View Full Version : Developing an Epic Power - What seed is this?

2011-12-29, 12:19 PM
Hi folks.

I'm working on developing an epic psionic power for my soul manifester. I want to create an epic version of Open Chakra. Obviously, the effect of this power is going to be pretty much 100% ad hoc, which will require a lot of back and forth with the DM, but I was thinking of what seed it should use, thematically, and I was unsure. Transform (transform your chakras into an open state)? Fortify (making yourself stronger by opening your chakras)? Life (Incarnum is soul energy)? Reveal (granting yourself inner insight to allow you to bind to those chakras)?

2011-12-29, 09:32 PM
The "open chakra" line are all Transmutation/Psychometabolism, so the Transform seed is the most logical option.

As for how to use it, the simplest expedient is to transform you into yourself, but with certain chakras open. Start with this line:

The transform seed can also change its target into someone specific. To transform an object or creature into the specific likeness of another individual (including memories and mental abilities), increase the Spellcraft DC by +25.

Then apply an ad hoc mitigating factor - you are already yourself, so +25 is too steep. Perhaps +10 or even just +5 would be a better baseline. Next, consider the following:

For each normal extraordinary ability or supernatural ability granted to the transformed creature, increase the Spellcraft DC by +10. The transformed subject can have no more Hit Dice than the caster has or than the subject has (whichever is greater). In any case, for each Hit Die the assumed form has above 15, increase the Spellcraft DC by +2.

Open chakras (and the feats that open chakras) are not typed; however, if you consider open chakras to be extraordinary or supernatural (most feats are extraordinary), you could apply this factor as well. As for the last clause, rather than have the spell increase by +2 for every HD you have above 15, just look at the level an Incarnate would gain the Soul Chakra (i.e. 19) and use that increase to add +8. (19-15 = 4, 4*2 = 8).

I would therefore end with a DC of 21+5+10+8, or 44. With 24 ranks in Spellcraft and taking 10, you would only need +10 more from bonuses or ability score mods to reliably cast it.

Finally, consider other mitigating factors - the duration of the Transform seed is Permanent, but in keeping with the other Open Chakra spells/powers, you could lower that to 24 hours and make the power easier. On the other hand, the casting time is also a minute, and you could lower that too by raising the DC.

2011-12-30, 02:47 AM
As usual, Psyren, your advice is invaluable.

I hadn't even though of it in that way - that's awesome. One question though - how does one apply a mitigating factor to reduce the duration? Would it need to be ad-hoc?

Increasing duration +100% is +2, so it would be reasonable to say reducing duration 50% would be -1. However, if the duration is permanent to begin with, where do you reduce it from there to get it to a quantifiable amount of time?

2011-12-30, 03:25 AM
As usual, Psyren, your advice in invaluable.

I hadn't even though of it in that way - that's awesome. One question though - how does one apply a mitigating factor to reduce the duration? Would it need to be ad-hoc?

You're welcome, and yes, it would (because there's no listed way to decrease duration.) But that was just a suggestion; you could certainly leave it at permanent instead of 24 hours, since that's the default duration of the Transform seed.

2011-12-30, 03:50 AM
Wrote up the full description. I think it sounds alright. Close enough to the original power and pretty practical to research, since it will only cost about the same as a single Wish/Reality Revision.

Epic Open Chakra
Psicraft DC: 14
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 24 Hours
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 126,000 gp; 3 days; 5040 XP. Seed: Transform (DC 21). Factors: Transformation into specific creature (+25 DC), Transforming self into self (ad hoc -20 DC), Additional extraordinary ability (+10 DC), 4 Additional HD (Soul Chakra requires 19 HD) (+8 DC), Change from target to personal (-2 DC), Increase casting time to 10 minutes (-18 DC), Reduce duration from permanent to 24 hours (ad hoc -10 DC)

You use your psionic powers tap into the power of one of your greatest chakras, allowing yourself to form a chakra bind that you otherwise could not. You can open your heart or soul chakra with this power. While benefitting from this power, you can bind a soulmeld or magic item to your opened chakra just as if you had gained the ability to form a chakra bind from a feat or class feature.