View Full Version : Soloing an Archdevil

2011-12-19, 09:56 PM
The campaign im playing in is finally at its climatic end and it stands with me (a 3wiz/3arc/10mystic theurge/4loremaster) and a 20 binder against a level 20 druid and a level 20 fighter/shadowdancer/other stuff

my character and the binder have come to work for Asmodeous however my character is resenting his servitude to the prince of hell and while he has a binding contract to kill the other two party members (sans binder of course) he would like to surprise Asmo and take him down as well.

So my question is how do i beat his 47 sr twice (the rod would pick him back up) without giving him a turn and the only way to get 9th level spells is to cast from scrolls

im stumped at this point so any suggestions or pointers would be amazing!!

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:02 PM
Pray for a miracle(or use a scroll):smalltongue:

Is this a high 20's CR or the CR32 one?, i dont think you can solo a CR32 with a 20thlv character(unless there is a gaping flaw in its design)

2011-12-19, 10:08 PM
Are you talking about the Aspect of Asmodeus from Fiendish Codex II?

2011-12-19, 10:09 PM
Use SR: No spells?

2011-12-19, 10:09 PM
cr 32 one but he only has 507 hp and 47 sr plus with celerity i know im going before him and ill have a surprise round on him i just cant figure out how to get through the sr :smallfrown:

2011-12-19, 10:10 PM
Are you talking about the Aspect of Asmodeus from Fiendish Codex II?

the one from the book of vile darkness im sorry

and to flicker any suggestions?

2011-12-19, 10:14 PM
If it were any other Archdevil, I'd say you had a chance. Asmodeus, though? His published statblocks are said to only be aspects, and that is true form is at the end of the Serpent's Crawl in Nessus... spawning full-HD Pit Fiends with every drop of blood. So your DM could quite easily have this backfire on you.

So my question is how do i beat his 47 sr twice (the rod would pick him back up) without giving him a turn and the only way to get 9th level spells is to cast from scrolls
Orbs will get around SR, but on the other hand you'll need a lot of metamagic to pump them up if you're taking on the CR 32 version from BoVD (the FCII one is an aspect).

2011-12-19, 10:16 PM
Metamagicking an Orb of Something He's Not Immune To to deal 500 damage should be simple at level 20.

2011-12-19, 10:17 PM
Bribe the Binder, as all his stuff will bypass Asmo's SR :smalltongue:

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:24 PM
cr 32 one but he only has 507 hp and 47 sr plus with celerity i know im going before him and ill have a surprise round on him i just cant figure out how to get through the sr :smallfrown:

Only 507hp and SR47? that still quite impressive for someone who can cast as a 20thlv charcter, auto heal all 1/day with his rod, can call upon entire platoons of pit fiends and resides in the bottommost pit of hell.
Why are you facing him at lv20?
If you went spell penetration(+greater) and a robe of the archmagi... actually you still have virtually no chance of beating his SR without assay spell resistance, try using that and a greater rod of maximise on energy drains, should do 8 negative levels everytime it beats SR and might? reduces his SR even further.
But I am going to say your more than likely going to die:smallfrown:

2011-12-19, 10:30 PM
Any advice on the metamagic for the orb spells? the original way i was going to kill off the other two partymembers (and get on to the new campaign faster) was quickened acid fireballs with the metamagic feat that lets you apply the damage again as a specific type (i cant for the life of me remember the name offhand atm)

Little Brother
2011-12-19, 10:33 PM
Normally, this'd be easy, but as a gimped theurge? Not so sure. Which of your classes is level 17? What're your feats? Is Cleric higher, or is Wizard. This is INCREDIBLY important. If wizard is higher, you have it easier. You need to shuffle, though, so you might get books thrown at you. Get Heighten and DMM Heighten. These are important. Now get Alternative Source Spell. It's from a Dragon, but you need it. Then, get Uncanny Forethought. Now, you can cast Int number of spells from either class list, and you know all cleric spells(Sorta, it's kinda a jerk move, but you need the help).

