View Full Version : Solarian Civil War (IC)

2011-12-26, 11:01 PM
The town of Barretsville bustles with commerce. Along with the human populace of the town and the several human merchants plying their trade, the town is graced by the presense of the holy woman Evangeline and her goblin bodyguards.

Several people have closed shop to see her holiness, but most keep going, the old "Barretsville Chill" on display in their indifference.

2011-12-28, 09:33 PM
As the morning bustle calms down, the taverns open, like every day, at eleven o'clock. They'll be serving lunch and drinks until two in the afternoon, when they will close for a few hours.

(Cleavon, Greenish, OMG_Ponies)

The goblinoids and Ptolemy are being served in The Pillar Crown, a fine winehouse in the goblin district. The place is open air, with nice imported frescos (three of them) all the way from the south. The owner, a bugbear dressed in a little too much clothing, dashes from table to table taking orders for wines and various plates. The food is pricey, but it's the only place in Barretsville you can regularly get the slightly rarer vintages.

(Captain_Obvious, Havocfett)

Half of the northgate guard's union is taking their lunch break by the northgate well. Several little children are running about, throwing a ball between themselves. One of the guardsmen, Hector, is yelling at the kids to "Stop all that, right this instance!" No one pays him mind. An old man is making his way up the street with a cart full of cakes, whistling as he goes.

(DemonicAngel, Centaur Hero)

The dwarf district is a dreadful place most days to any non-dwarf. The air is filled with cursing and shouting, though what of that is just normal dwarven timbre is anyone's guess. What few orcs come to Barretsville, most seeking mercenary work, come here to work for the Gursh (landbound dwarf/gold dwarf) gangs. Glishnog and Torviet are currently standing in line to get into a "hush hush" eatery that is promising some food that was brought to Barretsville "undercover"

2011-12-30, 02:02 AM
Jamie walks to the Dancing Dragon ready to work his second job. Arriving at the tavern he greets his old friend and begins his job. At the bar, he taps a standing barrel of beer with a cup and say's Bar's open!

2011-12-31, 07:09 AM
Garen, Balt, and Ptolemy

Ptolemy squints, attempting to read off the wine list. Unable to do so, he pulls a pair of small lenses from his chest pocket and holds them in front of his face. The lenses magnify his eyes to an impossible size, but also allow him to read the list without struggling. "Ah, yes," he says with a slight air of haughtiness, "I'll take a glass of Chardonnay, aged about 75 years. Can I pair that with a few slices of epoisses?"

As he orders, he looks at his bodyguards across the table and speaks as if to educate them on the "finer things" in life. "You see, boys, pairing up your wine with the perfect cheese is an art form--one that requires as much grace as fencing, say. What would you care to drink?" The tiny old jeweler could come off a bit pretentious at times, but he was somehow able to do it while remaining friendly.

2011-12-31, 08:41 AM
Balt grunts a reply: "Water will do. Fencing's for amateurs."

He then remembers himself and coughs. "No offense intended for connoisseurs nor fencers alike."

2011-12-31, 06:32 PM
Jamie walks to the Dancing Dragon ready to work his second job. Arriving at the tavern he greets his old friend and begins his job. At the bar, he taps a standing barrel of beer with a cup and say's Bar's open!

Among the punters are seven guardsmen out for a mid-day drink, a pair of orcish masons, and a northern half-elf (the variety that is its own race as opposed to a crossbreed of southern elves and humans) who walks up to the bar with an odd request.

"Hello, and good day."

She nods her head

"May I enquire as to whether you have moondrop?"

20% chance you do have it in stock, in which case it's a DC 15 Perception check to find it.


Garen, Balt, and Ptolemy

Ptolemy squints, attempting to read off the wine list. Unable to do so, he pulls a pair of small lenses from his chest pocket and holds them in front of his face. The lenses magnify his eyes to an impossible size, but also allow him to read the list without struggling. "Ah, yes," he says with a slight air of haughtiness, "I'll take a glass of Chardonnay, aged about 75 years. Can I pair that with a few slices of epoisses?"

As he orders, he looks at his bodyguards across the table and speaks as if to educate them on the "finer things" in life. "You see, boys, pairing up your wine with the perfect cheese is an art form--one that requires as much grace as fencing, say. What would you care to drink?" The tiny old jeweler could come off a bit pretentious at times, but he was somehow able to do it while remaining friendly.

The bugbear mutters to himself as he walks off, something about "bloody foxes" (the different varieties of gnome are associated with different animals, the merchant gnome being the fox)

He brings the bottle and goes through the ritual of uncorking and such. He then whisks the cheese to you a minute later. He smiles, his fangs capped in silver.

"I hope everything is to sir's liking?"

2011-12-31, 07:05 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing his current employer engaged in the perusal of a list of fine wines, he stiffly came around the other side of the table and took a seat. He had been lucky to find a job so quickly in Barretsville, he having nothing but his armor and spear to call his own at the moment.

He listened to Ptolemy for a moment, and then looked around the place. His eyes darted back to his spear, which he of course had left with the coat check or some such nonsense. Weapons probably not allowed in such a fine establishment.

"I've never been much for indulging in wine...never could afford the stuff. I do have a love for cheese. Never knew there were different types though."

2011-12-31, 07:54 PM
Torviet looks around him, trying to gauge with his eyes the people standing in line. He has learned many times that the city is like the sea. there are currents, and he was sure this place would bring a plentiful bounty to one with the right bait.
Tightening the knot connecting his money pouch to his belt he tries to look at how far is the line goes, and if there are any clues to what goods are at stock.

2011-12-31, 10:54 PM
Clavicus watched the bar open, and, once the initial rush of guards died down, he stepped in himself, waiting patiently behind the half-elf.

An eyebrow raises as the half-elf makes her order.

Moondrop? Certainly an odd order, he asked, good naturedly, May I ask if you're new in town?

Centaur Hero
2012-01-01, 12:11 AM
Glishnog looks up and down the line of people, trying to guage people's looks, hoping to spot a likely mark. Seeing none that looked too hungover, or otherwise preocupied, he turned his attention to the Dwarf next to him in line.
Nudging the little man's shoulder as he starts to speak. I hope this isn't just a waste of time.

2012-01-01, 05:59 AM
"Aye friend, as do I." Torviet says with a friendly smile, once again trying to look where the line ends before speaking again "commotions such as these tend to attract both attention and trouble... and I ain't sure I wanna stick around for either."

2012-01-01, 01:07 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing his current employer engaged in the perusal of a list of fine wines, he stiffly came around the other side of the table and took a seat. He had been lucky to find a job so quickly in Barretsville, he having nothing but his armor and spear to call his own at the moment.

He listened to Ptolemy for a moment, and then looked around the place. His eyes darted back to his spear, which he of course had left with the coat check or some such nonsense. Weapons probably not allowed in such a fine establishment.

"I've never been much for indulging in wine...never could afford the stuff. I do have a love for cheese. Never knew there were different types though."

The bugbear shuffles over and offers a sample plate of some cheeses.

Torviet looks around him, trying to gauge with his eyes the people standing in line. He has learned many times that the city is like the sea. there are currents, and he was sure this place would bring a plentiful bounty to one with the right bait.
Tightening the knot connecting his money pouch to his belt he tries to look at how far is the line goes, and if there are any clues to what goods are at stock.

The doors open and the crowd is let in. They only stay open for a minute, and then they are fastened shut again. Inside, candles are lit and everyone is seated.

Clavicus watched the bar open, and, once the initial rush of guards died down, he stepped in himself, waiting patiently behind the half-elf.

An eyebrow raises as the half-elf makes her order.

Moondrop? Certainly an odd order, he asked, good naturedly, May I ask if you're new in town?

"I am. I came south to find something."

"Ah, you don't have it. Thank you for looking."

Centaur Hero
2012-01-01, 03:15 PM
Glishnog follows the crowd in, and takes a seat next to the dwarf he was in line with. Does this seem suspicious to you Dwarf? He wispers in a hushed voice to Torviet.

2012-01-01, 07:58 PM
Sorry maam we don't have it. Wait, how did you know that?

2012-01-02, 06:25 PM
"The furniture seems out of place somewhat... this looks more like a church then a place to dine in, no?" Torviet remarks, looking at the candles and the interior.

2012-01-02, 07:13 PM
Sorry maam we don't have it. Wait, how did you know that?

"No problem! Thank you."

She lowers her head to you.

"The furniture seems out of place somewhat... this looks more like a church then a place to dine in, no?" Torviet remarks, looking at the candles and the interior.

A group of rough-looking men come out bearing a large black bag with something inside it.

2012-01-02, 11:39 PM
Excuse me, why are you doing that?

2012-01-02, 11:44 PM
Excuse me, why are you doing that?

"It is the . . . custom, where I come from. You are a foreigner *umm* well not in your own country of course! But you are a foreigner to my people, and I am of a low station, so I show respect to you."

She smiles shyly

"I am a maid in the retinue of Sir Isamu of the house of Shin. He told me to find for him a bottle of moondrop, they are ever so rare these days!"

2012-01-03, 12:24 AM
Why would a man of such high stature visit this town? Much less this country? We're in the middle of a civil war.

2012-01-03, 12:38 AM
Why would a man of such high stature visit this town? Much less this country? We're in the middle of a civil war.

"Why . . . the war. In the north, seven years ago."

You recall some news of a war, some nation of horsemen being conquered.

2012-01-03, 05:42 AM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Looking over the cheeses that were offered, he took a small sample and gave it a taste. It was indeed quite good and he shared his opinion with the bugbear that had brought it forth.

"Just a glass of something cheap...and red. So wine I suppose."

Turning back to Ptolemy and Balt he let out a small smile. He was certainly in finer trappings than he was used to. A good start to his time in Barretsville. Even if his low roots showed in his knowledge of such a fine establishment.

"So, are we just out for recreation or do we have some business about town today?"

2012-01-05, 03:40 AM
so sorry about that ma'am. Will you're master accept substitutes?

2012-01-05, 03:47 AM
"Friend, I think this place is not as it's seen. Torviet whispers to the orc, slipping one hand upon the hilt of his rapier, ready to fight in a moments notice.

