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2011-12-24, 12:38 PM
Respect the spoilers :smallcool: I'm sure you see what I mean about stepping on toes... :smallcool:

Ald the Rebuilder

There you were, feeding those who had lost everything to the world when they arrive. A trail of scarlet ribbons dancing in the skies for miles on end, each tied to a poleaxes. At there head stood a man who asked in a light voice that could almost have convinced you that you weren't being surrounded by hundreds on all sides "So, are you Ald than?"
Uncertainty you reply affirmative, and the next moment pain. Heat as intense as the sun claimed your arm blowing a large crater next to you as the ring of men all begin to laugh, and for leagues about the earth quakes from the laughter alone... or did it... The world it's self split beneath you. The magic comes to you naturally. Molding your power magic you cause a kinetic blast to toss you from the gaping pit as you draw your revolver and fire three shots right between the man's eyes, your shots vanish. You pull upon your reserves of manna, but as you do the world suddenly explodes around you.

The next instant it was all gone. The hole, the army, the refugees your were helping, even the shelters. Before you stands naught but the gaping wasteland


You had just rendered that child's head from it's neck watching the blood pour forth, and slowly picking each segment of it's spine out one at a time, your fingers digging easily into the soft flesh when suddenly something stabs through your back.

Turning to look you see a magnificent sight before your eyes. While you had been preoccupied toying with the infant the whole of the town had gone up in flames with more soldiers that could be counted pouring out... you could feast... you could feast, and none would recognize you singing death across this battlefield. Tearing into the chest of the man who had just stabbed you, you draw his heart from his chest and pull with in all his life energies consuming them all in one breath. more excited that you'd been in yours you danced through the battlefield leaving carnage in your wake killing both villagers and soldiers indiscriminately.

And than there was that man, that accursed man. With one wave of his hand he poured life back into all the soldiers... but he didn't just pour life in... he called theirs back to themselves. Their life energies suddenly falling out of you you staggered slightly. Who could this man be who so easily separated you from your food? No matter, nobody separates you from a feast such as this. Nobody

Within a second you closed the gap tearing straight through the man's rib cage allowing fragments to fall all about him along with flecks of skin, organs, and blood. That should stop him, but he seems unaffected by having half of his flesh rendered from him in one swipe.

Lifting his hand carelessly a crushing force flattens you to the ground slowly crush you through the ground until all your bones snapped piercing your entrails But... but... no. Before you the raid continued without you as you eyes slowly blurred than darkened.

The darkness was cold.

Than suddenly the life flowed back into you. All those souls, all that power. You weren't crushed, you were ready to take this fool mortal and wipe him from the earth.... but where in the name of the darkness's wrath were you. This isn't a raid, why it isn't even a village, it's the bustling center of a city!


forming a fist a small crater blows open right next t the man before you. "Is that all you golem skum can do, or are you just a defected plow?"

Another hole blows open on the other side of the man. This man was really starting to piss you off. "I've seen insects that could do more than you, but you know I think I may have seen your mother there, what was she, a rusted hinge, or was she that broken bucket?"

That was it, Torrents of manna came to your call and soon the ground, and even the air about the man were ablaze with scarlet energies, and yet the man stood there rather unimpressed, and behind him a great demon stepped forth flying at you larger than the tavern beside you. Yellowed teeth, than darkness consumed you. The acid burned, and no matter how you struggles you could not fight through.

Suddenly you were in a flowery meadow with a wooded area behind you, and a city before you. where did that monster get to... :smallconfused::smallannoyed:

Erack Pagana

You had seen the soldiers harassing the people of the small town, and had told them off. They had laughed you off, and asked what a fool child like you could do. Well you certainly showed them what a fool kid like you could do, but once you had a tall man stood before you looking down his nose at you, and with a brush of his hand a force threw you several meters to the side.

Annoyed at the mage's arrogance you tossed him several leagues into the sky conjuring hundreds of flying sharks to chase him to the ends of the earth, and yet the mage came back down with a swath of fire that fried them in an instant, and from behind this flame came hundreds of pixies. Pixies were simple, with a simple spell you sent them all back to their realm just in time to see the mage's freeze spell lock you in ice. conjuring fire you tried to melt the ice, but whomever this mage was he was no wimp, and as he began reinforcing his ice you felt your power swiftly dispersing, fending off his if only for the moment, but somehow this man was strong enough that the Ice was advancing despite your flame. Slowly the Ice claimed you, and it all went cold... oh so cold.

you were in the middle of a marketplace... how did you get here :smallconfused: where did the man go?

Ian Duskwalker

Some fool from the city had challenged you to a duel. you were still considering where you'd go for dinner when a large stone hound hit you in the midsection. Vanishing you appear beside the ma who backhands you as if he knew exactly were you'd be sending you hurtling back. the ground around you morphed into bindings, and the man says two words "You're mine" and all goes black around you

Suddenly you're lying on a different street starring up at higher towers with networks of bridges spanning all about you.

Ghostlord Aleister Quen

You sat haughtily upon your throne. Down below your legions fought with the vast legions of Iraan Furristacia. The lad was good, you had to give him that. His legions were far superior, and through the youth's folly your masterful strategies had felled half of his all too massive legion at once, and yet the boy had even them back life as easily as you might. This war had gone on all week with the two immortal armies endlessly clashing up until now when the boy had decided to come to you directly. You had heard the tales, but surly nobody was immortal. Pausing three seconds after he entered several skeletal soldiers attacked the boy, and yet he had incinerated them all on the spot. Now only vaguely skeletal scorch marks remained.

The scorch marks lifted themselves up and as skeletons themselves advancing on you, but as you destroyed them a flash hit you searing through your flesh.

You came to n a pile of stone... wait a minute. Those mountains... than this pile of stones is.. your magnificent castle... that man would pay. :smallfurious:

Garthax Sararor

Another strong person had arrived, and you knew that as the world is you would need to fight, it was the duty of each of you to wipe the other from the face of the earth such that the victor could live and grasp the world in their mighty hands.

As the man advanced you blew him apart. In an instant every cell from his body was separated and sliced. but than a powerful magical aura appeared behind you and your face was flying into the gravely ground. Dark red blood pooled in your eyes, and suddenly the gravel swirled pulling you in, hacking and grinding you to bits as you were pulled in.

Suddenly light returned and a dish shattered behind you. two children starred wide eyed as a woman stood there hands trembling a platter of sliced meat shattered on the dirt floor by her feet. With a shriek she grabbed her children and bolted out the door. This was going by far too fast, you couldn't seem to get a handle on the situation.

Lily Veln

you were working your shop one day when waves of flame whipped through your caravan, and suddenly it was all gone. You were sprawled on the ground with an apple tree that wasn't there a second ago hanging over you. the ground smelled nice... perhaps a nap wouldn't be so bad.

You awake to the sounds of a cart traveling down the road to your left.

Tiana Moonflower

A man stood over you. His troops surrounding the two of you "You must die" whirling with your daggers you use your magics pulling on the instinctual fear of being cut to make your blades pierce him, but still he evades you, and suddenly he falls on you. Your daggers swing wildly chipping and cutting, but to no avail. Darkness it's self closes in on you. nothing but a shadow, and yet thick enough to envelop you, to stop your breath, and with a momentary bolt of fear shooting through you you realize you may die.

At that moment you wake to find yourself atop a grassy hill. Was it a dream? :smallconfused:

Elric Steelhand

You were working the forge when suddenly someone pushed you. You fell in and the flames enveloped you as it did wood for you every day. I had to happen eventually. You died. The flames consumed you almost instantly. There must be magic at work to make them so hot. You felt the flames consume you and that was all. All went dark.

Than it was cool, almost like cool stone, and yet the darkness persisted.

2011-12-24, 02:26 PM
Elric stands, shaken. Well, This is new. He reaches for his power and evokes a small sphere of light by speaking 3 words. Another word and it flies high up into the air, a final word and it brightens to fully illuminate his surroundings.

Stats: Ritual and Power
Intent: Create a small ball of bright light and heat
Mechanics: Transports a small amount of magically contained sun matter into my hand and encase it in a bubble of anti-gravity. Allowing it to hover and fly
Description: a small bubble of yellow-orange light hovers in the air above me.

He checks himself for wounds and makes sure his arm is still functional, and takes stock of his situation.

2011-12-24, 03:20 PM
Illana reviewed the situation, she had been beaten, or nearly so, and then she had was here.
Did her enemy notice her second wind, gained in the darkness with the death and sent her here to avoid her counter attack, or had she shifted her own location instinctively to avoid the battle.

Ultimately she had grown careless, to much of a blood and death and not enough corruption and mockery ... but it had been nice to let her hair down for a while and engage in nearly mindless violence. Her carelessness had almost cost her.

She choose to rely on her magic to answer the most basic questions.

A combination of Mana, Humanity and Grace.

Write Spell's Intent
Determine her the location of the city and its general layout, confirming the culture of the city and the strength of the souls within, and confirm any people/locations which have offended the natural order.

Write Spell Mechanics
Illana uses humanity magic to review the cities inhabitants, the dress style, facial features, body type, and manner of speech, further she notes the building architectural style, she combines this with raw mana to note the lay-lines of the city to gain its layout and position in the world, and finally she combines that with grace to note corruption nearby.

Write Spell Description
This is all silent and invisible, where she simple gets a feel for the place, to someone capable of sensing magic it would seem as if she had dissolved herself into the city for a second and then pulled her self together.

After gaining the above she adopted a guise of a local.

A combination of Shadow and Humanity.

Write Spell's Intent
Appear as a young local maiden, in the current dress of the time and naturally adopting the current social mannerisms.

Write Spell Mechanics
Drawing on shadow she magic she transforms her appearance to closer match the city inhabitance and to fog the minds of any people viewing her to make them forget her earlier appearance, using humanity she ensures that her social mannerisms also are current for her appearance, baring deliberate action on her part outside of this.

Write Spell Description
Her features shift to match the needs of the spell, while she remains attractive that appearance is now looks like a local rather then someone from out of town, this also shows in her walk, how she looks at people and similarly social cues naturally.

With general maintenance and knowledge taken care of Illana steps into the crowd, virtually unnoticed by anyone other then as just another person going about her business, she deliberately targets someone wealthy with a coin poach or similar device to pass by and with inhuman reflexes she steals it from then, pulling it from a pocket, or cutting the strings with her momentary extended claws, intending to remain unnoticed, and then decides to proceed a nearby tavern to enjoy herself, after all the day had started well, went bad and so it was time to make it good again, she could worry about her reasons for being her later, or never ... it might not come up, the world held many mysteries after all.

white rider
2011-12-24, 03:55 PM
Garthax curses, than weaves and throws out a web of magical threads

stats: ritual and power
intent: bind the woman and children to prevent them from moving or speaking
mechanics: wrap magical threads around the woman and children, than infuse them with enough power to give them substance, forming an invisible cocoon around the trio

Garthax than calms down and throws out a even larger web

stats: ritual and power
intent: seek out magic-users in the 100 ft vicinity and latch on to their heads so that a small bit of power will kill them
mechanics: hundreds of threads, each with a small web on the end, spill out and cover the area. upon contact with a being with magical ability the webs crawl, spider-like, and attach, invisibly and insubstantially, to the spellcaster's head. Garthax can now, if he wishes, send a pulse of power down each thread to instantly kill the spellcaster, or at least force the spellcaster to use energy defending himself.

With that deed done, Garthax activated the numbing rune on his armor, limiting the power of magic affecting him and carefully analyzes his surroundings.

Erik Vale
2011-12-24, 04:44 PM
The Nerve.

This is My Town!

And he has the nerve to fight me without call.

And flee without a note.


Turning Erack muttered a quick word, and shadow stepped to his nearby tower.

"Fortunately I lace."

And so, muttering a few words, he activates a trace, which would follow the magic laced in his spells, of which one had struck the mage, using a combination of shadow and magic in the spell, and activating the trace with a relatively short (10 minute) ritual.

This should work if the mage didn't cast dispells upon himself, and the time I was trapped for less then 12 hours.

2011-12-24, 05:03 PM
Ald the Rebuilder
When you say the heat 'claims your arm', do you mean that Ald no longer has that arm? I'm assuming in this post that he still has both arms, but will revise if that was the intention. Also, what does 'the wasteland' look like in this case?

Visible to people in the same place as Ald, wherever that turns out to be...
The unexpected change of scenery leaves Ald off-balance and he collapses in an undignified heap. It takes him a couple minutes to stop groaning from the pain in his arm and stand up, then several more to check his injuries, reload his gun, and start examining the area around him.

Ald has a plan for most things, but spontaneous teleportation isn't one of them. Indeed, he's never heard of teleportation in general. He thinks about several contingency plans, but none seem exactly relevant.

So, Ald resolves to find a sheltered spot, assuming one is near, and send out Mel's Many Eyes to figure out the situation. Hopefully, he might find another person (or at least an animal) in this ruined land, but he also wants to check for fallout on the ground or in the wind.

Use of magic
Mel's Many Eyes
Stats: Ritual [bird]
Intent: Create six flying eyes, through which he can see, and direct their motion.
Mechanics: Ald takes out a small glass bottle full of magpie eyes, carefully preserved in formaldehyde. Using tweezers, he takes out six of the eyes and places them in a tiny copper dish. He adds a tiny bit of mana-rich gunpowder (strictly improper, but a good enough substitute for the nine spell-sands specified in Mel's original design). Then, he takes out a singing shell - a very rare device which copies a wizard's own voice, and starts chanting deeply until the shell takes it up. For as long as he (or his shell) chants, the spell should function, allowing Ald to see through the eyes as if they were his own. The eyes can be directed to fly according to a preset pattern, or controlled directly, but the latter requires complete concentration.

2011-12-24, 06:02 PM
Lily Veln

Flames everywhere; chaotic fires tearing through her caravan, eating her servants alive and burning her pastries into charred debris. Standing there, she could do nothing but watch it happen. Most would feel anger, but Lily could only feel depressed. This was not an ordinary fire - someone did this for a reason.

This is not the first time something like this has happened.

The aftermath clears, and Lily is left laying on the ground before a tree. She sits up, rubs her head and combs her hair with her fingers. "I don't know why my nightmares usually go something like that." The only part of the tale left untold is why she decided to have a nap under this tree. "Well. I can't stay here forever. Besides, I should be sleeping in a bed." Using her staff, she picks herself up. She can't help but look at the road. Didn't her dream take place in this exact spot?

Lily is content to stand here and think about it for a minute. In addition, the tree before her is very odd... but it has apples, and that's all that matters. She tries to smack one down with her staff and eat it!

2011-12-24, 07:27 PM
you seem fine, but you're quite startled by the appearance of the afterlife, why it looks almost identical to a wine cellar :smalleek: there is a trap door on the ceiling with fold out stairs, and barrels of wine all about.


spell 1: stats are skew (see below), this would probably be more in the realm of ritual or power perhaps fueled by manna, but I'll give it to you. Grace technically could be used like that, but would need some other magic behind it. a minor ritual and manna would work. :smallcool: The styles and manners of teh people are like nothing you've ever seen before. That is not to say that it's so outlandish so much as that it is by no means any civilization you've been in before. The lay lines look revenged leaving only a few minor ones that a lesser caliber mage would hardly notice.

Spell 2 the spell succeeds and you appear a flowery young thing, but you soon notice that the court manners in this odd land are nothing like that of any land you've been in. Why it seems almost as if the world it's self has gone mad.

All the same you successfully manage to obtain some coin, and the bartender hardly seems to care about your odd accent.

As you order your drink though you notice something odd... some fool had latched a simple death spell to your mind allowing him or her to kill you at will through a small magical pulse.

On humanity: humanity is more for influencing how people feel, and manipulating the masses. When you have high humanity the world moves in your wake.

On grace: grace is similar, but for the natural order rather than humanity. It is more like good karma, and being loved by the natural forces. It's mostly nly used in magic when dealing with spirits, or in things like using salt to ward off evil and the like


The woman stares in horror half way out the door trapped in your invisible web of spell-work.
Looking about the room you find it to be rather ow class, not something that anyone would check soon. Out of a nearby window you see the sun shining through, and oddly enough by the stove are a number of oddly shaped spoons you've never seen the like of before. Odder still when you reach out for magic users you only find six, and of them five have almost no magical talent at all, and the sixth has power beyond reckoning, nearly equivalent to your own.

Erik Vale

Your spell fails, you can not detect the man's prescience anywhere, and worse yet the town seems to have changed. there are none of the old markers, and tracing back from where you lay, and where the tavern must have been you find nothing but a small pie shop where your tower once stood... this was getting ridiculous, yet you still sense some remainder of the webwork of lay lines on the lower levels

Ald the Rebuilder
OOC: he lost the one, yet somehow he has two again now, for that matter you're not even wounded :smallconfused: funny huh?
The wastland is much like a desert, but with a few collapsed buildings lying about half buried in the sand. Taking shelter in one you cast your spell, and find after several hours of frustrating work that there doesn't seem to be anyone closer than a village about two days walk away

Lily Veln

The apple is delicious :smallbiggrin:

Looking about you find your team. More than half of your goods lok as though they were ranged by fire, but somehow it doesn't look right, almost as if two fires fought over everything and only that eaten by the one survived. But that's preposterous, after all that fine silk is in flame licked threads, the jewelry you had with you is missing globs, and everything non-flammable is outright missing. why even your staff are half incinerated, the lucky three that survived being fatally wounded and bleeding out. Those lucky enough to not be burned as the cloth was that is. (you yourself are unharmed)

Than again the apple is delicious...

The landscape around you seems changed. Houses where there were none. Trees that have appeared and disappeared, and the like.

2011-12-24, 08:09 PM

On humanity: humanity is more for influencing how people feel, and manipulating the masses. When you have high humanity the world moves in your wake.

On grace: grace is similar, but for the natural order rather than humanity. It is more like good karma, and being loved by the natural forces. It's mostly nly used in magic when dealing with spirits, or in things like using salt to ward off evil and the like

I was figuring that humanity would also cover human behaviour, and as such Illana focused on the town itself when invoking the magic, to get a feel for the people and history of the place.
On grace I was adding that to allow her to tell what seemed unnatural, which I figured she would have access to due to her somewhat daemonic nature.

Enjoying her drink Illana felt like playing with the locals, maybe blessing those how were desperate and cursing those who where successful, though she had yet to decide on the particular blessings and curse.
Instead she felt a magical binding being placed on her, asking the bartender for a room for the night and paying with stolen coin she went to her room.
Why must other mages vex her so today, she considered shredding spell on her but instead decided that on a more direct approach as she was annoyed now, tapping into her daemonic nature she sent a wave of daemonic mana through the connection, corrupting it to her purpose, and leeching the life and soul out of her offender, if nothing else it may make a good meal.

Primary daemonic Mana mixed with the rudiments of power and ritual.

Write Spell's Intent
Leech the life and from the mage who initially case the spell using the death spell as a catalyst.

Write Spell Mechanics
Primarily a mana spell, focused using Illana's own daemonic nature, using ritual to direct through the initial spell, and power to cause the mage to feel the pain of there soul being devoured (pointless but entertaining, and somewhat improved the general taste).

Write Spell Description
During the spell Illana would glow a dark purple light her daemonic nature extenuated, sensing through magic would give the impression of a potent and annoyed daemon taking affront at an interloper.

white rider
2011-12-24, 08:13 PM
Garthax, intrigued and a bit apprehensive, redoubles his protections and sends a quick message down the thread to the powerful mage. "Greetings. Did you summon me here, or were you also summoned?"

2011-12-24, 08:20 PM
Lily Veln
Lily eats the apple as she takes in the surroundings, only to drop that apple upon the ground half-eaten as she discovers the reality of the situation - that was no dream. Her caravan and its contents are half-destroyed, but worst of all the people within are gravely injured! "Oh no! Please... hold on! I'll go get help as fast as I can!" She begins a dash down the road; someone nearby must be able to help!

Once out of sight of the caravan, it was time. To know what happened would require investigation; rarely did Lily hop directly into the heat of conflict without knowing of why the conflict occured, but the story unfolding before her eyes required little explanation. Someone would see her harmed, or someone was losing control of themselves. "O, foul magics, do flaunt thyself longer, for thoust pay in full for nature defiled."

And so Lily joined the hunt for the source of this catastrophe.

2011-12-24, 08:22 PM
Illana OOC:

ehh that seems more empathy than swaying the masses, swaying the asses is quite a bit less personal

Illana &Garthax

Garthax: you feel your soul being town through your own link, why this seems almost as demon magic

Illana: in case it isn't apparent Garthax is the one with the connection to you, he speaks to your above as you begin to rend is soul :smalltongue:

Lily Veln:
in the midst of the rural country side it takes a while to find a home in which the occupants are there, but even than an old grizzly face pokes out of the door replying "Whatever ye'r sellin I don ' wan' 'ne Get ye gone"

2011-12-24, 09:52 PM
Lily Veln

That wasn't who she was looking for. She bows politely and leaves the house. Still, why is the world changing so dramatically before her eyes? There's a source to this, but where?

"The safest way to avoid magic like this, is to not be anywhere near it." Lily nods to herself and returns to the wreckage of the Divine Pastries caravan. Maybe someone stopped? Maybe something happened while she was gone? Whatever the case, she needs to try and get the caravan and her servants out of here; particularly her servants. They don't need to lose their lives over something that doesn't involve them.

2011-12-24, 10:01 PM
Lily Veln

The old man hollers after you "darn ri't ye' 'ill"

Back at the caravan you find that among the wreckage there isn't a soul still alive, but as you dig through it g man with a cart of turnips stops beside the wreckage whistling softly in awe "What in the heavens wrought this?"

2011-12-24, 10:30 PM
"I don't know! Something terrible happened and when it all settled down, this is what was left over." They're dead. Lily looks down at them, grimacing. The worst part of it all is not knowing why or who is responsible; essentially, these happy people that merely wanted an honest day's wage were rewarded with a bizarre death.

There's nothing she can do for them now. "Have you seen anything strange happen around here, or anyone who might be a magician around here?" A responsible merchant would be worried about her goods and saving them, but there are bigger issues to be solved. Money will come and go.

If there were no more clues, Lily knew where she could find answers - the closest city should have exactly what she was looking for.

