View Full Version : Hobgoblin Adventuring Group

Draconi Redfir
2011-12-30, 10:31 AM
So now, page 823 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0823.html), first panel of the bottom row. There seems to be a small group of hobgoblins attacking a creature of some kind. What do you say my fellow Goblinoids of the Playground, should we take a hint from the "my little pony" fandom and create entire names and backstories to these seemingly insignificant background characters just for the fun of it?:smallamused:

From the group of them, i would imagine a fighter (Sword + Shield) Rogue (Sword) Ranger (Bow) and either a cleric, or some other kind of Devine caster. (Browncloak.)

While they may all look alike right now, i don't think it would be impossible to squint our eyes and notice some vague features hidden by the shadows and muck do you? Like how the Rogue seems to have one black eye and one yellow eye, or how the fighter has some kind of bruise or birthmark just above his right ear. Perhaps if it's not a stretch we could say the cleric is missing both his left fangs.

What do you guys think? Could be fun! Just think of it as a new "That Guy With a Halberd" :smallbiggrin:

Gift Jeraff
2011-12-30, 10:38 AM
Browncloaks are wizards, as established in several earlier strips.

2011-12-30, 10:47 AM
Um, they're soldiers. They're part of the group searching the sewers. They aren't an adventuring party. You might as well say guess the class and backstory of all 32+ Goblins/Hobgoblins in this strip.

2011-12-30, 10:52 AM
I'm impressed by the number of proper goblins in these. I expect we're going to see more of the hybrids soon enough.

Draconi Redfir
2011-12-30, 11:26 AM
Um, they're soldiers. They're part of the group searching the sewers. They aren't an adventuring party. You might as well say guess the class and backstory of all 32+ Goblins/Hobgoblins in this strip.

all 32+goblins in this strip aren't battling a monster typically reserved for adventurers. :smalltongue:

2011-12-30, 11:28 AM
That Guy with the Halberd is gonna be their main rival isn't he?

2011-12-30, 11:40 AM
Browncloaks are wizards, as established in several earlier strips.

Really? Where?

2011-12-30, 11:44 AM
Really? Where?

Right here. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0706.html)

2011-12-30, 12:16 PM
Quickly, Browncloak Boy, the Slimester is terrorizing the sewers of Gobbotopia! We must act quickly!

I'll call up Shieldy Shiv and Swordy Steve right away, Bow-man.

2011-12-30, 12:27 PM
Right here. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0706.html)

Ah, thanks. I thought those were clerics, but I rechecked Dancing Lights (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Dancing_Lights), and it's not on their spell list.

2011-12-30, 12:52 PM
I think (hob)goblin clerics wear blue cloaks.

Draconi Redfir
2011-12-30, 01:21 PM
ahh, my mistake then.

Gift Jeraff
2011-12-30, 01:24 PM
Also, Haley identifies a browncloak as a wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0512.html) without seeing him cast a spell.

Anyway, I think their names are Hobgoblin Archer from Strip #823, Panel 4; Dyes Horribly; Kodrog the Slayer, Jr., son (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0259.html) of Kodrog the Slayer, Sr., of the Hobgoblin House of Martok, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Lost Treasure of Sdigiji; and John.

2011-12-30, 02:37 PM
Archer: Kegond Greathand, or "Swift Arrow"
Warrior: Gtasez Ironcleaver, or "Sharp Stick"
Wizard: Sgubk Darkrender, or "Shiny Hands"
The One Grabbed with a Tentacle: Kabuds Stonelaugh, or "The Mook"

Those are my suggestions anyway.

Draconi Redfir
2011-12-30, 05:52 PM
Alright guess i'll spew out some random ideas for each of them and see what happens as well.

Sword+sheild: Erk Gagle (urk Ga-Gal), basic brave and noble fighter type.

Sword: Arely Lacan (Are-lee Lah-can), Cowardly and paranoid rogue, always terrified that something horrible is going to happen to him, and is usually right. Took up the rouge class mostly to hide from potential threats.

Bow: Lelic Straut (Lel-ick Strr-awt), Best in his class in the art of the bow, often likes to boast about his talent and strives to be the best archer in Gobbotopia. Took the Ranger class to help with this. He can however get testy when someone proves to be better then him, and often goes through days at a time trying to rectify this "error". Outright refuses to use anything other then a bow, he claims it is because other weapons are "beneath him" but really it's because he spent so much time training with the bow that he really has no idea how to handle anything else.

Cloak: Zenk Swettle (Zzz-Ehnk Sw-ettle) Not the best mage in the world, but not the worst either. Born with the powers of sorcery, he mainly focuses on Transmutation spells due to his natural talent with the school. Since becoming an adventurer, he has taken up the task of creating any potions or magic items he can, the price of which leaves him slightly behind the others in terms of experience.

Could also say there was a divine caster behind the wall somewhere to balance the party out, a common gag with him/her could be the fact that they never actually appear onscreen, always being hidden by a conveniently place tree, stone, block of wood, wall, or other obstruction. Perhaps they have a natural affinity with full-cover granting objects.

2011-12-30, 07:01 PM
Hah! Your all Ninja'd! :smallbiggrin:

If you look at the OOTS Strip 823 thread, and look through it, you'll see several posts, starting around page 5 (number 123 to be exact) that discuss the aspect of the Hobgoblin Adventuring Party. I myself dubbed them Guild of Goblins Squad, GOGS for short:


Gift Jeraff
2011-12-30, 07:07 PM
This thread predates your post by 3 hours. :smalltongue:

2011-12-30, 07:11 PM
This thread predates your post by 3 hours. :smalltongue:

Hell...I need to pay more attention to things I need to pay more attention to. Erk, you wont see my face around here again, just from embarrassment. I will say, however, that I approve of all of this, for what it's worth...

2012-01-05, 08:14 AM

super dark33
2012-01-05, 04:24 PM
The thing is called an Otyugh.
its intellegent like a stupid orc and lives in caves where there are corpses, junk or living things.

Draconi Redfir
2012-01-05, 08:59 PM
R.I.P. H.A.G.


We are the Chosen ones (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM_c_avPlx4), We sacrifice our blood. We kill for Honour...

We are the holy ones, our armours stained in blood, we kill the dragon...

White Tornado
2012-01-05, 09:14 PM
I've read about The Guy with the Halberd before on these forums, but who is he exactly? And in which comic(s) does he appear?

2012-01-05, 09:18 PM
I believe this strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0432.html) was his origin.

And I have to say, I can't help but be amused at how short-lived this proved.

Draconi Redfir
2012-01-08, 01:47 AM
So i made this...

An image of the members of the Hobgoblin Adventuring Group. All five of them.

Just... just ignore the fact that none of them have feet and that one dude only has one hand... Lets... lets call it a style ok?

And not the true fact that drawing hands and naked feet is flippin hard and i gave up after like ten tries