View Full Version : Starfall III [IC]

2011-12-28, 02:56 AM
The skyline of the city ahead of you is a strange mixture of graceful elven towers and humble slate roofs. In the center of all is a high steeple, strangely plain and bland in design. As you draw closer, a medley of unfamiliar smells fills your nostrils: unknown meats simmering, cheap perfume, roses and violets, the swampy reek of black mud and something else underlying it all, the sugary, spoiled smell of human decadence.

Welcome to Crescent City!

Urdarumaedin offers the following ...

"Crescent City, as you've seen since we entered the harbor, is situated slightly upriver, as the mouth of the Sappent is too marshy to build upon. It has a hot, drowsy, muggy feel to it. It was originally settled by the elves, who began the tradition of enslaving their swamp elf relatives. The original elven part of the city is still largely intact and is referred to as the old elven quarter. The humans have built their less beautiful constructions around it.

"Crescent City is a place of vice and corruption. Its morals are those of the waterfront whorehouse. If you can afford it, you can have it. The city guards are nothing more than a brute squad, murders go unreported every day and the crime gang members are the ones who command real respect on the streets. Only the rival factions' constant fighting between themselves keeps the governor's authority steady.

"The city's rogues were once united, ten years ago, under the legendary King and Queen of Thieves, Thom and Lolly Lankin. Crime was actually less of a problem in those days, as the Lankins kept their crews in order and maintained a strange form of peace with the governing authority. This Golden Age could not last. A new Primarch of the Marian Church decided to smash this house of rogues and sent an expeditionary force from Beacon City, the capital of Caldraza. Many rogues now believe that treachery from within the ranks betrayed the secrets of the Lankins' guild house; in any event, the King and Queen of Thieves were publicly executed and the criminal underworld went from being organized to being a chaotic struggle for territory. The crime rate soared.

"According to long-established rumor, Thom and Lolly hid the wealth of the Guild away somewhere in the guild house, in the old Testing Maze below the cellars. Most of the more experienced rogues in the city have been down there at some point in their lives, looking for the Lankins' lost gold. It has becomes something of a running joke. The old guild house is now a hospice, in which the monks of St. Cecilia (an order of Marians) heal the sick. But, these are just rumors, and the top rogues have found jack ....

"As the port is, ironically enough, a holy city (being the place where Blessed Marius first began to preach), it is primarily the responsibility of the Church and not the State. The Church does not, however, concern itself with secular affairs, so it appoints a politician to act with its blessing. Currently, the church-appointed governor is Lord Malthus.

"Crescent City is something of an embarrasment to Caldraza, as it is flagrantly immoral and decadent. However, it is also massively profitable. Travellers from all continents come there to sample its seedy pleasures and those travellers spend money, drinking at the bars, buying souvenirs and filling the whores' purses. Even though the amount that makes its way into the tax collectors' coffers is a fraction of what ought to be coming in (given the amount of tax-fiddling that takes place) it is still more than any other city brings in, with the exception of Beacon City itself.

"Crescent City has a higher population of rogues per capita than any other settlement in all of Ashfar. This is why it is sometimes called the Thieves' Kitchen. As a result, be careful, any brush you may have with crime here will be far more experienced than anything you might have found in Chillhame. They have had many years to practice their skills in an environment ideally suited to doing so."

Rillian shrugs and says, "Our kinda' place. Y'know, I think Fallon could fit in here quite nicely."

Urdarumaedin gives him a little bit of a glare, then softens into a chuckle. "A skill set is not a mindset."

He looks back to the group. "For those that like hard facts, this is what I know. It's a big city, some 20,000+ souls, made up of about 4/5 human, then elf, then halfling, then half-elf, and a smattering of other races. Technically, Archbishop Vigilance Derrick and the Church of Marius runs the town, but as I've said, Lord Malthus is the secular City Governor. I don't know who they are, but the Four Crime Lords are also supposed to be in charge of the city from the criminal end. The top executive authority is a man by the name of Commander Alfonso."

He looks at the captain (who has been sitting in on this meeting in his stateroom), then looks at the group. "Now, Captain Tobias Brennan and his crew and the services of the ship have been paid up full for three months total, so salary is not an issue right now. We don't have to worry about taverns or inns ... unless, of course, and you just might want to, take a more low-profile approach in case there are any spies of the Host here. Rillian and I will base ourselves here, though we will make errands around and about, including making sure we have enough money for what wasn't included in the salary: materials and expertise for repairs, consumables, and replenishing the crew's ranks after the battle with the drow. We sailed with 20, which dropped to just over 10, but the Elensil is an elven warship of the Corsair class, a gift to Lady Arigane from the elven wizards of Xoth Sarandi, and is a valuable asset to our cause."

He then moves in a little closer. "So, Rillian and I know what we'll be doing. What about the rest of you? I gave you the scholar's and lorist's view of the city, but not what's currently happening ... you'd have to figure that out. I recommend you do this before you set to any other task. Fallon and Brand are going to be your absolute best in sniffing out information, but it's always a bad idea to take an entire 'fire team' when listening to rumors.

"How you run yourselves is up to you, though I honestly recommend Drak take charge overall with Annie as his primary advisor. Fallon has the pure skills, but she is a little too aloof as a half-fey now.

"So, what will you do?"
Here is the Starfall III [OOC] thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12439578#post12439578).

2011-12-28, 08:45 AM
"How you run yourselves is up to you, though I honestly recommend Drak take charge overall with Annie as his primary advisor. Fallon has the pure skills, but she is a little too aloof as a half-fey now.

"So, what will you do?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]

"Ach, I dare not take any such position in a group of which I am by far the most junior member. I meself know arguably the least aboot tha Host, She, and all the other evils we be up against. I expect Annie'd be perfectly capable as a leader in the land of loremasters, but Brand is the best choice in my opinion, to lead us safely through a city so thick with thieves. Perhaps Miss Fallon'd be willin' tae take our rear guard n'watch our backs, yah? I'll stick right around Shuul and guard 'im wit me life."

2011-12-28, 05:16 PM
"Remember," says Urdarumaedin, nodding at Drak, "one thing you need to do is get to a priest or someone who can sell you something with which to remove Jer'el's blindness."

2011-12-28, 11:44 PM
"A priest would be quite lovely. Until such time, however, I suppose I shall remain on the ship until I can see again."

2011-12-29, 12:04 AM
"Hah!" Rillian laughs. "Brother, there's zero chance of bringing a priest outside of his hallowed halls. Unless the gang here buys magic, which is more expensive, you'll probably be better off being led around. Though, I have'ta' say that it's better if you all find a place to go first, that might be willing to do the job in the first place"

2011-12-30, 09:36 PM
Even the officials around here know something. They're probably in league with some of the gangs, etc. Perhaps I can work the more "above board" side of the equation while perusing through their libraries for some information about Starkweather John and the previous war with the Host.

2011-12-30, 11:54 PM
Rillian shrugs at Annie, "To what end, Bombin' Hombelite? Look in circles in ruins? Great, then between star charts and books, I'd never get Urd outta' this dump."

Urdarumaedin nods and says, "Well, I'd love to go library lounging with you, Mr. Shuul, but I need to see to the ship, first. Though, I don't know if there are any libraries of any repute - or public access at that - here in Crescent City."

2011-12-31, 01:44 PM
Annie smacks himself in the head.

Too much information and not enough organization! Lady Ariagne told me we should look for the Ragged Man in the Temple of Kharad.

2011-12-31, 07:29 PM
"A temple?" says Urdarumaedin, "Well I mentioned him in passing before. Kharad is an ancient god, one believed dead ... or at least sleeping. God of vegetation and rot, once outlawed by the elves. I doubt you're actually going to find an active Temple. But by all accounts, Lady Arigane was well-informed. Something like that wouldn't be open in city, and likely would be out somewhere in the swamps. I doubt you'd find that information just casually asking the random Crescentian, though you might be lucky if you find a swamp elf that knows They're in town here, treated as second-class citizens."

2012-01-01, 07:53 PM
Ok, we'll have to start talking to some Swamp Elves.

2012-01-01, 09:16 PM
Some questions and clarifications from the DM...

Priority 1: Find a holy man or object that can restore Jer'el's sight to him! :mitd:

Mission Item 1: Gather Information
* Crescent City, because of size and resources available, is likely to be your new main staging area. Briefly, or long-term, it's a good idea to have a better feel of this place other than the useful-but-academic information provided to you by Urdarumaedin.
* Temple of Kharad ... possibly in the swamps. Talk with swamp elves to see if they know anything.

Logistics: Is the party going to stay on the Elensil for free (but under typical ship conditions)? or, is the party going to cough up coin of its own to stay in town?

Leadership IssueDrak, from an in-game perspective, has a great idea for who should lead. But in both cases, the pilots for each are not on giantitp as often. jmbrown, in particular, is very rare around these parts. Pilots for Drak and Annie, however, are here regularly and therefore it makes sense from a game-progression standpoint to have them the motivators. Other than Messrs. Smith & Thompson - who do wish to remain those names here and to be referred to as such (and only referred to in emergencies) - the actual party has no DM-NPCs that can help 'push' things along. Also, given various posting commitments, the democratic 'everyone chime in and chaw for awhile about the possibilities before any action is taken' method will spell a slow, agonizing death for this game.

2012-01-02, 04:10 PM
"We should split up. Cover more ground. Yeah, yeah 'don't split the group' but we're lookin' for help, not trouble. Drak and I will bar hop, grease some palms, keep our ears low, and find a place to hole up that has at least clean sheets.

I can't talk to priestly types. Annie, Fallon, and Jerry can find a healer on their own. We can meet on the Elensil in a few hours."

2012-01-02, 11:47 PM
Sounds like a plan. [24 hours from jmbrown's message to respond ...]

2012-01-03, 09:58 PM
"Sounds like a plan to me. Although perhaps it would be wiser for me to remain on the ship until they find a healer? I'd be of no use on unfamiliar streets like these without my eyesight."

2012-01-04, 06:34 AM
Rillian says, "He's right, though I think Mr. Smith said as much already. And the city's a bad place to go without someone can kick some shins real good. So I'm thinkin' I'll ..."

"... stay onboard and make sure Jer'el is safe while looking over the ledgers," Urdarumaedin interrupts. "I'm good at real mathetmatics, not arithmetical figuring and accounting and economy and the like. That's far more your province, ex-dealer. Besides, with you in any crew, the likelihood of a fight exponentially increases, even regarding the halfling and the dwarf - bruisers that they are - making their own team. Meanwhile, I can keep them safe, whereas you'd make them a target by association."

Rillian sighs and shrugs. "Yeah, whatever. Understanding, formularizing, and interpreting economic theory and the differentiation of one group's economy to another's, and then being able to know how to make real, solid, currency off of that is real mathematics. Yours might be a form of mathematics that's great for academicians, but what I practice is real mathematics. Your 'music of the spheres' may be fine for you, but at least what I do is useful mathematics on a major scale in the applied world.

"Besides, you're right, stargazer. The last ledger you kept that I didn't was a mess. You kept doodling para-boo-whatsits and some formula about imaginary numbers and a letter approaching infinity. No thanks. You're banned from the books."

The teams split to go on their way, with Mr. Smith (Urd) accompanying Fallon and Annie.

Jer'el conducts extreme physical regimen in the manner Drak had shown him, while Rillian does .... whatever he does with ledgers, payroll books, and budgeting and such.

'Earthy' Group (Drak & Rillian)

The city has an atmosphere all its own. The residents have a casual, laid-back approach to life, which includes merely shrugging at the news that some atrocious crime has taken place. Visitors from other cities (such as yourselves) can find it very surreal. The amused disinterest is almost like being in a dream. The smell of the place is most memorable of all. It is a mixture of river mud, human sweat, freshly boiled coffee and piquant spices, along with something older and darker, a suggestion of sweet poison.

Naked or semi-naked women and men of various races (halfling and dwarf included!) display themselves behind bawdyhouse windows and beckon travellers ot come inside, with no shame or inhibition.

Do you two gentlemen adventurers-o-the-world, fresh from war and sea, go 'undercover' to help in your mission? There's no question. Considering that Brand has an ear for the less-than-reputable, he once overheard one rogue say to another at the Flaming Beard Inn in Saragost, "The best holes belongin' to a whore are the ones found each side 'a' her head."

It's a mere 1 sp for each of you, and it's pretty much the jolliest time you gents can remember (which is saying something for Brand, though an empty comment for Drak, considering he 'decanted' only a week or so ago).

You carouse and barhop and such, spending a grand total of about a gold apiece. Brand does a good job of getting a lot of dope on a lot of stuff, and the surprising affability of Drak helps push things considerably better at that.

Rumors & Answer to Main QuestionHere's what you boys learned 'in general':

There are four competing crime lords running the city - Lord Raglan, Jimmy the Tailor, Little Reginald, and Dark Mariah. If you commit a crime on their tur without their permission then you are in a lot of trouble. The crime lords have an agreement with the guards, meaning that their people can usually get away with petty crimes, so long as nobody is badly hurt.

On each crime lord's territory, there is one tavern where the crime lord's men rule the roost and can drink in safety; the landlord is in cahoots with them and will provide alibis and hiding places when needed. Lord Raglan's tavern is the Merry Jackdaw, Jimmy the Tailor's is the Pig and Hammer, Little Reginald's is the Chandler's Arms, and Dark Mariah's crew drink at the Lifeless Lass. There is a tavern in the center of town called the Laughing Lord, which is the only neutral territory in the city as far as the crime lords are concerned. They meet here if they ever want to have a face-to-face discussion.

When the authorities crushed the old Rogues' Guild ten years ago, the King and Queen of Thieves hid some special treasures away somewhere in the testing maze under the guild house. Nobody has ever found it, though plenty of people have tried. The guild house is a hospice now, sacred to Saint Cecilia.

Lord Malthus is the official governor and he seems to be doing very well so far, though nobody is entirely sure how.

The swamp elves have been slaves for as long as anyone can remember, though there are rumors of an uprising. There are people in the city who are preparing to arm the swamp elves for a revolution.

There is a haunted plantation up the river somewhere, completely deserted. The owners just fled oen day without ever explaining why. Since they never sold the land to anyone, it is unused and the mansion house has gone to rack and ruin. If you go there on a dark night, you can hear screaming.

A serial murderer is doing away with people. He mutilates the bodies in some horrible way ... by taking the victim's faces.
On the way back to the Elensil late in the afternoon, a group of young rogues are spotted 'tagging' a building. Another group of toughs catches them and confronts them, and the guard has to step in before a full-scale blood brawl occurs in the streets.

You get back to the ship approx 1600, and Rillian is out on business with sailors making sure Jer'el is safe. Jer'el, for his part, is 'shadow-shooting.' His blindness affords him the unique opportunity to really feel the tactile sensations of every aspect of shooting, and his mind and spirituality guide daydreamed senses of what would happen with each shot.

'Refined' Group (Annie, Fallon, & Mr. Smith)

The city has an atmosphere all its own. The residents have a casual, laid-back approach to life, which includes merely shrugging at the news that some atrocious crime has taken place. Visitors from other cities (such as yourselves) can find it very surreal. The amused disinterest is almost like being in a dream. The smell of the place is most memorable of all. It is a mixture of river mud, human sweat, freshly boiled coffee and piquant spices, along with something older and darker, a suggestion of sweet poison.

Some of that sweet poison catches the nose of Annie. He sees a stall set up that sells exotic tobaccos of all manner. Maybe its the smell of pipe smoke that reminds him of the Hombelite comforts of an idyllic 'home and hearth,' or perhaps its because many respected academics at the Adepts of the Prism smoked scented tobaccos that Annie finds himself drawn to the cart. Fallon, more of a sensual hedonist, too, finds the smells inviting.

Mr. Smith grabs your wrists (but not harshly), "Friends, I know of a much more respectable purveyor of the leaf that will not demand so much of you."

As you walk away, the stallkeeper giving him than the two of you a dirty look as you leave, Mr. Smith says, "And I love a good smoke myself, so if you are more than passingly interested, I can show you. But that gentleman has a substance in his that would make both of you feel absolutely wonderful for awhile - better than you've ever been before. After that, though, you'll crave it. I fear that while Annie would suffer some short-term distraction and depression, it would damn near drive you mad, Fallon."

Mr. Smith hits on an idea, and that is to make chatty folk come to him. By three people roaming around together asking questions, it is conspicuous. But by three 'performing artists' trying to make their way in a new place, given enough interest, people will come to speak with you.