2011-12-24, 10:40 PM
Lily Veln

The man looks first concerned, than horrified. "A Magician!?! I shudder at the thought, clearly you've been through something traumatic here, but that's no reason to pull tall tales such as those, why you know the inquisition doesn't take kindly to such jests."

2011-12-24, 10:51 PM
She shakes her head back and forth in distress. "I have no other way to explain what just happened here. We were traveling down the road, and instantaneously the caravan was torn to pieces by flames. I... really want to believe that it's but a tale. Whatever the cause, I must know how this happened."

2011-12-24, 11:05 PM
Lily Veln
The man puts a compforting hand on your shoulder "Here, come come, we'll get you some tea and rest now. Come come."

With that he turns his cart around and begins leading you back towards the houses.

2011-12-24, 11:17 PM
Lily returns towards the houses. "I... thanks." It was nice; like this she could try to relax and try to get those images out of her head. This was not a daily occurrence. Lily even began to doubt herself in the face of this man. Perhaps the houses, tree and whatnot were products of her own lunacy? Perhaps it was just a fire after all?

Lily knows only one thing. Tea sounds good. Very, very good.

2011-12-24, 11:28 PM
Lily Veln

As the two of you walk back the lad asks some of the people you pass to help move the remains out of the way of any bandits that may happen to pass, some of it looked to be worth more than a few turnips, and young Tom as some of the folks had called him didn't want to see a pretty young girl loos all her belongings too, after all it was a common saying among the merchants guilds in all too many towns that after a merchant goes broke they may as well sell themselves to slavery or never again will they be leading anything but a farmer's cart down the endless roads.

Back at Tom's house a nice small flame was kindled up and a blanket was brought despite the warmth of the day, and considering the chill in your heart it all felt perfect, just perfect. No questions wee asked of you, but you were left before that hearth with a nice mug of clover tea and a ratty blanket.

2011-12-24, 11:40 PM
Lily helped move the remains out. She really should have separated the valuables from the debris and found some way to get them out of there, but the loss of the single caravan wouldn't ruin her. Not unless it kept happening; but Lily wouldn't see this happen again, at least she wanted to believe so. With a warm cup of tea and a snug blanket to cuddle into, she felt content to sit back, relax, and try to forget about what was happening.

It worked, at least to some degree. As much as she hoped the tea was infinite, it wasn't. "So, where is this place? It makes sense the moment I decide to go exploring that something like that would happen. Any interesting rumors floating about?"

Erik Vale
2011-12-25, 01:42 AM
Erik Vale

Your spell fails, you can not detect the man's prescience anywhere, and worse yet the town seems to have changed. there are none of the old markers, and tracing back from where you lay, and where the tavern must have been you find nothing but a small pie shop where your tower once stood... this was getting ridiculous, yet you still sense some remainder of the webwork of lay lines on the lower levels

Erack was annoyed, ending up elsewhere, but assumed it might be some left over effects, and performed the short ritual anyhow.

"And nothing. How can thier be nothing."

Upon closer investigation, Erack found the various inconsistencies.

"This. I'll try the other word, and yes I'll tap these."

Casting a long shadow ritual, while drawing in as much Mana energy from laylines, Erack cast a spell that was designed to teleport him to the center of the bottom floor of his tower, over any distance, assuming that the runic pentergram remained intact.

All the while some part of his brain repeating.
'This cant be. No upstart could do that, let alone this. I cant lose everything... This cant-'

2011-12-25, 02:10 AM
Erack Pagana
(recall to format spells :smalltongue: I won't really much trouble until do-or-die times, but good habits stay strong :smallwink: and you don't want to cast a spell with no real mechanism or affect in some situations...)

The spell works, and you find yourself shifted three feet over, but as you poke about you find that the basement is sealed off from the rest of the pie shop, and everything perishable has already withered to dust. Why had not that circle been metal inlay in concrete you may not have even been able to enter the place.

2011-12-25, 05:26 AM
Illana thought about the question, summoned? It had not even crossed her mind, banished or fled where the only two options that she had really considered, a summoning without a present summoner and at a just the moment she may have needed seemed unlikely, though not impossible.

She unweaved the power aspect of her spell to remove the physical discomfort from the speaker, while continuing to enjoy her meal, and this would allow her to gauge his defences.

Using the established link she replied "I did not summon you, but found myself here in somewhat odd circumstances", she considered her options "it is conceivable that what brought you here is related, what is your business currently, perhaps we can work something out", she disliked working with powerful mages however she may need too against her enemy.

Muting her aura and ensuring that her earlier shadow magic was in place she left her room and proceeded downstairs to the main hall, noticing the music and atmosphere of the place she begin to get comfortable, and started discussing local matters with the barmaid and bartender, while ensuring that she seemed open for conversation with anyone in the area.

2011-12-25, 09:13 AM
Ald the Rebuilder
OOC: he lost the one, yet somehow he has two again now, for that matter you're not even wounded :smallconfused: funny huh?
The wastland is much like a desert, but with a few collapsed buildings lying about half buried in the sand. Taking shelter in one you cast your spell, and find after several hours of frustrating work that there doesn't seem to be anyone closer than a village about two days walk away

As he flies the Eyes back and forth, Ald examines his arm, trying to find signs of injury. He's doubting whether he really lost it at all. He thinks, briefly, that he might be dead, but remembers some previous conversations with dead people and decides that that is unlikely.

The village comes as a pleasant surprise and Ald gives up the search elsewhere, directing all six Eyes to investigate. Eyes aren't exactly fast, so while they travel, Ald explores the ruins near him a bit, hoping for a hint to his location.

2011-12-25, 09:36 AM

OOC: ? Let's be clear on this: no army, no base of operations and no idea WTF is goining on?:smallconfused: Why you told us that we are pretty much elite of elite of this world and then Ghostlord got Worf-ed? (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect) by other immortal, army-gathering wizard? :smallconfused: If you told us that we start on level 1 I would start on level 1 character not world-shaking power..

2011-12-25, 05:24 PM
Lily Amongst the wreckage you can only identify three corpses, and 'corpses' was hardly a fitting word for them. One was only identified by a clubbed foot near a glob of flesh. As the men took shovels to your friends you saw all too many baking signs that you could only suppose were to ward off evil.

As you asked around you found that you were in a remote village called angstersvill, and recently it was discovered that the great king who had brought peace to the land and disposed of all the troublesome magi around the world may have not truly been that great a mag at all, in fact it's speculated that he may have been a 'shadow mage' as they called them. Tom decided that 'shadow magic' must be deark magic and informs you of how the name obviously indicates this.
The village is a ways off, and the landscape about it begins to morph into grassy pastures with the occasional house (clear signs of residents), your arm is still uninjured, and within the ruins you find nothing but mostly corroded stone (the half collapsed walls) and sand.

2011-12-25, 06:20 PM
Lily acts interested as Tom tells her about shadow magics. She knew all too well about this kind of magic; using it herself, however, was simply undesirable. The tale of this king of Angstersvill confused her; had he lost his way by his own magics and become a danger to his own lands? No, that was too dramatic a conclusion to the story - he had done a deed to the lands by removing threats to the people of Angstersvill.

"Thanks for the tea. I think I should go see if I can get this fixed." She taps the end of her staff against the ground; it's charred and definitely has seen better days. "Besides, I think I want to see a little bit more of Angstersvill." Before leaving, she decided to offer Tom some coin. Today was a difficult day for her, and it would have been much easier for him to ignore her and go about with his turnips than to stop and offer help.

With that settled, she went about exploring this little village. The first step was to find someone who could fix her staff a bit, then maybe she would see about visiting this king - of course, it would only make sense if he was too busy to see her.

2011-12-25, 07:25 PM
LilyYou find a blacksmith, but none capable of regrowing your staff back to it's former glory. Perhaps Tom spoke true when he said that magic was gone. :smallconfused:

good riddance too :smallmad:

2011-12-25, 08:14 PM
Her staff wasn't incredibly special to begin with. As a matter of fact, she felt relieved to find out that this was but a simple blacksmith that didn't deal in enchanted gears; the simplicity of life seemed lost elsewhere in the world.

Being that her "staff" was destroyed to the point that it would be useless for walking, much less anything else, she decided to see about getting a new "staff" with a new headpiece.

2011-12-25, 09:29 PM

The blacksmith replies that it'd be two weeks. :smallbiggrin: (not many small towns have staffs ready, nor do they prioritize them or poof them out of air :smalltongue:)

2011-12-25, 10:08 PM
Good things come to those that wait. Two weeks wasn't entirely unreasonable for what she was asking for. "Okay! Thank you! I'll be back in two weeks!" In the meantime, she had a charred stick. For some reason, Lily decides to hold onto it.

Now came the second order of business - finding this "king". What an odd title for someone of a small village like this, she thought. It would be nice to be able to talk to him in person, but she was doubtful. These are busy people with much more important things to do than answer nosy travelers!

2011-12-25, 11:40 PM
The village is a ways off, and the landscape about it begins to morph into grassy pastures with the occasional house (clear signs of residents), your arm is still uninjured, and within the ruins you find nothing but mostly corroded stone (the half collapsed walls) and sand.

With no other options, Ald opts to set off for this village. With a bit of luck, he could send word to Sa or Tem from there. (Could they be dead? Well, that possibility hasn't occurred to him yet.)

It's a long way to travel, so Ald takes out one of his mana-ropes. These are ordinary ropes, carefully tied in the Resonant Knot and charged with standing mana by his students. The rope is still very hot so a signifiacant charge must remain. Ald cuts it, spins the released mana into a ball inside his head, and sinks a bit of it into the following spells...

Use of magic
Scuttling mat (by the second method)
Stats: Ritual and mana
Intent: Transform a circle of dirt into a flexible platform which runs over land.
Mechanics: Ald first identifies a promising circle of sand and uproots any plants he finds there. He then takes out a writing brush and a small piece of paper and marks the appropriate characters in the old, highly concise language of Yush. He injects some mana* and stretches the paper until it's large enough to sit on, and places it on the dirt. Then, he sets the large piece of paper on fire and chants over the fire. Each little patch of dirt aquires a slimy foot.
With care, Ald climbs onto the circle, at which point it sets off at a rapid pace, moving like a carpet along the ground.

Stats: Mana
Intent: Make a small piece of paper into a large piece of paper
Mechanics: Every fibre in the paper is fed mana such that it grows, as if in a plant. The ink spreads to maintain the writing.

Iliac's new method of consuming rocks
Stats: Mana
Intent: Transform rocks into something edible and hopefully pleasant
Mechanics: Ald takes a stack of rocks with him on the mat, and holds them in his hands, blowing softly. Sooner or later, he finds an appropriate resonance, and eats a mass of spongy stuff with a taste which depends on the origins of the rock.

The mat slowly disintegrates, but Ald should have made enough to reach the village - and at this speed, he should get there around sunset. If he comes across any houses before that point, he will stop and knock on the door, and if it is answered, he will greet the occupants in all the languages he knows, and ask them where he is.

Ald speaks fluent Quinean and Southern Ami, good Paraani, half-decent Yush, and a couple of others to a very basic level.

2011-12-25, 11:46 PM

The first person you ask whence you may go in order to speak to the kind looks at you as if you were an imbecile "You could try the royal palace off in the capital, but I doubt you'd get much an audience. The king is a busy man, and I doubt he'd entertain the likes of you." With that the passer by turns and continues on his way.

Suddenly shrieks of "Magi, Magi!!" rise from the edg of the town followed by running masses. Parents carrying children, children hurrying the elderly along, a little girl trips dropping a shiny stone, only to be pulled away crying by her mother. Sheer terror is etched on every face almost as if someone had said that a gate to hell had just been opened. All the same magi were rarely ever good news. :smallcool:


your transportation spells function properly, but as you lift up your food you notice that as soon as you stop providing it with manna it will turn back to rock in your gut or out, and maintaining it would drain you long before you finished digesting it.

All the same you soon reach the village. The villagers unfortunately do not take kindly to your appearance. As you loom over the horizon shrieks emerge from nearby farms with whole families running in all directions away from you. One villager though,, a young woman with a burnt staff walks casually towards you.

2011-12-26, 12:23 AM
Whaa? Tiana gets up slowly, relieved to find that her daggers and her father's sword are still with her. What in hell happened to me? Her body was unscathed, and yet...she still felt the blows raining hard upon her body. How had he bested her? She hadn't been bested for...for more years than she cared to remember. Bewilderment soon turned to rage, and the half-elf maiden drew her sword, stabbing it deep into the ground and swearing an oath. I don't care who he was, I will kill that man.

Tiana stands up again, slowing her breathing to calm herself, and decides to survey the area. Where was she? The thought had, for some reason, not occurred to her until then. She could use power to transport herself quickly to her destination, but she felt that would only be needlessly dangerous. So, Tiana used a trick she had taught herself some time ago. Tiana used her sword to draw a few symbols into the grassy earth, then surrounding the glyphs with a perfectly-cut circle, and sent waves of empathy forward for miles around.

Ritual and Humanity

Spell's Intent
Find the largest gathering of intelligent life within approximately five miles.

Spell's Mechanics
Using magic of humanity, Tiana draws power from her own psyche to contact creatures with any significant intellect. She also uses ritual magic to extend the spell for miles around, as well as allowing her search to be more specific, allowing her to find the largest clusters of consciousness.

Spell Description
The runes drawn in the earth glow a pale cyan, as does a similar glyph that suddenly appears on Tiana's brow. Invisible waves of empathetic energy erupt from the sorceress's mind, connecting with any like minds only for long enough to determine their location.

2011-12-26, 12:55 AM
Lily felt foolish indeed; of course the ruler of these lands wouldn't reside here, lest he was an unimportant ruler. However, fate has an odd way of solving its own problems - here, a town in distress, besieged by a rogue magi. That same situation seems to have happened to her caravan, what could be the chances that these two incidents are related?

Many run away, but one moves casually towards the chaos. That one is Lily. On her way, she stops to pick up the shiny stone that had been dropped. It would be a shame for this to simply become lost.

She will return this shiny item to its owner, right after she figures out what's going on.

2011-12-26, 01:36 AM

Your magic brings you directly in contact with the raw thoughts of all nearby humans. Suddenly you are a man limping away, a child screaming for his mother amidst the frantic rushing of the crod, you are that young man who in his fear doesn't even notice how he outpaces all the others, and you are the others afraid of being left behind, afraid of that Would it be enough? Would you be saved? Would you be able to make it out alive? Would your family survive? Where will you live? No, no, you must stop thinking, you must run, all your will tells you to press on, to keep going until the sinew of your muscle snaps, and your bones are powdered.

Suddenly your spell fails away and you find yourself sprinting down the hill away from the village. Apparently you had focused too much on running to maintain your spell, and a good thing too. Many a great mage considered themselves powerful enough to attempt such mass telepathy, and all but one had long since been driven mad, than again for all you know that one may be simple myth. All the same you certainly learned something. Whatever it is there it must really be something to invoke such mass hysteria.


The rock appears to be a small piece of jade, uncutd and unfinished.

2011-12-26, 01:53 AM
Lily does nothing other than hold onto this jade stone and wait for whatever it is everyone is fleeing from to show up.

2011-12-26, 10:22 AM
Ald curses himself for his stupidity at trying Iliac's new method of consuming rocks without an appropriate anchor. He discards the temporarily edible rock in the desert.

He doesn't much like seeing people run, so he stops his scuttling mat and directs it to hibernate underneath a boulder. He carries on walking towards the village. If nobody was watching, it wouldn't take him long to make a disguise - but someone is watching.

Ald calls out the equivalent of "Good day!" in each language he knows to the unafraid woman with the burned staff.

2011-12-26, 10:43 AM
as the mage approaches you see him land his contraption inconspicuously, and begin walking over. As he approaches you hear him calling out the equivalent of 'Good day' in an array of languages. The only thing is that it sounds a bit different... and than you notice it, he doesn't have a funny accent. So far everyone you've met pronounced words just slightly different, and this man isn't doing so at all.


Ald lands and approaches Lily :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-26, 12:39 PM
Tiana stops running, cursing herself for her foolishness. What was it that could cause such terror in the local people? She could not risk to approach it herself; her previous encounter had taught her that she was not nearly so invincible as she had thought. She has to find whether she could stop whatever was happening, however. She could not let innocents die. She also doesn't have time to use ritual magic. Grasping her dark ebony staff, she mutters a brief incantation before disappearing. She then begins sprinting towards the direction of the terrified villagers.


Tiana wishes to create a sort of magical camouflage for her and her equipment. She does not want to disrupt the balance by doing something as elaborate as actually turning invisible, but she wishes to be nearly undetectable, save for a slight disruption in the air around her when she moves as the magic changes color to match that of her surroundings; only a very trained eye would notice such a thing, however.

Wrapping herself in a cloak of shadow magic, Tiana continues to concentrate to maintain the spell as she moves, using a combination of the magic's inherit potency with her own consciousness in order to continue the flow of magic. This means, however, that if Tiana chooses to do anything that requires great mental exertion, such as casting another spell, or attacking another creature with a weapon.

With a muttered incantation, the staff in Tiana's hands appears to turn even blacker, to the point of appearing to be a depthless void. Suddenly, both the staff and Tiana's colors shift to match their surroundings.

2011-12-26, 06:47 PM

See below I'm gonna pretend you used the below in spell mechanics since everyone's still feeling out the system :smallbiggrin: (and it's not that critical of a situation.)

As you descend down the hill towards the town you find it mostly deserted, but a great mage lands some manner of flight magic behind a boulder and walks out to spew various languages. Overall you can't make out much f it, but you catch him saying in a few languages the equivalent of 'Good Day', to a woman with a charred staff. Could these two be accomplices wiping out the whole of the village? You see no signs of carnage, but any mage capable of such casual flight could easily do so without leaving remains...

on shadow magic: Shadow magic uses the natural beliefs of people to get it's strength, be it a local legend, or even people's inherent tendency to assume no one would be about.

2011-12-26, 07:26 PM
Tiana stands for a moment, confused. There were two possible scenarios. The first was simple and straightforward- the people were fleeing at the sight of a powerful mage; this was a situation Tiana knew all too well- a good many people had run screaming at her slightest tricks. The second possibility was much more dire, but also much less likely- this incredibly powerful mage was destroying the populace, in such a way that it left no trace whatsoever of his slaughter. Tiana found this unlikely, however. If he had wished for his deeds to remain hidden, he would not be standing- or rather, flying, amazing as it was, so proudly in his place, and greeting someone who seemed to be a stranger to him with a perfectly casual "good day." Despite her best instincts, Tiana chooses to reveal herself, and approaches the two mages. She smiles slightly, and asks in a sweet tone, Would one of you be so kind as to explain what on earth is going on here?

Erik Vale
2011-12-26, 07:29 PM
"How can this be... I... Something must be wrong here... I need to, and get and..."

Erack runs a finger through a layer of dust on a workbench, and stares at the pile on his finger.

"This is bad, very very bad"

Erack will look around and gather (What remains of) his supplies, and try to figure out how long this room has been left alone.

Tell me what (important) Things he has, and what remains of his equipment he still has, other that the following which he had on his person:

Vials of Murcury held in Platinum inlade Bag, Leaded Platinum Amulate, Magnisum Powerstone (Held in flame retardent), Gold Inlade Dager, Robe inlaid with Lead Runes.


This spell is cast after he looks around to try and determine roughly how long the room has been walled in.

Ritual Mana/Power

To determine how long Erack has been sealed in the spell by returning the metal ring to its state before Erack was absent by reversing time in a very small area (Reality altering effect).

Erack uses Mana's reality altering abilities to carefully (And slowly) Restore the metals chemical form to the status before Erack was absent by turning back time locally on a piece of metal Erack takes from the ring. Erack will know when he has the time right because the piece he takes had just barely started tarnishing when he disappeared, and it looked like a reverse S.

To do this Erack alters and casts a time stop (Mana/Ritual) spell such that it slowly reverses time (Month/10 seconds), and feeds the spell using the lay lines around his tower. He does not design the spell to maintain itself, and will collapse, returning the metal to normal at the rate of a month/second. Any surprises or acts requiring more concentration then watching a area will ruin the spell.

Carving out a small piece of the rings metal with his dagger. Casting a ritualized time stop, almost identical to the frost based spell used on Erack earlier, Erack freezes the peice of metal. Then, drawing in large amounts of mana from the lay lines, Erack alters the spell, and the ice around the metal seems to be sending some to the ground without shrinking. At first, the only change seems to be vast amounts of dust disappearing from the metal, and then tarnish seems to start disappearing.

2011-12-26, 07:46 PM
You are monitoring Ald and Lily :smalltongue:

Everything such as stones, metals and the like that doesn't decay is there, everything that does from herbs to your sandwich are naught but dust. Even your books are now yellowed and crumbling, luckily t appears you haven't had termite problems. As you carefully wind back time on the floor the lay lines begin to run dry, and still you have yet to each the time of your absence. Why it's already been a good twenty minutes of time. :smalleek: (recall that reality alteration is manna intensive, and the more you change it, in this case the further back you reach the higher the manna drain

2011-12-26, 07:53 PM
This is precisely the confusing manner of magic that leads her to wait; people running in fear... of someone this friendly? Of course, she recognized more than one form of hello. To join it was another; three odd faces standing in the middle of a... conflict?

Lily was glad. She smiled; this wasn't nearly as grim as she thought it would be. "Hello! I saw the people of this village crying that a magi was approaching." She steps closer, "The people of this village don't like magic. It's forbidden, so... let's not scare them anymore, okay?" Silently, she hoped that it was as peaceful as that. She truly hoped that there weren't mages that say hello to your face, only to strike you down when you turned your back - as much as she hoped, she knew they were out there. Somewhere.

"What's happening? Nothing." Lily bowed in turn to both Ald and Tiana, even though Tiana was intimidating to her. She will never be that beautiful, not now and not in ten years. "So, why are you using magic and scaring everyone?" Lily takes a playful tone with Ald.

Erik Vale
2011-12-26, 08:17 PM
Well, I take it that I still have some money and such. Mayhap people were scared of entering the old mages rooms.