What're your domains? We need a feat list. Do you have Persist? You're gonna want to nest a coupla Time Stops and buff the hell out of yourself. You NEED to survive to win, and you have healing, so you should be okay. Now, what's you're alignment? You need to get Forbiddance or some such off in said Time Stop, then drop Solid Fog and Maw of Chaos. This'll buy you a turn or two if you're lucky. SR: No batman spells are good. He has no ranks in Balance, so Grease is good. Blasphemy will Deafen you, and laughs at silence, so you'll want to stay out of range. He has heal, so he effectively has 707 HP, I believe. He has gate, but you have a surprise round for time stop to gate people in. I recommend chain-gating something in, and then praying. Change your alignment to good(With atonement if your DM won't let you), then Chain Gate Solars in, then get Forbiddence up. Then pray. They have wish/miracle, so they can give you a Pact of Return, I believe, worded to Asmodeus or one of his minions killing you. Yes, you're playing like a jerk, yes you need to.

That help?

2011-12-19, 10:40 PM
unfortunately im only at 8th level spells on both sides (its a decently low op game and ive done alot of the legwork anyway) but im actually archivist/wizard so i can cast pretty much anything i want but that also means i dont have the ability to use divine metamagic :smallfrown: i am however sitting on enough gold to buy whatever i want and the ability to use any scroll i want (my dm has allowed me to get any scroll i want but ive avoided cheese up till this point and i know i need it now shes oked my use of any cheese as well)

she is also allowing feat retraining (we jumped up from 11 to 20 when we skipped a lot of stuff and she decided to end the game next session for a new start) but up until now the only big thing i was using was practiced spellcaster on both of my sides

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:41 PM
Use gate to summon zaphkiel(I think thats how you spell his name) He might not come though, then gate in solars.
Then dodge the DMG to the head from your DM and you should be set:smalltongue:

EDIT: you only have 8thlv spells, better use scrolls then.

2011-12-19, 10:47 PM
Chaingating Solars for a 507 HP opponent seems a little over the edge...

If you don't count on your DM countering your Celerity with a Celerity of his own or anything of the likes, a look at The Mailman (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19868534/The_Mailman:_A_Direct_Damage_Sorcerer) should give you some ideas. 507 damage in one round, even with only 8th level spells, shouldn't be too hard.

.. Just brind a scroll of Time Stop or five.

2011-12-19, 10:50 PM
I didn't realize that there were Archdemons and Archdevils in the BoVD. How interesting.

You should beware though. Even if your DM makes Asmodeus' form a physical one and not just an Aspect, it would be extremely unwise to kill him. I'm interested in seeing what deliciously fun punishment your DM has in store for you if you succeed on this errand. Bringing chaos to the bureaucracy of true evil will only lead to pain across the planes.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:51 PM
Chaingating Solars for a 507 HP opponent seems a little over the edge...

If you don't count on your DM countering your Celerity with a Celerity of his own or anything of the likes, a look at The Mailman (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19868534/The_Mailman:_A_Direct_Damage_Sorcerer) should give you some ideas. 507 damage in one round, even with only 8th level spells, shouldn't be too hard.

.. Just brind a scroll of Time Stop or five.

You've got to remember He has a lot of immunities/resistances and good saves.
Also it's not overkill, He's CR32, solars are CR23 unless they're played very smart he'll be killing them in swarms while calling in max-hp pit fiend back-up do you have to swarm him before he swarms you.

Little Brother
2011-12-19, 10:51 PM
unfortunately im only at 8th level spells on both sides (its a decently low op game and ive done alot of the legwork anyway) but im actually archivist/wizard so i can cast pretty much anything i want but that also means i dont have the ability to use divine metamagic :smallfrown: i am however sitting on enough gold to buy whatever i want and the ability to use any scroll i want (my dm has allowed me to get any scroll i want but ive avoided cheese up till this point and i know i need it now shes oked my use of any cheese as well)

she is also allowing feat retraining (we jumped up from 11 to 20 when we skipped a lot of stuff and she decided to end the game next session for a new start) but up until now the only big thing i was using was practiced spellcaster on both of my sidesOkay, you can use Planar Touchstone: Catalogs of Enlightenment to nab the DLCS Sun Domain, which grants TU. Then you need to grab Earth Sense and Earth Spell to nab Extra Slot. Instead of DMM, you can use of of the worse-written MM reducers. This gets you a 9th level slot. This hurts, only having one, but you can use that one. You NEED NEED NEED Alternative Spells Slot. What race are you? Check out the handbook in my sig. It gives you a coupla tips. Not being a cleric is painful, but workable. Your build is so gimped(No offence meant), so it's kind hard to work with.

