View Full Version : Marsha-Marsha-Marshall

2011-12-27, 10:17 AM
So, my DM, had this wacky idea, about a big campaign based off of a story he's writing (which isn't bad) but because of this the characters have to be strict to the story, so he made them. I am now the proud owner of a Human Two-Weapon Fighting Marshall, Level 11... No nothing has been done to fix it or anything, any advice for what to do? I had sent him fix ideas I found around the boards and online, but he just pointed to the miniatures handbook and said "That's the Marshall" The last thing that bothers me with this character is that he has a 15 in Charisma, I mean thematically it's cool, It's a Human General who was sort of transfer student-ed to the dwarves at a young age, and so he got all the human stuff, and all the dwarf stuff, and he dual-wields a Dwarven Axe and a Hammer, which sounds cool. But, the character just doesn't go or do anything. He hasn't died, but he hasn't killed anything either in the end he's pretty much useless. (And is contention with a Duskblade, a Warblade, and I think a Melee Cleric) Anything you can think of to make a Marshall able to be up there with those? Or should I just sit back and spectate at the sessions? (No character change is not an option, if it was I'd take one of the other characters in the story)

2011-12-27, 12:08 PM
Tell your DM that your character's ineffectiveness in combat compared to the other characters is making you bored and you're thinking of dropping out. That should get him to at least talk to you about rebuilding possiblities. If you're a confident character designer, present him with a build that fulfils the same fluff background and elements (For instance, I'd keep the dual-wielding and at least a level or two or Marshall), and ask if you can use that instead.

2011-12-27, 12:36 PM
IdleMuse has it right

and if i were you, i would talk to your DM about being a skill monkey. a TWF'er mixed with a Duskblade and Warblade (who are going to be better than you at fighting) and a melee cleric at level 11 will also have a lot of good spells, you are going to have a tough time in combat in the melee niche

2011-12-27, 12:38 PM
Suicide is always the answer to a boring char.

Well, if not THE answer, then at least a possible answer if he doesn't do anything else.

2011-12-27, 12:51 PM
Yeah, you're kinda SOL. Work with your GM, if he is unreasonable, walk away.

I actually like the Marshall, I had a cool Half-Elf [impossible I know] Marshal/Outcast Champion/Holy Liberator . . . but with effectively zero splat book support your really in a bind.

Maybe you could persuade him to let you have two levels in fighter and take the feats for anvil of thunder, it's not much but . . .

2011-12-27, 01:16 PM
had sent him fix ideas I found around the boards and online, but he just pointed to the miniatures handbook and said "That's the Marshall"
Sadface Well... are the rest of your feats taken as well?
If so the only option remaining is "itemization" which may or may not work depending if there's a magic shop, in this dm's story.

...in other news... I hear Skyrim and Modern Warfare3/Battlefield aren't bad games.

2011-12-27, 01:17 PM
Step 1:Ask Beg to play a Warblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2) instead.
Step 2:Focus on White Raven (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20061225a) maneuvers.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Attain competence.

2011-12-27, 01:42 PM
No, unfortunately I have to find a way to be useful from level 11 on, Hadiyah (Name of character) is designed to be the face of the party, but has no chances to be the face, Basically it comes down to three guys who love combat and one who enjoys the roleplay aspect (Me). I've gotten used to it, and so when I make characters, I usually go skillmonkey/second combatant. Even when the rogue is there. So, basically in nine levels is there a way to make this Marshall relevant? Magic Items seems like the best way, seeing as the character is the second son of the ruling family (with a good sized and) and has full access to the treasury, as well as having investments in mining and smithing sectors. So any ideas?

2011-12-27, 02:11 PM
You definately got shafted there. Marshall relies heavily on multiclassing and other splatbooks to be effective, and it pales in comparison to White Raven manuvers, as mentioned.

So How about leadership, mounted combat, and a really exotic mount?

2011-12-27, 02:13 PM
Leadership at ECL 12. It's thematically appropriate, you don't have to **** up the plot by killing off your character, and if you can play the cohort, you get a more interesting character in the process.

2011-12-27, 02:20 PM
You can try to get specific enhancements on your weapons to support the other guys instead of dealing direct damage. Stuff like Dispelling, Stunning Surge, Illusion Theft, Knockback, etc.

2011-12-27, 08:43 PM
Try really hard to explain that your not having fun, show him the tier listings, and try to convince him to allow you to upgrade the class. 1 more major and minor aura active goes a good way, as would increasing them at every 5 levels.

Failing that make out with a succubus and start multiclassing.

Failing those put another point into charisma at 12, ranks in handle animal and start raising rocs.

Failing even those stand in the back and up the parties initiative, ranks intimidate, imperious command(DU), knowledge devotion- TWF with+8/5 to hit and damage isn't terrible. Cross class iajutsu focus if you can.

Also nets, marbles, tanglefoot bags, eggshell grenades, and other money opt.

2011-12-28, 01:40 AM
Explain to your DM that Marshal only has 1 'l' unless it is a name.

Marshall the Marshal -- made of suck.

