View Full Version : King of Thieves IC Thread

2011-12-19, 06:54 PM
You have lived your lives in excess, and the time has come to pay the piper. You have been "summoned" by Aladian Ariaban, the so-called King of Thieves in Regus, the capital of the Castillan Empire. He has inherited your debt, and has called it in. Now you face the choice...pay with your life, coin you don't have, or service to the King of Thieves.

He has a simple task for you, recover a gold statue from the Arcanist's Museum in the noble's district. He stole the statue as a youth, only to have an incompetent underling loose it a year ago. It has made its way back into the city, and is in the hands of the Mage's Guild, and their Arcanist's Museum.

"I give you a choice." He says from his golden throne, hidden, deep in the bowels of the city. "You work for me until I deem your debt is repaid, or I gut you here for fun."

2011-12-20, 12:49 AM
Theo the Striken

Theo's eyes light up at the mention of the Arcanist's Museum. He had expected to be called in here for punishment, but now he was being offered his wildest dreams on a platter! He licked his lips - an almost obscene gesture on a mouth wider than most people's heads - and nodded vigorously. "I thank you deeply for this opportunity to, uh, redeem myself! Please, let me know everything so that I can, uh, return your statue to you as swiftly and safely as possible!"

2011-12-20, 06:43 PM
Shou Tiombe

Shou, quivering and cowering before him and only making eye contact when she's pretty sure it would be rude not to, breathlessly whispers,

"O-okay! I'll d-do what you ask! Just point me in the right direction and I'm sure I can get you anything you need just please don't hurt me I promise I'll do my best and I'm really good in the dark so it should be no problem for me I swear and--and--and-- *Squeeeeeak!* *cringe*"

Those observing her likely find her shy, skittish behaviour rather odd for a Drow. Then again, they'd first found her disguised as a Wood Elf, of all things, so she was a bit weird from the start. Of course, when she was first found, she gave the usual protestations that she wasn't the person they were looking for, and that "Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but I was just thinking that maybe you might have made a tiny mistake of identity. I don't really know what debts you're talking about at all. I just live in the woods and don't really participate much in commerce or trade except when I have resources to barter. B-but!!--m-maybe I just accidentally got into debt without really realizing it. I'm not trying to be a bother, really! I'm sorry . . . ."

2011-12-20, 06:46 PM
Rosie looks moderately bored and ever so slightly put out by this whole situation, but the arm she has kept around Dinah's (her dinosaur) neck betrays her nervousness at being here at all. "I don't really see how this 'choice' is much of a choice at all. However, since I'm not particularly fond of self-gutting, I suppose you've got yourself an employee"

Dinah seems to nod her head in agreement, jostling Rosie a bit in her effort.

2011-12-20, 06:50 PM
"I make no mistakes, drow." He says, turning to Shou. "The statue is in the main gallery at the Arcanists museum. Very hard to miss. If you think about running my men will find you, and kill you. They've found you once already." With a nod to his guards, you are forcibly shown out, and thrown onto the streets of Regus. It is still early morning, and you are probably only about five minutes walk from the museum.

2011-12-20, 07:33 PM
Theo the Striken

"Well, I suppose there's nothing for it then!" Theo's voice is far more cheerful than it should be, given the circumstances. He almost seems to relish the job ahead of them - but no, that would be silly. "Oh, and before I forget my manners completely, I'm Theo." He extends his hand towards Rosie and Shou.

2011-12-20, 09:24 PM
Shou Tiombe

Shou flinches away from Theo's hand at first, then regards it warily before tentatively reaching for it, though she pauses about halfway with her fingers extended.

"Um. I-I'm . . . Shou Tiombe."

2011-12-20, 11:43 PM
Theo the Striken

Theo shakes her hand gingerly. "A pleasure I'm sure, despite the circumstances." He turns to the halfling and the dinosaur expectantly.

2011-12-21, 06:40 PM
Raises an eyebrow at Theo, seemingly sizing him up. "Rosie" She says drily, casually extending her hand towards him.

Dinah nudges her rather forcefully on the shoulder.

"And this is Dinah" Rosie finishes, almost as an afterthought.

Dinah preens proudly.

2011-12-21, 07:08 PM
Theo the Striken

Theo shakes Rosie's hand warmly, and bows to Rosie. It was always hard to tell what humanoids considered a "pet" and what they considered a "person", but Rosie seemed intelligent if mute, and if life in the Rolling Chaos of Limbo had taught Theo anything, it was not to make assumptions - especially about what was or was not a person. "Charmed, I'm sure. Well, now that we're one big happy family, shall we head off to this fabled museum of arcana?" He grins again, clearly relishing the thought.

2011-12-22, 05:50 PM
"Okay," says Shou, rather reluctantly. "I just need to get Angel back. He should be hitched up outside, unless something's happened to him . . . ." She looks worried, and heads outside.

2011-12-22, 06:32 PM
"Angel is... your horse?" But Shou is already gone around the corner out of earshot. He shrugs and contents himself to getting his scrolls in order inside his Handy Haversack, making sure there's nothing missing, and setting his Everburning Ioun Stone to spinning around his head. "Ah, light! That's better."

2011-12-23, 08:33 AM
Rosie blinks in surprise at the light. "What the heck?"

2011-12-23, 08:37 AM
Theo blinks his second (of three) pairs of eyelids. "What, don't you have one? They're endlessly useful! See, you take a dusty grey Ioun stone - that's one of the burnt out ones you know, no magic left except spinning your head - then you get a continual flame cast on it, just like for an everburning torch. Voila! Hand's free light source!" Theo grins like a kid explaining his favorite toy's latest features. He seems to honestly expect Rosie to share his enthusiasm.

2011-12-23, 08:39 AM
Rosie blinks again. "...That's actually a very clever idea...I wonder why no one's thought of it before."

2011-12-23, 08:51 AM
Thus encouraged, Theo rambles off. "Oh, but they have! Why, there's all sorts of people who play with different magical items, trying to find new and better ways to get magic done. Why, right here in my pack I have a scroll to make you faster - normally that'd run you a tidy sum, three hundred gold at least even if you knew the right fellow who could get you a discount - but I got mine for a mere twenty five! See, most magic has all these extra bits on it, like those fancy dresses noblewomen wear with like twenty layers and jewels and buttons and frills and lace. But if you can make it from scratch, and all you need is something to keep the cold out, well!

"Of course", he pauses for a moment, "I'm not quite on that level myself yet. My own line of work is more on moving spells around, catching them and juggling them and flipping them inside out. Very different talent than building them from the ground up, I assure you, and I have the greatest of respect for those that do that! They give me the greatest toys to play with, you know..."

2011-12-23, 08:56 AM
Rosie's eyes glaze over sometime in the middle of that explanation. "That's...nice? Hey, Shou's been gone a long time. Maybe we should go find her."