I hope this helps.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:55 PM
I didn't realize that there were Archdemons and Archdevils in the BoVD. How interesting.

You should beware though. Even if your DM makes Asmodeus' form a physical one and not just an Aspect, it would be extremely unwise to kill him. I'm interested in seeing what deliciously fun punishment your DM has in store for you if you succeed on this errand. Bringing chaos to the bureaucracy of true evil will only lead to pain across the planes.

Simple Hell is plunged into civil war as the others fight for the throne of hell, diverting resources from the blood war, this allows the demons to gain the upper hand for the first time, swarming not only hell, but other planes, they'll even thank you by making sure you die first so you wont have to watch them destroy your world.
Of course when the new ruler of hell finally consolidates his power, whos to say he wont be even worse, better the devil you know and all that:smallamused:

2011-12-19, 11:04 PM
Simple Hell is plunged into civil war as the others fight for the throne of hell, diverting resources from the blood war, this allows the demons to gain the upper hand for the first time, swarming not only hell, but other planes, they'll even thank you by making sure you die first so you wont have to watch them destroy your world.
Of course when the new ruler of hell finally consolidates his power, whos to say he wont be even worse, better the devil you know and all that:smallamused:
What makes you think that the demons can take the Nine? The Blood War has been relegated to Gehenna, where neither side has the advantage, but devils on their home turf are tricky bastards. The yugoloths like it that way, too, and would oppose total demon control of their own plane - one side winning is bad for their business. Besides, IIRC Mephistopheles is easily the most powerful of the remaining eight, and would overpower the others pretty quickly.

2011-12-19, 11:04 PM
Your build is so gimped(No offence meant), so it's kind hard to work with.

I hope this helps.

it helps alot, and no offense taken! :smallsmile: i actually took a purposefully gimped build just so i wouldn't outshine the other players and still got to play my book caster how i wanted (it actually worked really well for the low op group)

2011-12-19, 11:06 PM
what may happen if i succeed my dm tells me is that i may take over his spot (becoming the next bbeg in our sequal campaign {dumbed down to not one shot us of course} :smallbiggrin:) thats actually the main reason why i really really want to go for it there's nothing better than a half orc wizard/archivist sitting on the throne of hell (i died and was brought back as an orc)

2011-12-19, 11:07 PM
my character and the binder have come to work for Asmodeous however my character is resenting his servitude to the prince of hell and while he has a binding contract to kill the other two party members (sans binder of course) he would like to surprise Asmo and take him down as well.

1. does the contract stipulate when you are to kill them?
2. does it stipulate what you're to do with them after they're killed?
3. does it stipulate destroying their souls or otherwise siphoning them somewhere where they can't be rez'd?

2011-12-19, 11:11 PM
Try this- Time Stop. Greater Plane Shift. Nondetection. Permanency.

If you're going against Asmodeus, the lord of the Nine Hells, that'll be your best bet.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 11:13 PM
What makes you think that the demons can take the Nine? The Blood War has been relegated to Gehenna, where neither side has the advantage, but devils on their home turf are tricky bastards. The yugoloths like it that way, too, and would oppose total demon control of their own plane - one side winning is bad for their business. Besides, IIRC Mephistopheles is easily the most powerful of the remaining eight, and would overpower the others pretty quickly.

There are quite a few demon lords capable of beating the nine, they just cant do it after wading through a sea of pit fiends, they're just using the extra troops that they dont need in gehenna because of the devils civil-war weakened forces and sending them directly to the first layer(which is implied that a fair bit of fighting goes on in there)

Little Brother
2011-12-19, 11:21 PM
it helps alot, and no offense taken! :smallsmile: i actually took a purposefully gimped build just so i wouldn't outshine the other players and still got to play my book caster how i wanted (it actually worked really well for the low op group)Your build isn't unworkable, though. You're just gonna have to play smart.

Take Extra Slot twice. You need two slots, I guess, unless you can convince your DM to let you tweak your build. Try, please. You NEED 9th level slots.

You should blow all your money on CL boosters. Karma Beads, Ioun Stones, Kiss of Chaos, there is a Cleric spell and a bard spell which boost your CL, Practiced Caster, and so on. A Word of Chaos or Holy Word, and paralyze him. He's stuck for D10 minutes. Then, drop an AMF on him, or otherwise keep him from using SLAs, then CDG him over the 5~ minutes. That's 50~ CDGs, he'll fail one of them, and you'll have time to kill his buddies.

