View Full Version : Highway to the Deep End of the Alignment Pool [3.5 Gestalt] IC

2011-12-23, 12:35 PM
History and Overview:
Overview: The State of Accordance

The Fraternity of Order is a group of mortals from the material plane who have gathered in The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus for the purpose of building a library housing all the information and laws in the universe. They believe that these stockpiles of information will one day give them the power of the gods.
Five hundred years ago, the Order received a plea for help from an ally, an Illumian Quill Cabal, located on a continent in the Material Plane that was being invaded by demons arriving from a portal that had appeared in the mountains.
The demon wars were fought for nearly a century, and efforts to close the portal proved fruitless. The Order continued to send construct armies to help, but they grew weary of fighting the infinite hoards of demons and their own resources were not unlimited. Then the plan of ultimate efficiency was formulated. The Order established a fortress at the opening of the portal. Into this fortress they corralled the endless stream of demons, and channeled their essence into the creation of constructs and magic items, which were then used to fight more demons. The strategy was effective. It was efficient. It was also profitable.
As the numbers of demons on the loose began to become under control, the Order proceeded to build their own settlements on the continent, later dubbed 'The State of Accordance.' The various existing governments in the land, strained from the wars, submitted to their rule. The Capital of Accordance, Antikythera, was built just below the fortress in the mountains. During its construction, another portal was discovered by quarriers, this one led to the Astral Plane. Antikythera has since become a profitable port city between the Material Plane and the Astral Plane.
After constructing this port, the Order also began building one of the most notable landmarks in Accordance, The Nexus Highway. This highway, a colossal aboveground tunnel that crosses the country and also serves as an aqueduct, is a magically crafted item that confers the shadowwalk spell upon anything inside of it. Those traveling at walking distance in the Nexus move at 50mph relative to the Material Plane. (Effectively, they cover ten times the distance they would otherwise cover moving at their speed.) Several urban centers are located across the Nexus.
Though through the years the population of demons loose about the land continued to dwindle, possessions, curses, and other madness inexplicably persisted. After years of research, The Order determined that taints in items created during the demon wars were the source of the problems. The Order then began strictly regulating the sale, distribution, and possession (no pun intended) of magic weapons and armor. These regulations were put in place fifty years ago, and today the Order assures that magic items are safe so long as users follow all state mandates.

Geographical Reference: A list of major cities, and almost legible map.

http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/2149/accordancemapsm.jpg (http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6239/accordancemap1.jpg)

Nexus Central Sectors
The designation of "Nexus Central Sector" refers to any city built along the Nexus that is governed by The Order.

Nexus Central Sector of Nocturnae
The cities of Nocturnae (The west-most city on the Nexus) and Erin are often referred to together as their borders essentially merge creating one city. The city is the largest port in the kingdom for both imports and exports. Erin was originally a small fishing town that has over the centuries grown in comparison to the rest of the Seven Sisters. Today, Erin is well known as a center of the black market trade, since its independent government complicates state law enforcement.

Nexus Central Sector of Meton
The Old Coal Mines are here. They have mostly ceased production. Other metals are mined here as well, but the most productive mining in the country is in the Eastern part of the continent, centered on the dwarven city of Tork.

Nexus Central Sector of Astrarium
The 11th Hour Branch of the Great Wheel Library is hear. This is actually a branch of the expansive library the Fraternity of Order runs in Mechanus.

Nexus Central Sector of Armillary
Armillary is at the edge of The District of Minor Arcadia, which is a large region of farmland. Granaries, mills, and storehouses are here.

Antikythera is the capital of The State of Accordance. It is a metropolis built into the edge of the mountains. The Forge and Fortress are here. When the mountain was being excavated to build the city, a portal to the Astral plane was discovered, and a canal and small man made bay were created to ferry ships coming from the river to reach the portal. The city is now a massive trading hub.

Nexus Central Sector of Diurnus
Diurnus is located in the Military District of the country.

Nexus Central Sector of Gyre
Gyre, a city built in the rolling hills is surrounded by several smaller towns. Terraced fields grow crops here, mostly those used for creating inks, such as indigo.

Nexus Central Sector of Orrery
In addition to already being located on an aqueduct, a river runs through Orrery. The paper mills that fuel the bureaucratic machine of Accordance are located here.

Flaurnathskir and Nexus Central Sector of Tellurion
The Illumian Quill Cabal, “Oath-Keeper” and the surrounding town of Flaurnathskir, have been here since ancient times. When demons began invading the land, these Illumians petitioned for the Fraternity of Order’s help in protecting their library. The fortifications built around the town of Flaurnathskir eventually became the city of Tellurion.
The Oath-Keeper Quill Cabal also houses the 6th hour branch of the Great Wheel Library which goes by the verbose name of “Great Wheel Library, 6th hour Branch in partnership with the New Library of the Sublime, Oath-Keeper Outreach Directorate.”
Tellruion and Flaurnathskir house a variety of academic institutions, as well as several elite orders of knights who have been trained to protect the library, the city (and the rest of the land) from demon attacks.

The Seven Sister Cities
Thousands of years ago, before the invasion of demons from the Abyss, The Confederacy of the Seven Sister Cities were the primary civilization in the region. Each was ruled independently by a prince, queen, or noble family. Today, each continue to rule by their own laws and traditions, but the laws of the state supersede each cities independent rule.

Adena- Adena was destroyed during the demon invasions. At that time, it was ruled by a human prince. The ruins are inhabited by various nomadic bands.

Sylvia- Sylvia was also destroyed during the demon invasions, however it was subsequently rebuilt and remained an important port until the construction of the Nexus made it obsolete. At the time of the invasion, Sylvia was ruled by a noble family of elves. The State of Accordance's central government here is more influential than in most other Sister Cities (besides Erin.)

Tyra- Somewhat larger than its neighbors of Sylvia and Fera, Tyra was the most important port in the delta region before the demon invasions. It is ruled by a copper dragon king. Today it is a popular destination for bards.

Fera- Today Fera is the largest ship building port. Ships built in Fera are then usually sent to Nocturnae-Erin, or stationed temporarily in Leighla. Astral ships are also built here which usually are sent directly up the river to Antikythera.

Leighla- Ships dock here on trips between Fera and Noctunae-Erin. Were it not for this, the economy of the city would pretty much be washed up. Leighla is small thorp that was originally a colony built by Adena's former prince.

Drina- A fey descended gnome princess rules over Drina. It is a popular travel destination for those with coin to spend, and is known for its many brothels and illegal magic item trade. Drina's backing of various extremist organizations of fey and other forest dwellers in neighboring Gulleyholt is a point of tension between the city and Accordance's central government.

Erin, the original hamlet that the city of Nocturnae was built around is a small fishing village originally populated by humans and sea kin.

Lateral|-͡҉̕͢͠-͘҉.̛͘.̴҉̶.̵̨.̕͜҉̡-̶̷͘͝.҉ (Null)|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353993)
The Big Orc|Sylth the Reaper|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=353976)
TurtleKing|Zendrik|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=337067)
jojolagger|Malferian|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=354088)
The Underlord|...|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=354101)
Drako_Beoulve|Khrom|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=354006)
Bayar|...|(Sheet) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=355821)

DM reserved colors: sandy brown, sienna
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=226231)

And here you are:

Nexus Central Sector of Meton
(medium sized town)
The coal mines have all but shut down here. News vacillates monthly between discoveries of new coal deposits versus reports that the mines have run dry for good. The uncertainty of the situation, coupled with apprehension surrounding a number of strange accidents, has driven much of the work force, and the rest of the town's economy, to other settlements.
What remains of Meton is the estate of the Almandine family, who are known for their sponsorship of many parochial academies and colleges of the church of Wee Jas, the Ruby Sorceress. The Almandine family's estate encompasses a private library, almost exclusively accessible to arcane scholars researching on behalf of the Ruby Sorceress's Academies, as well as a collection of historical memorabilia, magical and mundane artifacts, and morgues that host the bodies belonging to some of the most academically significant intellectuals in the nation- preserved for reverence and of course, research.
Most of the remaining mining in Meton occurs in underground collieries, but at the town's economic height it boasted a swath of surface mines. What was once the largest quarry in the town has been inactive for almost a century now, and has become a significant lake. The chemically blackened sludge that encompasses most of the lake is marbled with eddies of clear, fresh water that some townsfolk even dare to drink.
Alongside some of the beaches of this lake sit ancient-seeming warforged strip-mining models. These large and larger sized living constructs are in fact sentient, and the hiatus of their work instills in them a boredom that borders on madness. Still, as obedience is all their childlike minds has ever known, they wait patiently for an assignment.