2011-12-23, 04:11 PM
Shou finds her horse tethered at a nearby inn, umharmed.

2011-12-23, 09:55 PM
"Oh, Angel, I'm so glad you're all right. It looks like we have a job to do . . . come on, let's go meet up with our team." Shou gets up onto Angel and rides him back to Theo and Rosie. "Angel's just fine, thank goodness. I'm ready to go when you are."

2011-12-23, 10:21 PM
Theo's eyes go wide as Angel is brought into view. A unicorn! Such a delicious, infinite font of energy! So beautiful, and the magic radiated off of her like light from the sun. The things he could do with access to that sort of power... Theo salivated unconsciously. "Angel, was it? It's an honour meeting you, really it is." Theo bows deeply.

2011-12-23, 10:28 PM
Angel snorts and steps backward slightly, looking wary, but inclines his head in greeting all the same. Shou smiles sweetly, oblivious to Theo's salivating. "Looks like someone's made a new friend!" she coos as she strokes Angel's mane.

"Yes . . . " says Angel "A friend . . . . "

2011-12-23, 10:34 PM
"So, before we head out on this little adventure....is anyone at all concerned about the moral implication of robbing a museum? I mean, this isn't like slaying a dragon that's been terrorizing villagers, or raiding an abandoned temple or something like that. This is a museum, people work there, people that can get hurt while we try to rob them." Rosie looks a bit uncomfortable with this prospect.

2011-12-23, 10:54 PM
Theo has trouble taking his gaze off Angel. A unicorn's magic was effectively infinite from his perspective - Theo could borrow any amount without ever decreasing the supply, unlike with human mages who were drained just as if they'd cast themselves. Angel was in many ways a creature of pure magic... and such pure magic was impossibly seductive to him. "May the... humm... how did it go... Mai y disgleirio haul ar eich llwybr." He bows to Angel respectully before turning to Rosie.

"Yes, well... it's not like we're taking anything that actually belongs to them. We're just getting a fellow his keepsake back. Nothing wrong with that, is there?" Theo sounds like he's trying to convince himself, too. He doesn't seem fully comfortable with it either. Not that it's going to stop him. "Anyway, shall we be off?"

2011-12-23, 11:05 PM
Shou looks really unsure about the whole thing, but directs Angel toward the museum.

2011-12-23, 11:13 PM
Rosie follows. "So...we're going to scout the place and make a plan right? We're not just going to go in and start hitting people...right?" This kind of work is somewhat outside Rosie's range of experience.

2011-12-23, 11:17 PM
"I'd like to avoid hitting people if at all possible." Shou looks pensive. "I think today we should just visit, like tourists, and scout it out like Rosie says. It'll give us a feel for the place."

2011-12-23, 11:19 PM
"Well, I suppose so. I'm all for avoiding the hitting of people. But the boss man might get impatient." Theo shuddered. He preferred having all his limbs attached.

2011-12-23, 11:22 PM
I'm all for playing tourist for the day!" Rosie says quickly.

Dinah nods quickly, almost excessively.

2011-12-23, 11:25 PM
"Alright, tourist it is!" Theo ambles off in the direction of the museum.

2011-12-23, 11:32 PM
When they arrive, Shou hitches Angel up outside and ducks around a corner. When she returns, she no longer appears to be a Drow, but instead a Wood Elf. In response to curious stares from her companions, she explains, "M-most people trust Elves more than they do Drow . . . ."

2011-12-23, 11:37 PM
Theo blinks his 2nd eyelids again. "Why, that's quite something you have there! An illusion obviously, but it keeps your basic form instead of replacing it! I've never seen such a thing, how did you do it?"

2011-12-23, 11:44 PM
"Oh, um . . . I just have this wand . . . ."

2011-12-23, 11:50 PM
"Really! May I see it? I won't do anything to it, but it fascinates me. Such a spell might actually be more efficient than a traditional disguise, if more limited..." Theo seems to get a little lost in thought at that.

2011-12-24, 12:07 AM
"Um . . . Okay." She nervously pulls out the wand and holds it out to him, looking even more vulnerable than usual.

2011-12-24, 12:46 AM
Theo takes the wand gingerly and peers at it with one hypnotic transverse eye. "Hmmm... an Eternal Wand to be sure... fascinating..."

Use Magic Device [roll0] to find out which spell it is, and Spellcraft [roll1] to understand the details of the spell.

Either way, he hands it back with a grin. "Quite a little treasure you have there, Shou! Take good care of it!"

2011-12-24, 09:54 AM
"I don't know, I thought you looked rather nice as a Drow....personally." Rosie blinks and then blushes. "Not to say you don't look nice as an elf...I mean, you look lovely....it's just..." Rosie shuts her mouth quickly.

2011-12-24, 07:43 PM
Shou shrugs, a little sadly. "I don't mind either way. I've just never really fit in with other Drow, but as a Drow I don't really fit in with elves and other fae, either. My people aren't really known for friendliness. The disguise just lets me blend in among people who might otherwise think I mean them harm." Her eyes widen, and she says, very sincerely, "I really don't, you know."

2011-12-24, 07:52 PM
Rosie nods her head in sympathy. "I'm a bit of an outsider myself. It's not easy."

2011-12-24, 07:57 PM
Theo grins widely. "Try being a toad. This isn't even my home reality! In fact", he waggled a finger dramatically, "I can't even go back, not to the part I came from. They kicked me out for being too magical! And a good thing too - the wider realities are so much more interesting!"

Bluff 1d20+5 about the reason he was kicked out.

2011-12-24, 08:31 PM
Rosie blinks. "Really?" she says, surprised. "That's odd."

Sense motive [roll0]

2011-12-24, 08:33 PM
Bluff [roll0]

2011-12-24, 08:51 PM
[20:36] Danielle: do you want to throw in a sense motive?
[20:38] Nikki: *I*'d like to, but I think Shou would honestly believe him.


2011-12-27, 02:01 AM
"Well, anyway, I think we should probably head in now and have a look around." Shou makes her way inside.

2011-12-27, 07:44 AM
"Agreed!" Theo pauses to look at the entrance in more detail before he steps inside, but quickly follows Shou.

Activating Detect Magic as a Spell-Like Ability (no somatic or verbal components). He'll try to sort out any Abjuration or Divination effects.

Here's some checks as he goes:
Spellcraft [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2]

Knowledge{arcane} [roll3]
Knowledge{arcane} [roll4]
Knowledge{arcane} [roll5]

2011-12-29, 12:03 AM
It is not hard for Theo to discover the nature of the disguise spell hidden in the eternal wand.

Rosie gets a gut feeling that Theo isn't telling the truth about his history (tie goes to bigger bonus).