Centaur Hero
2012-01-05, 09:51 AM
Agreed Says Glishnog in a hushed voice. As he similarly grabs the hilt of his dagger.

2012-01-05, 12:17 PM
so sorry about that ma'am. Will you're master accept substitutes?

"Perhaps, what did you have in mind?"

"Friend, I think this place is not as it's seen. Torviet whispers to the orc, slipping one hand upon the hilt of his rapier, ready to fight in a moments notice.

Agreed Says Glishnog in a hushed voice. As he similarly grabs the hilt of his dagger.

The owlbear is uncovered, and portions begin to be carved and brought to each table. A man wearing a silver mask gets up onto the raised platform and begins to speak.

"My friends, you have all come here today out of a sense of curiousity, and it is thus that I shall lean upon here. This creature, noble and savage, is not an accepted foodstuff in the realm of Solaris, yet we are beset with them. These creatures must be thinned, and to simply dump the body is a crime to nature and to epicural sense. Please, sup upon this and let your mind and soul decide. Together, we can petition Lord Aldfell to allow the hunting and consuming of owlbear meat."

2012-01-05, 01:02 PM
Garen, Balt, and Ptolemy

"Fie!" the gnome nearly shouts as Balt says he's fine with water. "Water here's a gold per goblet; some 'fresh spring' claptrap. You're better off with a glass of wine, on me. In fact, I insist!" Noticing Garen's eyes go wide at the array of cheeses offered him, Ptolemy nods toward him. "If you're pairing a red with those, a 38-month Chianti would pair up best with the whole lot. Again, on me." Ptolemy idly sips his wine before adding, "of course we have business. I'm going to try to get us an audience with the lovely Evangeline, but first we celebrate. Always celebrate first, lads."

2012-01-05, 03:10 PM
"A gold a goblet for water? I thought I'dve met greedy merchants before…" Balt sounds unsure whether he should be disgussed or impressed with the establishment.

On celebrating first, he nods. "Aye, celebrate first, since you might not be able to, after. We expecting trouble?"

2012-01-05, 09:11 PM
"A gold a goblet for water? I thought I'dve met greedy merchants before…" Balt sounds unsure whether he should be disgussed or impressed with the establishment.

On celebrating first, he nods. "Aye, celebrate first, since you might not be able to, after. We expecting trouble?"

The bugbear smirks.

"I ain't greedy, I'm frugal."

2012-01-05, 10:44 PM
Balt shrugs. "I guess it's as they say back home: the one who pays is the fool, not the one who asks."

Centaur Hero
2012-01-05, 11:42 PM
I agree let's get out of here, I'm not eating a filthy owlbear.Glishnog anounced to his new compatriot as he began to rise from his seat.

2012-01-06, 12:04 AM
Jamie reaches into the wine rack and pulls a bottle out and presents it to her. He say's Well how about this. It's a quite young vintage around three years old. That was a good year. Anyway the grapes were grown in the fields of northern Solaris the wines from there are known for their bubbly taste.

2012-01-06, 12:06 AM
Jamie reaches into the wine rack and pulls a bottle out and presents it to her. He say's Well how about this. It's a quite young vintage around three years old. That was a good year. Anyway the grapes were grown in the fields of northern Solaris the wines from there are known for their bubbly taste.

"Northern Solaris? Why that would mean the winds from my homeland would have touched these grapes. My lord will love it, how much for the bottle?"

She immediately lowers her gaze and waits for your answer.

2012-01-06, 12:45 AM
Jamie looks behind the wine rack at the price list. Finding the wine on the list, he turns to the lady and say's Ten gold. By the way ma'am, I never caught you're name and please stop doing that.

2012-01-06, 12:55 AM
Jamie looks behind the wine rack at the price list. Finding the wine on the list, he turns to the lady and say's Ten gold. By the way ma'am, I never caught you're name and please stop doing that.

She ceases the head bowing.

"I am Oyu, thank you sir."

She looks out the window at the sun and walks back to the counter, placing a platinum coin with a horse head on one side and a bearded king's profile on the other.

"Could I get something we wouldn't find in the north, and perhaps a light lunch?"

2012-01-06, 01:10 AM
Clavicus listened into the conversation, ecstatic to be learning of an actual noble exiled from his homeland. It was exactly the sort of thing he'd left home to see! He couldn't possibly simply let the opportunity slip away from him.

He thought as the (Rather cute, as far as the peasant was concerned) half elf spoke with the clerk. He checked his purse to ensure that he had the extra gold to orchestrate his plan.

Milady Oyu, says Clavicus, eager to learn more about this mysterious foreign lord as he tried to imitate what he thought a gentlemanly adventurer should sound like, I would be honored to assist a noble lord so far from his home. May I buy the lunch for your liege? Perhaps in exchange for an audience?

OOC:sorry, missed the last post while writing this up, edited. Was originally going to be buying the alcohol for her.

2012-01-06, 01:15 AM
Clavicus listened into the conversation, ecstatic to be learning of an actual noble exiled from his homeland. It was exactly the sort of thing he'd left home to see! He couldn't possibly simply let the opportunity slip away from him.

He thought as the (Rather cute, as far as the peasant was concerned) half elf spoke with the clerk. He checked his purse to ensure that he had the extra gold to orchestrate his plan.

Milady Oyu, says Clavicus, eager to learn more about this mysterious foreign lord as he tried to imitate what he thought a gentlemanly adventurer should sound like, I would be honored to assist a noble lord so far from his home. May I buy the lunch for your liege? Perhaps in exchange for an audience?

OOC:sorry, missed the last post while writing this up, edited. Was originally going to be buying the alcohol for her.

"I might be able to arrange that, who are you?"

2012-01-06, 01:35 AM
Clavics Secundus, gentleman adventurer, he says enthusiastically, At your service milady.

2012-01-06, 01:38 AM
Clavics Secundus, gentleman adventurer, he says enthusiastically, At your service milady.

"I'd like to eat first, please. Would you share my meal?"

2012-01-06, 01:40 AM
Gladly, he says, pulling out a chair for Oyu and waiting for her to sit before taking his own seat.

2012-01-06, 01:41 AM
Gladly, he says, pulling out a chair for Oyu and waiting for her to sit before taking his own seat.

She sits down.

"What should I eat? Do you have millet? Perhaps I might be so bold to ask for rice?"

2012-01-06, 02:26 AM
For the briefest of moments, hopefully while not looking directly at Oyu, Clavicus loos incredibly confused at the mention of rice. He recovers quickly and replies.

I'm afraid that, ah, rice isn't particularly common in these parts. Bread, some meat, perhaps some cheese and an apple, washed down with a drink is more normal, He says, desperately attempting not to betray that he really doesn't know how nobility should be eating.

2012-01-06, 02:29 AM
For the briefest of moments, hopefully while not looking directly at Oyu, Clavicus loos incredibly confused at the mention of rice. He recovers quickly and replies.

I'm afraid that, ah, rice isn't particularly common in these parts. Bread, some meat, perhaps some cheese and an apple, washed down with a drink is more normal, He says, desperately attempting not to betray that he really doesn't know how nobility should be eating.

"Local food sounds delicious! My esteemed mother always said the best food is local food."

2012-01-06, 02:32 AM
Jamie takes the coin and places it in the register and the he walks over to the table Oyu is sitting at and say's So bread, meats and cheese's it is?

2012-01-06, 02:33 AM
So bread, meats and cheese's it is?

"Yes please sir!"

2012-01-06, 02:37 AM
Jamie turns to the kitchen and shout's Jim! Get some light cheese, crusty bread, ham an apple and... he looks at Oyu and continues saying Half a pint of ale for this lady at table five!

2012-01-06, 02:40 AM
Jamie turns to the kitchen and shout's Jim! Get some light cheese, crusty bread, ham an apple and... he looks at Oyu and continues saying Half a pint of ale for this lady at table five!

She eats the food hungrily when it comes.

2012-01-06, 02:52 AM
Jamie say's You look like you should have ordered something heavier. chuckling.

2012-01-06, 03:16 AM
May I have some bread, water and cheese? says Clavicus as Oyu eats, Kindly fetch Miss Oyu some more food if she wants it, I'll pay. He turns back to Oyu as he takes a seat.

He runs over what history he knows, from tales passed around the local inn and books he managed to read while on the farm. He remembers the Qumar conflict, and what it entails, and flinches slightly as Oyu wolfs down her meal.

2012-01-06, 03:26 AM
Jamie say's Sure he then stops Jim on his way back to the kitchen and say's That guy want's some bread, water and cheese..

2012-01-06, 11:29 AM
Jamie say's Sure he then stops Jim on his way back to the kitchen and say's That guy want's some bread, water and cheese..

The food is brought out for Oyu.

2012-01-07, 12:25 AM
Jamie say's I'll be at the bar awaiting payment for the food. he then walks away. Passing Clavics, he say's good luck with her. nudging him.

2012-01-08, 04:43 AM
Oh, how much will this be? asks Clavicus as Jamie walks away. Then he realizes what exactly Jamie finished with, Wait, good luck with what?

He begins to eat, mildly confused and searches for a topic of conversation that doesn't involve the war as he does so. After an awkward moment, he puts down his food and speaks up, It must be difficult, being forced to leave your homeland after the war. How are you acclimating? Is there anything else I can help you with?

....well, he messed that up nicely.

2012-01-08, 11:10 PM
Oh, how much will this be? asks Clavicus as Jamie walks away. Then he realizes what exactly Jamie finished with, Wait, good luck with what?

He begins to eat, mildly confused and searches for a topic of conversation that doesn't involve the war as he does so. After an awkward moment, he puts down his food and speaks up, It must be difficult, being forced to leave your homeland after the war. How are you acclimating? Is there anything else I can help you with?

....well, he messed that up nicely.

"The Solarians are . . . cold hosts. Not accustomed to the art of subtlety or honour, they hold each other like pigs at a trough, wanting to push each other out of the way for more food, but cunningly masked under gentility."

