View Full Version : Problem with Pathfinder Pyrokineticist{PF}

2011-12-31, 01:25 AM
So on this most wonderful school break I get to get together with people I played with long ago, like I was grade nine, (for comparison I'm 2nd year Post-Secondary. Which isn't important to my question, but I haven't played with these guys in forever.) Anyways to the point at hand, we will be playing Pathfinder, it will be the first time for any of us playing something other than 3.5. I'm going with a Psionic Mul either Wilder or Psychic Warrior to Pyrokineticist (Not optimal, but oh well, better suggestions?) Now I've done Psionics before, but I've never used Pyrokineticist (or any of those other elemental variants) The thing I'm wondering is the entry requirements.

For 3.5 A Pyrokineticist needed:
Chaotic Alignment
Concentration 8 Ranks
Craft (Alchemy) 1 Rank
Knowledge (Psionics) 2 Ranks
Have a Power Point reserve of at least 1.
Set something on fire just to watch it burn

However in Pathfinder they need:
Autohypnosis 5 Ranks
Craft (Alchemy) 1 Rank
Knowledge (Psionics) 2 Ranks
Have a Power Point reserve of at least 1.
Set something on fire just to watch it burn

Now beyond me not understanding what Crafting Alchemical items has to do with setting fire to things with your mind. I can't help but notice that you can enter the class 3 levels earlier. If everything is a class skill, you have everything you need by level 2, as per the Pathfinder rules, (Level 5 by 3.5 ruling, just in case we didn't want to deal with math, which I usually don't) My question is which do I follow, I mean don't get me wrong, PW or W 2/Pyro 10 is great from a build standpoint (our games haven't really passed Lv 16, except for one time, but we locked those characters in a vault afterwards, never to speak of them again) I'm looking for some other source of Pathfinder rulings that might correct this or confirm it. Also if anyone has any better suggestions than Psychic Warrior or Wilder for the base class (that I will end up taking 2 or 5 levels of) please, let me know.

2011-12-31, 01:30 AM
Max ranks in a skill is equal to level in Pathfinder, ranks in a class skill gives a flat +3 to that skill.

All prereqs in Pathfinder reflect this skill change. Entry level is the same in Pathfinder, though it's far easier to gain the skill ranks.

2011-12-31, 01:33 AM
A Soulknife/Pyrokineticist is decent. In Pathfinder, Soulknives can apply their abilities to the Pyrokineticist's Fire Lash as if it was their Soul-weapon.

2011-12-31, 01:49 AM
Max ranks in a skill is equal to level in Pathfinder, ranks in a class skill gives a flat +3 to that skill.

All prereqs in Pathfinder reflect this skill change. Entry level is the same in Pathfinder, though it's far easier to gain the skill ranks.

Well then, I feel more than a little silly for auto assuming skills worked the same... I really only read up on CMB, because that was new to me.

2011-12-31, 01:50 AM
Max ranks in a skill is equal to level in Pathfinder, ranks in a class skill gives a flat +3 to that skill.

Actually max ranks in skills are equal to your hd, not purely your level.
And a class skill gives an additional +3 untyped bonus to skill checks with that skill, so having 1 rank gives a total of a +4 bonus to that skill, 2 ranks gives +5, et cetera.
Still, either way, the entry point is still level 5, unless your dm houserules it back to the 3.5 system for gaining skills, and max ranks in skills.

Also for a build; Kineticist psion could also be good if you end up wanting extra fire based abilities.

2011-12-31, 01:58 PM
Close Please, Psionics got waved, oh well. On to the next idea.