View Full Version : The Forest of Grünenwald [Group2 IC]

2011-12-22, 06:12 PM
OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12412844#post12412844)

The village of Lower Kirby is situated deep in the Forest of Grünenwald, and the villagers have always depended on the forest for their livelihoods, producing furs and timber for the town of Arundel down on the plains. However, the forest has become murkier and more dangerous in recent months, and it appears that dark forces have taken hold of it. The animals of the forest have become monstrous and vicious, and there are even rumours of savage humanoids lurking in the depths!

Becoming ever more fearful of the encroaching darkness, the villagers have pooled their resources advertise in the Adventurer's Guild in Arundel a stipend of 750g to any who would find the source of the evil and end it!

Answering this call, you and your new companions make the five day journey east from Arundel to Lower Kirby. The straight roads through the cleared fields around the town quickly give way to forest tracks which become steadily more twisted as you ascend into the foothills of the Grenzeburg Mountains. It is late summer, and the foliage in the canapé overhead is lush and bright green, and small birds and forest creatures can frequently be seen darting between the trees and heard calling to each other. You pass several villages on your way. In one village the children run around you as you pass through, fighting each other with sticks and pretending to be adventurers like you! One of the adults mentions that another group of adventurers had passed through in the same direction the day before. Other than this, and apart from providing a brief change from the all-enclosing trees, the villages themselves don’t amount to much.

By dawn of the fourth day, the more astute of you begin to notice changes in the forest. The canapé is blocking out more light now, and the trail descends steadily into gloom as the day goes on. You no-longer hear the animals calling to each other, though you still see them on occasion.

On the fifth day you spot a column of smoke rising through a break in the canapé, and you quickly realise it’s coming from the village of Lower Kirby. Like the other villages it’s situated in a small clearing, and consists of a small cluster of log cabins arranged around a blacksmiths. Several of the cabins are smouldering, as is a small tannery to the south. To the north edge of the clearing sits the squat bulk of the village sawmill where the majority of the villagers would be employed.

As you approach you notice several dozen black-feathered arrows embedded in the ground and walls, and the villagers regard you with a mix of despair and sudden hope. You learn that the village was raided that morning by a band of goblins, who looted and torched the village, kidnapped all the children and young women, and killed or seriously wounded anyone who stood against them, including the village chief, Berl Berlsson, who you are taken to see.

Berl is a large man with unruly black hair and a shaggy beard now laden with perspiration from the pain. As the village blacksmith and chief by dint of his importance, he’d tried to stop the raiders and lost a leg for his troubles. He now lies on a sickbed whilst his wife attempts to nurse his injury. Berl tells you that there were between twenty and thirty goblins, and that whilst another group of adventurers had visited yesterday he’d sent them into the forest seeking the source of the evil in the forest. He implores you to instead track down the goblins and rescue the six hostages instead. Berl is clearly not a man accustomed to begging for anything, but he does so anyway.

Feeling bound to accept this new task, you trail the goblins for two days - they aren’t difficult to follow, leaving many tracks and slashed vegetation in their wake. Occasionally you notice trails in the earth where something or someone had been dragged. Towards the end of the second day the forest thins out slightly, and you spot another column of smoke rising through the reduced foliage. Almost immediately, two arrows thunk into the ground by your feet. You suddenly realise you’ve missed a small watchtower ahead about sixty feet northwest, and in it are two goblins armed with bows. The silence is suddenly broken as a third goblin sounds a horn, presumably to alert the rest of the encampment. You ready yourselves for combat.

There are three goblins in a rickety wooden watchtower, the deck of which is about 10ft on a side and 20ft above ground level. A single ladder ascends it towards the rear. The encampment is still at least several hundred feet off, and you can't yet see it save the column of smoke.

The goblins have just taken their surprise round, and the group has won initiative so may post their combat actions. Once posted I'll resolve them in an order I see fit.

2011-12-22, 10:01 PM
The long journey through the forest had given Damien plenty of time to think, and in between the various conversations he had held with his traveling companions he had run the forthcoming fight with the goblins over in his mind many times, considering how to best remove the goblin threat without risking the lives of the hostages. The longer the trip lasted, however, the more certain Damien was that their rescue mission would become one of revenge. He planned all the same, however, and he was ready when the time came to act.

Damien let his staff fall to the ground before he began to consciously react to the threat, the smooth oak shaft seeming to tumble to the earth in slow motion. He draws his greatsword in a single smooth motion, the rippling edge catching the forest light as it clears its sheath with a whisper of steel and the faint scent of metal and oil. Then Damien pitches forward and begins to move, his feet picking through the undergrowth without thought or effort.

As he moves the air around him seems to twist, and the shadows of the trees catch and roil in his passing. After only a moment or so he seems to be coated in a loose, shifting layer of shadow, the lines of his form obscured and made vague by the unnatural lighting. At the same time the edge of his blade begins to faintly glow, and with each dancing step it seems to grow hotter, though it doesn't yet threaten to burst into flame. He heads toward the ladder, preparing to climb up and deal with the goblins if they can't be taken down by the others at-range.

I'm not totally sure what you wanted here, so I've described his first turn as soon as he is able to act. I assume that we don't have a surprise round, or that if there one one the goblins just wasted it.

Initiative: [roll0]

A free action to drop his staff, a move action to draw his greatsword, and then he'll move 30 feet towards the guard-tower.

Hide from any goblins he has concealment against: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]

Damien Swiftarm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353208)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swordsage, Level 1, Init +3, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft.
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Greatsword +5 (2d6+4, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Quarterstaff +5 (1d6+3/1d6+1, x2)
Javelin (4) +2 (1d6+3, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition Desert Wind Dodge
Stance: Child of Shadow (20% miss chance)
Maneuvers Readied
1. Burning Blade
2. Sapphire Nightmare Blade
3. Shadow Blade Technique
4. Wolf Fang Strike

2011-12-23, 07:16 AM
During the trip, Lesaje had been making notes about almost everything she saw. Her interest in the forest, however, seems to be purely academic - rather than seeming to enjoy watching the forest and its creatures, she is sketching and taking notes, labeling leaves and trees and birds with flowing words that made for such a task.

As the goblins open fire, the young mage is taken by surprise. Without any methods to engage at such range, she closes with the tower, hoping to reach the area under it that the goblins are unable to shoot at. Her movements are crisp, as if she is attempting to measure the number of steps she needs to take rather than rushing to cover.

2011-12-23, 05:10 PM
"How did I miss THAT?!" Cynewulf says to himself and gestures with his free hand while sprinting to cover. He spent the trip taking in the sights and smells of nature and enjoying the view, something that he never had while growing up as a street thief in a cold city of stone, but had come to appreciate during his brief time with the elves.

Sliding up and slamming into a tree, Cynewulf quickly nocks an arrow and lets loose...

Cynewulf moves to any square with a small tree in it that is within 40ft. of himself and 70ft. of the goblins, and fires an arrow.