The entrance to the museum is guarded by two large magical golem statues. You can tell because their heads move to watch you as you go. There do not appear to be human guards anywhere.

Besides the magic that animates the golems, each display seems to have an aura around it. one of them comes from an obvious magic mouth effect that recites a brief history of various artifacts, that is also represented on a small placard in front of the objects. Oddly enough, the items, which are all behind glass enclosures, don't appear to have any magical affects, despite being classified in many cases as powerful magic items. There are also no apparent warding spells around them.

The statue you are looking for is in a side gallery. There are several skylights here that could serve as potential entrances and exits that are easily noticeable. The room is littered with display cases, but the statue is held in one anchored to what you believe to be an outer wall. If you can break throguh the wall, it may serve as another potential entrance or exit. There is another statue golem in this room, watching you.

(spot checks have been rolled already, assuming you've shared what you've found, it's in the above post).

2011-12-29, 02:20 AM
Theo peer around in ever-increasing disappointment. "But.... but...." He looks like a child whose ice cream cone just dropped, yet he keeps going from display to display, peering at them oddly and reading the descriptions several times, before moving on to the next one. "Can't be, can't be... wait! Magic Aura! Must be! But that still doesn't explain..."

He seems to have completely forgotten the mission.

He'll keep peering around with Detect Magic. I'll stay up 7 minutes, or until he breaks concentration, so that should be plenty of time.

2011-12-29, 07:29 AM
Though hard to make out, the glass itself emits a powerful abjuration aura. You aren't sure what the aura is, but it could be protecting the items from your spell, or it could be negating the magic auras of the items themselves.

2011-12-29, 08:17 PM
Rosie smiles and waves at the golem quickly, before wandering the room looking at the different display cases, She reads several of the information plaques (if there are any) before doing the same at the statue that she's here to see.

"These really are lovely pieces, aren't they darling?" She said, taking Theo's arm and gesturing around the room.

2011-12-29, 08:22 PM
"What? Oh, er, yes sweetie." Theo looks completely confused, but guides her along with at least a modicum of grace. "I especially liked the, uh," Theo grasps for a name, "the seventh seal of King Karmerion. Quite the excellent piece, don't you think? Oh, but what of that one over there?" Theo gestures towards their target with his free hand.

2011-12-29, 08:26 PM
Rosie wrinkles her nose. "I don't know, looks kind of plain to me." She and Theo pause in front of it. "I mean, what is it even supposed to be?

2011-12-29, 08:36 PM
"You know, I'm not entirely sure. But I do like the minimalism. Where would we put it though, if we had something like that? Out front in the living room, or back in the den?"

2011-12-29, 08:38 PM
Rosie laughs lightly. "If we had something like this, we would put it in storage so that our guests wouldn't have to look at it."

2011-12-29, 08:43 PM
"You wound me, my dear! Well, I suppose minimalism isn't for everyone. You're right, of course. Shall we?" Theo indicates the next exibit, which would take them fairly quickly towards the exit.

2011-12-29, 08:48 PM
"Yes, of course. Remember, we do have lunch reservations so we'll have to hurry up a bit." Rosie sends another polite nod to the golem as they move out of the gallery.

2011-12-29, 09:47 PM
Shou, meanwhile, after scouting out the location of the statue, managed to be distracted by the exhibits and is currently Ooh-ing and Aah-ing at the many curiosities on display.

2011-12-29, 09:52 PM
Rosie stops for a moment and looks around quickly. Oh no! We've lost Shou!

2011-12-29, 09:58 PM
Theo blinks. Oh yes, there had been another humanoid, hadn't there? "Er...." He scratched his head. Was there any real reason to go back for her right now? Surely she was just fine back there? Perhaps it would be useful to be separated if things went poorly?

But... oh dear. Not an easy decision.

Theo hesitates.

2011-12-29, 10:04 PM
Rosie sees his hesitation, and rolls her eyes. "I'll be right back.". She walks back into the museum and touches Shou on the shoulder. "Josie honey, you know you're not supposed to wander away. Come along now, we're going to be late"

2011-12-29, 10:06 PM
Shou looks confused. "But my name is--" Before promptly being nudged hard by Rosie. "Oh. Okay, then."

2011-12-29, 10:16 PM
Rosie smiles. "Come along dear, Matthew is waiting on us" She takes Shou's hand and leads her out of the museum and back to Theo.

2011-12-29, 10:16 PM
The trio escapes unharrassed. The golems don't seem bothered by you, nor do the magic mouths.

2011-12-29, 10:21 PM
"Ah, there you are, uh, darling. And you too, Shou! Now, sweetie, did you say our engagement was for lunch? Or was it an evening event?"

2011-12-29, 10:27 PM
"Yes sweetie, I found Josie. As for our reservations, they're for lunch, but we've got a ways to go if we're going to make it to the restaurant on time." She takes his arm again. "Shall we?"

2011-12-29, 10:28 PM
"Er, quite. Sorry.... Josie." Theo looks horribly confused, but plays along. At least Rosie seems to know what she's doing...

2011-12-29, 10:54 PM
Rosie leads them both away from the museum at a leisurely pace. She points out a few buildings and such while they pass and makes idle chitchat. When they are sufficiently away from the museum, she doesn't change her stride or tone but says cheerfully. "So, what do you think? Are the cases protected?"

2011-12-29, 11:01 PM
"Oh certainly", Theo replies cheerfully. "Actually, it's pretty clever what they've done. See, there's the actual warding itself, but then they've gone and covered the whole thing in Nystul's Magic Aura, which effectively blocks out both the auras of the items, and the wards used to protect them! Fascinating approach to security, don't you think? I'm sure I could work out the details if I had more time. It's possible I could strip the Magic Aura off, but that would damage the case and possibly trigger the alarms. Oh, or I could try to dispel it! But without knowing the wards underneath.... hmmm...."

2011-12-29, 11:04 PM
Rosie smiles and nods at a passerby politely as they continue to walk. "What about the golems?"

2011-12-29, 11:05 PM
Theo blinks. "What about them?" He obviously hadn't considered the getaway portion.

2011-12-29, 11:12 PM
"are they going to attack us or otherwise try to stop us should be attempt to get the statue?" She asked brightly.

2011-12-29, 11:21 PM
"Ah. Well, I suppose we have to count on it. No way to tell for certain with Golems, unless we order them to tell us what orders they're under. But they're likely locked down in security mode. The only question is, how well are they instructed? What if we weren't in the museum when it gets stolen? Or what if we are, but don't have it on us? Golems often make silly mistakes in situations like that."

2011-12-29, 11:23 PM
"So how should we do this? Any ideas?"

