View Full Version : Revenge of the Iron Lich [IC]

2011-12-22, 02:07 PM
Revenge of the Iron Lich

It's been days travel through the Netherworld, the unholy Land of the Dead. You and your companions have been following a map given to you by the blind seer Ungonk, and the seers directions have been proven true. At the top of a small hill is a stone mausoleum and the grey mist that pervades the Netherworld seems to avoid this area, shrinking back and away from the structure. The entryway is wide and tall, big enough for a giant to fit through, and there's no door, just a few tattered red shrouds hanging from the top.

Final preparations done, you take the marble steps down into the catacombs. The stairway is lit by torches fixed to the stone walls, though instead of wood and flame they are skulls that burn with a green fire but produce no heat. After a long minute of walking the stairs open into a wide and long chamber with crumbling pillars reaching up to the ceiling. You can see that there are bas-reliefs on the pillars, images of skeletons being crushed in man-sized vices.

Rusty chains dangle from the ceiling and more tattered banners hang on these, the banners bearing the symbol of a watchtower. Among the pillars is a pedestal on which sits a human skull wearing a horned helmet. Two large emeralds have been placed into the eyesockets.

Right across from the stairs is a large double iron door, reinforced with strips of metal and wood. One large pullring is on each door, but there's no other decorations. At the far end of the room a skeleton sits wrapped in a tattered cloak on a throne made of glass. A crimson blindfold is wrapped around it's eyeless sockets.


The grey dot is the pedestal with the skull. The large black circles are the pillars, the stars-in-circles are more burning skulls, and the throne is at the far left.

Welcome to the Tomb of the Iron Lich.

Good luck.

2011-12-22, 11:23 PM
Valmir enters the room slowly, taking in everything around him. "Ware the skeleton, it could be animate." he warns the others. His eyes however drift towards the skull and the watchtower symbol on the pictures. What could it mean?

Would one be able to roll something to identify this watchtower or religion or arcana to identify the purpose of the skull or the blindfold?

Silver Coin
2011-12-23, 08:30 AM
Elioth scowled at the room. Magic. And none of the nice, reliable kind that goes into weapons and armour.

We just entered a dungeon delve who no one trained in history. All your's Sploosh.

[roll0] to spot traps, or identify any of the mentioned features as traps.

2011-12-23, 11:10 PM
Valmir attempts to place the sights before him, struggling to recall the obscure lore.


2011-12-27, 04:02 PM
"Interesting," remarks Ilyana as she ambles up alongside Valmir, "now what have I read about this place I wonder."

Perception to pick up anything not noticed immediately: [roll0]

Arcana on skull: [roll1]
Religion on skull: [roll2]

Arcana on skeleton: [roll3]
Religion on skeletion: [roll4]

History to identify banners: [roll5]

Dungeoneering to identify anything unusual: [roll6]

The Big Orc
2011-12-27, 10:47 PM
Walking over to the pedestal, Cailea will examine the skull and check the pedestal for a pressure plate. "Should be careful, no one knows what might happen if we move anything. We should search everything to avoid disturbing anything."

2011-12-27, 11:51 PM
Upon closer examination of the crude iron skull you realize that it's a depiction of the Iron Lich himself. The gems within the eyesockets are worthless quartz and the helmet is smelted from weak pig iron. The magic of the skull is not false however, but there does not seem to be a specific enchantment placed upon it, more so a sense of the skull being infused with magical energy.

As you move closer to examine the skeleton on the glass throne one of the skeletons arms begins moving and it pulls a small gilded box from inside it's ribs and opens it toward you. The box radiates an astounding amount of magic considering its size, and within you can see the source: a deck of hand painted cards lay inside. You instantly recognize this as the Deck of Mortals, an infamous magical card set said to be created by the god of trickery and shadows, Mask.

The history of the deck of mortals is plagued by stories of fortunes won and lost with the drawing of a single card. Not much is known about what purpose Mask has created the deck for, but it is well known that each mortal may draw from the deck once, but only once. All who are greedy and try to draw more than their share are dealt terrible punishments.

2011-12-28, 04:29 PM
"I assume everyone has heard the adage," announces Ilyana, "'Mortals draw but a single card'. This is the deck of cards upon which the phrase was based. I think we should all know better than to ignore that advice, but it bears repeating."