2012-01-11, 05:50 AM
During the lull in the conversation, Balt leans towards Garen. "So, you any good with that pig-sticker you lug around?"

2012-01-11, 06:50 AM
As his two bodyguards begin to talk shop, Ptolemy motions for the bugbear. "Garson," he says with a round, weighty "O," "I'd like to settle our tab. The bill should be under Platinate. I don't know if you have an affiliate's discount, but I'd be willing to advertise this winehouse freely to my many jewelry customers. After all, what pairs better with a brand new engagement ring than a bottle of champagne? So, what say you?"

[roll0] to negotiate a discount

2012-01-11, 08:55 AM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Turning his attention to Galt, he looked to his longspear and then back to the goblin that he sat with.

"I've only so much practical experience, but I am confident that I can put the pointy end to good use."

Looking to Ptolemy, he grinned. He did enjoy hearing the glib and merchant minded tongue go to work. One of the things that Garen did need was coin. This merchant was certainly the type he felt would help him along a more wealthy path.

2012-01-12, 12:03 AM
As his two bodyguards begin to talk shop, Ptolemy motions for the bugbear. "Garson," he says with a round, weighty "O," "I'd like to settle our tab. The bill should be under Platinate. I don't know if you have an affiliate's discount, but I'd be willing to advertise this winehouse freely to my many jewelry customers. After all, what pairs better with a brand new engagement ring than a bottle of champagne? So, what say you?"

[roll0] to negotiate a discount

"Sadly no sir, though we might in the future."

He smiles and awaits the payment.

"That will be thirteen gold sir"

2012-01-12, 01:55 PM
"Very well, sir. If you ever want to pursue that, here's my card." With a wide smile, Ptolemy hands him a small piece of parchment covered in delicate calligraphy and dipped in clear wax to preserve it. He opens his coin purse and counts the gold remaining--fourteen. Without letting his smile fade, he scoops all but one of them into his hand and gives them to the bugbear without missing a beat. This would have to be the last such celebration for a while, unless he was able to find some business. "Say, friend," he says to the bugbear, "I heard a rumor that the holy woman Evangeline was in town, and I've been meaning to set up a business meeting with her. Does she ever stop by to purchase any wine for her sacraments, or would you know anything else about where one could find her?"

The gnome reaches his hand back into his purse and fetches the last remaining gold, dropping it delicately on top of the pile in the bugbear's massive hand. "Any help you can provide would be much appreciated," he coos, his wide grin unfading the entire time.

[roll1] if more appropriate

2012-01-12, 08:20 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Looking between the bugbear and his employer, Garen made sure to remember the conversation. He didn't know much of what their business entailed, so he tried to remember the particulars. Someone religious it seemed by the way the gnome was talking. Maybe the job wouldn't be so bad. Religious officials rarely got into trouble, right?

He glanced to Balt as he leaned back in his seat to see if the gnome could pry any more information from the waiter.

2012-01-12, 10:58 PM
Just as the bugbear was about to answer, a bell can be heard sounding in the town square.

Everyone else hears it too. It's an emergency alarm.

2012-01-12, 11:51 PM
Hearing the bell, Jamie shouts Jenkins toss me the sword on the wall! And all of you, to you're assigned positions. Move It, Move it, Move it! He catches the sword and puts it into a leather sheath retrieved from under the bar. On the way out of the bar, he says to Clavicus and Oya Follow the crowd to the safe-houses and the meals on me just this once okay? he then runs to the guard gathering point.

2012-01-13, 12:09 AM
Hearing the bell, Jamie shouts Jenkins toss me the sword on the wall! And all of you, to you're assigned positions. Move It, Move it, Move it! He catches the sword and puts it into a leather sheath retrieved from under the bar. On the way out of the bar, he says to Clavicus and Oya Follow the crowd to the safe-houses and the meals on me just this once okay? he then runs to the guard gathering point.

Oyu rushes from the tavern.

"Sorry, but I must see to the protection of my lord!"

2012-01-13, 02:00 AM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Upon hearing the alarm bell clanging so loudly he rose from his seat.

"Sounds like trouble..."

He nodded to Balt and looked in the direction of the bells, and the moving crowd. Seeing the smoke but not much else he turned back to the gnome.

"Might be best to check and see what all is going on, I see smoke to the north."

One of the benefits of an open air eatery, you didn't have to go outside to see what was going on!

2012-01-13, 05:51 AM
The short goblin grins to the tall hobgoblin and winks. "Sounds like our kind of business, eh?" He hops up and makes beeline to the coat racks where their weapons were left, shouting and snapping his fingers as he goes. "'Oy, you there, hand me my sword! Also that overlong bean pole for my colleague!"

2012-01-13, 11:58 AM
The weapons are handed over quickly, and the bugbear rushes those who can fight out of the eatery, locking any people who can't inside (and though you can't see it, grabbing a morningstar, chain shirt and shield).

2012-01-13, 12:10 PM
Jamie runs up to the captain, salutes him and says Sir, I recommend focusing the majority of the forces at the north of the town. These people don't have the military training of the Separatist and the only way they can be effective is en-mass. I also recommend sending the more experienced guards to patrol the other directions so we will know if they decide to sneak up on us from behind with a smaller force.

2012-01-13, 12:28 PM
Jamie runs up to the captain, salutes him and says Sir, I recommend focusing the majority of the forces at the north of the town. These people don't have the military training of the Separatist and the only way they can be effective is en-mass. I also recommend sending the more experienced guards to patrol the other directions so we will know if they decide to sneak up on us from behind with a smaller force.

"Good idea there!"

He turns to the assembled crowd.

"We will focus our forces at the north wall! Those with prior military training or special skills will report to me!"

2012-01-13, 12:52 PM
Jamie salutes again saying Reporting for duty sir. And sir, please leave someone with initiative behind to lead the wall guard. I recommend Jake or Marco.

2012-01-13, 01:10 PM
Jamie salutes again saying Reporting for duty sir. And sir, please leave someone with initiative behind to lead the wall guard. I recommend Jake or Marco.

"I'll see to that."

2012-01-14, 05:40 AM
"The Solarians are . . . cold hosts. Not accustomed to the art of subtlety or honour, they hold each other like pigs at a trough, wanting to push each other out of the way for more food, but cunningly masked under gentility."

Oh, that's how we're polite here, you are expected to be, umm, civil and mask your intentions, even if you don't like the other people in the area, he replies, slightly uncomfortable at the critique of his culture, I can see how it would be-

Then the alarm bells rang, and Oyu rushed out. Clavicus ran out behind her. There was a short mental conflict, on whether to do his duty to help th town or go help this noble lord.

After a short debate, he decided.

I, uh, well, I wish you luck and hope to meet your lord after this, he yells, I need to go aid the defense.

He runs towards the crowd, hearing the captains call for those with special skills and sees a golden opportunity to distinguish himself. He steps forward, Sir! Clavicus, at your service. I can, uh, use some offensive magic, and have some weapon training.

2012-01-14, 10:32 AM
Oh, that's how we're polite here, you are expected to be, umm, civil and mask your intentions, even if you don't like the other people in the area, he replies, slightly uncomfortable at the critique of his culture, I can see how it would be-

Then the alarm bells rang, and Oyu rushed out. Clavicus ran out behind her. There was a short mental conflict, on whether to do his duty to help th town or go help this noble lord.

After a short debate, he decided.

I, uh, well, I wish you luck and hope to meet your lord after this, he yells, I need to go aid the defense.

He runs towards the crowd, hearing the captains call for those with special skills and sees a golden opportunity to distinguish himself. He steps forward, Sir! Clavicus, at your service. I can, uh, use some offensive magic, and have some weapon training.

"Good Mr. Clavicus! I'm assembling those with skills to go see what is going on in Sawhill up the valley from here, that town right there."

He points at the pillar of smoke.

Centaur Hero
2012-01-14, 03:36 PM
Come my friend, follow close! Glishnog says to Torviet as he begins to takes his leave of the shady establishment, and, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head, takes to the allyways and backstreets until he reaches the cause of the uproar.

2012-01-14, 06:56 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Heading after Balt he grabbed up his spear and made sure that Ptolemy was following before heading out of the place. It was easy enough to find the group of people gawking at the smoky pillar, and even easier to find the man barking orders and asking for those with special training.

Garen had no special training, but he joined the line anyway. No time like the present to gain some in combat training, he supposed.

2012-01-14, 11:51 PM
Once out of the tavern, Balt takes a quick look around, and seeing no enemies within reach, dashes for the stables where his loyal mount awaits. "I'll catch up with you!"

2012-01-16, 11:10 AM
Ptolemy and Garen

Ptolemy goes with Garen, but curses under his breath as the bodyguard joins the ranks. "Foolish youth, did that wine go straight to your head?" he scolds, "you're supposed to protect me. Oy, I guess this means I'm coming along." He joins the ranks and straightens his spine in an attempt to appear taller than he truly is. "No military experience," Ptolemy says, "but quite a few skills that might be of assistance."

2012-01-16, 04:43 PM
Ptolemy and Garen

Ptolemy goes with Garen, but curses under his breath as the bodyguard joins the ranks. "Foolish youth, did that wine go straight to your head?" he scolds, "you're supposed to protect me. Oy, I guess this means I'm coming along." He joins the ranks and straightens his spine in an attempt to appear taller than he truly is. "No military experience," Ptolemy says, "but quite a few skills that might be of assistance."

"Well, what we need is observation and ability to react with decisiveness mainly."

2012-01-17, 03:39 AM
Jamie shouts Okay ladies I'm in charge unless any of you wants to say anything bout it! clapping his hands.

2012-01-17, 06:47 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing someone take charge, Garen nodded to the man and stood firm in line. He kept a look out to see if anyone else was coming to join their little band, and if not he decided it was time to be decisive.

"We should make haste. We may be able to help if we are quick, or at least stave off further harm."

2012-01-18, 02:19 AM
Clavicus nodded at Jamie's announcement. He looked around at the small group gathered for the mission before speaking, "Understood!

....Is this everyone? Or can we count on more help?"