2011-12-29, 11:34 PM
"Well, if someone smashed the box, I could grab it and use Gaseous Form to escape - that'll work unless they use Walls of Force to seal the place off. I could also hide it in the Plane of Shadows, allow myself to get searched, and then retrieve it some other time - then it doesn't matter what their security is, but it counts on them searching rather than smiting and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. I could swallow a Dispel Magic before entering, that might let me disable the alarms, and I could use some illusion to make it look like I was a maintainance worker or somesuch, then use Indisputable Possession on it, walk out, then summon it to me - but that takes ten minutes to use and there's a lot of things that could go wrong. Or, we could just try going through the outside wall and hope the golems are dumb. And... mmm... I'm sure there's at least one more way... I suppose we could fight the golems? Or I could use Benign Transposition to switch with one of you to get out? Mmmm....." Theo scratches his head as he walks.

2011-12-29, 11:42 PM
Rosie's lips quirk into a genuinely almost amused smile. "You're going to be a joy to work with, I can tell."

2011-12-29, 11:45 PM
"Or I could... what? Oh. Er, I hope so?" Theo seems confused by the comment, but decides to take it as a complement. "I'm sure the feeling is mutual!" He gives an inhumanly broad smile.

2011-12-29, 11:47 PM
"alright, so there are many ways we could go about doing this....which do you think would have the greatest chance of success with the least risk? Rosie says smiling wryly.

2011-12-29, 11:51 PM
"The least risk to me? You smash the case, I grab the statue and Transpose with Shou, and if anything goes wrong there's Gaseous Form as a backup, and then Shadow Cache if they still catch me and I'm going to be searched. Maybe if we start with the Dispel, we can skip the whole smash stage... if we're lucky. Worth a try, won't cost us more than a few seconds if it doesn't work."

2011-12-29, 11:53 PM
"....And the risk to the rest of us?"

2011-12-29, 11:57 PM
"I'm sure you'll be fine. It's not like you stole anything! You were just... you know, there." Theo waves his free hand vaguely.

2011-12-30, 12:31 AM
"What sort of disguises do we have available? I mean, Shou can clearly go as her real self, but you and I have been seen together."

2011-12-30, 12:36 AM
"What, disguises? You mean like these?" Theo pulls out a pair of Disguise Self scrolls. "Now getting it onto you might be a little harder. I don't suppose you can use these scrolls?"

2011-12-30, 12:41 AM
"Not really, no" She nibbles on her lip in thought. "If you and Shou look different though, it really shouldn't matter overly much if I don't"

2011-12-30, 12:48 AM
"Sounds like a plan, then!" Theo beams. "Shou, what about you? All you have to do is stand outside and look pretty..."

2011-12-30, 02:46 AM
"Well, one thing I wonder is if someone outside may have seen me change before we went in the first time . . . but outside of that, I suppose it would work." She looks nervous, nonetheless. But then again, she always looks nervous.

2011-12-30, 03:44 AM
"I'm sure it'll be fine." Theo gives another unnaturally wide grin. "Just wait outside and help if anything goes wrong. Oh, and I may cast a spell on you at some point, but it'll all work out okay."

2011-12-30, 05:03 AM
"Um. May I ask which spell?" Shou appears to be a little lost, but willing to help.

2011-12-30, 05:22 AM
Theo waves his hand magnanimously. "Oh, just a simple translocation to make sure the statue gets away safely. You'll be transported too, it's all part of the plan." Nothing there was technically a lie, but Theo couldn't help feeling guilty anyway. "Er... you might have some big scary people asking you some questions. Just, you know, be yourself and don't tell them anything, and you'll be fine." Theo grins a bit more awkwardly this time, as if attempting to convince himself of that last statement.

2011-12-30, 05:25 AM
". . . Okay, then."

2011-12-30, 05:34 AM
"Oh! I almost forgot, do either of you have any magic? Specifically, any spells of third level or higher? It doesn't really matter what spell, I can use that energy later to hide the statue if I get searched. Might be useful, if things go poorly!"

2011-12-30, 05:42 AM
"I have a spell you could use."

Shou offers him Screen of Heat . . . while wearing the biggest, most trusting eyes and sweetest, most helpful smile.

2011-12-30, 05:46 AM
Theo's amphibious heart melts; he can't stomach the thought of leaving her stranded in the museum. He resolves not to use that particular backup plan.

"Many... many thanks, Shou. Please, extend your hand and concentrate on the spell, as if you were going to cast it."

2011-12-30, 05:54 AM
Shou does as she's instructed.

2011-12-30, 06:11 AM
Theo concentrates hard on the space just above her hand. This wasn't a complicated or dangerous procedure for him, but it was enjoyable enough that he like to savour the moment and make sure he got it right. There, right there, were the almost-invisible swirls of magical energy, a faint wispy pink that few eyes but Theo's could have picked up. There was a simple elegance to them, the natural rhythm Theo had seen in some Sorcerer's magic, but none of the harsh bravado and selfconceit. It was almost... fey?

A flick of Theo's three-foot tongue into the space, and the magic was his in a faintly cherry-flavoured burst. Yes, definitely fey... but more... divine? A divine fey sorcerer? But the puzzle could wait, it was the sensation that mattered, an invigoration and rejuvination he hadn't felt in far too long. He swallowed it, not because it was a physical form, but because it helped him visualize that energy finding its home at his centre, a swirling pink pearl held just slightly apart from the core of his own being. Transcendent.

2011-12-30, 06:46 AM
"Um. Mister Theo? Are you okay? I hope it didn't burn you . . . I've never transferred a spell before."

2011-12-30, 06:48 AM
Theo blinks back to awareness. "Oh no, no, you were superb! Truly exceptional! You have real magical talent, it was quite an honour!"

2011-12-30, 06:50 AM
So you're going back into the museum with Theo disguised and Shou as her normal form?

2011-12-30, 06:57 AM
So you're going back into the museum with Theo disguised and Shou as her normal form?

I don't think we'd quite gotten there yet, but... plan is for Shou to use the second charge of her wand to be a different elf and wait outside, Theo to use a scroll of Disguise Self as a grey elven mage with flowing robes and everything, and Rosie to come in separately from him. Elf!Theo will wander through the museum and linger by the statue until Rosie's ready to strike. Feel free to give us some of what happens there to help speed things along.

2012-01-01, 08:30 PM
As diguises are implimented, there do not appear to be any strange happenings at the museum. People linger around, looking at exhibits, but no security changes are apparent.

Around noon a small gnome comes through and tinkers with a couple of the golems. You aren't sure exactly what he is doing, but he powers each one down for a few minutes, and messes around inside their mouths and eye sockets before powering them back up. He wears robes with the emblem of the Mage's Guild on them.

2012-01-02, 06:54 AM
Theo, all fancy'd up as a Grey Elf mage complete with flowing robes - and, of course, a monacle - makes a languid show of examining each item in turn. It wasn't even much of a show. Now that Theo had a better sense for the wardings used, he had more attention to spare on the items in question, and there was certainly enough there to hold his attention. He occasionally had to remind himself to track Shou and Rosie's positions, but still the place had a tendency to pull him in. He couldn't think of a place he'd rather be.

