View Full Version : where the wildthings roam.

2011-12-21, 08:55 PM
im assuming that you leave the camp heading after the girl.
this threads for your fun time, away from the group.
give me 3 spot checks please,

2011-12-22, 01:23 PM
(((LOL, yes, it would :smallbiggrin:)))

Before he sets out he grabs the sharpest rock he can find from their supplies with which to mark the trees he passes so that they can follow him easier.

Spot Checks:



(Yay fun time!!)

2011-12-22, 04:06 PM
after roughly 6 hours of scouting ahead you happen upon a small area in the woods where the brush has been trampled, and ripped up. on several of the bushes near the east side you spot small dried spots of blood in the girls tracks you were following.
the tracks your following continue in that direction, and a new set of tracks can be seen moving in a almost parallel path to the girls tracks

knowledge nature check dc 10
there was a fight in this area
dc 15
will be filled in after check is made. to avoid temptation :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-22, 09:07 PM
Erfaron stops at the edge of the clearing and studies the place.

Knowledge (Nature) check:
(((so close!)))

Erfaron does a sweep along the outside edge of the clearing to make sure he has not missed signs of something else leaving the clearing.

(Search Check)

Assuming he finds nothing else, he decides to follow the tracks of the creature that is not the girl. While he does so he attempts to find hints as to what manner of creature left the tracks he is following. He makes sure to continue marking his trail for the others, but now he does so carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible while doing so.

(Survival Check)

(I will make checks in the following post. Do you want a nature check for identifying the creature?... Or was that part of the 15DC I failed already?)

2011-12-22, 09:16 PM
Search Check:

Survival Check:

2011-12-22, 10:18 PM
That was the dc 15 post.

As you continue along you find the tracks you followed cross over the girls every so often giving you the impression that it is stalking the girl, as you follow the tracks more you find more blood along the girls tracks and her tracks begin to be a little more blurred as if her feet are dragging in her steps.

Any other special actions for this hour or so of following?

If not give me a listen check.

2011-12-23, 12:04 PM
Listen Check:

Erfaron keeps his eyes out for that point in the hunt he knows so well- the point where the hunter starts closing in for it's kill. The point of change in the trail is allways subtle, but it's there.

(((want a check for that?)))
(my modifiers are +8 for spot, +6 for survival and +3 for search in case you do want a check, and want to roll it yourself to speed things up.oh, and by the way, I have Favored Enemy(Animal) if that changes anything.)

2011-12-23, 10:23 PM
you recognize that point has appeared as up ahead you hear growling, and large motions being made.

2011-12-24, 02:40 AM
Erfaron slows his movements. As he nears the end of the trail, he abandons it in favor of the brush. He begins to try and find the source of the noise, moving carefully as to not alert the creature to his presence, and so he could observe without getting involved if he had to.

Move Silently:


2011-12-24, 03:08 AM

as erfaron moves silently through the woods he approaches the area where the sounds are coming from, and sliding stealthily behind a tree to look around comes across a gruesome sight. the young girl lies dead slumped against a tree, her body mangled, and ripped apart. standing near the middle of the carnage is a wolf, covered in blood chewing on the remains of what was once her leg. It is seemingly absorbed in its meal.

surprise round if you attack.
~you are roughly 30 feet from the wolf~

2011-12-24, 10:53 AM
Erfaron, slowly shifting his gaze to the tree in front of him, he examines it, if it looks easily climbed, he will do so. All the while making as little noise as possible

Nature Check:(to see if the tree is climbable: DC at or below 15)

Climb Check:

If the tree is climbable, he is attempting to climb high enough that the wolf is unlikely to be able to reach him from the ground. Ideally he would like to find a spot in the tree where the wolf can still see him, and he it, if it happened to turn around.

If Erfaron fails... ((well, I have a plan, but I think perhaps thats enough "ifs" for this post.))

2011-12-24, 03:08 PM
earfaron manages to climb half way up to the branch layer of the tree without attracting the wolfs attention, however seeing as he has another 10 feet to go before the first branches he will need another climb check dc 10.
and another MS check if he wants to be quiet about it.

2011-12-24, 04:23 PM
(((... crap. I really hope I dont botch it.:smalleek:)))

Erfaron keeps doing what he had been doing.

Move Silently:


((whew! two un-modified rolls over 10! must be my lucky day!))

2011-12-24, 11:11 PM
((Ok, so, I'm assuming that since I beat the DC 10, that means I successfully climbed up to the first set of branches.. This post can allways be edited...))

Erfaron positions himself among the brances securely, ensureing that he won't fall off, and so that he and the wolf have clear line of sight...

Shaking his head to himself, he just knows he's going to regret this... Erfaron musters his courage, throws back his head, and howls at the top of his lungs!

His presence announced, he looks down and tries to catch the wolf's gaze. Erfaron knows that he can use his tenuous connection with nature to come to an understanding with the wolf. He had seen his father do it once with an eagle. Still, Erfaron had never tried it himself on anything other than passing rabbits, or birds. This was sure to be different.