Meton is adjacent to an entrance to the Nexus Highway.

After constructing a port to the Astral Plane at the capital, Antikythera, the Order also began building one of the most notable landmarks in Accordance, The Nexus Highway. This highway, a colossal aboveground tunnel that crosses the country and also serves as an aqueduct, is a magically crafted item that confers the shadowwalk spell upon anything inside of it. Those traveling at walking distance in the Nexus move at 50mph relative to the Material Plane. (In short, a traveler on the Nexus covers ten times the distance they would otherwise cover.)
Entrance/exits to the nexus occur once every 50-200 miles, and meet with major towns and roads.

The Nexus travels through the Plane of Shadow and inside it is dark and forbidding. All light sources shine dimmer than usual, and all that can be seen is in black and white. The highway is also an aqueduct and canal for moving fresh water and cargo. The presence of water in this dark corridor fills the stale air with a light mist and the scent of mildew.
The highway is fertile ground for thieves and murderers and so naturally, guards abound to curb this behavior. The military's warforged are present in quantity, as are a variety of modrons, ranging from the humble monodrone (http://vnmedia.ign.com/nwvault.ign.com/fms/images/hakpaks/5094/1114981805_fullres.jpg) to the fearsome decaton (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b358/FiannaVPC/Planescape/Modrons/Dekaton.jpg). Humanoid guards are also occasionally present.
(The warforged are manufactured in the forge at Antikythera. The modrons present in this nation enact the will of the Fraternity of Order, which has either swindled Primus into a legally binding contract or otherwise convinced it that an alliance is beneficial to the modron race.)

Near the entrance and exit areas ('ports') are inns for those who either can't be bothered to investigate if the taverns in town are any better, or who don't mind the dank and dark accommodations. At the ports there are also security checkpoints as well as holding pools for ships and barges.
One of these pools hosts an extraordinary ship, the Aforgor. She originated in the town of Fera, and was masterfully crafted using the living root system of a tree. This tree species was bred over the course of several hundred years by Illumian Scientists at the Root Cabal which borders the Gulleyholt Forest. Aforgor waits at the port of Meton to receive her first cargo, but there seems to be some legal red tape…

2012-01-04, 03:03 AM
((Intended for Malferian, but any can jump in.))

The ramp by which the Nexus highway is entered and exited from Meton is currently being patrolled by one warforged guard and a half dozen low caste modrons- some of which seem to be on maintenance assignments rather than security.
Throughout the evening there is a very slow trickle of people and cargo up and down the ramp that enters the highway. Most are animal driven carts and other vehicles used to transport ore. There are also individual travelers. Saddled on the back of a strong canine is a halfling. Her brass-colored plate armor, helmet, and shield are kept brightly polished, and ornamented with a motif of vines. The shield she carries is in the shape of a cornucopia. At the end of the ramp the halfling pauses, removes her helmet and withdraws a scroll from her saddlebag. Her eyes look worn out from traveling, and her bronze hair is plastered to her forehead after wearing a helmet all day.
After studying the map for a moment and scanning the mountain skyline she begins to continue down a dirt path towards the main area of town.

"My young lady, spare some change for an unfortunate soul?"

The request comes from a lanky, middle aged man who wears a white shirt smeared with soot. He is crouched on the ground, leaning against the wall of the ramp. He brushes his long brown hair out of his face and extends a cupped hand towards the halfling. The knuckles of his fingers are gnarled like tree roots and there is dirt under his nails.
Silently, the halfling stows her map and pulls from her bags a small handful of coins and a parcel wrapped in brown paper.

"You will be more unfortunate if you are cited for loitering here," she responds while unwrapping a sandwich from the brown paper. She says a quite blessing over the food, and hands it and the coins to the man.

The halfling then continues her way towards the main street of the town, while the man hops up and begins the opposite way down a dirt road towards a grove of trees and some cottages. He travels with a skip in his step and hums to himself while shoveling bits of the sandwich into his mouth.

The Big Orc
2012-01-07, 10:26 AM
Studying his target from across the dingy inn, The Reaper glides through the room. A dagger up his sleeve and a rapier hanging from his belt, Sylth is already in disguise. Having cast a spell to aid his deception earlier, Sylth looks to be a few inches shorter than himself, the scar that went from chin to left eye has disappeared and he now has a beard. Having arrived behind the target, his dagger slides into his hand and into the neck of his target.

The spell cast was Disguise self for a +10 on disguise check, Sylth should look like a short blacksmith, having patted some charcoal onto his face, with a few other minor changes I dont think need to be mentioned.
Disguise Check [roll0]

The stabbing is a Death Attack.
Attack roll against touch [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Sneak Attack Damage [roll3]
Skirmish Damage (because I did move this round) [roll4]

If my attack deals damage, then the target must make a fortitude save DC 20 or die

The Reaper was hired to kill a smuggler that was edging into the contractee's territory. Feel free to play it how you like.

2012-01-07, 05:58 PM
The alleged 'blacksmith' succeeds in sinking the concealed knife into the target's neck- a portly dwarf with red hair and a beard. The dwarf's body slumps forward spilling his soup and mead onto the floor- along with two bags that he had been cradling in his lap while inspecting privately. Out of the bags spill an herbal substance that looks like tobacco- but is dark red- and a considerable quantity of gold coins which clang loudly on the stone floor.

((Now a hide check and spot check. You can also proceed to inspect the target or flee.))

The Big Orc
2012-01-08, 10:13 AM
Hide [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Ghost sound lasts for 5 rounds, it should sound like a woman screaming

A large high pitch scream from the other side of the bar as Sylth casts Ghost Sound. While everyone is looking away, he will grab the two bags, leaving whatever has already spilled on the floor as he calmly walks to the door.

2012-01-08, 04:02 PM
Gliding above the town, Malferian makes note of a few things. The begger, the paladin, and the man walking out the bar with screams behind him. He smiles, for he now has the beginnings of a plan to take over the ship.
A whisper is heard by the man leaving the bar as Malferian glides off to visit the bank.
"Sounds like your up to no good. I you'd like to be massively so for fun and profit, met me outside the nexus highway in 2 hours."

2012-01-09, 03:39 AM
As Sylth surveys his immediate surroundings, he sees one set of eyes on him: a creature perched in the rafters that a less observant person might not have noticed. The creature looks like a cat, but with long tufts in its ears, blue green fur, and feathered wings. ((Knowledge Arcana))
The rest of the eyes in the inn are in the direction of the screams. Quickly, the illusory screams become real screams as some confused patrons begin to panic. Ironically, no one yet seems to actually notice the dead dwarf slumped into his dinner.
Sylth reaches the door unnoticed by the patrons.

Outside it is twilight.
An armored halfling on a riding dog is approaching the tavern about 500 feet down the road.
At this moment, Sylth hears the whisper from Malferian overhead.

The Big Orc
2012-01-09, 08:19 AM
Knowledge Arcana [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

Placing the bag of gold in his backpack, The Reaper heads to the meeting place of his contractee. After delivering the bag of the substance, he goes to the Nexus Gateway, hiding on rooftops, looking for the cat bird he had seen earlier.

2012-01-09, 12:30 PM
Some Details:
The name of the tavern Sylth was just in is the Copper Marmot.
The tavern is the closest storefront or residence to the highway.
The other buildings along the road between the Copper Marmot and the highway are warehouses and storage.
The bank is on a main street with shops, about a mile farther in to town from the Copper Marmot. There's only a peppering of businesses and residences between here and there, as the town is populated, but very spread out.

The flying cat is a type of homunculus, which is a construct companion similar to a familiar that can be crafted by an artificer or mage. They typically stray no more than a few miles from their masters. Sylth doesn't encounter it again while perched on the rooftops.

The name of Sylth's dwarf target was Doctor Harrik Durkas, who had been lining his pockets by selling a restricted substance that was once used in the military.
Sylth collects 20 platinum and 25 gold pieces from Harrik's bag.
The contractee also pays him for the job. (Consider part of your starting wealth the contractee's payment.)

If Sylth watches from the rooftops he will see the occasional modron patrolling along the road, as well as one or two wagons of goods going to or from the storehouses. Light is low right now, and in the next 45 minutes it will be about impossible to see without darkvision. (Though any wagons could be seen approaching as they would have lamps.)

2012-01-09, 07:40 PM
Having arrived at the bank, Malferian locates someone with the authority to write letters of credit, then waits until he is alone, and attempts to possess him.

Traveling should be easy. While ghostly, I should be able to fly a mile is slightly more than 7 and a half minutes. I can have my cash and be ready for my meeting by nexus with time to spare. :smallamused:
Oh, the small time bank clerk has to make a Will save with DC 25 or be possessed.