2011-12-23, 05:28 PM
The first part of the journey had been relatively enjoyable even with the thought of what was to come. But since arriving at Lower Kirby, Daneth has been withdrawn with concern over the fate of the hostages.

At the sudden appearance of the goblins, Daneth gives a shout, "Finally, a chance to strike at the foe," and after telling Hemlock to stay and dropping his lead, Daneth spurs Acorn toward the base of the watchtower.

Daneth drops the lead of his mule and rides the 60ft to the base of the tower.

2011-12-23, 10:40 PM
Fharlanghn had smiled upon them so far. For the most part of their journey had been traveling swiftly and without much effort and Ruavan had been able to gather food and water from their surroundings so far. But then... something changed. That silence in the woods... he remembered reading about that before in the memoirs of a veteran ranger. That effect was usually noticeable when a big predator was present, such as a bear. It worried him.

As it had been silent like that for days, Ruavan had started searching for other reasons for the odd silence. Perhaps that was why he did not see the watchtower in time.

Once he spots the threat, he runs towards it, trying to move below the platform while he looks out for any holes in the construction, through which he could shoot a unsuspecting goblin.
Double move with 40 ft. speed.
Spot check for the aforementioned holes.

2011-12-24, 02:20 AM

All of you save Cynewolf try to close the distance to the watchtower, covering the distance as best you can. Daneth and Lesaje just manage to make it to the front of the tower, with Damien and Ruavan 20-30 paces further back.

Cynewolf finds partial cover behind a small tree and fires an arrow at the goblins! Cynewolf's arrow goes straight through the goblin's puny leather armour, penetrating straight through the left side of its chest and straight out the other side! The goblin is horribly wounded, but the wound fails to drop it and it continues to fight on.

The one with the horn blows it again before reaching for her longsword. The other two loose another arrow at what they perceive to be the biggest threat, which happens to be Daneth, having to lean out from the tower to attack such a close target! Both their aims are true, but Daneth manages to get his shield up in time to intercept one of the arrows. The other black-feathered arrow buries itself in Daneth's thigh and sticks there!

Daneth takes 3 damage!

Spot check: The tower is a simple wooden construction on 4 stilts of a similar thickness to Ruavan's forearm, with a basic 10ft by 10ft platform 20ft up from the forest floor with naught but a modest handrail guarding the edges, providing no substantial cover. A ladder climbs the back of the tower.

2011-12-24, 02:29 AM
Damien continues forward, his blade held back and his stance streamlined. The shadows of the forest continue to roil around him in a dappled veil, and his blade glows ever hotter as he reaches the tower. He grips his greatsword firmly in one hand as he grasps the ladder with the other, hauling himself up to the goblin's platform as quickly as he can. He prepares for close combat with the archers, but his main focus is on the swordsman; it's been a while since Damien had faced a true threat, and the excitement was invigorating.

He'll run as quickly as he can to the ladder and then begin to climb it. He auto-succeeds the Climb check for a ladder.

2011-12-24, 04:56 AM
Seeing an opportunity to end part of the thread immediately, Lesaje steps back just enough to get a good look at the injured goblin, calculating the distance before beginning a complex series of gestures. These are accompanied by a dozen words in an arcane tongue, each almost free of consonants. At the end of this preparation the young mage, feeling the newly-released arcane energy flow through her, thrusts out her arms and concentrates on channeling it into the air between her palms. A speck of liquid appears, quickly growing outwards and beginning to revolve, gaining a slightly greenish tint as it does so. As the orb reaches the edges of her hands, she shifts her posture, seeming to hold the liquid in a sphere on her right palm, then takes a step forwards as she hurls it at the injured goblin.

Most epic description for a cantrip I've ever written.

Anyways, I'm 5' stepping if I need to, otherwise I'll just cast my Acid Splash.

Trying to hit the injured goblin, if he's out of range attack the other one.

RTA: [roll0]
Acid damage: [roll1]

2011-12-24, 06:00 AM
Cursing with the pain, Daneth drops his lance and tries to slide free of his saddle.
Fast Dismount: Ride DC20 [roll0]
With an arrow in the thigh, getting off Acorn was tricky business but Daneth managed. Moving toward the ladder Daneth drops his shield and then begins climbing up after Damien.

Unstrap the shield during my move toward the ladder, then begin climbing up. I should auto-succeed now. AC is now 17

Please let me know if it would be possible to climb with the shield on, I don't think it is but I am dropping items like flies and it makes me sad. :smallfrown:

2011-12-24, 06:23 AM
"HaHA!" Cynewulf laughs to himself while drawing another arrow and letting loose at the goblin wielding the longsword.


...I have proof that just happened.

2011-12-24, 11:41 AM
Seeing Cynewulf's arrow strike true, Ruavan feels the urge to get his crossbow out and let loose a few bolts towards the goblins himself. He drops his shield and kneels down. Aiming carefully at the other bow-wielding goblin he slowly pulls the trigger of his crossbow.

Assuming I'm in 30 feet range now, so Point Blank Shot will apply.
Standard action:
Critical on 19-20, if its a threat:
Move action: Pulling out the crossbow.

2011-12-24, 01:43 PM

As Daneth dismounts swiftly in spite of his injury, Damien reaches the foot of the ladder and begins to climb, making it almost to the top. The goblin with the longsword curses at Damien in goblin, and makes a vicious stab at the climbing warrior that goes wide. Daneth also gains the bottom of the ladder, but he doesn't get very far as Damien is in his way.

Meanwhile Lesaje's ball of acid whizzes past the wounded goblin's head.
"마법사! 나쁜 년!" the goblin yells at her, blood now foaming at its mouth from its punctured lung. It returns fire, striking her unprotected arm.

Ruavan strikes the other bow goblin solidly on its head, the arrow glancing off its thick skull and scoring a nasty gash. It shakes its head to clear the blood from its eyes before firing back at its attacker, the black-fletched arrow sticking in the turf at Ruavan's feet.

Cynewolf's aim remains true, the arrow hitting the sword-wielding goblin square between the shoulders. It yells incoherently before renewing its assault on Damien, who's unable to dodge effectively on the narrow ladder. The goblin manages to run its sword clean through Damien's shoulder, smiling grimly as she withdraws the blood-slicked blade. In spite of the injury, Damien manages not to lose his grip on the ladder.

In the distance you hear an answering war-horn, followed by another. A clamour of shouts begins to arise from the direction of the encampment.

Ok, run-down on what just happened:
Damien and Daneth climb the ladder. The goblin gets an AoO for Damien climbing in a threatened square, but misses.

Lesaje misses with her acid. Cynewolf and Ruavan strike true. All three of the goblins are now wounded, two of them seriously.

The goblins take their turns, hitting Lesaje for 2 damage and Damien for 5. Damien easily passes the resultant balance check.