Wild Empathy Check: (((trying to improve it's attitude.)))

(((well, the wiki says only rolling less than 5 decreases their attitude...)))

2011-12-26, 02:40 PM
Drawing the wolfs attention away from its meal does little to improve its atitude, infact seeing another humanoid nearby pushes it to almost attack. Bearing its blood soaked jaws towards you it growls menacingly before going back to feeding, all the while watching for earfaron to make any move what so ever to move from the tree.

2011-12-28, 11:49 AM
Erfaron fishes around in his pack for his rations. He takes out some of the dried meat, and attempts to entice the wolf with it, tossing the meat to it if it shows any interest at all.

Wild Empathy Check:
((wow the dice hate me right now.))

2011-12-28, 12:07 PM
Erfaron's attempt to bribe the beast illicits angrier and angrier growls from the wolf which was trying to eat its meal. It seems to notice that while the girls remains would feed iit, a full grown adult could feed far more, and begins to circle the tree howling loudly as it does so.

2011-12-28, 12:32 PM
As the wolf gets closer to the tree, Erfaron's expression and demeanor show that of happiness and exitement. Immitating the body language of a pack-mate greeting a friend.

Wild Empathy check:

((well, at least its not single digits anymore.))

2011-12-28, 12:35 PM
In the distance more howls are heard echoing the wolf circling the tree. At the base of the tree the wolf tries climbing, but not any easy purchase, returns to circling the tree, growling at earfaron, letting out a howl now and then.

2011-12-28, 05:31 PM
Upon hearing other howls, Erfaron looses all interest in this game. The wolf seems a hopeless cause. It had it's chance to befriend him.
Erfaron climbs higher into the tree, making use of the branches that make nice hand and foot-holds, ignoring the wolf below.

((Take 10 on a climb check.))

Erfaron is climbing higher to help break line of sight to the wolf with the branches and leafs of the tree.
Once he has a good solid perch and adequate cover, he remains as sationary and still as he can, hoping he can outlast the wolf below.

Hide Check:

Move Silently Check:

2011-12-28, 05:47 PM
How long do you plan on waiting?

before checking if wolf is there, as you have broken los from it.

2011-12-28, 05:53 PM
Erfaron will wait untill he doesn't hear any sign of wolves for a full hour. Then he will check visually for them, sneakilly of course.

I'll decide on further actions based on results.

What kind of checks do you need?

Edit: if needed, erfaron will wait as long as it takes. Let me know if this amounts to more than 6 hours.

2011-12-28, 05:56 PM
3 Listen and 1 spot please.

2011-12-28, 06:00 PM
Listen Checks:

Spot Check:

(((well thats an interesting progression.
I wish I rolled this well on the Wild Empathy:smallamused:)))

2011-12-28, 06:06 PM
For the first hour or so several more wolves can be heard arriving at the tree, and pacing around for a while. Though with no sign of erfaron most quickly leave, with several seeming to stay around, and from what he probabbly munch on the girls remains some more.

Over the next hour he hears movement away from the tree, and silence follow.

Upon moving lower again he notices no wolves in the general vacinity.

2011-12-28, 06:20 PM
Erfaron moves to the lowest branch on the tree (within reason, easily reachable, still well balanced and secure in the tree.)
and, using the stone he had been marking his trail with, scratches the following message into the tree:

Remains are the girl's
dead upon arrival
wolves, a whole pack.
I hid in this tree.
Check above, I may be trancing.

He then scratches a large circle into the bark, around the message, trying to make it as noticable as possible.

((If I remember correctly, this tree is the one I arrived at the clearing next to right? Did I mark my trail on it like the others?))
(take 10 on climbing checks.)

2011-12-28, 06:30 PM
Yes the tree you climbed is the one you arrived at.
il assume you marked you path towards the tree, though marking that tree would have negated you silent move going up it.

He notices wolf tracks leaving in all directions as he marks the tree up. They all very in size, and you count at least 7 pairs of tracks.

2011-12-28, 06:38 PM
In response to this, he adds an ammendment on the end of the "wolves, a whole pack." line. he adds: "I count at least 7"

Then he climbs back up the tree to his hiding spot, and using some vines from his pack, ties himself to the tree trunk and some of the branches.

(want a check?)

then he Trances for his 4 hours.

2012-01-10, 12:33 PM
sorry no update yet.. your teammates have decided to have a conversation.... and they are slow at continuing it/ making decisions.

2012-01-11, 09:13 PM
and here I was hoping that I would get to have a conversation with a wolf...
I suppose I should level up first. alot.

2012-01-11, 09:22 PM
or just not activly surprise a wolf thats 1. eating.
2. already been hostile, as you can see from it eating.... the girl...

lets be fair you had some negatives going against you there haha.

2012-01-14, 01:25 AM
True enough:smallamused:

Today I broke down and finally looked IC. Just in time to witness Alex finding me!

Am I "awake" yet?

2012-01-14, 11:44 AM
Ya il be nice go be awake in the ic thread im sure they have missed you.

2012-01-14, 01:17 PM

See you IC!