2012-01-09, 09:16 PM
The bank is closed, as it's after dark, however, there is one lone clerk who is in the middle of locking up. He is a perfect target.
((Malferian will succeed in possessing him if he attempts.))

The paperwork has been put away for the night and alarms might have been set. Do you want to proceed to have your host reenter the bank to unlock the lockboxes of notes and notary stamps?
If the host is still conscience in the body, you'll have to persuade him to tell you where everything is (unless you can read his mind.)
If the host's conscienceless is not present, you'll have to figure it out.

2012-01-09, 09:51 PM
After Pausing briefly, considering just coming back later, Malferian decides to act now and at least get something done, quickly possessing the clerk.

RAW, I have control of him as if magic jar, but sans receptacle.
Nothing actually says how I interact with his mind with the possible exception of Possess Creature, the Fiend of Possession ability I'm 2 levels away from getting. It allows for telepathic communication, free access to surface thoughts, and the possibility to read deeper memories (will save to resist.)
I think Just telepathic communication (no reading his surface thoughts except what he tells me) would make sense, as Malferian would have some contact, but not the level of prowess he'll get later.

2012-01-09, 09:59 PM
The clerk begins to turn the key in one of the padlocks when he realizes he cannot control his hand. For a moment he is silent.

"What is this charm you petty theif?! Where are you hiding?!"

2012-01-11, 09:44 PM
I hope you don't mind my introducing myself in a rather... abrupt manner. :smalltongue:

He's walking outside, with an assumed likeness of an ordinary, unremarkable passerby. Disguise:
Basically, I win at disguise.

Telepathically sensing the commotion outside the bank, and 'seeing' the presence of a strong mind taking control of a weak one, Null decides it's about time he got this show on the road.

This is private telepathy, just to Mal. (I've decided to use white Zalgoed text for single-person telepathic communication and purple Zalgoed for general-purpose to clear up confusion, if that's all right. Just call me Doc S̛ç͟r̸a̧t͏̶̛c͢h. :smalltongue:)

The Underlord
2012-01-11, 11:12 PM
From the shadows, a cloaked figure who went unnoticed thought. Interesting. I can sense an outside presence. Perhaps this place is more than it seems.

2012-01-12, 03:59 AM
"Petty Thief? You wound me. Luckily for you, I'm supposed to "determine the feasibility of a future operation without causing financial damage." Can't mess up the big one because they saw the test run, now can we? Now down to business. I need a few almost complete letters of credit. You know how to make those. Assuming you don't want me to fill your place of business with Explosive runes." Malferian shoots back to the clerk, as he (re-?)enters the building.
And then to the other voice. Greetings. What brings you to this fine town? The ending dripping with sarcasm.

Malferian will take ten on bluff and intimidate vs. the clerk.
Bluff 31.
Intimidate 20.
With any luck, that should be enough.

2012-01-12, 11:38 AM
The clerk, terrified now, telepathically directs Malferian to where blank notes are kept, as well as where his notary stamps and ink set are. With his voice stuttering and trembling, he gives Malferian the following instructions for completing the notes:

First you write the citizen's name, and the value of the note on the parchment. You have to write these before you stamp it. Then, the note needs to get stamped with some stamps on the left, some stamps on the right, and the rest in the middle. You use red, blue, and green ink. Careful, don't spill the red ink, it's caustic! The note has five red stamps and three blue ones. Seven stamps are on the right and six stamps are on the left. Oh! Wait, there's not just the three colors, there is also one single purple stamp and it is in the middle! Two of the stamps on the right are red and one is blue. Oh! I told you the wrong thing before! There are six red stamps, not five! I'm sorry! Two of the stamps on the left are blue and three are red. Don't make any superfluous stamps, it will mess the whole lot up. After you stamp them, all the colors rearrange to make it harder to forge a copy. In order to get the correct pattern you have to stamp them correctly. Please let me go now!

Make note of what you take from here, and if at this point or later, how the notes are stamped, their value, etc.
Stamps on the right:
Stamps in the middle:
Stamps on the left:

2012-01-16, 10:39 AM
-T͢h̕e ̡s͞ąme̴ as w͜h̷at ̕b̸ri͟ng̵s ̧you ̵h͡e̶r̷e, I wo̧u҉ld̛ imagine̷.̷ ̛E̛n͏t͝rơp̢y͡. C̀ha̴os̵.̨ The͢ d͝estr̴u̸ct͢ion o͝f̧ t͟h̀i̷s v͡as͝t͡ kingdom͝ ͞o̢f͡ l̨aw̨ ̕t͘h҉a͡t͘ ̷w͠ould ͢tur̴n̡ th̴e Prime ̛into͡ a m̕e҉re ex͠t͠e͟n̡sio͏ń o͟f͘ ̵M̵ec͡ḩanùs̸.͡
N̶o͝w̢,͘ or̷di̡n̵ári͠l҉y, tḩe͢ ̸w͠o̶rki̢ngs ͢o̶f ci̕vi͟l͟i͜za̡tion ̷ćreat̴e m̴or̴e e͞n͘t̴ropy͠ than ҉t̕h͠e͢y̶ p̢re͏vent͟,̨ bu͠t i҉n ͟a str͜ictly ļiǹea̵r ̧m͏anne̶r.͜ ̛S͝u҉c͝h i͝s tḩe͜ ̷natur̵al ̵co͢m̴p͘r͠omis̷e͠ ̶o̡n̛ t́h͡ìs Mate͞rial͜ Pl̶a̶n̷e. ́H͢ow̷e͘ve̶r,̢ ͝with t͘he͡ i҉nt̵ro̡duct̨ion of e̕xc̶ess̛i̴ve͏ ͢m̀o͘dr͞óns̨ ̴an͢d ̢beín͏g͡s̵ of law intò ͢t͠he͘ ̕e͢nv͡iro͏n̨m͡ent͢, ͜thi̶s̵ ͞bala̶n͞c̵e̷ i̵s̶ t̡ippe̡d͡ i͞n t̀h́e͞iŕ f͠a͞v҉our.҉ Or͜d̸er įs͏ crea͘te̛d w̢ìth ͞inc͢r҉e͝asingl҉y li̕tt̷le ̀e̶xpe͠ndiţure͏ of e҉ńerg̶y,̢ a̵ǹd t́h̨e̛refo̶re͘ c̵re̛a̕t̷i̛o̴n o̢f disorder.͏ ̷I͡f͟ thi̢ş i̡s ̵allowed ͘to co͝nt̶inue,͘ th́e̛ cr̨e͏a͠tio͡n ͢o͞f͝ ̛ord̴er ͏w͞i̢ll ̨o͢utpa̡c͞e ̀th͢e ͏creat͘i͜oǹ ơf disorder a̛n̷d̷ ̕the͠ force҉s ͜o͢f̛ ̨Laẁ w̡ill͡ ͜h̕avȩ alļ ͏t͞h͡e ̛pow͞e̷r̛ of ͠the͢ P̢r͞imę a҉t̀ ́th̀ei͠r͞ ̴d́is̛p̶osàl̕. ͝This ̧cann͠ǫt̴ b͏e ̢a҉llo͞w̶e̕d.
͝Sim̸p̛ly͞ ̧pu҉t, I̛ ̀ám̢ ҉he̷r̴e ̕tǫ ̕de̛ştroy ̵ci͢vili҉zat̨ion͠.-

2012-01-18, 02:22 AM
On a Warehouse Rooftop Outside the Highway:
Sylth hears two drones speaking- which sound much like music boxes playing no particular song.

"01010001010101010100010010100100001111100101010010 011010101010110010101010101101000101..."

The 'voices' are coming from on the road, about 600 feet in the direction of the highway, and heading toward the storehouse he is perched on top of.

Outside of the Bank:
The Unremarkable Passerby notices the tall cloaked figure who is watching the scene, but can't make out any details of his appearance.

The Cloaked Goliath and the Unremarkable Passerby also each spot a creature that neither one of them can identify. The creature is a tiny mammal with feathered wings. It approaches from down the road that leads to the highway and passes the bank by about 400 feet. The creature continues in the direction of the main street of town.

((Made spot and knowledge checks for you.))

2012-01-19, 08:53 PM
Right, let's do this slowly. We will make 5 letters of credit. I assume you write the information such as citizen and value, then stamp it, then get it signed. We're going to do the first two slowly and in a way to be absolutely sure we don't mess up. Assuming the citizen is called Crais Malferian, and the letters will be for 50, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 gold, where do we start? Crais sends to the clerk, without any idea what stamps go where.
He then responds to the voice. I've been doing that in small steps for a while now. Only now, a bigger step is planned. Would you like to help commandeer the best airship they have? It would be very useful for spreading chaos.
It looks like today will be a very good day, thinks Crais, smiling to himself.