2012-01-18, 03:45 AM
Okay ladies before we we move out, remember this. We are a military operation, or as close to one as we can get So No heroics! Now move out Jamie says beginning to walk towards the town.

2012-01-18, 06:06 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing the people begin to move out, he took up his spear and put it over his shoulder, ready to march like a soldier. He fell into step on the other side of Ptolemy as they made their way towards the smoldering town.

2012-01-22, 07:36 AM
Clavicus looks decidedly awkward at the idea of 'no heroics'. He just about opens his mouth to say something, and suddenly backs down, unable to bring himself to contradict Jamie.

Clavicus follows, silent and awkward.

2012-01-24, 10:46 PM
After an hour and a half of trekking, you reach the outskirts of the village. Hiding in the brush, you can see enemy soldiers racing about, searching houses, while orcish mercenaries herd the villagers into the town square.

2012-01-25, 05:38 PM
"No idea friend. if you have any word of this commotion, now would be a good time" the dwarf says, looking at the limping man and at his orc companion, trying to understand what the whole fuss is about.

2012-01-25, 08:00 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing someone come up to them he tightened his grip on his spear and glanced back towards the enemy soldiers rushing about ahead of them.

"These mercenaries may not take kindly to us being here. We could be seen at any time...we should be cautious."

2012-01-27, 08:23 AM
Jamie grins and turns to his companions. He says, you know when I shouted no heroics? I take that back. Lets sneak in and burn their camp.

2012-01-27, 11:15 AM
Ptolemy Platinate

The gnomish merchant raises an eyebrow at Jamie's suggested course of action. He whispers to himself in the language of his small kindred, "Gleekenfolz snibbly tickering pestong."

Gnomish speakers only:
"His definition of 'heroics' seems a bit nebulous."

He clears his throat and addresses the leader, hardly above a whisper. "Jamie, sir," he says with as much military decorum as he can muster, "while that would cause a great distraction, perhaps we could try the path of diplomatic parley first? I am quite skilled in that arena and, in the worst case, the time it takes for negotiation would afford the arsonists among us the time needed to find their camp and set it ablaze. Should my attempts succeed, no violence is needed. Should I fail, we'd still have a plan of action. What do you think, sir?" He straightens his spine and tries to stand tall, but not so tall as to be intimidating. He's sure to look Jamie in the eye, but not so firmly as to initiate a stare-down.

Centaur Hero
2012-01-27, 11:21 AM
Yes, are we under attack sir?!
Glishnog exclaims, slightly out of breath.

2012-01-27, 12:47 PM
Problem is, mercenaries, aren't known for well talking. And the real soldiers have no control over them. Most likely high command saddled the real soldiers with a bunch of psychopathic mercs and told them to deal with it. I hated it whenever it happened. Burning their stuff should give the town extra time to prepare the defenses. Hell it may even turn the attack.
scratching his chin, he continues But such an attack may have brass present. Hmm worth a shot.

2012-01-27, 01:34 PM
Ptolemy Platinate

The jeweler's raised eyebrow now turns into a countenance of true disbelief. "Allow me to understand better, sir," he says, making sure to maintain a respectful tone to his superior officer, "you'd prefer I not enter into a negotiation where I have the clear advantage of wit because you believe that mercenaries are a band of psycopaths...psycopaths whose ire you wish to raise by setting fire to their encampment without provocation? I beseech you, sir: allow me to speak with them first. If their reaction proves a civil surprise, we might be able to save even more lives than we could through battle. If, on the other hand, all goes as you fear, then you are already laying in wait to spark the torch. Requesting permission to attempt parley, sir; what say you?"

2012-01-27, 01:43 PM
No they are psycopaths who I wish to remove the ability to lay siege to the town. I did say go ahead didn't I? I'm placing burn the whole place as a solid plan B. Though a few people should continue hiding to carry out plan B if anything goes wrong.

2012-01-27, 05:35 PM
Ptolemy Platinate

The gnome hesitates, considering the proper course of action. Probably not best to call out the fact that he hadn't said "go ahead." "Er, sorry, sir," Ptolemy says, scratching his head. "I must have missed it. I appreciate your permission, sir."

With that said, the gnome beckons for his bodyguards. "Weapons sheathed, boys. We're here for parley, not a brawl." Once all weapons are secure, the gnome raises both hands and steps out into plain sight. "Ho there!" he calls to the mercs, "We represent a small military force opposed to your current action; we seek parley with your commander. We are amenable to negotiation, but spilling our blood would be just as unwise as us spilling yours. Can we talk?"

[roll1] to identify this band of mercs
[roll2] to identify this band of mercs, if more appropriate.

If Ptolemy can identify the band, he will call out their name and bow as a sign of respect. Ready action to breath weapon the nearest enemies who choose to ignore me and attack with Entangling Exhalation.

2012-01-27, 06:21 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing the exchange between Ptolemy and Jamie, he gripped his spear rather tightly. It was good that they were coming up with strategies, but he wasn't so excited about being asked to follow Ptolemy into a more vulnerable position. Though in retrospect, what was a bodyguard supposed to do except that? He shouldered his spear and stepped to one side of the Gnome, trying his best to look nonthreatening. An easy task for a commoner.

2012-01-27, 11:01 PM
Ptolemy Platinate

The gnome hesitates, considering the proper course of action. Probably not best to call out the fact that he hadn't said "go ahead." "Er, sorry, sir," Ptolemy says, scratching his head. "I must have missed it. I appreciate your permission, sir."

With that said, the gnome beckons for his bodyguards. "Weapons sheathed, boys. We're here for parley, not a brawl." Once all weapons are secure, the gnome raises both hands and steps out into plain sight. "Ho there!" he calls to the mercs, "We represent a small military force opposed to your current action; we seek parley with your commander. We are amenable to negotiation, but spilling our blood would be just as unwise as us spilling yours. Can we talk?"

[roll1] to identify this band of mercs
[roll2] to identify this band of mercs, if more appropriate.

If Ptolemy can identify the band, he will call out their name and bow as a sign of respect. Ready action to breath weapon the nearest enemies who choose to ignore me and attack with Entangling Exhalation.

The mercanaries are the Mares of Dusk, of the Ghar family. But . . .

As the gnome steps out, he is greeted with falchions being drawn. His speech however, catches their attention, and a large and hairy orc steps forth. Unlike his brethern, he doesn't wear armour or carry a weapon, but is stripped naked from the waist up, battle and ritual scars both adorning his chest. You realize that he, like his comrades, is wearing dark goggles to shield his eyes from the fires now burning bright on most of the buildings.

In orcish he responds. "Very well, rock-diner, we shall hear your parley. Do you wish an audience with me, or the commander of the 37th cavalry?"

2012-01-28, 12:58 PM
Shaking his head slightly, Balt motions his wolf to follow the small gnome, trying to hold the lance as non-threateningly as possible.

[roll0] for Mares of Dusk.

[roll1] for 37th Cavalry.

Make those Know (Local), if more appropriate.

2012-01-29, 02:19 AM
Shaking his head slightly, Balt motions his wolf to follow the small gnome, trying to hold the lance as non-threateningly as possible.

[roll0] for Mares of Dusk.

[roll1] for 37th Cavalry.

Make those Know (Local), if more appropriate.

The Mares of Dusk were responsible for the holding of Basilisk Crag in the Vashar War, the conflict in the western "Marklands" with the titular Vashar, a loose group of deiucidal humanoids. They lost most of their men in that conflict, and these orcs here are their sons and nephews.

The 37th are drawn from the western foothills of Carovoch. Most of the men in that area are not great horsemen, instead being better guerillas. The small size of the band also makes it popular for transfering troublesome soldiers with discipline problems.

2012-01-29, 05:43 PM
Yes, are we under attack sir?!
Glishnog exclaims, slightly out of breath.

"We are indeed" he says.

"What are you particular skills?"

2012-01-29, 06:52 PM
"I am used to battle the waves of the sea, tough I did have my fair share of fights and brawls. who are the attackers?" asks the dwarf, putting his hand on his rapier.

2012-01-29, 07:10 PM
"I am used to battle the waves of the sea, tough I did have my fair share of fights and brawls. who are the attackers?" asks the dwarf, putting his hand on his rapier.

"Carovoch, the treasonous blighters. No doubt trying to make an attack for Barretsville and have a staging point for Oslor and Fharingal beyond!"

Centaur Hero
2012-01-30, 08:52 AM
I specialize in not being seen. Glishnog replies, drawing his dagger, and pulling the hood low. Now point the way.

2012-01-30, 02:47 PM
Ptolemy Platinate

Ptolemy straightens his spine and concentrates on his pronunciation--it had been months since the last time his Orcish was put to the test. He listens to the half-naked creature's accent and makes his best attempt to reflect it back. His Orcish comes off fluently, as if he had last spoken it seconds ago.

"Greesh shang gnash," the gnome says, "ranag parno scraaaaang dapong?"

Orcish speakers only:
"Could you and I speak? Surely an orc of your obvious power is the chieftain around here who can entertain offers and make decisions."


Ptolemy grins and reminds himself: sometimes flattery will get you everywhere.

2012-01-31, 12:21 AM
I specialize in not being seen. Glishnog replies, drawing his dagger, and pulling the hood low. Now point the way.

"Get yourself up the hill side. Go and aid the defenders we sent, ot at least bring news of their progress!"

Ptolemy Platinate

Ptolemy straightens his spine and concentrates on his pronunciation--it had been months since the last time his Orcish was put to the test. He listens to the half-naked creature's accent and makes his best attempt to reflect it back. His Orcish comes off fluently, as if he had last spoken it seconds ago.

"Greesh shang gnash," the gnome says, "ranag parno scraaaaang dapong?"

Orcish speakers only:
"Could you and I speak? Surely an orc of your obvious power is the chieftain around here who can entertain offers and make decisions."


Ptolemy grins and reminds himself: sometimes flattery will get you everywhere.

The orc motions his hand and his soldiers turn their backs. The orc sits down and motions for you to do that same, pulling out a hip flask and taking a mouthful, offering it to anyone who wants some.

