View Full Version : [PF] Paladin Assistance

2011-12-17, 02:52 AM
Hi there, I know Paladins aren't the best of classes, but I felt like playing one (DM wanted core stuff and I figured why not?)

First off This might be pure Pathfinder. Please help under the assumption 3.5 isn't allowed. I did ask the DM, but am awaiting a reply on if it is pure Pathfinder or if 3.5 is allowed. If 3.5 is allowed I know quite a few handbooks and some useful Paladin things.

However, my knowledge on Pathfinder stuff is a bit limited. As such, I ask the playground to help me make a rather meh class, able to stand its own.

Currently the party is a rogue and a barbarian.

Luckily I see wisdom is no longer needed for Pathfinder Paladin so my really crappy rolls aren't AS bad. (I swear dice roller on the site its hosted on hates me).

Str: 15
Dex: 13
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 10
Cha: 17

(I can switch these if needed)

Backstory wise I'm still a Squire. I'm going Paladin as a Knight type. I've not picked any archtypes or traits yet. I'm human (thus the 17...yes my highest roll was a 15...)

Anyways, starting at level 1 I believe, but I like to plan ahead. So what are some good feats, archtypes, traits, and prestige classes for the PATHFINDER paladin.

Thanks for the help (I looked for handbooks but most were 3.5 so while I noted some things, others were rather meh since I might not be able to use things)

2011-12-17, 04:47 AM
Ouuuuh fresh meat :3

just kidding, you should give your strenght the bonus not charisma.

This happens to be a question about what do you want to play as fighting style?

Charger? A charger build is better of being a Halfling/Gnome.
You take the normal charger feats (Power attack, spiritful charge) and a lance.

Shield and Sword.
Swords are crunchwise the 18/x2 better than others.
Shields can be your offhand weapon (twfing) but is hard to pull of with your dexterity.

THFing is most supported and in my opinion the best.
Weapons you should look at are Scythe (then you need a crit fisher, a character with the Butterfly sting feat), Nodachi and Falchion or any other at least x3 weapon or 18/x2 weapon.

Just take a bow and be awesome. (still consider changing dex and con and take the +2 racial on dex).

Power attack /Deadly Eye (for melee/for ranged)
Precision Shot(Archery)
Extra LoH is hardly ever wrong
Shield Bash (for sword and board)
Shield Master (the time a sword and board becomes viable)
Channel Smite (can be good)
Lunge (melee)

Hope this helps you.

2011-12-17, 04:57 AM
Well due to campaign setting race will be staying human. As for the reason for charisma I figured it'd be more useful since it controls spells, lay on hands, smite, and some party skills, but strength is a possible swap. I was leaning towards two handed weapons and/or mounts (knight and what not) but wasnt sure if it worked as well in pathfinder (pure) as it does in 3.5.

On a side note DM said he prefers pure pathfinder but MIGHT make some exceptions depending on what.

2011-12-17, 05:36 AM
All can be found here: www.d20pfsrd.com

Nodachi is in Ultimate Combat. If you want to team-play with the rogue or the barbarian, mention of them take butterfly sting or even take it for yourself and give it the barbarian with the greataxe. (you getting the crits would be mor effective).

2011-12-17, 07:58 AM
For pathfinder paladins, I suggest that you don't focus so much on your spellcasting and instead focus on your mercies. They can be very useful, and you need to make a decision early whether you want to eventually take Ultimate Mercy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/ultimate-mercy) or not, because if you do, you'll need to take Greater Mercy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/greater-mercy) at some point and aim for charisma 19 by about 12th level. With your current stat spread, that gives you only 1 stat boost to spare, which you can drop into strength for a bit of a bump.

If you're not going for Ultimate Mercy, you would probably do well to put your +2 on strength instead. The difference for smiting is minimal, you'll be trading +1 AC for +1 damage basically. As for spellcasting, again you cast so few spells, and almost never cast something with a save, that the extra charisma won't really matter. When you're not smiting, you're mostly trading +1 saves for +1 atk/dmg. So mostly it balances out.

As for 3.5 material, if your DM allows you to import stuff, you should take a look the Battle Blessing feat. Its really a big boon for paladins. Besides that, you should look at feats that let you expend turn undeads for combat benefits, but keep in mind that you don't have many of them.

On a personal note, I'm currently playing a pathfinder paladin-themed character. I went for multiclass paladin 2/ oracle 3/PrCs x. That way I get a bit of paladin flavor from the 2 level dip, and proper divine spell casting from oracle, while maintaining mostly full bab, d10 hd, and better than paladin casting by picking PrCs like Holy Vindicator or Inheritor's Crusader.

2011-12-17, 01:20 PM
I don't know where you getting that Paladins are not one of the greatest classes. CHA is added to saves, awesome spells, enchant your own weapons. Then you can smite the crap out of things.

I'm on a sword and board kick right now, so that would be my suggestion. However I would take a Bastard Sword as my primary weapon. That way you can be more flexible. When the situation calls for more damage you can wield it two handed. If you need to tank, use your shield. I believe you can eventually take two-weapon fighting (with a stat boost to Dex) and shield bash as well. Plenty of options. Most likely nothing perfect, and I know a ton of the people posting here are now screaming at me but I prefer versatility over pure power.

Far as the STR vs CHA. With a higher CHA you get a bonus 2nd level spell, that you can use to cast Bull's STR. Giving you a 19 STR when necessary. And the higher the CHA the harder it is for baddies to resist your spells. So I might consider keeping your stats where they are. Cause their are some spells in the APG that force baddies to fight you, or take damage if they fail their save. They are pretty kool.

Favorite Feats for Palidians are:
Power Attack
Cleave (It is a lot better than 3.5)
Improved Shield Bash
Two-Weapon Fighting
Channel Smite (Ya know cause more damage is never a bad thing)