Mr. Smith, of course, will play his beautiful and ornate lyre and back that up with great comic jokes and excellent use of ghost sound, dancing lights, and prestidigitation; he'll of course do a lot of 'street magic' with great skill, and Fallon is about as accomplished at these tricks of mundane legerdemain as Smith. Annie will finally get a chance to put his nice voice to good use, and Fallon? Well, Fallon is very agile (even if she can't properly dance, per se), but her pure sizzlin' status as a beautiful "Fairy Princess" - complete with functional gossamer wings - does a fine job in aiding this whole bit. Then, when they come to talk, Fallon can really turn on the charm (sometimes, if she dares, quite literally with a use or two of charm person - though Mr. Smith frowns on doing that to much as it can get folks in hot water). She is quite helpful, but the disarming demeanor and non-threatening nature (nor presence of an intimidating sexuality such as with Fallon) usually is the right combination. Annie, at such points, might sing 'set music' (for when Urd & Fallon are on a break - and chatting up folks), and/ or use his link with Oineus to observe the goings-ons and reactions of people.

Spoils in spoilersAnnie, though on the ship has a nice voice, has never had to deal with an audience before. He isn't bad ... he just isn't good, but that mediocrity can almost be a distraction for the other two.

The real skill that Fallon possesses that far exceeds her 'dance' ability are her acrobatics and sleight of hand. She's one of those rare gifted performers whose physical skill is matched by her ability to put on a good show with those abilities. She makes a significant contribution.

Urdarumaedin's performance alone is well above and beyond what is extraordinary, but Fallon's help only cements that. The total value of silvers and coppers that you collect comes to a value of 12 gp ... but the whatever-he-is splits it fully and evenly. (Sheets updated with 40 silver apiece.)
Rumors & SuchHere's what you learned from your adoring fans ...

There are four competing crime lords running the city - Lord Raglan, Jimmy the Tailor, Little Reginald, and Dark Mariah. If you commit a crime on their tur without their permission then you are in a lot of trouble. The crime lords have an agreement with the guards, meaning that their people can usually get away with petty crimes, so long as nobody is badly hurt. Lord Raglan's lieutenant, Jackary, is some kind of a vampire. Dark Mariah is half-drow; that is where she gets her dark skin tone.

On each crime lord's territory, there is one tavern where the crime lord's men rule the roost and can drink in safety; the landlord is in cahoots with them and will provide alibis and hiding places when needed. Lord Raglan's tavern is the Merry Jackdaw, Jimmy the Tailor's is the Pig and Hammer, Little Reginald's is the Chandler's Arms, and Dark Mariah's crew drink at the Lifeless Lass. There is a tavern in the center of town called the Laughing Lord, which is the only neutral territory in the city as far as the crime lords are concerned. They meet here if they ever want to have a face-to-face discussion.

When the authorities crushed the old Rogues' Guild ten years ago, the King and Queen of Thieves hid some special treasures away somewhere in the testing maze under the guild house. Nobody has ever found it, though plenty of people have tried. The guild house is a hospice now, sacred to Saint Cecilia. The old Rogue's Guild was double-crossed - an insider let the authorities in, though nobody knows who or how. Among the treasures hiddden away by the King and Queen of Thieves was an artifact that they stole from the crypt of a hero who fell in battle over a thousand years ago. According to legend, he was slain in battle but came back from the dead to help his comrades. The King and Queen of Thieves survived their deaths somehow, though nobody has any idea where they are today.

Lord Malthus is the official governor and he seems to be doing very well so far, though nobody is entirely sure how.

The swamp elves have been slaves for as long as anyone can remember, though there are rumors of an uprising. There are people in the city who are preparing to arm the swamp elves for a revolution.

There is a haunted plantation up the river somewhere, completely deserted. The owners just fled oen day without ever explaining why. Since they never sold the land to anyone, it is unused and the mansion house has gone to rack and ruin. If you go there on a dark night, you can hear screaming. The deserted plantation belonged to the Valjean family. When the Valjean family abandoned their plantation and headed overseas, they did not take their eldest son Michel with them.

A serial murderer is doing away with people. He mutilates the bodies in some horrible way ... by taking the victim's faces.

The building that is now the Town Hall used to be a temple to the elven god Brith; there are rooms in there that nobody knows about. The central bank has some artifacts stored in it that have been there for centuries.

As you get back towards the docks, a fell handful of men, clustered closely, are moving away from the docks when an alarm is sounded, and other, equally rough-looking fellows give chase. Mr. Smith stops any chase and says, "Not our business, and we don't know who's 'right' or 'wrong.' We've been away awhile, and they await us on the ship. Let's not make enemies ... just yet."

The 'refined' group gets back to the Elensil, where after a break Drak was playing Hunter to Brand's Rabbit, just in time for dinner aboard ship where Rillian (who returns just before the second group) had worked with the Captain to make sure of a stores' load with fresh vegetables, dairy, and meat!

There is the breakdown of who learned what ... with it painfully obvious that the refined group learned far, far more than the others. (But that's okay, because the two roughnecks enjoyed drinking and getting laid ... but "ssshhhh" ... the others don't need to know that).

Sooo ... if you don't stay aboard the ship (and more and more it's looking like a good option considering the state in town ... but that can be discussed by the PCs), then the Laughing Lord might be the best place, unless you want to go to a place whose aegis is under the strong support of one of the Crime Lords.

No information about a Temple of Kharad. The fact that the Town Hall is an ancient and former Temple of Brith that might not be fully explored is of great interest at least to Annie and Mr. Smith, if no one else. The only mysterious place that may or may not be a cult center of worship or anything could be the abandoned Valjean manner ... and that the 'haunting' is possibly a means to chase people away from the revival of a new cult ... maybe.

The Captain reports that a lot of bizarre, sad-looking elves have clambered at the chance to be trained as sailors and get out of Crescent City. Mr. Smith explains the second-class status of these swamp elves ... and are looked upon as elves by normal elves in the same way as men look upon apes as their own cousins, with disgust and mortification at the mere thought. But where normal elves are urbane and likely to command a high working fee, the swamp elves will work for cheap, are strong, and are unusually good phenomenal swimmers.

When Captain Brennan asks his XO about the 'main crux of the mission - finding someone to heal Jer'el's blindness - Annie and Fallon are shaking their heads when Urdarumaedin says, "Actually, I have it covered. She is probably waiting on the pier for me as we speak."

Dinner concluded (and we can retro conversation as needed), the party and the CO move out to the gangplank. Down below is one of those curious and downtrodden creatures known as a swamp elf. This one is a female, and quite exotic-looking, very definitely some type of savage holy woman.

Mr. Smith says, "Lady and gentlemen, please meet Madame-Chaman Juliette Ath'ja'avain deRollet. She's agreed to heal the veil over Jer'el's eyes and later to help us find the Temple of Kharad, for a price. First, she'll heal Jer'el, but before she'll help us to the Temple, we have to help her get rid of whatever evil surrounds the Valjean manor. Some of her people were too curious and have gone missing, and she is respected among her people and has been asked to help.

"In the city, she poses as a fortune-teller. The thing is, she is one. Her people call her a dreamwalker, and she's got some uncanny skills. We've met before, and I can vouch for her abilities."

2012-01-05, 12:41 PM
Pleased to make your acquaintance, Madame de Rollet.

2012-01-05, 08:01 PM
"The pleasure is mine, Miss...Miss, er...Ma'am."

2012-01-06, 02:16 AM
Stuff happens, again ... :sigh:I had this pretty long post going when my Explorer took a nose dive. I brought up Word - because I usually 'copy' often for this very issue. Word wouldn't play, and wouldn't recall anything on the clipboard. It locked out like my browser. Had to shut down the computer and I lost everything.

So, I'm gonna suck, but I'm gonna give you 'highlights...
Guards down-pier yell at her, and she comes up gangplank. Mr. Thompson uses sleight of hand to grab a piece of paper (that she offers, but she's not so slick to try), and Brand/ Drak notice. Guards come up plank to grab her, calling her "slave."

Paper turns out to be writ of new ownership, but even after this 'proof' Thompson has to bribe the guard with a whopping five gold pieces to not bother them anymore. You learn that, legally, Juliette is now Mr. Thompson's "slave".

You learn that swamp elves aren't just second-class citizens, they're slaves. You also learn that the guard is immensely corrupt, and just as dangerous in their own way as the thieves themselves.

Back to wardroom ...

Annie knows that swamp elves aren't wizards like other elves (they are usually illiterate), but likely are a crossbreed 'tween elves and an aquatic dragon (aeons ago), which explains more sorcerous tendencies. "Juliette" is her individual 'slave name' and "deRollet" (now, with the write, "deThompson") is not her own surname, but defines who owns her.

Annie, Brand, Fallon, and Jer'el - all who speak Elven - know that her elven name ("Ath'ja'avain") means something like "By Spirit-Staff" ... not as flowing as 'proper' Elven.

Drak and Jer'el know that most swamp elves are known for being particularly good hunters (i.e., ranger is favored class).

In wardroom ... Juliette is 5' tall, 95 pounds. Swamp elves have greenish-brown tinge to skin (olive), amber eyes, and large ears that come to a point. Her entire outfit is full of hocus-pocus in the same was as Calypso from PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN, though her beauty is more like Zoe Saldana. Her staff is adorned, but is masterwork as a weapon. She squats on the chair like a frog, not sitting on it properly, and smokes a corncob pipe.

Her speech is very, very heavily accented with voodoo-woman patois (again, much like Calypso). I put up a speech of hers - despite giving a caveat of not doing justice. Srgonzo would've appreciated the translation-spoiler which was obscenely super-academic, but I'm not redoing it. Long and short is .... she'll heal Jer'el if you all help get rid of whatever is at Valjean Manor. After that, she'll extend her service by helping you find what might be the Temple in the swamp, for it may be in an evil area avoided by the swamp elves.

Anyone have a problem with Jer'el's sight being restored at the cost of a side-adventure before tackling the bigger mission-oriented goal?

2012-01-08, 10:11 PM
"I for one am perfectly happy questing if it means I'll be rewarded with sight."

2012-01-09, 12:15 AM
That's one person .... anyone else?

2012-01-09, 10:51 AM
Huh. Guess the forum eated my response.

"Allow me."

Drak produces flint and steel with which to light the corncob pipe's contents, and after lighting it for her, returns Juliette's pipe to her hand.

He looks at her strangely, and keen folks might suspect that this look is something more than just confusion or politeness...

"Of course we'll do it.
We need our lad in fighting trim, after all."

2012-01-10, 12:47 PM
Right. We'll take care of the blindness issue, then we'll set about gathering the information we need. Madame, is there anything we can do to assist you?

2012-01-10, 01:56 PM
Madame Juliette says, "No. We are agreed by word. If you'll allow me ..."

She gets off her haunches and walks around the table - the long way, because that is more dramatic, no? - to get to Jer'el. She makes a few gestures and some arcano-religious words, touches Jer'el.

Jer'el, you are no longer blind, and this wildly exotic and beautiful elf stands aside you (as described before). Do you say anything?

Meanwhile, Mr. Thompson asks, "Annie, what information do you need to gather concerning the Valjean Plantation?"

2012-01-10, 06:12 PM
"Thank you, Madame. To have sight again is the most wondrous gift I could ask for."

2012-01-13, 05:17 PM
Mr. Thompson *bumps* Annie (srgonzo) on the head to bring him out of his reverie. "What do you need to research the Valjean Plantation, or do you guys just want to up and head out? Mr. Smith has to stay here for business. I'd prefer to stay, but I'm worried that you may be healing-poor and you'd need my bardic healing magic."

Fallon chimes in ('cause her voice is musical like chimes), "Have no fear! I have this nifty wand of cure light wounds - the party treasure I'm holdin' and usin' since Ezekiul died - so I'm now officially a cleric. Ha-ha-ha!"

Madame Juliette, "You make no never mind and do' ya own business, Misser Thompson. Madame Juliette got ya' covered, mon. I got healin' of all sorts of powwa' in my book o' mojo. I prepare us some for movin', and can study agin' at night if'n' we be all bashed but breathin.'"

AnnieOkay, that threw you for a loop. Maybe she's just a cleric or druid - preparatory divine casters - describing uniquely her prayers, but it is still strange. She talks about a "book of mojo" and "study" rather than rites and prayer. Unless you've mistaken her because of her interesting patois, this means that she must study a book like a wizard to get what is traditionally divine healing spells? The only arcane casters you know of that have healing magic are bards like Urdarumaedin/Thompson.

You think about it. You are pretty open (so I've observed) to the unknown and unexpected, so there could be many, many possibilities. However, one comes immediately to mind, a profession of rare casters known as 'archivists.'Archivists are a rare group of divine spellcasters who prepare their spells through study of a prayerbook ... possibly what she referred to as a "book of mojo." Though accepted as fellow scholars by many wizards and bards, but appreciated for their complementary and helpful magic, they are often viewed poorly by their own clerical compatriots, even from the same faith. There is a lot of suspicion involved here, though the few archivists that exist - and usually there are different ones for every faith - because they don't 'pray' for the blessings from their deity, and borders on a sense of heresy to some, as if archivists 'steal' their god's powers.

Archivists are seekers of lost lore (including written clerical spells, which are the brand of spells they are known to use), and are quite invaluable when going into unsure places to search out lost or hidden knowledge.As Annie looks at this primitive elven female shaman (for that is what chaman means), surely there is a chuckle if she is supposed to be an urbane, scholarly, 'archivist.'

And this begs the question .... what god does she worship, anyway?

2012-01-15, 09:23 AM
Madame Juliette, if that is the name you prefer, do you have any suggestions regarding what we might need for Valjean Manor? Aside from the standard supplies and a stolen loaf of bread. Can I get someone to steal a loaf of bread for me? I think the lady archivist should accompany us, as she is the most knowledgable of this area.

2012-01-15, 01:27 PM
"Dat," she says, "I can no tell you, for it furder dan a mile from where dee swamp feels mos' dain-jer-ous. I do na' know what ye be needin' from stolen bread, but bring yerselves what objec's mos' make yer power be da best."It just so happens, in Justen's game, a character playing the bard started singing "Do You Hear the People Sing?" as the 'inspire confidence' song ... and now my little gnome has joined in punctuating (and puncturing) each line with a stab. At the same time, today, my cousin in TN is seeing Les Miz tonight, and I had to share this with her, because between typing the post in Justen's game, I was reading her FB posts as well ... and filksinging her intentions to clean the house before seeing the show to the tune of "At the End of the Day". :smallcool:Does anybody need anything, then, or are we good to go?

2012-01-15, 07:55 PM
I don't suppose there's a purveyor of a psionic materials in town, is there?

2012-01-16, 12:08 AM
Mr. Thompson says, "While I have some passing study in the subject [psionics], for psychic adepts were far more common back in the day - many elves, in fact, enjoyed meditative arts such as that - you'll find little these days, I'm sure. However, I haven't actually looked for anything like that, so you might find something. You might actually find it in magical curio shops that recognize the power of an object without actually knowing what it is."

2012-01-16, 02:42 PM
Do we really have the time to go shopping? If so, I'd be delighted to have your company and that of Madame Juliette.

2012-01-16, 07:29 PM
Mr. Thompson says, "Better that we are as outfitted as possible ... if you have the money."

Madame Juliette adds, "Da evil dere don' seem to be movin' out ... but we not waste too much time. Shooor dat, tis' good we get what's you need. An' we be needin' a boat, so we can have foods in a crate or somethin.'"

"There we go, then," says Mr. Thompson, "Annie and I will go look for possible psionic toys. Rillian and Fallon can look into protocols for hiring out a boat for upriver. Drak and Brand, your call if you want to stay aboard or go sight-seeing; I just ask that you go together."The DM just asks that if you go sight-seeing, you either 'just go out' or have an extremely specific idea in mind .... as a 'side thing' can take us wildly out of whack on time here at pbp.

2012-01-16, 09:44 PM
"Actually, Miss Juliette, I were wondrin' if you wouldn' like tae get a bite to eat wit' me. My treat. I'd love fer ya tae show me more o' the city."

2012-01-16, 11:19 PM
Madame Juliette, who apparently sees this as an innocent request, says, "Well, we be don' eatin' here," [cause dinner was served in the wardroom while the meeting was happening] "but if me 'master' don' mind, I be happy to be treated by de dwarf-mon while de udders do dem chores."

From the instant Drak spoke, and well into Juliette's answer, there is a stunned silence from everyone else. Once M-J is finished speaking, there is the faintest, slightest, single nose-snicker from Fallon's direction .... but the briefest look from Drak sees nothing but a peaceful mask of beauty and serenity from her (the roll itself was a 19 ... let's not even talk about her Bluff mod, shall we?). Madame Juliette looks to Mr. Thompson.