2012-01-31, 01:15 AM
Jamie's eyes widen as he crouches deeper behind the bush. Two words escapes his mouth Oh bugger

2012-01-31, 03:19 AM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Garen takes a seat at the side of Ptolemy, and takes the flask if offered. It seemed that some sort of negotiation would be taking place. He had more confidence in his diminutive master now, after seeing this orc agree to such a meeting.

Centaur Hero
2012-01-31, 09:00 AM
Glishnog nods, and motions for his friend to follow him up the hill, and begins making his way up as silently as possible.

2012-01-31, 09:20 AM
Torviet silently agress and starts moving as discreet as possible with his companion, trying to hear or see any signs of fighting or trouble.

2012-01-31, 09:46 AM
Balt sticks his lance to the ground, slides out of his saddle and commands the wolf to wait, the joins his employer and colleague, taking a sip from the offered flask before passing it on.

2012-01-31, 01:27 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Garen takes a seat at the side of Ptolemy, and takes the flask if offered. It seemed that some sort of negotiation would be taking place. He had more confidence in his diminutive master now, after seeing this orc agree to such a meeting.

Balt sticks his lance to the ground, slides out of his saddle and commands the wolf to wait, the joins his employer and colleague, taking a sip from the offered flask before passing it on.

The orc leader nods approvingly at the goblins drinking from his flask. The drink is pungeant and tastes like armour polish, but it causes a warmness inside, almost too much warmness considering the ambient heat is stiffling.

In orc: "Name the terms of your request. I shall give it fair and equal weight with the offers of the 37th."

Glishnog nods, and motions for his friend to follow him up the hill, and begins making his way up as silently as possible.

Torviet silently agress and starts moving as discreet as possible with his companion, trying to hear or see any signs of fighting or trouble.

You hear and see nothing of note except the sounds of screaming and battle up the hill, and the towering plumes of smoke. As you make it up the hill and into the surrounding woods and thicket, a small group of soldiers are on alert. They heard Torviet coming, and are now looking around for the source of the sound.

Centaur Hero
2012-01-31, 05:08 PM
I step away and hide myself, while trying as silently as possible to pull my bow out and notch an arrow.

2012-01-31, 05:36 PM
Torviet drops to one knee, trying to hide himself in the thicket while slowly drawing his rapier.

2012-01-31, 06:14 PM
In orc: "Name the terms of your request. I shall give it fair and equal weight with the offers of the 37th."

Ptolemy Platinate

The gnomish merchant grins; he had been taken far too many times by shrewd comparison shoppers to make this mistake. The one to name a price before seeing what the competition is selling is not very likely to be the one making the sale in the end. He takes the flask when offered to him, pulling from it and pursing his lips at the intensity of the nectar within; orcs had never been known for their subtlety, so this drink made sense for them.

Orcish Speakers Only:
"I wish not to waste your time Chieftain. May I ask your name? Mine is Ptolemy Platinate, third generation of Platinum Ocean Jewelers." The gnome extends his hand for a curteous shake. He waits for the orc's response and continues.

"I'd like to hear what you and your group hope to reap from your activities in this village. I not only have considerable wealth of my own, but connections to other such individuals. I'd like to hear what the 37th has offered. If I cannot present you a better offer, my men and I request nothing more than the ability to leave unharmed. But if I can present you a better offer--and believe me, sir, that's what I'm best at--then we can work out the terms of precisely how we'll make you even more rich and powerful than the gods already have." The gnome smirks; not so much as to appear smug, but not so little as to appear too dour. He hoped that he hadn't misread this orc and that, like all other mercs, he thought solely with his pocketbook.

[roll1] to get an idea of how this orc seems to interact with his subordinates.

2012-02-01, 12:16 AM
I step away and hide myself, while trying as silently as possible to pull my bow out and notch an arrow.

Torviet drops to one knee, trying to hide himself in the thicket while slowly drawing his rapier.

The soldiers do not notice you, and proceed to head back to the village. You notice what appears to be the emblem of the 37th calvalry on their Carovochian uniforms.

Ptolemy Platinate

The gnomish merchant grins; he had been taken far too many times by shrewd comparison shoppers to make this mistake. The one to name a price before seeing what the competition is selling is not very likely to be the one making the sale in the end. He takes the flask when offered to him, pulling from it and pursing his lips at the intensity of the nectar within; orcs had never been known for their subtlety, so this drink made sense for them.

Orcish Speakers Only:
"I wish not to waste your time Chieftain. May I ask your name? Mine is Ptolemy Platinate, third generation of Platinum Ocean Jewelers." The gnome extends his hand for a curteous shake. He waits for the orc's response and continues.

"I'd like to hear what you and your group hope to reap from your activities in this village. I not only have considerable wealth of my own, but connections to other such individuals. I'd like to hear what the 37th has offered. If I cannot present you a better offer, my men and I request nothing more than the ability to leave unharmed. But if I can present you a better offer--and believe me, sir, that's what I'm best at--then we can work out the terms of precisely how we'll make you even more rich and powerful than the gods already have." The gnome smirks; not so much as to appear smug, but not so little as to appear too dour. He hoped that he hadn't misread this orc and that, like all other mercs, he thought solely with his pocketbook.

[roll1] to get an idea of how this orc seems to interact with his subordinates.

"I am -- intrigued. Very well, the 37th offer gold as per two hundred per head of any who seek to bar our way."

2012-02-01, 05:31 AM
I whisper to my companions, They're rogue. The soldiers, they are not under the Cavorach army.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-01, 06:31 PM
I quietly wisper "We should follow them at a distance, and see what we can learn of the enemy" After the group is out of easy ear shot, then i make my way to their path and follow them.

2012-02-01, 06:47 PM
I trail behind, ready to draw my weapon at the first sign of trouble.

2012-02-01, 10:31 PM
The soldiers lead Torviet and his companion to the village. They see the houses burning and the townsfolk getting rounded up.

The others see more soldiers entering the village

2012-02-02, 09:46 AM
Jamie sneaks off to the stores.

Move silently: [roll0]

2012-02-02, 08:39 PM
Jamie sneaks off to the stores.

Move silently: [roll0]

The orcs begin to brandish their falchions and move towards Jamie's position.

2012-02-03, 10:04 AM
Ptolemy Platinate

The gnome continues grunting and snarling with the chieftain in the language of the orcs. "Hmm, their offer seems a bit unfair to you. For instance, a commoner who stands against you would fetch the same price as a mighty warrior, though the warrior might take more effort. Those who take more of your effort should in turn fetch you more gold, yes?"


As Ptolemy continues his negotiations, the crack of a branch under Jamie's foot alerts the jeweler to the movement of his impromptu commander. Ptolemy curses the man's impetuous actions. At the least, he'd now have to play his ace a little sooner. At the most, the chieftain could think Ptolemy's parley was nothing but a stall tactic and have the whole envoy killed. He tries to keep the attention of the orc by repeating his question: "Wouldn't you agree chieftain...I'm sorry sir, but what is your name?"

2012-02-03, 09:06 PM
Ptolemy Platinate

The gnome continues grunting and snarling with the chieftain in the language of the orcs. "Hmm, their offer seems a bit unfair to you. For instance, a commoner who stands against you would fetch the same price as a mighty warrior, though the warrior might take more effort. Those who take more of your effort should in turn fetch you more gold, yes?"


As Ptolemy continues his negotiations, the crack of a branch under Jamie's foot alerts the jeweler to the movement of his impromptu commander. Ptolemy curses the man's impetuous actions. At the least, he'd now have to play his ace a little sooner. At the most, the chieftain could think Ptolemy's parley was nothing but a stall tactic and have the whole envoy killed. He tries to keep the attention of the orc by repeating his question: "Wouldn't you agree chieftain...I'm sorry sir, but what is your name?"

The cheiftain motions to his men, and two of them break ranks to go investigate the noise.

"I would agree entirely. I am Druug, though you may continue to call me cheiftain, as we are not equals outside the circle. I would hope, rock-eater, that you are not mistaking my willingness to barter for weakness. Do you propose to pay me to slaughter the 37th?"

2012-02-03, 11:38 PM
Jamie gulps down his fear, raises his hand and shouts Hail, members of the Mares of Dusk. I request to speak with the leader of the 37'th

2012-02-04, 06:39 AM
"We must help the townsfolk" whispers Torviet to his companion, trying to devise a plan to even the odds.

(roll spot check for anything unordinary or which might be useful around us)


2012-02-04, 10:18 AM
Jamie gulps down his fear, raises his hand and shouts Hail, members of the Mares of Dusk. I request to speak with the leader of the 37'th

"Gharp'nush blerk." shouts on of the mares.

Another stops him before he attacks you.

"Thurtee-sivinch" he whispers to his companion.

The two look at each other and then nod to you. They beckon you toward the town, to follow them

"We must help the townsfolk" whispers Torviet to his companion, trying to devise a plan to even the odds.

(roll spot check for anything unordinary or which might be useful around us)


You notice off in the distance a sort of disturbance on the horizon, getting closer. It's like the light from the sun when you close your eyes, still there in the darkness, burning.

Also, you see some crates filled with oil that the soldiers seem to have overlooked.

2012-02-04, 10:39 AM
I follow the orcs

2012-02-04, 03:05 PM
"Now thats odd.. what do you think that is?" I say, squinting my eyes to try and understand what I see, before remembering the task at hand;
"Let's make them taste some of their own medicine" I whisper to my companion, taking a few bottles of oil, taking out the rope from my backpack afterwards, then cutting a few strands and oiling them, before sticking them into other bottles.
"if you know what I mean" he adds with a wink.

2012-02-04, 06:38 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Hearing the commotion, and his eyes darting to and fro he picked up some of what was going on. He turned his focus back to Ptolemy, knowing that he was possibly going to have to grab up his spear and defend from an attack. If it came from Druug and his men, or the others there in the town, he couldn't yet tell.

2012-02-04, 09:10 PM
I follow the orcs

They lead you along with the villagers to the centre of town, where the mayor is on his knees with his hands tied behind his back and a blindfold over his eyes. He appears to be calm despite his villagers panicking.