Ilyana pauses momentarily before she continues. "I cannot advise for or against drawing a card from the deck, but know that if you do your life will be forever changed. For good or ill it is impossible to say. You must decide for yourself if the risk and reward are to your liking."

Silver Coin
2011-12-29, 05:07 AM
Elioth raised an eyebrow. Now that was curious. "No traps, just a gamble? What are the odds?"

The Big Orc
2011-12-29, 10:25 AM
"Can we take the whole deck and sell it? Or will removing the whole deck trigger something?"

2011-12-29, 12:04 PM
Varmir makes his way across the room to inspect the doors. "Only fools trust the gifts of a lich and the dark god of trickery." He attempts to open it.

2011-12-29, 01:34 PM
The wide doors open soundlessly and reveal a long hallway lit by double rows of green glowing runes that travel the length of the walls. Immediately in front of you the cobblestone floor has collapsed, forming a large pit about ten feet deep. In the corners of the hallway are four more of the burning skulls fixed atop braziers.

At the far end of the hallway you can see another set of iron double doors. In the middle where the two doors meet there is a large, sneering, helmeted skull embossed onto them. As soon as you open the door you smell the heavy odor of smelted iron, as if a forge burned nearby.


Silver Coin
2011-12-30, 01:17 AM
As Varmir strode down the room, Elioth carefully considered what lies before him. A gamble? That's fine. He's a gambler. Walking up to the deck, he drew a card.


2011-12-30, 08:51 AM
The skeleton seems to nod to Elioth as he drew the card. Flipping it over you see a portrait of a old woman wrapped in multi-colored silks sitting at a table, cards spread out before her.
You may ask a question about the Tomb and have it answered. You do not have to ask immediately, but may save your question for a later time.

Silver Coin
2011-12-30, 09:27 AM
Elioth nodded, wondering vaguely if the gift came with an unnamed price. Perhaps, but no point worrying when there's nothing to be done if there was.

The Big Orc
2011-12-31, 12:11 AM
Cailea will also walk up and draw a card. "So what happened to you?"

2011-12-31, 01:54 AM
For a moment you think the skeleton smiles at you as you take the top card. Flipping it over you see a drawing of a whirling dervish dancer, leaping from rooftop to spire, one long scimitar held in her hand.
You gain a +5 bonus to Athletics, Acrobatics, and Endurance and you never grant combat advantage.

2012-01-02, 03:46 PM
"Very good," says Ilyana, "I assume no one else is taking a card?"

With that, the tiefling strolls to the opened door and stands alongside Varmir at its mouth. "I have reservations about a featureless hallway in a place such as this," she says as she crouches to inspect the collapsed floor, "perhaps you should check for traps, Cailea?"

Dungeoneering to identify cause of collapse: [roll0]
Arcana for general area: [roll1]
Religion for general area: [roll2]

2012-01-02, 05:08 PM
Varmir nods. "If I were going to trap this hallway, I would not rest my plans on a pitfall. If this Lich is as devious as we assume, there must be more."

The Big Orc
2012-01-02, 05:24 PM
Starting with the floor near the pitfall, Cailea will start to search the room for traps or there triggers.
Perception [roll0]

2012-01-02, 10:13 PM
As Cailea steps forward she can feel the floor beneath her begin to give away. She steps back, and not a moment too soon as the stone tiles in front of her collapse and fall to the ground nearly 30ft below. Dust and smoke rise up out of the pit and hang in the air for a moment before settling back down.


The Big Orc
2012-01-03, 08:24 AM
"Alright, I am starting to see a pattern, hang back and follow me."

Assuming Cailea is directly below the second pit, 3rd square horizontally, she will move 5ft to the left, then 15ft up, then 5ft to the right, then 15ft up, then 5ft to the left then up to the door.

2012-01-03, 09:16 AM
Luck is with Cailea today as she moves forward. Having misjudged the hallway, her light step saves her as she again hops back right before the stones in front of her collapse. The stone tiles fall longer this time and drop with a crash that resounds throughout the hallway. Peering down into the pit, it looks to be a 50ft drop.

Not the right pattern, but good guess. :smallwink:

Silver Coin
2012-01-03, 09:18 AM
Elioth gazed down the shafts. Reaching into his bag of holding, he lighted a sunrod and tossed it down to see what might be offered.