He's not quite as masterful - good, but not quite. His little wood-like lips are quivering oh, so slightly as he tries not to laugh .... and yet has to speak, making things more difficult. "Umm .... :smallsmile: .... sure. I don't have a problem with that. I'd need to draw up a sheet that sends you out under this dwarf's 'supervision' - signed by me - in case there are any questions, of course. Mr. Smith, do you think there is any problem with that?" :smallamused:

Mr. Smith has his face down, buried in his arms on the table. There is a slight, arhythmic heaving action - not strong, but just barely noticeable.

"Mr. Smith?"

The bearded whatsit pops his head up, his face a little red, but perfectly set as if nothing was amiss, "What? Oh, send the slave to market for her master, with a dwarf guard to supervise? Sure, man, sounds great." :smallredface:

Any further business for the evening, or are we ready to move to morning?

2012-01-16, 11:20 PM
"I'd love to finally see what the city looks like, if I might do some sight-seeing with Brand."

I figure Jer'el should wander the city a bit and get a general feel for it, since he was stuck on the boat being blind while the rest of the party was out gathering information...

2012-01-17, 01:28 PM
Great! Let's go shopping!

2012-01-30, 01:17 AM
Drak and Madame Juliette

Drak, as you leave the pier to escort Juliette, you see four guards casually kicking a swamp elf that is curled into a ball on the ground. Juliette is sure not to look that way. She says nothing, and starts to head in another direction.

Do you look the other way and continue on as well?

Jer'el and Brand

Brand takes Jer'el around to see what he's seen so far. There is a loud commotion down an alleyway, and at least a dozen men are fighting.

"Nuh-uh," says Brand to the possibly concerned ranger. "If you ain't been invited to the party, good chance both sides will join swords to thrash us. Best to stay out of others' business and mind our own."

He ends up taking you to the .... ummm, 'house o' bouncy-good kicks'. Is Jer'el as earthy a gentleman adventurer as his fellow warriors? [Read: Does he spend some time at the whorehouse in question?]

Smith & Annie (not to be confused with Smith & Wesson)

The two of you take the 'scenic route'. One of the things that catches Annie's attention are crowds of people gathered in a larger market area. Upon closer inspection, the people are gathered to watch animals fight each other, while the people bet on the outcome. The fight in particular is between a 'small' monstrous scorpion and a 'small' monstrous spider. Of course, 'small' is actually the biggest scorpion and the biggest spider you've ever seen ... both the scorpion with a 4' body length, and the spider with a 3' diameter. Based on the pit, and its obvious nature, it seems that this is a pretty open and legal thing here ... where cockfighting and dogfighting (and similar things) were illegal in Saragost.

Annie, do you get in on the action? The odds are pretty even, so payout is unweighted and non-paramutual. A gold bet is a gold won or lost.

2012-01-30, 06:14 AM
Drak takes his cue from Juliette. She's the local here.

2012-01-30, 07:16 AM
Jer'el has no interest in the place and he feels no need to spend time there.

2012-01-30, 09:56 PM
Two silver on the scorpion.

2012-01-31, 04:42 AM
Annie ...

The spider is much faster and sprays webbing at the scorpion, which becomes entangled. The scorpion trudges towards the spider. It snaps a claw at the spider for 1 damage, and then crits with its sting for 3 damage, and the spider is disabled and possibly poisoned, as it looks like it might have made a desperate bite, but then seizes and falls, its legs drawing inwards.

It was a fast and furious win for the scorpion, and you earn 2 silver (sheet updated).

As you pull away from the crowd, you notice that Smith did not stay with you, but is well away from the crowd and is alone silently tuning his lyre. With a curtness lacking his usual charm he says, "Let's go. Congratulations on your recent windfall."

Jer'el/ Brand .... nothing more exciting on your sightseeing.

Drak/ Juliette ...

You leave the scene of the white police beating on the black ..... er, the guards beating on the swamp elf. She doesn't say anything about it, but seems much more subdued and glum.

She asks what type of place you might like to get lunch?

2012-01-31, 09:58 AM
"Well if ya want'd me tae fix it, why din' ya jes SAY so? C'Mon, let's go. We might still catch em if we hurry."

With that, he hustles back in the direction of the beating.

2012-01-31, 10:53 AM
I don't suppose you heard anything interesting, did you?

Annie continues looking for his psionic items.

2012-02-01, 01:15 AM

Juliette tries to stop Drak. "It be doin' no good, but I am thankin' y'just the same. If y'try to stop the halberd-man, you'll be marked a fugitive. No, there be others' of my people that be thinkin' how to get me people free. If a rich man pay for a license, he can go into the swamp and claim as many people as slaves as his license be allowin' - men, women; old, young; basketweaver, tribal leader - it be not matt'rin' who they takes. If we fights, the halberd-man come and kill our people to be teachin' us a lesson. No, but I am no longer in a mood to eat. We be headin' back to the ship where we get in no trouble til the boat ride."


Urdarumaedin, lest we forget his identity beyond the enigmatic 'Mr. Smith,' looks at Annie for several seconds. "In fact, I did hear something interesting.

"I heard the sound of frothing, greedy 'civilized' men passing coin for the enjoyment of forcing two of nature's own fighting against each other. They may not be 'attractive,' ... they may be vermin ... but people in a pit fight often - at least on some level - have some choice over their circumstance. A spinner and a scorpion have an infinitesimal chance of ever fighting each other for territory, though a hunting spider might deal with the same. The people here have bent that law so that - outside of what either might know - they are set to kill for enjoyment. The people might as well just get a big magnifying glass and focus the sun on them for their giggles.

"Oh, I did hear another thing ... I heard this Hombelite - a perfect example of 'respectable civility' - and one I might think to call a friend of mine say, 'Two silver on the scorpion.'

"Well, it seems I - a sometime druid of Lumiya - am reminded again of how much I do not fit into city life. But it would appear you fit in just fine. I'll leave it to you to find your way to a shop that might sell what you need. I'll be on the ship."

He hops down from the barrel he was sitting atop, and starts to stroll away, playing his lyre.

2012-02-01, 02:46 AM
"I'm...I'm sorry. I wish I could do more."

He squeezes her hand gently. He holds onto it as they walk back, but if she pulls away, he doesn't resist.

2012-02-01, 09:36 AM
She holds the hand simply.


2012-02-01, 04:15 PM
Annie tries to catch up and speaks to Urdarumaedin.

Mr. Smith, wait a minute. I apologize. You're right. My intent wasn't to offend you or callously ignore the cruelty of the situation, but I did both of those things, and for my part, if there is something I can do to make amends, then I will. Admittedly, I've never actually given much thought to how people treat animals, but I do promise that I will give it more consideration in the future. However, if you feel you must return to the ship, then I understand. I won't take offense to it, and I certainly hope we still might be able to count each other as friends.

2012-02-01, 05:48 PM
Mr. Smith looks up at Annie. "I intend to forget the matter entirely .... once I get back to the ship. In the meantime, your dilemma is: a) procure an item, but be unknowledgeable about hwo to negotiate for a better price, or b) do not go. If A, then you will pay whatever that difference might be ... which is far more than the two silver you earned; or if B, then you will not have what you otherwise might have purchased - which may affect the success of your mission. But other than that, there will be no lasting grudge, unless you are the type to continue in this way. Enjoy your shopping, and I'll see you back at the ship."


2012-02-02, 01:27 AM
Well, I guess I'm going to have to run the risk of getting fleeced. I'll see you back at the ship.

Annie offers to shake hands and goes on his way, looking for a magic shop.

2012-02-04, 02:12 AM

He's not quite up to shaking your hand right now ... a little time.

It takes Annie a whopping 5 hours to bumble around - plus 1 sp for a little help at one point - to finally find a shop: Esslinger's Elite Items. It should be noted that at this point you are in the upper class district of the city. You start to look at what is there in this very well-guarded store.

There is a curious little box holding an 'ancient elven artifact' called a thoughtstone. When you ask to see it, not sure if it's an older term for a power stone or not, the shop owner takes it out and lets you handle it. You are able to address the stone - a power stone - and it has psionic lock and know direction and location imprinted on it. He's willing to sell it to you for 195 gp.

He mentions that there does happen to be a very expensive artifact of psionic power in the vault .... but you would need to show 50,000 gp just to see it! He gives no answers to any enquiries on this object without that initial show. Serious collectors, only, please.

2012-02-04, 02:04 PM
I've got a ruby valued at 100 gold pieces, and we could call it even. After all, with as low demand for that item as you must have, I'm sure that would more than compensate you for the joy of dusting it.

Annie is going to attempt haggling over the powerstone.

2012-02-04, 09:03 PM
The 195 gp assumes any attempt to haggle that you might already have made ...

Regardless, he doesn't budge. "It's not about 'power' value ... sir?" he says, noting that this man in front of him [Annie] wears peasant clothing. "It also includes the historical significance of such an item."

2012-02-04, 10:26 PM
Annie shells out a second gem, an opal worth 100

My friend, I'll throw in this second gem, and call it fair if you would share that history with me.

2012-02-05, 02:46 AM
"This stone," says the man, "supposedly was one of many carried by some ancient elven noble by the name of Aeruraiwen Maglinatinu. Legend has it that she used her psychic abilities to be an adventuress, but always seemed to get into trouble. Considering the more humble power contained in this stone, it is ironic that she had the stone stolen from her before she travelled into the wilderness. All of her prowess - the ability to pry secrets from minds, to blow apart trees, nothing - could save her from getting lost and starving to death. Her body was found weeks later, picked apart by scavengers."

Annie can tell that the story is complete BS, that the man made the story up on the spot ... though it is kind of entertaining how quickly he came up with it. And you already promised the money with the story. You figure that most people actually ask about the history of this or that item, that he doesn't have a clue, so he has become quite adept at making up entertaining little stories ... usually anecdotal in some way to make the 'need' for the item more potent. In this case, a powerful person died simply because they couldn't find their way in the wilderness.

He takes the ruby and the opal in exchange for the stone, and asks for your name. Annie, do you give it to him. You might merit your own story one day.

2012-02-06, 05:15 PM
Anaximander Shuul. Pleased to make your acquaintence.

Annie parts with his gems, gets whatever activation instructions are needed (if any), and gets ready to leave.

Before I go, I'm in the mood for some tea, lunch and music. I don't suppose you can recommend a good spot that isn't too boisterous, could you?

2012-02-06, 06:44 PM
"Darren Essinger, a pleasure. The chandler's arms is the best in this part of town, a cut above all others."

2012-02-06, 11:53 PM
Thank you, kind sir.

Annie waves as he leaves.

2012-02-07, 02:55 AM
.... and goes back to the ship? so as to invite others out for dinner and not to make your fellow players wait as you go 'solo?'

2012-02-07, 03:45 PM
Annie goes back to the ship, trying to avoid notice, sharply aware that he is alone, incredibly squishy, and his primary means of self-defense attracts a lot of attention from would-be law enforcement officials. Upon his return, he invites everyone to join him for dinner at the Chandler's Arms.

2012-02-07, 03:54 PM
Brand's fine with that, and Fallon even moreso. Mr. Smith is willing to go, and will bring Juliette along.

Drak, with Juliette going, I'm sure you're going, huh? :smallbiggrin:

Jer'el ... you joining in?

2012-02-07, 04:59 PM
Drak, with Juliette going, I'm sure you're going, huh? :smallbiggrin:

Sure, you bet. :smallwink:

2012-02-07, 08:44 PM
Jer'el would be happy to attend as well.

2012-02-10, 10:11 PM
The Chandler's Arms, in the nicer section of town, used to be a candlemaker's pub. It is still decorated with many candelbras, sconces, and lighting fixtures with bulbs of blue- and gold-colored glass. The men and women that serve there are a cut above the rabble.

When the odd mix of a party steps into the room, it is as if a silence spell was cast upon the whole place. Everyone suddenly shuts up and looks at you. Conversation gradually resumes and the drinkers withdraw their gaze.

A well-dressed gentlemen - to well-dressed, which signals him as a waiter - comes to the table to take orders. The menu prices are expensive - definitely Good quality. Is everyone going to have 'baseline' high quality meal, or is anyone going to enjoy some drinking as well? Is anything to be discussed with party here, or with anyone else that may be here, for that matter?

One thing Fallon asks, "Hey, Mr. Smith? When you and Mr. Thompson gave the intel report, didn't you mention that the Chandler's Arms was the tavern where the Crime Lord Little Reginald's men tend to hang out?"

Mr. Smith has to think for a minute and then nods and says, "Yes, yes it is."

2012-02-10, 10:40 PM
Jer'el will have the 'baseline' meal.

2012-02-12, 12:20 PM
Drak ..... Annie .... ?

2012-02-12, 08:11 PM
Drak offers the lady a drink.

2012-02-12, 09:34 PM
I imagine that Drak would order a drink for himself, too, no? Otherwise, a man plying a woman with drink - when he doesn't drink himself - might seem ....... suspicious.


2012-02-13, 02:52 AM
Yes, but only if she would like one also. otherwise, he'll just buy the two of them dinner.

2012-02-13, 09:44 PM
Annie goes with the baseline meal as well, no alcohol. Tea, if possible.

2012-02-17, 01:45 AM
Everyone pays for their meals and such. As the party is ready to leave, Mr. Smith says, "Fallon, Brand, stick around. The rest of you, we'll be back in due time. We have finesse work to do, and too many of us is ungainly. Get some rest for tomorrow."

Everyone fine with that, or is anyone going to balk?

2012-02-17, 06:11 AM
Jer'el is happy to go rest. The sooner he sleeps, the sooner the adventure starts! :smallwink:

2012-02-17, 06:27 PM
What about you two bruisers ... Annie, Drak? And yes, Annie is a bruiser. For all of his intellect and talent, beyond self-protection, his powers are all about decimating the enemy. Blowing s**t up with his mind.

2012-02-17, 10:57 PM
"You go on ahead. Miss Juliette, would y'care tae go for a walk out in th' evenin' air?"

2012-02-18, 12:54 AM
Mr. Smith hands over another 'writ' giving Drak Arkhoffson permission to escort his 'slave' in the evening on 'personal business.' But, killjoy that he is, says, "Crescent City is no city - at least for us - to be walking out alone. You really should have Annie and Jer'el go with you. You can have a more 'sociable walk at the Elensil's berth."

2012-02-18, 08:13 AM
"Well gents? Would ye care ta escort us?"

2012-02-18, 09:22 AM
"It would be my pleasure."

2012-02-18, 02:13 PM
Annie leaves to go get some rest and play with his new toy. He's also going to do some conferring with Oineus.

2012-02-18, 02:23 PM
Jer'el and Annie ... do you have a clue what is going on with Drak right now? I suspect Annie does, but Jer'el might be clueless. Do you walk in a clump, or do you give Drak and the 'escorted slave' some space? If so, how much space?

2012-02-18, 04:53 PM
Jer'el understands what's going on but also agrees with the given warning about going about the city and will give them plenty of space.

20-30 feet good enough? Maybe hanging back as far as 40-50 feet if the streets aren't crowded. Is that good enough to be polite about the situation while still being able to help or get help if something happens?
Also, if Drak wishes Jer'el will also simply return to the boat if Drak doesn't want him there.

2012-02-18, 07:29 PM
"Jer'el, don't be rude. If you're coming with us, you should try and make an effort to keep up."

2012-02-18, 07:54 PM
There is a scantily clad woman that the group is passing by, and she looks at Annie as he's walking and steps in front of him with sultry step. "Well .... hello there, stranger."

2012-02-22, 02:22 AM
Um, hi. Is there something I can help you with?

2012-02-22, 02:30 AM
Eight rough-looking men come forth. "Oy!" yells one of them. "You bothering that lady? Looks to me like you're looking for trouble."

They fan out .... and around the group.

"Good sirs," the lady that accosted Annie says, "This man said the most horrible things to me, things I dare not repeat. I have no one to champion me .... unless you'll fight for me."

Annie gets to make a free vocal (and just Annie) before initiative is rolled (even if that means that others get to speak in-round before things get ugly. No, the PCs may no more draw weapons on this pre-round any more than the men.

2012-02-22, 09:44 PM
But women who look like you don't talk to me.

2012-03-04, 12:54 AM
"Exactly!" the woman says to Annie and the men. "I told you he was bothering me."

And she backpedals 30'.

R1T25: CR1 (Crescent City Rogue #1), standing near Annie, cold-cox him with a cheap shot for 9 NL (nonlethal) damage. He does not draw a weapon, but with Annie flat-footed and without any of his defenses up, he's an easy shot.

R1T24: That first man moved faster than Jer'el could do on his best day, but this is still Jer'el's best day ... so he's fast enough anyway.

Jer'el, You're only 5' behind Annie, so you can step up and pop any number of these nimrods with old fashioned sluggo brawling. None of these guys have weapons out, though each has a rapier and heavy crossbow at their belts, and they wear leather armor. Because their weapons aren't drawn (as with you PCs), you don't provoke AOOS with fisticuffs (anymore than they do, as they don't have Improved Unarmed Strike). On the other hand, if you instantly want to bring deadly pain and draw a deadly weapon ..... What do you do?

