View Full Version : Werewolves in Gotham (IC)

2012-01-01, 08:31 PM
OOC THREAD (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12460757)

Gotham City. A dark, gritty town. Once the shining center of splendor and decadence, it has since fallen mostly into urban decay. While the wealthy still live in comfort and safety, the less fortunate majority of the city struggles to get by in the sprawling metropolitan grind.

We start our story in the second-floor office/apartment space of a slightly dilapidated building. A new pack of young Uratha has recently taken up residence here, starting a new life in the dark city...

2012-01-01, 11:32 PM
Russell stands by the window, staring off into the depths of the concrete jungle. His face is contemplative, his posture relaxed as he is lost in thought. Look at this place. It's a sprawling, dilapidated maze of concrete, glass, and steel. Nothing like home. I wonder how my siblings are doing? I hope they're all right. Maybe I should see if I can find a way to get in touch with them. Or not. How hard would it be to explain everything that's happened? And how much could I really tell them? The Oath states that the Herd Must Not Know, after all. Russell shakes his head. Nothing to do about that for now, though. First things first. We need to mark out our territory in the city. Then we need to find some kind of hunting ground. The Wolf Must Hunt. I wonder where we'll be able to hunt in this maze?

2012-01-03, 12:07 AM
Harley sits on one of the chairs that were already in the building, pushed up against one of the walls with whatever table he could drag over there. His suit is left open and shirt untucked from the long trip it took to get to the building, and the few hours he's spent on the phone since getting to the city. His nimble fingers absentmindedly twist a quarter around themselves in the awkward silence left in the room.

Clearing his throat, Harley takes a look out of the window again. "Delivery men...same everywhere." He mutters, with a smile at his own joke. "What're you thinking, Russell?" He asks, raising a fine eyebrow at the man looking at the other window. Harley was glad, at least, that he didn't seem to be the only one with a lot on his mind.

2012-01-03, 08:07 AM
Russell glances over at Harley before turning his attention back out the window. "What do you think about this place? The city, I mean."

2012-01-03, 11:49 AM
Harley shrugs in his seat, letting the quarter spin on the tabletop. "I think it's as good a place as any for...us to start setting up a territory." His voice errs slightly on the use of the pronoun. He'd ran with many groups in his years, but something about the trust got to the man. When he was working for the "boss", he knew ol' Bill wasn't going to rat him out for taking a bottle while the tender's back was turned, but he wouldn't have trusted him with his car keys for every dollar in his pocket.

"If it's true that there aren't many toes to step on in our duties, if we mind ourselves anyway, if we make sure that if we get into anyone's books it's their good ones, and if we're lucky enough to not be sitting in the centre of vengeance-spirit-ville, I think we can be quite successful." His eyes shift to the windows again, spying along the skyline for the wealthier buildings of the city. "Maybe."

2012-01-03, 04:31 PM
Russell speaks without turning from the window. "We don't need to be concerned about stepping on toes. Our only concern in that regard is if there is another pack of Uratha in the area, and as long as we respect the boundaries of their territory, and they do the same for us, we'll be fine in that regard. We may even be able to forge an alliance with them to get some extra help if we bite off more than we can chew. The herd's opinion of us doesn't matter. They're not even allowed to know we exist. And if one of them finds out, it's our job to do something about it. And as for sitting in the middle of "vengeance-spirit-ville," as you put it," Russell's eyes turn hard as he stares out the window, and a slight growl enters his voice, "It's our job to fix that, too. We have a sacred duty, inherited from Father Wolf and the Firstborn, to keep the Hisil and the Gurahal in some semblance of balance." Russell's expression softens a bit. "The first thing we should do is find ourselves a locus. That'll give us a supply of essence, and a path into the Hisil. Then we can work on finding a totem and claiming some territory."

2012-01-04, 05:32 AM
Harley nods along with Russell's words, tapping on the edge of the table for his rebuttal. "The people of the city knowing what we are wasn't my concern. They kill each other anyway. My point, is that even those who aren't related to our duty can be dangerous. We might be strong, but I don't fancy being hunted by gangbangers, mobsters, or whatever the hell else is in this city. I'm no poet, but remember that we're just as likely to have bounties on our heads as any one of the Herd."

"It is our duty. But, as with the Herd, we have limits to how much weight we can throw around. Caution, is all I'm saying."

2012-01-04, 11:12 AM
Russell snorts as he turns back toward Harley. "Gangbangers and mobsters? I'd like to see them try. There's a reason the people are feared by human and spirit alike. Nevertheless, you make a good point. We don't want any of them after us if it can be avoided." Russell turns back toward the window. I don't want to kill again.

2012-01-05, 12:00 PM
Alice A. had been quiet for some time. And not because she'd been reading newspapers nonstop since her newly acquired pack rolled back into town using her directions. It felt like an age since she last left, just a few days shy of Anya's passing and whatever time it took for her to hastily wrap up any investigations she had (all one of them; husband was cheating on his invalid wife, she would be able to leave the deadbeat and get some proper alimony) leave mom another apology card and booked.

After she met Russell, the dark honey skinned woman had been paying close attention to him without offering much unless directly asked, but now that they were back on the turf, she came to the conclusion that it was time to enlighten her leader.

"There's a pack called the Silverfangs who once held all of Gotham in its grip. An alpha pack." she starts, pretending to have been reading the same periodical section for 20 minutes as she slowly folds the paper up. "Now? Not so much when a lone Hunter in the Darkness and a whelp like me could waltz around doing as they pleased, but aside from us, they haven't been able to keep upstarts from moving into town, either." Alice didn't think it was because a mentor and a pupil were beneath their notice and she hoped the implication was there.