2012-01-03, 08:28 AM
Rosie meanders through the museum at a casual pace. She completely ignores Theo as she pauses at one case after another. When she finally reaches the one they want, she smashes it using mountain hammer.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2], whole thing ignores hardness

2012-01-03, 08:55 AM
Actually, take out the second +9, that wasn't supposed to be there. My actual damage roll comes out to 21 total, ignoring hardness and damage reduction.

2012-01-07, 06:19 PM
The glass shatters, and a screeching noise comes through the hall.

A green glow forms above the case, and engulfs Rosie.

Rosie, make a fort save.

The golem in the display room takes notice of you, but is fairly slow to react.

Everyone roll initiative.

2012-01-08, 01:24 AM
initiative: [roll0]

On Theo's turn, he'll grab the statue, and uses his scroll of Gaseous Form - and if he has any action left, he'll float vigorously in the general direction of "out", whichever way seems closest. Open window, air vent... or the front door.

2012-01-08, 01:28 AM
Fortitude = [roll0]
Initiative = [roll1]

2012-01-08, 03:39 AM
Initiative = [roll0]

Standing outside, Shou thinks she can hear some sort of shrieking coming from inside.

She mumbles to herself, under her breath, with worry, "Oh, my . . . I hope everything is okay in there. What if something's going wrong? What will we do? I hope they know what they're doing . . . "

2012-01-08, 09:55 AM
Rosie tries to move, but finds herself paralyzed by the green energy. She can only wait in fear as the giant golem pounds its way closer. Before it gets too close, Theo tries to grab the statue out of her hand, but finds her paralyzed fingers resisting him.

Theo can try a strength check to pry the statue free.

2012-01-08, 05:54 PM
Rosie tries to move, but finds herself paralyzed by the green energy. She can only wait in fear as the giant golem pounds its way closer. Before it gets too close, Theo tries to grab the statue out of her hand, but finds her paralyzed fingers resisting him.

Theo can try a strength check to pry the statue free.
Sorry, miscommunication - Rosie was never supposed to grab the statue. Rosie smashes, Theo grabs, that was the plan. If that means it's Theo getting gassed, then:

Fort: [roll0]

2012-01-08, 07:45 PM
Slight retcon then:

Rosie is not frozen, but has the attention of the golem. Theo grabs the statue and is engulfed in green energy; freezing every muscle in his body in place.

2012-01-09, 06:27 AM
Theo blinks frantically at Rosie. His meaning is perhaps not as clear as it could be, but the urgency is certainly plain as day.

2012-01-09, 06:35 PM
"Uh Shou, HELP!" Rosie yells before trying to pry the statue out of Theo's hand.

Strength check = [roll0]

2012-01-09, 06:53 PM
Rosie is unable to pry the statue from Theo's hands. The Golem reaches you, and an elf's face appears projected over its stony features.

"Cease and desist or you will be destroyed. Attempt to flee, and you will be incapacitated."

2012-01-09, 07:16 PM
Theo blinks three times at Rosie. Three blinks. THREE BLINKS!

Then he seems to remember that they didn't actually set up a code, and almost seems to sag despite not moving.

2012-01-09, 11:19 PM
Shou hears Rosie's call for help, and after a moment of nervous hesitation, she charges in, following the sounds of the commotion. When she sees what's going on, she gasps and . . .

I'm going to use Phade's Fearsome Aspect, and then attempt an Intimidate roll (to intimidate the Golem): [roll0]

"You un-paralyze that man RIGHT NOW, MISTER! If you wanna deal with a thief, then deal with ME." Her eyes bulge as she draws her sword from her back.

2012-01-10, 07:27 PM
The golem, being a construct, isn't affected by the intimidation, nor sudden appearance of Shou, but the face projected over his appears shocked. It starts ordering something before disappearing.

Theo realizes by almost falling over that his paralysis has ended.

2012-01-10, 10:21 PM
"Oh, my. I think . . . we should run?"

2012-01-10, 11:55 PM
"Yeah, I'm good with running" Rosie bolts towards the door.

2012-01-11, 12:37 AM
Theo doesn't stop for conversation, or to verify the plans of the others vis a vis hoofing it, but just sprints for the door, down the street, and around a corner. Somewhere in there the statue appears to no longer be in his possession, but where it went exactly is uncertain.

Shadow Cache, using the borrowed energy from Shou. It's now on the plane of shadows, in a space he can access again next time he casts the spell.

2012-01-11, 07:17 AM
You flee the scene, bolting from the golem who slowly grabs at you, but misses. Two more golems take up a slow chase after you as you go through the main gallery, but are also too slow to hit you. Its clear they are serving more of a fear-based deterrant than a real threat.

As you reach the entrance, however, a rain of bolts hits you from above. On the roof of the building, a group of black clad crossbowers are reloading. You were still running, so many of the bolts missed, but enough hit to cause injury. Now that you are on the street you have a clear choice: Run to the left, and into the rest of the guilded district (a district where tradesmen and guilds dominate the landscape) or to the right into the Commoner's District (where the poor workers and laborers of the city live).

Theo: 8 damage
Rosie: 6 damage
Shou: 9 damage

2012-01-12, 06:17 AM
Theo continues his mad dash around whichever corner happens to be nearest, his elven wizarding-cloak flapping behind him, and fumbles in his Handy Haversack for his scroll of Gaseous Form.

2012-01-13, 09:35 PM
Rosie uses cloak of deception to turn invisible and then turns to the right and heads down the commoner's district. She tries to move quietly and looks for somewhere shadowy and secluded where she can hide.

Move silently [roll0]

2012-01-14, 04:56 AM
Shou runs blindly into the commoners' district and, as soon as she can find a secluded alleyway or bin to hide behind, allows her Elf disguise to drop and emerges from hiding in her natural Drow appearance. Of course this leaves her feeling exposed for different reasons.

2012-01-14, 12:11 PM
Theo rounds a nearby corner, with his scroll in hand. It's obvious that people saw him, but none have come around that corner to chase him yet.

Rosie and Shou seem to make a clean getaway. The archers aren't even interested in shooting passing volleys at them, but focus on trying to find Theo.

2012-01-14, 12:20 PM
Shou goes looking for Rosie. She keeps an eye out for Theo as well, but figures Rosie might be easier to find at this point (or rather, to let find her), since she's not being chased.

"Rosie?" she occasionally whispers, awkwardly.

2012-01-14, 07:06 PM
Theo, panting for breath, clutches his scroll and edges carefully away from the street, scanning for trouble.

Move action further away, aiming to get lost in alleys. Ready action to use his scroll if something untoward starts happening, like guards appearing.