The lay Lines where starting to run dry, so for a minute more he used his own reserve, and then that last 20 minute ended, and he stopped, collapsing not only from exhaustion, but from despair.

"20 by 60 over 10 month, over 12 if..... No..... It.... no..."

Erack raised his face, and now it was rather angry. "A decade, and not even close. Over A DECADE! A DECADE!!"

In a rage Erack storms towards the door out of his basement, and blasts through the stone wall put up, his reserve of power magic, even more potent then his mana reserve, and untapped, Erack blasts through the wall only to send fragments into the next, then he looks around for any other person, his face in black rage.

So, any disposible NPC's in the bakery.



Blast a hole through the wall using compressed air/shaped explosion, enhanced with kinetic force.

Erack draws upon his well of power magic to super compress (temporailly making it denser then a solid) the air infront of the door, creating a wall, then he lets it all out at the door at once, also pushing with magic.

As Erack storms towards the door he moves his hands slightly making a fist. At the foot of the stairs he both opens his fist and pushes his other hand forward a little, blowing out the wall.

2011-12-26, 08:19 PM
Glad to discover that there is no real threat, Tiana chooses to reprimand the mage, though her tone is still softly honeyed.Really, you must be more careful about these things. Flying into a town like that is enough to cause some people to die of shock, or even to try to murder you. We magi are not invincible, after all. And think, what if this lovely enchantress, Tiana gestures to Lily, had seen you as a foe, and chosen to kill you for it?! You would have been caught completely unawares; she could have incinerated you in seconds, assuming that is within her power. Seeing the surprise on the man's face, Tiana decides to let it be. She could hardly blame him for one foolish act- she had done more regrettable things in her life than she cared to remember. She approaches both of the magi, brushing the dirt off of her gray gown. I'm sorry, I get a bit carried away sometimes. I'm Tiana Moonflower-- I awoke as if from a dream on the hill off yonder. Can either one of you tell me exactly where we are?

2011-12-26, 08:47 PM
Up above Mary Ann had just taken a pipping hot razzleberry pie from the oven when suddenly the whole of the shop was blown apart with pure kinetic force. flecks of pie, flesh and derbies were intermingled within a kilometer radius leaving naught but a hole to the basement in the place of the pie shop that had stood there but moments ago.

A fitting end for those who defiles your tower so, and a much better end than that fool would get for crossing you. :smallannoyed:

Ald, Lily, &Tiana

It was odd though, none of you knew of anywhere, even in history that people fled so readily from magi. What could have happened? :smallconfused:

Erik Vale
2011-12-26, 09:18 PM
Erack stood for a moment surveying the carnage. He hadn't meant that much destruction, and was planing to use that latter. Well, that's what happens when you tap your anger for power (Or entrap an angry wizard for over a decade). He could feel his anger now, more like a cold, seething rage, not a hot volcanic frenzy. However, he still had a little to burn of before he could go near people and use any magic without ripping them apart, and he wanted to show of a little, use his built up energy.

Tapping into almost all his remaining anger and using some more power magic, Erack makes a ball, a ball of arcing lightning, seething within his enclosed hands, he felt his voice ready to boom, and some of the ice of his rage freeze the ground, then he let it out.

Just before he speaks, he throws his hand up, sending up a stram of lighting that cracks air, thunder rings out as a bright light illuminites the days sky with a bright white, almost blinding Erack but for hastily closing his eyes and a very weak light teleportation shield. And then with a voice that can be heared for kilometers, louder than thunder which had just occurred. (And would break any remaining glass from the pie shop, which was strangely isolated...)

"Who Dared! Know now that I shall find you, and not even all the powers of the Earth could stop me!"


Spell 1: Lightning

Sending a lightning bolt straight up, releasing his rage. Also drawing attention, obviously...

Erack Forces all his rage and some power magic, creating a ball of lighting (He made very sure to protect himself from the heat and to make just electricity), which he then releases straight up, and makes sure it goes straight up, into whatever clouds there are.

Erack forces all his rage into a ball in his hand with some minor incanting, then throws it up.

Spell 2: Minor Light Sheild

Not going permanently blind.

Erack temporarily creates a 'teleportation shield' around his eyes, teleporting all the light that would go towards his eyes directly behind him.

Erack closes his eyes, and focuses on black, and thinking of sending, in a haste just sending it a few meters behind him, making a few meters behind him a slight bit brighter.

Spell 3: Booming Voice

Making his voice loud.

Erack laces his voice with magic, multiplying the energy behind the sound waves soon after leaving his mouth.

Erack imparts some power energy and rage inside his lungs, infusing his very breath with power, which he then releases while speaking

No, i don't think i't's a little much for a powerful wizard who has disappeared for the previous decade, espacially giving what you did to my last spell. Also, was there newspapers before Erack was turned into a statue.

Breathing in slowly, he surveys what remains of his work, feeling much better at the moment (while he's still to dazzled to really see), having a slight cold rage, and able to think straight.

2011-12-26, 09:52 PM
OOC: I think I gave a bad description. The scuttling mat isn't supposed to be flying. But same difference...

"So, why are you using magic and scaring everyone?" Lily takes a playful tone with Ald.
On hearing that somebody had banned magic, Ald looks deeply perplexed. He takes a few moments to respond to Lily's question (in Quinean). "Ignorance. In all other lands, such fear would be unthinkable."
He stops for Tiana to speak.

Really, you must be more careful ... within her power.
"Noted." - not exactly looking impressed. Still, he adds more quietly... "Tem would have my head."

Can either one of you tell me exactly where we are?
Ald looks to Lily, as he has no idea.

2011-12-26, 10:26 PM

Fare enough :smalltongue: there were newspapers, but nothing much plot relevant in them. Also something to keep in mind, power magic use is the open after which you're most likely to need to crash. It takes allow out of you, and honestly this is well within your bounds :smalltongue: (after all it's much simpler than temporal manipulations)

Though for something to keep in mind shadow magic is magic that gets all its oomph from the beliefs of others. I don't really see that tying into your second spell... What you did is more in the realm of power magic :smallwink:

The skies crackle with lightening, and your voice booms across the lands. You're sure that'll attract some good attention all right.


You hear a blast as building on a hill to the east is blown apart. Storm clouds seem to materialize out of thin air above you, and to a hill off to the east you see lightening arc into the sky blazing across the clouds as a blast of thunder rolls through the air carrying the words "Who Dared! Know now that I shall find you, and not even all the powers of the Earth could stop me!"

Slowly the echoes die away, leaving the ripe stench of ozone and a dark patch of clouds over that hill still charged with electricity.

Erik Vale
2011-12-26, 11:15 PM
Yes, I know I'm going to attract attention, that's kinda the plan, and I will be a little exhausted, but a decade as a statue and large reserves naturally, I should be fine for about 2 spells.... (Also, I'll assume open was supposed to be high)

I thought Humanity was others belief more than shadow, I'll keep that in mind for latter.

The news paper thing is purely so I don't have to walk up to someone, and ask them the famous 'what year is it?'

Also, since you ignored what I see, I'll assume all I sure around me is the destroyed bakery, and a short distance around me.

Erack sat looking around, a position he slowly adopted after his use of energy. It was a little exhausting, but would become a hole lot more exhausting soon he knew, he might have just enough for a couple of spells.

He felt a variety of emotions as he surveyed the nearer ruin scattered landscape, that was once Mary's strangely isolated shop. Bricks lay scattered from his first explosive spell, that was a little accidental, the glass lay broken, at first in large shards from the building being blown apart, then many pieces that were like little molten puddles from his next to spells. Those he could claim all the credit for... He felt a little sickened, and disgusted at himself, when he saw the parts that made up Mary scattered around the surrounding hillside of his mountain. All the while he sat resting, drawing in a trickle of mana from depleted lay lines and recovering his power as he surveyed the surrounding countryside looking for a town or city.

All the while, part of his mind was still raging, and another cataloging all the work he would have to undertake, finishing the spell he had readied for the glaive he was making (Assuming it still existed) and reproducing his books, though he was seriously debating whether he should just leave them in his memories at the moment.

As you've missed things previously, heres the important bits.

Is there a town or village nearby?
Anything else important nearby?
(Vision main sense for above, no magic)

My character is currently sitting and recuperation

2011-12-26, 11:23 PM
"E-enchantress?!" Lily looks somewhat embarassed between the two of them. "I wouldn't hurt you, I can't even do that. I know about magics, but that's about it. Everyone ran before knowing more of what they were running from... I thought I would try to talk whoever it was down from attacking the village, but I guess there wasn't anything violent to begin with. This village is called Angstersvill. Just a small little village with no magic to be found in it."

Lily tilted her head and looked to Tiana. "I thought I woke up from a nightmare. It was actually very real, although I don't remember this place at all, and I've traveled across the world. Something very strange is happening; what's more, when I got here, the entire world was shifting around me. Houses appearing out of nowhere, trees spontaneously appearing, almost if I was an audience to a very strange theatrics presentation."

"Well, I guess we know where we are now, but we should still try to find a map... and, umm, maybe you should hide." Lily suggests to Ald. "You scared away the town. I don't want them running out here with weapons drawn and accusing you of something a lot worse than what you did."

2011-12-26, 11:51 PM
Tiana sighs. It would appear she is not the only one who has no idea what is going on. Though she was hesitant to use magic again, for fear of disrupting the balance, she feared her new companions may not be capable of what she was to attempt. Her last attempt at mass telepathy had scared her, and she knew now that doing such a thing again would be far too dangerous. She sighs again, this time more audibly. Stand back, both of you. Knowing this time that there is no rush, the sorceress spends some thirty minutes hewing an elaborate diagram in the ground, chanting all the while. The diagram appears to be a circumscribed star, the ten points of which each contain a different symbol, each with its own meaning and significance. Tiana then sits, cross legged, in the center of the circle, and reaches once again outward, praying that her spell does not disrupt the balance.

Ritual, Shadow, Humanity, and Power
Tiana wishes to reach out to the minds of all of the fleeing villagers, remaining within their psyches only long enough to implant them with both an enchantment that causes them to believe that they should return, and that the mages are harmless, and also a spell that increases the speed of their return.

Use humanity magic to reach the minds of the villagers, with the powerful ritual magic allowing her to use the spell at such a great distance. She then uses shadow magic to cause the villagers to believe that they must return to their homes, and also that the magi that dwell there are not a danger to them. She also uses power to renew the vigor of the villagers, allowing them to make the return journey as if they had never made the original trip. Lastly, Tiana uses power to shield her own mind from the worst of the effects that the villagers' minds might have on her own for the few seconds of contact.

As Tiana hews the diagram into the ground with her slightly-glowing white longsword, the symbols within the points of the stars each glow different colors. The primary star is the color of her own blade, and the surrounding circle is black as pitch. When Tiana sits within the center of the circle, a miniature version of the diagram appears on her brow, and as she draws back her head a beam of light shoots from it into the heavens, a dazzling cyan coloration. Then, the different symbols within the points each shoot lights upward as well, and the frame of the star bursts in white flames that shoot some three feet into the air, wrapping themselves around the sorceress in order to protect her. The black circle that surrounds the diagram begins to spin wildly, and thin grey pulses emanate from it constantly, spreading outward for miles around.

2011-12-27, 12:57 AM

I figured, but forewarning never huts :smallbiggrin:

humanity is about magical leadership skills so to speak, shadow is about making nightmares real. Sorry for the confusion :smallbiggrin:

:smalltongue: oh come now, it's still awesome despite being so clesh :smalltongue:

Whoops, my bad, you are on a hill with half overgrown runes to your left and a forest to your right. :smallbiggrin:

i didn't so much misread before as I thought about how pissed off you were and thought a controlled shaped blast isn't really done without the precise shaping of ritual magic while in the heat of rage, and that similarly you may accidentally push a bit hard :smalltongue:

No vilage within sight, though there is a road leading into the forest passed the bakery, and over swerving away from the runes.

As for other important things I suppose the ominous cloud as a remnant of your spell counts :smalltongue:


humanity is about magical leadership skills so to speak, shadow is about making nightmares real. Sorry for the confusion :smallbiggrin:

You momentarily splice your mind back into the minds of the villagers, and suddenly you are not yourself. You are them, you are some manner of inhumane conglomerate with no true identity. No longer are the minds unified in one common cause, but now they pull you in a million directions. Your head feels as if it's going to split when it all goes black.

Ald, Lily, &Tiana
Tiana wakes up in a few hours, in the mean time she mumbles incoherently about countless things that happened to be crossing the villager's minds at the moment. :smallcool: after about a half hour the villagers return.

Erik Vale
2011-12-27, 01:31 AM
Erack looked around. He would have trougble returning if he left with his pentergram damaged, but he could fix that, and he'd need a temporary door, and he'd need toclean up and.... There was to much to do, but most of all he needed infomation. And with any luck that path should lead to it. It would take a while to inlay the runes, but he had to.

Steping inside his basement, he began inscribing runes.


Spell: Marking


Erack generate a weak acid in a very focused area, making very specific runes.

Eracks finger holds an orb of acid in front of it, that rolls with the containing pressure, only releasing to engrave.

Erack will inscribe the following runes.
Door Blocking:

Stopping entry into Erack place of power

Erack carves runes of resistence and drawing all over his jagged doorway, and links runes of drawing into the surrounding Lay lines to keep it active, leaving it drawing mana from the air and the lay lines. Whenever Any being tries to enter through the doorway they will be met with a repulsing force = to the force they try to enter with via a kinetic barrier. This doesn't protect anywhere but the doorway, and won't protect from anyone with a sledge, or a mage forcing their way in.

Erack marks runes into the stone around the doorway

Spell: Alarm Runes

Alert Erack to Intrusion.

The runes project a weak magical line straight up, almost undetectable, and when broken a second comand set sends a message to Erack, merely stating that the Door Blocking Rune has been beaten, and someone has crossod over the easy path.

Erack ingraves runes behind the door, and down the inclined corridor leading to his Basement, also around his vault and work rooms. He then carves a small rune on his gauntlet (Studded leather armour one) that will link to these runes.

Spell: Spell of Melting


Erack heats the metal of the peice of pentagram he removed untill it becomes molten, then returns it with kinetic energy.

Muttering a few words, Erack turns the apparently pointless peice of metal he's holding molten, then returns it to the pentigram.

After hes done this, Erack lies exhausted, and decides to wait until tommorow to leave, and rests, finding somewhere sort of comfortable to lie down. (Depending upon time, this is a few hours or till the next day, he will only wake up if his runes of alarm goes of, or he hears something, probaly loud)

2011-12-27, 02:05 AM
Tiana curses as she awakes. Never again.... She knew that such an attempt would be likely to kill her in the future. The sorceress clasps both hands against her crown, groaning as she does so. The aftereffects of the spell had still not worn off, and her head ached without pause. Tiana hated when she discovered the limits of her power; every minute she seemed to gain a new understanding of just how mortal she really was. Her pessimism was alleviated, however, when the villagers arrived. At least the spell had worked.

Tiana was not in the mood for her usual charms. Approaching a farmboy of about fifteen years of age, the sorceress led him behind a nearby barn; the simpleton followed eagerly, charmed by the woman's appearance. Feeling a need to exert her bitterness, Tiana draws one of her daggers, holding it against the youth's throat. I want you to tell me everything, do you understand me?! I want to know where this damned village is. I want to know how I can get back to the twilit grove. I want to know what damned year it is, and anything else that your puny mind can remember about this bloody world!

2011-12-27, 02:37 AM
Against her better judgement, Lily allowed the spell to be cast without knowing of what its true potential was. "Whatever it is, I'm sure we could do better without it" she must have reminded Tiana several times through her chanting; by the end of it, she was unconscious. The cost of magic? Was this all worth it? Evidently not, for all it did was made the citizens of the country return.

With Tiana finally awake, Lily gathered some apples for the three to eat, and right as Lily was about to discuss what they were to do, Tiana wandered off. Curiosity got the better part of her; what would she do to someone of her age? She decided to follow behind her.

What she found was anything but acceptable. Threatening an innocent person with a knife over mundane details? Lily approached. "Don't do that; we can figure out everything about this place without having to do something like that." She put her hand on Tiana's arm and pressed it away from the boy; not wrestling her away from him, but rather trying to get her to see reason.

"Please? Everything will be alright, just give it some time."

2011-12-27, 02:46 AM
Ghostlord Aleister Quen

You sat haughtily upon your throne. Down below your legions fought with the vast legions of Iraan Furristacia. The lad was good, you had to give him that. His legions were far superior, and through the youth's folly your masterful strategies had felled half of his all too massive legion at once, and yet the boy had even them back life as easily as you might. This war had gone on all week with the two immortal armies endlessly clashing up until now when the boy had decided to come to you directly. You had heard the tales, but surly nobody was immortal. Pausing three seconds after he entered several skeletal soldiers attacked the boy, and yet he had incinerated them all on the spot. Now only vaguely skeletal scorch marks remained.

The scorch marks lifted themselves up and as skeletons themselves advancing on you, but as you destroyed them a flash hit you searing through your flesh.

You came to n a pile of stone... wait a minute. Those mountains... than this pile of stones is.. your magnificent castle... that man would pay. :smallfurious:

Ghostlord conteplate for small moment this defeat. His enamy was clearly insane, mad with power mage.. but first of all Aleister Quen need to know what have left from his army.It is short invocation.
Spell cast

Magic type: Shadow with little of power

Intent: I wish to contact my necromantic creations within radius of few miles, to see if I have some ghost/zombies/shades left.

Spell Mechanics : using sympathetic connection between necromancer and things he animate I send a mental signal to all the undead in certain radius.

2011-12-27, 02:57 AM
Tiana sighed heavily. Fine. I suppose I was simply exerting my anger at the effect of my spell. For so long, I have seen myself as infallible, yet all day long my spells have failed me in one way or another. You were right, by the way. The spell worked well, but I don't think that it was worth the cost. Tiana noticed with great dismay that the boy had run away, probably off to alert the others of his encounter. That young man is sure to alert the other villagers. As soon as he tells the others of what I did, my enchantment will fade, and the villagers will fear us again; this time, however, I fear they may react more violently. We must leave, now, or we will be forced to defend ourselves- something which I'm sure neither of us would like to happen. Sprinting over to Ald, the sorceress speaks quickly. We need to leave; the villagers are after us again. My power is near spent; can you afford a spell that would make us run faster?

2011-12-27, 03:23 AM
"It's more than fine to feel that way. So much is happening, try to calm yourself. Everything will be alright; we will figure out what has happened soon. Take yourself and Ald out of here if you no longer feel safe; as for me, I am staying. The answers we want are right here, and since I am no magi, I have nothing to fear." She smiles. The violence came to an end with nobody hurt.

"All we need is a map of the land. I think that will answer many of questions the three of us have." With that, Lily embarks on her quest to find someone who might have a map she can have, or at least borrow long enough to roughly copy.

2011-12-27, 08:18 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Laying still, Ian waits for the world to stop spinning before he attempts to sit up, assuming that if he was still in any kind of danger, he would probably been killed while he was knocked out. Sitting up, he surveys his surroundings, scanning for anything that might give him a clue where he is, and possibly for any shadows that might be "useful" should the need arise. He also quickly checks to make sure he still has his ring and his cloak, as well as his sword and jerkin. As he scans, he also looks for anything reflective that he might use to check his appearance.

OOC: I'll post in spoilers and ignore what everyone else is posting until you basically let me know that my character would know that stuff :smallwink:
and sorry for taking so long to post..:smallredface:

2011-12-27, 09:42 AM
You cast your spells

Ghostlord Aleister Quen
You find that within the runes near a dozen shades hide from the light of the sun


you eventually find Tom pacing back and forth "What will we do, what will we do, what will we do..."

Ian Duskwalker

Surveying the area you see that you're sitting in a flowery meadow. The sky is relatively clear apart from a dark cloud to the north, and a bustling city spreads out to your west There is shade under the sort flower bed and beside the city.

OOC: thank ye :smallbiggrin: Please go ahead and read the 'on XXX' that I left unspoilered on my posts. (mayhaps I wasn't really clear with it :smallredface:) Anywho don't sweat posting late, it happens :smallbiggrin: also something akin to the 'on X' entries is this that I've told two groups, so may as well :smallbiggrin:
'humanity is about magical leadership skills so to speak, shadow is about making nightmares real. Sorry for the confusion' recall that shadow magic is the one that doesn't work without people believing it, it isn't manipulating shadows :smallwink:


feel free to converse there :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-27, 10:16 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Ian stands and looks around.
This is seriously messed up...
Then, he becomes aware of the "Mist Realm"
...really really messed up...

Real World
Surveying his surroundings, he attempts to gauge where it currently is.
(OOC: He's very familiar with the Kingdom of the Sun, and somewhat familiar with the Western lands, assuming he doesn't recognize the city, he will assume he's somewhere in the east, but I'd like to know if he recognizes it or not :smallsmile:)

Mist World
Subconsciously, he tries to keep to the mist, unsure if his "veil" will hold in this apparently "mental" realm.
(OOC: Any idea if his disguise will be in place in the Mist Realm?)

2011-12-27, 10:22 AM
Ian Duskwalker
Well hypothetically a meadow beside a city could be anywhere, but the architecture of the village is unfamiliar to you

2011-12-27, 10:31 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Huh, guess I should check this city out...
Ian, slowly makes he way toward the city, very wary of his surroundings, which he deems as a smart play, considering how he arrived at this location.

OOC: I forgot to mention that Ian's thoughts will be in italics :smallsmile:
By the way, did Ian get a look at his attacker? IE. would he be able to recognize him should he see him again? Revenge might be in order, depending on what happens in the city :smallwink:

2011-12-27, 10:36 AM
OOC: Going back in time a bit since I was asleep...
While Tiana worked on her spell, Ald retreated to a pile of logs, and worked on a disguise. He attempted to remove the colour from the distinctive Ami design...
Stat: Mana
Intent: Mute/change the colours of his clothes, in order to look more like typical villager clothes.
Mechanics: Using the mana from the spellrope he cut earlier, Ald draws all the dye in his clothes into a small bottle. He knows the dye will eventually return to its proper place, but the timescale on that should be long enough to act as a temporary disguise.
Description: Ald holds a small bottle and stares at it intently. Spots of grey and brown appear on his clothes, and grow until all bright colours are completely gone.
...and temporarily grow some hair to hide his appearance...
Hair growth (by Wellam's method)
Stat: Mana, ritual
Intent: Grow hair on his head
Mechanics: Using a writing-brush, Ald inscribes a version of Wellam's dictation onto a small piece of paper and places it on his head. He lights it on fire, allowing mana to seep into his head and force his hair to rapidly grow. It's pretty painful.
Description: Ald places a piece of paper on his head and lights it on fire, then winces and groans from the pain of having a burning piece of paper on his head. However, as the ashes of the paper drift away, many days worth of hair growth occur in less than a minute - and this looks to be about as painful.