2012-01-20, 02:26 AM
The clerk stamps the first two notes, as per Malferian's instructions. He pauses for a moment waiting for any signs of approval or disapproval, and then stamps the rest of the notes. As he notarizes the checks, his movements are cautious, and guarded.

"Now... now its all ready. No trouble! Would you be letting me go now, sir! A great service I've done you, and it may cost me my livelihood!"

The colors and stamps on the notes magically rearrange. Each one is now unique.

Since you gave him control of the situation instead of taking control of his actions and stamping the notes, you can't be 100% positive that they are valid. You are however entitled to an appraise, forgery, know history, know geo, know local check (any single one) to help determine if the clerk made all of the notes correctly.
Each note carries the names and amount that Malferian specified.

2012-01-20, 12:34 PM
Malferian ask the clerk, So, with a valid signature, these could be used in financial transactions?
Malferian is quickly becoming annoyed with the little worm, and looks forward to killing him.

2012-01-20, 04:50 PM
"Yes of course! With a valid signature and correct notarization you would have no trouble with them!"

2012-01-20, 09:47 PM
Correct Notarization?

2012-01-21, 12:29 AM
"Yes, yes, just I as I have done here for you. You're all good to go now sir! I'm sure you'll be letting me go home now! No trouble!"

The Big Orc
2012-01-21, 03:06 PM
Starting to grow impatient, Sylth will climb down from the building into a neighboring alley and look around for who ever he is supposed to be meeting.

2012-01-21, 03:22 PM
Smiling to himself, Crais forces the clerk to leave, lock up and go over to when he said he'd meet that guy, while ignoring whatever protest the clerk might make.

2012-01-21, 06:27 PM
Sensing the two minds coming to meet him, Null smiles. -A͢i̢rshi̧p̵. Y͏es̵,̵ ͏an a̡irship͏ ̴w̢ou͡ld̶ b̀è ͟éxce҉l͞l̶e͝n͢t҉. Ver̕y͞ ͞well,͏ ̸then.͝-

I've always wanted a private zeppelin. :smalltongue:

Knowledge checks that may pertain to the situation.
Psionics: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
Geography: [roll2]
Local: [roll3]
Architecture/Engineering: [roll4]

The Underlord
2012-01-21, 10:06 PM
Time to get this show on the road He thinks and climgs the wall carefully. Pausing on top he, he whisopers bless me with your strength Pelor decimates the roof with a flurry of claws. he falls in to the bank.

Taking 20 on the climb check 29 to climb it, dismisssing the ectoplasmic skin as his standard before climbing. The next turn he claws and slam(from strength devotion in CC) for [roll0]+[roll1]+[roll2]+[roll3]+[roll4]+[roll5]+[roll6](slam)+[roll]2d4+12](rend). I bypass hardnes because of strength devotion.

2012-01-22, 12:00 PM
O҉y͞ v͘ey.͡ Null sighs telepathically. Summoning up his mightiest psychic bellow, he sends a message to the minds of the only two other significant intelligences in the room.

Ý͞͏O҉Ú T̛H͡E͟R̷È. ͞BOY͟.͠

To Mal and Underlord's character only- it's multiperson telepathic dialogue, so it's in indigo rather than white.

The Underlord
2012-01-22, 12:04 PM
Responding to him "Yes"?

2012-01-22, 12:43 PM

Having got the stranger's attention, Null lowers his "voice." You͢'re ̡a̡ ҉prett̢y͏ ́go͝ǫd̡ f̧i̴g͞h҉t̢er͜,̷ huh͘? Liste̴n.́ Y͞o̵ư ͠c̨an̡'t see̢ me,̢ ̕b͟ut͠ I͏ ͝can ̶s̷ee yo̵u̷. ͝M̶e̡ a̷n͏d̷ th̶at͢..͝. ͠'҉clerk̷' t̛he͏r͝e a͟re ͘p͞lanni̵ng a ́h͠ei͟st͝,̵ a͡ǹd we͠ ͢c̢oul̛d̴ ̸use̴ somè ͏m͘uscle͏.̡ ͏W҉a̵n̴t͘ ̷tơ ̧h́e̷l͢p s̵téa͡l͘ ̸an҉ ai̶rsh҉ip̸?

The Underlord
2012-01-22, 12:48 PM
"What do you wish to use it for? I am on a mission currently, and our interests might coincide. I am here to destroy this adbomination beyond His reach, this place of shadows."

2012-01-22, 03:08 PM
"Place of shadow? The Highway? :smallbiggrin: I hadn't thought of that. Good idea. I'd be happy to help."

2012-01-22, 05:42 PM

Null leans against the wall of the bank and, sensing nobody nearby, floats through it.

"Thought I'd make my entrance." Null comes in and meets with the other two, floating five feet off the ground.
The first one's telepathy, the second's speech.

...Y'know what I just realized? Null was waiting to enter the bank behind the wall of the building.

The Underlord
2012-01-22, 07:39 PM
Addressing the clerk "What can you do to contribute?" and then to the undbodied one "Intersting, you are not a ghost I can tell, then what are you, may I ask?"

2012-01-22, 08:59 PM
"Well, for one thing I can possess people. I'm also a sorcerer of no small power."

2012-01-22, 09:54 PM
W̵h̨at̢ ̨y̧ou ̸ar͡eń'̷t̕ ̷s̴ee̕in̶g͘, ͠ḿy ͟f͏ri͡eńd̶,̶ ͞įs that ͞M̡al ̷here ̕i͢s̛ ͝a͡ ͢g̨h̶o͘s͟t. ͟T̛h̸e͘re̡ ́are͝ t͜wo mi͡nds ̨in̸ ҉th̸at ̛b́od͠y,͢ ̷a͞nd̡ t̕hè on̕e̕ y̢ơu͠'́re s͘pe҉àk͘in͟g̶ to isņ'̨t ͡t͠he̛ ̸nat͠ive ͜i̢n̷tęll̨e̕ct. N҉ow, wh̶a͜t ̀am ͝I͏, ̨y̨ǫù as̷k? Null 'smiles' with his assumed face.

I̧ ͡am th̨e ́f͠a̢celés̷s p͏hysi̴ógn͏o̸my̷ ̕o͡f t͟he amar͜anth̢in̴e ev͞a̴n̢es͟c͡en҉će. M͘y͢ true ͝na̢me͡ ̨is ̢si͏mp͡l͏y wh̕at͝ ̧t͞he ̛b͘a҉s̵e̸ ch̨a̷o̶s͝ ҉of t̀ḩe m̛u̧lti̶ve̢r͘s͝è ̨has ́g͢i͜ven m̡e̷; it ̨is̶ a phr͞a͏s̀e͟ ͟w̷h͏ich̵ ̧c̴an neit̢her b̕e vo̵i̧ce҉d́ ̧nor̸ ͘understo̶ód͢. ̀I̸ a̸m͝ a sub̨ţl͠e c̕l̵eav͏e͏r̀ a̕nd͟ ͡a s͝c͝al̵p͜e͜l̵ ͟o̢f d̀évasta̧t͡ion͟,́ ͘a s̴p̨ir̵it ̷o̧f̕ ̸t͢h̛e͘ ͘ǹa̕tųr҉al e͞n͠tr͝op̸y̢ ͠o̴f̵ ͠t͢he͝ ̶un̕i҉verse.̨

̷W̸ḩa͢t a͘m҉ ́I̧? W̧hàt ̨am ͠I͢ ͏n̢ot?

Speaking out loud, now, Null says, "...But that's not something you could say in conversation. Let's just go by Null."

By the way, when we get our airship Malferian will be captain just so we can call him Captain Mal.

Also, remember, I'm disguised as a human. Assume Likeness, remember? I'll almost never be in flying brain form.

The Underlord
2012-01-22, 11:03 PM
"A ghost you say?" He curls his lip in obvious distaste. If that is what you want Pelor "No matter, so what next? I am a stranger to this part of the world. You say you need an airship, where could find one?" he asks.

2012-01-22, 11:22 PM
"There is a rather impressive one docked in the nexus right now. Their is another person I think can help us, and he'll be expecting me by the entrance to the nexus soon. I'd suggest we meet him, wait until morning, finish my theft from this bank, and then steal the ship."

2012-01-23, 12:06 AM
It is beginning to get dark now, so it will be difficult for anyone without low darkvision to see.

Outside the Highway:
As Sylth jumps done between two storehouses, the chattering modrons pass at the end of the alleyway, 50 feet from Slyth. The voices continue, but the speakers pause in front of the door to one of the warehouses.

