View Full Version : Spell that grants a ranged attack?

2011-12-18, 01:50 AM
Hey all. I'm looking for an Arcane or Divine spell that grants a ranged attack of some kind. Not a ranged attack spell, but one that (similar to Dragon's Breath) grants an attack useable for the spell duration.
This is so that I can persist it and have my flying Familiar so they don't need to get into melee range to fight :)

2011-12-18, 01:52 AM
Cloud of Knives. PHBII Cleric2, Sor/Wiz2, Personal Range, Make an attack every round as a free action.

2011-12-18, 01:56 AM
The spiritual weapon spell (Core, Cleric 2, War 2) is a decent Medium-range spell, though from the sound of your OP, you are an arcane caster. Still, if you plan to Persist it, you only need one casting per day, so you could take Arcane Disciple (War), which would also net you divine power, so have fun with that...

2011-12-18, 03:01 AM
Investiture of the Spined Devil (FC2) is a level 2 spell that gives you 15 shots, usable as a standard action (up to 3 per action).

2011-12-18, 06:04 AM
It's a druid spell, but there's always produce flame.
Blood wind would let it use its natural weapons at range, and if they're no good you could always use something to enhance them.

2011-12-18, 06:14 AM
+1 throwing returning necklace of natural weapons? XD

2011-12-18, 06:26 AM
Stormrage (SpC), lord of the sky (Dragon Magic), holy star (SpC), and lightning ring (SpC) are all possibilities.

I'd encourage you to look at dragon breath more, though. Metamagic it up, then add and persist breath weapon admixtures, and enervating breath too (also in SpC). Take snowcasting to add the cold descriptor to dragon breath, choose a fire breath weapon (it will still have the cold descriptor) then add empower, maximize, widen (technically illegal, like jaywalking), transdimensional, energy admixture (add fire damage), energy substitution (change descriptor to fire for searing spell), and searing spell to it. As much as your DM will let you, basically, but that right there is 160+10d8 searing fire damage, that affects ethereal, incorporeal, rope trick, etc. creatures normally. Then cast and persist breath weapon admixture (SpC) and use energy substitution to change it to fire damage, bringing you up to 320+20d8 searing fire damage. Optionally, add more admixtures and enervating breath (SpC). Blinding breath, breath flare, rebuking breath, dispelling breath, and stunning breath (greater preferably), are other additions you might consider, if you really want to make your breath incredible.

Spring for a maximize rod to use on enervating breath and greater stunning breath, just for good measure. 8 turns of stunned and/or 8 negative levels is pretty damning. Especially if you threw on breath flare causing them to be permanently blinded. If they survived the 400~ searing fire damage, that is. 30' cones are pretty big, if you and your familiar use them on the same turn, that's a pretty good swath of destruction.

2011-12-18, 06:57 AM
Also, at low levels, there's Chill Touch, which, by the printed description, allows use 1 time per spell level.