Drak, one rogue will go after Jer'el, and then you're up, so be thinking about your action. You are 20' away from the "front line" since the other two hadn't quite caught up to you yet (despite your admonition), and Juliette is with you. The woman who started all of this is 30' behind those men.

2012-03-04, 09:41 AM
Jer'el decides it's better not to draw any weapons until the thugs do, and moves to the closest thug to fist fight him.

Well, I'm unsure of what to roll for an unarmed strike, so I guess I'll just let you roll it for me this round... :smallconfused:

2012-03-04, 12:26 PM
R1T24: Jer'el decides it's better not to draw any weapons until the thugs do, and moves to the closest thug (CR5) to fist fight him. His first punch is good, but not good enough as the hardened leather armor stops his punch, but is enough to stop the man just long enough for the second punch for 4 NL damage.Having no special training, your attack bonuses are as listed for your totaled melee attack ... +9/ +4. A fist for a medium-size creatures does 1d3 + Str (so 1d3+2) nonlethal damage. You'd have to take a -4 penalty on an attack roll if you wanted to do killing damage (palm strike to nose, throat slam, kidney punch, etc.).

Short form ... +9/ +4 attack, 1d3+2 NL damage.
R1T23: A thug (CR8) wheels around behind Jer'el. The half-elf is now flanked. He tries to kick Jer'el in the back, but the magical chain shirt protects him.

R1T20: Drak, you are 20' from the ruckus, but only 10' from Jer'el's flanker if you want to flank the flanker. What do you do?

2012-03-05, 02:21 PM
Slipping himself between Juliette and these dangerous thugs, Drak mutters coolly, "Stay close."

He launches himself at the flanker, landing in an aggressive posture. He then makes two rapid finger jabs at the man's temples.

MA: Jump forward ten feet (from standing).

SwA: Change stance to Punishing Stance.

SA: Two-Weapon (both Unarmed Strikes) Attack using Wolf Fang Strike.



2012-03-05, 02:26 PM
Reroll of 2nd attack for critical:


EDIT: Yup, no critical. :smalltongue:

2012-03-05, 08:31 PM
R1T20: Slipping himself between Juliette and these dangerous thugs, Drak mutters coolly, "Stay close."

He launches himself at the flanker, landing in an aggressive posture. He then makes two rapid finger jabs at the man's temples, scoring on both, and knocking the man out cold.

R1T17: Jer'el's attacker (CR5) swings and misses.

R1T16: A thug comes forward and around in a circle to come up to Drak's side. He swings and misses.

R1T15: The woman, from her standpoint back aways, cheers the locals on.

R1T14: "Great," mutters Annie. "A shakedown."

He concentrates, and there is a shimmering around his form briefly, before that shimmering disappears.

R1T13: CR3 also comes around the side to attack Drak from his right, but this time he not only succeeds, but is flanking with the guy that missed before. But while his strike connects, Drak is like a whirling beast, and the man can't seem to co-ordinate a flank with his fellow, doing only 1 mod NL damage (max, and the majority was soaked up by the dwarf's lesser ironward diamond on his magical chitin breastplate.

R1T12: A thug steps up to Jer'el's right and swings, but hits armor.

R1T11: Juliette steps up behind Drak and says, "I can't attack them, or tis a death sentence for me. But nothing says I can't help you."

She casts a spell on Drak, and his muscles bulge such that he feels he could knock these men about like ten-pins!

R1T9-7: A man comes around to flank Annie from behind, but misses. Another steps in where Drak felled his fellow, and Jer'el is once again flanked, but his fist can't get past the half-elves chain shirt.

A crowd starts to form ...

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R1T25: Annie is now flanked, but no longer flat-footed and his inertial armor causes the man's fist to bounce.

R1T24: Jer'el ... Annie to your left. Bad guys in front, behind, and to your right. You are flanked from back/front, but you are also flanking the guy in back with Drak. What do you do?

2012-03-07, 06:10 AM
Jer'el will continue attacking his first target.

Attack 1

Attack 2

2012-03-07, 02:52 PM
R1T24: Jer'el continues attacking his opponent, knocking him soundly for 8 NL in two strikes, but the man still stands.

R1T20: Drak, what do you do? There are men to the front/ right/ left of you, and you are flanking the one to the front with Jer'el, and the ones to your sides are frustrated that they can't seem to flank you (go go gadget Improved Uncanny Dodge!).

2012-03-07, 08:22 PM
Remaining in Punishing Stance, Drak continues to deal trauma with two more lightning-fast finger jabs, and follows up with a quick kick to the midsection.
Adjust the description as necessary, but the attacks will all be aimed at the flanked foe first, then either of the fresh ones. No swapping targets unless the current one falls.




2012-03-08, 03:31 AM
R2T20: Remaining in Punishing Stance, Drak continues to deal trauma with two more lightning-fast finger jabs, and follows up with a quick kick to the midsection. He holds his fingers high, much like a mantis, and then zips one down to strike his opponent in the belly for 8 NL, dropping him. His left hand finger jabs his left opponent right in the chest for a punishing 13 NL, then launches his left foot out to slam the man in the chest for a brutal 11 NL, knocking him out as well.

R2T15: With the crowd pressing in to watch the fight, the woman that started this whole thing is gone.

R2T14: Annie, knowing his limitations and knowing that lethal force initiated by himself or his fellows would be a legal nightmare, simply commits to total defense ... for he also knows and trusts his friends to mop up these flunkies.

R2T13: The guy to Drak's right manages to get in a punch to the dwarf's gut for no damage (soaked up by crystal).

R2T12: The guy to Jer'el's right misses.

R2T11: Madame Juliette casts a spell on Drak, pouring a tiny vial of some libation on him. A glowing aura appears around him that helps to deflect his enemies' punches (and effectively cancelling out the penalty he creates for himself by his stance).

R2T9: Despite Annie's psi-shield and parrying with his staff, the man behind him - flanking with the other afore - manages to get in a lucky shot by slamming in the back of his right shoulder for 11 NL damage.

R2T7: Jer'el's opponent in front of him kicks the half-elf in the groin for 11 NL damage.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: The rogue in front of Annie keeps him occupied.

R3T24: Jer'el, the guy in front of you just kicked you in the groin. What do you do?

Drak, you're on deck.I had added the +1d6 damage for Punishing Stance to your attacks .... as taking a -2 penalty for no benefit is silly, n'est-pas?

2012-03-08, 06:13 AM
Jer'el retaliates with more punches.

Attack 1

Attack 2

2012-03-08, 12:39 PM
R3T24: Jer'el retaliates with more punches. His opponent ducks the first, but is rabbit punched on the right shoulder for 5 NL damage.

R3T20: Drak? One between you and Jer'el, and one to your right.

2012-03-08, 09:04 PM
Drak continues with the same pattern as before, mixing his cobra-style jabs and feints with graceful crane-style kicks.

Same deal, attacking the flanked guy first, and the other if the first guy falls down.[roll0]


[roll7] (Forgot last time about Claws of the Beast, he keeps his full STR bonus to off-hand attacks when using Tiger Claw weapons [i.e. Unarmed Strike].)

2012-03-08, 09:51 PM
R3T20: Drak continues with the same pattern as before, mixing his cobra-style jabs and feints with graceful crane-style kicks. The first jab slams into the back of the man's hands between the knuckles, causing intense pain, and the second slams him in the temple, KO'ing him. Less graceful than he'd like, but full of brutal and accurate promise, Drak jumps up so his kick can come down hard on the man next to him for 16 NL.

This is all these cowards can take, and they scatter through the crowd (the last guy had 1 to go before being staggered.)

The crowd cheers as the guard comes in to get statements and arrest the ruffians for disorderly conduct and brawling.

The party gets back to the Elensil unscathed. It seems word travels quickly. Really quickly. The harbormaster's clerk at the pier congratulates the group. "Heard you was jumped by twice your number and you drubbed 'em. Good for you. Course, whoever they was - cause sure as you're born they in some kinda' guild - well, you prolly made enemies."

Unless you have words with the clerk, I'll update the follow-on and XP tonight or tomorrow.

2012-03-09, 12:15 PM
This is why I'll never have a girlfriend. The only women who want to talk to me socially are usually interested in what's in my coin purse.

2012-03-10, 06:04 PM
You all get aboard the Elensil, and the other three come aboard about an hour later.

Time to crash ...

Early morning wakeup. Everyone prays/ studies/ meditates/ exercises and has breakfast. After breakfast, Brand works with Drak on skirmish combat techniques. Annie studies some of the arcane theories he learned while with the Adepts of the Prism, and is compiling a decent amount of notes. Jer'el works on listening games under Urdarumaedin's & Fallon's tutelage. Brand is making writeups of what he's learned in Crescent City thus far.

Madame Juliette leads the group (sans Mr. Thompson, who stays behind with the Elensil, and Fallon, who stayed behind to assist him) to the Sappent River docks for upriver travel. There are groups of swamp elves on the docks, unloading small boats full of dead creatures. These range from buckets of crayfish to the slippery coils of huge swamp snakes, killed for their meat and for their skulls, which the tourists buy.

Most of the boats are barges (which are pulled by horses) or punts (shoved along by poles). The barges are much larger and are used to transport heavy cargo, while the punts are for lighter loads such as a day's haul of crayfish. Sailboats are uncommon, as the region has little wind and the thick plant growth blocks off what wind there is.

Mr. Thompson, with funds from the Elensil, already paid for two punts for the party's use, loaded out with provisions, and Mr. Smith has the writ of lease. Madame Juliette explains to the party that the taboo of the Manor will keep any of her people from getting too close. Poling is fatiguing, but it is a skill (that no one, not even the less-physical-than-her-race Juliette, has) that is more about feel, not strength (though being strong helps). Urdarumaedin has a great feel for it, but is too small for the pole. The punts are:
#1 (the lead): Jer'el (poling), Urdarumaedin, Madame Juliette
#2: Annie (poling), Brand, DrakSorry, Drak, but Urdarumaedin wants the punts to be even in case of trouble, and as the legal 'owner' of Juliette it would seem strange that she would be in a different boat if stopped. The lineup was also to try to even out skills and abilities.
The Sappent is a broad, shallow river that flows slowly and smells putrid. Much of the traffic down the river is made up of barges, bearing the loads from the plantations down to the city, where it can be loaded into warehouses. The section of the river up to the fort is quite busy and is often not attacked by monsters, so the party will have an easy time of it (unless you go looking for trouble). A poled punt can move a whopping 5 miles a day (not hour). Trying to pole faster would leave the poler fatigued ... a bad idea once the party passes the fort and goes into less reliable waters.

The land to the east of Crescent City, on either side of the river, is exceptionally fertile. It was thus used as a plantation land by the elven nobles who first came here and later by the human aristrocrats who took their place. From the river, the PCs can clearly see workers toiling in the fields and large manor houses overlooking the estates.

The party will have to camp out. Urdarumaedin is sure he could sweet talk a noble family into letting the party stay there ... but he doesn't want to, and most of the party are roughnecks anyway ... and no one has the required dress (travelling clothes don't cut it) no matter how much sweet talking could be done.

The provisions are pretty good, though. Hammocks and tarps, not tents, given the terrain and trees (keep things off the muddy ground, and tarps to hang over whereas tent poles might slip). The food is better than normal rations (though still not good tavern fare): salted meats that are not jerky; a couple days worth of fresh eggs, milk, produce; fresh bread, and the like. After that, the party will have more ration-y type fare (though still a little better than normal): cured meats, hard tack, long-life produce like apples, pickled eggs, etc. Annie is more of a pest, but still learns, and Urdarumaedin is not a half-bad cook (though untrained) whose spells can really add to the flavor of the food.

Brand works with Urdarumaedin, Jer'el and Drak on evasive movement. Annie meditates, trying to reach his mind as far inward as possible, to stimulate his power and manipulation of psionic forces. Juliette studies her prayer book. Afterwards, Urdarumaedin and Annie entertain with music, song, and jokes.

Watches are set, but the night goes by uneventfully. The next morning, Urdarumaedin wakes up Jer'el for some early-morning fishing. Jer'el is now better at fishing than the little, as-yet-unidentified woodlike small creature that is Urdarumaedin. Of course, that's only because Jer'el caught a fish, and Urdarumaedin caught nothing. Jer'el enjoys fresh-caught fish for his breakfast. Brand and Drak work together on developing overall and combat-specific stamina.

Punts again .... and the party reaches the Fort.

The fort is a square stone tower by the riverside, with a quay beside it where vessels can be moored. It has only two levels. There is an old ballista at the top that looks like it hasn't been used in many months. Everyone notes that there are ballista bolts embedded in the trees across the river, evidently the result of the soldiers using them for target practice. The top of the small fort has crenelated walls.

This stone fort marks the eastern extremity of the land holdings in Crescent City. There are no more currently used plantations beyond the fort, as the ground is marshy and good for nothing. Just past the fort, the abandoned, overgrown remains of the Valjean Plantation can be seen to the south, shunned by all, including the swamp elves.

"This is a bad place, where we are told a wicked man once lived," says Juliette to Jer'el and Urdarumaedin.

"HOLD here and moor!" calls one of the soldiers, and the punts are moored at the fort.

The captain comes out with two guards. The soldiers at the fort are obliged to stop and inspect any vessel going up or downriver, since nobody other than the clerics at the Mission should have any business out there. The guards (including the captain) are halfway to being drunk and are annoyed that they now have to inspect a vessel. Even with Brand doing a good job helping "Mr. Smith", the captain and his guards are quite unfriendly. Even with the writ "proving" that Juliette belongs to Mr. Smith, the guards are particularly rude to her. They say that the punts can pass, but that the swamp elf is to go in to the soldiers for some "special questioning" .. and that is said with a lip-smacking leer. She should be finished with "interrogations" after an hour or two, if that long.

Anyone say anything? Annie, Jer'el ...... Drak?

2012-03-10, 09:06 PM
Drak is already sizing these ****ers up, looking for possible exits, and preparing to (literally) leap to Juliette's aid.

Of course, on the surface, he seems calm, if a bit annoyed. To the captain, he says cordially, "Look sir, the papers are in order. Ye've inspected all of our belongin's, and found nuttin' tae suggest anything out o' the ordinary. We have pressing matters tae attend ta, so we'll be on our way now, with all of our possessions. We bid ye good day, gentlemen."

Without waiting for a response, he turns to Jer'el and Annie, saying, "Let's get movin', boys."

2012-03-10, 09:14 PM
"Oy!" yells the captain, and halberds are levelled at Drak. A few more soldiers appear at the entrance with halberds, and a handful on the walls with bows. "Only the missionaries got pressing business in the swamp. Sure, the paper's in order, but taxes must ... be ... paid. We ain't keeping her, we're just gonna 'inspect' her for awhile. She's a member of a degenerate race, anyway. What? You gone native or something?"

2012-03-10, 11:49 PM
In an incredibly calm and matter-of-fact tone, the duergar replies, "Ye do not realize tha mistake ye're makin'. I'm not sure what gave ye the impression that I give a f***, but ye're na takin' no one, no where, what don't want to go wit ye. I'm gonna give ye my word that if ye all lower yer weapons right now, I won't kill nobody. Failin' tha, I'm gonna have me some fun rippin' yer guts out, mister."

This last comment is directed at the captain in particular.

2012-03-11, 01:25 AM
There are a few incredibly tense seconds that pass. The captain looks like he might be shaken, but then he smiles. "You're right. We're not taking her, and we're not stopping you. But you DID just threaten I and my men ... nay, this fort in particular ... and all for that bitch there. A swamp elf woman, huh? Fine. A couple of tender-hearted 'venturers, huh? Tenderfoot is more like it. Go into the swamps with that slave, and may she be the death of all of you.

"Just think about this ... we ask business of those leaving, but we're the gatekeeper of those coming in. You want to come back ever, at least this way? Let's hope the swamp teaches you respect."

He nods to two soldiers, who cut the mooring lines with their halberds. "Get off my fort, and meet your doom with open arms."

Juliette tries to keep Drak (and the rest of you) calm as the Annie and Jer'el resume poling upriver, "It be alright, Drak. Say nothin'. You make them angry, tings go bad for all. You kill dem, tings get worse when dey bring in de priests what see the death and killers even when dey's gone."

Though you saw what must be Valjean Plantation from where you were, it's about another hour of poling upriver, around a bend and well out of range of the fort, before you come around to where the docks for the plantation were. You look up and see the Old Valjean Plantation.

This land was once a thriving plantation but now weeds grow in the unploughed soil and rusting tools lie among them. There is no clue to suggest why the place has been abandoned. The soil seems as good as any and the ground is firm underfoot.