Slight liberty was taken in the descriptive text with the order of actions above for dramatic purposes, the spoiler is the accurate account. :smallwink:

2011-12-24, 03:53 PM
Just checking that you knew, because I forgot to mention it explicitly: his AC was 17 until the beginning of this turn, and attacks against him had a 20% miss chance.

Damien takes the injury with nothing but gritted teeth and a grunt of pain, and he continues to move up and onto the platform. He twists and weaves to avoid any blows, his movements flowing and sure, the shadows around him continuing to dance in faint and obscuring patterns. He moves easily around the goblins, avoiding any blows with casual grace. He locks eyes with his enemy, a grin forming on his face. "You struck me, goblin. Allow me to return the favor."

With that his weapons surge into blazing light, the spikes on his armor blazing just as brightly as his greatsword. He whips the sword into the goblin with startling speed, and with a strange half-twist of his body he brings his mind and blade into alignment. Mind, body, and blade line up, and with a sudden burst of speed he slams his armor spikes against the swordbearer, driving the flaming spikes towards waiting skin. His greatsword goes wide, but the force of the blow allows him to crush his spikes against the goblin's body, driving them and their flames in deeply.

Move action to get up top. He'll move far enough to threaten at least one archer, if he can. Tumble: [roll0]

Swift action to activate Burning Blade; all his melee attacks deal +1d6+1 fire damage until the end of his turn.

Standard action to use Wolf Fang Strike; he can attack with two weapons at a -2 penalty each.

Greatsword attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] fire damage

Armor Spikes attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] + [roll6] fire damage

His AC is up to 17 and he has 20% concealment again.

In case of crits:
[roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10]

Damien Swiftarm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353208)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swordsage, Level 1, Init +3, HP 5/10, Speed 30ft.
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Greatsword +5 (2d6+4, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Quarterstaff +5 (1d6+3/1d6+1, x2)
Javelin (4) +2 (1d6+3, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None
Stance Child of Shadow
Maneuvers Readied
1. Burning Blade
2. Sapphire Nightmare Blade
3. Shadow Blade Technique
4. Wolf Fang Strike

2011-12-24, 04:34 PM
Cynewulf snaps "(In Sylvan) LESAJE! GET UNDER THE TOWER!" while he nocks a third arrow, then, left eye closed, teeth bared, face tight in hot anger, fires at the most wounded looking of the goblin bowmen.


2011-12-24, 05:12 PM
Daneth curses again as the arrow in his thigh bumps against the ladder: "Damn, that is going to have to come out soon."
Drawing his axe as he ascends to the top of the tower, Daneth takes a swing at any goblin still in a fighting mood who happens to be in reach.


2011-12-24, 05:21 PM
Lesaje, having exhausted the entirety of her arcane arsenal that she could imagine being useful in this situation, has nothing better to do than retreat to somewhere where she won't be under further arrow fire.

Getting under cover, then.

2011-12-24, 05:26 PM
Ruavan watches his companions scale the tower and engage the goblins in close combat. He may not be a expert archer, but so far he was fairly happy with his aim. He quickly reloads his crossbow and lets another bolt loose at the goblins.

Firing at whatever goblin isn't dead after the melee combat.
No penalty for firing into melee due to precise shot.

Move action: reloading crossbow
Standard action:
Critical on 19-20, if its a threat:

2011-12-24, 06:45 PM
Damien vaults the last few rungs up onto the platform, ducking under the goblin's frantic swing before impaling her on his flaming armour spikes, the greatsword cleaving through the guardrail and several of the deck plankings. The severed timbers immediately begin to smoulder, crimson flames licking at the platform. The goblin collapses dead, impaled through the heart and throat.

Daneth clambers up behind them, favouring his left leg in an attempt to avoid aggravating the arrow wound. He finds space on the increasingly crowded platform to swing his sword, but the archer just manages to avoid the intended deathblow.

Lesaje scrambles for cover, ducking beneath the tower out of line of sight. Ruavan's bolt fails to hit the small goblin, but Cynewolf continues his run of marksmanship, felling one of the archers with an arrow in the gut.

Faced with two fiersome warriors, half-blinded by blood from its head wound and under lethal arrow fire, the remaining archer panics, throwing himself from the platform in an attempt to escape death. The goblin manages to execute a tidy roll, and comes up running towards the encampment.

From their elevated vantage point, Damien and Daneth can see a handful of large half-obscured buildings 300-400ft beyond the fleeing goblin. They also spot movement. It's difficult to tell in the obstructing terrain, but it looks like at least ten, possibly more goblins heading this way. The earlier shouts are getting louder, and the horns are sounding more often. The tower is also becoming dangerously aflame, the fire spreading rapidly across the north-west corner of the platform.

2011-12-24, 09:05 PM
Damien nods to the others as he surveys both the buildings in the distance and the approaching horde. Combat, it would seem, had only just begun, and already he had a painful injury. "Sorry about the fire, but we need to get off of this thing. And, if anyone has a way to heal this wound I'd be happy to repay you for it later." He gestures towards his arm briefly before moving back to the ladder, hurrying down it as quickly as he can. When he's ten feet off of the ground he leaps the rest of the distance, finishing his jump with a light roll and then continuing towards the oncoming goblins.

He'll take ten to make the DC 15 Jump check to ignore a 10 foot fall. If you rule that this still counts as combat he'll just move the rest of the way down the ladder; it's mostly fluff anyway. He'll then move towards the oncoming goblins unless anyone's able to heal him up.

2011-12-25, 05:04 AM
Annoyed at his miss, Ruavan reloads the crossbow again, waiting for his sights to line up before he lets another bolt lose at the fleeing goblin. Better to deal with it now than later, he thinks to himself.

Critical on 19-20, if its a threat:

Then he shouts towards the group. "You see that horde coming? I don't think we should engage them head-on! Lets run now, I'll heal you later!" With that he reloads again, ready to cover a retreat.

2011-12-25, 05:12 AM
Seeing his allies take control of the watchtower, Cynewulf focuses his attention on the fleeing archer, already moving before it hits the ground. Tearing from the tree with all the torque he can muster, Cynewulf sprints through the undergrowth like a gust of wind, making a beeline to intercept the goblins' path.

Full 160ft. move to between the goblin and the direction the goblin is moving, preferably ending in a square with a small tree.

2011-12-25, 11:00 AM
"Didn't I just do this." With that muttered complaint Daneth climbs gingerly back down the ladder and heads back toward Acorn, picking up his shield along the way. As he is moving he calls out, "I happen to agree with you Ruavan, at the least it would be better to fall back to a defensible location. But, can one of you help me get back on Acorn and ready to go?"

2011-12-25, 04:38 PM
Lesaje frowns as one of her comrades rushes off to intercept the remaining goblin. I'm not sure how much I can help, but it isn't like I can do much else at this point. Lesaje offers, limping towards her fellow injured combatant.

2011-12-29, 12:01 PM

Ruavan fires at the fleeing goblin, but the bolt strikes a tree trunk before reaching the intended target.

