View Full Version : New Character Idea - Need input

2011-12-23, 11:43 PM
I want to make a gestalt character, his base classes being Monk and something else. I'm not sure what, but I want to prestige into Drunken master later on in this character's life. I was thinking going Monk/Jester, for the lolz, but I'm not sure it would be very practical. Then again, the Jester's taunts might be able to work in his advantages. I'd like some of your guys' input before I put anything on paper though.

2011-12-23, 11:54 PM
Anything with Full BAB.

Druid isn't a bad coupling either.

In fact, after a grand total of 15 seconds of amusing day-dream-fantasy Scrubs-style, who wouldn't want to be a giant, drunken, dancing kung-fu bear? Although god knows what you're gonna do if all that toilet paper catches fire...

2011-12-24, 12:04 AM
Lol. Well the great thing about Gestalt is that I wouldn't have to worry about having my second class have a full BAB. I'd just take monk all the way up. Like, I could easily go monk 20/ Druid 10/ Drunken Master 10 (I think Drunken Master is a 10 level. I'd be starting it at level 6 anyway)

2011-12-24, 12:26 AM
Just to be a little ridiculous, I present a non-monk drunken master:
{table=head]Lvl | Class 1|Class 2| feats, etc
1|Feat rogue|Unarmed Swordsage| feat[Great Fortitude], fighter[Dodge], Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus
2|Paladin*|Unarmed Swordsage|AC Bonus
3|Paladin*|Unarmed Swordsage|feat[Serenity]
4|Paladin*|Unarmed Swordsage|-
5|Feat rogue|Unarmed Swordsage|evasion, fighter[open]
6|Disciple of the Eye|Unarmed Swordsage|flurry of blows, feat[open][/table]
Then drunken master//unarmed swordsage for as long as you want

Requires being dragonblood subtype and lawful, but gets a bunch of skills points, all 3 good saves on all levels except for two, Wis to AC in light armor and WIS to all 3 saves, plus, obviously, a bunch of swordsage maneuvers. Desert Wind + Alcohol = entertainment.

*either standard or tyranny, which determines some of your class features

Or, maybe a bit less goofy:
Paladin* 5/Drunken Master 10//Monk** 2/Sorcerer 13 with Ascetic Mage feat for a charismatic, drunken caster with Cha to AC and all 3 saves. Can pick up the Mighty Wallop and Greater Might Wallop spells for extra unarmed strike damage.

*charging smite
** cobra strike

2011-12-24, 01:16 AM
One of the drunken master prereqs is Flurry of blows, I believe. And I haven't seen any class except for monk with that (though I haven't exactly looked through all the books in great detail).

2011-12-24, 01:22 AM
One of the drunken master prereqs is Flurry of blows, I believe. And I haven't seen any class except for monk with that (though I haven't exactly looked through all the books in great detail).

Flurry of blows is required, yes. That's why Disciple of the Eye (prestige class from Races of the Dragon, p. 75) is in there. Gives flurry of blows at first level. Stacks with existing from monk, or, if you have no monk levels, you gain it as a monk of your disciple of the eye level.

2011-12-24, 11:58 AM
Cool. I'll look over some of these and figure something out.