Ahead, the house sits empty as a skull, or so it appears. The windows are all smashed in, the rail around the porch has rotted and fallen away and not even the birds are coming in close. Perhaps the explanation for this desolation lies somewhere inside.

Because of the time spent getting past the fort and here today, it is now the last hours of sun ... which is dark as it is in a swamp. True dusk is likely to come within the half-hour, and already the house is looking increasingly more ill and foreboding. Urdarumaedin, Jer'el, and Madame Juliette are downright ill at ease. Brand and Drak are only doing marginally better. Other than feeling a slight unsettled feeling, Annie is as his player dictates - but otherwise judges his companions reactions to be a confluence of legend, geography, a creepy old house, and the illusion of menace provided by the waning sun.

The punts are emptied of provisions and pulled aground. As everyone is securing camp (because it is just way too dark to try to navigate the Sappent with a lot of nocturnal hunters about), Urdarumaedin says, "Look!"

Jer'el notices it first, then Brand, then the others once their vision is guided. It is a body in the courtyard - and the body does not appear to have any growth. Urdarumaedin has the group follow him, weapons out ...

Lying in plain view in the courtyard is the body of a man, wearing bloodstained leather armor. He is clearly dead, since his head is missing. It seems to have been ripped from his head, rather than cut. "Brand, Jer'el, check him ..."

Jer'el can tell that the man has been dead less than a day. Brand finds a set of masterwork thieves tools, a pouch containing 45 gp, and a letter. He reads/ shows the letter:


Very well, check out the Valjean place if you really want to. It's out of the city, so it's not my concern. I doubt you'll find anything, but in case you do, the usual percentage applies. You might want to take McCann with you. He's a sorcerer, good with that supernatural stuff.

Do I think it's haunted? Of course I do. That's why I've never gone there. I'll stick to guards that I can hit.

J.T. (sealed)
Just then Drak, Brand, and Urdarumaedin barely hear screaming from inside!

"No time for stealth!" says Urdarumaedin. "Drak, Brand, you're in front. Annie and Juliette afterwards. Then myself and Jer'el. Go!"

The front door opens easily, and the party looks into what must have been the entrance hall. This hallway must have been lavish once. Now, it is a festival of mildew and decay. The ceiling is festooned with cobwebs and the furniture is sagging and rotten. Patches of mould have spread across the carpet like a disease. Scattered on the floor are the remains of a recent meal - chicken bones, eggshells, and the singed end of a loaf of bread.

At this point, everyone can hear the faint sound of screaming, as if a man were in a state of extreme terror or pain. Currently, it is impossible to tell where the screaming is coming from. Annie raises max-power inertial armor and grips his staff. Madame Juliette, likewise, has her staff. Brand has out his short sword and dagger. Though inside, being in the back rank, Jer'el has Änderarchet in longbow form. Seeing it is dark inside, Urdarumaedin casts light on Annie and Juliette's staves; instead of a weapon, though, he holds his lyre.

Drak, 2 kukri, or morningstar + kukri?

2012-03-11, 07:58 AM
I'm goin' in with 2 kukris unarmed, since I can quick-draw everything I own.

2012-03-12, 06:38 AM
The hallways is 15' long x 35' wide. The party entered from the far eastern part of the southern wall (double doors). There are doors directly across, 15' and 25' from the west end of the north wall. "Brand, you guide us. Drak, you're door opener since you can pop a weapon out in no time."

Brand goes to the door more to the west and listens. He whispers, "I don't hear the screaming from here, but I do hear something."

"Screams are victims ... non-screams might be something else, something or someone we might question. Drak, open her up."

Drak opens the door. A broad staircase leads to the upper levels. There is blood splashed up the walls, decking the peeling wallpaper with brown stains. From above comes the unmistakeable sound of someone approaching, step by step. To everyone, the sound of the footsteps is like that of someone drunk. "Move in, and get ready, but wait for the attack until a hostile action."

The staircase hallway is long enough for the party to move in. A slender man staggers into the room, his face bright scarlet as if he were suffocating. There is something very wrong with his face. His lips have shrunk back from his teeth, which longer than they should be. His ears are large and webbed-looking. He looks around and babbles meaninglessly, then seems to come to his senses and gasps, "Help ... please!"

"On the ground! Get down on the ground!" shouts Urdarumaedin. "Brand, check him out."

Brand steps forward 5', only 10' from the man. The man's eyes roll back into his head and he tries to scream but only a whine comes out. There is a horrible tearing sound and the head rips partly free of the neck; then another, and the body and the head fall twitching in different directions. Instantly, the ears swell and unfurl, becoming membranous wings. With an awkward flurry, the torn-off head flings itself into the air, and whizzes around the room like a trapped bat, shrieking madly.

R1T21: Juliette calls from her position, "This be a vargouille. It be a creecha from de outside worlds of dark and evil. It ain' bein' strong or tough, but its shriek can stop a man, its bite be deadly poison, and its kiss can be makin' you one a' dem!"

She casts a spell, and a dagger made of force appears next to the vargouille (which is just high enough to be out of reach of the party (10' high). The dagger hits the monster for 4 force damage.

R1T20.9: Annie's reflexes are as fast as they can be. Annie, this thing is out of reach of a weapon (like you'd use that). What do you do? You put up inertial armor (max power) already.

2012-03-12, 04:30 PM
The role of Anaximander Shuul, played by srgonzo, is currently crippled, as srgonzo is working at a command which won't let him use a cell phone inside, NMCI won't let him access his character sheet online, and his Internet service won't be hooked up until Friday.

Annie blasts the vargouille with his most potent energy beam power on the electric setting (we should call this 'Tesla-ing the target.').

2012-03-13, 02:50 PM
R1T20.9: Whereas most of Annie's electrical attacks are mainly useful against metal-clad opponents (at least in regards to cold or fire), his most powerful attack - energy bolt - when electrified, is actually better at punching holes through power and spell resistances ... like those often possessed by outer planar creatures. Probing the physique of such a creature, he Tesla's the vargouille - a line attack requiring no accuracy - for maximum over-power possible, costing 7 PPs (51 remaining). It is totally unprepared for this attack and takes 22 damage, getting blasted out of the air.

In addition, the line of electricity continues up at a slight angle to blow through the eastern wall, the room beyond (relatively featureless), and into the inside part of the outer wall.

"No time to study. Guess we see nothing's in that room next to us. Up the stairs!"

The stairs are 10' wide, and end on a landing that is 5' N-S, and 10' E-W. the West is the outer wall, and the east is a door. "Drak! If we have one victim, there might be more. Keep the push."

This mainly featureless room (by featureless, we mean rubble and broken furniture and the like) is 30' N-S x 25' E-W. You are at the Western Wall, 10' down (2 squares from N). Immediately to the left (N) is another door). There is a door on the north wall, 10' from the east end. This room's limits, as given, are only known as such because the far eastern wall has been bashed away completely. The bricks are nowhere to be seen. Beyond that space is a large room with a piano (and the room continues south out of view). From this spot, all except Drak and Madame Juliette hear the screaming.

The party pushes through this room to check the room with the piano. The room is dominated by the huge piano at the north end. It must once have been shipped out here at considerable expense. Now it just gathers dust and bird droppings. the walls and floorboards of this room are deeply scored with claw marks and strange spines like porcupine quills protrude from the timbers. A few scattered fragments of bone lie in the corners of the room, too chewed for you to tell what creatures they came from. The single boot that lies against the far wall may provide a clue.

Everyone looks at the quills, and only Madame Juliette and Urdarumaedin provide a clue. "Dis be da quills of howlers, creechas of d'Abyss and Pandemonium, the home of great evil and madness, the home of demons. They's quills stick those who attack 'em close, and cause great pain. They's howl can drive a man insane."

Jer'el doesn't know what to look for, but Urdarumaedin - having a lot of knowledge himself on howlers - adds. "These quills here have tufts of upper folicle still attached. That means they're not that old, no older than a few days. This is probably the outer den they use to fight, mate, and devour their prey in."

Brand pipes up, "Human foot is still in the boot."

Udarumaedin looks at the northern wall of the outer room with the smashed wall. "If this is the outer 'activity' room of a den ... *gulp* ... then you can bet that's their den on the other side of that door. Vargouilles are from any of the lower planes, usually more chaotic; and howlers are from chaotic lower planes. This place isn't 'haunted' like some think it is ... it's infested by evil outworlders ... which might as well be the same thing, but in many ways is worse."

The party moves into the smashed wall room, looking at the door. "Everyone get ready... Drak, you're not only door opener, you've got the dubious honor of being the breech-warden to see the level of danger."

Considering the dangerous job he'll have, Madame Juliette places bull's strength and shield of faith on him. Meanwhile, everyone else (other than Drak) is told to get out missile weapons or the like if they have them. Brand and Jer'el have bow out (or in form). However, Urdarumaedin take out Balthoron and puts his lyre away. "Times like this I realize most human bards have something with that whole, normally useless, countersinging business ... could've used that against any howling."

Since the best light in the room is no better than a light spell, there are still shadows here and there, and in front of everyone's eyes Urdarumaedin seems to disappear into those shadows until he's no longer seen. "I'll let you know, Drak, when I try to pass so you don't hold me up."

Drak opens the door. No sooner does he do so than a terrific howling is heard. In a flash barely registered by Drak, a creature is upon him.

R1T26: A creature the size of a tiger comes right up to Drak and bites him on the right hand for 9 mod damage.

R1T22-14: Three more howlers in the room start howling. Urdarumaedin starts to howl in pain.

R1T13: Brand backpedals 10' and fires an arrow, hitting the lead howler for 8 damage.

R1T12: Another howler in the room begins howling.

R1T11: "That didn't go as expected," says Urdarumaedin's voice. "Change of tactic. Drak, standby for spell."

Spellcasting is heard, and Drak is touched on his lower back and filled with the spirit of a hundred heroes who have gone before him. His wound doesn't close, but he does feel tougher. "As soon as you drop that one, head in ... otherwise, we'll waste all our healing magic on you when we can have greater frequency-effect on them."

R1T10: Madame Juliette studies the howlers and gives advice on how to best ward off any more howling, and especially to Drak on how to best avoid the pain of the quills.

R1T9: Drak, your weapons are not in hand (easy fix). You are face-to-face with a Large, vile predator the size of a tiger, with wicked egony quills. What do you do?

2012-03-14, 09:10 PM
Drak leaps straight upwards, his feet finding purchase on the long, smooth sides of the hollow quills which lie along the fearsome beast's back. Then his kukri is suddenly in his hand, faster than the eye can see, and he thrusts it downward into the howler's neck with all the force he can muster.
I'll be utilizing Soaring Raptor Strike.
[roll0] (vs AC) IF successful, +4 atk and +6d6 dam.
If he is not already so positioned, Drak will then make a five-foot step to better place himself between Juliette and the howlers.

2012-03-15, 02:30 AM
R1T9: Drak leaps straight upwards, his feet finding purchase on the long, smooth sides of the hollow quills which lie along the fearsome beast's back. Then his kukri is suddenly in his hand (just one for now, I guess), faster than the eye can see, and he thrusts it downward into the howler's neck with all the force he can muster. He cuts deeply into its crown for a whopping 38 damage, and it is well into the red. He does a quick visual of his position to verify that he is still at the breech of this normal 5-foot-doorway so none can get through to attack his friends (or his heart's choice).Your sheet is updated for greater heroism, and your SRS is conditional on the Jump check, please mention when adders might occur, but otherwise leave the attack bonus as it is on your sheet ... unless I have simply erred in calculating it. Regardless, you threatened a crit, and with my roll you succeeded on the crit. As normal, only base weapon damage and adders (not added dice) is affected.The downside is that Drak is still stuck by a quill, but his ironward crystal protects him from any harm.

R1T5: Jer'el, that first howler is gonna' go down with one shot, for sure. With Drak at the doorway, you are unmolested in getting off shots. What do you do?

Annie, you're on deck.

2012-03-15, 11:08 AM
[COLOR="SlateGray"]Tesla zap! [COLOR]

Energy Bolt (electric) at the the spiky tiger-shaped thing.

2012-03-16, 07:52 PM
Jer'el, it is still your turn before Annie's ...

2012-03-17, 02:43 AM
Jer'el will shoot the closest howler to him, and work his way back as they go down.

Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

2012-03-19, 11:39 AM
R1T5: Jer'el will shoot the closest howler to him, and work his way back as they go down. He targets the one fighting Drak, and crits it in the skull for 13 damage as it drops. His second shot hits the next howler for 4 damage, and his third shot misses.

R1T4: Annie thinks to himself that it would've been nice to set up a line attack on the ones in line at the door for some energy bolt action, but he realizes that having others in the way to protect him is not without merit! That's alright, he is not without a way to attack three of them (sadly, he can tell there's a fourth around the doorway, but can't target them).

"Tesla Zap!" he calls as three tiny glowing balls of electricity from in front of him and shoot out at those three with a max power energy missile [electricity]. The first strikes the one Jer'el just shot for 11 electricity damage (it dodges some), the second for 20 electricity (fails save), and the third for 30 electricity damage (doesn't save).

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: The one that was next in line (that partially ducked Annie's attack), and definitely seems like the biggest one, moves forward to take the fallen's place. It bites at Drak, and tries to turn to scratch him with quills, but misses with both.

R2T21-14: The other two howlers that were in line now move out of LOS of Jer'el and Annie, moving west. Now only the one in front of Drak can be targeted.

R2T13: Brand shoots two arrows at the howler. Both hit for 9 damage.

R2T11: Urdarumaedin suddenly comes out of the shadows (even though that's right there amongst you all!) as he shoots his longbow at the howler, hitting it for 7 damage on the first, and 3 on the second. The howler is now in the yellow.

R2T10: Juliette casts a spell on Drak. Drak now feels that he has increased insight. "I be guidin' your blade, Drak!"

R2T9: Drak, you are currently incredibly strong and heroic with a magic shield helping protect you, and now you have increased insight. (The guidance orison, for when you next want to use it.) You are defaulted to Hunter's Stance, and you have one kukri in hand. What do you do?

2012-03-21, 04:27 AM
Drak makes a big show of his single attack on the Howler.

Drak is refreshing maneuvers.


2012-03-21, 04:31 AM
Whoops, forgot the slash (ironic, given my choice of weapons).[roll0]

2012-03-24, 01:37 AM
R2T9: Drak makes a big show of his single attack on the Howler, hitting it for 10 damage to put it in the red, but Drak takes 1 mod damage from a quill.

R2T5: Jer'el, there is only one target that you can fire on, and it looks like it's about to drop. What do you do?

Annie's on deck ...

2012-03-24, 10:45 AM
Jer'el aims for the most vulnerable spot he can hit, and shoots for it.

RP Attack

2012-03-24, 01:24 PM
R2T5: Jer'el aims for the most vulnerable spot he can hit, and shoots for it. The arrow goes deep into its left shoulder to sink in the lung for 14 damage, dropping it.

The two Large-sized dead or dying howlers heaped on each other now provide some cover like a low wall.

R2T4: Annie, this howler just dropped, but not enough time has elapsed for another one to take its place. As I said, the next one to come will have cover, unless it gets atop its fallen - which will not be enough to be considered to be 5' higher, but will be enough to be "attacking from higher ground."

Regardless, nothing to target right now as the howlers obviously have at least some primitive intellect to keep them from lining up to get blasted en masse again. What do you do? Delay? ... ready x when y?

2012-03-26, 11:23 AM
Ready Tesla Zap when Howler (NOT the monkey!) is zappable.

2012-03-26, 11:04 PM
End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22.1-22: Annie does not have long to wait as a wounded howler hops up onto its two fallen mates. He zaps the (normal-power energy missile [electricity]) unsuspecting howler for 8 electricity damage, and it is now in the yellow. It snaps intimidatingly at Drak.

R3T13: Brand crosses from one side of the hall to the next and shoots an arrow into its head for 11 damage, putting it in the red.

R3T11: Urdarumaedin again disappears from sight.

R3T10: Juliette delays.

R3T9: Drak, what do you do?

2012-03-27, 02:36 AM
Drak draws his other kukri and comes at the howler in a display of naked fury, slashing like a wild animal.

Utilizing Rabid Wolf Strike while in Punishing Stance. What the heck, I'll use up the guidance as well.


Current AC: 16

2012-03-28, 02:04 AM
R3T9: Drak draws his other kukri and comes at the howler in a display of naked fury, slashing like a wild animal, cutting deep into its right paw to have lots of arterial spray (19 damage) and it drops and slides off the back of the other two that are heaped at the doorway. But so deep did Drak tear into it that he got impaled pretty well in the chest by a quill for 2 mod damage. Drak is alert enough to back straight off the quill than to thrash from pain.