2012-01-14, 07:57 PM
Theo goes into the darkest parts of the alley, and sees several of the guards walk by the entrance. They glance into the alleys, but don't go into them, and apparently don't see you. During these tense moments, the bolts buried in your skin burn with pain, and time seems to stand still.

2012-01-15, 01:15 AM
Rosie steps out of hiding and taps Shou's arm. "Shh, I'm right here."

2012-01-15, 03:07 AM
Shou jumps a foot when Rosie taps her arm, and squeaks out a tiny scream before crumpling to the ground in a ball under her cloak and cowering. A moment later it finally seems to sink in that she'd heard Rosie's voice, and peeks out and up at Rosie.

"Oh, it's you! Are you okay? Do you know where Mr. Theo went?"

2012-01-15, 06:48 AM
"Mr Theo" worms his way further back in the alley, still clutching the scroll to his chest. Give it a good ten minutes for the fuss to clear, then head back to their employer....

Still taking a ready action with the scroll.

2012-01-15, 01:57 PM
Theo make a spot and listen check followed by a initiative check

2012-01-15, 06:17 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Initiative: [roll2]

2012-01-15, 06:19 PM
Spending a Luck point to reroll that nat1

Spot: [roll0]

2012-01-15, 06:21 PM
Gah. I hate this board some time.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-01-15, 06:48 PM
Theo spots an incorpreal form heading towards him from the entrance of the alley. He isn't sure what it is, but it surely doesn't mean anything good.

2012-01-15, 11:19 PM
"I'm fine. Are you okay?" She asks, quickly giving Shou a once over. "I've no idea where Theo went. He was supposed to turn into gas if anything went wrong though, so I'm sure he's fine."

2012-01-16, 12:50 AM
Ohdearohdearohdearohdearohdearohdearohdearohdear.. ..

Theo hustles away from the floating figure as fast as he can.

2012-01-16, 01:16 AM
Theo backs away from the figure, but soon finds that out of the corner of his eye, another one is coming from behind him. It seems they are trying to trap him.

2012-01-16, 02:35 AM

Theo's hand dives for his handy haversack and comes back with a different scroll; in moments he's hoofing it straight up the wall as if it were ground.

"Climb Walls"

2012-01-16, 03:23 AM
As Theo climbs, the disturbances in the air seem to move up with him. They are floating up with ease, as if they were made of the air itself. Theo will soon reach the roof, and possibly be in sight of the archers.

2012-01-16, 03:32 AM
OH DEAR OH DEAR OH... wait. No. Think rationally. Those things probably couldn't float very fast or they'd have him already. Yes. Theo forces himself to calm down, even as he readies his next gambit. The archers though... well, that was unavoidable at this point. Best just get out of their range fast; they probably wouldn't arc their shots over a busy cityscape.... right? Oh dear....

Scroll of "Expeditious Retreat", to which he'll put the name to good use. He'll then jump along between rooftops if possible, away from the pursuit. With ER up he can make a 16' jump even on a 1, but he won't push his luck further than that. I figure 16' will cover the gap between most buildings, even if there's a lane between them.

2012-01-16, 03:55 AM
Theo manages to vault from rooftop to rooftop, easily avoiding the spectral figures. However he is noticed by the archers. They seem reluctant to fire at Theo, and he manages to escape them. Huddled, panting behind the parapet of one building, he believes he has lost all his pursuers.

2012-01-16, 06:25 AM
Theo works his way down before the Climb Walls expires and crouches panting in a random doorway in an alley. There was nothing for it now but to clear the city, most likely. At least he could drop off the statue first. But... not yet. He sits down heavily on the ground and begins gathering his thoughts back together.

2012-01-18, 07:33 PM
Sufficiently recovered, Theo ambles off in what he hopes is the direction of his employer.

2012-01-18, 08:42 PM
Though Theo doesn't see anything, he can't shake the feeling of being watched. The bolts still burn in his back, though the blood has long since stopped trickling from them. Wandering through the streets he finds himself in front of the inn that serves as the front for the Thieve's Guild. Now he recalls that he was never told how to get access to it in order to turn over the statue.

2012-01-18, 10:43 PM
Oh dear oh dear.... no sign of Rosie and Shou. Angel's not around either. Hmm.

Theo works his way past the inn. Now that he knows where it is and he's in the area, no sense panicking and going straight there. He wanders past and around a corner, looking for a safe place to tend to himself. Another inn perhaps...

2012-01-19, 06:38 PM
"I'm okay. I'm a little worried about Angel. Do you think I should go back for him, or do you think he's safe enough outside the museum?"

2012-01-19, 08:29 PM
Theo easily finds another inn a block or so down with rooms available. The innkeeper doesn't ask any questions, but raises an eyebrow at the bolts in your back. The room costs 2 gold, but it's available to you until tomorrow morning.

Rosie and Shou hear the commotion of the chase, but aren't aware of anything chasing after them. The chase seems to be going farther away.

2012-01-21, 05:45 AM
Quietly in his room, Theo takes a bit more time to calm down and do things properly. First, a shot of Lesser Vigor, his wounds beginning to close by themselves. While that healing flowed, he grits his teeth and yanks out the arrow. A sudden thought occured to him, and he looked at the arrow more carefully.

Scroll of Lesser Vigor - heals 11 hp over as many rounds.

Detect Magic (SLA) on the arrow, concentrating for three rounds as he heals.

2012-01-21, 02:01 PM
Theo, looking at the removed bolts, sees that they have a heavy divination effect on them. Though he cannot see clearly, there seems to be divination magic coming from his shoulder as well.

2012-01-21, 06:01 PM
Is there any way for Theo to tell if there's a physical object left in his shoulder?

2012-01-21, 06:39 PM
Where the bolt hit is at the limits of theo's reach. He doesn't feel anything but cannot be sure without help.

2012-01-22, 02:37 AM
Nothing for it but to try....

Theo gritted his teeth. This was going to be worse than pulling out that arrow...

Area Dispel Magic, using his own energy this time. Doesn't affect magic items and Theo doesn't have any active spell effects on him except possibly for whatever the bolt did.

Dispell: [roll0]

2012-01-22, 02:54 AM
Nothing happens. The divination aura still persists in Theo.

2012-01-22, 10:57 PM
Theo shivers and goes a bit pale, more from the dispel than from fear. Horrible, HORRIBLE feeling. And it didn't even work! This day was becoming a nightmare.

He scribbled a small note: "Have statue, safe, Shadow Cache. Being tracked. Which way?"

And with that, he left the bolt in the room and headed back to the other inn to drop off the note with the barkeep.....

2012-01-28, 12:22 AM
The barkeep takes your note and grunts. He says gruffly. "If you are being followed, don't come here, you fool. Give me the...item...and I will get it to the Master."