Damien and Daneth descend from the tower, which is now blazing merrily. Fiery timbers begin to drop from the platform onto the forest floor. Damien rushes off towards the approaching goblins, but is overtaken by Cynewolf, who even overtakes the fleeing goblin. From his forward location, Cynewolf can count at least 18 goblins, for now about 200ft away, but heading in the group's direction. Black-fletched arrows begin to fall around him, though none of them seem to be actually aiming just yet.

Daneth retrieves his equipment, and with Lesaje's aid re-mounts his horse.

Group gets 350XP each.

2011-12-29, 05:48 PM
Cynewulf slides to a stop while spinning around on his lead foot, plants his other foot under his now diagonal body while drawing an arrow to his bow, and looses it at the surrounded goblin archer. ("Can't let this one tell the rest what it knows about us!")


Then he moves 40ft. back towards Damien and the others while yelling and gesturing in and over their direction with his bow arm, "There's a score headed our way, RUN!"

2011-12-29, 10:19 PM
Damien watches Cynewulf's arrow miss with a pit of dread growing in his stomach. This isn't going to end well. He pulls out a javelin, narrowing his eyes as he aims at the retreating goblin. Damien's art was that of the sword and staff and fist; he was no archer, nor good at-range in general. The javelin's he carried were the best he could manage. "It's just like a forward slash, except you let go at the end," Damien said to himself. "Just like this!" He let the javelin fly with a perfect throw, and then he turned to run back to the others before death could descend down on him in the form of a dozen enraged goblins.

Free action to take one hand off his Greatsword, Move action to draw a Javelin, Standard action to attack, free action to 5-foot step towards the others.

Ranged Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-12-30, 03:10 AM
Lesaje claps once, then moves to retreat with her allies. Her current selection of spells was more suited to short range fights against a small group or a single enemy, and she had already exhausted her primary offensive spell that could be used at range effectively. While her ray could be of use, it wouldn't make any sense to use it when there were a dozen or more goblins incoming...

2011-12-30, 09:41 AM
Thanks Lesaje, but now I think we need to move. Daneth sets his lance in its socket, slings his shield behind his back and unhooks his short bow from the saddle ready to return fire at the goblins.

2011-12-30, 04:26 PM
Lesaje nods, stopping for a moment to pick up Damien's staff, careful to use her uninjured arm. While she wasn't entirely sure, she had the feeling that the warrior would want to take it with him rather than leave it behind. Although she had no talent for such things, she had taken Basic Identification I at the Academy and, using the skills learned during that course, come to the conclusion that Damien was intending to get his staff.

If not...well, it was a nice staff.

2011-12-30, 10:10 PM
Ruavan grasps his shield again, affixing it to his backpack while he sprints towards Damien with great speed... he had always been one of the fastest children in his village. But since he became a devout follower of Fharlanghn, it seems as if he had still gained in quickness. Certainly a gift to the young cleric to help him traveling swiftly.

As soon as he had taken care of his shield, he pulled the wand from his small belt pouch. He knew this thing would come in useful at some point... certainly it was money well spent.

A Move Action to pick up my shield and a Move Action moving towards Damien while pulling out the wand of lesser vigor.

2011-12-31, 08:49 AM

Though Cynewolf's arrow only causes the fleeing goblin to flinch as it whizzes past its ear, Damien's javelin strikes true. The goblin falls awkwardly and lies still.

More arrows are beginning to fall now, increasingly aimed true. Though the goblins must still be more than 150ft away two arrows strike Cynewolf's leather armour, and he has to duck a third.

We don't need to play this through round by round if you guys don't want to. Just state the plan and I'll roll it forward a bit. :smallwink:

2011-12-31, 11:13 AM
Damien followed the first rule of combat; "when in doubt, get near a caster." The wound in his shoulder was still burning, and he realized with a start that though he was still moving swiftly he had lost a good deal of blood. Damien took off at a full sprint towards Ruavan, the shadows around him once more roiling and twisting, partially obscuring him from view. He slows to a stop next to Ruavan, turning to look back at the goblins. "I don't know about you, friend, but I have a feeling that we've jabbed the wrong bee's nest."

Oops, missed your spoiler there. I'm fine with moving into 'plan' mode, but we'll need a plan first.

2012-01-03, 01:41 PM
"Jabbing into bees's nests can turn out alright if you catch the honey and are quicker than the bees." Says Ruavan with a grin as he takes his wand of lesser vigor into the right hand and lays his other hand on Damien. "You'll be better shortly, friend. Maybe we can outrun them for a while and set up a ambush? Might be enough to whittle down their numbers."

2012-01-03, 01:45 PM
Damien's eyes flash with the spark of an idea, and he grins broadly. "I think I can one up a skirmish, bracing though it sounds. Those of us who are faster than the goblins will lead them away and astray, while those of us that can sneak will wheel back to their encampment to free the prisoners. How does that sound?"

I do all my best thinking in character.

2012-01-03, 11:15 PM
Assuming I can hear their conversation.

My friends, I am fine with you all performing an ambush, but my oaths prohibit me from taking an active part. I would be fine joining in once the battle is joined, or serving as bait.

Sorry this is disconnected, just got home from a 10 hour drive.

2012-01-04, 05:15 AM
Cynewulf slows his run as he approaches, smiling, "Quite an arm, Damien!" Trotting up to a stop, he turns to the group, Whatever we do, we need to do it fast. Daneth, do you have room for another rider on your courser?" As he finishes the question, he nocks another arrow and turns to observe the closing warband, while absently edging closer to the tower for a hair more cover and concealment.

2012-01-04, 10:33 PM
Acorn may be able to carry someone else, but he would not like it and the ride would not be comfortable. And yes we do need to act quickly or we will overrun.

2012-01-06, 10:03 PM
"Damien, its a good plan but if there are more goblins at their camp you may find yourself severely outnumbered. We better just stay together and run now I think." Ruavan looks pretty worried at the goblin group in the distance.

2012-01-07, 06:41 PM

And on that note, punctuated by a rain of arrows, the group decides discretion is the better part of valour and falls back into the deep woods. Once more the stifling darkness closes in around. Slowly the sounds of pursuit grow quieter, before ceasing altogether. You reckon you've come back perhaps a mile and a half from the encampment. With the immediate danger passed, the group turns to planning how to rescue the captives.

2012-01-09, 06:01 PM
"...I don't think they're following us."

Cynewulf lean-kneels against a tree, arrow nocked on bow, eyes watching the forest in the direction of the encampment. "I'm worried about the prisoners. If we don't do something soon, I'm afraid the goblins will do something to them since they know we're coming, but if we go back now, they'll be prepared for us."

Cynewulf looks back towards the group.

2012-01-09, 11:26 PM
Damien stretches his legs slowly, stiff after riding on the back of a horse for an hour. He tugs his hood off of his head, his short dark hair fading into the shadows even more so than his dark grey cloak. "I agree, we need to turn back quickly; I dislike having gone this far, despite the tail. I can hide in the shadows well enough to avoid the goblins, and now that we know where they are I see no reason to not slip around behind them and free the prisoners as best we can. Steal and strafing should be enough to thin their numbers down to something manageable."

