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View Full Version : help and advice with a pathfinder summoner

2011-12-18, 09:24 PM
Hey everyone,
First off thanks for any input and help you give me on this . I am making my first RPG character to play with my BF in a game that he plays in . I chose the summoner because It seemed interesting after reading most of the online forums i found on it . I am by no means an expert and have been told its a hard class to play but i feel confident i can do it justice with some help .
My DM has allowed me to alter a few things ... I am a Master Summoner Archtype but have the fey flavor and can only use summon nature spells like the first worlder is . Sort of a combination of both . I am planning to make my eidelon a skill junky mainly so I dont need them as much .
My thought is to have my eidelon as my skill checker and also use it in combat to use wands to aid the fight . I plan to use summon natures ally for my main dmg done per encounter and my buffs to aid the rest of the party as well .
My stats based off of a 20 point buy ..

my character feats are enhanced summons and augment summoning for free as we are starting at second level .

EIDELON stats : I took the small size quadriped so it gets +1 to ac and attack rolls,-1 to cmb and cmd checks, + bonus on fly checks and + 4 to stealth

Str 10 dex 16 con 11 int 7 wis 7 chr 11

my eidelons feats are skill focus acrobatics with a plan to take skill focus umd next then skill focus stealth , then skill focus fly as i progress

eidelon evolustions scent , skilled acrobatics, skilled UMD ,skilled perception , plan to take skilled stealth next then skilled survival , then skilled fly . after of coarse i get wings at level 5 .

skills :knowledge planes +3 (2 ranks, 3 class skill , -2 stat)
survival + 3 (2 ranks , 3 class skill , -2 stat ),
UMD +13 ( 2 skill ranks , 3 class skill , 0 stat, 8 eidelon evolution ),
perception +11 (2 ranks , 3 class skill , -2 stat , 8 eidelon evolution )
stealth +11 ( 2 ranks , 3 class skill , 4 small , 3 stat , ) ,
fly +8 ( 2 ranks , 3 class skill , 3 stat ),
acrobatics +22 ( 2 ranks, 3 class skill , 3 stat , 6 skill focus , 8 eidelon evolutiion ) ,
sense motive +3 ( 2 ranks , 3 class skill , -2 stat )

character backround .. traits elven relfexes and sacred touch as it is a nice flair with my fey overall theme .

Ariel was born into a small village on the far outskirt of a large pfifedom . She was a happy child even though she never knew or remembers her mother . ((her mother was a fey nymph who fell in love with Ariel's father then in a few years as they do moved on )) . Ariel was working hard bringing the field workers water to relieve their thirst one evening when their small village was raided by 4 orcs .. She ran as the orcs started slaughtering many of the townsfolk . She was being chased by an orc and just as he was about to catch her when her body stiffened as her long dark raven hair flowed outward from her body as if caught by a stiff breeze . Suddenly a few creatures like large beetles their carapace almost on fire it seemed , appeared as she watched them maul the lone orc chasing her . A small white fox like creature tugged on her tunic drawing her away and into a safe hiding place where it stayed with her till all again wascalm . .. this was her first meeting with what is now her most trusted friend, dare i say her closest family .

I would like to get as many opinions as i can on how to better the build or how to make it better moving forward .. Thanks everyone .. Ariel .. .