We need to leave; the villagers are after us again. My power is near spent; can you afford a spell that would make us run faster?
Ald is disappointed that Tiana can see so easily through his disguise; he hopes it is harder for the villagers. "You don't want the scuttling mat? Ah, a shame... I will need your boots." He hesitates. "I intend to stay a little longer here. Where do you plan to go?"

2011-12-27, 10:54 AM
Ian Duskwalker

As you approach the city you find it oddly alive with the thudding of heavy boots, and the clinking of equally heavy armor. through thew open gates you see a long street vacant but for a squadrin marching away from you.
OOC: I figured :smallbiggrin: and yes you'd recognize him

On Manna: Just a tip, generally Manna is short term alterations, even a mage of your caliber would likely only be able to sustain reality alterations for maybe an hour, it is most efficiently used to add power to food, or to indirectly cause the desired effects, for instance joining the space you occupy with another for a split second in order to telleport.

2011-12-27, 10:59 AM
Ian Duskwalker

On his stroll toward the city, a thought occurred to him, he double checked to make sure his ring was still on his finger, then checked the skin on his arm to make sure it was still pale, like normal elves, and not a red tint as his was.


Mentally nodding to himself he trudged on. Being this deep undercover, it is easy to lose yourself. He had been pale for so long, sometimes it was difficult for him to remember exactly what shade of red he was. He never took the ring off, as taking it off would end the magic until he put it back on, and he was not willing to risk getting sneaked up on while he slept simply to indulge his notion of wanting to look like himself again. It made him uncomfortable that he was becoming so comfortable in his disguise, he worried he might not be comfortable in his own skin.

Focus on the task at hand, no sense in dwelling on what you can't change he told himself, and he trudged on.

OOC: Ninja'd! :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-27, 11:03 AM
Ian DuskwalkerAs you walk down the narrow streets you notice mos doors and shutters are bolted, behind one down a ways you feel the faint tug of magic.

2011-12-27, 11:24 AM
Tiana, realizing again her naivete, slows her breathing. All she needs is a disguise, like the old man's. Though she always hated changing her appearance, she knew she had no choice.

Humanity Veil

Make Tiana appear more human

Tiana works on the humans' assumption that no elf would reside in their lands to change their perception of her.

Tiana's form is surrounded by a faint grey radiance as her features change dramatically. Suddenly, her jaw lowers, her cheekbones fade somewhat from view, and her cheeks become rounder. The small points of her ears disappear, and, though still beautiful, she now looks a completely different person.


Change Tiana's hair to a dark blonde.

Use power to remove the pigment from Tiana's hair, only enough so that her hair has lost its clearly-elven look. The power is drawn from her own, already drained vitality, but is not so powerful that it risks another coma.

Tiana mutters in some unknown tongue as her hair slowly fades in coloration, changing to the dark blonde that is more common in the area.

2011-12-27, 12:27 PM
"Tom, do you have a map? If I could get a map, I can lead them away. Far away, where they won't use any cruel magics again."

2011-12-27, 12:39 PM

"What?" tom asks insanity creeping into his voice "A map? A map! Oh yes Why didn't I think of it, a map! These magi they attack the village, they pluck at our minds. Do you know what it's like to have a mage in you mind controlling your will? Do you know what it's like to be pulled back like so many ants pulled back into the fire? Why Jemmy was almost killed by those monsters, Killed. And of course it's a map, a map. Where do you expect me to find a map, we rarely even go to the city, even old Hopkins' map is probably buried under half the house. Oh why here, why couldn't these madmen attack some other village, why her-er-er-r. Tom falls to his knees head in his hands trembling.

2011-12-27, 12:48 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Walking along as if in a daze from communicating in the "mist realm", the tug of magic brought Ian back to reality.

Realizing the street was deserted, and most doors were bolted shut, Ian got a very uneasy feeling.

This isn't right...

He decided to cautiously move toward the door he felt the "tug" from.

Rapping gently on the door, Ian speaks in a soft voice.

"Hello? Is there anyone inside this building? I am a traveler who is lost. I'm looking for information on what's going on in this city, and what has happened. I don't even know what city this is, or where I am. Any help would be grateful."


OOC: Okay, I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, but what I'm wanting is to put as much sincerity into my words as possible, possibly altering them with Humanity Magic to make them even more believable to anyone who might be behind the door, maybe not quite compelling them to do it, but just a strong suggestion of trust. And, I'm assuming that's how Humanity magic works...
Also was there a specific way you wanted spell things formatted? :smallconfused:

2011-12-27, 12:52 PM
On consideration Illana ended the spell upon herself and whoever she was speaking to, if they were useful to her then they would be able to defend against it, and if they weren't then there was no use in maintaining it.

Mana and Power

End the spell on her and the other mage.

Use mana to syphon off the power of the spell to break it with no feed back to either mage, power to send a message to the other mage to let them know this and provide them with her general location.

A sudden snap of the magic ends the spell and allows both mages to know the general location of the other.

She listened to the bartender make easy passes at her, and joked about it with the barmaid, but neither had any really useful information, when appearing as a local one could not after ask about obvious politics city names etc, instead she used her heightened senses to pick up some of the ambient conversation to gain the generic information.

And then she decided to have some fun, she began with small stories about what she had heard using no names and always tagged with "or at least that is what I heard", stories of minor scandal, that a child was caught stealing, and that the child was from a wealthy family. That a woman had been unfaithful, she weaved these stories together over a period of hours and discussed them with any who would listen the stories grew more intense, murders and perversion, corruption and abuse, focused on rich and the poor alike, and as the stories go on making them sound more dangerously alluring to live like the people in them, and spinning magic into her words.

This would be most amusing.

Shadow and Humanity.

Cause people to abandon their morals, and focus on there most base desires.

Illana plants rumours of stories through humanity, then uses those rumours to focus shadow magic to make them accepted stories that would be in the city, then refocuses on humanity to convince people that they should indulge themselves like in the stories - after all that is how people in the city behave.

While in conversation Illana begins to spread her rumours in a manner that would encourage them to be repeated, then once the rumours are in place she begins to make them sound more acceptable in the telling while keeping the core elements the same by contrasting them with even worse rumours, she continues this for hours, eating at the moral core of any who listen while using her natural charm to captivate an audience.
Eventually people should have abandoned there moral framework and indulge themselves as their darkest desires require.

2011-12-27, 12:54 PM
Ian Duskwalker
you hear the scrapping of a stick on the ground and a slight groan. "Go away" the occupant manages to mutter "If they find you with me.. gaah... go." The scrapping resumes

Within the bar you hear many rumors about the grate king Iraan being a shadow mage, and fear dances about that all the evil men he killed may yet come back from the grave through his dark power

As you tell your tails a few patrons leave disgusted, but soon you have a healthy gathering, all in rapture of these odd occurrences, and your magics work well to both sway the masses to darker thoughts, and to make all the rumors you spread true to some extent. The world around you slowly becomes a slightly darker place :smallamused: (recall shadow magic makes rumors truth)

white rider
2011-12-27, 12:56 PM
Garthax screams out in agony, but maintains enough control to sever the connection between the other mage, before drawing his sword and activating the fire and death runes to create a massive fireball

intent: release the cord binding him to whatever is attacking him
mechanics: garthax releases the ritual

intent: blast whatever is attacking him
mechanics: Garthax sends a blast of fire at the creature attacking him
description: a massive ball of black fire gathers at the tip of Garthax's sword. With a massive boom it flies out towards the attacker.

with that done, Garthax falls to his knees, exhausted.

2011-12-27, 12:59 PM
Ian Duskwalker

"Who is they?!?" Ian says to the door.

Whoever 'they' is, I'm pretty sure I don't want to be out here to meet them... Ian thinks to himself.

"I'm sure if you just let me in briefly, they would never find out, whoever they is...and perhaps I could help you with...what ever you're scraping..." Ian putting more force behind his words this time. and get some answers he thinks to himself.

OOC: Again, using humanity to put force behind words, if that's how it works, if not, you gotta tell me :smallwink:

2011-12-27, 01:21 PM
With a great explosion the fireball hurtles into a wall of the small hut blowing up the next house before dissipating. Your hostages star horrified unknowing of the battle that had been raging in your head. At least your soul was still in tact.

Ian Duskwalker

Uhh, I need to .... do this. The man pants, though his voice sounds somewhat familiar... the man in the mist?

OOC: ah sorry, that is one way to use it :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-27, 01:33 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Ian continues speaking to the door. "Okay, now I"m hearing you in my head as well, which is a little odd I must say, but who stabbed you? You said shadow magic is killing you, but you have a sword wound, you're not making any sense! Is this...mage king...is he the one that stabbed you with a sword?...This...is...so..."

OCC: Sentence completed in the "mist" thread /OOC

Surely I'm not back in the "Kingdom" Ian thinks to himself. The buildings look all wrong...

2011-12-27, 02:22 PM
Ian Duskwalker
Get in here already the man wheezes

2011-12-27, 02:29 PM
Illana smiles to herself at her work, upstairs the barmaid had been taken but some of the patrons, willingly it seemed due to her previously burried greed and their unchecked lust, another man lay dead in the street from brutal beating over who's round it was.

If this kept up this whole city may fall to her whims, leaving the tavern Illana choose an individual at random and pulled them into a dark alley, laying a full kiss on them she drew out there soul.


Recharge her mana from the soul.

Illana draws out the soul of her chosen person and uses it to recharge her own power.

The victim would be left alive with their mind intact but utterly soulless, they would be devoid of any passion or drive, they would likely sit in place and starve to death, caught in the twin memory of the bliss of the kiss and the of pain of having there soul broken into its component parts and devoured.

Recharged Illana makes her way to another tavern to begin her stories again, quicker this time as the stories have been established, she intends to continue this practice all night baring some more interesting interruption.

2011-12-27, 02:42 PM
People love your stories, but humanity isn't recharged through soul sucking :smalltongue: but in the end you only really need shadow magic to spin these myths and make them reality, after all people become more bitter on their own when surrounded by such misfortunes. :smallamused: Shadow/power/ritual recover with rest, soul sucking can restore some manna, Grace by respecting customs, and humanity by 'having a good time with the guys' All the same you have more than your fill of manna since that which you obtained from cutting loose returned :smallamused:

Ian Duskwalker
You hear the heavy mesh of plate armor and heavy boots approaching

2011-12-27, 02:47 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Of course he does...

Hearing the noise, Ian quickly throws his shoulder into the door, hoping it will open.

2011-12-27, 02:49 PM
Ian Duskwalker
The large wooden bar that the man mentioned in the mist easily repels your attack. :smalltongue: (in the name of the heavens why juggle two IC threads right? :smallbiggrin:)

2011-12-27, 02:54 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OCC: Why? Cause it's awesome!

Shoulder sore from the run in with the door, Ian decides to change tactics.
It's worth a small spell I imagine..

Ian concentrates on the door, drawing manna from whatever source he can find.

Surely I can manage something this easy he thinks to himself.


Source: Manna
Effect: Move the wooden bar enough to open the door.

2011-12-27, 02:57 PM
Ian Duskwalker
With a gentle push you open the door right as your spell ends and he bar falls back down with a clatter. "Over there" someone outside shouts as the footsteps draw closer.

OOC: true, true :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-27, 02:58 PM
Tiana chooses to ignore Tom's reaction to the request. The fool could never understand what she had gone through- could never understand her. Had those simpletons not fled in the first place, she never would have had to command them. And the man in her meeting-of-minds had still not answered her question. If they had died, how were they still in the world? Was it even the same world? Tiana didn't want to think about it. The sorceress struts over to Ald and Lily, her face blank. I don't know about the two of you, but I'm leaving this place. I need information-- I cannot sit here and do nothing when, for all I know, everyone, everything I knew could be gone. I have enjoyed your company, and would be glad if you'd accompany me, but I am leaving, no matter what you do. And with that, Tiana, still looking like nothing more than a pretty village girl, departs, struggling not to walk with her usual, elven grace.

2011-12-27, 03:03 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Quickly stepping inside, Ian shuts and bars the door back.
What have I gotten myself into now...

Ian speaks softly to the man, and with as much force as he can muster..."Tell me, who hunts you, what manner of soldier? and be quick, they are coming..."

Half guessing an answer himself from what the man had said, he formulates a few plans...

It all depends on how much time...and if my hunch is right...

2011-12-27, 03:13 PM
Well the soul draining was more because Illana likes eating souls they are tasty and come in a variety of flavours, I figured that it would recharge Mana but also that she simply eats them to survive generally, surviving off her own reserves of Mana rather then normal food and rest.

As for humanity the reason it was included in the spell is that while Shadow was to create the opening she is not forcing people to adopt those mannerisms, that is done through friendly conversation, empathy with the desires of the people and heightened with the magic of humanity (the darker elements of such).

As such she would be going to taverns now repeating the rumours that exist, such as 'You will never guess what happened at the last tavern I was at', possible they would have heard about it before she get there, now she can list names as well, but she is focusing on humanity to make it appealing and seductive rather then off putting and disgusting.

Continuing down the street Illana considers the events that have transpired, the stories said the great king Iraan was a shadow mage, who killed evil men and that they fear that he may bring them back using his power.
If he the telepath and his shadow magic had been broken it would make solid sense for him to attempt to fulfil those stories and thereby prove he was a great mage, however that left the shadow unaccounted for - perhaps he was this Iraan, and the telepath was in cahoots with him?

The only issue now was whether or not to flag this to the gathering body, it should not be necessary of the telepath agreed to her deal, and she hated tipping her hand unless it was entertaining - so her real question was would it be entertaining?

2011-12-27, 03:29 PM
Pretty sure I did answer that since shadow magic once believed reverses death was annulled


OOC:Ah, got-ya :smallbiggrin:
'would it be entertaining' thee question of the century no? :smalltongue:

2011-12-27, 03:37 PM
Ian Duskwalker

"Here you old coot, see if this holds with your perceptions of me. I'm going to heal your wounds enough to stop the bleeding. I fear that is all there is time for at present." Ian infuses Humanity Magic into his words, willing the man to believe him.


Source = Shadow (assuming he believes what I've said this should work, heck, even if he doesn't believe it 100%, the seed has been planted :smalltongue:)
Effect = Heal the sword wound enough to stop the bleeding, internal and external, which should allow natural healing to take over.

OCC: any idea how long spells take to cast? I'm trying to get an idea of how long I have to act, I'm going to have Ian attempt to save the old man, even though he suspects he's being hunted by the "Kingdom", and yes, he has his reasons :smalltongue:

2011-12-27, 03:43 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: keep in mind that humanity declines with use...
>.> not proper sell format
Generally only ritual magic really takes time, most are immediate

The old man shakes himself "Whadya know kid, you do have something. so than how good are ya at rituals? I got our friend over there helping me, and admittedly he's probably even better than me at it. If you can't keep up you're on guard duty. I assume you Know how to watch a door?

2011-12-27, 03:52 PM
Ian Duskwalker

"Our...friend...?" Ian takes a quick moment to look around the room, realizing that he hadn't even taken a quick survey of their surroundings...

Did the old man get under my skin THAT much Ian thinks to himself, chastising himself for not being smarter in what appears to be hostile territory.

"Looks like I'm on guard duty then...but just out of curiosity, what is...'our friend'...doing anyway?"

OOC: Sorry, guess I need to go look what the spell format is again...:smallsigh:

2011-12-27, 03:57 PM
Ian Duskwalker

No, no, he's not here, but as the ritual binds us all he hardly needs to be to work on it. You saw him before. Somehow he managed to keep my from his mind when I was checking everyone's minds, after I ties our minds before I called your consciousness. All the same he was willing to help so long as I didn't force his identity. You saw how he covered himself when you wee called no? He is haughty, but from what I've seen he's a right to it, and pure genius so far as rituals are concerned. Why I still can't believe it.
OOC: it's cool :smallbiggrin:
state, effect, mechanics, discription

2011-12-27, 04:01 PM
Ian Duskwalker

"Then my harebrained idea might actually work. Will you please at least tell me what Kingdom we are in, and in what city? Is it a city within the Kingdom of the Sun? Is that why you were hesitant to reveal it to me? Surely me healing you has garnered at least that much trust..."


OOC: keep in mind that humanity declines with use
Is that forever, just on a specific subject, or what? I'm slightly confused as to how this works...

2011-12-27, 04:11 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: loss in humanity is more or less in that manipulating people you become a more callous and cruel person, and must really sit down and get to know people to recover it. A mage who ignores society in pursuit of their studies has low humanity, the warrior who always shares a beer with friends has it high. :smallbiggrin:

"Why haven't you looked at a map boy, the Kingdom of the Sun is dead boy, as is that of the Red Anslen shadowland, and any number of other nations. why I hardly recognize a single place on it."

2011-12-27, 04:15 PM
Without waiting to see whether the others were coming, Tiana trudged off into the open, searching for any city in which she could find a map.

2011-12-27, 04:17 PM
Tiana, Ald & Lily

You hear hoof-beats in the distance approaching.

2011-12-27, 04:21 PM
Ian Duskwalker

"Looked at a map? Lets see, I remember getting slapped by a stone hound, then I get held by the ground, then some dude does something to me and everything goes black. I wake up and I'm in a field of flowers...with this city to my west, so I come down here and 'feel' your magic, so I knock on your door, and you know the rest. And if that "medicine man" is to be believed, I've apparently died and come back to life, though who knows how long I've supposedly been dead...So you tell me, why haven't I looked at a map lately?" says Ian, clearly annoyed.

Thinking further on the situation, Ian sighs.

"Should we make it out of this alive, we need to have a chat...there are many things I don't understand, and I don't like being in the dark..."

OCC:Ah, okay, so after I manipulate people, I need to help get them drunk to raise my humanity, which also makes them easier to manipulate...I think I get it :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-27, 04:35 PM
Ald stayed out of the meeting with Tom. He suspects he's caused enough trouble here. When nobody's looking, he goes over to the scuttling mat and directs it to crumble back into slightly sticky sand. He doesn't follow Tiana (yet), but sends one of his Eyes after her. (His Singing Shell is wrapped in several layers of cloth to ensure it can't be heard)

At the sound of hoofbeats, he directs another Eye to see who's coming. Then, he finds somewhere to sit down and watch, keeping his gun and magical equipment out of sight.

2011-12-27, 04:36 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: good :smalltongue: (I hope that was mockery of the system as all good systems must be mocked)
The old man looks frightened for a moment and makes a sign to ward off evil "Don't say that name least you invite evil, 'tis bad enough that that other man says it already. And yes I do ask you why you haven't looked at a map when you die, the first-" Suddenly the door opend an give guards step in along with an officor of the watch.

"Now look what we have here, a magi and a collaborator. I hardly think that we need the inquisition to deal with this old man and child, what do you think boys?" General laughs and grunts of acceptance follow as the five close in on you with swords drawn.

2011-12-27, 04:38 PM
Tiana quickly stores her sword in her pack, taking her staff in her stronger, left hand and grasping one of her daggers under her cloak with her right hand.

2011-12-27, 04:42 PM
Tiana, Ald & Lily
The hoof beats grow louder as time progresses, and soon you see twenty white horses each with two riders approaching the village.

2011-12-27, 04:50 PM
Although she had no wish to attempt such mass telepathy again, Tiana thought that just one rider would be enough for her to gain some useful information about their rider.

Stats: Humanity
Intent: Read the surface thoughts of one of the riders
Mechanics: Send empathetic waves towards the man's mind, connecting with it for about five seconds.

2011-12-27, 05:13 PM
Oh my gosh that stew was amazing, I mean who would have thought that stew could taste so good, I mean I suppose having not eaten for three days may have helped it, but my that Betty could cook! If only he had one of Molly's pies to go with it... You become engrossed in speculations about where the flakiness of pie comes from, and in which manner of spices Betty used for that stew, why it had even made the stale bread you had in your pocket taste good... before you know it the cavalry are reining in... but man was that delicious. :smallbiggrin:
When you come to one of the men on a horse is speaking (and evidently no longer thinking about pie) The one at the head calls out to you 'Are you the dreaded magi that have terrorized these lands?'

OOC: man, you're getting close :smallbiggrin:
Those with Tiana Tiana mumbles something about pie for a few minutes while the riders approach.

The one at the head calls out to you 'Are you the dreaded magi that have terrorized these lands?

white rider
2011-12-27, 06:48 PM
Garthax snaps up from his resting position and dashes into the town square, shifting into the magical spectrum to search for other mages.

2011-12-27, 06:52 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Even the best laid plans... sighs Ian inwardly...

"Good day gentlemen, what seems to be the problem? I confess I'm not familiar with the customs here, but since when is it proper to barge in on someone in their own house with drawn weapons and without provocation? " says Ian, plesently smiling at the guards.

OOC: Splitting back to Mist realm two, going to have two conversations going on at once. :smallsmile:

2011-12-27, 06:56 PM

Those with Tiana
The one at the head calls out to you 'Are you the dreaded magi that have terrorized these lands?
Ald doesn't say anything until Lily and Tiana agree on a course of action in the mist.

2011-12-27, 07:06 PM
You swiftly locate a powerful demonic entity spreading discord, and a mage further away in another direction. The demonic energy is the one who tried to suck your soul out, and the mage is a short ways outside your initial search.

Ian Duskwalker
Around the time that criminals of the state were given save haven scum. The guard says still advancing.

2011-12-27, 07:42 PM
"I do, Tom. Trust me, more than anyone else. I do." She pats him on the back.

Tiana had started leaving without her. "Tom, I promise you this. I will not allow that to happen a second time. Just... try to forget about it. I have to make sure nothing worse happens." With that, Lily left and joined the others.