Now, follow the other advice, get a new character, name it Marshall.

2011-12-28, 01:45 AM
Explain to your DM that Marshal only has 1 'l' unless it is a name.

Marshall the Marshal -- made of suck.

Now, follow the other advice, get a new character, name it Marshall.

I come across Marshall (the name too often, neighbors, HIMYM) it's ingrained into me as the right spelling.

2011-12-28, 02:02 AM
You want to salvage this? Bard.

First off, it synergizes with the decent Charisma score. Second, Inspire Courage is fun. Third, DFI is a LOT of fun, and works well with beating on people AND TWFing. There's plenty of things you can do to boost your IC score. Vest of Legend, Badge of Valor (might as well get the whole set, actually, since you are also a Marshal). Pick up Song of the Heart when you can.

Now you'll be doing relevant damage, providing relevant bonuses to allies, and won't have quite so much suck.

2011-12-28, 02:04 AM
Honestly, if I ever had a DM tell me "this is your character, deal with it", I wouldn't even play, especially if he wasn't willing to work with me. D&D isn't "DM story time", and I say this as a DM who tries to craft a coherent plot for the players. Using his story for a setting is fine, using it to define plot points is bad.

Lets say in his story at some point the main characters decide to capture an enemy general as a hostage.

What if the players decide to kill the important general dude instead of just kidnapping him? Or what if they decide his motives are reasonable and join him instead? Or if they decide the war is too much trouble and decide to try and escape the country? All pretty valid moves.

If the DM won't even let you alter your build, what makes you think he'd let you decide how "your" character reacts to a situation?

Fax Celestis
2011-12-28, 02:41 AM
Convince him to use my warlord (http://forum.faxcelestis.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=116) instead? It's usable with minimal conversion: just give it fighter proficiencies and marshal skills, use 1/2 level for hero value, and give a Leader's Obligaton ability every other level.

2011-12-28, 03:07 AM
Honestly, if I ever had a DM tell me "this is your character, deal with it", I wouldn't even play, especially if he wasn't willing to work with me. D&D isn't "DM story time", and I say this as a DM who tries to craft a coherent plot for the players. Using his story for a setting is fine, using it to define plot points is bad.

Lets say in his story at some point the main characters decide to capture an enemy general as a hostage.

What if the players decide to kill the important general dude instead of just kidnapping him? Or what if they decide his motives are reasonable and join him instead? Or if they decide the war is too much trouble and decide to try and escape the country? All pretty valid moves.

If the DM won't even let you alter your build, what makes you think he'd let you decide how "your" character reacts to a situation?

Because it's one of those "Choose your own adventure" type books.. and he can pretty much guess what we're gonna do. Our group is Chaotic, with some tending towards Good (Me) and others towards Evil (Like, everyone else, yes, really)

Convince him to use my warlord (http://forum.faxcelestis.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=116) instead? It's usable with minimal conversion: just give it fighter proficiencies and marshal skills, use 1/2 level for hero value, and give a Leader's Obligaton ability every other level.

Ooh, Shameless Plugs, I love those (I'm not being sarcastic, I love looking at other people's work, it gives a neat insight into how they think and sometimes even how they act, plus it's most likely something I would have never thought of, which makes it all the better)

2011-12-28, 08:47 AM
Get items to boost Charisma. Use aura to boost a skill check in something useful like tripping. Marshal is best at boosting a check on a stat.

2011-12-28, 10:20 AM
Because it's one of those "Choose your own adventure" type books.. and he can pretty much guess what we're gonna do. Our group is Chaotic, with some tending towards Good (Me) and others towards Evil (Like, everyone else, yes, really)

This sounds really railroady. Why isn't there room in his story for the character you would like to play? If he knows what you (the players) are going to choose, it sounds like he doesn't expect you to actually roleplay the character you are given, and rather he is basing this off of the players play style.

I would be insulted if a DM handed me a character, basically saying that for plot reasons, he has to be X race and class, but you just wanna kill the stuff I put in front of you, so that isn't important.

That is wrong on so many levels.

2011-12-28, 10:47 AM
This sounds really railroady. Why isn't there room in his story for the character you would like to play? If he knows what you (the players) are going to choose, it sounds like he doesn't expect you to actually roleplay the character you are given, and rather he is basing this off of the players play style.

I would be insulted if a DM handed me a character, basically saying that for plot reasons, he has to be X race and class, but you just wanna kill the stuff I put in front of you, so that isn't important.

That is wrong on so many levels.

If he wants to write a story, he should just write a story already. There is no need to "play" the story, and if he wishes for others to hear his tale, he should advertise it as "read/listen to me read my book" not "play a roleplaying game".

Also, no, the Marshall will probably not become relevant over the remaining nine levels. You can grab warblade now, and become at least...less bad if he allows you to multiclass out. Without multiclassing, it's just endless suckage.

2011-12-28, 11:16 AM
My suggestion? Explain to him your not having fun, tell him you might leave if things don't get better.
Then suggest that he lets you rebuild the character, its still the same character but he uses different classes.