2012-01-10, 09:01 AM
Lesaje is glad for the rest, although she is surprised that she isn't as tired as she would have expected to be after such an event. Apparently, although she hadn't noticed it until now, the lessons Cherek had given her had been enough to allow the mage to get by even with a fresh arrow wound in her arm.

I'm unsure if guerilla style attacks on the goblins would be effective at this point. They know of our presence and, if they realize we are attacking them, may take it out on the captives. It would be better to keep them from getting into an even more dangerous situation. We don't know why they were taken from the village, and it could be that they will be safe unless we give the goblins a reason to lash out at them. Lesaje says.

2012-01-10, 12:00 PM
Damien furrows his brow, impatient. "Or it could be that they are going to be killed an eaten at nightfall, and all we're doing by standing around and waiting here is sealing their fate. I'm not going to wait around like a coward when it is within my power to, at the very least, sneak up on the camp to determine the status of the captives. If they've already been killed then this argument is pointless."

He looks to the others, his voice tinged with strong emotion. "Will you all just wait here, where it's safe, and let women and children die? Or will you help me do something about their fate?"

2012-01-10, 12:31 PM
Daneth dismounts and removes Acorn's barding to give him a chance to rest. As he is doing this he is listening to the conversation.
Damien, while I agree we need to thin their numbers, Lesaje has a point. If we harass them they might take kill captives for revenge. I think that our best bet might be a multifront attack. Obviously it would be dangerous but if we can find where the townsfolk are and draw their guards away then we may stand a chance.

2012-01-10, 05:20 PM
Cynewulf looks back out at the forest while the others speak, thinking things over, before turning head back halfway and speaking in a quiet tone, "It's not a matter of bravery or cowardice, Damien, we're going to help these people no matter what, but if we just go in to free the prisoners, with stealth or not, it could be a trap."

Turning all the way around, and lofting a hand towards Daneth, "Daneth has the right of it. We make them think we're coming in one way, while you and I come in quietly somewhere else. I doubt they will have planned for that, and even if they have, we wouldn't be fighting as many at once." He absently turns back around, habitually keeping an eye on all directions, including up.

2012-01-19, 01:57 AM
Daneth holds his hand up in a pacifying gesture. Thank you for that Cynewulf, but maybe we can combine our plans. If we could come up with a signal, then maybe we could check on the captives and mount a rescue at the same time.

2012-01-26, 07:03 AM
Tearing his gaze from the forest, Cynewulf spins around to face the group, plumping down on his rear and staring at the ground between his allies, nocked bow across his lap. After chewing at his lip for a moment, he quietly unfolds his plan. "Tell me what you think: Damien and I get as close as we can to the camp to get its layout, sneak back to the group to give you directions on where to approach and where we'll go in from, then sneak in to find the villagers with Lesaje tailing us by a stone's throw. Once we find the villagers, we uncover Daneths' lantern and point it in his and Ruavans' direction. Once you two see it, you begin your distraction. We then sneak the villagers back out the way we came, Lesaje unleashing her spells on any groups who try to stop us or follow us too closely, with Damien and I covering the rear."

He looks up to Damien, "Daylight will work in our favor, and traveling at night with the villagers will be difficult. I think we should begin as soon as possible."

Glancing at Ruavan and Daneth in turn, he lifts a hand in their direction, "You two are faster than the goblins. Try to get them to chase you, and don't stop to fight unless you have too. I don't know how long you should lead them on, or in what direction."

Raising one eyebrow with a half-grin, he finishes, "I don't know what we're going to do once we get them away from the goblins, but I don't have a better idea, and I fear we're about out of time."

2012-01-26, 11:55 AM
Damien nods, half-drawing his greatsword and inspecting the edge of his heavy blade. "That plan sounds fine, though we need to start acting on it right now if it's going to be worth anything. Are you all ready to start moving?" He sheaths his blade and then carefully affixes his staff to his back, where it's out of the way. "We'll need to be fast to pull this off; we don't know how frequently the goblins are killing those people, and I don't want any of their lives on our hands because we were overcautious or slow."

2012-01-30, 11:29 PM
Sighing remorsefully Daneth begins armouring Acorn. "I wish we had a safer way to do this, but I can't think of one so this plan will have to do. I think I speak for Ruaven when I say that we will do our part. When we see the light we will buy you what time we can.

2012-02-04, 05:35 AM
Lesaje nods. That sounds...reasonable. It's probably our best option here. She says, standing up. I should be able to disable a single group if they get close enough, but after that I can't do much against multiple targets. She adds.

2012-02-04, 03:49 PM
Damien checks his staff, draws his greatsword, and pulls his hood over his hair, casting his face into shadow. "We've wasted enough time, then. Let us be off before any more of those people have to loose their lives." He begins moving in the correct direction through the forest, the shadows around him shifting and roiling, curling around him in a faintly protective way. His stark grey cloak is dappled and mottled by the changing light, and for a moment he seems to be shadow itself, a figure of death stalking out to reap vengeance.

2012-02-05, 03:18 AM
Cynewulf stands and starts walking off with Damien. He looks back to the group and gives a wry grin and a small wave, then readies his bow and starts looking all serious and vigilant. A while later, he says to Damien in a low voice, "You need to show me how you do that."

2012-02-05, 12:58 PM
Damien glances out from under his hood, a faint smile on his face and his eyes bright. "I'd love to, actually. One of the most important parts of learning is teaching, and I have a lot to learn if I'm ever to reach my goal." He thinks for a moment before going on, his voice low enough not to carry into the thick woods.

"The Shadow Hand school is the school of concealment and misdirection, of sudden assault and precise, vicious attacks. It is one of the most supernatural disciplines of the Sublime Way, but that makes it no harder to learn than the others, as long as you have the patience and focus to call on the darkness." Damien seems to relax, and the shadows fall away from him, making him noticeably easier to see.

"What I was using there was called a stance; in this case, it's known as the Child of Shadow's stance, though the names aren't important. Stances combine physical motion and mental clarity to create some specific effect that can be maintained for as long as your focus holds. Some stances simply let you use your weight better when wrestling, or let you extend the reach of your blade; others, like the Child of Shadow, affect the world around you in some small way." Damien tenses again in a subtle, faint way, and the shadows twist back into life around him, gently moving over his form.

"There are other stances, dozens, but I've one mastered this one. I'll know them all, one day; every stance and maneuver from every discipline." He lets out a light sigh, looking around them into the woods, his voice a bit wistful. "Until then, however, I'll speak to the shadows, and I'll trust them to aid me as they always have."

2012-02-06, 04:12 AM
Cynewulf, while walking a bit behind and to the side of Damien, listens with raised eyebrows until he finishes. Thinking back to the smoldering watchtower, he tries to imagine what Damien will be like in ten years. He feels a bit sorry for the goblins of the world.

