View Full Version : Good feat selections for a Shapeshifter

2011-12-19, 10:33 PM
Basic rundown of my character:
Able to transform into any monster or template-stacked thing with a combined HD/LA of 20. As a Free Action. (all monsters are allowed, Outsiders, undead, Constructs, Oozes etc.)
Sneak Attack 10D6 on anyone (no type Immunities) and can go invisible (as if in cover) for 9 rounds (+IntMod gained from monsters)
Able to get 5 Large Mouths with 10' Range as well as 4 Gaze Attacks that force a Reflex Save+move (provoking) or take 2 CON damage (Gaze can only hit the same creature 1/turn but 4 creatures/turn) and my hands are free.

I'm going to focus on Flanking and Invisible-Full-Attacking for massive stabbity death. It's a lvl30 Tristalt game and I need to pick Feats.

So far i have Multi-attack and a couple Feat tax and that's it. I have 11 Feats, 2 Abberation/Fighter Feats and 5 Fighter Feats to fill and no idea what to fill them with.
Anyone got any suggestions?

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:35 PM
There's a feat in savage species that reduces the time needed to change form standard=> move or move=>free
Also the feats that allow you access to one(or more) of the creatures special abilities

2011-12-19, 10:41 PM
The transformation is already a Free Action and I get all their abilities as if I were them (all their X/day, At-Will etc. in Ex, Su, Sp and Psi)

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:44 PM
thats so overpowered, I just want to know, I'm not going to use it against my players :looks shifty:

2011-12-19, 10:50 PM
20-level Class called Metamorph (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224905) with Warshaper5's Flashmorph ability to bring the Swift Action down to a Free (DM-Approved) and the Template-Stacking is technically illegal but DM waived the rule.
The Sneak Attack and Invis is from a Rogue Fix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224097)
The Gaze Attacks and Mouths is from the Ozodrin (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153536)
I also have Fighter10 and an empty 5 slots.

My concept is the (quite literal) Incarnation of Chaos and a Shapeshifter who can become anything fits that to a T.

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 10:52 PM
20-level Class called Metamorph (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224905) with Warshaper5's Flashmorph ability to bring the Swift Action down to a Free (DM-Approved) and the Template-Stacking is technically illegal but DM waived the rule.
The Sneak Attack and Invis is from a Rogue Fix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224097)
The Gaze Attacks and Mouths is from the Ozodrin (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153536)
I also have Fighter10 and an empty 5 slots.

My concept is the (quite literal) Incarnation of Chaos and a Shapeshifter who can become anything fits that to a T.

My brain just went -BZZT- and died

2011-12-19, 10:58 PM
My brain just went -BZZT- and died

He's playing a level 30 tristalt game. This is not really so much of a problem.

2011-12-19, 10:59 PM
So you're a Tristalt game and you can turn into anything with HD/LA ≤ 20...

Black Ethergaunts, IIRC, fit that. So that's a different wizard with 9th level spells for a free action... (Congratulations, you can break the game completely with infinite spells and infinite loops)

Planetars have 9th level cleric spells and are well under the limit. Unfortunately Solars have 2 HD too many. Oh well.

Can't think of anything with very high druid casting, but Dryads get druid casting.

Glouras (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e) from the Underdark sourcebook get casting as a 7th level bard.

There's nothing I can think of offhand that has psionic manifesting, but adding the phrenic template is pretty close. And there's got to be some monsters with innate manifesting.

Probably can grab some soulmelding abilities as well from things like Totem Giants...

What's your game's stance on further homebrew? I see you already have some aberrant feats, so you might be interested in these (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=155474).

Craven is always good, since you'll get +character level to that 10d6 sneak attack.

Darkstalker is nice since even if they can see through your invisibility you can still take advantage of awesome racial bonuses to hide.

I just realized that you can add insult to injury and use animate dread warrior for free on every humanoid enemy you defeat by turning into a spell-stitched undead creature of sufficient wisdom.
thats so overpowered, I just want to know, I'm not going to use it against my players :looks shifty:

DMs can already throw a tag-team combo of a Solar and a Black Ethergaunt at the party. With better action economy. :smalltongue:

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 11:03 PM
He's playing a level 30 tristalt game. This is not really so much of a problem.

Really he didn't say, I just thought he had pulled it off in standard gameplay.:smallredface:

2011-12-19, 11:06 PM
I'm actually worried about being underpowered.
unless I start template stacking attribute-boosts the only thing I'd be good for is turning into a +5 Longsword and being swung by my shared-backstory partner the dumb Ogre Incarnation of "Pragmatic Loyalty" (it's betrayal he just won;t admit it :smallamused:)

I have 10 levels of Psion which I'm going to use with an Ex Schism i get from Ozodrin.

And they can't see through my invis. I act as if under cover and am invisible to Blindsense. Not Invisible as the spell. Traps ignore me too but that's a different feature.