"I guess we're making our own map." Lily wanted to be frustrated, but the idea sounded fun. Traversing the world and seeing everything that it had to offer was one of the splendors of life she enjoyed years ago. There's but one difference - what she had feared happening was happening. A small army had arrived to do away with them.

"They are. They don't mean any harm, they are but lost travelers trying to find their way. Without any luck, that is."

Erik Vale
2011-12-27, 07:56 PM
Erack wakes to peer at the stone ceiling of his basement, staying down as he feels just how exhausted he is from his previous works, and remembers the events of, well, the last two days as far as his memories concerned. "Was it really over a decade" he asks himself.

Anyhow, he actually needs to go out now, and so getting ready he leaves and walks down the path, All of his equipment hidden somewhere upon his person, most in is bag of weighted holding upon his waist, barring his suit of armour and dagger.

Important bit, Erack wakes up, and goes following the path he saw earlier this morning. (Unless he notices anything important, like villagers that came to investigate, or some such.)

2011-12-27, 08:02 PM
Tiana glares angrily at Lily, before speaking. You must forgive this young lady. She never really left her teens, you see, and is hopelessly sarcastic even late into her twenties. No, we are not magi, and I doubt you'll find anyone of such greatness in this place. We are travelers, yes, but we have found nothing but village folk far poorer than even us here.

2011-12-27, 08:30 PM
A group of horsemen arrive a few hours after the initial... well ... 'storm'. About twenty horses with two men per horse trip your wards while approaching. Somehow they got passed your wards :smallconfused:

Ald, Tiana, and Lily

The horseman looks uncertainly. "well you are certainly suspicious looking enough that at the vary least we should take you in. If the villagers confirm your story you are free to go."

Erik Vale
2011-12-27, 08:38 PM
Erack had just finished wakeing up and getting ready before he heared the horsemen starting to bash his wards. "Good luck"

Then they got through, and tripped the second line, and Erack peared around, just strapping on his belt knife, and opened his mouth with an O, when the first few entered. "This is a problem.... I shouldn't have shown of so."

He stands staring at them as they start entering. (' is thought') 'I'll let them get to the bottom of the stairs before I start'

Ducking back around, Erack draws in power, readying some spells.

Well, Im about to be gone for the next 5+ hours, so if the Ghostlord gets here, yay, 2 on 40, otherwise, ill deal with these lot.

2011-12-27, 08:42 PM
On your way you pass some guards hustling ff to check out that explosion.

2011-12-27, 08:47 PM
Lily sighs and receives a silent scolding from Tiana. She folds her arms across her chest. Of course they would ask the villagers - and oh the tale those guards will hear.

Maybe Lily would be lucky enough to get out of all this; after all, she is no mage.

2011-12-27, 08:48 PM
Ald sighs as Lily points him out. That was probably imprudent. He sighs again as Tiana contradicts Lily's story. He could understand that, but now this would surely end in a mess - and now, he'd have to take sides. (He briefly wonders what a 'teen' is, but resolves to sort that out later).

Ald considers: Sa might suggest that he take all the blame for the use of magic, and let Tiana get away with it. Well, Sa isn't here, and he wouldn't do that. Tem would likely caution against running from the riders, and point out that Ald could almost certainly win in a straight fight - but Sa would very clearly state the risks of commiting genuine crimes on a so far relatively minor record, and she would certainly be right.

Ald does this during the conversation with the riders:
First, he disposes of his spellcasting equipment, hopefully without being noticed. He'll have to get by on mana, and whatever else he can find. Ald hides his spell-ropes and components by a very useful trick developed by the late Ostor the Magnanimous...
Ostor's discrete devourer
Stats: Mana, power
Intent: Bury his spellropes, revolver, and ritual components without being seen to do so by the riders.
Mechanics: Ald takes out a long tail-feather from one of the teleporting ostrich-like birds of the Ami land. He directs some mana into it, and it turns into a voracious feather-worm, which eats its way into the ground and carves out a small chamber about five metres down. The worm then carefully removes each item from Ald's belt and carries them underground. When it has finished, Ald stands up and stamps his foot, using it to direct power magic to seal up the chamber with a cylinder of fine-grained calcite or silica extracted from the soil.
Description: Ald sits still, shifting around as if in discomfort now and then. After a minute or so, he stands up and stamps. You'd have to be pretty close to see anything else, but if you were standing that close, you'd see a long brown feather taking things from Ald's belt and crawling into a hole with them.
Assuming he gets away with it, Ald keeps only his gun and a few of the above-mentioned tail-feathers. He gets up and walks over to Tiana, Lily and the riders.

To the head rider: "Good day, sir! I must apologise: I can only add to the confusion..." Assuming the riders let him, Ald goes on to offer his story.

"I can confess to accidentally frightening quite a lot of people. I am merely a traveller, a messenger in better times, and indeed I've just come here from across the desert -" Ald waves his arm towards the desert "- and I made the mistake of riding in on what was, no doubt, a very unusual beast. The woman who sold it to me said it was a sand-mat of Dosk, but I lack the zoological knowledge to confirm that account..."

Ald walks over to the pile of sand which used to be his scuttling mat, wishing he hadn't dismissed it. "Alas, the poor thing seems to have perished in all this confusion! Such a waste...." He pulls a few strands of leg out of the sand-pile. "But when it was alive, I am sure the many witnesses here can tell you that it looked like any of the worst conjurations of the magi - and for all I know, maybe it was. Before I knew it, everyone was running about... I dread that somebody might have been hurt! Still, I had no wish to cause panic, and I will be happy to answer further questions, if there are any..."

2011-12-27, 08:58 PM
Ald, Tiana, and Lily

The man looks genuinely curious as he asks "Would you like to pile any more dirt on your grave, or is that enough?"

2011-12-27, 09:12 PM
Ald imagines the faces of Sa and Tem after that performance. Well, it was surely worth trying. At least, for a competent liar, it might have been worth trying.

"I will go quietly. But please, will you first tell me where I am - and who you are?"

2011-12-27, 09:36 PM
Just when Tiana thought that things couldn't get worse. The sorceress was furious- she had half a mind to incinerate everyone around her, except perhaps Ald; or she could perhaps conjure up their worst fears, that would be even better.

But for now, Tiana held her tongue, and stayed her hand. She hoped that it wouldn't come to a fight, but Tiana knew that, should the villagers confirm the knights' suspicions, they would be put to death, or even tortured. If that were to happen (and she had a nagging feeling that it would), she knew she could not hesitate; she would have to kill every last one of the riders.

white rider
2011-12-27, 11:33 PM
Garthax carefully makes his way down towards the demon. As he walks, he weaves a web of threads, making light distort around him and making it hard for people to see him
stats: ritual
intent: distort light so that it is hard for people to see him (think disillusionment from harry potter)
mechanics: threads spiral out from Garthax, than slide inwards, warping light around him"

2011-12-28, 02:11 AM
Ah, page turn :smallbiggrin:

Ald, Tiana, and Lily
"I suppose I could" the man replies. "You are in the northwestern territory of the holy empire, and we are it's holy inquisitors, those who place law over the maddening magi keeping the lands habitable to true humans.

I don't really recall, but I assume it's one of those things where if they aren't trying to see you they don't :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-28, 08:16 AM
Ian Duskwalker

As the guards approach, Ian's pleasant smile becomes more sinister, until he starts laughing maniacally.

"You fools! Did you really think it so easy to catch a magi? These spell images of us were just a distraction to get you in the house and to seal your fate. The Real Magi is probably outside the walls of this pitiful town by now...



I wish for the air to shimmer around the old man. Then, for the old man to begin to fade from the view of the guards, before vanishing from their sight entirely.

Using my words, I planted the seed of doubt that the Magi was really here. I figured this would be an easy fear to prey upon, especially if I'm still in the building.

The air around the old man shimmers, then the old man fades, like the image spell is losing juice. Then he vanishes from their site, as if the image spell ended.

OOC: and I'm sure you'll twist this around somehow...and I'm assuming that I can cast this spell without them realizing I'm casting it, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense :smalltongue:

"...not that it matters, none of you will leave this room alive. You see, the door was spelled...so gentleman, enjoy your afterlife."

Ian steps back into the shadows in the corner of the room and pulls his cloak about him, removing himself from the vision of the guards.

OCC: I want to see how you handle this with the guards before I make another move, so please don't advance the story very far. (aka, if they keep advancing I'll do one thing, if they run for the door, I'll do something else).

2011-12-28, 09:10 AM
Lily takes three casual steps back. Tiana and Ald might be travelers under similar circumstances as herself, but they weren't people she was willing to become arrested over. They were described well by the inquisition: reckless magi. Perhaps Ald's movement-creation was not as sinister, but Tiana's arts should never be replicated on an ordinary basis.

And so, the wait for the word of the people began. Lily simply hoped that Tom or the others wouldn't include her as a part of the chaos. Pictures of her looking like a starving, more normal elf float through her head, accompanied by brutal images of her being beaten on an ordinary basis for no reason more than entertainment.

Being imprisoned is not a life for her.

2011-12-28, 09:53 AM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Tisk, when have I even moved the story too quickly :smalltongue:

Unfortunately your spell fails, they are too stupid to follow that logic that quickly, though they do pause for a bit to exchange glances before one says "Fool mage, we will not fall for your trickery":smalltongue: (Thinking all the while that playing with words is what magi do)

Lily, Ald, and Tiana

When you arrive at the village everyone finally has their story down. The mage was an evil man with a goatee and dark cloak drawn over his face such that no facial feature could be discerned, oh yeah, and he had one green eye, and one black as his soul it's self, he way seen feet tall, and had a voice that stemmed from the pits of hell. His skin was alight with fire, and he never smiled. He sat for hours toying with their minds, but as he wasn't here h must have fled the wrath of the inquisition. :smallbiggrin:

(Yup, and that is how you get an eye witness report of 'big evil mage.) Naturally descriptions vary from giant ogre dragons to Lily, but overall the above is the most common. Shaking his head as if he expected as much the commander gestures for his troops to let you go before ridding away.

2011-12-28, 10:08 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Lovely, I'm dealing with idiots...

Ian sighs outwardly...

"Very well, simple minds require simple spells...one step closer and I will kill you all with lightning, is that simple enough for you?" states Ian, clearly irritated at these buffoons and their lack of ability to understand his awesome plan...

OCC: Who new guards were that stupid...my plans revolved around them being somewhat coherent...I guess I didn't take into account the "genius of being stupid"...:smallsigh:

2011-12-28, 10:57 AM
Ian Duskwalker

The guards collapse... in laughter. "Oh come now." They manage through the laughter "Magi can't do anything that great any more, sure they can give you a nasty shock, but I'd hardly call that lightening"

2011-12-28, 11:22 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Ian arches an eyebrow...

"Oh really? We'll see, just remember, you were warned."

Ian deadpans his face, his eyes go out of focus.

"Spirits of thunder and lightning" Ian shouts, hoping the spirits can hear him, "if any are near and willing to show these ignorant fools your might, I ask you to aid me in this."



To deliver such a shock to the captain of the guard that his heart stops, though it will probably fry him a bit as he's wearing a whole lot of metal (assuming I have enough juice in power to do this).

Drawing static electricity from the air, and from their armor (which should have at least some), as well as any static from my own armor (leather jerkin rubbing against clothing should produce some), and any static from that scratching from that ritual spell (might not be much, if any), as well as any manna available in the immediate area, and a little even from myself, I will use their Plate Armor as a conduit to give him a "shock" (as he calls it)

Static charges make their way from about the room to my out stretched hands, crackling in the air as the move. Once gathered, they are discharged in a "bolt" directly at the captain of the watch (or whatever his title is).

OCC: Lets see what the fallout is from this :smallwink:

2011-12-28, 11:27 AM
Ian Duskwalker

the man falls seizing to the ground with a grunt. The guards look slightly taken aback, and one leaves as the other three close in.

2011-12-28, 11:41 AM
Ian Duskblade

"FOOLS! I have shown you a small taste of my might and yet you continue forward, you should have escaped when you had the chance."



Shock the other three in the same way that the Captain was shocked.

Drawing on their fears and what they've seen, I fork lightning to each of the three remaining guards.

Lightning shoots from my finger tips, hitting all three guards simultaneously (think Force Lightning (http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/8/81/BZZZZZZ.jpg), but only three prongs).

OCC: Are the guards Human?

2011-12-28, 11:49 AM
Ian Duskblade

The three of them take the shock, but it is but a shadow of what the first took, and they manage to charge through it putting a blade to each of your necks. "That HURT" one said while another went to check on their commander. The third sets busy at binding your hands assuming you don't provoke the other to slit your throat :smallcool:
assuming you allow them to lead you away you soon arrive in a grey prison cell. :smallcool: I guess people just don't believe in Santa magic any more :smalltongue:

white rider
2011-12-28, 11:59 AM
The cloak works almost exactly like that, yes. If you want to see me you will see a blur, if not, nothing.

Garthax makes his way down to the demon. "There are guards rampaging through the village, cloak yourself if you can."

2011-12-28, 12:00 PM
As soon as the riders are out of sight, Ald collapses on the floor in relief. He takes the opportunity to get his equipment back...
Ostor's discrete devourer
Stats: Mana
Intent: Retrieve his equipment from the underground chamber.
Mechanics: Ald takes out three long tail-feathers from one of the teleporting ostrich-like birds of the Ami land. He directs some mana into each to turn it into a voracious feather-worm. The worms make their way down to Ald's underground storage chamber, and crawl back with Ald's equipment. Once he's got it all back, he lets the feather-worms turn back into feathers.
Description: Ald takes out three long, brown feathers and waves his hand over them; they wriggle enthusiastically. He drops them on the floor and they burrow into the ground, eventually coming back with spell-ropes, bottles of eyes and other magical equipment.

Ald turns to Lily and Tiana. "That was far too near to a moderate catastrophe." Of course, that was partly Ald's fault... "We've caused enough trouble to the people in this village. I propose this: we will make our way to a market at first light tomorrow, and buy ourselves horses, food and less conspicuous clothing... and then we must make our way out of the 'holy empire' with great haste."

2011-12-28, 12:00 PM
Ian Duskblade

OCC: Did the old man come along as well? I will have a conversation with him if the old man came along and is put in a cell close to mine or in the same cell. /OCC

Defeated, Ian is led to his cell, inspecting the city as he's led as best he can.

Once in his cell, he curls up in the corner, wondering where he is and why he's here.

OCC: you've won this round Evil GM, but I will have my revenge! Oh, and I'm assuming they took my Elven blade strapped to my back, did they leave me my cloak or ring?

2011-12-28, 12:25 PM

yup, those things are common enough, nobody sees you :smallbiggrin:

Ian Duskblade

You are taken separately, your sword is taken, but they don't care for your uses trinkets :smallwink: being real pros at this and all. :smalltongue:

As they lead you down the way you notice some fires and shouts in the distance and squadrons heading towards the area. You feel... magic, than...

Three great dragons (Chinese style) composed of lightening take flight from the flames. As they fully clear the buildingd the dragons split into thousands of little dragons each twisting and weaving through the sky. Every now and than one turns to a miniture lightening bolt bursting forward in whichever direction it happens to be pointing.

The guards scatter leaving you unprotected at the entryway to the prison (you can easily pick out the one that has your sword bobbing at his hip)

2011-12-28, 12:51 PM
Tiana nods at Ald's proposal. It seems I've been a bit extravagant with my magic of late. When we arrive at a large enough city, however, I would like to find a map that could lead us to my homelands. That man's speech about "true humans" leaves me fearful. The sorceress's eyes begin to water. For all I know, the whole of the elven lands could have been ravaged by those monsters. Tiana wipes the tears away, her lovely face now appearing quite neutral. I...I'm sure I am just paranoid. Still, the elven lands would be an excellent rest point. I did possess a tower there, although it was quite near the border to human lands, so it may have been sacked by this point.

Tiana turns to Lily, her expression blank. I suppose this is goodbye, then. I believe that the two of us, I in particular, have caused you enough trouble as is. I truly do admire you, miss Vein; you are one of the only people I've ever met who, while not being capable of magic, truly understands those who are, and thinks no less of them for it. Tiana hesitates for a moment, before taking something out of her pack, and placing it in Lily's palm. Take this dagger. I know that you do not enjoy fighting, but, should those men come after you again, I suggest you use it; it just might save your life one day, believe me. Grinning, she turns to Ald. Shall we be going, then?

2011-12-28, 01:06 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: I can't even keep my name right, take a look at my two posts previous to this one...I put his name as "Duskblade" instead of "Duskwalker"...stupid D&D effecting my brain!

...Dragons...lightning dragons...some form of shadow magic perhaps...

Looking around at the chaos, Ian takes this opportunity to use the Ring and change his appearance, hoping no one will notice, he morphs to look like a human, hoping to blend in, at least a little more than he was as an elf. (assuming the guards are human)

Spying his sword, Ian starts after the man, casting a spell that will hopefully slow the man down.



Raise the ground up enough in front of the man with my sword to cause him to stumble.

Channel latent Manna from the area enough to raise up a clump of ground enough to trip the guard with my sword.

A piece of sod, shaped like a root, juts up out of the ground to trip the guard.

2011-12-28, 01:08 PM
Before saying anything, Ald checks the sky to estimate the time they have until nightfall.

2011-12-28, 01:10 PM
Ian Duskwalker

If it's shadow magic it certainly carries a kick to wreck this much havoc. All the same you can find no latent manna with which to influence the terrain.. could there really be none?!

A few good hours of sunlight remain.

2011-12-28, 01:21 PM
Noting that her initially contact wished to meet her and that she was weak after her battle, Illana began to take a more direct role in the pervasion available to her after her work on moral behaviour.

Choosing a victim that had resisted giving into depravity but how had stayed around to watch over friends or some other decent behaviour, Illana began to start up a conversation eventually luring them to a side room, where they could talk in peace.

Once inside she punched a hole in her victims ribcage and ripped out the soul with no further ceremony, devouring it with relish, but this was only the start.


Recharge her mana from the soul.

Illana draws out the soul of her chosen person and uses it to recharge her own power.

The victim die with the knowledge of betrayal on their mind, experiencing the pain of a their soul being separated and eaten piece by piece.

With the body still warm Illana began to trace a focusing ritual in the room with the blood of the innocent.

Ritual, Grace and Blood Mana.

Curse the room to be appealing to demonic entities, strengthening them through negative actions occurring within it.

Using the blood of an unwilling sacrifice Illana painstakingly draw lines of power one all the walls of the room the floor and the ceiling to focus the room to her, so that she can feast on and negative emotions within.

The ritual is sloppy and would only attune the room for a few hours, but during that time any excess energy from the room would funnel its way to Illana to help her recharge.

Illana then covers the symbols and stuffs the body in a cupboard, before making her way out to the main room to enjoy a nice beer, and encouraging any with a real desire for vileness to indulge themselves in that particular room.

When the other mage arrives Illana is still feeling a bit weak, but less so from her meal and her rest. Her initial spell still in affect after her return she is wearing local garb and looks like nothing more then another local, "the best place to hid is often in public, I would advise you to slip out the back, find some clothes, and return for a pint", she smiled gently at him "or not at your discretion we likely have much to discuss".

2011-12-28, 01:22 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Curses...I bet whoever conjured those dragons took all the manna out of the area to do it...well...plan "b"

Ian's only ambition at the moment is to get his sword back, then he will attempt to find that "old man" if he can before venturing to see exactly who or what is causing all the chaos.


Stat: Shadow
Intent: Imitate a small dragon that turns into a lightning bolt, hitting the dude w/ my sword.
Mechanic: Channeling the very real emotions from the appearance of the apparently very real dragons, Ian makes his own "small" dragon.
Description:Ian forms one of the small dragons and has it streak across the sky above where the man with his sword is, then has it change into a bolt of lightning targeting the man with his sword.

white rider
2011-12-28, 03:01 PM
Garthax arrives and responds to the demon's advice "The cloak that I have on will keep people from seeing me. But I will do my best to keep people from seeing me as I am.

stats: ritual, power, and humanity
intent: make it seem as if I am a dusty traveler
mechanics: Garthax weaves threads of magic into the framework of a person, than infuses them with a bit of power, giving the threads color. Finally, Garthax uses shadow magic, working off the assumption that most people expect passers-by to be travelers or traders, not 6ft mages in jet-black scale-mail with a massive rune-encrusted sword :smalltongue:
description: the air shimmers, and than a short, dusty peddler appears, complete with an assortment of small goods and a few tins of food.

Erik Vale
2011-12-28, 04:32 PM
They had reached the foot of the stairs, and Erack smiled, he managed to compact much energy, and draw much in, at the moment, the only thing stopping him from flying at the moment was his will, but that would change in a moment, and so it did, turning around the corner, Erack smiled wickedly, a ball of super-compressed air rolling in his hand.

"Hold now, or be prepared to rest eternal."


1: Orb of Compressed Air


Hold energy in such a state that at will, Erack could clear the hallway leading down to his basement, blasting everybody out of it.

Erack compresses layer upon layer of Air, holding it within his hand using magic.

While waiting, Erack layered Air into a ball making reciting a minor incantation amongst the many he had been casting.

2: Flight

To hover above the ground, approximately 50cm above.

Erack Telekineticly pulls himself away from the earth, then holds him there by creating a disk of hard air.

Just before stepping around, Erack whispers a word and moves his elbow, moving to hover above the ground.

3: Prepared Teleportation

Quick Escape/Movement

Erack prepares a mana spell, that will temporarily convert him and through him about a meter above the ground.

Before preparing the Compressed air spell, Erack scratches a rune into his skin, imbuing it with a weak magic.

Other Important Bits

Are there any people distinguished people from regular soldiers/Anyone important amongst the 40?
Any Mages/People bearing Magical Items?
My Killer Amongst the people there?