The orcs bring you to a man in dark grey armour, looking poorly polished. He turns to you.

"Alright, who are you and why have the Mares brought you?"

Garen Roble:redcloak:

Hearing the commotion, and his eyes darting to and fro he picked up some of what was going on. He turned his focus back to Ptolemy, knowing that he was possibly going to have to grab up his spear and defend from an attack. If it came from Druug and his men, or the others there in the town, he couldn't yet tell.

The remaining Mares remain in this spots, not moving from where Druug commanded them.

2012-02-04, 09:37 PM
Hello sir, I am here to question you on the sudden disappearance of the unit under your command that can be constituted as desertion.

2012-02-04, 10:45 PM
Hello sir, I am here to question you on the sudden disappearance of the unit under your command that can be constituted as desertion.

"Disappearance? No no no. We simply do not serve Carovoch anymore. A greater power has called us to service."

His eyes are glazed.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-05, 09:35 AM
Glishnog manages a slight smile as he notches an arrow and says in a hushed voice. Go ahead, I'll follow and cover you.

2012-02-05, 05:40 PM
I enter the first alleyway, trying to find something to climb upon to the roof of the first building to get a better look at the whole situation.

2012-02-05, 08:30 PM
I enter the first alleyway, trying to find something to climb upon to the roof of the first building to get a better look at the whole situation.

He sees the mayor on his knees and the townsfolk being gathered together.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-05, 11:14 PM
Glishnog follows Torvieat up to the roof, and hides while taking a bead on the closest enemy to the mayor, ready to fire at the first sign of trouble

2012-02-05, 11:19 PM
Greater cause? What greater cause?

2012-02-05, 11:23 PM
Greater cause? What greater cause?

As Jamie asks, the forest beyond explodes in sound and fury. A massive ghostly horse bearing a monstrously huge armourer warrior bursts from the foliage.

All the people in the square cringe and cower except the man Jamie is talking to. He simply turns slightly and indicates the horseman.

"That is my cause."

2012-02-06, 06:21 AM
Ah, if I may, I will excuse myself to report to my superiors about this unexpected information.

2012-02-06, 07:38 AM
I jump to the next roof, then (if I succeeded) I throw the first bomb onto the nearest fire to the group of soldiers rounding the townsfolk (trying not to hurt any townsfolk in the process)

jump roll

and a ranged touch attack (throwing a splash weapon. correc tme if I'm doing something wrong)


2012-02-06, 09:10 AM
"I would agree entirely. I am Druug, though you may continue to call me cheiftain, as we are not equals outside the circle. I would hope, rock-eater, that you are not mistaking my willingness to barter for weakness. Do you propose to pay me to slaughter the 37th?"

Ptolemy Platinate

Ptolemy can't help but smirk. "I would never dream of presuming to be your equal, Chieftain," the gnome kowtows to the orc. At hearing the orc mention slaughtering the 37th, the gnome studies his body language; while it might trade one war for another, it might serve the same purpose as Ptolemy's initial plan with far less risk. "But as for my proposal..."

[roll0] to gauge the Chieftain's reaction
[roll1] for more info on the 37th
[roll2] for more info on the 37th
[roll3] for more info on the 37th

2012-02-06, 05:46 PM
Ah, if I may, I will excuse myself to report to my superiors about this unexpected information.

He grabs you and tries to hold you

"No, I think you shall me The Light."

I jump to the next roof, then (if I succeeded) I throw the first bomb onto the nearest fire to the group of soldiers rounding the townsfolk (trying not to hurt any townsfolk in the process)

jump roll

and a ranged touch attack (throwing a splash weapon. correc tme if I'm doing something wrong)


It hits and explodes, burning four soldiers causing them to flee, already frightened by the arrival of the horseman.

Ptolemy Platinate

Ptolemy can't help but smirk. "I would never dream of presuming to be your equal, Chieftain," the gnome kowtows to the orc. At hearing the orc mention slaughtering the 37th, the gnome studies his body language; while it might trade one war for another, it might serve the same purpose as Ptolemy's initial plan with far less risk. "But as for my proposal..."

[roll0] to gauge the Chieftain's reaction
[roll1] for more info on the 37th
[roll2] for more info on the 37th
[roll3] for more info on the 37th

"We shall fight for you."

You hear the horseman

Info for you tonight, gotta dash

Centaur Hero
2012-02-06, 11:10 PM
From the roof I fire an arrow at the enemy closest to the mayor.

Attack roll [roll0]

And if I hit [roll1]

2012-02-07, 01:11 AM
From the roof I fire an arrow at the enemy closest to the mayor.

Attack roll [roll0]

And if I hit [roll1]

The soldier drops to one knee, wounded.

2012-02-07, 07:49 AM
Ptolemy Platinate

Ptolemy can barely stifle his surprised reaction, so it is just as well that something genuinely surprising happens at the same time as he hears the monstrous horseman. "Very well, Chieftain. It seems our battle begins now."

The gnome hadn't wanted to turn the Chieftain on his allies, but rather to strike some sort of business agreement that ceased the combat duty of the Mares of Dusk. However, his companions may be in trouble and, as hasty as they were, Ptolemy felt a need to look out for them. "Garen! Balt!" he calls out to his bodyguards, "we ride to battle with the Mares of Dusk!"

Ptolemy grins as the Mares ride in front of him, waiting for his bodyguards to assemble at his side. "Boys," the gnome can't help but boast, "the Mares of Dusk have agreed to fight for us." No price had been mentioned, no haggling had been done, and no contracts had been signed; Ptolemy still did not know how it had happened, but it seemed as though the Chieftain was joining them for free. He was sure it would be a sticking point later, but he could iron out the details after the battle, should any of the Mares remain standing.

2012-02-07, 08:43 AM
Okayy. What is the light?

2012-02-07, 10:01 AM
Ptolemy Platinate

Ptolemy can barely stifle his surprised reaction, so it is just as well that something genuinely surprising happens at the same time as he hears the monstrous horseman. "Very well, Chieftain. It seems our battle begins now."

The gnome hadn't wanted to turn the Chieftain on his allies, but rather to strike some sort of business agreement that ceased the combat duty of the Mares of Dusk. However, his companions may be in trouble and, as hasty as they were, Ptolemy felt a need to look out for them. "Garen! Balt!" he calls out to his bodyguards, "we ride to battle with the Mares of Dusk!"

Ptolemy grins as the Mares ride in front of him, waiting for his bodyguards to assemble at his side. "Boys," the gnome can't help but boast, "the Mares of Dusk have agreed to fight for us." No price had been mentioned, no haggling had been done, and no contracts had been signed; Ptolemy still did not know how it had happened, but it seemed as though the Chieftain was joining them for free. He was sure it would be a sticking point later, but he could iron out the details after the battle, should any of the Mares remain standing.

Druug begins to scream and howl, his body warping and buckling. You now undertstand why he wears no armour. His hands become claws, his legs grow longer, and his face becomes a bestial canine snout. He is a werewolf. As soon as the transformation is complete, he and his men turn towards the square and charge.

Okayy. What is the light?

"The Light of The Underworld" the man says as the horseman looks around to survey the gathered town.

2012-02-07, 10:17 AM
How do I meet a light?

2012-02-07, 10:40 AM
How do I meet a light?

Over the screaming and the horror, the horseman hears you and dismounts his steed, which evaporates into thin air.

He walks aover to you, and as he draws close, sound and light seems to dim, as if his very presense suppresses them. Light, brilliant, violet and almost not there streams from the spaces in his armour, and his eyes burn like the setting sun.

"What need have thee of Arawn Lugus, who is the light of the underworld. Seek thee to bar mine way? Begone from here, trifling mayfly, and suffer my will to be done."

The captain you are talking to falls to his knees and grovels on the ground in front of him.

Go on. You can take him!:smallamused:

2012-02-07, 05:58 PM
Mounting his wolf and grabbing his lance, Balt leans closer to Ptolemy. "Uh, boss, what just happened?" Eyeing their new "allies", he adds, "'Fighting for free' isn't what 'mercenary' means, as far as I know."

2012-02-07, 08:16 PM
Mounting his wolf and grabbing his lance, Balt leans closer to Ptolemy. "Uh, boss, what just happened?" Eyeing their new "allies", he adds, "'Fighting for free' isn't what 'mercenary' means, as far as I know."

A few moments later, as battle is joined, the Mares and the 37th clash, villagers' safety the farthest thing from their minds. The horseman stands aloof from it all, advancing on the mayor, who has been stripped to the waist save a sliver of some greenish stone strung on a cord around his neck.

2012-02-07, 08:54 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing Balt mount up, and hearing that they had found some new allies in this battle, he took up his spear and stood, seeing the battle joined in full. As his eyes darted about he called out to the villagers.

"If you be not a fighting man get to safety! Flee or you'll be trampled!"

After his bellowing he gripped his spear a bit tighter, keeping near Ptolemy he called out.

"Protect the Mayor!!!"

2012-02-07, 09:01 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing Balt mount up, and hearing that they had found some new allies in this battle, he took up his spear and stood, seeing the battle joined in full. As his eyes darted about he called out to the villagers.

"If you be not a fighting man get to safety! Flee or you'll be trampled!"

After his bellowing he gripped his spear a bit tighter, keeping near Ptolemy he called out.

"Protect the Mayor!!!"

Most of the villagers flee, but one rushes forward to try and stop the horseman from reaching the mayor, and the horseman places his palm on the man's face, causing him to go flying back, his flesh peeling from bone.

2012-02-08, 12:48 AM
"I think I'm gonna regret this... but what the hell" Torviet grumbles to himself before throwing one of the oil bottles onto the figure approching the mayor


2012-02-08, 01:17 AM
"I think I'm gonna regret this... but what the hell" Torviet grumbles to himself before throwing one of the oil bottles onto the figure approching the mayor


The fire washes over him and ignites, but he continues to walk, his armour seeming to drink the flames in.