R3T8: Juliette casts another guidance on Drak.

R3T5: Jer'el, you hear what sounds like two more of these things howling away, but none are targeted because they are around the corner. Do you wait, and shoot from behind Drak? or, do you move past Drak to climb onto the two fallen howlers at the doorway (effectively moving one square into the room), either to stay or move beyond, to attack the others?

2012-03-28, 05:52 AM
Jer'el will get ready to shoot the howlers once they move into his vision.

2012-03-29, 02:39 AM
Jer'el readies a shot ...

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

Annie, do you ready an action, or delay, or something else? You see Jer'el with a shot readied for the next one to show.

2012-03-29, 11:05 AM
Delay for Jer'el.

2012-03-29, 10:36 PM
Annie delays for Jer'el ...

R4T14.1-14: A badly wounded howler appears atop the other two. Jer'el fires a single precise shot into its right foreleg for 13 damage, and it slides down the back, having been dropped.
Jer'el can only ready a standard action (attack), not a full attack action, so the assumption is that he was using precision damage shot as an OBI.
The howler having been dispatched quickly, Annie still needs to delay. (Delaying does not require defining a particular stimulus and response, btw.)

Brand delays ...

R4T12: From the sounds of things, the last howler pops up onto his fallen. This one is undamaged, though it looks like the weakest member. It bites Drak in his right forearm for 9 mod (max) damage. It shakes its body around, and just misses critting Drak in his abdomen for 1 mod damage. Drak's incredible reflexes keep the quill from breaking off in his belly, but only just barely.

Annie, you have a target now, and it sounds like the last one. It is unwounded, what do you do?
"Tesla Zap" is a fun term, but I still need you to tell me exactly what energy power you use it with, since you have several powers that you use that are electricity-based. I'm assuming that by now, you have settled into your home and have access to your sheet again?

The default is that you spend normal, at-level power (no extra power points/ dice damage) unless you other wise specify ... but if you "max" power, that means the most power you can amp something with.

2012-04-02, 11:35 PM
R4T11.9: By now, Annie has bracketed that his chances of fully catching his opponent with any given energy missile slightly outstrips its ability to mitigate damage is favorable enough to try fire. Tesla is nice, but if he can do more damage to it (without paying more power for it), that's fewer strikes for Drak to have to make against it ... meaning Drak won't be hurt as often by hitting it.

Annie concentrates and a dart of fire streaks out to hit the howler, the howler still manages to dodge, but it looks like it would've done so regardless ... so the tactic was sound, doing 5 fire damage.

R4T11: Urdarumaedin comes from seemingly nowhere to stab the thing in the underpart of its chest for a critical 27 damage! This thing is now in the yellow. Urdarumaedin tumbles back and away.

R4T9: Drak, you regain your balance from that last maneuver, though your extremely aggressive stance has you somewhat vulnerable still. What do you do?

2012-04-03, 06:48 PM
Drak once again leaps into the air, landing on the beast's back, ripping and tearing into its flesh as if his kukris were the claws of a wild cat.

Soaring Raptor Strike.


EDIT: F***. Glad I flubbed a jump now, against a Howler, instead of later on against a dragon or something.

2012-04-04, 12:54 AM
R4T9: Drak once again leaps into the air to land on the beast's back, but the extra height and all of those quills make Drak hesitate and pull back, landing where he was before and cursing silently to himself.And to think, you have a guidance on you ... if only it was used for the jump. These things have an AC of 15.
R4T8: Juliette delays ...

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T14.1: Jer'el, what do you do?

2012-04-04, 04:17 PM
R5T14.1: Jer'el releases a quick volley of arrows at the howler. All three arrows hit for a total of 19 damage, dropping the howler.

Combat Ends ...

There is practically a wall of howlers at the entranceway ... which is a prickly situation. :smalltongue:

What does the party do?

2012-04-04, 05:25 PM
Let me try something. DOLBY WAVE!

Annie manifests a wave of sound (if I remember right, energy wave has a knockback effect).

2012-04-06, 05:21 PM
Energy wave doesn't have a KB effect, but it's also a 7th-level power. You're talking about energy push.

The dolby push has to be done twice, but works well enough to safely clear the doorway for folks to move in without worry of being stabbed by quills.

2012-04-06, 11:12 PM
The party pushes into the room to do a quick sweep, and Brand checks the once-nice balcony. Nothing on a quick sweep ... the former living room that was a den for howlers. Why there are howlers here, and vargouilles before, is of concern. Everyone but Drak can hear the screaming distantly in this room, but it seems that it's coming from somewhere in the house, not on the grounds through the window.

Urdarumaedin's keen ears prick up and he says, "This way!"

He winds around a few rooms to where there is a door that is opened, and stairs leading down, now everyone can hear screaming from down that way, and yet it doesn't quite seem like it's immediately below. Urdarumaedin casts a spell on Drak, healing to only 2 hp behind full. He puts a light spell on Annie's and Juliette's staves. "Brand, go take a look."

Brand pops down and comes up. "Looks like the room is set up for some foul rite, and yet the room is drenched in unnatural shadows."

"Drak, you're first, followed by myself, then Annie, Juliette, Brand, and Jer'el. Go!"

The team rushes down. This chamber has been set up for the performance of some foul rite. The room is steeped in darkness as thick as smoke. You can dimly see that an altar made from stone slabs occupies the center of the room, with a chalk triangle drawn around it and diverse mystical sigils scrawled on the surfaces. On the altar are the skeletal remains of what used to be a human being, some wisps of hair still clinging to the skull.

"'Dis be no real spell. It be similar to calling someting from beyond, but no controls are dere. If dis was cast as it is, den whatever came tru it is not kept from harming da caster."

The screaming can be heard from the other side of the wall at the southern end, just past an altar. Brand moves forward to search the wall, when hiding on the other side of the altar pops a man-sized shape: gaunt, humanoid, but with an oddly-shaped head, as if the bone went back a ways and then hooked over oddly. It slashes at Brand, who dodges.

R1T18: Jer'el, you are 15' from this thing. Remember that it is shadowy illumination in here, even with the light spells, so there is a 20% miss chance. What do you do?

2012-04-07, 09:36 AM
Jer'el fires a small volley of arrows at the thing in the hopes of at least one of them getting through the shadowy illumination.

Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

2012-04-07, 09:38 AM
Rolling for crit.


2012-04-07, 10:10 PM
R1T18: Jer'el fires a small volley of arrows at the thing in the hopes of at least one of them getting through the shadowy illumination. The first arrow hits it solidly in the chest, but it doesn't look like it did anything. The second arrow misses. The third arrow crits the thing in the neck for 14 mod damage.The thing is w/in 30' so I gave you an extra 3 pts for PB (1 for each multiple of crit) ... speaking of which, a bow does triple damage on a crit, not double. I rolled the extra. Nice shot. What's disturbing, though, is that you got a crit in its neck, but it did significantly less damage than you had hoped. :smallfrown:
R1T16: "Dis be a babau," calls Juliette. "Tis a demon from the Abyss. Cold iron or good weapons, or lucky strikes like da half-elf. Acid slime burns what touches it!"

It just so happens that her telling you about it helps you to fight it more effectively, as well as to resist its special attacks more capably. Cause, y'know, she's just that cool. She casts guidance on Drak once again. The sizzling pop of the arrows that hit it also underscore her remark about the demon being coated in an acid.

R1T10: Urdarumaedin moves up the other end to flank the demon with Brand, his holy Balthoron in hand. He fights defensively, though. He is particularly good at accurate flanking but has weak protections, so trying to go toe-to-toe against a demon is unsettling for him. He fails to crit the demon in the foot, but still does 19 damage as a combination of skill, holy weapon, and sneak attack. It's still a damn painful attack, and the spry Urd keeps from getting splashed by acid.

"It's a demon, alright. This guy's all about stealth and assassination. Annie, as a race of demons called the tanar'ri, he's immune to electricity, and has pretty good resistance to acid, cold, and fire."

R1T8: Brand has his wits and drops his bow, quick drawing both his short sword and his dagger. He is less interested in fighting defensively, and begins his attack run. His first attack with the sword is foiled due to darkness. His dagger hits it in the right shoulder for 3 mod damage. His last attack misses.

R1T7.9: A telepathic hiss of a foul presence fills the minds of those in this room. "At last, Ozzalkrund has more mortals to sacrifice! And what have we here? A halfling and a .... what are you, holy weapon wielder? Dead, for your insolence, that's what!"

Ozzalkrund focuses his hatred on the creature with the very painful sword. His first attack is foiled by his own darkness.

"Ha!" taunts Udarumaedin. "Serves you right!"

But the second claw slashes the poor little guy across his hip and groin for 11 (max) damage. He manages to just deflect the bite.

R1T5: Drak, you have an altar in the way, but it's a blessing in disguise. The altar is 15' from you (Ozzie is 20'), and you'd have to do a "hop up" which for you, is no problem. Bonus is that you'd get high ground advantage against him. The downside is that you really can't charge with a hop up. You are still assumed to have a kukri in each hand.

Also, the shield of faith spell lapsed, the bull's strength and heroism are still going, and Juliette just plopped another guidance on you. You also have the advantage of Juliette's tactics and puissance. (Sheet adjusted for spells, I adjust for Juliette). What do you do?

Annie, you're one deck ... see Urdarumaedin's counsel, above.

2012-04-08, 06:22 AM
Dropping the kukris, Drak draws his longsword as he hops up onto the altar. Winding up for a killer blow, he swings with all his might at the slimy demon's head.

Mountain Hammer it is, then. Also, I'll assume that my other maneuvers are actually refreshed, since this is a new encounter, unless you explain why it's otherwise.

FA: Drop kukris.
MA: Move forward and hop up [roll0] while drawing longsword.
SA: Mountain Hammer, Stone Power for four, and expending guidance. So a +17 with no modifiers, -4 for SP, +1 Higher Ground, +1 guidance, +whatever for Dark Knowledge (I think).
For a total of 16 damage, with no DR, if it hits.
Also, 8 temporary HP for me either way.

2012-04-08, 07:00 AM
R1T5: Dropping the kukris, Drak draws his longsword as he hops up onto the altar. Winding up for a killer blow, he swings with all his might at the slimy demon's head. Only because of Juliette's guidance (well, her tactical guidance, but guidance as well) does Drak's powerful blow land for a whopping 18 damage, putting this thing in the yellow.

R1T4: Annie, remember what Urdarumaedin said about its immunities/ resistances. What do you do?

2012-04-09, 10:58 AM
Dolby Zap!!!

2012-04-09, 04:32 PM
R1T4: Since he doesn't have a clear "line" to Ozzalkrund without affecting a friendly, and given the advice from Urdarumaedin, Annie sends forth a Dolby missile that hits the demon solidly, but only for 4 sonic damage.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R1T18: Jer'el, what do you do?

2012-04-09, 04:39 PM
RP Attack

2012-04-12, 02:26 AM
R2T18: Jer'el takes careful aim before firing a single shot. It looks like it would be very good, but the darkness throws off his aim.

R2T16: Drak is in a perfect place for Juliette to cast on him, and Drak receives another guidance.

R2T10: Urdarumaedin continues to defensively harry Ozzalkrund with Brand. He does 16 damage on one strike, dropping the babau well into the red. His second attack does 12 damage and the demon drops.

Brand performs a coup de grace and Combat Ends. Urdarumaedin and Brand easily notice a large area of the back wall where the masonry looks recent and not quite put together well. From the other side you all hear raging winds tearing at the bricks from beyond, along with the clearly audible screams of a man in torment. Jer'el is able to retrieve two of his missed arrows.

What do you do?

2012-04-12, 04:40 AM
"I'm sher I could break through tha' in under a minute."

2012-04-12, 07:50 PM
Urdarumaedin gives a polite "After you/ by all means" type of gesture to Drak, and has everyone else back off to the SIDE ... he doesn't want anyone else getting blasted or sucked by the loud winds.

2012-04-15, 09:28 PM
Drak recovers his two dropped kukris and sheathes them. He then takes the human-slaying longsword and hacks at the wall. It is a very poor job of mortaring, so it actually comes apart quite easily.

There is a howling gale in this cellar room, tugging at your clothes and hair. The winds come from a black vortex in the south wall, only three feet or so across, through which you can dimly see the outline of strange thin mountains and distant figures that no sane mind could describe.

Suspended in the air, half in and half out of the vortex, is the emaciated figure of a human being. His hands have been lashed to a support beam, so the winds keep him hanging in the air but cannot pull him all the way through. His face is almost that of a skull, but the sunken eyes that roll madly in their sockets are those of a living man. He tries to speak, his voice a thin whine above the roaring winds: "Listen! You must understand! I have been here for years, so many years, ever since it happened! The demon is keeping me alive! It brings me water and … food … scraps of meat. … I dare not think where the meat comes from. I try to refuse it but the hunger is too great!

"While I live, the gateway cannot close. They are using it, using it to cross between their world of chaos and our world. They want to make it larger. While it is small, only the heads can come through, but there is something beyond … something huge. It wants to tear the gate open and enter this plane.

"I have become the gateway! For pity’s sake, kill me! Close the vortex and let me find peace!"

The distorting effect of the gateway is responsible for this man's screams that seem to come from "somewhere." It is randomly distributing the echoes of those screams across the region, which is why the house and all its grounds seems haunted.

Drak, since you are the first one to see this (and while the others barely heard what was said - but still heard it) and this man, likely poor Michel Valjean, was looking at you, you get to make an action before anyone else in the group.

Be VERY careful, the winds in this room are exactly the strength of a gust of wind spell, with the difference being that the wind sucks towards the caster (the gateway) rather than away. The cellar is 15' wide x 35' long. Michel is at the 30' mark, only 5' from the vortex on the back wall.

What do you do?

2012-04-16, 10:17 PM
Drak slashes the man's arms off.

2012-04-16, 11:37 PM
You have to make a move action to get to him. Roll the attack (I know, he ain't moving, and yet in his pained thrashing he's not 'helpless' enough for a coup de grace) and the damage ... and, yes, it is important.

2012-04-21, 02:39 AM
Drak moves all the way in, a mere 5' from the vortex, and cuts at Michel's arm with the human-slaying longsword. It is a terrible swing, buffeted about by the winds. But it wasn't THAT bad not to cut flesh ... and yet, Michel's flesh is as hard as plate and Drak is shocked to find he could not penetrate it so easily.

R1T21: Drak calls to the others that Michel's skin is extremely resistant. Drak sets himself squarely as there is no enemy to hurt him, raising the longsword high, and drawing strength from the stone of the basement floor before chopping down. Once again, though, and even with mountain hammer, Drak doesn't even cut through the skin.

R1T20: Annie, you are just around the corner of the outside portion of the basement. When/ if you look in, Michel is lashed to a post some 30' into the room. What do you do?

Jer'el on deck ...
Drak: 21. Punishing stance.
Annie: 20.
Jer'el: 19.
Urdarumaedin: 18.
Brand: 12.

Michel: 0.

Juliette, unable to act, due to being faced with the very essence of the fears that have struck her people.

2012-04-23, 03:13 PM
This is going to hurt. DOLBY WALL!

Annie concentrates and constructs a wall of sonic energy surrounding Michel. All of the energy is directed toward the hapless man in the space. Veins swell in Annie's temples as blood vessels burst in his eyes and blood begins to trickle from his nose and ears.

You're all going to want to try ranged attacks.

Annie overchannels and pours as many power points into the Wall of Sound (anyone thinking Phil Spector here?) as he can to maximize the damage.

2012-04-25, 02:38 AM
"This is going to hurt. DOLBY WALL!"

Annie concentrates and constructs a wall of sonic energy surrounding Michel. All of the energy is directed toward the hapless man in the space. Veins swell in Annie's temples as blood vessels burst in his eyes and blood begins to trickle from his nose and ears. "You're all going to want to try ranged attacks."
Interestingly, unlike most energy powers, you can't increase the power of energy wall in any way. You simply manifest and it is. Because of that, this power didn't really tax you enough for the Firestarter look.

Michel is dropped down to -5 hit points and goes limp, though nothing more interesting happens than that. The incredible sucking, howling wind still has him flailing about wildly.

Jer'el, what do you do?

2012-04-28, 12:48 PM
R1T19: Jer'el moves next to Drak, his weapon changing into falchion form, and he swings ... and the falchion bounces off of the man's strangely hard skin as if it were heavy armor. Having to pass through the Dolby Wall with his swing, Jer'el cuts carefully to only take 5 sonic damage.

R1T18: Urdarumaedin moves in, but to the opposite side of the post Michel is lashed to, now flanking with Drak. He pierces into the man's heart from the side. Michel's body rips to shreds with his last breath, bursting past the ropes, and his gore is sucked into the vortex which in turn collapses in upon itself with a loud popping sound.

