View Full Version : Favorite Targeted Area of Effect spells?

2011-12-17, 12:49 AM
So, guys what are your favorite sorc/wiz area of effect spells?

2011-12-17, 01:11 AM
Just one to get you started, I think this one is underappreciated, probably because of the school.

Frost Breath -- SpC, Evocation2, Damage and save or stun

2011-12-17, 01:11 AM
Dispel Magic!

2011-12-17, 01:14 AM
Er... favourite AoE, or favourite targetted AoE? There's not exactly many that have both a target and an AoE at the same time. Grease and Dispel Magic work either way separately, but that's a little different...

2011-12-17, 01:22 AM
Just one to get you started, I think this one is underappreciated, probably because of the school.

Frost Breath -- SpC, Evocation2, Damage and save or stun


Er... favourite AoE, or favourite targetted AoE? There's not exactly many that have both a target and an AoE at the same time. Grease and Dispel Magic work either way separately, but that's a little different...

Only has to affect an area!

2011-12-17, 01:30 AM
Never really use AoE spells since I either have a bunch of undead fighting along side me or I'm in a party where they can all do most of the work for me without me wasting spell slots But I'd have to say Prismatic Spray for the sheer randomness of it all :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-17, 01:33 AM
In that case...

Explosive Forceful Great Thunderclap! Make ALL the saves (http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/gallery/x-all-the-things/x-all-the-things-template.jpg)!

2011-12-17, 01:41 AM
In that case...

Explosive Forceful Great Thunderclap! Make ALL the saves (http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/gallery/x-all-the-things/x-all-the-things-template.jpg)!

Holy crap that's awesome.

2011-12-17, 01:45 AM
In that vein, Explosive Shadow Landscape.

Shadow Landscape has an area of 1 mile radius spread. It requires a reflex save if you pick certain of the options. Explosive shunts everything that fails a save to the nearest edge of the area dealing 1d6 damage per 10' moved.

It's like the Locate City Bomb, except, you know, it works.

2011-12-17, 01:49 AM
Holy crap that's awesome.
It's a great openning gambit for a BBEG. Really gets the players into it - it's all minor debuffs, but still feels overwhelming and terrifying, and then the players feel awesome for surviving and winning. Effective DMing is all about bringing the players into it, and having them roll six saving throws in a singe round is an awesome way to do that.

2011-12-17, 02:03 AM
Frost Breath -- SpC, Evocation2, Damage and save or stun
Actually it's save or be dazed for a round. Still a decent 2nd level spell! :smallsmile:

My favorite AoE is Mage's Disjunction (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesDisjunction.htm). So powerful that many groups have a treaty that neither PC's nor the DM will use it. Vow of Poverty gives you less goodies than standard Wealth By Level, however in an environment where Disjunction actually gets used, it's a much better choice. :smalltongue:

2011-12-17, 02:06 AM
Sorry, I meant daze -- it is more immunity friendly -- you can daze a zombie.

2011-12-17, 02:13 AM
Actually it's save or be dazed for a round. Still a decent 2nd level spell! :smallsmile:

My favorite AoE is Mage's Disjunction (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesDisjunction.htm). So powerful that many groups have a treaty that neither PC's nor the DM will use it. Vow of Poverty gives you less goodies than standard Wealth By Level, however in an environment where Disjunction actually gets used, it's a much better choice. :smalltongue:
Disclaimer: It's only a better choice if your Will save isn't that good.

A level 16 cleric has a Base Will Save of +10. Add in a 28 stat (bare minimum of 18 wisdom, level boosts in wisdom, and a +6 wisdom item), and a +5 save item (reasonably priced at this level), and you're very easily looking at a +24 will save.

Assuming a 28 intelligence wizard, casting disjunction, you have a DC 28 save. That equates to items having an 85% chance of surviving.

By the same token, a level 16 Fighter? +5 base Will, likely a +2 to wisdom, and a +5 item? Save is +12, which means he'll lose 80% of his items. Assuming Steadfast Determination, and a +9 Constitution modifier, he'll still lose 40% of his items.

This is assuming roughly equal upper bounds on stats, and no spell focus abjuration or iron will.