2011-12-28, 08:13 PM
Ian Duskwalker
The man keels over with a small hole burnt though his back. (straight through his armor, though some of the charge was defiantly diverted through it)

You succeed to look incredibly boring.... people really aren't that imaginative of passers by :smallsigh:

will edit in the rest in a bit :smallbiggrin:

None that you can tell apart seeing as they're all wearing full plate and helmets
You sense no magical power from any of them
You don't recognize him among them

2011-12-28, 08:42 PM
"No no no no..." Lily rejects the knife, giving it back. "It's yours; I don't know how to use something like that, and... well, to be honest, i'd rather die than kill someone else." She smiles shyly. "Not the best moral code to live by with how things are, but it's just how I am."

"This won't be the last time we meet." The comfortable nature of the conversation comes to an end. "We all know something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong - be it waking up in places that we don't remember, not recognizing the lands that we're in, or... the council. That twisted magic circle enshrouded in a dark mist, where people are content to destroy each over over suspicion alone. I will figure this out, and somehow I will put an end to it... or at least tell you what I can figure out about it."

"So, this is goodbye for now. You might be leaving the holy lands, but I am staying. Too many questions have gone unanswered, and to add to the list is why the villagers reported something not even we have witnessed." Lily politely bows. "Goodbye!"

With that, she takes her leave. She would have to find a place to rest tonight; maybe Tom would allow her to stay?

2011-12-28, 09:06 PM
The captain of the inquisition offers that if you're looking for a place he could ask Molly from the pie shop on the hill to take you in, "After all" he emphasizes "Molly's pies are the best"

Erik Vale
2011-12-28, 09:16 PM
Ahh, to battle then.

"I give you this last chance to Halt!"

Erack started smiling under his helm as the warriors kept walking in, then as the first warrior clears the stair, one foot touching the ground he says

"You asked for it"

And he lets loose with his first offensive spell, throwing it just before the warrior and letting it explode forwards, shaping it so that he doesn't get hit in the face, momentarily, part of him morns the loss of a door, sure, he already lost most of it, but its annoying building not just a door but a doorway.


I unleash Orb of compressed Air, this one should be more potent then the one I cast when first awoken (He designed it so) and he is fully expecting ripped limbs and liquified internal organs (As per real explosion))

2011-12-28, 09:21 PM

Your spell explodes in their midst knocking them down, but than they stand... that's funny, you thought you had put more force into that :smallconfused:

2011-12-28, 09:32 PM
OOC: Which way is the desert with respect to the village?
Ald says farewell to Lily, and then makes some preparations before they leave. First ensuring he's well out of sight, he spends a few moments eating odd things to set up defensive magic, but also writes some enchanting spells to go in his and Tiana's boots.
Ostor's Revolver
Stats: Ritual, with mana to enhance
Intent: Direct incoming projectiles back towards their source.
Mechanics: First, Ald takes out a bead of amber from a small glass tube. He checks it for defects, then blows softly on it until it starts to glow brightly... and swallows it.

For the rest of the day, any fast-moving object likely to hit Ald will first be directed slightly away; then when it gets closer, it will follow a highly eccentric elliptical orbit with a focus at Ald's head. The main consequence is that any projectile launched towards Ald will be sent roughly back where it came from. If it's fast enough and doesn't hit anything, the projectile may orbit back round Ald a few times (adjusting its course to avoid hitting him) before it gets too slow for the spell to work.

Massive or very fast-moving objects are harder to deflect; a cannon ball, for example, would probably still catch him. Additionally, the spell is quite popular, so anybody expecting to fight a wizard probably has a way to counter it.

Description: Ald blows on a tiny piece of amber until it starts glowing, then swallows it. He picks up a stone and throws it towards his face, only for the stone to swerve sideways, fly around his head, and orbit a few times before dropping to the floor.

Chaotic displacer (preparation phase) - a traditional Ami spell
Stats: Ritual
Intent: Prepare the ability to teleport (a short distance in a random direction)
Mechanics: Ald takes a feather from the Ami birds. He pokes himself in the arm, drawing blood, and priming the feather with mana; the feather crumbles into dust, which he eats with displeasure. If the simple ritual is successful, it will allow Ald snap-teleportation as freely as the Ami birds, hurling him about five metres in a random direction each time he does it. The teleportation makes a loud noise, and comsumes a healthy portion of mana each time it is used.
Description: Ald pokes himself in the arm with a brown feather, which crumbles to dust. Ald eats the dust, looking a little ill.

Alacritous Step
Stats: Ritual, mana
Intent: Enchant his boots to allow him to walk more quickly.
Mechanics: Ald takes four pieces of paper, and his writing-brush, and on each he one writes some symbols. Two of them, he pushes into his boots. The ink usually fades to uselessness in about an hour. While it has not faded, the words greatly increase the speed at which Ald's legs can move, so that when he walk at a sprinting speed, albeit with some exertion.
Description: Ald writes something on four small pieces of paper, and pushes two of them into his boots. When he walks, his legs blur, and he moves much more quickly.

Grinning, she turns to Ald. Shall we be going, then?
Ald nods, looking relieved. "Hold on one moment, though..." He passes the two remaining pieces of paper to Tiana. "They should give us an hour of fast walking to get away. Hopefully we aren't so far from a river, or at least some form of stable... Which way would you say we go?"

Erik Vale
2011-12-28, 09:33 PM
I'll assume only ones currently entering got knocked out of the stairs, and I cant see enough to tell if the door ways shrapnel did anything. Also, did I sense any magic when they got back up?

'Thats odd' Erack thought. 'That should have liquified them, antimagic, no, then I couldn't of sensed anything, they cant be magical creatures, being healed so fast, I doupt, I'll let them get withing sword range before I transport, well, heres to round two.'

Weaving magic in his mind, and with but a few motions, Erack releases it with a shout and a chop.

"Stay Down!"


1: Wall of Force


Crushing the soldiers.

Erack uses telekinetic force to create a thin but strong and telikinetically reinforced wall of air, face horrizontilly. Then he slams it agenst the Floor, and as such, the warriors, this spell is supposed to crush them against the ground, and then hold them, broken bone force is the intended strength.

Motioning, Erack summons the powers of air to create a telekinetic wall against the roof, then slams it down with a downward motion, on the soldiers both on the stairs and the ground.

2011-12-28, 10:14 PM
success on all three


more like smashed down into the (stone) stairs :smallwink: Shrapnel doesn't seem to even penetrate them.
Your wall of force crashes down crushing the two closest to the top of the stairs, but the spell it's self seems to loose power as it goes. Than you realize it. There are some sort of odd runes on the armor, and these blasted things are leaching power from any spell hat hits them. Seconds after they fall they rise again with your spell almost fully dissipated, now only a light and still decreasing weight on them.

Two men at the back draw bows and fire an arrow each at you. (I'll allow time for instinctual reaction)

Erik Vale
2011-12-28, 10:23 PM
As soon as he notices this, and then the Crosbow bolts, Erack activates the rune, and begins flying straight up, quickly reaching 10m above ground before stopping to survey the area.

'Damn the Runesmiths and thier magic for all goal... I've the hand bow, can use indirect magic on spell effects that linger past spell casting ends....' He thinks this while drawing in Magical energy.

What do I see, also, Dodged!

2011-12-28, 10:26 PM
Without hesitating even slightly, Tiana answers. North. Before all this chaos began, I traveled these lands often, and I know that the fastest way out of this place is probably to the north. There are a number of cities in the northernmost part of the empire, and we can easily find supplies there. Afterward, we can find the twilit grove, where my father's people reside. The elves are a resilient and long-lived people, and I am confident that we can find help there. Looking embarrassed, Tiana pauses briefly. You haven't done anything to disrupt the balance in any major way, have you? Though such things do matter to me, the elves are adamant about it. If you have angered the other powers, I doubt you will find refuge in the grove.

2011-12-28, 10:27 PM

The two men (along with about eighteen other men) ready new arrows to their bows as the other half pull out regulation tower shields positioning themselves in front of the archers such as to be able to easily defend both themselves and he archers.

2011-12-28, 10:27 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Ian walks over and retrieves his sword chosing to wield it instead of sheathing it.

"How do you like my magic now!" Ian states tauntingly to the corpse.

Taking further advantage of the chaos, Ian looks for the old man in and around the prison.

...he knows what's going on, and I need answers...

2011-12-28, 10:35 PM
Ian Duskwalker

You find a man exiting the storehouse in which you had taken to hiding with a bloody blade in hand.

2011-12-28, 10:37 PM
"Pie sounds nice, but where is the inquisition heading now? Might I be lucky enough to get a ride to the holy capital?"

2011-12-28, 10:41 PM

The man looks at you curiously. We would take you, but fear that my men lack the stamina to run that far while you take their pace upon the horse. All the same if you head due west from the pie shop you should find the holy cathedral of saint Hardleson. I am sure that he could share with you the great truths of the world were you interested...

2011-12-28, 10:44 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Does this guy look anything like the old man, or the crazy looking man in the Mist? Is he dressed like a guard at all? Does he have a scar on his leg where that old guy's wound was? Anything would be a help :smalltongue:

Erik Vale
2011-12-28, 10:53 PM
Erack smiles at his thought process, this will work splendidly.

"Soon, you will know why Magi are the better of mortals, and be glad I seek not dominion!"

Pointing his hands towards the gound, Erack draws in Mana from the Lay Line web beneath him, then he raises and splays them, encanting a devious little spell, an entwined spell, that is also designed in such a way to bypass their armour's runes...


1: Wall of Returning


Returning the Projectiles the Archers are about to shoot at Erack back to them, fataly.

Erack sets up a magically charged wall a few meters infront of him, that is in and of itself, a few meters thick. At will the invisible wall activates, teleporting everything within it (Spells, Mundane Projectiles, Stray Birds:smallwink:) in such a way they turn 180 degrees instantly, returning with the same force they were sent with.

Note: Due to the nature of this spell, Silvered quarrells will not peirce and ignore the spell, leaded will, and ones with runes to absorb magic, will merely be deflected.

Erack will activate the spell as soon as all arrows are in the field, should they not be shot in a single volley, Erack will just duck until the last volley, if shot individually, not in volleys, Erack will just end the spell.

Erack Draws in mana, and sets up a one use teleportation barrier.

2: Wall of Force


Increasing the force Behing the arrows

Erack uses telekinetic force to create a thin but strong and telikinetically reinforced wall of air, facing the way the arrows will be. After activating the other spell, Erack will use this to speed the arrows flight. He will leave it in the case of Leaded arrows as a deflecter sheild, also in the case of Mana Draining as they are deflected further, and silver are still entrabed by the first, so yay.

Motioning, Erack summons the powers of air to create a telekinetic wall mid air, and holds it.


So I dont get to kill the soldiers that entered the basement by pulling a 'Rocks fall, Everyone Dies.' Pooh:smallfrown:

Edit: Scratch that, assuming you read it...

2011-12-28, 10:54 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Ah yes, a guard's uniform :smallbiggrin:

From what you see they appear to be leaded, as they do deflect ... at first, than they begin deflecting closer and closer to their original path. (not volleys)

OOC: to gt more you'd need to get one, take time, and examine it. :smallcool:

2011-12-28, 11:01 PM
Lily thought about it. "Not exactly what I was looking for, but sometimes we should remind ourselves of such things. I will head there, thank you." She began her walk, and but several steps along the way her staff gave out, breaking in half. Of no more use, she abandoned it.

So, Lily began her quest, taking her to the west - for enlightenment, and for pie.

2011-12-29, 12:18 AM

You haven't done anything to disrupt the balance in any major way, have you? Though such things do matter to me, the elves are adamant about it. If you have angered the other powers, I doubt you will find refuge in the grove.
Ald considers this warning as they set off. "So far, at least, I suspect neither bird nor spirit is displeased - yet. But I trust the knowledge of Sa and Tem when it comes to these things. Tem's tribe had a priest in it, lovely fellow, who certainly seemed to think that the birds above were not tweeting happily about the situation in Quine until our interventions. That's something."

Ald realises just how imcomprehensible he is being. "I don't think I ever properly introduced myself! I am Ald, of Quine, formerly the Empire of but not so much now... Oh yes! Sa is my sister, also Emperor; Tem is my husband, and I'm fairly sure that he's the greatest general the world has ever seen." That would probably do. "Anyway! If the elven Balance depends crucially on the existence of fallout, then I will turn out to be a nefarious ne'er-do-well of the worst sort! Otherwise, it should not be a problem.".

Ald still has his wrapped-up singing shell, which means he still has six Eyes. Unwrapping the shell a bit, he directs said six Eyes to fly about in wide circles - now and then he shuts his (actual) eyes and looks for inns, livery stables, large towns, and rivers. If he finds any of those, he suggests heading over there.

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 12:26 AM
Erack cursed, moving back to let his air sheild handly the leaded volley, then cursed again, as he saw the arrows track towards him. 'They must be runed' he thought. Spell penertration, and to track towards the caster. Dodging he thought of a few possibilities.

'Making stone projectiles, I could do a wind burst, hit the wind but not them, or a wildfire, surround them with fire, and then turn off the magic, the grass here should burn well..... And their weapons, no, the runes on thier armour probaly also protect their weapons.... A wind burst would only knock them down, and that would be rather energy intensive, and anything more though ignoreable.... Lets see how they like fire, Hey, and I can direct that with magic winds.... Oh I wish i could just pull a rock fall, but that would exhaust me so....'

Still dodging, Erack started casting fire bolts, igniting vast swaths of grass. The smarter amoungst the soldiers would quickly realise they were being surrounded, but all to late. The questions where, would they care? would it work, and what will they do?

All the while, he just kept on rising in the Air, he was reaching 100m....

Spell xMany: Fire Bolt


Burning swaths of Grass, Eventually making a ring.

Erack throws elongated bolts of magical fire, and makes sure they take hold, then turning them off, making them a natural Grass fire, albeit very dangerous.

While Dodging Arrow Volleys, often by dropping sharply towards the ground mid flight, Erack Says a few words then motions, Throwing bolts of fire to the ground, in such a way they form walls of fire, sustained by magic, and then, just sustained by grass.

Ok, Any major changes in the situation while/after doing this, IE

Soldiers acting Funny
New people turning up.
Detecting Magic (I should be detecting Runes, but Any New Magic)
Wounded (Hit dispite moving fast high up through the Air)
Also, can I tell roughly how long the Archers could keep shooting/amount of remaining arrows.

2011-12-29, 08:56 AM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Didn't realize I was inside :smallconfused:
"You there, have you seen the old man? The Captain wants to question him about events that took place earlier today."

OOC: Ian looks human now, but is still in his own clothes (didn't think about getting an item to mask my clothes :smallsigh:)

2011-12-29, 09:55 AM

You can make out more horses in the distance, but they're a ways off. The archers have about eighteen more allows each, so they're rather well stocked. Though it's funny, you sense no magic, honestly you don't even sense magic from the runs :smallconfused:
As you begin lighting the fields an arrow catches you in the foot and you feel your magical energies being drawn from you a little too quickly for comfort.

As the fire spreads the soldiers turn, and with surprising speed considering their massive armor they remount and begin ridding away.

Ian Duskwalker

OOC: you're not inside, the guy's exiting :smallbiggrin:

"He's in there" the man replies gesturing to the storehouse"


The men let you ride with one at a quick jog below, and every now and than a man will jump from his horse to run while the running man runs over and mounts mid-gallop. Generally it's rather entertaining seeing the inquisition's skill and strength, why in fact you hardly notice the time pass before the commander tells you "OK lass, we're almost there, it's just around this bend, and I swear, as soon as you taste her-" The man stops dead as you round the bend and see before you a similar twenty horses missing two riders galloping away from the hill at top speeds with a raging grass fire on their tails encompassing the whole of the hill before you already beginning to stain the sky black with smoke.

As the horsemen join you your group turns about riding with the and the running man occupies one of the empty spaces on a horse from the other group. The commander with you calls out to the other "What happened?!"
"There was a mage, and a bad one, he lit the hill on fire!"
"Did you get 'em?!"
"No, he got away!"
"Why'd ya let him?!"
"He used the fire for cover knowing we'd need to save the horses!"
"What about Molly?"
"Oh please don't make me say it."
Raining in the captain with you asks more gently "What happened Reynold?"
"Reynold slowly tells the story. They had heard something. A challenge made by some mage no doubt, why it sounded like thunder from the sky it's self. They came ready to search for the mage, but mostly just hopping Molly was alright, and that after finding nothing as usual they'd go back to Molly's shop and order a of more pies making merry of th situation, but...but... when they got there Molly wasn't there. The whole bakery was blown apart with blood on the fragments of stone that had once been her floor. Than they confronted the mage, and "Well you know the rest."

The catain tells the man "It's OK, but I'm afraid this is the sort of thing that you'll need to report to the capital." Remembering you he adds. "Hay, this girl wanted to go there anyways how bout you let her ride with you in that horse?"
The man nods dully still reliving the events of the night over and over n his head thinking. if only he had stopped that mage... if only.

2011-12-29, 10:11 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Ian looks at the blood on the mans sword.
"Did you kill him? It's kind of hard to question a dead prisoner..."

2011-12-29, 10:35 AM
Ian Duskwalker

The man sneers "There's nothing a damned mage knows that's worth knowing. Get ye back to your home peasant and bolt ye doors. We've got more than enough trouble with magi without another.

2011-12-29, 11:00 AM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Considering I'm holding an elven blade, I find it funny that he thinks I'm a peasant, but then again, these guards are beyond dumb.

"Nothing worth knowing? Maybe not for a piece of odorous excrement such as yourself, but then having the mental prowess of a creature feeding on before said excrement seems to be the norm for the guards in this town...and as all of that was undoubtedly up in the stratosphere in comparison to your cerebral cortex, I'll make it easy for you....good-bye."


Stat: Power / Shadow (with all the lightning around, it seems silly not to use at least a little power to power this spell)
Intent: Blast a hole in this moron.
Mechanics: Draw a small amount of power from all of the lightning dragons flying about, and use mostly shadow to infuse the bolt to make it stronger.
Description: Drawing power from a lightning dragon, Ian points his sword at the man, causing a bolt to flash down from the sky on top of the man.

((OOC: What I really wanted to do was have the lightning bolt come from the dragon to my sword, then infuse the energy within the sword with shadow and have it erupt from the sword as that would be an awesome effect. Unfortunately, I did not make for such allowances in my "special items" for such a thing as a sword that can store/channel energy :smallsigh: And doing it w/o such a sword, with you as the GM, well, I would probably wind up frying myself:smalltongue:))

2011-12-29, 11:16 AM
Ian Duskwalker

You blast a hole in the highly intellectual guard who despite believing magic cool for books and games, but never something to see in life who suddenly has his town filled with powerful mag conjuring lightening dragons and killing people by the handful, yet still remembers to tie up loose ends before they kill him :smallwink: And honestly to presents a sword is a sword, were you a peasant he'd assume it a family treasure of sorts and ignore it. :smalltongue:)

2011-12-29, 11:30 AM
Ian Duskwalker

There's no doubt about it...guards are dumb...

Ian makes his way through the chaos to see if the old man is actually dead, which he assumes he probably is from the pool of blood in the Mist Realm.

If his assumptions are correct (and the GM doesn't throw any twists at me, which, lets face it, he probably will), Ian heads towards the fires where the "dragons" were unleashed.

Perhaps that crazy eye'd looking man knows where 'here' is and what's going on... (OLD MAN CRAZY JIM!)

OOC: HAHA...so he was a highly intellectual guard who understood what I said, but chose to use the following words to describe learning information from a mage? And I quote
"There's nothing a damned mage knows that's worth knowing."...yah...:smalltongue: But I guess he did tie up a "loose end" so to speak...:smallannoyed: Maybe I can raise the dead...if the dead believe hard enough in shadow magic...:smallwink:

2011-12-29, 11:39 AM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: everyone has their biases :smallwink:
The old man has a half severed neck, the blade that did this stopped only upon reaching his spine.
OOC: you don't know the guys name or anything about him IC, not to mention that with green hare red eyes, and color changing skin he looks to be in his prime. :smalltongue: Tough framework riddled with muscles and what not. :smallwink:


The hill suddenly erupts into a healthy blaze.

white rider
2011-12-29, 11:58 AM
yeah, I know, but I saw the commotion and decided to "investigate"

white rider
2011-12-29, 12:24 PM
oh. oops! will delete the posts. I just feel that I haven't been doing enough. :smallfrown:

2011-12-29, 12:54 PM
OOC: I am assuming that my casual killing, soul drinking, and ritual went well.

She was starting to feel better now and smiling at the man now wearing more appropriate attire, "Isn't that better", she waved over server and paid generously for drinks for the pair of them, before taking a look at the coins noting and markings or brandings.
"This is what makes it all worth while you know, the simple enjoyments one can get out of existence", signing gently she took a sip of the pull bodied strong tasting beverage, she tasted the addictive substance that had been added this very night to enhance revenue and clientele, and separately the aphrodisiac that had been added likely to allow the barstaff there fun with any leftovers at the end of the night, before her metabolism burned through them, she was always impressed with mortals when they let themselves get free of there moral problems, "it may be a bit strong so be careful" she warned politely.

"We have not been introduced, and I imagine that my name would be next to meaningless to you even if you lived after me, but for what it is worth I am Illana, I hope we can get along", looking at him directly now "so why have you sought me out".

OOC: I will leave it to you drake as to if Illana would be known, in her own time she was likely not, but legends and rumours may have existed Illana was not overtly cautious about that and Garthax own research could have turned up anything

2011-12-29, 12:58 PM

The soul was a bit on the sewt side, yuck, you'd think they'd make these things a bit more bitter...

2011-12-29, 01:11 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: I know...OLD MAN JIM was supposed to be OOC :smallwink:

Ian stoops down and feels for a pulse from the old man.

2011-12-29, 01:20 PM
Ian Duskwalker
Your fingers slip right through his throat to his spine. (or if you don't sheck puses the way I do ... by throttling people)

you feel... nothing.

2011-12-29, 01:26 PM
Ian Duskwalker

A pity, I guess I must rely on the neon skinned man for information...

Ian wipes the gore on the dead man's clothes. Then proceeds back outside to take a look at the mayhem created by the odd looking man.

OOC: I was actually thinking a pulse by his wrist, but whatever...

Oh, and is it just me or are you interacting with me more than the others? I just look through the thread and I see "Ian Duskwalker" (or Duskblade when I'm tired) quite a bit :smallcool:

And am I the only one not interacting with other PC in the real world?