Urdarumaedin's darting attack keeps him from taking any damage from the Dolby Wall.

Encounter Ends (and I assume Annie drops the Dolby Wall) ...

Once the danger has passed, Brand and Juliette come in and Juliette seems absolutely reverential. "It be said 'dat de ones who come to defeat de Howling Darkness in de swamp will save the world from the Consuming Darkness."

The entire basement is scoured for anything else and the party moves upstairs. The same with the ground and first floors.

One last place to go: the attic. Brand goes stealthily up the pull-down ladder that leads to the trap door going to the attic. He then creeps down and says, "It's too dark up there for me to see anything."

Urdarumaedin goes up now in his place and then he comes down and says, "It looks like there are about 10 of those vargouilles - those flying heads - roosting up there. Annie, do you have any kind of explosive power like a fireball that could roast a lot on the first wave? Then we'd rush in and finish them off."

2012-05-01, 12:40 AM
I've got something that might work. If need be, I can ramp up the damage it can do, but I'll hurt myself doing it.

Annie goes up, overchannels, and pours as much psionic energy into his manifestation as he can.

Pasteur Cone

Annie focuses the cone to get the majority of the vargouilles.



2012-05-01, 12:55 AM

On the third attempt, I hope I can actually get the roll in.

2012-05-17, 12:29 PM
A burst of heat flashes forth in a great cone that captures 9 of the 10 vargouilles there, killing all of them instantly with horrible, shrieking and wailing screams. The last vargouille that was off to the side wakes up and shrieks in anger. Meanwhile, some blood trickles down Annie's nose as he takes 3 damage.The most you can normally do with your ML is 7 PPs (7d6 damage). With Overchannel, you can only increase your ML by 1 (to 8th ML, including max PP costs).
Round 1 ...

R1T23: Juliette casts guidance on Drak before he goes gallumping upstairs.

R1T14: Drak, you only need to take a move action to get up the stairs to a point where you can attack the last vargouille when you see it. The part of the sloping attack it's on keeps it in reach for you. What do you do?

2012-05-17, 03:46 PM
Drak will just go ahead and tatter the little **** with a Rabid Wolf Strike with a kukri, keeping Punishing Stance active.

MA - approach within melee
SA - Rabid Wolf Strike (Guidance)

2012-05-17, 04:13 PM

2012-05-18, 07:29 PM

And with a single brilliant stroke, the thing is goo. Combat ends.

2012-05-18, 07:49 PM
As he wipes the gore from his weapon, Drak casually walks back over to Annie. "Remin' me not tae piss you off. Like, ever."

"Good work," he says with a pat on the shoulder, as Drak's other hand moves automatically to sheathe his weapon.

2012-05-21, 03:54 PM
Annie pulls out a handkerchief and wipes away the blood.

Thanks. Now does anyone have any healing pills from Eck Se'Drin? I've got a headache THIS big!

Annie holds his arms out wide.

2012-06-13, 01:31 AM
The party burns through the rest of Valjean Manor, and realize they have finally cleared it!

Valjean Manor is free of the evil curse! :smallsmile:

Now what?

2012-06-13, 03:52 PM
Ok, we were supposed to do something, but it hurts my head to remember right now. What is it we were supposed to do?

2012-06-14, 12:55 AM
Madame-Charman Juliette de Thompson answers, "It was for my people. I promised you that if you would do this service for our people - to rid these lands of this Screaming Darkness - then I would show you to an ancient temple deep in the swamps where none of my people will go."

Brand says, "Sounds good to me. But I don't see well in the dark anymore than Annie there. I vote we camp here, since the place is clear."

"More than just clear," says Urdarumaedin rather cheerily. "Oh, sure, this place will need a lot of fixing up. But with the last known Valjean dead - that would be Michel - it's very likely we can put forth a request to gain this land for our own as a possible base of operations.

"As for leaving, shouldn't we go back to town to let Rillian and Fallon know of our success, or do you think we can, or should, go to the Temple on our own?"
Urdarumaedin doesn't vote ... he just poses the question. Juliette doesn't get to vote. This leaves 3 PCs and 1 NPC ... and Brand will follow the crowd.

2012-06-14, 06:15 AM
"I'm all for going and letting them know, but if we do that than we have to pass by those guards again, and they weren't too happy with us..."

2012-06-15, 10:58 AM
I vote for sleep, back to town to debrief, then back to the cave. We can deal with the guards.

2012-06-16, 07:41 AM
"I'd be quite pleased tae pass 'em guards agin..." The dwarf idly fingers the hilts of his blades.

2012-06-17, 02:48 PM
"Wary, warrior," says Urdarumaedin, "how eagerly you wish to join them with battle. An attack on a guard of Caldraza is akin to an attack on Caldraza itself. We don't need that heartache right now. But, it is settled. We return to Crescent City to join again with the others."

That evening, Brand works with Jer'el and Drak on agility and avoidance training. Where Annie was studying maritime navigation with the Elensil captain, Urdarumaedin now tutors him in overland orienteering.

After this, and before the party beds down, Madame Juliette returns from having stared long into a swampy pool. "'Less ye want t'anger of the guards be on ye, the signs say we let they's anger cool. We should be headin' to your temple. Did not Mr. Thompson say he have things ta do in town wid da girl-Fallon?"

2012-06-20, 07:56 AM
Drak just nods at her sage advice.

2012-06-20, 06:22 PM
What of Jer'el and Annie?

2012-06-20, 09:52 PM
"I hold to my vote to continue on. I've expressed my concern for the guards and Madame Juliette's warning only strengthens my resolve against going back. It just doesn't seem wise."

2012-06-21, 02:37 AM
Well, it seems - armed with Juliette's visions - that the party is now going to continue on. Annie, do you have anything to add?

2012-06-21, 04:25 PM
Ok, further into the swamp we go.

2012-06-26, 01:07 AM
The following morning .... It is peaceful now in Valjean Manor and on the plantation. Well, peaceful of evil, but already the sounds of the cormorants begins to welcome the places expurgation of the abyssal.

The feast provided was good, and there is still another two days of fresh food remaining before getting to more preserved foodstuffs.

Morning study, prayers, meditation, weapons form, and calisthenics. Since it takes Urdarumaedin twice as long as everyone else ... Brand will work as a CQB partner for Jer'el. Battles are way too complicated for a warrior of Jer'el's status to stay back, and while his sword changes on command, it would be nice for him to be accustomed to using it in the midst of melee. For Brand's sake, being able to toss off a dagger at one opponent while fending off another with a sword would be a fine trick. Annie meditates on energy research he conducted while with the Adepts of the Prism in Saragost, seeking to take pure kinetic energy and attempt to harden and modulate that which he uses for armor for an alternate/ additional ability to shrug off the brunt of many weapons. Drak uses some of the techniques that he learned in looking for others in the dark, and seeing if he can't apply those to combat.

Poling upriver, with folks taking turns as you continue deeper into the Hogglepot Marshes. These marshes are thick with foliage and noisy with animal life. There are many bayous off the central river, leading through labyrinths of green to the settlements of the swamp elves.

Juliette tells the party that the Hogglepot Marshes derive their name from the methane bubbles that rise from the bog-water, like a boiling cauldron. The first time you each see a patch of bubbling swamp, tensions are high at first as you all think something might be under the water until she allays your fears. Sometimes, and you can only really see it at night because it's faint, sprouts of marsh gas spontaneously ignite, causing weird green and blue flames.

"Some fools," she says, "be a-thinkin' they be helpful spirits called willawisps and try to falla dem only to drown. This is yet another reason many stay away from the swamps, cause non-marsh dwellers think they's haunted."

She'll continue to tell you more as you see the sights.

By decree from the King of Caldraza, those swamp elves who do not yet have an owner are allowed to live in the marshlands that they have occupied for generations. Their settlements are primitive stockades, with huts made from wooden branches overlaid with mud. The swamp elves survive by fishing and hunting in the surrounding marshes.

At any time, a member of another race is allowed to come and claim one of the swamp elves as a servant, so long as he has an appropriate license to do so from the Crescent City Labour Office. The Office sells these licenses at exorbitant rates. Licenses will also not be issued during 'breeding times,' when the swamp elf population needs to replenish itself. In essence, it is very much the same way hunting is regulated. The swamp elves are treated as if they were animals, there for the dominant races to use as they will.

The party begins to notice poles carved from tree trunks. These depict the heads of the primary animal deities that the elves look to for guidance in their shamanic practices (as with Juliette, though her magic is an exception). The order is always the same. There is a macaw head on top, followed by a monkey, then a snake, then a crayfish. These "totem poles" are sacred, and to desecrate them will mean outrage from her people. Even touching them is forbidden to outsiders. The totem poles you see marks that you are getting close to her village.

Unbeknownst to the party, some of the marsh gas isn't quite that, as a pair of beady eyes and black snout have been stealthily trailing in and out of the water for a short period to follow the barge. It quietly lifts its head out of the water so that not even Jer'el nor Udarumaedin's tremendous senses can help, and then it hisses loudly and a stream of acid covers the surprised party, the barge, and their provisions.
Urdarumaedin: 37 acid damage.
Brand: 34 acid damage.
Annie: 26 acid damage.
Jer'el: 16 acid damage.
Drak: 13 acid damage.
Juliette : 11 acid damage.

Drak does an expert job of holding the narrow profile of the barge, which still takes 15 acid damage. His efforts are not enough as the barge cracks and breaks and everyone goes into the water. Luckily, Juliette's guidance to always stay near one bank or the other may prove useful.

"I am Raali'azykerin, master of this swamp, and I do not suffer trespassers lightly!"

R1T24: Brand darts for shore while taking out his bow, and fires at the creature once the water comes up to his hip, but the arrow bounces off the thing's hard snout.

R1T23.9: At the same time as Brand, Jer'el can act.

Jer'el, you have no idea what the hell this creature is, though your hunter's sense did help you to duck at the last minute for minimal damage ... but acid still hurts! It will only take you a move action to get to shore. You really can't shoot your bow at the creature until your feet are planted and the bow is out of the water. Only the snout of this creature is out of the water, granting it cover. It is 45' from you, and the single move action assumes that you go directly to shore (otherwise, it is two move actions to get closer). You're a pretty good swimmer, but you KNOW you are not good enough to try and close with an aquatic creature in its home element of water ... the sword is crappy (slashing) and you can't shoot a bow.

What do you do?

2012-06-28, 08:55 AM
Jer'el draws his bow while moving onto the shore. Once there he shoots at the strange creature.


2012-06-28, 09:36 AM
R1T23.9: Jer'el draws his bow while moving onto the shore. Once there he shoots at the strange creature. It could've been a nice shot, but the monster has cover since only a portion of it shows out of the water, and the arrow practically shatters on its snout.

R1T21: Juliette just makes her way to shore. "Dat' be a dragon! A black dragon, and a juvenile by da look of 'im. Spittin' acid, making patches o' inky black, and powerful swimmer. He musta' swim from da' upriver when he no longer be hearin' da' moanin's o' Valjean Manor!"

She casts shield a' faith on herself.

R1T18: "That's right!" the thing roars. "I am Raali'aryzkerin, and with the Howling Death gone, I claim this part of the swamp as my own. I shall be master to the swamp elves!"

Annie, Udarumaedin, and Drak are suddenly plunged in darkness, seeing vague shadows of each other as they are just coming up for air after having been dropped into the marshy water with the boat's destruction.

R1T10: Annie, you don't know how to swim, and you're not very strong to boot. You haven't entirely lost your bearings, but you can't target the dragon with anything requiring targeting. If you swam to shore (let alone stayed afloat), it would cost you a double-move as you have to fumble some in the inky darknes.

What do you do?A dragon! But, yes, you agree with that, but you don't know much more than it is a dragon, and its color is black.

You were badly wounded by the initial burst of acid, 37:63 hit points.

2012-06-28, 08:59 PM
Annie activates his unicorn to get a burst of speed, so he can swim to shore.

2012-07-02, 03:01 PM
R1T10: Annie activates The Unicorn to get a burst of speed. Despite being just as likely to drown, the birthmark must make him better at swimming or something, because he plows through the water like a champ. (The birthmark is still active, btw.)

Annie gets onto shore, and he still has a standard action available to him. Annie sees the head and verifies mentally that it is not only a black dragon, but agrees that it is a juvenile. In fact (with a result of 34), Annie knows pretty much everything that can be known about a black dragon (from the Pathfinder OGC, but the d20 SRD is good enough for a good idea, anyway). The dragon is 45' away, and has cover since only part of it is out of the water.

Annie, what do you do?

2012-07-05, 02:56 PM
Tesla Push!

Annie manifests a wave of electric energy at the exposed parts of the dragon.

Ok, here's me being honest. I originally posted for a Tesla Burst, thinking I could put the center of that burst anywhere I wanted. However, NMCI doesn't block the PF SRD, so when I looked at the write up, I realized my error. I hadn't yet rolled damage, and I'm not going to (for the energy push) unless the DM says that's ok.

2012-07-05, 04:07 PM
Go ahead, roll damage...

2012-07-06, 10:25 AM

A wave of electricity coalesces in front of the dragon's snout and passes through him...

2012-07-06, 11:01 PM
R1T10 (Cont'd): "Tesla Push!" calls Annie as he manifests a wave of electric energy and fires at the dragon, hitting it in the snout for 5 electricity damage. Annie is unsurprised when the superhumanly strong dragon doesn't even budge from the push of his power.

R1T9: Urdarumaedin calls out, "Don't fire from the shoreline! He' in his element. Retreat further onto the marshy ground to keep it from cover!"

He swims up onto shore, and moves through the "difficult terrain" further into the swamp.

R1T8: Drak, what do you do?

2012-07-07, 08:19 PM
Drak follows Urd, drawing his kukris as he emerges from the water.

2012-07-07, 11:01 PM
R1T8: Drak follows Urd, drawing his kukris as he emerges from the water, but just clears into the overhanging canopy at the river's edge, now slogging in difficult terrain.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T24: Brand fires an arrow that bounces off the dragon's snout, followed up by bolting into the underbrush, well past Drak and Urdarumaedin.

R2T23.9: Jer'el, you are standing on the shore. What do you do?

2012-07-08, 08:13 AM
Jer'el follows Urdarumaedin's instructions and moves further onto the ground before shooting again.


2012-07-15, 12:25 PM
Modifying, since moving into the swamp puts you in enough canopy to keep you from having a shot...
R2T23.9: Jer'el gets off a shot before following Urdarumaedin's instructions and moving further into the swamp. The arrow scores a solid hit for 10 damage.

R2T21: Juliette takes some pebbles out of a pouch and then runs further into the swamp.

R2T18: The dragon bursts from the water in flight to hover 10' above Annie, lashing out with its sinuous neck, a long tooth grazing along the psion's totally unprotected belly for 8 damage, putting Annie into the yellow.

R2T10: Annie, you are badly wounded and on the bank alone with the thing hovering 10' above (and away) from you. What do you do? Your burst of speed is still active. There is no 5' free move in this terrain.

2012-07-16, 11:52 AM
Annie glares at the dragon as he shouts:

Tesla Bolt!

A web of electricity surrounds Annie, coalesces into a ball in front of his eyes and shoots a blue-white ray of lighting into the dragon.

2012-07-17, 12:14 AM
R2T10: Annie glares at the dragon as he shouts: "Tesla Bolt!"

A web of electricity surrounds Annie, coalesces into a ball in his hand and from his fingertips he shoots a blue-white ray of lighting into the dragon. The dragon wasn't quite expecting that and takes the full 18 electricity damage.

Urdarumaedin shouts, "Annie, get away from it!"

Annie, you have a MA open, do you use it to move into the swamp? You will be open to a single AOO from its bite. The burst of speed from your unicorn birthmark is still active.
You have 55 PPs remaining. The change in your fluff is because the power, as written, comes from your fingertips. This is important, because if your hands are restrained, the power does NOT come out of your eyes or from your face .... but must come from a place where your hands can "aim" at your target.

2012-07-18, 12:17 PM
Annie moves with all possible speed for some cover.

2012-07-18, 02:29 PM
R2T10 (Cont'd): Annie moves with all possible speed for some cover, but not before his right arm is bit for 13 damage, bringing Annie into the red.

"That's right, little meat puppets! Run! I don't need you since you've paid a fine tribute with the food you lost ... food and materials I have gained! Ha! And next time, if you want to pass safely, bring a tribute for me, Raali'aryzkerin!"

R2T9: Urdarumaedin slogs over to Annie and casts CSW on him for a whopping 31 healing, bringing the psion back into the green.

He calls out, "Never again shall we intrude on your territory without first readying for your esteemed presence, Raali'aryzkerin! You have my promise."