01010101010111010100010010101010001110101010110100 01111011100100100110101

The Big Orc
2012-01-23, 10:44 AM
Sylth will stealthily move towards the drones, waiting to see what they are doing.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2012-01-26, 01:52 AM
The two modrons are each cube shaped with two legs and four arms. They stand in front of the large double doors of the warehouse. One of them opens a tiny compartment from inside its chest, and pulls out a keyring. It proceeds to open the padlock on the doors.

((Hey! Sorry I disappeared for a day or so!))

The Big Orc
2012-01-26, 08:25 AM
Looking around, Sylth checks to make sure no one will see him.
Spot [roll0]

If no one is in sight:
Round 1:
Sylth will draw his rapier and dagger and move next to the drones.
Move Silently [roll1]
Hide [roll2]
Round 2:
Sylth will make a full round attack to hit the drone on the left with his rapier once, and the drone on the right with his rapier once and his dagger.
Against the Left Drone:
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Sneak Attack Damage (if relevant) [roll5]

Against the Right Drone:
Rapier Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Sneak Attack Damage (if relevant) [roll8]
Dagger Attack [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
Sneak Attack Damage (if relevant) [roll11]
If someone is in sight:
Attempt to sneak in behind the drones
Move Silently [roll12]
Hide [roll13]

2012-01-26, 02:16 PM
All of Sylth's attacks land. The drones don't have any vital organs that would subject them to damage from criticals or sneak attacks, but Sylth does damage their outer hardware noticeably.

The modron on the left, which is currently toying with the keys pauses for a moment and then drops them. It makes a single attack at Sylth with one of it's four 'claws.'

The other modron, immediately jumps into action and flails at Sylth with all four of its arms. It shouts:
Loudly in a voice that sounds like a music box being dropped down a flight of stairs.

In the whole scuffle, Sylth is hit with one single attack from the modron on the right.
5 damage!

The modron on the right is in the square directly in front of Sylth. The modron on the left is in the square just to the left of that. The keys fall in the square directly behind that modron.

The Big Orc
2012-01-26, 02:21 PM
Sylth will strike again!
Rapier attack 1 on left drone [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Rapier attack 2 on left drone [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Dagger attack on right drone [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2012-01-26, 02:59 PM
All of Sylth's attacks miss, but the one directed at the modron on the right nearly scratches it.

The modrons both step backward in opposite directions. Each pulls two bows from compartments in their backs.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1vUC3yBlqZxTwTjpEx6O6JT1tiRRkT0XE36digpr8eo8/edit)

You may make attacks of opportunity against each one of them.

The Big Orc
2012-01-26, 06:48 PM
Cant see the map

left [roll0]
damage [roll1]

right [roll2]
damage [roll3]

2012-01-26, 07:29 PM
Sylth strikes one of the modrons as they both retreat backwards and draw two bows apiece.

((Fixed the map, sorry. Now it's Sylth's turn))

The Big Orc
2012-01-27, 06:24 PM
Sylth will charge the left Drone, driving his rapier deep into its metal body.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-01-27, 06:56 PM
The modron 'on the right' which is now about 60ft behind Sylth launches four arrows from its two bows toward Sylth. All land in the dirt but one, which pierces him in the shoulder.

The modron 'on the left,' is pierced by Sylth's rapier. It drops one of its two bows, and uses the two arms that were holding it to claw at Sylth, striking him twice.

((You take 4, 3, and 4 damage, for 11 damage total. Changed the map so that you can edit your pawns location if needed.))

The Big Orc
2012-01-27, 07:02 PM
Full round attack

Rapier 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Rapier 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Dagger [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2012-01-27, 08:48 PM
Sylth punctures the modron's metal shell twice with his rapier. The creature does not look like it's in good shape.
It lashes at Sylth once each with it's two free arms, striking with one and missing with the other. Then it steps back five feet and shoots it's bow once. The arrow flies off into the middle of the road.

The modron at a distance shoots each of its bows twice. It takes aim carefully, so as not to strike its companion, but all four arrows fly past Sylth as he dodges and weaves around.

Hit once, for 4 damage.

The Big Orc
2012-01-29, 05:40 PM
Hoping that this modron will drop soon, Sylth steps forward and assaults the modron again.
5 ft step
Rapier 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Rapier 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Dagger [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2012-01-30, 01:41 AM
Sylth misses the modron with each of his attacks.

The Goliath

((It's Malferian's turn. The approaching group is 100ft away from Sylth's location)

MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1vUC3yBlqZxTwTjpEx6O6JT1tiRRkT0XE36digpr8eo8/edit)

2012-01-30, 12:53 PM
Kicking the clerk into motion, Crias closes with the fight and sends some bolts of magical energy at the far mordron.

Move 30 ft closer, magic missile using arcanist's gloves for CL 10.
That's [roll0] damage.

2012-01-30, 02:47 PM
A bolt of magical force lances through the modron in front of Sylth. It crumples over, smoking at his feet.

The modron behind Sylth is unfazed by its companion's demise, though it shoots more accurately now that it doesn't have to avoid hitting its comrade. Four arrows launch through the air, two of which pierce Sylth.

2 and 8 damage, for 10 damage total. It's Sylth's turn. I'm putting Mal on the board, though he's not quite on the map that's drawn out yet. (70 ft away.)
MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1vUC3yBlqZxTwTjpEx6O6JT1tiRRkT0XE36digpr8eo8/edit)

The Big Orc
2012-01-30, 04:19 PM
Sylth will charge the last remaining modron.
Rapier Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-01-30, 05:35 PM
Sylth pierces the modron with his rapier as he charges it.

Positioning: Mal is 70 ft from E5 on the map. Everyone else is 30ft behind Mal. It's Null's turn.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1vUC3yBlqZxTwTjpEx6O6JT1tiRRkT0XE36digpr8eo8/edit)

The Underlord
2012-01-30, 05:45 PM
"What......oh" the goliath says. "Who's he?" he asks indicating Sylth. "Well, he must be the ghost's friend. I guess that means I have to help him" He takes a deep breath then charges him with suprising speed and makes a clawing gesture with his arm and the modron appears to be slashed by an unseen force.
Charging 80ft(30+10 from barbarian since I dismissed my armor and double from charging) Swift action to activate thunderous throw, to make my thrown natural attack from bloodwind to make it a melee attack so I can use it on a charge.
Claw [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-01-30, 10:17 PM
The second modron crumples and falls to the ground, though it doesn't go up in smoke like the first one.

2012-01-30, 10:58 PM
"Why hello. I seem to remember you as my friend from the Tavern." Says the clerk, with a smile on his face as his body seems to wilt.
Using Draining touch on the clerk, draining Strength at 1d4 a round. He's a liability, and if I drain his Strength away it'll seem like he was poisoned and then had his throat slit.

2012-01-30, 11:46 PM
The clerk cries out in his own head, heard only by Crias,
What is... happening..?

You'll reduce him to 0 Str in about 15-45 seconds.

It's dark, aside from the lights on the outsides of the warehouses. A lantern at the front of a wagon can be seen approaching in the distance, about 600 feet down the road towards the Nexus highway.

The Big Orc
2012-01-31, 12:50 PM
Walking over to where the modron dropped the keys, Sylth picks them up and attempts to use them on the warehouse door. "Your late. What is it you want with me?"

2012-01-31, 01:36 PM
The door is labeled with a metal tab which reads in raised characters:

ǁʘ ˨ ꜌ ʘ ˥ ʘ ˪ ꜎ ʘ ꜌ ʘǁ

One of the eight keys on the keyring opens the padlock for the doors. There's no light source inside. The light from the lamp outside casts some light through the crack in the door, faintly illuminating rows of stocked shelves.

The Big Orc
2012-01-31, 01:45 PM
Sylth will light a torch and enter the building.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2012-01-31, 07:55 PM
Null "walks" over. "Ah. This is your 'associate', then? He'll do."

2012-01-31, 11:10 PM
Sylth doesn't note any signs of life in the warehouse. The air smells both acrid and sweet at the same time.
As far as Sylth can tell, the shelves throughout the entire warehouse contain burlap sacks of different colors. Upon closer inspection, one would see the sacks are also labeled, with metal tags like the ones on the door.

The tan sacks are labeled:
ǁ˧ ʘ ꜌ ꜎ ʘ ˪ ʘ ꜔ ʘ ꜌ǁ

The russet sacks are labeled:
ǁ꜊ ʘ ꜊ ꜊ ꜓ǁ

The white sacks are labeled:
ǁʘ ꜈ ꜍ ʘ ˥ ꜎ ʘ ˥ ʘ ˦ ʘǁ

The Big Orc
2012-02-01, 01:18 AM
Sylth will open one of the tan sacks, if there is nothing of interest then he will open a russet, then a white sack.