2011-12-29, 01:39 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Yes, you're NPC-man :smalltongue: No there's one other :smallbiggrin: and another who isn't posting much :smallmad::smallsigh: oh well, ah yes, and the last bit about feeling nothing was on the off chance that you meant his wrist :smalltongue:

Outside the air is literally electrically charged (probably due to the lightening spell), and the fires are starting to settle down. Further down he street you see some men with white capes riding white horses gallop down two to a horse each wearing full plate with a sword at their side and either a shields or bow on their backs (one of each on each horse for a total of twenty horses)

2011-12-29, 01:48 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: NPC Man! it's not my fault, it's where I was placed :smalltongue: :smallwink:

Ian wonders if those are the "anti-Magic" guys he heard about in the Mist...
Inquisition...is that what that captain guy called them... Ian wonders...

OOC: what time of day is it? If I've got some shadows to work with, I'm going to pull my cloak tight around me and attempt to remain out of sight as I work my way toward where those "dragons" erupted from...otherwise, I'll have to think of something else...

Also, addressing "Neon Man" in the Mist here shortly

2011-12-29, 01:55 PM
Ian Duskwalker

It's about the equivalent of four or five O-clock, so there are shadows. anywho you're put on hold for now I'll give you another post when you're there :smallbiggrin: (feel free to still talk in the mist)

2011-12-29, 02:02 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Which way are they headed, toward me or toward the fire? or both?

white rider
2011-12-29, 02:13 PM
"Greetings, I am Garthax. Thank you for the ale. Yes, I have sought you out, and I, too, hope that we can cooperate." Garthax takes a long sip of the ale, "First and foremost, we both need protection. From what I have heard in the mist relm, there are soldiers warded against magic capturing mages across this town. If we do not band together with the other spellcasters, we will die." In a quieter voice, Garthax whispers, "I also have... plans for after this "adventure", and I would do well to have an ally as powerful as a demon.

2011-12-29, 02:29 PM
"Greetings Garthax", she considered the name attempting to note if she remembered anything. With all the talk in the mist of guards, and the warning from her new acquaintance it may be time to confirm some items regarding them.
"Ah plans and protection!" she said in a amused whisper "why does no one ever just live a little". Shaking her head slightly "Without knowing your plans I would have difficulty agreeing to aid them. Furthermore you imply that the soldiers are a treat to us that we must fight, and that is the entirely wrong way to review a situation like this, in my opinion", she dipped her head apologetically at contradicting him. "The soldiers are an organisation we can make use of, either to turn to our cause wholly or to act as a shield to ward off less subtle people, after all if every mage that believes they need to incinerate cities to make there point is dealt with it is hardly a negative", both would suit her.

"But you have a point, wait here I will be back shortly, enjoy the drink" she said kindly leaving some money on the table for him to get more or hire some entertainment.

The soul she eat tasted odd, but new experiences were good she would have to try more to confirm if she really didn't like them are if it was just a bit odd the first time, but nice if she got used to them.

Making her way around the tavern chatting to people casually she settled on a table of guards, or failing that a table of people who knew guards. Deciding to buy them drinks after a few minutes and refusing any offers that they should buy her them, she began to discuss how much she respected the work of the guards, and how they vigilance was appreciated, she geared the conversation towards history and setup, relationship with the crown, and other military bodies.


Find out as much about the guard as possible, including history other similar bodies, loyalties to the work and the government etc.

Gain the trust and willingness to talk of the individuals with free drink, and pleasant conversation, but on a tone of a simple person needing education, blushing as she asks foolish questions, and responding with interested modesty to flirtation attempts.

Illana discusses the guard with the individuals, mostly allowing them to talk while she basks in their knowledge.

2011-12-29, 02:43 PM

Odd, there don't seem to be any guards in here :smallconfused: Also keep in mind there are not two of you, you may not remain with your new friend while wandering off :smallcool:

2011-12-29, 02:47 PM
That is why she told Garthax to wait there and she would be back.
Expecting no guards is why I included the part on 'or failing that a table of people who knew guards'.
The information may be less accurate but I would hope for something, or perhaps not.

2011-12-29, 02:58 PM

Ahh sorry juggling another game bigger than this one that should be starting soonish :smallbiggrin:

You find some nice young men who are all too eager to accept a few more rounds. It appears to be one of them's birthday. :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-29, 03:06 PM
Guiding the men in conversation about about the guards while smiling coyly at the birthday boy, Illana enacts the spell listed above to find out what they know if anything about the guards, including barracks, how people join, if they know anyone that did and any changes that that person went through in personality, if there are female guards, and all common knowledge about them and similar groups, ensuring that all people who want to be are part of the conversation.

She manoeuvres closer to the birthday boy during the conversation.

2011-12-29, 03:14 PM
Lily Veln

Lily managed to keep up with the inquisition, even jogging when her turn came along. She looked weak and helpless, but underneath some of that fat were very strong and very capable muscles. Her journey goes interrupted, and she got off the horse for a moment. She had seen this picture one too many times; entirely innocent houses burned to a crisp by the hands of a mage, and for what reason could exist to warrant the death of a woman who bakes pies? There could be no answer.

"I see. Thank you for taking me up to here. And... don't worry. Mages like this always get what they deserve, one way or another." She wants to fake a smile, but can't, instead taking the next horse.

"I don't suppose we could stop by the Holy Cathedral before making our way to the capital?" Lily didn't know the inquisition's beliefs, but wanted to find out. The entire journey, she couldn't help but think that this was something she should be a part of. These brave souls fought magi, forces far more powerful than their own, with nothing more than the purity of their hearts. It was beautiful, and their services were necessary. Magic was running rampant across the world - magic that was conflicting with the natural order.

2011-12-29, 03:19 PM

The barracks are a small fort a few blocks from the town square, people join by getting an apprenticeship with one of the guards, People seem a bit rowdier, maybe a bit more prone to bad humor about gutted pigs (you yourself suffer through two or three which is more than enough to show you how horribly pathetic a sense of humor they must have to laugh at those), there aren't any similar local groups, and there are female guards, though not nearly as many.

the captain puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder "Don't worry, I'm sure we all want some holy water and a nice cot after seeing that."

2011-12-29, 03:24 PM
"No pie then, I guess." There goes Lily's nap. She would have to wait until later to find a place to rest.

2011-12-29, 03:40 PM
Tiana Moonflower

Husband...? Well, she had heard of such partnerships before, but this was the first time she'd actually met a homosexual. Well, she certainly wasn't going to think any less of the man for it. A pleasure to meet you, Ald of Quine. I have told you already that my name is Tiana Moonflower; my father is an elf, a mage of little power but high standing by the name of Derrin Greyleaf. My mother was a human sorceress, though I only had the chance to meet her once. Tiana pauses for a moment, blushing. About your husband. Though neither my father nor I have any qualms with such marriages, many of the oldest elves believe that such things are unwholesome, "unbalanced," and all that. I ask only that you do not mention Tem while we are in the Twilit Grove, or the both of us could be forced to leave; banished, even.

2011-12-29, 03:46 PM
Thanking the men and leaving some money on the table for them to enjoy themselves, she stands to leave, before stopping briefly and kissing the birthday boy on the cheek "I hope to see you again".

Ritual and Mana

Place a mild soul drain on the boy, removing it over an hour.

Use the physical contact with the boy to forge a link, and through the link draw out his soul over the next hour, leaving him a empty and void of any drive but alive.

A tingle goes through the boy at the touch making him feel alive, and then over the course of an hour he will begin to feel more and more hollow until there is nothing left.

Moving back to Garthax, "well we have a choice we can work to apprentice ourselves to the guard and work our way through the ranks, or we could try the direct approach and aim for politics, if we want control", smiling as she drank the soul like a very slow drink, "either way I think we should move on from here, the barracks may be interesting", she moves for the door, "you still have not told me your plans so I can decide about helping you".

2011-12-29, 03:55 PM

Suddenly a burst of fire explodes from the sky above setting fire to the immediate area around you. By sheer luck you happens to be standing in a blind spot of the spell, but the others weren't so lucky. The horses died instantly, but looking upon the knights strange runes upon their armor begin to absorb ad disperse the magical flame. Unfortunately they do little for the non-magical flame that quickly catches upon the grass and trees. The men quickly pull out their shields forming two domes with you at the center of one, stomping out any flames that get in, and uprooting any grass within burring it under an inch or two of soil. The space is cramped, and you feel elbows knocking against you far too much for comport, but you see that they are clearly trying to give you space, and you can't help but hold respect for their discipline to react so under such conditions.


You may assume soul sucking, being your thing, succeeds if I don't comment on it :smallbiggrin:

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 04:54 PM
Erack curses loudly when getting the arrow, but as soon as he notices the drain, he pulls it out, and staunches the bleeding.

Spell 1: Force Cage


Applying pressure to his foot.

Erack creates a tiny force barrier, and wraps it around his foot, covering the arrow wound after he has pulled it out (carefully).

AFter removing the Arrow, winding his hand around his foot, Erack creates a force barrier, staunching the blood and applying pressure. He does however, shape it in such a way, that blood from larger blood vessels is chanelled through like the vessel had never been breached.

Looking at the retreating horsemen, fleeing through the one spot left open, their back, he says "Oh no, you are going to roast! ALIVE!"

Reaching up, Erack grabs a crapload of raw power magic, which with his returned rage, is already in a flaming form, and he casts it towards the hill, starting a firestorm, leaving both groups of horsmen surrounded by fire, which become nonmagical as soon as its taken hold.

Spell 2: Firestorm!


Setting the entire area around BOTH units of knights ablaze, then letting the blaze become nonmagical.

Raising vast (as much as neccessary, probaly more so, but leaving enough to maintain flight and force cage) amounts of power magic, and thows it out in the air as it becomes flames, setting a large part, if not all, of the hillside, alight. He is however, careful to make sure none gets in his dungeon, should it start heading towards, he will set up a force barrier infront of the exploded doorway.

Raising his hands, Erack draws upon vast reserves of power magic, and with few words, almost of biten to the point of incomprehensibility to other mages, creates a large sphere, which he throws out above the knigts to explode, sending a rain of fire around the knights, ignighting most of the hillside, surrounding them. As soon as the fires have taken hold, Erack lets them act as normal fires, which are deadly on grassland....

2011-12-29, 05:24 PM

The horses die instantly. through virtue of their armor the men survive, and drawing their shields they form two distinct hemispheres around themselves.

white rider
2011-12-29, 06:19 PM
"Ah, excellent. I propose we set ourselves up as skilled recruits, and bring the soldiers down. As for the long-term scheme, it goes something like this: you have seen the material that my armor and sword is made of, correct? Well, it is called black mithril. It is as strong as starmetal and half the weight of normal mithril, and it is found only in the desolation. Before I died, I was well on my way to starting a mining operation. With your help, I could reclaim my land and unite the desolation into one sovereign nation.

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 06:26 PM

The horses die instantly. through virtue of their armor the men survive, and drawing their shields they form two distinct hemispheres around themselves.

So if the fire was previously magical, then it still counts.... That or they also have runes of fire resistence....

Erack flies waiting for them to die of, well, bruning to death, or asphyxiating as the fire sucks up all the air, and they don't seem to be, cursing, Erack starts healing his wounds, waiting...

Spell 1: Regenerative Healing


Healing his injury as if it never happened.

Erack creates the tissue the arrow distroyed, replacing damaged and dead tissue, the process very much looks like regeneration, as cells are created and removed slowly, sealing the wound. He draws his power straight from the laylines, not using his own, yet.

Erack starts drawing in mana from the lay lines. Closing his eyes for a few moments, he directs it in the process of creation, mending his wounds. After he is complete, he lets the mana disapate, the healing does not, as the cells became real, and their replication counters the faster decay of mana created life.

2011-12-29, 06:46 PM

Well you can't really tell from there except that the formation seems to be holding, but I'd advise against your recovery spell since purely manna spells wear off with time...

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 07:01 PM
Erack looks at the formations in disgust. They havn't even begun to collapse from the fumes..... Taking a moment to reinforce his healing spell. Erack then floats down to the nearby forest, and moves into it, out of sight, making final preperations for leaving.

Spell 1: Maintain.


Making Sure Erack previous spell (Regenerative healing) holds.

Erack casts a simple Mana Maintanence spell. This spell infuses the Mana with power magic, helping permanency, and is mixed with what seems to be a timestop spell, in its simerlarity, but this just pauses the mana, holding its form. These two spells, an infusion and stop mix that purely holds the Mana form, grants permanancy

Erack uses some of his vast reserve of power to infuse the Regenarative Healing spell, and then casts a time stop spell varient designed purely to maintain Mana abilities.

Spell 2: Telekinesis.

Stat: Power

Intent: Moving lots of small objects.

Mechanics: Erack uses Telekinetic force to move objects.

After casting Maintain, Erack uses Telekinesis to pick up small patches of dirt, twigs, and so forth, to make him look like a well worn traveller, easy in his leathers and clock, complete with hunting weapons. Using this spell, thin layers of dirt, almost unoticeable even to a hunter eye, layer Erack, stray twigs get caught in his hair and rough cloack, the perfect illusion of a traveller.

Cursing the soldiers, and his luck, while praying his home doesnt get too damaged, Erack continues in the forest, floating the first several hundred meters, so not to leave tracks, before continueing on foot. It doesn't take him long to find the trail he found yesterday, and he continues down it.

2011-12-29, 07:02 PM
Lily had been thinking about what she would do at the cathedral, but all of that changed when instantaneously the world turned to flame. She was smitten by the spell, but it had missed her... nay, it had hit her. She knew why it didn't, and how grateful she was that the same spirits she was to pay homage to would protect her in kind.

The stench of burn flesh and charred earth fills the surroundings. Lily is jabbed in the sides, at the center of a defensive formation - but better jabbed than roasted. "Thank you..." she quietly said. Maybe none of them would hear her, but she was grateful.

It all came together. Lily knew exactly what was happening; as to why, she would never be able to understand. Depression began to onset; why was it everywhere she moved, everywhere she lived, fell to this same fate?

The question isn't what depressed her; the answer, however...

2011-12-29, 07:20 PM
your foot heals well, but it seems to take more out of you than it should. Blast those arrows, their effects must have lingered slightly in the wound.

All the same the guise of a traveler suited you... Still the trail it's self was flanked by raging flames filling the air with smoke...


The hear is intense and you can hardly see how the men with the shields bear it despite rotations, but you feel something wet being pressed against your face. "Breath through this" one of the men tells you. "It'll help with the smoke." Than muttering to himself "Damned, I can't believe we've gotten a civilian wrapped up in this..." All the while the flames outside continue to rage slowly burning themselves out.

Ian Duskwalker
you swiftly emerge at a town square, market stalls ablaze, and guards everywhere trying to corner the one man. Skilfully wielding his staff the monstrous man disarms a foe, slams him in the gut with the end of the staff sending red lightening pounding into the man's chest causing the runes engraved on his armor to momentarily flare, and twisting the man parries another attack launched behind him. Spinning slowly the man walks an interesting dance dodging where he may, parrying and striking at every opportunity completely unfazed by the fact that he's within the sword range of nine man, and surrounded by another twenty. Beyond that he still manages to perfectly time bursts of that red lightening from his staff to hit the med without white capes at a range. Why this man seems more weapons master than mage :smalleek: For a split second those piercing predatory red eyes fixate on you reading the whole of your existence before turning away.

2011-12-29, 07:30 PM
She grabbed the wet cloth and did as directed. "It's not your fault. It's the... magi. Why would they do such a horrible thing?" She tries to help them in any way she can, but sadly she's just that - an ordinary girl. At least, she remembers, they'll live. Brave people, the inquisitors are. So began the waiting game as she breathed through the rag, for the fires to go out. "Do you need this back?" She does ask, because she would rather choke if this was one of theirs.

2011-12-29, 07:31 PM

About your husband. Though neither my father nor I have any qualms with such marriages, many of the oldest elves believe that such things are unwholesome, "unbalanced," and all that. I ask only that you do not mention Tem while we are in the Twilit Grove, or the both of us could be forced to leave; banished, even.
At this Ald only gives a look of complete befuddlement, but accepts that this must be done, and perhaps there are some things that he just won't understand.

One of the Mel's Many Eyes spots a meandering river, catching the light of the setting sun. He relates this to Tiana and asks if there's a chance of reaching the elven lands by boat.

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 07:46 PM
"Damn, winds pushing it this way.... Fire can move faster than a man on this terrain so I cant continue, I need to reserve whats left of my magic so..."

Erack reactivates his flight spell, and starts hovering to survey the scene.

Ok, so how big a fire have I caused.

Also, the inqusitors dead yet?

2011-12-29, 07:56 PM

The fire is quickly spreading in all directions, you suppose it will likely end at the river up ahead. Than again the river is a healthy two miles away. Though the two hemispheres still remain, it's hard to see anything mare than that as the flames lick the shells.

The man grins as he ties his own cloth over his mouth and replacing his helm takes a turn at the shields stomping on any flam that begins to sneak through the shields.

OOC: I'll give the rest of the post if I see Erick deciding to leave. :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-29, 08:13 PM
The fires weren't going to stop; these men would sit and burn until either they or the mage responsible surrendered.

However, there was a third outcome. Lily reached into her pocket and pulled free several vials of powder she kept on herself. "I need you to do me a favor" she asked of the inquisitors. "Open up, and let me walk into the fire. Trust me." She looked into their eyes; confidence.

Lily would open one of those vials and throw it into the sky, to rain the powder down upon what was once a beautiful landscape.

"Flames turned against human by the hand of human, thy place be not a hand so dirtied! Be as you will, dear flame, and burn all you touch - but thou shall not be commanded to do so!"

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 08:15 PM
"They must have mages amoungst them.... How I couldn't sense I don't know.... Runemage maybe, some people without any magical tallent mastered the art, though that requires some alchemy also.... Makes sense if their leader doesn't like mages outside of himself...... Well, I hope they Asphyxiate soon, and Im going to need a sword, or a stone club..... Bah, I must get over the River."

Turning away from the scene, Erack quickly flies to the other side of the river, and lands. Chosing a direction at random, he starts walking, but not to close to the river, mind you...

Assuming nothing goes wrong, Erack lands on the other side, and turns off all his spells to conserve strength, and for his own safety, removes the rune on his glove linking him back to his dungeon, the only rune on him remaining being the one to send him 10m above ground...

I'll let you chose which Direction you prefer me to go

2011-12-29, 08:24 PM

You land easily on the other side of a stone bridge, god thing that would likely survive. Up ahead you see a town with a red glow towards it's center with the occasional flash of scarlet. Up above a few small dragons comprised of lightening fly through the sky twisting and twirling as if at whim, and every now and than seemingly at random they fire off as miniature lightening bolts blowing tiles from roves and fatally injuring passers by, some even fade into the sky above.


The men grin at you. There is no need for you to go to such lengths, for now we need only wait, after all the worst of it has passed. The grass will burn out eventually, and the moisture of your body wouldn't fare so well against the flames. No, I fear you'd be best staying where you are.

2011-12-29, 08:34 PM
Lily reluctantly put the vials away. Just a spectator, then. They could handle themselves; it was beautiful, in its own way.

As she is stuck waiting, she can't help but feel foolish. What, was she going to run into the fire and get charred to death? How fancy. At least if she did that, she wouldn't feel the shame of being such an idiot.

In the end, she was just a useless girl.

2011-12-29, 08:36 PM
After what seems an eternity with moments of dizziness in which you must force yourself to breath deeper, and all too many times re-moistening the rags the flames finally dissipate. Already you feel ready to collapse just from the oxygen deprivation, and yet the soldiers stand yet stretching out any tightness in their muscles from holding the position.

The other group joins you after heading back to retrieve two bundles from where the mage had been. Unfortunately the meat from the horses was too burnt to even be worth saving, but the men take some of the burnt hide from each and with a small prayer mournfully tucking them away into their cloaks before making their way on foot to the cathedral. As you walk the smoke clears and a jovial nature seems to come over the whole group. True magi were tearing up the countryside, but they had proven themselves capabe of surviving an encounter, and there was always next time.

The commander walks over to you easily matching your stride. "So, We should arrive at the Chapple by daybreak, hope you don't mind the walk, but there'll be fresh horses, warm food and some bunks for the night.

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 08:46 PM
Erack stoped, looking at the town....

"I am not going to catch a single break.... I'm in no condition to fight a small flight of dragons, and it would be odd for me to aproach... Well, I can make that club now, I hop I dont need to colapse that... Ill have to take from the underside, otherwise they'll see it..."

And so, Erack moves to one side of the bridge, and magically removes a large chunk of the hard stone from the bottom, and sets to work, knealing, keeping both the fire and the town in his peripheral vision.


Spell 1: Deadly Transportation


Removing a club shaped piece of stone.

Erack teleports a large hunk of stone into his hand, in the shape of a club.

Erack waves his hand, and using his own reserves of mana, he teleports the club to him.

Runes (On Club)

Rune1: Rune of Strengthening


Making sure the club wont break.

Carving in runes with his knife, Erack makes the club draw mana itself, from the wielder or lay lines, should they be present. It uses this mana to maintain structual integrity.

Erack carves runes into the club.

Rune 3: Rune of Powering


Power the Club.

Carving in runes with his knife, Erack makes the club draw mana itself, from lay lines, and charge a small peice of Magnesium from Eracks Powerstone, which he installs into it. This will power the Club when lay lines are not present, and is used before the wielders mana.

Erack carves runes into the club, cuts of a peice of Magnesium from his powerstone, and places it in the club.

Rune 4: Rune of Weightlessness


Power the Club.

Carving in runes with his knife, Erack makes the club draw mana itself, from lay lines, and the wielder, should ley lines not be present, so that when willed, it becomes almost wieghtless, allowing it to be used effectively, and put more strength behind it. This doesn't lesten striking power though...

Erack carves runes into the club.

After having done so whats the time? This shouldn;t take too long, they are little more then activated scrathes, carved with a knife that is magically sharpened and made to add power to strikes, with runes to keep it from becoming dull.

During this, is there any change from the dragons, the fire, or anything knew I should know about.