2012-02-08, 01:28 AM
I thank you for your time. Now I must be off Jamie says as he draws his sword and proceeds to run in the general direction of the weapon stores.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-08, 08:04 AM
Glishnog fires another arrow at the man approaching the mayor

[roll0] Attack

[roll1] Damage if hit

2012-02-08, 09:59 AM
I thank you for your time. Now I must be off Jamie says as he draws his sword and proceeds to run in the general direction of the weapon stores.

The captain tries to stop you, but you get away, and Druug pounces on him moments later.

Glishnog fires another arrow at the man approaching the mayor

[roll0] Attack

[roll1] Damage if hit

The arrow glances off his armour.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-08, 10:04 PM
I give a look of disbelief, as I notch another arrow

2012-02-11, 11:06 AM
As the horseman reaches the mayor, a dreadful noise can be heard, at first, there's a flash of light, and then large amounts of metal chip of the horseman's armour, and three soldier and two orcs drop dead suddenly.

When you look again, the horseman has picked up the mayor, and has summoned his shadowy steed once more.

2012-02-11, 06:52 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing such a flash he clutched his spear more tightly. Looking over to Balt and then back to their Gnomish employer he shook his head.

"We must be cautious, lets try and do what good we can, but we must bring news of these events from whence we came. They have to know what forces are gathering against them."

2012-02-11, 08:50 PM
Balt nods to Garen's comment. "You know, boss, this might be a good time for tactical retreat. Say, back to Barretsville to report." Holding his lance at ready against anyone straying too close, the goblin adds, "I still don't like how easily the Mares changed sides. Something is wrong here."

2012-02-11, 09:04 PM
The horseman hefts the mayor unto the steed and mounts it, galloping off, the sound in the surrounding area suddenly becoming louder as you realize everything seemed to fade away when he was there.

The Mares stand only three now, the cheif and two others. The soldiers are dead.

2012-02-14, 11:08 PM
Once the sounds of battle die down, the town is very quiet. A few children can be heard screaming for their parents, and the dying moan softly as their vital escape

2012-02-15, 02:18 AM
Stopping in his tracks, he turns around and looks at the square. He say's What just happened?

Centaur Hero
2012-02-15, 09:07 AM
Glishnog get's down from the roof, and heads onto the field, trying to find anything of value on the fallen enemies.

Search 1d20+5

Centaur Hero
2012-02-15, 09:14 AM
Glishnog get's down from the roof, and heads onto the field, trying to find anything of value on the fallen enemies.

Search [roll0]

[roll1] for search

2012-02-15, 10:27 AM
Once those villagers who can walk are up, and assuming you escort them to Barretsville, the town throws a party in your honour.

Ale is poured, music is played, and a good time is had by all.

Those people who were in the tavern see the half-elf girl from before.

2012-02-15, 10:35 AM
Jaimie approaches her and say's Ah greetings, did your master appreciate the wine?

2012-02-15, 10:40 AM
Jaimie approaches her and say's Ah greetings, did your master appreciate the wine?

"Thank you, yes he did. He wishes to speak with you at your convienience."

2012-02-15, 10:46 AM
Torviet takes a tankard of ale and dances around, showing his nimble footwork.

2012-02-15, 03:23 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Helping the villagers along towards Barretsville, Garen keeps his eyes open for any odd movements or other signs of the enemy leaving stragglers behind. Once back inside the confines of the city Garen is able to finally relax a bit. Getting himself cleaned up a bit and joining the party. Free ale was never something to pass up.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-16, 07:49 AM
Glishnog helps himself to a couple tankards of ale, and watches his new friend Torviet dance around, chuckling.

2012-02-16, 09:53 AM
Ptolemy Platinate

The gnome eyes his new tourmaline listlessly and tucks it into his satchel. "I hate to ruin the party," he says, "but are we going to ignore what just happened? An odd rider who is immune to the pain of fire strides through town, fights off a werewolf, kidnaps the mayor, and disappears? We shouldn't be celebrating over draughts; we should be seeking aid!"

2012-02-16, 09:55 AM
"Thank you, yes he did. He wishes to speak with you at your convienience."

Well I'm free, it's convenient so, no time like now eh? Lead the way. Jamie says with a jovial grin on his face.

2012-02-16, 09:59 AM
Well I'm free, it's convenient so, no time like now eh? Lead the way. Jamie says with a jovial grin on his face.

She takes you to meet him. He is sitting by himself, sipping a glass of wine. His hair is tied back and his robes are nice, but worn and frayed. A large scar runs along the side of his face, over one of his eyes.

2012-02-16, 10:11 AM
Jamie approaches him and says Ah you must be her master? and extends his hand to him in greeting.

2012-02-16, 02:24 PM
Jamie approaches him and says Ah you must be her master? and extends his hand to him in greeting.

The Qu'mari rises and bows to you, but only slightly. He does not take your hand.

"Thank you for your kindness to my servant. I am Umaki, may I have the honour of knowing your name? I am told you are a mighty warrior who has saved many this day."

2012-02-16, 04:42 PM
The goblin nods to his employer's words dourly. "Not to mention how we apparently convinced an unit of mercenaries to betray their former allies and fight for us for no reward whatsoever."

2012-02-16, 06:28 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Hearing the conversation from his employer and compatriot, he sat down next to Balt and set his tankard down for a moment.

"To be honest I'm happy to be alive. As for the mercenaries..they did join a little too easily. However, how many are even left to be paid? Two? They're probably just as happy that they didn't fall to that insane warrior that made off with the mayor."

Garen picked up his tankard and drained it, grabbing up a cloth and dabbing at his mouth. He was inebriated enough to truly speak his mind at the moment.

2012-02-16, 11:28 PM
The remaining Mares stride through the party and drag the mayor aside, speaking roughly with him.

2012-02-16, 11:44 PM
I am no mighty warrior, my negotiations fell apart and my companion the jewel-maker convinced the mercenaries to turn on the 36'th.

2012-02-17, 02:02 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Turning his head as he sees the remaining Mares giving the mayor a rough time he shook his head.

"Hmm. It seems we're about to have more dealings with those mercenaries. They're giving the Mayor the business as we speak."

He motioned towards the Mayor as he looked down into his empty mug and then set it down, rather disappointed in it.

2012-02-17, 10:24 PM
I am no mighty warrior, my negotiations fell apart and my companion the jewel-maker convinced the mercenaries to turn on the 36'th.

"Well, I must say, with your bravery and this jewel maker's tongue, I may have a quest most profitable for all."

2012-02-18, 01:44 AM
"I'd be more worried if they weren't looking for getting paid. And paid extra, too, for turning mid-battle and taking heavy losses." Balt uses both hands to lift the sized-for-humans tankard and take a sip.

2012-02-18, 02:01 AM
Why pick us? Why not one of the hundreds of soldiers of fortune who would be willing to work for you, with no prior obligations?

2012-02-18, 04:18 PM
Why pick us? Why not one of the hundreds of soldiers of fortune who would be willing to work for you, with no prior obligations?

"Who is willing? I need not Solarian loyalists or Carovochian sympathizers, I need those who are willing to avoid this conflict and help myself and the O-kami-sama"

2012-02-20, 04:10 AM
I have a life here, I have a job, a room and friends. Anyway, who the hell is O-kami-sama?

2012-02-20, 07:54 AM

"I'd be more worried if they weren't looking for getting paid. And paid extra, too, for turning mid-battle and taking heavy losses."

The gnome clicks his tongue at his bodyguard's words. "If that's the case, they need a lesson in proper negotiation tactics. Perhaps I'll see what they have to say to the mayor." Ptolemy rises from his seat and approaches, looking to see if the lycanthropic chieftain is anywhere in sight.

2012-02-20, 09:40 AM
I have a life here, I have a job, a room and friends. Anyway, who the hell is O-kami-sama?

"O-kami-sama, the divine ruler. I am sorry, I forgot your monarch was simply flesh and blood. What would you need to consider this proposal?"


The gnome clicks his tongue at his bodyguard's words. "If that's the case, they need a lesson in proper negotiation tactics. Perhaps I'll see what they have to say to the mayor." Ptolemy rises from his seat and approaches, looking to see if the lycanthropic chieftain is anywhere in sight.

The werewolf is arguing the terms you set forth with the mayor, demanding payment equal to the number of heads he captured.

2012-02-21, 01:38 AM
Knowing what in the nine hells do you want us to do for one.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-23, 10:16 AM
Glishnog looks around the place, checking to see if anything interesting is going on, while still keeping an eye on torviet.

2012-02-23, 10:19 AM
Knowing what in the nine hells do you want us to do for one.

"I'll need you and your companions to go in Ki'uma and retrieve some magical texts which were left there when we fled."

2012-02-23, 11:31 AM
Let's see, this town is under threat of invasion, and you want us to go god knows how many miles away to retrieve some magical texts?

2012-02-23, 11:45 AM
Let's see, this town is under threat of invasion, and you want us to go god knows how many miles away to retrieve some magical texts?

"I hardly care about you fighting among yourselves, it's just reward for what you did to Ki'uma."

2012-02-24, 08:00 PM
Glishnog looks around the place, checking to see if anything interesting is going on, while still keeping an eye on torviet.

Torviet walks to his friend, extending an arm for a firm shake "The Name's Torviet, some call me the graceful. It was an honor to help these people with you. what is your name, friend?"

2012-02-24, 08:42 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing Ptolemy rise and once again approach a tenuous situation he shrugged and stood as well.

"This might be worth listening to. I suppose we could take up the little masters cause even during a party hmm?"

He Got up and wandered over, standing a bit behind Ptolemy and watching the proceedings. So much more interesting than he was accustomed to.

2012-02-25, 11:39 PM
The Mares are led off by the mayor to his offices.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-26, 12:44 AM
Torviet walks to his friend, extending an arm for a firm shake "The Name's Torviet, some call me the graceful. It was an honor to help these people with you. what is your name, friend?"

The name's Glishnog Dw.... Glishnog, and yes, we made quite a team. Perhaps we should partner up in future endevours as well?

2012-02-26, 05:54 AM
"If we find any. altough I did not expect to have so much excitment in this town. owlbears, werewolves and black knights? oh my.