2011-12-19, 11:21 PM
And any demon prince who overextends himself into Hell is going to get turned on by his peers.

The blood war. It really does even out.

2011-12-19, 11:33 PM
Asmodeus is actually a Greater Deity though, isn't he? He's not a devil at all... right?

Anyway, if you're fighting the one from Vile Darkness, is there any way you can take his Ruby Rod? You probably can't use it but it has all kinds of obnoxious powers that you don't want Asmodeus to have. (Example -- he can conjure a Wall of Force around his entire body and put an antimagic field around that to screw up your own powers, and he gets to heal himself too all in the same attack.) It's not safe to touch it but if you can get someone else to remove and hide it before the fight (maybe even turn it over to Heaven?)

Do you have to betray your other two party members before fighting Asmodeus? It seems like if you're going to do this it will be easier with four people rather than just two...

2011-12-19, 11:35 PM
There are quite a few demon lords capable of beating the nine, they just cant do it after wading through a sea of pit fiends, they're just using the extra troops that they dont need in gehenna because of the devils civil-war weakened forces and sending them directly to the first layer(which is implied that a fair bit of fighting goes on in there)
I really have no idea what you are saying here, but a dead Asmodeous churns out Pit Fiends like nobody's business, so that's really not going to be a problem.

2011-12-19, 11:38 PM
1. does the contract stipulate when you are to kill them?
2. does it stipulate what you're to do with them after they're killed?
3. does it stipulate destroying their souls or otherwise siphoning them somewhere where they can't be rez'd?

no however after the left me and the binder alone in the desert where we were attacked by giants theres some revenge that both of us want.

and im probobly going to have to do it on my own seeing as i signed the contract (it was a fair trade so theres no reason to break it)

however if in the end it turns out i cant win the battle my guys smart enough to not waste time trying

2011-12-19, 11:42 PM
Asmodeus is actually a Greater Deity though, isn't he? He's not a devil at all... right?
He's a devil. He's also, depending on what you believe, the primeval source of any and all things Lawful Evil in the entire multiverse, a cosmic entity ranked in the same group as the Serpent, the Lady of Pain, Jazirian, and others.

2011-12-19, 11:53 PM
He's a devil. He's also, depending on what you believe, the primeval source of any and all things Lawful Evil in the entire multiverse, a cosmic entity ranked in the same group as the Serpent, the Lady of Pain, Jazirian, and others.

and im probobly going to have to do it on my own seeing as i signed the contract (it was a fair trade so theres no reason to break it)

If the contract doesn't say that you have to kill them by a specific time, what's to stop the four of you from killing Asmodeus. then you and your binder buddy can turn on your (now-weakened pals).

It just seems like a bad idea to me for you to fight a level 20 Druid and some other rubbish and then attack what is apparently a devil that is strong enough to actually grant spells (which means that he's a cosmic entity on the same level as a greater deity, even if he isn't technically one himself). It just seems like you'll be weakened by the battle against the Druid.

Little Brother
2011-12-19, 11:56 PM
He doesn't HAVE to be powerful enough to grant spells, he just has to be strong enough for people to THINK he can grant spells. Remember you can get your power from a concept, like, say, the strongest archduke.

2011-12-20, 12:06 AM
If the contract doesn't say that you have to kill them by a specific time, what's to stop the four of you from killing Asmodeus. then you and your binder buddy can turn on your (now-weakened pals).

I love this idea; find a loophole. Asmy will likely appreciate the irony.

2011-12-20, 12:09 AM
I love this idea; find a loophole. Asmy will likely appreciate the irony.

just talked to my dm and its gonna be an aspect but if i can beat him ill be inheriting Levistus' layer as a new archduke having sufficiently impressed his true self by defeating his avatar

2011-12-20, 12:15 AM
I would say the safe way would be get something else to distroy them this could be done a few ways. You could plee to a chaotic good deity you will convert if they will help free you, and being high level they will see you as a valuable potential asset. This will make you anothers lapdog, but without a contract. Or if there is freedom of 3rd party stuff get the Imortals Handbook: Ascention and plee to something with hudreds more divine ranks like a time lord although it may take a good while to learn a way to atract ones atention. In eather case you may just get a fraction of there help, but even a fraction of a deitys or time lords power you will make you quite strong.

