View Full Version : Which is better for wizard/druid

2011-12-22, 09:02 PM
I really like the arcane heirophant prestige class from Races of the Wild and have been considering building one. I'm not sure what is the best way to do it though.

The simplest entry is wizard 3/druid 3, and if mixed with mystic theurge, will get you dual 9's at 20th level.

However, I'm wondering if it would be better to enter as Druid 5/Wizard 1, and use either sanctum spell or precocious apprentice to meet the 2nd level arcane casting requirement. I wouldn't get 9th level arcane spells, but I would get wild shaping as a 15th level druid, which the other build wouldn't get me.

Any thoughts on which is better?

2011-12-22, 09:15 PM
In terms of absolute end power, and if you're starting play at very high level, double 9ths is much better than wildshape; there's nothing I can think of you can do with wildshape that you couldn't also do and probably do better somewhere in the wide world of the Druid and Wizard spell lists (especially once you hit the actual 9th level spells and can use Shapechange.) If you're expecting to play through the levels, I'd go Druid-heavy; having Wildshape is much more relevant at the lower levels, and being able to focus most of your levels to one class provides a much more competent character than actually playing the split levels until you get enough PrC levels to make it a 'Druid/Wizard' and not 'a sucky Druid plus a sucky Wizard.'

Mind, you'll probably have to soak another level somewhere anyway if you want to get straight into Arcane Hierophant- it has a BAB +4 requirement, and both the 3/3 and 5/1 splits are only BAB +3. Druid 5/Wizard 1/early entry Mystic Theurge 2/Arcane Heirophant/finish Mystic Theurge works. (Hierophant's requirements are really weird; they don't seem to have a standard entry level in mind.)

2011-12-22, 09:20 PM
With fractional BAB 5/1 does get you in though.

You get 3.75 from Druid 5 and 0.5 from Wizard 1. Wind up with 4 BAB (4.25).

2011-12-22, 11:33 PM
I think I mentioned in another thread that Druid 5/Wizard 1/Arcane Hierophant 10/Druid 4 exchanges a feat and one-level delay in Druid spellcasting for casting 6th-level Wizard spells and an intelligent companion. Conversely, Druid 3/Wizard 3/Arcane Hierophant/Mystic Theurge (through whatever combination) grants you 9th-level spells on both sides, but your wildshape and companion stop progressing around level 15. That's probably not terrible, given that melee can be rendered increasingly moot at higher levels, but you might consider what kind of character you want to end up with.

2011-12-23, 01:22 AM
Well it depends on how important you survival is at low levels, but this is what I think I would do

1: Druid 1: Nature Bond/Skill Focus(Handle Animal)
2: Druid 2:
3: Wizard 1: Focused Spell Caster(Wizard)
4: Druid 3:
5: Wizard 2:
6: Wizard 3: Focused Spell Caster(Druid)
7: Beast Master 1:
8: Arcane Hierophant 1:
9: Arcane Hierophant 2: Companion Spell Bond

While you would be suffering in the early levels, Nature Bond gives you back 3 levels worth of animal companion so it stays full strenght while you're playing around, using it as a meat shield with light druid buffs and Wizard Attack Spells. Practiced Spellcaster gives you back 4 caster levels, which happens to be the exact number of caster levels you lose. I take the level in beast master to net the extra +3 to the animal companion and the +1 BAB to make the prereq. I know i'm breaking the 12th commandment: Thou shall not sacrifice spellcaster levels but I this guy was more about the animal companion than being a spell caster. It just happens that Arcane Hierophant is the best animal companion.

2011-12-23, 08:37 AM
Early entry is always better for the player; if your DM allows it then go for it. It's nice not to need it though.