View Full Version : Horror THemed 3.5E

2011-12-17, 02:04 PM
So I'm doing a reduced group(couple people out of state) for this week(I'm the DM) so I had everyone roll up 5th level characters(no holds barred). I decided I'm going to do a horror themed two shot game session. I'm going to be using the TOme of horrors to flesh it out with monsters and if I need I can use my imagination to create a backstory for it but...

I was just wondering: Is there a module out there for 3.5horror that I could just modify as needed to my party?

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-17, 02:23 PM
Tomb of Horrors?

Bastian Weaver
2011-12-17, 02:28 PM
Heroes of Horror sounds like it could be useful.