2011-12-20, 12:58 AM
just talked to my dm and its gonna be an aspect but if i can beat him ill be inheriting Levistus' layer as a new archduke having sufficiently impressed his true self by defeating his avatar

That's a very reasonable decision. Regardless of what anyone says, Asmodeus is strong. He's probably stronger than all of the other archdevils combined.

I love this idea; find a loophole. Asmy will likely appreciate the irony.

Exactly! It's not even dishonest, especially if Asmodeus didn't ask for your loyalty or anything like that. If all he says is, "I will help you in this way, in exchange you must kill these two guys" he can't even complain that you lied to him.

I really recommend stealing that Ruby Rod though. It sounds awful.

He doesn't HAVE to be powerful enough to grant spells, he just has to be strong enough for people to THINK he can grant spells. Remember you can get your power from a concept, like, say, the strongest archduke.

That's very true, but I'm pretty sure I saw in the book that Asmodeus actually does grant spells. (In fact, it said that he's the actual source of spells for anyone who worships any archdevil.)


Here we go, found it in Fiendish Codex 2:

On the Material Plane, Asmodeus has more cultists than all
the other archdevils combined. Mortals who worship devils
actually draw power from Asmodeus.

It's a little ambiguous but it does seem as if Asmodeus can grant spells.

Not that it matters, of course!

2011-12-20, 06:39 AM
When you fight Asmodeus you have to realize that you won't fight him. At least not him alone. His the ruler of Nine Hells, you would have to go through his army first. And if you somehow manage to defeat (or outsmart) his army, you'll have his personal guards AND him.
So, if your DM won't dumb down the encounter by making totally unreasonable assumptions and decisions, you won't have a chance. Not solo. Maybe even not with your whole team.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-20, 06:55 AM
When you fight Asmodeus you have to realize that you won't fight him. At least not him alone. His the ruler of Nine Hells, you would have to go through his army first. And if you somehow manage to defeat (or outsmart) his army, you'll have his personal guards AND him.
So, if your DM won't dumb down the encounter by making totally unreasonable assumptions and decisions, you won't have a chance. Not solo. Maybe even not with your whole team.

He's right, to even get to the 9th layer you have to fight your way through the first 8, defeat 9'999 gelguon guards THEN you can fight an army larger than all the others so far,primarily composed of pit fiends, its just not possible unless he deli9berately looking to lose(and are you going to attack him if he wants you too:smalleek:)

2011-12-20, 07:25 AM
He's right, to even get to the 9th layer you have to fight your way through the first 8, defeat 9'999 gelguon guards THEN you can fight an army larger than all the others so far,primarily composed of pit fiends, its just not possible unless he deli9berately looking to lose(and are you going to attack him if he wants you too:smalleek:)

That might have been true if they were going up against the real Asmodeus, but since it's an aspect that's probably not true. Asmodeus uses those to influence things in places where he doesn't want to be, sometimes even visiting the material plane with one, and he doesn't bring an entire army with him then.

It's very possible, and even plausible that unless they're visiting the archduke himself in the 9:th layer he'll be alone, or with a few bodyguards at most.

Now, if someone wanted to go up against the real Asmodeus, I'd say 'You die' and that'd be the end of it. And even if he would die, I don't think that there would be a great change in the blood war. Either Mephistopheles would take control quickly (He's a scheming bastard so he probably have a plan for it just in case) or Lucifer would return and take back the throne.

There is also the possibility that Asmodeus is just another aspect of the original prime evil of law or whatever that is called, and if that's the case, killing him won't do much at all.

2011-12-20, 08:12 AM
That might have been true if they were going up against the real Asmodeus, but since it's an aspect that's probably not true.
Considering that it is the aspect that rules Hell in Avernus (in Asmodeuses name of course) then yes, it is true even then. It doesn't matter that it's just an aspect. It's still Asmodeus and he won't risk going anywhere without bodyguards and minions.

2011-12-20, 11:23 AM
Considering that it is the aspect that rules Hell in Avernus (in Asmodeuses name of course) then yes, it is true even then. It doesn't matter that it's just an aspect. It's still Asmodeus and he won't risk going anywhere without bodyguards and minions.

