View Full Version : Master of Many Forms, Recommended forms?

2011-12-20, 06:38 PM
Hey guys, so I am making a MoMF, which is a class I have never tried before. I decided I would try it out after I found out some shenanagins that allow me to get into it by lvl 2. Don't ask me how, that isn't the point. The game I'm going into will start at lvl 8, so that means that I have 7 levels of MoMF and one of... I think I'll do Psion for the sake of metamorphic transfer sillyness. Do any of you guys know a way to make a 7th level MoMF with 8hd actually good/have a list of recommended forms for me to look into? If you do, thanks! And if you are truly curious about the shenanagins, PM me about it.

2011-12-20, 07:28 PM
With a sarrukh you can ascend to divinity. It does require spending a fair amount of time out of danger though.

2011-12-20, 07:56 PM
I'll make a few suggestions out of the Monster Manual.

Will O' Wisp- Makes an excellent scout. Flight and an Ex invisibility means it isn't easy to detect, especially at the levels your playing. Being immune to spells that allow SR isn't bad either.
Grimlock- Come with Blindsense and Scent, plus a racial bonus to Hide checks when underground, making it likely you find your enemies before they find you.

Gibbering Mouther- They are slow, but they come with a slew of nasty attacks. Multiple attacks, improved grab, con damage, free acid shot + blindness, immunity to crits, and all-around vision.
Troll- A fairly straightforward form. Reach, greater strength, multiple attacks and regeneration, not to mention scent.
Rust Monster- A bit situational, but can utterly ruin certain fights, such as equipment dependent enemies or constructs made of metal. Your party likely won't want you in this form due to item loss though.

2011-12-20, 08:41 PM
btw things with supernatural abilities are cool too. Metamorphic transfer takes care of those.

2011-12-20, 08:47 PM
Hydras are always good for multiple attacks, especially pyro/cryohydra

Fleshrakers are a lot of fun for a damage build, particularly with Venomfire

Cloakers get a free standard action to help break the action economy with

But if you want to be a complete jerk? Adamantine Horror.

2011-12-20, 09:08 PM
Have you taken a look at the Handbook (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19528526/updated_Master_of_Many_Forms_Bible__official_wild_ shape_rules)?

Fleshraker is one of those forms for early on, though, depending upon your stats, there are other humanoid forms that'll give you a boost and have useful abilities/natural armor/native sneak attack that you can use.

Marrulurk (Sandstorm, IIRC), Crucian(Secrets of Sarlona?)

Doublecheck things for Alter Self (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=343.0)as well, there's some amount of overlap there.

With 8 HD you'll be scraping the bottom of the barrel... On the other hand, you can get the full kit and kaboodle of most of the lower end forms of the class, as about 6-8 HD for the non-humanoids covers most of the non-BIG things.

Also, several things you'll be able to turn into that have native spellcasting. Depending upon how your DM rules that stuff... you can basically get infinite low level casting. Gloura (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e), for instance, are Fey that cast as 7th level bards that you could turn into..

There's some fey that you can turn into that gives casting as a Druid as well. Should be others if you're willing to cast about. Though Phaerimm give you sorcerer casting, and that's a large list to choose from, though with 8 HD, you can only grab the two or three lowest forms of Phaerimm at the moment. Still should be enough to have utility casting down pat if the DM doesn't nerf it or ban grabbing the casting.

2011-12-20, 09:11 PM
War Troll is wonderful.

2011-12-20, 09:14 PM
I played one of these a while ago, and had character sheets setup for commonly used forms, but my most common ones were:

War Troll. Strength, daze attack, natural armor. Woot
Kua Toa Leviathan. Tonnes of vision related abilities, swallow whole etc
Octopus Tree. Om nom nom :). Tentacle attacks+swallow whole
I can't remember the name of the last one, but it's an upgraded version of a Roper that does an energy drain affect with its tentacles, anyone know the name?

2011-12-21, 12:17 AM
Bladerager troll, mm5. 6hd large giant, 2 claws a bite and rend with 28 strength. AC 25 without armor, 34 with wild fullplate.

Some argue that the (+8 steel plates) won't stack with armor, but it is not listed as an armor bonus. Also, it's not fluffed as armor... more like a graft.

Piggy Knowles
2011-12-21, 02:52 PM
Minotaur. Very underrated form. The Natural Cunning (Ex) ability means that you are never flat-footed, ever. Sure, it's not quite as good as the dire tortoise's ability, but I'd much rather walk around as a bipedal minotaur (with opposable thumbs! and vocal cords!) than a dire tortoise.

Also, while I don't have MM4 in front of me, I believe the Greathorn Minotaur also gets natural cunning, plus earth glide.