R2T8: Drak, do you accept what seems to be the end of the battle, or do you feel it necessary to come back out of cover to fight the dragon?

2012-07-18, 09:41 PM
Drak's not about to throw away a freely given get-out-of-acidy-death-free card.

2012-07-23, 04:32 AM
"We be nearin' da' Mission," says Juliette. "We can be a-goin' on foot. I not mind, though you be careful you not get leeches in your boots."

Urdarumaedin nods and says, "Good, we'll quickly keep moving, and then we'll put on what healing we may when we're sure we're safely by."

"Great," says Brand with ironic enthusiasm. "Let's go."

It's a yucky, mucky, muddy, boggy, sloggy, trudging march to get to this Mission. She explains that there is a Marian Mission there run by Father Abstinence Morton. It is also the area of one of the larger swamp elf villages. This village ... it seems ... just happens to be her home.

It isn't hard to see that the party is being ghosted from a distance on both sides by swamp elf hunters. They do not come near or interact, and Juliette doesn't seem to bother her kin or ask them to close. "It be rude to stare. It say that dey's huntin' be no good. Den' dey simply come in to kill for havin' dey's huntin' skills fail."

Finally, you get to this place that is simply called The Mission. In a cleared area to the side of the river (you will double back after awhile to make sure you are clear of the dragon) stands a long wooden building, obviously not the work of the swamp elves. From inside comes the curious sound of many voices singing and having trouble with the words. From what you can hear, the song sounds like a hymn of some sort.

"Dis be Archbishop Vigilance Derrick's obsessive plan to bring Marianism to the pagans. His idea was bein' to build a mission hall out here in da swamp, so dat de denizens be able to come and worship Marius. So far, de effort not be workin' so well. Oh, me kin enjoy the singin' and claim to be converted but dey be goin' straight back to our shamanic ways as soon as dey leave the mission.

"We cause no problems here. While dis religion be silly city stuff, Morton be a good man, even if he be fool in tinkin' dat the swamp can be purified. We wait here for da service ta be endin' for respect."

Anybody have any chatter or anything, or do we move on?

2012-07-26, 04:41 AM
The service ends, and swamp elves begin to pour out of the mission, mainly joking and funning around. Sure enough, the alert swamp elves notice the party ... some stop to stare, others avoid at all costs, others don't really pay any attention.

Suddenly, a little elven girl comes bursting out of the crowd and points at the party and shouts something at the top of her lungs, practically screaming.

Drak, Annie, what do you do?

2012-07-26, 05:21 PM
Annie smiles at the scene.

It nice to see people reunited, isn't it?

2012-07-26, 08:21 PM
Drak, what do you do?

2012-07-27, 10:26 PM
Jer'el - a half-elf and curious what would've happend if an elf and a dwarf got together - is amused and whispers into Drak's ear. "She said, 'Mommy! Mommy's home! Look, Daddy, it's Mommy!"

Sure, enough, behind this little elven girl (humanish 8 years old, which is more like real years) comes a swamp elf male carrying an elven girl of about 4-ish in human equivalent (likely a true 8-9 years or so).

Juliette gasps and tears come down her eyes, and she gets up and runs to them and they all come together in one huge hug. She furiously kisses her children and what is likely her husband/ mate, and they all sink together in tears.

See, Juliette was purchased as a slave. Which meant that Caldrazans came into the swamp to grab slaves and she, like so many others, was ripped from her family. But despite Drak's hopes, this beautiful scene (well, maybe for the others) is rare, indeed. Once dragged to Crescent City, few slaves ever get to return to visit. The only way they normally get to see each other is if swamp elf family members send a letter through the mission to appeal to their loved one's owner to take them in as slaves as well. :smallfrown:

"Sorry, mate," says Brand, reaching up to pat Drak's shoulder. After a few seconds, he smirks and says, "Of course, you are way too much of a sex machine for her. You would've broken her right out of the gate. I guess that's why elves will usually only mate with humans; dwarves are way too tough."

Not very eloquent. But a nice try.

2012-07-31, 02:39 AM
Drak watches with keen interest before Jer'el and Brand speak.

Drak actually looks really very happy for her up until Brand speaks. Then without looking down, he says, "One of these days, you'll learn some respect, peck."

Then he goes back to his wistful, distant smile. To the others, "Well, what next?"

The Chaman (Shaman) Juliette will introduce you to her husband (Josse), her older daughter (Alexandrine), and her younger daughter (Agnès). The situation is exactly as was described above, when she was caught last year by a slaving expedition, where Crescent City with licenses are allowed to just come into the swamp and take slaves. In the meantime, swamp elves are cheering to have their best shaman back with them.

A middle-aged, somewhat paunchy Marian priest comes out to see what the noise is about, and sees the party and is instantly excited. "Friends, friends! It is so rare we get civilized company out here, slaving parties included. Please, please ... I have meager food to offer, but I have it. Please eat dinner with me. Juliette, I cannot feed your family as well. Please understand. There's some type of black-scaled monster in the swamps that has taken up residence very recently in the area. It demands fish and food, knowing that these people have nothing in the way of treasure to offer."

2012-08-01, 08:19 AM
Annie leans over to Drak and says sotto voce

I think he's talking about the dragon. We're going to have to finish that thing off.

2012-08-02, 02:51 AM
Urdarumaedin whispers something, pointing slyly to each member of the party. This is obviously some kind of magic spell that allows him to whisper so quietly to himself, and yet sound like he's whispering right in your ear (which is impressive given that he is a few inches shorter than 3' tall). Annie recognizes this very humble but useful spell as message, a cantrip, and knows that if he wanted to he could send a reply.

"I agree that it would be good for the dragon for the die to free the people of this scourge. But for now, without a means to fight such a beast in its home terrain, we are at too great a disadvantage. Let us enjoy this man's open hospitality, learn what we can, and continue to find the Ragged Man."

Annie, do you have anything to reply? or, is it enough to follow Urdarumaedin's advice? Your simple analysis of the situation is that in open combat you might have a chance, but such a creature has way too much of an advantage with homefield advantage .... and there is no way such an ambusher is likely to give that up for some ridiculous accusation of cowardice.

2012-08-02, 04:01 PM
Annie considers the ramifications of gathering an oppressed people in a hostile environment and leading them to a location with better living conditions, taking long enough so an entirely new generation is born before they actually get to their destination and depositing them into the new land with an appreciation for Hombel.

No arguments here.

2012-08-03, 01:56 AM
"Yeah, I guess yer right," comes Brand supra-whispered message. "Personally, I'd like a chance to hunt this thing down in his own home and gut him. But if yer goin' to an old haunt in the swamp, yer gonna' die if I ain't there to pop traps. Who knows? We might find some great ancient trinkets to help us when we come back to skin the scales off the sable serpent."

"It breaks my heart to leave a people to this," comes Jer'el's reply, "but I have no knowledge of dragons, no skill in hunting them, and they and all of their kind are completely outside of my experience. Besides, there will always be evils to fight, and we have to choose which ones."

Father Morton serves what fish and vegetables can be found in the swamp. It is not a great meal. He is an enthusiastic man that takes obvious great pleasure in his work. He is obsessed with the purity of the body, rejecting all contamination. He considers the swamp a mass of toxins and pollutants, making cleanliess all the more important. His obsession means that he is happy to cure the party as best he can, without charge ... and being a very competent priest with holy powers he is able to heal everybody's wounds after several castings. Vigilance Derrick is urging more threats of hellfire and less of curing of wounds, or the pagans will never bother to convert, but Abstinence Morton is running the mission his own way and intends to carry on doing so.

Urdarumaedin, gossip that he is, has no problem filling in Father Morton with all the goings on he's heard of in Crescent City.

Drak/ Annie, this will be one of your best sources of information (for awhile, at least). What questions do you have for him .... about swamp elves, anything you've seen, about your mission (if you even mention it), or anything else?

2012-08-03, 10:45 AM
Annie asks about other dangers in the swamp besides the dragon, and have the swamp elves noticed any kind of pattern to the dragon's hunting? He also asks about the swamp elves' community. Is this the only enclave in the swamp, or are there others? If there are others, how similar are they to this community, and would they be willing and able to provide guidance about the temple and the surrounding area?

One of the other things we need is another survival expert who knows this swamp. Urda, I'm wondering if the plantation we cleared out might not be a good spot for a cleric who'd like to minister to the swamp elves. I doubt anyone's claimed it by now.

2012-08-03, 11:13 AM
Concerning swamp dangers:
* Just the terrain can be dangerous. You have to really work to find food, which is why the swamp elves are actually quite good hunters. Every bit of water has to be boiled, because of how polluted it is with disease and filth. The swamp also mires and fatigues a man, but can be brutal for shorter legged fellows, such as Brand and Udarumaedin.
* Hags of every kind - sea hags, green hags, and annis; massive monsters that tear apart a man with big claws; vile crosses of women and vultures that lure men to their deaths; lacedons - ghouls that lair in watery places; hideous crawfish men; vargouilles; spectres & will o' wisps; normal and giant crocodiles; massive, multi-headed reptiles. Even the swamp forms into mounds or humanoid forms with different shapes and attack.

He'd ask a few swamp elves about hunting patterns of the dragon. They can't tell. The monster is too random and/ or too intelligent to have a routine, which fits with Annie's knowledge of these creatures. Though dragon's are reputedly extremely intelligent, a black dragon of this size is unexceptional mentally. But it's fully chaotic nature makes it very unpredictable.

There are other swamp elf villages similar or smaller than this one. Because of the scarcity of food, this and other villages can't support other tribes moving into the same territory. Simply moving makes an unbearable drain on both tribes, and nothing says the dragon wouldn't stalk them to where they go.

Abstinence continues, "There is indeed a temple further south from here but it is a wretched place, best avoided by clean-minded people. I have never been south of this point but the last priest to serve here has. That priest unfortunately went insane and fled into the swamp some months ago. The poor man is probably long dead by now. His name was Father Industry Maxwell."

Jer'el asks, "What do you know about any dead gods? something called 'Kharad'?" (Through the Messrs. you have that information, but Jer'el is looking to see if the priest has any information that might be a different perspective.)

"I have no idea what a 'dead god' might mean, unless you are referring to Kharad. That was the name of the god of vegetation, worshipped by a small sect of elves many years ago. As far as the temple, just about any swamp elf can guide you there. Absolutely no swamp elves will go into the actual area. They'll be guides there, and likely thankful for returning their shaman to them .... but they will not be companions there. They are far too overwhelmed by the superstition of that place."

Concerning Annie's question Urdarumaedin replies, "Please, if you find yourself unable to use five syllables, which is most surprising considering your own eloquence, you might as well use only one. My nickname is Urd, not Urda.

"Good thinking, bad results. The Valjean plantation is right around the corner from the fort. Worse, it means that legally licensed slaving parties don't have to travel very far at all."

2012-08-03, 03:01 PM
Meh. Remind me to provide you with my lecture on how slavery is actually bad for an economy the next time you have nothing to do for about four hours. I think it would be best to plan this journey out a little, especially if it's going to take more than one day. If Chaman Juliette and a guide are willing to accompany us, perhaps we could use other villages as rest stops on our way to the temple. On another note, what's the plan if we run into a slaving party? I, for one, am going to find it very difficult to stand by and allow this sort of thing to happen if I can stop it.

2012-08-04, 11:19 PM
Urdarumaedin messages an answer, "I understand. If it happens, we stop it, of course. But we don't have the time to set up some type of insurgency .... yet. We have a greater mission that involves our entire world and a thousand years of darkness. Even a wise paladin knows when action is to be taken, rather than throwing himself at every threat that exists, for there are too many.

"On our return, let us see what we may."
We are now playing a solo campaign ... David is at boot camp, and Joe got called up for Army stuff.
So, Annie, what are your suggestions for what to bring? Food and clean water are obvious no-brainers. Remember, there are NO real technology-based items. All of those things that you take for granted when near anything, even the size of a village, you don't really have here. Brand and Jer'el are actually fine with this, though the halfling maybe a little less so. Jer'el will seek to top off his arrows.

Anything you can suggest, Annie?

2012-08-05, 10:29 PM
Oh my, I suppose rope would be in order, perhaps some sort of shelter would be nice, though I could hardly carry such a thing. I'm also not very good at swimming. Perhaps some sort of boat? Oh my, that would make for quite a bit to carry. We'd need a pack animal, wouldn't we?

2012-08-05, 11:42 PM
"You and your f***ing rope," mutters Brand with the message.

Jer'el sighs, and just speaks up to keep Father Morton from feeling left out ... "We were just magically discussing supplies, Father, for an expedition. Charman Juliette had promised us that she would join us for her having us help rid Valjean Plantation of the evil there. We'd like a guide, if that's possible, and we're curious if we could get any provisions of any sort ... rope, tent, boat, pack animal?"

Father Morton pauses a second at the admission of magical conversation but then shrugs it off easily enough. "I know the village would be devastated to have her leave for 'certain doom.' Make no mistake, I believe her dark studies and superstitions will do me no good for conversion here, so I think having her go with you is an excellent idea.

"A guide would be unnecessary, since even Madame-Charman Juliette knows the way to the general area well enough. And even the bravest hunter in the tribe has never been past the statue that lies in the muck there, so another elf will do you no good, and I'm sure they will not spare him to you for your foolishness in going to a place that is so haunted.

"As far as basic provisions, they may be able to send you off with some food. Water is a bit tricky since they don't have barrels here, so you'd have to boil your own, unless one of you can make water. Rope they can do, but only hempen rope, and no grapnels or the like. Swamp elves sleep in the open, and do not like tents. If nothing else, they would gather under heavy vegetation. So none of them here. Pack animals are ridiculous in the swamp. A boat you could definitely get, but again, since Juliette would be going with you, she would guide and the rest of you would row a couple sizeable canoes."

2012-08-07, 04:29 PM
Brand, having a good rope while traveling is almost as useful as having a towel.

2012-08-13, 07:18 AM
Three canoes to hold all the persons and provisions (including rope and food, as well as some pitch-bottom pails for holding water). Any more RP for Annie, or ready to move forward?

2012-08-13, 02:21 PM
Onward into the breach!

2012-08-15, 01:06 AM
You bunk down for the night under tarps (and it rains some), and head out in the morning with the following:

Canoe #1: Annie & Drak.
Canoe #2: Jer'el & Juliette.
Canoe #3: Brand & Urdarumaedin with long, thin paddles. However, their light weight offsets their small arms and their canoe keeps pace with the others.

You travel the better part of the day when Juliette says, "We be gettin' close to da evil lands, now."

A little while later, ahead of you, is a fork in the river. Rising from the water is a vast, dark shape, some 40' high, hung with straggly vines and thickly overgrown with moss. Below it lies a larger mass, and island in the river. As you draw closer, you see that it is made from stone, though it is unclear what it may once have been.

Making sense for a dwarf considering stonework, pulls his canoe closer. Everyone except Annie and Juliette can tell what it is, and Drak says, "It's a massive stone statue. The tall shape is an arm, while this islad mass is the top of a head."

Juliette stands in wonder (and fear) and says, "I never be darin' to pass dis place, and never did see what it was but a sign of ancient evil. I'm asham'd to see that non' my people never did no-tice dat, but we never dare look it fully."

She casts a spell and says, "Day is magic on'a dis ting here, but it too faint to be anyting now."

She then casts another spell, and also stares for several seconds, then nods her head ruefully. "No wonder dis ting be given me people da willies. Dey's evil here as well, though like da' magic, it is too faint. Dat still no good, me tell you."

Annie, is there anything you want to do/ add while you're here?

2012-08-15, 11:10 PM
Annie spends his time communing with Oineus, focusing his energy for the next bad thing coming their way.

2012-08-22, 07:25 AM
Drak, what about you? Anything interesting here with this thickly overgrown and super oversized relic of a statue? or, move on?

Despite her great learning and insight, Madame-Charman Juliette says, "I taut I could do dis, but I cannot. I am too overcome by fear of 'dis evil place. I mus' be turnin' back."

No amount of rhetoric, reassurance, or logic will change her mind.
Read: Juliette's character sheet was one of the ones wiped. And I have far more important ones to deal with throughout my several games than her. That, and there is already an in-game issue that would keep her from continuing.

On another note. Please do the following, because I cannot do it on my Profiler when I'm given editing rights of your character sheets.
1) Go to your Profiler. This is the TTW page that lists all of your character sheets.
2) Click on the 'Edit' hyperlink to the far right of each character.
3) At the very bottom of this Edit sheet for the character, click on 'Download.'
4) Save the file where you will. Update this often so it does not fall too far behind.

2012-08-22, 12:47 PM
Thank you for coming this far. At some point, we were going to have to learn to get along without you. I'm just glad you're able to reunite with your family.