View Full Version : Shape shifting druid

2011-12-18, 11:21 AM
Hello again, it is I teh annoying one! :D
Anyways, I'm joining an other campaign soon (pbp is so slow after all ;3) and I'm making a druid with the shape shifter variant, and I'm building the character's abilities around the shape-shifting class feature.
Since I might not be around when the RP starts I don't know what level the PC will be starting at

My GM says shape shifting can be used to qualify for feats/classes that need wild shape to work with one exception: because shape shift has unlimited uses at level 1, and wildshap never achieves this even at level 20, feats and class features that call for 'a use of wild shape' are a no go, such as the 'Grizzly's Claws' feat that would have been perfect (getting two claws attacks at level one in addition to the bit attack would have been handy) as it stands the feats I'm looking at are the Aberrant and Abyssal heritage feats, the former because it adds natural AC and a set of natural attack in addition to other goodies(unless I can refluff the deepspawn feat though, not gonna pick that one up, regardless to how great it is for the character combat wise) and abyssal feats because it enhances natural attack damage, AC, and also gives other goodies.
Can any of you think of any feats that can help this character's shapshifted forms out? :3

As for PR Classes, I'm thinking of Warshaper and Nature's Warrior, in that order, but I'll only be taking the first 4 levels of Warshaper; the final, 5th, level is entirely dead for my character: lets him shapeshift as a move action, he dos it as a swift action at level one >_<
Can any of you think of another wild shape focused PR class that dos not require to burn uses of wild shape?
[I'll note I've seen the geomancer class and liked it, but it's requirements and magic focus are turn offs :(]

as far as I'm censored, the druid's spell casting ability is fodder; if you know of a away to trade the spell power off for more shape shifting power, It would be lovely :3

2011-12-18, 10:35 PM
If your DM allows you to take Monster Manual feats, you can increase the damage die of specific types of attacks through feats, improve flying capabilities, etcetera.

2011-12-19, 03:21 AM
Annoyingly, that's a no go >_<
he ruled that in order to qualify for a feat, he basically has to be able to qualify for it in human form; I'll be having a word with him latter, but I have usable feats for a while so I'm not too worried about them.
I'll check with him again though.