First of all, the Asmodeus described in BoVD is AFAIK the 'real' one, if the OP is going to fight an aspect, it's a copy, something that the Lord of the Nine probably can churn out a dozen per day of considering that he's a Power after all, so I still don't think that there would be armies of devils all over just because he decides to send out a copy somewhere.
Besides this isn't Dispater we're talking about, Asmodeus is a manipulator, a charmer and that's hard to do when you're surrounded by pit fiends. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he showed up seemingly alone. Now that doesn't mean that there isn't a thousand devils scrying on him, waiting for the first sign of trouble to teleport in and destroy whatever threat there is, but by then it'll be too late anyway.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, if the OP can get in rage and have a line of effect it's more or less over if he fixes his build to a proper mailman, no matter how many bodyguards there is. The trouble might be surviving the following round, but that's another story (contingency?).

2011-12-20, 11:35 AM
First of all, the Asmodeus described in BoVD is AFAIK the 'real' one,
Nope. That's also an aspect. The real Asmodeus is a gigantic snake that lays somewhere below Avernus, wounded from his fall.

if the OP is going to fight an aspect, it's a copy, something that the Lord of the Nine probably can churn out a dozen per day of considering that he's a Power after all, so I still don't think that there would be armies of devils all over just because he decides to send out a copy somewhere.
You seem to not understand.
It is irrelevant that it's an aspect. Asmodeus is Asmodeus. The 28 CR versions from FCII might have smaller guards, but they still have them. And the BoVD version is THE Asmodeus aspect that rules Hell in Avernus (as the originals proxy), so he has ALL the armies at his command and to protect him. Plus his personal bodyguards, which I have no doubt are extremely powerful. Plus HIM.

More powerful players then the PCs want to kill him. Heck, his own minions would like to backstab him, so it doesn't matter if it's an aspect and it doesn't matter what he does - he WILL have powerful protection.

2011-12-20, 12:18 PM
When you fight Asmodeus you have to realize that you won't fight him. At least not him alone. His the ruler of Nine Hells, you would have to go through his army first. And if you somehow manage to defeat (or outsmart) his army, you'll have his personal guards AND him.
So, if your DM won't dumb down the encounter by making totally unreasonable assumptions and decisions, you won't have a chance. Not solo. Maybe even not with your whole team.

actually my dm is probably going to have him come alone to collect us (his new minions) and bring us to his layer for wealth and power so i was going to ambush him when he wasn't expecting it

2011-12-20, 12:18 PM
Is it just me or does he not seem particularly threatening? He is a 20th level divine caster with lackluster domains and no action abuse. His stats are rather low. Provided the OP can isolate him (yeah, big if), it's just a matter of winning initiative. Aside from wish his SLAs aint much to look at either.All he has going for him is thousands of years of contingencies, which really means whatever the DM thinks up. And GitP can outsmart any one DM.

2011-12-20, 12:21 PM
actually my dm is probably going to have him come alone to collect us (his new minions) and bring us to his layer for wealth and power so i was going to ambush him when he wasn't expecting it
In that case he's playing him the wrong way. But whatever, his game.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-20, 03:09 PM
Is it just me or does he not seem particularly threatening? He is a 20th level divine caster with lackluster domains and no action abuse. His stats are rather low. Provided the OP can isolate him (yeah, big if), it's just a matter of winning initiative. Aside from wish his SLAs aint much to look at either.All he has going for him is thousands of years of contingencies, which really means whatever the DM thinks up. And GitP can outsmart any one DM.
Depends if the DM is on GitP:smalltongue:

2011-12-20, 03:29 PM
Depends if the DM is on GitP:smalltongue:

Touche. But considering the DM is having the lord of hell running about like an errand boy...

OP: Your build looks like one half should be getting big 9s, what happened to them?

motoko's ghost
2011-12-20, 03:32 PM
Touche. But considering the DM is having the lord of hell running about like an errand boy...

OP: Your build looks like one half should be getting big 9s, what happened to them?

If it is an aspect then its asmodeus' equivalent of a errand boy,a CR32 errand boy to go and fetch his morning artifacts and deal with his tedious paperwork.:smallbiggrin:

2011-12-20, 04:25 PM
If it is an aspect then its asmodeus' equivalent of a errand boy,a CR32 errand boy to go and fetch his morning artifacts and deal with his tedious paperwork.:smallbiggrin:
That would be the 28 CR aspect from FCII at most. The 32 CR aspect rules Hell from Avernus. I already explained that, didn't you see?

motoko's ghost
2011-12-20, 06:46 PM
That would be the 28 CR aspect from FCII at most. The 32 CR aspect rules Hell from Avernus. I already explained that, didn't you see?

