View Full Version : +10 Bonus; Epic or not.

2011-12-17, 08:02 PM
My group that I play in have come to the conclusion that any weapon that has over a +5 bonus, enhancement or abilities, is considered epic.

I always though that if it was under 200k gold, it was not epic.

So, question simply is, who's right?

2011-12-17, 08:04 PM
I believe that +6 or higher enhancement bonus on a weapon makes it bypass DR/Epic. That's probably what they're talking about.

2011-12-17, 08:05 PM
Only epic weapons can have a native enhancement bonus of +6 or higher. However, a weapon can have up to +10 in the total of native enhancement bonus and abilities before being considered epic.

2011-12-17, 08:08 PM
Epic Weapon Base Price (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/weapons.htm)

To find the base price of an epic magic weapon, roll on Table: Weapons. Note that the +6 to +10 rows apply only to weapons that provide an enhancement bonus of +6 to +10 or weapons with a single special ability whose market price modifier is +6 to +10. Magic weapons with a total effective bonus of +6 to +10 but that have an enhancement bonus of +5 or less and special abilities whose individual market price modifiers are +5 or less use the table for nonepic magic weapons to determine price.

2011-12-17, 08:14 PM
Well, as dumb as I think it is. The DM has changed wish in that you can't wish for a magic item. You can only give an item bonuses. I said if I gave it +5 enhancement and vorpal, it is not epic. Then other people argued that anything over a +5 total is epic. So according to them, I could not wish for the +5 vorpal longsword. I could choose one or the other or a combination of I.e. +2 speed longsword since it only totaled 5.

Also, they ruled that you only need the 10k gem for wish, no XP cost... Yea, and they say I'm the dumb one..

2011-12-17, 08:17 PM
A weapon is 'epic' if it fits any of the following:

-It's actual enhancement bonus is +6 or greater
-It has a special ability with a +6 tag or greater.
-Its total(actual + special ability) is +11 or greater.

Thus, a +5 Vorpal weapon is *NOT* epic, cause it does not fulfill any of those requirements.

2011-12-17, 08:27 PM
Magic weapons with a total effective bonus of +6 to +10 but that have an enhancement bonus of +5 or less and special abilities whose individual market price modifiers are +5 or less use the table for nonepic magic weapons to determine price. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/weapons.htm#epicWeaponBasePrice)

For a +10 or less weapon to be epic, either the enhancement bonus by itself must be +6 or more, or it must have a special ability that has a cost - just for that single ability - of +6 or more. If neither of these criteria are satisfied, a weapon isn't epic until the total hits +11.

2011-12-17, 08:42 PM
Well, as dumb as I think it is. The DM has changed wish in that you can't wish for a magic item. You can only give an item bonuses. I said if I gave it +5 enhancement and vorpal, it is not epic. Then other people argued that anything over a +5 total is epic. So according to them, I could not wish for the +5 vorpal longsword. I could choose one or the other or a combination of I.e. +2 speed longsword since it only totaled 5.

Also, they ruled that you only need the 10k gem for wish, no XP cost... Yea, and they say I'm the dumb one..

Well ... they're wrong. Wildly, ridiculously inaccurately wrong. I've never, ever heard that interpretation before, and there are a lot of wrong people in the world — that's how wrong they are.

And unless they actually want to houserule this, which they shouldn't because it throws off item balance*, you can cite actual rules at them.

*Disclaimer: Item balance may or may not be a myth, but weakening items available certainly won't help things for the characters who need the help most.

2011-12-17, 08:44 PM
My group that I play in have come to the conclusion that any weapon that has over a +5 bonus, enhancement or abilities, is considered epic.

I always though that if it was under 200k gold, it was not epic.

So, question simply is, who's right?

If a weapon is made with a +6 enhancement bonus, it requires the craft feat for epic weapons. In accordance with epic gear, the cost of the item is multiplied by 10. That would make such an enhancement 720,000gp.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-17, 10:25 PM
Well, as dumb as I think it is. The DM has changed wish in that you can't wish for a magic item. You can only give an item bonuses. I said if I gave it +5 enhancement and vorpal, it is not epic. Then other people argued that anything over a +5 total is epic. So according to them, I could not wish for the +5 vorpal longsword. I could choose one or the other or a combination of I.e. +2 speed longsword since it only totaled 5.

Also, they ruled that you only need the 10k gem for wish, no XP cost... Yea, and they say I'm the dumb one..

Actually you cant wish for a +5 vorpal sword, wish has a 25k gp limit,even if you do it sequentially with multiple wishes upgrading it it still wouldn't get above +6 total

2011-12-17, 10:29 PM
Actually you cant wish for a +5 vorpal sword, wish has a 25k gp limit,even if you do it sequentially with multiple wishes upgrading it it still wouldn't get above +6 total
That limit is only for mundane items. When Wishing for magic items, the only limit is how much XP you're willing (and able) to spend.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-17, 10:35 PM
That limit is only for mundane items. When Wishing for magic items, the only limit is how much XP you're willing (and able) to spend.

Could a character wish for something epic,like an Iron collosus?
Could a character spend enough xp to send them back a level?
If he was develed by xp drain all the way to xp0 would he die, his life force used to imbue the mighty artifact he had created? (maybe thats how minor artifacts are made?,hmmmm)