2012-01-03, 04:18 PM
"Perhaps," offers Ilyana, "we can utilise resources a little more renewable. And a little less... attached to our persons."

The tiefling closes her eyes momentarily and a shimmering hand appears beside her head. She fixes it with a stare and then blinks twice, causing the hand to glow with a warm, bright light.

Ilyana casts Mage Hand, then Light on the conjured hand.

First, she will use the hand to inspect the bottom of each pit in turn. Then, if possible she will use the hand to apply 20 pounds of pressure to the floor in each square past the exposed pits. If that won't work she'll have the hand pick up 20 pound rocks from the bottom of the pits and drop them along a path to the doors at the other end of the hall.

2012-01-05, 09:24 PM
The ghostly hand drifts down into the pits, revealing the sides to be unfinished stone. At the bottom of the second and third pit are a jumble of broken stone tiles and thin wooden support beams, snapped in half.

The first pit is empty of such debris, though you do see a few bits of broken stone that wasn't cleaned up.

Sorry for the delay, was busy with other things. Game on!

Silver Coin
2012-01-05, 11:02 PM
Elioth creased his forehead at the first pit. Well, the debris certainly had to go somewhere. Something was down there.

I'm assuming that the debris is from the covering of the hole collapsing into it. If so I'm intrigued that one has less debris. [roll0]

2012-01-05, 11:40 PM
Varmir remains at the entrance, his arms crossed. His eyebrow arched in interest, he leans forward slightly. "Ware the fall, Elioth. Your intrigue is rooted in reason. I heard Old Bones keeps something hear that might aid us in our quest. Searching here might lead us onto the right course. Caution must be met with haste though."

Silver Coin
2012-01-09, 08:07 AM
Elioth looked downwards into the pit for a moment before retrieving a rope from his bag of holding. Passing one end to his companions, he abseiled down into the pit.

"Hold tight. If I need you to pull me out, I'll tug on it or shout."

2012-01-10, 02:29 PM
Climbing down into the pit is easy. The stone wall is firm enough to provide easy handholds and it's a short descent. Once at the bottom the light from the ghostly hand proves useful as it plays over the old rocks and scattered bits of stone.

The light lays flat against the walls, except in one spot where it seems to go further. Looking down you find that there's an open gap at the bottom of the west wall, easily large enough to crawl into. A stone overhang hid the opening from above but once in the pit it's easy to see. Looking into the opening it looks like the passage goes for only a few feet before opening up onto some kind of stone steps going up.

Silver Coin
2012-01-11, 06:07 AM
Elioth frowned at the shaft. Retrieving a sunrod, he lit it and tossed it down the shaft.

Elioth has low light vision.

2012-01-11, 12:01 PM
Varmir, taking notice of the sudden appearance of light, calls down. "Are you alright? See anything?"

Silver Coin
2012-01-12, 05:07 AM
"A short tunnel and stairs up. Perhaps someone who has a better chance against traps should do this."

2012-01-15, 04:19 PM
Ilyana places her hand gently on Cailea's shoulder. "I think he's talking to you," she whispers rather loudly.

The Big Orc
2012-01-15, 06:02 PM
Looking into the pit, Cailea gulps softly then goes in.

2012-01-16, 11:01 AM
Crawling through the opening, Cailea sees that the stairs go up for about 15 ft and open into a long hallway. Immediately to the right is another hallway, which turns left after 10 ft. The walls here are the same iron plates that adorned the first chamber with more burning green skulls set into the corners providing light.

After a brief bit of exploration, she sees that both ways end at doors. Both are wide iron double doors with a large pull ring on each door.

I assumed a bit of otherwise non-eventful exploration to speed things up a bit.


The Big Orc
2012-01-16, 03:14 PM
Cailea will head to the North door and search it for traps.
Perception [roll0]

Having found nothing, she will open the door.

2012-01-16, 10:06 PM
The doors swing open on silent hinges. Beyond is a long hall, at the end a tall crimson portal that swirls in a slow circle. A row of four iron statues flank the hall on both sides, each statue showing an aged king sitting atop a high throne. Each of their faces is set in a scowl and their arms and hands are outstretched as if reading from a tablet, yet all hands are empty. The walls themselves appear to be embossed with a mural of some kind: skeletons hammering down on a stone floor, and humans cowering and dead underneath.