2012-02-26, 06:11 AM
Placing his hand on the table, Jamie say's Us fighting among ourselves? That attack had almost nothing to do with the Cavorach army. Those soldiers were deserters. They were being controlled by someone calling himself The Light Of the Underworld. And he escaped and is probably real pissed at us.

2012-02-27, 04:48 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Seeing the mayor and the mares(...hah.) take their leave he stopped in his tracks and let out a slight sigh. So much for watching an interesting and animated conversation. Perking his ear he caught the conversation between Jamie and the Qu'Mari. Turning back to Ptolemy and Balt he blinked a bit.

"I may just be deep in my cups, but I believe I heard reference to a Jewel Maker, which I can only assume means Ptolemy here, and also...a profitable quest. I for one...wish to learn more on these subjects."

2012-02-27, 06:52 PM
Placing his hand on the table, Jamie say's Us fighting among ourselves? That attack had almost nothing to do with the Cavorach army. Those soldiers were deserters. They were being controlled by someone calling himself The Light Of the Underworld. And he escaped and is probably real pissed at us.

"Well if they were deserters, I fail to see your problem in assisting me."

He taps his foot.

2012-02-28, 12:29 AM
Don't you get it That guy was pissed and he can control people. Who's to say he won't be running back here with a new armyto kill us?

Centaur Hero
2012-02-28, 10:40 PM
What say you to a beer, and maybe a plan?
Glishnog says to Torviet

2012-02-28, 10:46 PM
Don't you get it That guy was pissed and he can control people. Who's to say he won't be running back here with a new armyto kill us?

"Who's to say he would run back here? Did he seem at all interested in you?"

2012-02-29, 02:04 AM
Who's to say he won't? He did not seem interested in me but he did seem interested in attacking towns and oh, where are we? That's right, a town!

2012-02-29, 11:46 AM
Who's to say he won't? He did not seem interested in me but he did seem interested in attacking towns and oh, where are we? That's right, a town!

"Fair and valid point honourable sir. As my quest has not any time limit, I propose you follow up on this, and I shall meet you in Isadore (the capital of Solaris) in two months time to discuss this matter from a closer staging point."

2012-02-29, 02:32 PM
What say you to a beer, and maybe a plan?
Glishnog says to Torviet

"You had me at the beer, friend" Toviert smiles and asks the bartender for two more pints.

Centaur Hero
2012-02-29, 09:31 PM
Glishnog gladly accepts the ale, then offers a cheers to his new comrade. Then he begins to scan the room, looking for anything of interest

2012-03-01, 03:11 PM
The night's festivities continue without much event. Ale is had, food is consumed, bets are won and lost, and companionship, to those who wish it, is found. The morning pierces sleep harshly, the sun's rays falling painfully on sleep-drugged eyes through late summer's morning.

You awake, draped over tavern tables, lazing across some bed, or passed out in the street, to find the cold reality of the morning staring back at you. The hills to the north, once green and beautiful, are marked with dark black ruin, their beauty burned away by last night's marauders. The coffers of the town are emptied, tribute to powerful mercenaries as payment for both loss of comrades and skillful slaying of foes. The Mares are nowhere to be found.

What do you do?

Centaur Hero
2012-03-02, 01:31 PM
Glishnog pulls himself from the ground in the tavern in which he fell asleep, looks around at the devastation surrounding him, takes a sip of the first bottle of liquer he see's and looks about for a scrap of paper, then he begins writing a note saying "two swords for hire, inquire within, ask for Glishnog" Then sets about helping the poor barkeep sort out the mess of a common room. Then noticing Torviet still sleeping, he tosses a bucket of water on him and yells Rise and Shine friend!

2012-03-03, 09:01 AM
Torviet grumbles and opens one eye, looking at the bar, and then at Gishnog before saying "Listen mate, I've been to the sea many many times, and slept through storm and hale. a wee bit of water won't wake me up" he says before taking one of the glasses infront of him and chugging it down "Beer, on the other hand, will. that little trick of yours took me back to when I just started - when our first mate used to do the same."
he raises his head, yawns and looks around "This place's a mess. looks like we need to help clean up, eh?"

2012-03-06, 05:14 AM
Jamie walks into the church/temple, upon finding the priest he say's Ah, father, I've been looking for you. Have you ever heard about a figure called the light of the underworld?

2012-03-06, 10:25 PM
The town is slowly recovering from the night's partying.

So what's the consensus on where you're going?

To Jamie:

"Hmmm. Yes, in stories and such. A warrior, long dead by now. He wore great plate mail forged by the shadow creatures."

2012-03-07, 01:36 AM
Anything else? Weaknesses would be helpful.

2012-03-07, 05:48 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Sitting up with a yawn he instantly stood, his arms stretching up over his head, and then his balance reminded him not to do such things after a night of heavy drinking. He slumped back into a conveniently placed chair and began to look around as he rubbed his eyes. He did wonder if Balt and Ptolemy had gone back to their rooms instead of passing out at the party like most of the others.

Once he had his faculties he got up slowly and went to get himself a drink of water, taking stock of who was still around.

2012-03-07, 10:55 PM
Anything else? Weaknesses would be helpful.

"They say his armour was forged in shadowflame, and could drink the heat from any fire. Why the sudden interest in Arawn Lugus?"

2012-03-08, 02:26 AM
I think we just met him yesterday. Anything about mind control?

2012-03-11, 05:46 AM
Emerging from his room, Balt drags himself downstairs of the inn, wincing when the shafts of light through the window hit his eyes. Once downstairs, he plops into the nearest table and waves his hand towards anything vaguely bar-maid shaped. "Porridge, please, and a big mug of your strongest, most bitter chocolate."

2012-03-11, 03:02 PM
Garen Roble

Having found his way to the bar proper he took up a mug and dipped it into the pail of cool water provided. He took a deep drink of it as Balt made his way into the common room. Garen took a look at the pair of Glishnog and Torviet, remembering them vaguely from the trouble the other day.

He walked over to Balts table and picked up a chair, turning it back upright and taking a seat. He set down his mug of water and shook his head when the barmaid asked if he wanted anything.

"Morning...such as it is. I may just have drank too much last night, but I think there was some strong talk of adventure and that guy with the crazy armor. I'm not sure what to think about all of that."

2012-03-13, 11:35 PM
I think we just met him yesterday. Anything about mind control?

"Nothing I know of as of yet. Is there anything specific I can do to help?"

Centaur Hero
2012-03-15, 08:54 AM
Glishnog nods towards the hobgoblin and asks Torviet, Is that the same guy who helped in the battle yesterday?

2012-03-15, 09:58 AM
"I think so. ya think he wants to share a drink with us?"

2012-03-15, 01:01 PM
Jamie smiles and say's Thank you father, Bowing he walks back to the inn to begin an early shift he had to do since he lost a bet.

Walking into the inn, he was pleasantly surprised at the good condition. Walking to the back, he taps Jim on the back and say's Do you have anything on the pot? .

2012-03-18, 09:51 PM
"Mornin'." Balt mutters, then blinks and looks around. "Any sight of our employer?"

Centaur Hero
2012-03-20, 09:46 PM
Let us see.Glishnog repiles. He then walks over the hobgoblin, and offers him a skin of wine. Hello Sir, I noticed you at the battle last night, I must say I was not expecting an attack like that! Glad to see you made it through unscathed.

2012-03-21, 06:29 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Shrugging his shoulders he looked about, noticing the others approaching their table.

"I haven't seen Ptolemy since the party last night...I hope the little master got himself to bed alright. Looks like we've company."

He turned and regarded Glishnog, thinking for a moment and then his mouth turned to a wide grin. He took the skin of wine and quaffed a large mouthful from it.

"I don't think any of us expected such a melee as that. Or that one like that rider would be anywhere near these parts. Sit with us a moment. You haven't seen a Gnome about by chance?"

Centaur Hero
2012-03-22, 07:36 AM
Glishnog gives a look of confusion. Not since last night.

2012-03-22, 03:41 PM
Balt sulks. "Right, fine, we see him through a border skirmish only to lose him to the resulting celebrations." Looking up to the orc barging in, he adds, "Well, what do you want?"

2012-03-24, 05:50 PM
"No need to be rude, friend" Torviet says, walking towards the table smiling "We want nothing but to drink with you fine fellows."

2012-03-26, 11:45 AM
A hobgoblin man stumbles into the inn common room, bleeding from his side.

Centaur Hero
2012-03-26, 10:59 PM
Glishnog draws his daggers and goes to the door yelling to the man What's going on, are we under fresh attack!?

2012-03-27, 08:22 AM
Glishnog draws his daggers and goes to the door yelling to the man What's going on, are we under fresh attack!?

"Perhaps, I was attacked during the night. I am her holinesses guardian. She has been stolen away."

Centaur Hero
2012-03-28, 07:49 AM
Which way did they take her?, how many were there?

2012-03-28, 11:07 AM
"Towards Carovoch, and there were many, though I do not know how many, as I was knocked unconscious."

2012-03-30, 03:32 AM
Popping his head out of the kitchen, Jamie say's What the hell is going on out there?

2012-03-30, 03:41 PM
Garen Roble:redcloak:

Standing up from his seat he shook his head a bit as he looked to Balt.

"I'm beginning to think this town is a little too lively for me."

He went to the bar and picked up any sort of at least marginally clean cloth he could find, and soaked it in water. Heading over to the bleeding man he began to check his wounds.

Heal Check(Untrained)

Turning his head he called to Jamie,

"Somethings happened to some important woman, bring cloth or bandages or something, this guys bleeding everywhere."

Centaur Hero
2012-03-31, 08:52 AM
Glishnog nods his head, are you two coming with me?

2012-03-31, 10:15 AM
The goblin stirs.

"I can fight, get me on a horse and I'll . . . I'll . . . I'll be able to storm the border with you, get her back."

Centaur Hero
2012-03-31, 10:59 PM
The goblin stirs.

"I can fight, get me on a horse and I'll . . . I'll . . . I'll be able to storm the border with you, get her back."

You should stay and rest, we'll head out, and you can catch up to us when you are fully rested. The rest of you, grab your gear, and lets go!