2012-02-01, 01:33 AM
The tan sacks are filled with a gritty dark brown powder that smells earthy (but isn't exactly dirt.)
The russet sacks are filled with blue-grey granules that are vaguely fragrant but make one's nose itch.
The white sacks are filled with a creamy yellow powder that has a smells both sweet and putrid. It burns the nostrils if one breaths too close.

2012-02-01, 03:42 AM
"As I said earlier, fun and profit. I'd assume you care for the law as much as I did, by the way you attacked the clanks, and possession of a great airship is a very good way to make money."
says Malferian, smiling as he responds to the shady man.
He then messages the clerk. The villains are talking, and you won't live much longer.

I'll stop draining the clerk once his Str gets lower than 5. For now.

The Big Orc
2012-02-01, 08:35 AM
"Just because I decided I wanted into this warehouse does not mean I want law destroyed. With everyone else following the law, it is easy to predict what they will do and that is an advantage while stalking my prey. An airship however, could be useful. Faster travel, avoidance of the law and a hiding place for, well you don't need to know what," Sylth smirks. "Fine, what is your plan?" ensuring the bags will not open, he puts two bags of each color into his bag. He will then travel further into the warehouse looking for anything else of interest.

The Underlord
2012-02-01, 10:38 PM
"Do you even know what that is? Who knows what those could do?" the Goliath says, directed towards Sylth. Turning towards Mal "I am also curious about your plan. Please explain"
I changed my color to aviod confusion

2012-02-01, 11:12 PM
"Reasonable simple, I possess the captain, one of you asks to see the captain about booking passage on the ship. Once we're all on, and it's en route, we kill them off and take the ship. By killing off the strong fighters and caster with stealth and magic, we can assure we have the upper hand the entire time."

The Big Orc
2012-02-01, 11:16 PM
"Not a bad plan. I should be able to finish the casters off quickly and quietly if the rest of you can deal with the fighters. And just because I do not currently know what these things do, does not mean that I will not be able to find out," Sylth walks out of the warehouse. Once everyone else is outside, he will lock the door. Placing the keys in one of the modron's claws, Sylth will start pulling arrows out of himself and pushing them into the holes caused by his rapier. Once he runs out of arrows in himself he will grab arrows from the modrons' quivers. "Now then, help me make it look like they attacked each other. The dagger marks can be disguised as claw marks but the rapier punctures will need to be disguised otherwise."

2012-02-01, 11:49 PM
"Actually, I'd like to dispose of this body soon. I can burn it up with my magic, and I doubt ash spread about the bags of dark brown powder would be noticed. Also, I don't suppose any here could confirm these notes valid." Says Crais, holding up the letters of credit.

2012-02-05, 10:26 PM
The wagon with the lantern is at a distance of about 400ft now.
It's a covered wagon pulled by two mules.

The Underlord
2012-02-06, 07:07 PM
"Now then, help me make it look like they attacked each other. The dagger marks can be disguised as claw marks but the rapier punctures will need to be disguised otherwise."

"I can put claw marks over them" replies the goliath, revealing his top two claws.

2012-02-08, 08:23 PM
H̛a͞te ͠tơ int͟e͝rru͟p͝t,҉ but͢ w͟e̕ ha̧v̷e a ҉wa͘go͘ǹ ̷ińc͝o͜m͝ing. ͟I̴dȩas͜?̧

2012-02-08, 10:04 PM
Draining the last of the clerk's energy, Crais Remains standing as his corporeal shell collapses to the ground. "Simple, I possess whoever it is. Then we can use the wagon to take more than a few bags."

2012-02-09, 02:25 AM
The wagon arrives at the scene, about 100 feet away. It is driven by a sleepy looking halfling. He has long black hair pulled into a ponytail, and wears a garishly colored three pointed plumed cap. He hums as he drives the mules forward, almost oblivious to the group of people and deactivated modrons in the street in front of him.

((Edit: For those of you eying the wagon, for storage, it looks like it might fit about 40 of those bags if it were empty.))

2012-02-09, 03:22 AM
Crais Fades to the ethereal, approaches the halfling, and jumps back into the prime to possess the driver.
Will save DC 25 vs. possession

2012-02-09, 11:03 AM
The halfling isn't immediately aware of his predicament, and says nothing. The mules trudge onwards.

Crais will notice that the wagon is carrying cargo, mostly packaged in small wooden barrels.

2012-02-11, 09:14 PM
"Well, that was incredibly easy. What's in the wagon?"

2012-02-12, 12:12 AM
Crais will halt the wagon and climb back to check the cargo.
[roll0] search

2012-02-12, 07:31 PM
As Crais forces the merchant's hand, he cries out:
Demon! A demon!

Crais notes the following cargo:

3 boxes (about 1ft wide) filled with vials wrapped in wool to prevent breakage. The vials are labeled: ☿

20 boxes (about 1ft wide) of small white candles. The boxes are labeled: High Quality Beeswax Candles.

4 bolts of off white silk cloth. They are labeled: Pure Raw Silk. 40 yds.

4 spools of spun sticky thread. They are labeled: High Quality Aranea Silk. 200 yds.

The barrels:
2 4 liter barrels filled with a silvery powder. They are labeled:☽
2 4 liter barrels filled with a gold powder. They are labeled: ☉
6 4 liter barrels filled with a black powder. They are labeled: Pure Soot, Grade A quality.
6 4 liter barrels filled with salt. They are labeled: Pure Salt, Grade A quality.
2 4 liter barrels filled with tiny clear glass disks. They are labeled: High quality crystal
6 4 liter barrels of pea sized pebbles. They are labeled: Grade A Quality River Stone, Linda River.

A bag of personal belongings, including some simple clothes for a small humanoid, pickles and sandwiches, a waterskin, a bottle of cheap wine, some soap, a wooden pan flute, and a metal pan flute, and a purchase order slip.

2012-02-19, 10:59 PM
Crais and Null near the entrance to the Nexus highway, with the intention of scoping out the airship, the Aforgor, which waits at a dock inside the tunnel.

The Nexus highway is a large suspended tunnel constructed of stone and brick. A stone ramp leads 30 feet up to its entrance. At the entrance level, there is a platform which can be accessed by ramp, or by means of an elevator for freight. The elevator is operated by crank turned by an excessively large and quiet construct.
The ramp is currently being patrolled by one warforged guard and a half dozen low caste modrons- some of which seem to be on maintenance assignments rather than security.

2012-02-20, 01:28 AM
Malferian uses his hat of disguise to appear as he did in life, his first so as to not arouse suspicion, and proceeds to the Aforgor.
You scout out the ship stealthily while I look into booking passage and getting a closer look. He suggests, hoping just thinking at Null is the proper way to send telepathically to him.

2012-02-20, 10:52 AM
I'l̷l͡ ͞di͠s͘gui͏şe͡ m͢y̧s͞e̕lf̷ ҉a̛s̀ ̶o̧ne o̸f ̷th̨e ͜creẃ.

Disguise: [roll0]

The Underlord
2012-02-20, 12:44 PM
"I guess we will wait here" he says to Sylth. "Unless you have a better idea" he adds.

The Big Orc
2012-02-20, 01:12 PM
"We could take control of the ship while they are scouting. I become invisible, you ask for a private meeting with the captain, I sneak in, kill the captain, disguise myself as him and then we take control of the ship. We could use the crew to do our biding as long as we appear to do legitimate business while we are... Well I am not really sure what the plan is."

2012-02-20, 01:46 PM
"Get some rest, maybe back at the inn. You'll need to be ready for tomorrow. If we act now I won't have time to get my falsified letters of credit signed, which is a good chunk of money."