2012-01-28, 01:15 AM
"Hmm, what? No, I said a cup of tea. You guys serve much better than that place down the street. But if you won't want my money...." He shrugged and headed out towards the door.

2012-01-28, 12:18 PM
The barkeep mutters something inaudible under his breath.

2012-01-28, 10:57 PM
Theo shrugs, and walks out the door. Figures the barkeep wouldn't understand. It wasn't that he didn't want to give the statue back - he couldn't, not until the next day, or if he stole some more energy. And nobody else could access it either, unless they travelled to the Plane of Shadows and new exactly where it was, and even Theo didn't know that.

Well, the note was there, and somebody in charge would figure it out. Ball was in their court. In the mean time, Theo headed out in search of Rosie and Shou. Not that he had any idea where they were, but there was always a chance. He paused for a minute. Wait, he was still glowing, wasn't he? Well....

He cast Magic Aura on his shoulder to suppress its glow. Might not help, but might. Worth a try, at least.

With that taken care of, he headed out for adventure!

2012-01-29, 09:14 PM
All signs of the search for Theo seem to have vanished. There is a squad of guardsmen heading toward the Museum, but the archers are gone.

Shou and Rosie notice the lack of a search as well, hopefully that means the search is off for now.

2012-01-30, 07:03 AM
Theo wandered for a bit, trying to keep moving but mostly just enjoying the sights and sounds of the city and hoping for a glimps of unicorn. He idly asks a streetside merchant if she's seen one.

2012-01-30, 11:07 PM
Shou had ultimately gone back to find Angel, and brought Rosie with her. After sneaking away with her unicorn and the halfling, she made her way back in the direction of the nearest inn, hoping to find a nice stable for Angel if possible before continuing the search for Theo.

2012-01-31, 07:05 AM
After a short time searching, Theo catches sight of a unicorn being walked down the street. Sure enough, Shou is guiding the animal, with Rosie in tow.

2012-01-31, 08:49 AM
"Oh hi there!" Theo waves cheerfully. "Whew, I thought I'd lost you! How did things go for you two?"

2012-02-02, 10:19 PM
"Well enough, I guess. I was able to go get Angel without any issue. How did things go for you? Where's the statue?"

2012-02-03, 05:44 AM
"Oh, well, it's kind of not in this reality. Temporarily of course! I can get it back as soon as I get a bit more magical energy. I'm out of my own for the moment, I'm sad to say."

2012-02-05, 01:16 AM
"Oh. Um. Well, I don't really know if I have anything to spare at the moment . . . ." Shou looks worried.

2012-02-05, 03:14 AM
Theo is a bit crestfallen, but tries to hide it. "That's okay, I'm sure we'll work something out. Perhaps a scroll? But 3rd level scrolls get a bit too pricy, and I don't have any lying around. Hmm."

If it matters, Shou has access to both her 3rd level spells. She's lost one daily 3rd level cast, but Screen of Heat is back in force.

2012-02-05, 03:23 AM
Oh, ok, I wasn't sure it was available yet.

"Oh, it's okay. I guess I can try giving you Screen of Heat again, if it'll work." Shou offers it up to Theo. "I really just want to get this whole mess over with. The sooner the better. Then I can get out of town and never have to deal with any of these criminals ever again." She suddenly realizes what that might imply, and blushes about as much as a Drow can blush. "P-present company excluded, of course. You're both welcome to come to my cottage sometime for tea . . . as long as you're not followed." She attempts a wry smile, but it comes out nervous and awkward.

2012-02-05, 03:28 AM
Theo was already reaching over to borrow the spell again before she finished, but then hesitates. "F... followed? Who said anything about being followed?" Giant transverse eyes scan rapidly for danger.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-02-05, 03:37 AM
"I-i-it was a joke. I'm sorry!"

2012-02-05, 03:46 AM
Theo calms down and takes the magic with another flick of his tongue, but the moment is soured, he's too on-edge to really enjoy the subtle flavours and nuances - but it's still just as satisfying, like a warm meal after a busy day. He brightens a bit. "Thank you greatly Shou, you're a wonderful person, a real life-saver! I am in your debt, if there's anything I can do for you, please feel free to let me know! Now, not to spoil the moment, but shall we be off to our employer?"

2012-02-05, 10:50 AM
Shou spots something on one of the rooftops nearby. Its as if the air is hiding something...a flicker of something moving and hidden. She isn't sure exactly what it is, but there is another one on the rooftop to the other side.

2012-02-06, 01:24 AM
"U-um. Maybe instead we should . . . go someplace . . . for the night." Her voice cracks into a squeak on the "be" part of maybe. She looks around anxiously, trying to see if she can spot the anomaly again.

Spot check: [roll0]

2012-02-06, 05:06 AM
"Well aren't you a forward one!" Theo winks at her with his third eyelids, obviously misinterpreting. "I saw a nice place a few blocks from here. Oh, but what about Rosie? I suppose there's no harm in booking a second room at the same place for her."

2012-02-07, 06:59 PM
Rosie polishes her nails on her shirt trying to look nonchalant. "Or we could get a second room for you"

2012-02-08, 12:13 AM
Shou seems oblivious, as she's too busy looking around for more threats. "Oh, my. Are we short on funds? Let's all share one room, then. I'll take the floor if there are only two beds available." She pushes Rosie and Theo off back the way Theo came. "Comealongnowlet'sgetmovingsunwillbesettingsoonI'ms urecomeonAngel."

2012-02-08, 05:25 AM
Theo leads them to a nearby inn as he talks. "Oh. Well. If that's your preference." Theo glances from Shou over to Rosie, still misunderstanding. "No offence meant to you, of course. It's just that it's the magic I'm here for. Different species and all that. I'm sure you're very attractive to your own species. Still, if it's what Shou wants, I'm sure it would be an honour... assuming you agree, of course. It's your choice." He shrugs indifferently, but there's a hopeful gleam in his eye when he glances back at Shou.

2012-02-11, 09:05 PM
A large screeching sound rises around you, coming from the rooftops. Two more hazy figures appear on the rooftops.

All three of you roll initiative.

2012-02-12, 01:17 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Also, Spot [roll1] and Spellcraft [roll2] to figure out what's going on.

2012-02-12, 01:27 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2012-02-12, 03:21 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2012-02-12, 12:35 PM
Theo spots the problem, and realizes why it was so easy to get away from the chase. The divination in the bolts is tracking them. Rose and Shou surely have not removed the bolts that they were hit by, and whatever was left in Theo is still being used to track him. What is worse, the disturbances in the air are surely some sort of air elemental, used because they can be invisible. The siren sound is probably bringing more in.

