View Full Version : Unicorn Envy

2011-12-19, 05:44 PM
I enjoy playing atypical classes, even if they aren't always the best. Looking for things I might enjoy, Healer caught my eye. I'm sure I'll get to try playing it one day, but for some unusual reason, that free unicorn at 8th level has stuck in my mind. Since there are several ways to do a Healer's job better than a Healer can, surely there's a way to get a Unicorn sooner than a Healer can!

The best lead I have so far was a mention by a fellow in my gaming group about Elven Paladins being able to get a Unicorn as their mount at 5th level, but I have no cited source for that so I have been unable to confirm it. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? What's the earliest I can get my hands on one of those weird, spiral-horned equines?

Morph Bark
2011-12-19, 05:49 PM
It's a racial substitution level (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7908).

2011-12-19, 11:40 PM
There's a spell to get the service of a Unicorn or two for a year in the Book of Exalted Deeds, IIRC.

2011-12-19, 11:48 PM
There's a spell to get the service of a Unicorn or two for a year in the Book of Exalted Deeds, IIRC.

Valiant Steed, a 6th level Sanctified spell, meaning that any prepared caster (well, technically any non-evil prepped caster) can learn it. Gives you 1d3 points of STR drain, but you can deal with that, right?

Fun fact: A scroll of Valiant Steed costs a mere 1,650 gp. A scroll of Restoration costs 800 gp. 2,450 gp for a unicorn doesn't seem like a bad deal to me. It's slightly trickier if you can't cast from scrolls, but there are ways around that if you try hard enough.

2011-12-19, 11:57 PM
Can the spell be cast on someone else? (Ie can you saddle someone else with a unicorn for a year or something like that?) It might be a great idea for an awkward prank.

2011-12-20, 12:46 AM
Nope. It explicitly serves the caster, and it explicitly won't "undertake a quest or otherwise take on complex burdens beyond the supervision of the caster."

2011-12-20, 01:29 AM
Exalted Companion feat - BoED - can be taken at 6th level, acquire Unicorn at 7th (effective Druid level -6)

Beloved of Valarian prestige class - BoED - can be taken at 8th level, acquire Unicorn at 1st level of prestige class

Unicorn special mount - DotF (3.0) - according to the chart on page 13 a 6th level Paladin (female human or elf) can acquire a Unicorn for a mount.

2011-12-20, 06:13 AM

Also, summon nature's ally IV has unicorn as an option, so from level 7 druids or animal domain clerics can pump out multiples per day. (It's also a ranger 4 spell not that it matters).

Give your level 1 ranger a spell trigger item (e.g. wand) with it on and he can go wild and crazy.

2011-12-20, 06:43 AM
2,450 gp for a year isnt much at all (unless your dm has like one adventure an in game year)

and you could roleplay it as some ritual you use with the unicorn (over?)lords. that merely costs 2450 Gp as reagents.

Though there are other easier ways to get a unicorn.

Either way, i think it should be roleplayed as some sort of bond like the unicorn prestige class. A unicorn is a very intelligent, powerful, very GOOD creature.

There should be some reason its attached itself to you.

2011-12-20, 12:31 PM
A unicorn is a very intelligent, powerful, very GOOD creature.

There should be some reason its attached itself to you.About that...

Challenge Rating: 3It's actually weaker than a mundane bear. :smalltongue:

2011-12-20, 03:48 PM
This might not be useful, but since I've been looking at Weapons of Legacy lately, I thought I'd mention that one of the abilities they can possess is "Constant Companion" which might possibly let you have a permanent unicorn.

2011-12-20, 04:20 PM
and you could roleplay it as some ritual you use with the unicorn (over?)lords. that merely costs 2450 Gp as reagents.

Unicorn lords? They're racist, sexist chumps. :smallconfused: