's a good way to keep your PC's on their toes

OH I also like the Mindshredder series of monsters because of the Wisdom damage they can deal. Plus there are 3 various levels (CR1, CR4 and CR8)of them so they can be used to populate an entire area of a dungeon.

Both the Lurking Strangler and the Mindshredder are in MM3

2011-12-17, 07:11 PM
Nupperibos do have some use; they gain more HD just for existing and eventually turn into Maleficarim. Just send one to a demiplane with a 1 second on Material=1 year on demiplane and pull it out a few months later to get your very own CR 33 quasi-deity. Heck, pull it out after an hour and you get a CR 15 devil.

2011-12-20, 10:49 AM
Gnolls and Grimlocks. Why do orcs and goblins get all the attention?

Flind Gnolls from MM3 are my go-to after level 1

For your geographic/themed areas, check out the monster pages of books like Sandstorm and Stormwracked. Most people only dig into those books for feats and PrCs, those monsters might be totally new to them.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-20, 03:11 PM
spirits of the land are amazing nature fey, like a genius loci
dolgrim from eberron
hmm. It seems I can only really think up the really good answers to this when I'm not actually doing it.:smallconfused:

2011-12-20, 10:40 PM
Vorpal Bunny.

2011-12-20, 10:46 PM
Bonemeal ooze...oh god...

2011-12-20, 11:01 PM
Bonemeal ooze...oh god...

Dun' like big oozes that eat your bones and spit the rest of you out?

Think of it in a positive sense, at least you get your dead friends loot to sell.

Also, in a campaign I'm in we just recently fought some Deathbringers and a Fiend Wyrm. Those are pretty sweet.

2011-12-21, 01:52 AM
Murderjacks (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040828a) are totally awesome, but since they come from a web article, most people probably don't know they exist.

It's basically Slenderman in the woods? Creepy.

I'll second flind gnolls, just because I like gnolls as my "evil minion of choice." I don't know why.

2011-12-21, 02:26 AM
How would you feel about a 3-headed fire breathing naga ninja wizard?
... with a moustache.

I think 3 moustaches are needed to provide a proper challenge to the party.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-21, 09:39 AM
I think 3 moustaches are needed to provide a proper challenge to the party.

Nah you see, because it got the moustache ability from 3 different sorces it traded out 2 of them with some ACFs for a more optimised build:smallamused:

EDIT: also woodlings from MM3?:smallconfused: very nice,fun,flavourful template

2011-12-23, 11:02 AM
Sorry for the late reply on this but I have a strange work schedule so I can only be on at certain times.

Thanks for your input everyone...you have given me alot to work with. Unless anyone else has more ideas for fun, mostly unused creatures. :smallwink: Or even your favorites. The more ideas I get, the more interesting I can make this campaign for the players.

2011-12-23, 11:51 AM
I would suggest undead from LM, or using the Evolved Undead template to turn a squirrel into a Lich of death Fine, of undeath

So you just say that a druid got bored and awakened an entire forest. The squirrel took levels in Cleric, than became a lich(better yet, make it a dry lich) and spent the next 1000s of years making parties afraid of cute animals.

I think the most ammusing thing would be to take normal monsters, and template them with obscure templates. Have an entire forest of Titanic Animals (http://pokemonepisode.org/episode-17-island-of-the-giant-pokemon/)

2011-12-23, 12:42 PM
I would suggest undead from LM, or using the Evolved Undead template to turn a squirrel into a Lich of death Fine, of undeath

So you just say that a druid got bored and awakened an entire forest. The squirrel took levels in Cleric, than became a lich(better yet, make it a dry lich) and spent the next 1000s of years making parties afraid of cute animals.

I think the most ammusing thing would be to take normal monsters, and template them with obscure templates. Have an entire forest of Titanic Animals (http://pokemonepisode.org/episode-17-island-of-the-giant-pokemon/)

You know what, the Titanic animals is a good idea, there are a few islands floating around the continent that I can do that with. It would surely be a new experience for the PCs.

The awakened forest could be good, I already have a Druid NPC hidden in one of the forest areas that they might/might not find but that could fit nicely there if they do find her. I have a desert area so I would have to have the Dry Lich there for obvious reasons. But having it be a squirrel is just.....spectacularly funny and I must do it.

2011-12-23, 02:37 PM
An Aztec style civilization populated by flumphs.

Evil flumphs.

That talk in incredibly high-pitched voices.

First the players laugh. Then the screaming starts.

2011-12-23, 09:18 PM
I like the greenspawn razorfiends from mm4. Against certain parties, these can be really dangerous: hit and run tactics, great jump against flying pc, augmented critical (2d6+6, 18-20x3, if i recall right). Seem to be easy as long as they do not hit. Surprisingly hard to run from.

2011-12-24, 01:02 AM
Chokers are greatly unappreciated. Hope someone in your party is great at grappling or you're all dead.

2011-12-24, 01:28 AM
Chokers are greatly unappreciated. Hope someone in your party is great at grappling or you're all dead.

And that is why they are under appreciated...

2011-12-24, 02:01 AM
When was the last time someone encountered a mimic? if you wanted a degree of silliness, use an advanced Mimic as an in-dungeon merchant that keeps its wares inside of it.

2011-12-24, 02:12 AM
When was the last time someone encountered a mimic? if you wanted a degree of silliness, use an advanced Mimic as an in-dungeon merchant that keeps its wares inside of it.

I watched the rest of the party kill a mimic a few weeks ago.