2012-02-20, 07:27 PM
We'͘ll need ̡access t͢o th̢e ͝C̡a͢p̢t̸ain'́s҉ m̸ind͝, ̕t͝hóu͝g͏h. Wh͢ȩn͢ ̛we̕ ͞buy̡ oúŕ wa̛y̡ ͟on, ͏C̛ra͞i͡s can tąke ̕t̀h̀ȩ ̨h͜a͟lf͟liǹǵ t͜o som͏e͘whe҉re͠ ͡s͡e͡c̶l̵udeḑ (b̛a͏th́r̸oom o͏r some s̶uc̵h) ͜and k͞il̢l h̡i̴m.͢ Th͞en҉, ́h҉e c̸an ͡gó po͞s͞s̴ess̷ t̴h҉e͝ c͢a͞p͏ta͢i̡n. ͠I ́ki͢ll̴ ̵a͟nd̵ ͞d͢i͘sgu͘ise m͝y̨sel͝f̢ ̕as a̛ l͏ow̵er-͏ŕankin̸g̴ ̶m͠emb͞ȩr ̨of̀ ̴the͢ ̢çre̴w qua͏l̛i̷fied̡ ́t́o̢ ̢fl̸y ̶t̀h̢e͘ a̛irs͟h̡ip͞.͘ ̨A͏ft̢e͠r̛ ̵th̀at̛, the͝ ͜"͏c̸a̵p̡t̀ai͜n̨" ̛can look͠ a͟t ͘a̶ p͝ass͟e͏ng̵er͢'͜s ̶m͡an̵ifes̸to͘ a͜ǹd͏ see ̢i͡f͠ ̶th͘ere'͘s ̴a҉ńyo͠n͘e͘ who ͠cou͞ld ̛p͠re͞s̶ent͝ ̀à ̢threa̵t.̛ O͞n͞ce ͘tha҉t's͜ tàke̶n care ̴of ͟a̵n͜d͘ ̶we̷ a͏d̀j҉u̵st plan̨s͢ ͏acc͞or̢d͏i͢n͝g̸l̕y, ̴C̵rais͏ c̀a̷ll͘ś ͏a̛ ͠p̀ȩrs̸ơn͡nel mee҉t͞in̨g sóm͞e̡w̡h̸e̢re͞ sec͘l̸ud̶ed (his҉ ͘q̵ua̸ŕter͏s ͘o͘r ̵s̵ome̕ ̕su͢c̶h)̛, ̕lea͜vi̕n̴g ̴a ̧few̨ p҉e̢opl͜e (҉inc̕lưdi͏ng ͜th̷e ͜p̀erson̸ I'̕m̷ ͜disg̨uiseḑ a̶s)̨ to ̷take͜ òver ̢hel̕m co̧ntŕol t̛empor̵ariļy. ̨Sy̴lt͏h̡ ̀goes w̶i͘th̀ h̢i̶m int͠ǫ ̛th͟e ͡q͠u̸art̷e͜rs͠ ͢(wi̛t̶h in̷visibil̶ity,̶ ̛jus̕t ̶t̢o ͝bé ͠sáfe)͏, ͘ẁhi̸le..͞.͟ ͘the͘ bu̸rn͏i͠n͜g-͡h͠at҉e̛ ̶gu҉y̡ i͜s̨ ͠w̢ith ͘t͏he҉ ̨p̧e̷op̧l͠e͏ ̕on͢ ̧d͠e͠ck (̨sho̷u͟ld̛ ̵be̵ ͟m͞a͘ny ͡of ͞ţhe͡m,̸ ̕i͏f ̧we ͡d͠ó thiş ҉a̵t ͏the ͞ri̸g͠h̵t͏ ͜time).̛ ͘My̢ ̶t̸e͡l͏epat̸hy҉ sho͟ul̸d e̢x͟ten̶d ̧òv͠er prét͢ty͝ m҉uc̕h̡ ̸t͘h͠e͝ en͠t͞įre sh̵i̡p͏,͢ s̕o w̧he̡n ͝I̛ ̨ǵive ͘t̸he s̢i̧g̴nal̢,́ ͜C̀r̶ai͘s ̵and͝ S͜yl̶t͝h͞ ki̛l̀l͞ ͘a͏ll ͢o̵f͠ t͠he̛ off́i̴cer̶s ͟w͟hi͢l͢e ̵I kíll ͡w̵h͡o͠e̡v̵ęr̵'s̸ ͏w͏i̛ţh͏ us i̶n ͠the ͡helm̶ an͞d̷ Pe̢l͏or̶ h̨er̀e̷ s̨tarts̸ ̛sl̷a͡ug͘ht̛er̨i̵ng the̕ p̸ass͘en̷ger̵s.̢ Ćra̡is ̀and S͘y̧l̢t̢h śho҉u̡l̛d́ ̧b̢e ͜able to ̛d̨e͜fea͢t t̀he cr͟e̕w ́f͝a̸įrl͜y̨ q̕ui̕c͝k҉ly͘ ͏and g͜o ţo̷ ́h̸elp ̴P͢el͡or͡ w̡hil҉e ̸I ͟k̵ȩe̵p ţhe͏ ͞s̨h̵ip̕ fl͜y̸ing̕.
͏..̀.͏B͠y the̵ ͡w͏ay, P̶e̡lor ͞g̛uy,͞ dǫ ̀you͡ ̡ha͟v̨e a̛ n̵a̢m͞e?͏

2012-02-20, 10:47 PM
For those scouting the highway:
Identification will be asked from any visible person entering the highway. At this moment, no other searches will be made unless the traveler has any vehicles or large amounts of cargo.

The Aforgor is a very slender ship, more than 100 feet long, but no more than 25 feet wide at its largest section. On top of the deck there is a small cabin. The ship's hull is constructed of intertwined roots and vines that almost seem to breathe.

The ship is sequestered in a pool adjacent to the canal that runs through the Nexus Highway.

Nearby, a few modrons are patrolling around, mostly delivering paperwork back and forth between different sections of the port. Two bureaucrats in uniforms common for security personnel are standing nearby, having a casual conversation. Anyone eavesdropping would hear the name of the ship mentioned, but would have to listen in closer to hear more.

For anyone is turning towards an inn:
There is one down the road called the Copper Marmot. It's the same one that Sylth visited earlier. Being the closest inn to the highway, it is full of travelers. There's a bit of a commotion going on about a murder earlier this evening, and some travelers trying to convince the innkeeper to give them their money back so they can take their business somewhere 'safe.' No law enforcement appear to be present.

In the process of hiding the wagon, there's also opportunity for any of you to pocket a portion of the goods. Make note of that now if you do so.

2012-02-20, 10:57 PM
Having shown his papers to the guards, Crais approaches the guards and says "Me and some friends were wondering about booking passage on this ship. Would we have to speak to the captain about it or someone else?
No Bluff check because it's the truth, I assume no disguise Check because I'm disguised as me. After all, why wouldn't Malferian have his papers? :smallamused:

2012-02-21, 10:52 PM
The guard, a twenty-something out of shape human whose collar is wrinkled and fair hair sports a noticeable cow-lick responds with obvious impatience:
This isn't a passenger ship. It belongs to the Almandine family, and it's not going anywhere until the family gets their act together and has someone other than a snot faced child sign the manifest.

2012-02-21, 11:05 PM
All the same, I would like to book passage on the impressive ship. Why can't the 'Snot-faced child' sign the manifest?

2012-02-21, 11:11 PM
Ah,̵ ͘a ̨p̀r̸įv́ąt͜e ͘s͟h̸ip. ̡This̶ ch́ang̸es҉ ҉thi͞n͜g̴s a͟ bi̛t-̛ p͘erh͞aps w̸e s͟h̕oul҉d do ͠som̧e ̴resea͝r̨ch͡ on ̕t͏his ̷"Al̶m̷and̸i̸ne ̕fa͢m͜i͏ly.̶"

Knowledge checks, guys?
History: [roll0]
Local: [roll1]

And I guess we might as well also roll about knowledge of airships.
Architecture/Engineering: [roll2]

2012-02-21, 11:31 PM
Well, children can't sign legal documents of course, no matter how 'old' they are.

((Nice local roll))
The Almandine family, are known for their sponsorship of many parochial academies and colleges of the church of Wee Jas, the Ruby Sorceress. The Almandine family's estate in Meton encompasses a private library, almost exclusively accessible to arcane scholars researching on behalf of the Ruby Sorceress's Academies, as well as a collection of historical memorabilia, magical and mundane artifacts, and morgues that host the bodies belonging to some of the most academically significant intellectuals in the nation.
Vardaman Almandine is the heir to the local estate. He's a bit of an oddity, a human child who was born over half a century ago, but appears and acts no older than an eleven year old boy. Vardaman has several caretakers, but his parents are deceased.
There are other branches of the Almandine family, but they live in other areas of the country.

Ships which can fly magically are not a common sight. However, there are many ships made in this nation that are designed for travel in the Astral Plane, which can be accessed by a portal in the capital- which can be reached by the highway. Though it could easily travel as a barge does in the canal, it would be impossible for an airship such as this one to fly without risk of crash inside of the highway, simply because of its size.
Null doesn't know the specifics of how this ship operates, but he can surmise that piloting a ship like this one would more likely require knowledge of magic than it would of sailing.

The Underlord
2012-03-01, 07:54 PM
He responds to Null Names are meaningless. But if you must you may refer to me as Pjónn Ljós. Have you found anything about the ship?
He says to Sylth "Want to keep these goods? Might be valuable, though I have no idea what they are. He sees the inn "Recognize that building?"