Nah, hes actually got several of those running around:smalleek:, he just wants you to think theres only one, as the ruler of hell he has been know to trick people and act slightly underhanded at times:smallamused:

2011-12-20, 06:58 PM
That would be the 28 CR aspect from FCII at most. The 32 CR aspect rules Hell from Avernus. I already explained that, didn't you see?

True, but he doesn't really rule Hell, does he? He's the Asmodeus that you'll find in Avernus but he's not the Asmodeus, right? A guy that strong wouldn't be CR 32, right? The actual Asmodeus is as strong as a greater deity. He probably doesn't have 'spell-like abilities'; he just decides what he wants to happen and it just happens.

2011-12-20, 08:20 PM
Nah, hes actually got several of those running around
Maybe, maybe not. But the fact is, even his aspects are considered VIPs and have full bodyguard stuff and command over lesser devils.

True, but he doesn't really rule Hell, does he? He's the Asmodeus that you'll find in Avernus but he's not the Asmodeus, right? A guy that strong wouldn't be CR 32, right? The actual Asmodeus is as strong as a greater deity. He probably doesn't have 'spell-like abilities'; he just decides what he wants to happen and it just happens.
I've already addressed it.

2011-12-20, 10:46 PM
The Asmodeus is some kind of weird world serpent thing that you can't actually kill. I think.

2011-12-20, 11:41 PM
The Asmodeus is some kind of weird world serpent thing that you can't actually kill. I think.
Yes. Again - I've already addressed it earlier. :smallsigh:

2011-12-20, 11:51 PM
Yes. Again - I've already addressed it earlier. :smallsigh:

Yes, but it's also important to point out that the actual Asmodeus is a nigh-unkillable quasi-deific entity, which some scholars speculate is in the form of a colossal serpent deep in the bowels of Hell.

Maybe, maybe not. But the fact is, even his aspects are considered VIPs and have full bodyguard stuff and command over lesser devils.

True, true, and it's almost certain that the aspects of Asmodeus are guarded by an elite corps of the most powerful greater devils in the Nine Hells.

The OP will probably be able to battle the Aspect of Asmodeus alone for one round but if he poses any serious opposition there's nothing stopping Asmodeus from using the summon baatezu ability to call 1 pit fiend or 2 of any other type of devil. Not to mention, he can do this at will.

I recommend use Dimensional Lock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dimensionalLock.htm) to prep the area to make sure that he can't call in his bodyguards. Your DM is going you a great favor by having him come alone and letting you essentially know where the battle is taking place and you should take advantage of that by prepping the area ahead of time.

2011-12-21, 12:20 AM
Yes, but it's also important to point out that the actual Asmodeus is a nigh-unkillable quasi-deific entity, which some scholars speculate is in the form of a colossal serpent deep in the bowels of Hell.
I did address this earlier. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12406268&postcount=43)
But it is all irrelevant, because the OP already stated that he will fight the CR 32 aspect, alone.

2011-12-21, 12:31 AM
That link is kind of wonky.

And it is important. The CR 32 aspect has the Ruby Rod and a dizzying array of ridiculous powers. I think he should be working on ways to shut down as many of those as possible. Just because Asmodeus starts the fight on his own doesn't mean that he can't start whipping out pit fiends every round or something like that.

2011-12-21, 12:37 AM
With a couple time stop scrolls (maximized for safety's sake, wru incantrix) you should be able to get off some Assay Spell Resistance (swift for +10 vs SR), a Spell Vulnerability (1 rd cast time to reduce his SR by 15), and a True Casting (standard for a +10 insight bonus to next SR check a-la-true strike).

Spell resistance in that case is a non-issue.

A Belt of Battle could make-or-break your fight as well.

EDIT: Also at 35 HD and no immunity that I can see to it, if you had a way to blast out a crap ton of negative lvls via some metamagic hohohos you could absolutely spank him, pending his preparation, in one round.

EDIT EDIT: If you plan on using any kind of touch spells at all, don't overlook the Spell Flower spell from Spell Compendium...dual wielding touch spells <3