"It sounds like Shadow Hand is right up my alley," Gods know my hands have been in plenty of shadowy alleys. "...and just this winter some...people, who, well, let's just say they knew what they were talking about, told me I had the mind for magic, if I only had the inclination." He glances about, not letting any one direction hide from his view for more than a few seconds.

"I've never so much as touched a spellbook...though I've thought about it," He grins to himself. "I know that mages get their spells from either studying a book with magic words like Lesaje, or from their blood. I've heard that some bargain with devils for theirs." His tone suggests that he doesn't exactly approve of that last option.

"Priests are blessed by their gods...where does Shadow Hand come from?" He eyes the roiling shadows cloaking Damien.

2012-02-06, 04:58 AM
Lesaje listens to Damien's explanation, trailing close behind the two warriors. As he explains the methods of his fighting style, the mage is reminded of a course in the Academy that she was considering taking. As he mentions his goal, her eyebrows twitch upwards. Quite an ambition for someone in a backwater like the Material Plane.

If you're looking for that sort of knowledge, I'd recommend the Academy in Sigil - in the forty-third branch of the Great Library there are all sorts of martial techniques. They even have classes for those who want to learn them. They're for beginners, though, so you might be held back by the rest, but I'm sure you could find someone willing to tutor you on the techniques you don't know. I remember Cherek would sometimes talk about the maneuvers he used, something about...Tiger Talon, or Claw. It was a long time ago, but he sounded pretty into it. Lesaje says, her memories of the Academy still clear. It was still her home, even though she was stuck in this place. The people were surprisingly...normal, but she still longed to return to her room, her friends. It was so monotonous here, in comparison to the Academy. She hadn't seen anything or anyone like Cherek, Ms. Arvelan or Thresher. Although she hadn't really considered it before, she felt a pang of unhappiness when she thought of the Academy, where you never knew what your classmates might be... Once I can get myself back there, I could probably bring you along for a while. We'll need to talk to the staff first, but they're usually quite keen on taking exchange students.

As Cynewolf speaks up as well, she nods, although the gesture is a bit unecessary. Damien probably knows more than I do, but from what I've heard, some of the martial disciplines use magic, but others don't. Cherek told me something about using ambient magic, but he said that his method was unusual, because he practiced it in the Academy, where there was always plenty of magic flowing around. It could be that here, they use different sources. It's clear that, whoever this Cherek is, she's fairly fond of him.

2012-02-07, 01:15 AM
The edges of a smile grow wider on Damien's hooded face, and he looks at the wizard with an appraising eye. "You're more than you seem, Lesaje. I look forward to having a better conversation with you when we can speak without fear of being overheard." He looks at the woods around them calmly, contemplating what to say.

"For now, however, I think we're more than far away enough from the goblins for me to try to give my Art a fair showing. If nothing else, I'd like to increase the sum of your considerable knowledge, milady, and in my biased opinion there is little more interesting than the Sublime Way." He takes his hood off, and as he speaks he grows more alert and animated, far different from the slightly subdued man he was minutes before. He seems to be warming to you rather quickly, however, and a sense of camaraderie grows as he talks.

"The Nine martial disciplines are both similar to and very different from the schools of magic. They represent different philosophies and styles, but there is much more overlap between the disciplines than there is between the more sequestered magical schools; while they each have a specific focus they also share elements of both style and effect that can't be replicated by martial arts that are not a part of the Sublime Way.

The source or sources of power that people like me draw upon has been contested for years, and each master teaches something slightly different; only Reshar himself likely knows the true answer. I can, however, tell you what I deem to be the most likely answer, though you shouldn't accept my opinion as fact.

I know little about magic, but I know that folk such as you work a primal power drawn from both the world around you and from yourself, and you turn that into potential. Martial maneuvers of the more spectacular sort do something similar, but the process is quite different. When I call fire into my blade I form in my heart a blasted place of fire and scorching light, filled with all the power of the desert sun. My mind brings forth a structure and pattern, a subconscious flow of motion and energy that serves as a conduit between the fire of my heart and the world around me. Then, with my heart and mind in alignment, I dance the steps of the technique, the pattern and motion of my body perfectly matching the delicate balance in my mind. My heart, mind, and body become one, and true flame roars forth at my call."

He judges his companion's reactions for a moment before continuing onward, his voice still ringing with a faint excitement. "Where does that fire come from? As you saw, it's real flame; it can birth new fires, and it can certainly wound and kill. My only explanation is that, when I form that balance in my spirit, I form the smallest of links to the place where fire lives, the source and destination of all flame. My fire is the same as a mage's flame; the difference is how we obtain it." Damien raises an eyebrow at Lesaje, but he keeps speaking, drawing his explanation to an end.

"The Desert Wind school is an outlier, however; most of the disciplines of the Sublime Way are impressive but mundane. Those schools draw still call for a balance of the self, but that balance is what provides power, not some external force. When I wield both my sword and my armor spikes, or turn the charge of an attacker, I don't call on the magical essence of metal or force; I just move my mind and heart in a perfect way, and my body follows. The smallest halfling could stop cold an orc's axe with his bare hands if he had the skill of a true Artist; I've seen it happen with my own eyes." Damien falls quiet, and after a moment he draws his hood back over his head, once more falling into shadow.

2012-02-07, 10:59 AM
Lesaje, not used to being spoken to in the manner that Damien had used and feeling a bit flattered by it, nods as the warrior explains the methods of the Desert Wind school.

The precise methods used by the individual schools are different - it's probably the sort of difference there are between the disciplines of the Sublime Way, yes. For me, the difference between Conjuration and Evocation is easiest to see with the same example you mentioned - fire. Evocation uses raw energy to create something, which lasts only as long as the arcane power that brought it into existence fuels it. Conjuration, on the other hand, often brings things from other planes or, when it simply creates something from whole cloth, has far less immediate energy. The mage begins her own explanation, clearly enjoying the discussion of magical theory.

To cast a spell, I have to have prepared it before - a process in which bind the arcane energy I have into specific forms. Once I have done this, the energy is ready to be released. Essentially, what I do is set a trigger for this to go off and then perform the specific actions. With more specific training - I only took the mandatory four weeks of Trigger Modification - I could change these trigger actions. If I, say, didn't want to have to perform specific gestures, I could change the trigger. The problem is, without these parts of the trigger, more...ah, I think the right term in Common would be 'arcane stress', is places on the remaining ones. This means that you need more energy to cast that spell. Lesaje seems to be quite used to talking about this - she spends an equal amount of time turning towards each of her comrades while she explains her own techniques.

So, to cast a spell, for example Seurmoxeas, that's 'energetic attack of elemental acid', I perform a specific set of gestures, she pauses for a moment, nodding downwards as her hands flex into a dozen different gestures, each seeming more complex than the last, in under 3 seconds, and use the proper invocation coupled with the spell - in this case, it's Seures aneoral tysetium ellisnei, ovorosh sheu-se. As you can see, a bolt of acid has not appeared. This is both because I've already used up the arcane energy that would otherwise fuel the spell and I performed each section of the trigger on it's own. Alsai, you notice, makes quite a few non-arcane gestures while she speaks.