(You can act before the monsters act again. If you want a combat map I can provide one. You are in the middle of a fairly deserted street and the things are on the rootops nearby)

2012-02-13, 08:54 AM
Theo blinks wildly. Kill them? Silence them somehow? Run away? Hide? Go back to the inn and demand sanctuary?

Gotta do something though. He whips a scroll from his Handy Haversack - one of his good ones, that'd help no matter what he decides in the next few seconds.


Haste on all three of them. That's +30 speed (gives +12 to Jump), +1 attack, +1 Reflex saves, +1 AC, and one extra weapon attack a turn.

2012-02-14, 12:10 AM
Theo gives the party extra speed with a haste spell.

2012-02-19, 01:33 AM
Feeling suddenly more energetic than ever, Shou takes the opportunity to flee as fast as she can, hoping her comrades will follow.

2012-02-19, 02:22 AM
Theo follows Shou's lead immediately, jogging right along side her at base land speed 60.

2012-02-19, 02:23 AM
Rosie runs too, desperate to keep up with her companions.

2012-02-19, 11:52 AM
With the haste boosted speed, the three of you are able to get away. However, this is the second time Theo has been chased by such creatures, and they clearly can find you.

2012-02-20, 04:47 AM
"You know", huffs Theo as he jogs along as a breakneck pace, "this isn't sustainable. I don't know where I'm going to get that scroll back form, for one. And those things can keep chasing us as long as we're marked by those bolts. I already tried dispelling it you know, with no luck. Either there's a barb or something that came off in my shoulder, or I just wasn't good enough on the dispel. With more 3rd-circle magic I could keep trying, but there's no guarantee I can do that in a timely fashion.

"Any ideas?"

2012-02-24, 05:10 PM
"Maybe," Shou pants, "we should find someplace to hide long enough to help each other with the bolts. It might be easier to find the tracking device on another person rather than ourselves. If that doesn't work . . . I guess I could give you more magic, if you think it would help."

2012-02-24, 11:28 PM
"Indeed! *pant* Perhaps we should *pant* clear town for a couple of days *pant* or at least get far enough *pant* that they can't get to us *pant* until we can work *pant* something out!" Theo continues to sprint along at speeds most horses would be jealous of, temporarily empowered by Haste.

I obviously don't know much about the geography of this place, but he'll try to get a little outside the city limits before finding another place to stay.

2012-02-25, 10:52 AM
After running for some time, you get past the outer gates. The guards seem uninterested in stopping someone from leaving. You are soon far from the city, and nearby a small village with only one inn.

2012-02-26, 08:18 AM
Shou is running full-tilt for that inn.

2012-02-26, 08:18 AM
Theo leans against a nearby wall, huffing frantically. Once he catches his breath, he takes a look at the place. "I suppose this will do..."

Looking to the other two, he enters. "Innkeeper, I'll be needing a room for myself and two friends. Whatever five gold can get me." He lays the coins down on the counter.

2012-02-26, 02:58 PM
The innkeeper shows you to a room on the upper level. It is quiet, and the inn seems relatively empty.

2012-03-03, 12:21 AM
Theo ascends to the assigned room, and closes the door after all three are in.

"So. Uh. Hum." Theo seems disconcerted. "I guess we should check those bolts first. Are either of you good at first aid?"

2012-03-03, 12:28 AM
"Nope, fraid not."

2012-03-03, 12:32 AM
"I'm all right at first aid. I also have a few healing spells, but I'm not sure whether they would actually remove the bolts. They might just heal your wounds around the bolts. Even if they're removed, I wonder if their magic might remain. Here, one of you, let me get a look at your back."

2012-03-03, 12:38 AM
Theo sits down on the bed, facing away from her, and takes off his armor. His skin is ochre and pebbly, but you can make out reasonably recognizable muscle configurations. The bolt has already been removed (which makes taking off the armor possible in the first place), and has somewhat healed over. "I tried to do what I can, but either there's something embedded where I can't get at it, or I need more magical energy to get through it. Could you.... take a look?"

2012-03-03, 12:49 AM
Shou examines his wounds.

Spot check for any unusual stuff inside Theo's wounds - either pieces of bolt or any anatomical or magical abnormalities: [roll0]

2012-03-03, 02:19 PM
And also:

Heal check: [roll0]

2012-03-10, 08:32 PM
Where Theo pulled out the bolts, the wounds have been magically healed. There is something inside the wound that you cannot see, and that is where the divination aura is coming from. It would seem that the bolts were designed to leave a bit behind to be used to track those impaled by it.

2012-03-11, 07:04 PM
Shou tells Theo what she's found.

2012-03-12, 07:22 AM
Theo grimaces. "I feared as much. Well, I can't pretend to be nearly so good at these things as I am at magic, but if you can get it out of me then I may be able to return the favour." He sets his jaws against the pain, fully aware she may have to excavate to clear away the barb.

2012-03-16, 04:16 PM
The surgery seems fairly straightforward, but there are four barbs inside Theo that Shou can see.

(Basically ti will take one heal check per barb. A success means 1d3 points of damage and the barb is removed. A failure is 1d6 damage and the barb remains).

2012-03-23, 10:35 PM
(Sorry I've been away for a bit: school devoured my time.)

2012-03-23, 10:38 PM
Shou manages to pry 2 barbs out succesfully, but does a fair about of injury to Theo (15 damage to theo)

2012-03-24, 06:32 PM
Every time she manages to do more harm than good, between his cries of pain, Shou can be heard squeaking, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

2012-03-28, 05:33 AM
Theo clenches his jaw and takes what comfort he can in the thought that at least it's more pleasant than trying to dispel himself repeatedly. He'd already done that once today. There was little short of major organ removal that he'd consider worse than that. "It's okay, keep going. Two more, right?"

2012-03-28, 08:45 PM

2012-03-28, 08:48 PM
Trying again on that first one.


2012-03-28, 08:59 PM
Shou removes the last 2 bards, causing a small amount of further damage. Theo's back looks like someone a couple daggers to him, but you are sure all the barbs are removed (3 damage, by my math that's 18 total from this. You had damage from before that was all healed from lesser vigor.)

(Shou has 4 bolts in her, dealing 9 damage she is at 46 hp)

(Rosie has 3 bolts in her, dealing 6 damage, she is at 53 hp)

2012-03-28, 10:21 PM
Shou sets to work on Rosie.


2012-03-28, 10:23 PM
And just in case the first roll wasn't high enough:

2012-03-29, 07:14 AM
Shou manages to dig out all three barbs, only dealing a small amount of damage to Rosie (7 damage)

2012-03-31, 09:29 PM
"Um. I think someone else might need to do me, now. I wouldn't ask, except I can't see my back."

2012-04-01, 01:54 AM
Theo blinks. "Well... I could give it a try. I have some magic to steady my hand. But I'll probably you some. And... I'll need access to the wound sites." He looks at her intently, still misinterpreting her previous comments.