2011-12-29, 08:50 PM
It didn't seem like she was too hurt by staying inside that cramped shield wall, but only when she tried to move did she realize just how much it had taken out on her; the only reason she is alive is because of them. As they take up mementos of the horses lost, she spinned in a circle, looking for something to lean on. There wasn't anything left to lean on. But there was no time for that; they left towards the cathedral.

Uncomfortably, she struggled to keep up with them, at least until they got to fresh air and green trees.

How absolutely useless.

Lily was disappointed. Perhaps it had been easy to suppress earlier before, but with all the magi running loose, so too were her true feelings. Yes, the inquisitors survived - but that's not enough. There will be a second time, but next time it will be one against one.

"I do not mind the walk, other things are bothering me. I want to join the inquisition."

2011-12-29, 09:10 PM

The fire reaches the river and slowly begins to burn down (flash fires can never be relied upon to burn too long :smallsigh:), The dragons continue as they ere, but something is odd... The land is completely devoid of manna. Usually there would be at least a little, but here? Nothing. The sun was already halfway down the sky, and it didn't look like you'd be able to find the manna for your spells. Than again reexamining the dragons you begin to notice that they seem akin to a power spell. Yes, that unnatural feel to them, but who would conjure up such things here? Flashes of red streak across the town stemming from the middle. Yes, you can defiantly feel the raw magic in the air. Someone is fighting, and someone nearly as strong as you at that.


"Ahh, for that you must meet with the local head, but are you sure? Such decisions are not to be made lightly."

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 09:30 PM
Erack will draw mana from his Magnesium Power Stone if neccessary to create the runes (Fully charged), and runes dont require much just to activate them. (Using them though...) (Oh, and cast the spell, the runes are useless without the club......)

Noticing that the dragons are a spell, Erack will pretty much ignore them, paying more attention to where the fire was, and therefore where the Inqusition may be coming from.

2011-12-29, 09:30 PM
I'm not sure; there are many rivers that lead to the grove. However, I'd rather not take the river without knowing... Suddenly, an idea strikes Tiana. Give me a moment, the elves have a trick for this sort of thing.

Determine whether the river leads to the elven lands
Commune with the forces of nature that guide the waters of the river, using ritual magic to mentally follow the route of the river, stopping when whatever part of the river closest to the twilit grove is found.
Murmuring in a deep, gurgling tone, Tiana swishes her hands in the water with unearthly grace, her eyes rolled back in her head and shimmering like clear water on a summer's day.

2011-12-29, 09:35 PM
You see flames


OK, it more or less works than, though I'll assume it was ritual and manna to extract our club so that it doesn't pop back in... also you're pretty much dried up on manna. Reversing time took way too much :smallcool:

After a few minutes the inquisition have still not arrived.

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 09:50 PM
Erack packs up his equipment and turns towards the town, and starts walking. He keeps an ear out for things behind him.

2011-12-29, 09:53 PM
Erack the town looks... barren. All the doors are shut and latched, as are the shutters. As you walk you see men from the inquisition galloping off towards the center of town. You feel the same unnatural feel of power magic emanating from the direction in which they're heading.

Erik Vale
2011-12-29, 10:03 PM
After Erack enters the town, he becomes really careful. Thesse soldiers probaly couldn't ID him, unless they can detect magic, but still, that and, Dragons. Erack slowly moves towards the disturbence, however he keeps an eye out for any newspapers left out, or anything that has the year written on it.

2011-12-29, 10:18 PM
She wasn't sure. Maybe it was her feelings that spurred her to say something like that. "I think I'll know after I visit the cathedral."

2011-12-29, 10:21 PM
That's odd, all I see are flames.... A horrible thought strikes Tiana. I need to scry the grove, something could be wrong.

Ritual and Shadow

Intent: View the Twilit Grove, if possible, her father's house.

Use ritual magic to find the twilit grove, then pull from her own need to know the truth to create an image of the scene with shadow magic.

Tiana holds her arms before her, her palms glowing a pale orange, as an image, a circle about three feet in diameter, appears before her.

2011-12-30, 07:48 AM

you swiftly emerge at a town square, market stalls ablaze, and guards everywhere trying to corner the one man. Skilfully wielding his staff the monstrous man disarms a foe, slams him in the gut with the end of the staff sending red lightening pounding into the man's chest causing the runes engraved on his armor to momentarily flare, and twisting the man parries another attack launched behind him. Spinning slowly the man walks an interesting dance dodging where he may, parrying and striking at every opportunity completely unfazed by the fact that he's within the sword range of nine man, and surrounded by another twenty. Beyond that he still manages to perfectly time bursts of that red lightening from his staff to hit the med without white capes at a range. Why this man seems more weapons master than mage :smalleek: For a split second those piercing predatory red eyes fixate on you reading the whole of your existence before turning away. This man is the man from the mist, you know it.


Soon a grand cathedral it's self the size of a town comes into view massive walls coated in intricate designed of the finest masonry. The massive stained glass windows while not seeming to tell any tales are quite detailed works of art. As you approach a bald man clad in a robe of white with tattoos stretching across his skin greets you. "May you be blessed child."

2011-12-30, 10:20 AM
Ian Duskwalker

Ian watches the man in awe.
Why can't I be that good with a weapon... he ponders...

OOC: How many "guards" are left, and what do the peeps on the horses seem to be doing?

2011-12-30, 10:50 AM
You see what looks to be a human settlement

2011-12-30, 11:13 AM
Tiana stares at the image before her, utterly silent. By the time she turns around to look at Ald, her eyes are filled with tears. That is a human settlement.... she says, now actively sobbing. The elves were peaceful; they were innocent! How could those monsters take their lands, slaughter their people- my people?! Tiana falls into Ald's arms, weeping openly, before finally standing up, her face taking a stern countenance despite the tears still in her eyes. They did this to the elves because they had magic, and envied them, feared them for it.... They have taken everything I ever knew, everything I ever loved from me, and for that, I will make them truly fear magic. Tiana draws her sword, perhaps the last sword of elven make, its starmetal blade burning with a white fire, burning for revenge. I will return to you, dear Ald, but now? My blade thirsts for vengeance. Before Ald can even attempt to stop Tiana's departure, she sprints off into the distance, sprints in the direction of the capital of this "holy land." The enchantments Ald had granted her increase her speed beyond what is normally possible for even a half-elf.

2011-12-30, 11:39 AM

Logic doesn't apply, so what if you don't know where the capitol is, you have a feeling it's that way. Soon you come to a city that seems to have lights overhead. Something about it seems more magical somehow.

Ian Duskwalker

There are about ten normal guards, and twenty, no thirty... no, more in caps are pouring in by the second :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-30, 11:52 AM
Tiana Moonflower

Are there any notable buildings? Capitals, cathedrals, etc?

2011-12-30, 11:56 AM
Ian Duskwalker

I guess I better help the man before he's overwhelmed...

Balrog! (I figured hey, why not, what's the worse that could happen? I could die again... :smallbiggrin:)

Stats: Shadow / Power
Intent: Create a "Balrog" to do battle with the guards
Mechanics: Using the flames that are currently engulfing the market stalls as a base, I will use shadow magic to give these flames form to do battle with the guards (starting with the non-horse guys). Using actual fire as a base should give this spell enough of a "real" element to allow for the shadow magic to work...hopefully...and being as it's just fire and shadow, weapons shouldn't effect it...possibly...
Description:Flames from the market stalls leap across the market, forming one massive flame in the center of the market that seems to take on a life of its own, shaping into the form of a large beast (a "Balrog") which will attack the guards and then the "horse guys"...hopefully.

OCC: As an aside, will I still be able to "hide" with my cloak after casting this? :smallconfused:

2011-12-30, 12:02 PM

No, but it's the biggest one you've seen so far :smallbiggrin: at least big enough to have a map :smalltongue:

Ian Duskwalker
The monsterous beast forms before them. With a swing of it's claw it rips two of the guards in half. Than swinging it's sword it catches one of the white capped guards. As it's claws strike there is a massive flash as runes all along the man's armor flare to life. As the creature swings it's sword another knight catches it with his shield causing the runes along the shield to turn a searing red. The men quickly fall in hacking at the foul beast, and with every strike runes flash along swords and shields. Several of them loose arrows causing gaping holes to appear in the flame. The creature turns to breath flame at the men, all the men that are hit have the same runes flare. Howling in rage the creature lashes out, but all along the line men act to subdue the beast, than suddenly the odd magician s gone and a firm hand closes around your shoulder. "Children" you hear a gruff voice curse before suddenly the world changes and you see the beast from another side, closer now so that you can see even the flaming spittal fly out with it's every cry. Than the world changed again instantly you found yourself in a forest with that same vice like grip upon your shoulder.

OOC: I suggest using the words "Natural fear of fire" for your fire shadow spells :smallwink:


As you draw nearer you see another magi in the shadows casting a spell... The flames from all the wagons around you converge before you forming into a great demon composed of naught but flames and magic. With one sweep of it's claw it incinerates two men on the spot, and with another it sends one of the white capped men flying across the market square runes blazing.

The creature than lashes out with a sword of flame which one of the white capped men caught with one of their heavy shields ruins already searing the eyes of any who look. Than you can tell it is over as a score of the white capped men charge in swords blazing with the odd runes as they hack at it, archers firing these odd arrows leaving gaping holes in the beast, and more still restricting it's movements. Suddenly the odd man with the vine like hair disappearance appearing behind the other mage and grabbing his shoulder. the next moment they're gone and you feel that stall press against you. The staff it's self brimming with raw elemental might, pulsing with a life of its own, than suddenly the world changes. You are now in a forest, and you are released.

Turning you see the man his once neon skin now a dark shade of black that seems to trap all the light absorbing it around him.

Erack&Ian Duskwalkerspell

State: manna
Intent: travle quickly
Mechanics: use manna to alter reality making two spaces one for a split second such that The strange mage may step to the other with only the slightest of movements
Description: the world changes and he (and you) are elsewhere

2011-12-30, 12:08 PM
Lily felt a little better. She was finally here. Maybe previously Lily wanted to take her time exploring every little crack of such a grand place, but right now Lily had set things she was going to do. "I have come to pay my respects, and also to find a place to rest. The inquisition was attacked by a very powerful magi; it was brutal, and now a part of the forest is missing. It was replaced with charred lands."

Respects, food, bed. That was the natural order of things, and that's how it would be. Part of her wanted to follow the inquisition all the way to the capital, but tomorrow would be another day. Maybe they would wait for her; they've had their own trials this day.

Lily would figure it out tomorrow.

2011-12-30, 12:15 PM
Tiana's fury was in full swing, but she kept her head enough to not try to attack this city before she knows of its nature. Using a minor cantrip to darken her grey gown to a deep black, she also sheds her disguise, save for her still unpointed ears. Sheathing her sword, Tiana marches toward the city, her eyes filled with the terror of a storm.

2011-12-30, 12:39 PM

A look of concern comes across the man's face as he says "Poor girl, why to suffer through such an event at any age must be horrible, come here, have yourself some stew, I'm sue it must seem worse with your storage growling like that." Your stomach wasn't really growling, but the man's smile showed you that he was sincere.


When you arrive something strikes you as odd. All the doors and windows except those of the local taverns are barred, and fires are visible towards the center of the town. The place seems to be full of guards, and as you make your way to the center of the town you see many more... dead. It looks like a small war was waged in this one town square, and all throughout the town large blast marks riddle the houses and streets, some even seem to cave caught passersby. To top it all off what seems to the the city hall, local builders guild, and countless stalls seem to have had some large blast of energy tear it's way clean through them. The air is still charged with static (literally), but the guards seem mostly to be claiming their dead as are the men in the white capes.

2011-12-30, 12:41 PM
Ian Duskwalker

OOC: Natural Fear of Fire...got it :smallsmile: At least the massive thing was a nice distraction :smalltongue: And I seriously gotta remember that "natural fear" stuff that can power shadow...:smallsigh:

Disoriented from the constant "jumping", Ian is partly glad that the hand his on his shoulder to steady him...partly.

Blinking rapidly in succession, he finally decides that what he's seeing is in fact real...

"Well that was a trip..." Ian snickers to himself...

"Still...I wonder why that beast didn't work at all against those silvery guys..." Ian says more to himself than anyone.

Ian turns to see who's got a hold of his shoulder...

2011-12-30, 12:44 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Behind you towers the tall man with vine like hair, his skin now a dark black that seems to absorb all the light around him with those fierce piercing red eyes focused on you.

2011-12-30, 12:52 PM
Ian Duskwalker

"What? Do I have something on my face?" says Ian, not really sure what to say.

"Thanks for getting me out of there..." Ian continues to look at the man..."...I think..."

Ian sighs loudly.

"Okay look, I 'woke' up in a meadow earlier today, and since there everyone's been trying to capture or kill me. I have no idea where I am, but apparently somehow I died, though I don't know how long ago that was, and that crazy old man didn't tell me anything before he nearly lost half of his neck other than I should have looked at a map, and now I'm seeing guys with shiny runes all over them that can hack up a fire creature without so much as a scorch mark and I'm really confused and would just like someone to tell me something about anything having to do with what's going on." says Ian in one unending breath. Then Ian breathes in deeply.

"It's just been a very stressful few hours of utter confusion..."

2011-12-30, 01:07 PM
Tiana's pity was gone. She knew these white-caped men had been the ones to destroy her people, and she was going to make them pay. These monstrosities had started the war, and she had every intention of retaliating. Whoever this mage that had attacked the people was, she had no enmity towards.

Tiana then rises into the air, her midnight hair flowing all around her. Propelling her voice outward throughout the city, Tiana screams. Humans! You will rue the day you brought death upon my people! I will not rest until your empire is overthrown, your warriors slain, and your beliefs shattered! For your crimes against the elves, I sentence you to death! There will be no mercy!


Intent: Levitate briefly, only so high as to be able to deliver the message for the desired distance. Also propel her voice.

Mechanics: Should be obvious

Description: Already there.


Create an enormous earthquake

Draw upon the instinctive fear of natural disasters to cause a massive earthquake.

The black-gowned sorceress lands, stabbing her sword into the ground as she does so. Where she stabbed, the earth breaks, and a line of seismic disorder rushes toward the city, which begins to shake violently.

2011-12-30, 01:34 PM
Illana chuckled softly as she walked to the barracks "Again I have no intention of bringing them down unless I have to, I intend to bring myself up, I intend for them to be mine mind and soul, I intend to turn them into an organisation fully suited to my purposes", turning to look at the man his disguise hiding his armour, she reached out a hand and tapped it lightly to get a feel for it.
Mana and Ritual

Determine the mystical utility of the armour, level of force it would protect against and how much it would dissipate rather then transfer to the wearer from blunt trauma.

Use the contact to establish a temporary connection to the material, and analyse and mystical elements.

A light tap on the chest piece of the armour.

"I do not believe that I have heard of the desolation thought I was never good with places", she looked him in the eye, "Forgive my presumption but I believe that you may not wish to accept some elements of plausible reality, I have no idea who long ago I fought and possible died, for me it was this morning, for the world it could be thousands of years, your base of operations could be strip mined, left to be overgrown, inhabited by pixies and then sunk into an ocean, until you are sure your plan is still sound I would suggest you focus on future plans rather then past ones", smiling politely "but it is your call".

She watched the goings on in the street, muggings, assaults, murder, in some areas, other focused on pervasion and vice, people looking for a fix offering themselves and there loved ones for money or favours.

She had been here a day visited some pubs and spread her influence to the populace without any real conflict at all directed towards her.
She wondered where the spirits were surely some would want to let her know what was considered acceptable behaviour in this town and they they could hammer out the terms of her stay, or was the town without any protection from the spirits or even demons, had it been truly forsaken, to be preyed on by all, what if the rest of the world?
She would find some spirit soon and confirm.

She was nearly at their destination now, "I agree recruits it is".

2011-12-30, 02:14 PM

OOC: No matter how obvious they seem mechanics have their place, and are as important as the description its self All the same I'll assume you're just forcing air. :smallcool:

the earth cracks under your blow, but somehow the spell didn't have enough power. People didn't really have their hearts in their fear at the moment, and as such there wasn't enough to feed your spell. True it cracked the earth, true their market square was even worse off, but after what had happened tonight the people hardly cared any more, they just wanted it to end. They just wanted their nice lumpy beds and some dry porage on the morrow. All the same the white capped men line up before you announcing that you will be taken into custody under the orders if captain Harleyson and held accountable for your actions.

Ian Duskwalker& Erack

Slowly the man releases Ian leaning heavily on his staff and makes his way to a tree to the base of which he sinks. Slowly his skin lightens as he breaths focused inwardly before it returns to it's former dance of neon colors. "Sorry if I scarred ya lads, but those guards aren't easy no matter how lacking they are in magic." The old man than places his hand on the ground palm down (spell 1) and causes hundreds of ants to wander to it dying as they reach it. Than scooping up a handful he offers "Eat up." as he puts a rather large handful of them into his mouth chewing easily through the hard shells. "best we regain our energy for now" than looking at Erack he adds "from the looks of you you're as worn as I"

It is odd, when you look at the man it almost seems that he belongs there as part of the tree, and despite his claims of being worn you feel large reserves of manna dammed up within his body, why it's a miracle the guy's even alive with that... but than again with him it seems... normal.


As you step outside you see the city in ruins. It looks as if a typhoon had hit the city. The town center was in flames and a voice amplified by raw power magic echoes through the town Humans! You will rue the day you brought death upon my people! I will not rest until your empire is overthrown, your warriors slain, and your beliefs shattered! For your crimes against the elves, I sentence you to death! There will be no mercy! a troop of men with white capes, silver armor, and unsheathed swords quickly close in on her on a lone woman who's sword in stabbed into the ground with a rather large network of cracks stemming from it. It wasn't really enough to do much damage, though it certainly spoke to the woman's power, and that wrath you feel from her... :smallamused: You recognize the woman from the mist, the one who was ready to spar with the man who sought you out. ... How had this all happened while you were in the bar? :smallconfused:

you see Illana exit a nearby tavern.

2011-12-30, 02:36 PM
Ian Duskwalker

Drack / Erack

"You...eat...ants?" Ian quips.

For the first time, Ian notices someone else in the forest besides himself and the 'crazed ant eater'.

Blade still in hand, he sheathes it and sits down on the forest floor, seemingly lost in thought. After a moment he seemingly makes up his mind about something with a nod.

"Well, I guess introductions are in order."

He fumbles with a ring on his finger, as if deciding whether to remove it or not, then finally pulls it off.

Immediately his appearance changes from that of a human. His ears elongate, his hair changes to a bright redish orange color, and when the breeze catches it, makes it appear there are flames dancing on his head. His skin takes on a red tint, as if he's been in the sun far too long, and his eyes are the color of ash.

"My name is Ian Duskwalker, quite possibly the sole surviving member of the Kingdom of the Sun, not that it matters anymore anyway, if what that crazy old fool said was true." speaking that last part more to himself than anyone else.

2011-12-30, 03:18 PM
Ian Duskwalker&Erack

The odd entity makes an odd face "You don't eat ants? Your loss..." He quickly summons more as his pile diminishes
forgot the spell last time :smallbiggrin:

State: power and manna
Intent: summon up a feast fit for the king of any ant mound
Mechanics: use power magic to lure ants over by fooling their senses with power magic (rather small scale), and when they come take all their blood manna int himself killing them. than use a bit of power magic to cook them just right :smallwink:
Description: more ants come for him to eat :smalltongue:

2011-12-30, 03:24 PM
Illana sighed 'there goes the neighbourhood' she muttered, you go in for a quick drink and walk out into people brawling in the streets, and not the good mindless or vicious brawling the boring 'brawling for a cause' kind, why if that was how it was going to be she had half a mind to go back inside and wait for this to finish.

But business first, she studied the scene carefully.

Mana and Grace

Note the emotional state of all present, any magic in place on equipment or individuals, any alterations to the souls, and the general state of there balance in the universe.

Using mana to note the magic available and grace to track how at balance the individuals are with the world.

Illana looks in wonder at the scene taking everything in.

2011-12-30, 03:37 PM

It's odd, you can't seem to get anything on the soldiers as that armor they're wearing draws in your sensory magic returning no feedback, but the armor it's self is covered in strange runes as are their swords. The woman seems distressed, and the general harmony is low in the local area, and you notice with a bit of pride that some of that was caused by you. you feel magic all about the woman (what a fool wasting so much power on simple rage), and you sense none else in the area apart from those in the tavern.

2011-12-30, 04:11 PM
'Interesting' Illana though to herself, no evidence of a soul on the men as such are they soulless of merely protected?

Running up to one looking every inch the excited peasant, she pulled at his cloak gently and tapped his armour, pointing at the woman "Is that one of those mages I have heard about, or you going to arrest her, why is she here, where did she come from, has she hurt anyone, I hope not. Oh now is probably not a good time, I have just always admired the guard and seeing you face down a mage I got a bit hyper", she rattled off "Talk to you later".

She took a step back to note any reaction.

2011-12-30, 04:44 PM
Illana (&Tiana if she cares...)

The guard shrugs you off "Get inside woman, this fiend is dangerous."

white rider
2011-12-30, 05:40 PM
Garthax hears the commotion outside and spits out his ale. Quickly, he weaves a thread and sends it to Illana

intent:open communication with Illana
mechanics:Garthax sends a thread, which connects to Illana's head

"It's me, Garthax, don't attack. What the hell is going on out there? I heard someone yelling and I felt a magic surge! Is a mage attacking?

2011-12-30, 05:43 PM
Illana adopted a contrite appearance, "Of course sir, sorry sir", and stepped back, once to the tavern entrance to watch this play out.

Truly she was ecstatic antimagic armour they said in the mists, well apparently not on the level that would leach her spell on herself, as such it was likely focused on spells with the target as the wearer, such as her analysis spell, and whatever spell had been used to fight them earlier.

More importantly she had not experienced any weakness or daemonic wards on contact, who needed magic when you had the personal strength to rip the enemy apart.

She was almost laughing at the thought but stayed focused on the fight.

"Oh Garthax, the guard are fighting one of our new friends in the mist, an elf apparently, I am seeing how they both handle each other, should be educational, I am at the door if you want to observe", she cut the contact to maintain focus on the fight.