Of course, the words and the gestures are only a small part of it. We've drilled them so many times that I can do them in my sleep, theoretically. To prove her point, Lesaje begins a complex series of gestures as she continues to speak, not seeming the least bit distracted. An important part - I won't the the most important, but it's as necessary as both others, is the actual manipulation of the arcane energy I prepared. Essentially what I do is guide the energy into the form I need it to take, bringing it to the 'business end' of my mind and then letting the triggers set off the reaction in the spell.

One of the largest differences, I've been told, between the martial maneuvers and arcane spells is that arcane spells use a massive amount of mental energy to use. It takes several minutes to prepare each spell and let it set in, so to speak, to make it ready to cast. Cherek said that, in comparison, he only needed a short routine of exercises to prepare both his body and mind for using his maneuvers. Lesaje finishes.

2012-02-07, 10:32 PM
Damien nods in agreement, contemplative. "In return for a less complex composition of the requisite energy, maneuvers can't accomplish what spells can, in terms of sheer versatility. A powerful warrior of the Stone Dragon school may be able to tear through adamantine with his bare hands, but he'd be hard pressed to teleport or fly." He looks to Lesaje, and though his face is partially obscured she gets the impression that he just winked at her.

"I, on the other hand, will be able to teleport and fly one day, but not with the range or speed that a spellcaster can. My power is nearly impossible to deplete, but in return the density of the energy I use is significantly less than that of a mage." He grips the handle of his broadsword, a motion both natural and unconscious. "One day, though, I'll find the tenth school, the culmination of the path and the stem of the lotus. Then we'll be able to tell which is the stronger between our Arts, once I've find the purest form of the Sublime Way." He laughs cheerfully. "I suspect the answer to be 'neither', and in fact I hope it is."

2012-02-13, 05:07 PM

The conversation subsides as the unnatural darkness recedes and you reach the limits of the clearing around the goblin encampment. In fact, it's not much of a clearing, being more of a sparser area where the goblins have cut down most of the larger trees even leaving some where they fell. A multitude of saplings and thick underbrush provide decent cover and still obscure the goblin camp - it appears the goblins rely mostly on their towers to spot people approaching from an elevated position. You're near the tower your burned down earlier - the goblins have already erected a makeshift platform to replace it, and you can see two goblins keeping watch from it.

Most of the group settles into the underbrush to hide from the goblins whilst Damien and Cynewolf begin a slow scouting circuit just beyond the borders of the clearing. The going is slow - they have to be careful not to do anything to attract attention. The clearing turns out to be about 1000ft in diameter, with six towers roughly evenly spaced, 200ft from the edge of the clearing and roughly 300ft apart. Damien and Cynewolf feel confident that they can slip past the towers if they're careful - fifteen minutes later they make it within good view of the goblin camp undetected in spite of a nervous moment where they were sure they'd been spotted.

It consists of a single round building 50ft in diameter made from wood felled in the clearing - it has a single story, but narrow barred windows near the ground betray the presence of a basement. Smoke rises from a gap in the top of the conical roof. 24 smallish tents surround the central hall in two rings, with six goblins visible milling about preventing you from getting closer.

2012-02-13, 09:42 PM
Damien moves close to Cynewulf, cupping his hand before whispering to the thinner man as quietly as he can. "I can't see how we could hope to make our way across this clearing without being spotted. Attacking head-on is suicide, and it seems that sneaking in will be next to impossible, given the layout of the camp. We should go back to the others to report our findings, unless you see an opening that I've missed."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-02-14, 03:45 AM
Cynewulf carefully scans the building, the tents, and the clearing as Damien whispers to him. He slowly nods and starts the slow process of working his way back to the forest.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-02-17, 11:11 AM
Seeing his compatriots return, Daneth speaks quietly. "Well, do you think we will be able to pull off our plan or should we come up with a new approach?

2012-02-17, 12:27 PM
Damien takes time explaining the layout and defenses of the encampment, making sure to note the number and gear of the goblins they had seen. "Neither of us could see a simple way in. I'm beginning to be concerned; these goblins are far more numerous and well prepared than we accounted for."

2012-02-17, 01:08 PM
That is rather alarming. If there are 2 goblins on each tower then with the 6 that you saw, at least 18 stand between us and the villagers. As much as I would like to say that we can handle that, we had issues before with three. We will either need to come up with a different plan or, as much as it pains me to suggest it, we could try to negotiate with them.

2012-02-17, 02:53 PM
Cynewulf speaks while gazing about the trees, "I honestly doubt that negotiations would work, unless we have a very skilled liar among us. They outnumber us at least three to one, probably more, and we have nothing to offer them." He looks up, as in thought, and continues, "I am curious why they undertook their raid in the first place. Why carry off so many people?" He ends by turning to Daneth, "We need help."

2012-02-17, 11:32 PM
Looking at Cynewulf, "And where will we find this help? We are two days from Lower Kirby and seven from Arundel. If we are to rescue the villagers I feel that we must look to ourselves." Glancing toward the encampment, "Like you though, I am curious why they raided. We might be able to find an answer once we get the villagers free."

2012-02-18, 02:04 AM
Damien draws his greatsword with a silent whisper, and you detect the faint smell of whetstone oil and steel. He looks at himself in the blade for a moment, thinking. "We need to act, poor plan or not. Our plan of creating a distraction of the faster of us, then sneaking in from the other direction is as solid as we're going to get. Worrying is going to accomplish nothing."

He looks at his wound, wincing, and then raises an inquisitive brow. "Does anyone have a way I could heal this? If it's a potion or something I'll pay you back after all this; if I die you can have my sword or something. I just don't want to go into a fight like this with a wound as large as this one."

He's currently at 5/10.

2012-02-21, 05:39 PM
Cynewulf thinks for a moment, "If either Daneth or Ruavan can speak goblin, or if the goblins can speak common, either of you talking at them could be the distraction." He waves a hand towards Damien, "The reason we couldn't get in the camp was a small patrol of goblins, if that patrol would move towards you, we could get all the way in. Then, if we don't get ganked, we could shine you the light and start movin' out. You could cut your "negotiations" short and run."

He pauses for a moment, then glances at Lesaje, "Can you make it seem like there are more of us behind them?" He indicates Daneth and Ruavan.

2012-02-22, 06:46 AM
Lesaje shakes her head. Unless the goblins would mistake a glowing stone on a stick for more people, no. She says.

2012-02-25, 02:06 AM
Cracking a wry grin Daneth replies, "Last time I checked I in fact could not speak goblin. And somehow I don't they would fall for a glowing stone as more people but it still might be useful."

