View Full Version : Prinny build d00d [3.5]

2011-12-21, 01:13 AM
Ok, so I'm rolling up a character for a 3.5 epic game (lvl 24, gold limit 3mil ([no purchase bigger than 600k], heavily houseruled weapon buy rules)

I've almost finished a straight epic binder, however the group I play with tends to be a bit informal and somewhat jokey, so I thought I'd come up with something a little more silly.

My brain goes "Penguin Swordsage"
shortly followed by "Prinny swordsage"

so I figure I've got two choices here.
Penguin (DM's houseruling that it'll be a flat race with stat mods) swordsage 1-2 with some other class from 21-24

or Human Swordsage 18/ Fiend of Possession 6, possessing a golem or stuffed toy or something. (again, DM has offered to houserule in an epic feat so If I possess a stuffed toy I can use my physical stats or its stats, whichever are better)

And thoughts on this? I'm not looking for any super optimised ideas, just if anyone has any fun stuff to do with this I'm all ears.

I am looking for ways to explode repeatedly and not die as well though.

Thanks in advance.

2011-12-21, 01:15 AM
Want goofy? Be a tibbit, play the Cheshire cat.

2011-12-21, 01:17 AM
Want goofy? Be a tibbit, play Cait Sith.

And cover the doll-body with explosive runes like crazy, and suicide it into bad guys.

2011-12-21, 01:30 AM
Jade Pheonix Mage?

2011-12-21, 01:45 AM
Orrr.... Ask your DM to allow this stuff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138315).

2011-12-21, 02:11 AM

Ahem! Yes as you can tell while I don't have nightmares about them I can not stand for them. While this is only partially because of his homebrew race basically immortal. Immortal as even most deities can not destroy you so long as you stay the DM's _itch. The other side of the reason is well the treatment of prinnies. When the entire universe yells at you that you suck it can get a bit depressing. …Unless you give the universe the finger by being AWESOME in spite of that.

As for mechanics I'll leave the others for advice on that.

2011-12-21, 02:17 AM

Ahem! Yes as you can tell while I don't have nightmares about them I can not stand for them. While this is only partially because of his homebrew race basically immortal. Immortal as even most deities can not destroy you so long as you stay the DM's _itch. The other side of the reason is well the treatment of prinnies. When the entire universe yells at you that you suck it can get a bit depressing. …Unless you give the universe the finger by being AWESOME in spite of that.

As for mechanics I'll leave the others for advice on that.
If Skittles dies, you need to make a Prinny. It's really not that outrageous in a party with an undead paladin already...

2011-12-21, 02:29 AM
Well, prinnies should use twin short swords and do everything they can to get as many attacks in a full-round as possible. The prinny attack is pretty awesome. I would also make them skill monkeys since in the anime Etna uses them for just about any utility situation. Craft (Cooking) is a must. Fluff a belt of many pockets as a fanny pack. Your wings should be useless and you shouldn't worry about the peg legs affecting movement. Get haste if possible.
Not sure how you'd do it mechanically, but if a prinny goes flying it should explode, though it should only pass out and stabilize at zero.

2011-12-21, 02:34 AM
.... Dang, I've already been on a kick designing Eidolons for the PF summoner lately, now I'm gonna have to figure out how to design a Prinny Eidolon. Gotta figure out a way to make it explode on death...

EDIT: Hmm, Final Strike from Savage Species seems like the way to go, unless I can find a way to permanency Fatal Flame(Complete scoundrel) or Death Throes(Spell compendium) so that it goes off every time the prinny is 'killed'.

2011-12-21, 02:37 AM
I approve of this thread.

As an aside, you should have an addendum that the Prinny explodes whenever it would take falling damage, dealing damage equal to their HP before the fall in a 10 ft. burst. After that, they are left with 0 HP or the amount they would normally have after the fall, whichever is lower.

2011-12-21, 02:38 AM
Frosty…go take a look at some of my older threads. I talked about Thigardo, Prinny Deity of Legend of just Google him. He is really insane. He was all kinds of awesome while getting raped, abused, nuked, and anything else just harmful. I DO NOT recommend a prinny to someone who has depression. Besides I banned myself from ever playing one again so as not to tarnish Thigardo's name.

2011-12-21, 04:34 AM
Hirax: I wouldn't consider tibbit exactly wacky, one of my friends played a tibbit dragonfire adept in a previous campaign. And I've drawn up a Tibbit swordsage before, but didn't get to play it.
I had actually considered asking for a refluffed Tibbit that turns into a penguin instead of a cat though.

Medic: I'd need to be able to cast explosive runes though, and using it as a main attack kind of overshadows the whole prinny swordsmanship thing.

Frosty: You need arcane casting to get that though, I hadn't considered it though.

the-mage-king: Oooooh. Those are super tempting, I'll need to run em past my ST though.

turtleking: Never heard of Pika's prinnies. That bad huh?

Strormer: Yeah, that's why I figured swordsage. Tiger claw manuevers and all that.

Crasical: Yeah, final strike does seem like it could work, the subtype would just be tricky. If I could figure out a way to mass produce minions with a subtype, giving them the final strike feat could work as disposable bodies for the foP version.

Private-Prinny: thanks ^_^

2011-12-21, 04:45 AM
Pika's homebrew race Prinny has the little racial ability of being so pathetic it just can't die. The prinny I played was subject to not only nukes at point blank range but also attacks by overdeities. Basically the most powerful deities that can either create or destroy the universe blasted my guy…and he lived. To do this you must be the DM's _itch subject to his whim. Only relief is to actually pull off something amazing. Such as defeating a Purple Wurm at level 3 with only a lvl 4 Gnoll Ranger, and 5 Ogres as my cohorts. Even better is arriving in style by riding the Purple Wurm into battle out of a portal from the Abyss.