A thin silver mist floats on the bottom of the floor and Cailea sees a few random sparks of energy jump up and disappear. Some of the mist trails out of the room and crosses over her feet. Aside from a quick chill that passes, Cailea suffers no harm. In the middle of the hall is a wide basin, seemingly carved out of the stone floor and traced with mithral. A stack of iron tablets can be seen within the basin.

The portal at the end of the hall is set into a mithral archway with the symbol of a gear at the apex. On either side of the archway the walls are engraved with images of two humans pushing against the portal. Flailing arms are engraved on the side, seemingly trying to escape it.


Stars are the statues, circle in the middle is the basin, portal is the half circle at the end.

Is everyone else still back in the main hallway (the one with the pits)?

The Big Orc
2012-01-16, 11:23 PM
Approaching cautiously, Cailea will check out the basin.
Perception [roll0]

2012-01-17, 06:06 AM
"I dare say," remarks Ilyana, "that our human friend has either found safe passage or is in need of our aid. In either case it is probably a worthwhile following. Shall we?"

2012-01-17, 10:58 AM
The stone plates stacked in the basin are large enough that it'd require two hands to hold one. There are several small piles of them and the only decoration on them are large letters of the alphabet that have been engraved on the face of the plates. The basin itself is smooth and finished stone and the mithral tracing follows the lip of the basin and spirals down both on the inside and outside of the basin.

Currently the letters G, L, Y, and C are visible (the plates on the top of the stacks.

2012-01-17, 12:17 PM
Varmir nods and begins to head after Cailea.

The Big Orc
2012-01-17, 06:22 PM
Cailea will start pulling the stone plates out of the basin.

2012-01-20, 08:40 PM
As Cailea beings to lift one of the plates she hears a thunk from below the basin and the double doors slam shut. White energy flashes over the doors and covers them like a shell of living electricity, while the mist on the floor changes color from silver to green. Aside from the color change, the mist still floats on the bottom of the floor.

A moment later Cailea and Varmir hear the faint sound of whirring gears and rushing sand echoing from behind the south wall.

For the rest of the group outside the room, the door is covered in the same white lightning, crackling and crawling over it like something alive.

Assume that up is north. The door is thick, but if you shout then the people on the other side can hear you.


2012-01-21, 01:17 PM
Sweat drips down Varmir's face as he begins to question the wisdom of this expedition. Think, Varm, think! If this trap was meant to kill you, you'd be dead by now.

"Cailea, what are the tiles for? What is on them? Is everyone alright? Demetrius, can you dispel this thing?"

Arcana check on the energy, mist and portal

History check on these kings and tablets

The Big Orc
2012-01-21, 01:42 PM
"There are letters on the plates, so far I have seen G L Y and C. Keep pulling them out, find out what they all are and I am going to try and find somewhere they might fit." Cailea will start searching the room for indents approximately the shape of the plates, starting around the statues.

Perception [roll0]

2012-01-21, 11:22 PM
"There is an extra L. If we are meant to spell something, that may be a clue. Also, the mist is becoming a deadly, we probably don't have much time. I will try and remove the magic blocking the door, but it may be above my abilities."

Varm channels his arcane energy at the door, trying to force a contest of wills with the spell and force it out.

Arcana check on the door

2012-01-21, 11:51 PM
As you focus your will against the seal you hear faint laughter in your mind, and the seal remains unbroken.

I made a mistake: the extra letter is an I, not a L.


2012-01-22, 03:59 PM
"Stand back," says Ilyana, "I don't know what effects there might be if I get this wrong."

The tiefling closes her eyes and points one hand toward the door, palm open and facing the floor. Although she makes no sound, her lips move rapidly.

Arcana: [roll0]

The Big Orc
2012-01-22, 06:44 PM
Cailea will start hauling tiles around, placing them in the hands of the statues to spell IRON LICH.

2012-01-23, 02:14 PM
As Cailea places the last stone plate in the hands of the king, she hears a loud click and immediately after the sound of falling sand stops. The white lightning covering the door shoots into the green mist, discharging the magic and turning it back to a pale silver.

Congratulations! The door is closed, but unlocked.

2012-01-24, 04:36 PM
"Hmm," say Ilyana as she steps toward the door, "that was easier than I expected."

With all due caution, the tiefling attempts to open the door.