2012-02-25, 09:33 PM
Damien sighs, and he takes his sword in hand, drawing his cloak about him. "It's time to finally start acting on our plan, and not just discuss it endlessly. If we fail, then we fail. The path of the blade is not one of hesitation and fear. We have used our minds as well as we can, and nothing more can be asked of us." He begins to move cautiously towards the camp again.

"We will go hide again as well as we can; give us a few minutes before you get their attention. Remember, you can't just escape; you have to keep them close enough that they want to keep chasing you and sending more of their men at you. We'll move and free the prisoners as swiftly as we can. As long as we can get a lead on them, we should be able to get them to safety."

I believe this is what you've been waiting for, RCgothic.

2012-02-26, 03:38 AM

With that, Cynewolf and Damien make their way back round to where they were just outside the ring of tents on the opposite side of the clearing, which takes about 15 minutes of meticulous stealthing through the dense undergrowth. The others remain hidden until their signal. Seven goblins are now visible in the camp, some of them sharpening blades, a couple others engaged in a conversation in goblin that you can't make out. When the Damien and Cynewolf are in position, they uncover Daneth's lantern and signal the others.

Ruavan begins the diversion by taking aim at a goblin on the nearest tower and firing his crossbow. To the surprise of the goblin's partner (and even Ruavan himself!) the bolt strikes its target in the face, pitching her backwards off the tower and into a broken heap at its foot. For the moment the remaining goblin seems too stunned to react! Ruavan reloads and fires again, but the second bolt goes wide.

Lesaje and Daneth may act in the surprise round and then take their first round as the party won initiative. Damien and Cynewolf may also act in both rounds, but that's not to say they should. :smallwink:

To recap, there are 2 goblins on each tower (reduced to 1 on the southmost tower closest to the decoy group), and 7 currently visible in the camp.

The clearing is 1000ft in diameter, the towers on a ring of diameter 600ft, with about 315ft between towers. The stone building is 50ft in diameter with a first floor and a basement, with a door to the first floor and external steps leading down on the north side. The double ring of 24 2-person tents extends to an outer diameter of 125ft, with the outer ring consisting of 14 tents. The inner ring extends to an outer diameter of 100ft and consists of 10 tents. The openings point inwards, so Damien and Cynewolf can only see the openings of the tents on the opposite side of the ring from them, those not obscured by the central building.

2012-02-26, 11:39 AM
Damien remains where he is, hiding in the shadows with his shadow-bending stance active and his blade low but ready. He makes an effort to not move, but he readies himself to lash out if any goblins stumble across their position.

He readies an action to use his Shadow Blade Technique on any goblin that gets into his melee range. Other than that, he's just hiding.

Damien Swiftarm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353208)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swordsage, Level 1, Init +3, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft.
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Greatsword +5 (2d6+4, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Quarterstaff +5 (1d6+3/1d6+1, x2)
Javelin (3/4) +2 (1d6+3, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None
Stance Child of Shadow
Maneuvers Readied
1. Burning Blade
2. Charging Minotaur
3. Shadow Blade Technique
4. Wolf Fang Strike

2012-02-26, 06:11 PM
The only part of Cynewulf that moves is his eyes. He waits for the goblins to move towards Ruavan before moving himself.

2012-02-26, 10:27 PM
Galloping forward, Daneth calls out, "Come face us you wretches that you may pay for your crimes."
As he rides he fires off two arrows. One is aimed at the second goblin on the tower, the second is aimed at a goblin on another tower.



Daneth rides forward 60ft, fires off an arrow, then swings away from Damien and Cynewulf for 120 ft fires another arrow and swings back toward the others.

I did not account for any range penalties.
Each hit causes a loss of a Knights challenge since they are flat-footed.

Hopefully using the bow while mounted won't cause me to miss horribly.

Current Stats
HP: 11/14 Ac: 16 Touch: 11
Fort: +2 Ref:+2 Will: +3

HP:22/22 Ac: 17 Touch: 13

2012-03-02, 07:40 PM
Cynewolf and Damien both successfully remain hidden.
Lesaje decides to do the most sensible thing and stay in cover for now.
Daneth's arrows both go slightly wide, disappearing into the forest canopy and striking one of the watchtowers respectively.

The goblin on the tower, recovering its wits, sounds its horn to alert the rest of the camp! The seven goblins Cynewolf and Damien can see all look up in surprise, before dropping what they were doing and running off in the direction of the watchtower, leaving various kitbags and sharpening tools lying around. Two more goblins emerge from tents to follow the others. After several seconds, the camp settles down.

Meanwhile, the goblins on the second closest tower start firing at Daneth! The arrows are poorly ranged, falling well short of the moving target. Ruavan fires again at the goblin on the closest tower, but gets his tunic caught in the firing mechanism and nearly shoots himself in the foot instead!

The 7 camp goblins cover 120ft of the 500ft towards the diversion party. Cynewolf and Damien can detect no others for the moment.

2012-03-02, 09:24 PM
Well, so far so good they have definitely noticed us, Daneth thinks. Twisting in the saddle he shoots another arrow while wheeling away from the towers. He calls out, "Is that the best you can do?"


Daneth continues riding toward the group.

2012-03-03, 04:43 AM
("Daneth, you're my hero.") Cynewulf thinks to himself while displaying a very wide grin. He looks over to Damien and nods, then begins crawling towards the nearest tent as quickly as he can, hand crossbow in one hand, morningstar in the other.

MW bolt in crossbow.
Note: Crossbows can be fired while prone at no penalty.
Planned course is to crawl up along the nearest tent, using it for whatever cover it provides while moving to the next ring of tents, getting as close as we can to the buildings' door without being spotted by any watchtower goblins. Crawling as quickly as possible, almost running on elbows and knees, just don't want to make a profile by standing up.

If he or Damien is spotted, he will get up and move at full speed immediately.

2012-03-03, 11:23 PM
Damien grins fiercely in approve at the beautiful shot. He himself was terrible with ranged weapons, and he appreciated the prowess (and, admittedly, the luck) it took to hit such a mark. He begins to move behind Cynewulf, staying as low and hidden as he could while remaining prepared to charge at the first goblin to spot them. He keeps his sword low but drawn, not daring to waste the time it would take to sheath it.

Moving slowing and silently behind Cynewulf, staying as hidden as he can.

Here's his statblock:
Damien Swiftarm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353208)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swordsage, Level 1, Init +3, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft.
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Greatsword +5 (2d6+4, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Quarterstaff +5 (1d6+3/1d6+1, x2)
Javelin (3/4) +2 (1d6+3, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None
Stance Child of Shadow
Maneuvers Readied
1. Burning Blade
2. Charging Minotaur
3. Shadow Blade Technique
4. Wolf Fang Strike

2012-03-04, 07:51 AM
Lesaje lets the others move first, checking a final time to make sure that there aren't any goblins watching before moving out from cover. Unskilled in moving flat on the ground, she merely goes into as deep a crouch as she can manage and follows her comrades into the camp, going in a wide arc around the tools to avoid stepping on them.