2012-03-01, 08:05 PM
"Either way, I wish to speak with the captain, who I expect will be very annoyed if he finds out about how much money will be lost if you don't let me speak to him."
Taking ten on bluff for 31, they won't get money from me.

2012-03-02, 02:30 AM
At the Ship:

"Oh, what are you part of the family too or something? By all means have a word with her, as long as it well expedite this loathsome process."

The other security official, quietly extinguishes the cigar he has been smoking, and heads towards the ship. He returns several minutes later.

"By the loading dock."

The captain waits by the loading dock, a ramp leading up to the deck of the ship. She is a tall woman who wears a plain linen cloak with leather armor and has auburn hair and dull grey eyes. A small brown owl is perched on her shoulder, and around her neck is a twine necklace with a sprig of mistletoe. Her expression is indiscernible as if she is paying attention to something else.

"Family? What branch are you from, Meton or Fera? Or is someone else involved?"

((The places she references are both towns, Meton is where you are, Fera a the ship building town away on the coast.))

At the Inn

One of the Copper Marmot's departing customers bumps up against the goliath.

"Dun stie thur itsh not shafe. Thurs a killer aroond."

He hiccups, shoulders his traveler's pack, and starts stumbling down the road.

((Anyone here can make a spot.))

The Big Orc
2012-03-02, 08:23 AM
Quietly into his companions ear, "I might have been here before, we should depart, I was disguised but someone might still recognize me. As for the goods, they might be of some use. Might as well hold onto them, we will have an entire airship to hold them in."

2012-03-02, 08:19 PM
Sylth spots the homunculus he saw earlier while he was in disguise. (A tiny cat like creature with feathered wings and a bushy tail.) It is prowling about at the edge of the roof.

2012-03-03, 12:53 PM
Null telepathically relays his knowledge of the ship and the Almandines to Crais.

Gonna do this as an OOC dump, it's much faster.

T͞h͏e̶ Ąl͢m͟and͠ìǹe f̡am̨i͏l͟y̷,҉ ̢a͏re͘ kn͜o͝w͝n ̢fo͞r̸ ͘t̀heir҉ s͘po̴n̛s̡o̢r̷s̢hi͞p ̀o͠f͠ ḿa̧ny par͡oc̡h̀ial̕ ͟a҉c̴a͝d̶emie̵s a̴n̨d c̨ol̵le͢g̨es o̧f̕ ̨t͏h̕e̵ ̡ch̸ur̸ch̡ ҉of͝ W͝ee ͏J̡as̕,̵ th͘e̡ Rub̸y̨ ͢Sorcer̡e͞s̀s.͘ The̢ A͏l̵m̡a̸ndi͜n͢e͏ ͘fa͜m̧il̢y's̡ e̷stát̡e ̀i͡n ͟M̧e̕ton ̕én͜com̛p̷a͢ss̨es̸ ̴a ͢priv̢át̸e̡ l҉i̶bra͠ry̕, a̢lm̸o͞s͘t͜ ex̷c̨l͡u͜si͝vęly ̧a͡c̀ce̵s҉si̧ble to ̡a̛r͘ca͝ne̵ ͢s̴ch̸o̧lars͢ ͢r͏ese͏a͘rc̸h͞i̵ng ͡o̕n be͏ha̸lf͟ of̕ the͢ R̷uby ͡S̷or̨ceŕe͏ss̸'̴s Aca͏d͜emi҉es͝, ̷as͟ w͏ęl͞l̡ ̵a͝s ̨a̸ c͘ol͏l͜ecti͏on̨ óf ͢h͘is̸t̀or̀ica͜l̵ ҉memoŗabi͞lia, ͝magic̡a͘l̶ aņd mu͟nd̵an̶e ͢a̷rtifacţs, ́án͝d̀ ̨mo͡rg̴ue̵s t͞h͞a̡t̨ ̢ho͘şt̛ ͟t̸h̷e bod͝i̧e̷ş ͜b̸e͘lo͡n͡g̴i̡ng̀ ţò ̡so̢me̵ ̀òf̡ t͡he̴ mo̡st̛ ac͟ad͢emi͝ca͡lly͜ ͘s҉ign͝if͠i͢cant̡ ͟i͠n͠te̴l͝l͝e̵ct̸uals ́in t̛he͘ na̕t̢io͏n.
V͝ar̵d̸a͝m͏án Alman̛di̛ne̴ i̢s t͟h̡e héir̛ t̀o t̡he͏ lo̕c̸àl ͏estate.͞ He'̀s ̨a͝ b͡i̡t͠ ͢o̶f ͟an͘ ͡oddi̢ty,͢ a҉ ͢h͝u͢man ̴chi̕ld̸ ͡w͡ḩo͞ w͏a̷s b̸o̷r̶n͏ òve̴r ha͟lf̶ ͏a̡ ce͢n͝tur̕y̸ a҉g͟o,̷ b̸u͜t ap̴pe̷a̷rs and ͠a̛c̨ts ͡n̸o ͝òlder̢ tháń ̵an҉ ̴e̴ĺeven͠ ̀ye̴a͡r̴ ol͡d̶ bo̶y͡.̷ V̴ar͏da͝man ͞ha̛s sev̕èral̷ c̕a҉r̢e̴t͢ak̡er͜s,̶ but̕ ̕h́ís͢ ͡parent͢s ar͟ę ͢de̛c͠ęa͝sed͜.
T̷her͜e ́are ̀o̡ther͘ ̛b͠r̸a̢n͘c̴h҉e̷ş of t̶he ̨Al͢m͏aņdi̷ne̡ ͝family͜,͢ ͠b͟u͏t ͠th̶ey ͠li̕v͡e̴ i̡n͘ ͡othęr a̶r͞eas ͡o̵f͘ the coun͡t́rý.͏

S̛h̴i͞p̴s ͢wh̶ic̢h̨ ca͝n͘ fly ͝m̢agic͏a̷l҉ly͜ are͏ n͟ot̸ a͜ c̀o̵mmo͝n ̕s̛i̵g̶ht. H́owe̸v̵e͠r, t͜he̴r͠e are ̨m͟a̷ny͝ ͞sh͞ips ͏ma̵d̕e̵ ͢i̸n ̶thi̷s̨ ̶n͘atio̴n͞ t̸h͜at ̡a͞re͢ d͝esi̕g̡ǹed͡ ͘f̛or ͡t҉ra͢v̶el in҉ the ́A͞st̛r͞ąl͢ ͞Pl͟an͜e,̷ ̵w͘hi͘ch ͏c̨an҉ ̸b̷e͡ a҉c͏c͞es̸s̴e̕d ̸b͡y͡ ̶a po͜rtal i̷n ̷t͏he̵ ̧c͠apital͝-͡ ̶whi͝ch ̕ca͝n b̴e͡ ͘re͜ac͢h͏ęd b̶ý ͠t̢h̛e҉ hi̧ghway.͏ ͟Thoug̴h̛ ͡i̸t̛ c͞o͞u͜l͘d̀ eąsi̴l̢y̨ t҉r̨av̴e̕l ̴a̡s a ̧b͟a̧rg҉e d͜oes͏ ͡i͝n͏ ̶t͘h͞e ̢c͏a̛na̛l͝, i͢t ͞wou͠ld ҉b̷ȩ im͡p͠os͜sib̶ĺe f͢or͜ ͟a҉n̴ ͢ai̢rship s͟uc̛ḩ a͏ś ̸thi͝s ̸ơn̛e ̛t͟o f͢l̨y͠ ͜wi̴t̷hout͏ risḱ ̸of ͟c̵r̕ąşh҉ i͘nsi̕d̛e o̷f t̢h̢e ̡highway,͘ ̶sim͘ply͠ b̵e͏ca̶us͏e of i͏ts siźe͞.̧
̸Nu̵ll d͘oe̢sn̢'t know͟ t̶he spe͡ci҉f́i͜c͢s͘ ̢of͞ ̵ho̸w ̸t͟hi͢s s̢hip ̀o͜p̵e͏r̷a̧t́e̶s̛, ͜bu͏t h̨é ̢c̕an͠ ̕s͠u̧rmis̨e ͘t̀ha̕t p҉i͘l҉o͟t͢in͡g ͝à s͜h̸i̸p͠ ̴l͏ík͢e ̕th́i̛s͞ ͜ònè ̢wo̸uld m͟or̕e ͘l̴i͝kely͟ requ҉įre҉ ͘knowle̶d͡gè o͟f ͟ma̶gic̢ t̢ha̛n͜ ͠it would o҉f҉ ̀sa̷i̸l͢i͠n͜g.