The stance is pretty much anything goes since we are quite literally Aspects of All Reality. And piss the gods off while we run around being weird.

2011-12-19, 11:07 PM
I'm going to focus on Flanking and Invisible-Full-Attacking for massive stabbity death. It's a lvl30 Tristalt game and I need to pick Feats.

So far i have Multi-attack and a couple Feat tax and that's it. I have 11 Feats, 2 Abberation/Fighter Feats and 5 Fighter Feats to fill and no idea what to fill them with.

I did actually say it, and my amount of feats didn't tip you off? I have 18 slots to fill and that's not counting the couple I needed to grab.

2011-12-19, 11:09 PM
with that set up, i'd look into Beholder-type feats. Especially since you could just free-action turn into beholder, then use free-action eye rays, then free-action into ANOTHER beholder, etc.

i'd say it's too dirty...but with this build, dirt seems to be the point.

oh and psionic illithids and ulithalids (however you spell them) both have innate manifesting, in case you were looking

motoko's ghost
2011-12-19, 11:10 PM
I did actually say it, and my amount of feats didn't tip you off? I have 18 slots to fill and that's not counting the couple I needed to grab.

Bah! have you seen what some of the builds around her come up with?
Ah okay, didnt see that.

2011-12-19, 11:13 PM
I should also say all my natural attacks have a +10 Mod and by spending some of my Form points (depleting some of my AC and Reflex from my amount of eyes) I can convert 6 of the Enchantment into actual bonuses (like Ghost-Touch or Flaming) so I can probably hit whatever I aim at (especially if i get an Item of Wraithstrike(?) so all my attacks are Touch.

I can't cheat with X/day stuff. If i Morph into a Beholder and use a 1/Day ability, any Beholder I Morph into doesn't have that. If it's a different type (like a Black Dragon into a Blue Dragon) it works but not Beholder-Beholder.

2011-12-19, 11:15 PM
I'm actually worried about being underpowered.

What'd he do to limit the rampant spellcasting abuse you could pull off with every creature you can turn into that has innate spellcasting?

If you have about 9 spare levels you can always be an Ur-Priest with 9th level spells in addition to all that.

2011-12-19, 11:26 PM
We are facing up against Gods
The current Party is Meatshield (who can take any hit for us), Mage/Magekiller to stop all those pesky Spellcasters and me, I'm supposed to fill in the gaps (probably because i can be so versatile) (there are others but we haven't worked out what they are doing and they haven't said much in the last coupleof days).
Since I have to cover the weaknesses I need to be able to deal out the damage, Flank for the Meatshield, Diplomance (I have massive boosts to the socials), be back-up Caster if the MageKiller dies and be back-up Meatshield if he dies (he'll come back for free at the end of the fight if none of the party dies).
I'm also the resident Trap-Finder (seeing as I have Immunity and am a Rogue) and Linguist and Nature-Guru.

I'm a Bard, Rogue, Fighter and Ranger all rolled up into one.

Since I can only have 1 form at a time and limited actions I lack the ability to do all the combat stuff at once. Though I do make a damn fine Longsword, especially since I can make 4 people around the Meatshield Provoke or take Con damage.

EDIT: And I only have 5 free levels. How can you get 9th level spells in 9 levels? unless you're thinking Epic Hero shenanigans but that can be done with 4 levels (using the loophole that you don't need 5th level spells in the class you are Epic Magicing only 5th spells all up and 1 level in the class) to do Cleric1/Wiz1/EpicHero2

2011-12-20, 12:32 AM
So what feats should i take?
I'm think the Arrow Deflect/Reflect Tree and definitely a TWF Fix (any links to a good one?)
Definitely Combat Reflexes and Cleave/Great Cleave

2011-12-20, 12:46 AM
Quicken spell-like ability definetly.

Can you use 3rd party monsters.

2011-12-20, 04:39 PM
Dodge+Mobility+Elusive target grants you immunity to power attack, (only against one person at a time) which could be helpful against most melee characters. Add in combat focus and combat defense let you change the target of your dodge as an immediate action, which is good if you're against more than one big strong melee character.

Evasive reflexes plus either robilar's gambit or karmic strike basically lets you negate full attacks, but only if you're already at the edge of someone's reach.

If you TWF with keen kukri then I suggest the telling blow feat, which lets you add your sneak attack damage on critical hits.

If you turn into an elemental weird (I'm not sure if you can though) you get a boatload of free action divinations, so turn into one, see the future and then turn back.

See how close to immortality you can get with an emerald legionnaire. I think it's a half clay golem ghedid half troll war troll. Immune to nonlethal damage, regeneration bypassed only by acid damage and is immune to and healed by acid damage. There's also where-direbat in there, but you don't need that since you probably have a magic item or something that lets you fly. Also see if you can grab immunity to poison, so you can't get hit by trollbane.