"They still have enough sway around here so that no one's driven them out. Keep that in mind." Clicking her tongue, she stood up, "I think you're idea is a good one but if I had any money, I'd bet whatever locus we could find is probably being held by either the Silverfangs or another bunch of ragtag bastards like us. If not, someone else will be interested in it. You tell me, which should we try for."

2012-01-05, 01:12 PM
Russell turns his attention to Alice. "Ideally, I'd like to find some unclaimed territory in the area, and mark our borders around that. If we do have to take part of another pack's territory, I'd at least like to speak with their alpha before we make any claims. Cities create many loci, and that means lots of work in smaller areas. If we're lucky, the Silverfangs will be willing to come to an agreement to cede some territory to us. I'd rather not start our life here battling for territory, especially against our own." Russell's eyes glint as another thought hits him. "The Silverfangs are Forsaken, right? They're not Pure?"

2012-01-05, 01:32 PM
"If they were Pure, we wouldn't be talking about how to skirt around them, we'd be talking about how we'd be taking their empire, piece by piece." Alice seems a little bitter about that first part, diplomacy, more than the idea of dealing with Pure. "This place would be a lot better without them, if you ask me. When Anya chased after the ...impure thing... for the final time, she made it quite clear that Silverfangs have never done anything to stop it. You're the Alpha, but I wouldn't mind if we took something else the Silverfangs have neglected and kept it for our own."

2012-01-05, 01:44 PM
Russell's eyebrow arches at the mention of an "impure thing." "Fair enough. You have me curious about this "impure thing" that your old mentor chased after. I'd like to hear more about it at some point, though I won't force you. If it's a powerful spirit, I'm sure it'll come up anyway. If they really have been neglecting their territory, that gives us just cause to take it without negotiation, though Harley did raise a good point about not stepping on toes. It sounds like our priorities have changed, then. First is still finding a locus, but second now needs to be finding a totem. A totem can give us some measure of legitimacy if we do need to take territory from someone."

2012-01-05, 01:53 PM
Alice A. rubs at her temples, "To my understanding, it's dead. Gone. Anya and some forsaken I've never met before then took care of it as her final act in this world." she leaves out how one of her mentor's allies had died bringing this information back to her.

"But if it's a totem we need, then I would suggest the nature reserve Gotham City's also been neglecting as a place to look... If any of the other packs in town have totems, they likely have tried finding them in the city itself."

2012-01-05, 03:12 PM
Russell's expression softens momentarily. "I'm sorry to hear that it took her from you. If you need someone to talk to, or spar with, I'm here." His expression then hardens once more. "You know this city better than any of us do, so if you think the nature reserve is a good place to start looking, then it sounds good to me. So that should be our first stop, then."

2012-01-05, 03:27 PM
"Hells yeah" Sings of Spires decleares loudly from a corner "I'm with the boss Alice Ace, if you say go there we go" he stretches himself and shakes his muscles "Then we can get to the real action, y'know what i'm sayin'?" he adds with a big grin.

2012-01-06, 10:26 AM
Lewis is sitting quietly reading the local newspaper carefully reading every article to see if he could do better. Only half paying attention to what is being said he is disturbed by Sings of Spires suddenly raising his voice. Lewis turns to face him "Could you keep it down please." before joining the conversation "Alice how long have you been gone? Could your information have changed since you left? Boss if you like i can summon a local spirit. It could tells us some up to date information."

2012-01-06, 10:38 AM
Russell nods to Lewis. "That'd be excellent. No reason to go running off without some intel to go on." Russell turns and addresses the pack as a whole. "Once he's done with that, we'll head out to the nature reserve, find ourselves a locus, and get us a totem. Then we can start marking some territory. Any objections?"

2012-01-06, 11:17 AM
"It's been, what? Two months since I met the lot of you?" Alice tries to do some math. "That's less than an old fashioned summer vacation that I've been gone. The Silverfang's grip on Gotham couldn't have gotten too much worse nor could have an upstart group like us gotten too much better."

2012-01-06, 01:01 PM
"Alright let me think of what type of spirit to summon before i gather the chimage." Lewis thinks carefully for a moment trying to remember what type of spirit would be most useful.

Occult check to work out what spirit type would know the most useful information: [roll0] Exploding dice: [roll1]I'll take the extra dice from left to right so if i get one 10 i'll take the first extra dice.
Edit: so 3 successes

2012-01-06, 08:10 PM
((Let's hope I didn't miss something critical...))

Given what class of spirits Lewis is capable of binding, and their current residence, his best bet would seem to be a Vehicle or Information spirit, though a Structure spirit might also be of some use.

Edit: If Alice wants to help Lewis, she may be able to give him particular spirits he may be able to contact...

2012-01-09, 07:41 AM
Quinn toiled away on the cabs. For the most part they were in pretty good condition. Every one of them needed tune ups but nothing big…oil change here, tire rotation there. Simple maintenance stuff. One of them could use a new fan belt but that wasn’t a big deal either. Russell had asked Quinn to check them all out. Busy work…but it made Quinn feel important. He couldn’t remember the last time he actually felt needed.

“Dammit!” Quinn jerked as the wrench slid out of his greasy hands and popped him on the forehead. He rolled out from under the cab…rubbing the spot where his forehead was still throbbing. He stood up and looked back under the hood. Looked like all this one needed was a new spark plug.

All the cars checked out so he grabbed a rag from his back pocket and walked back into the office wiping the grease form his hands. He tested his forehead…the contact bringing about a sneer. It was still tender…and a small knot was forming.

”Russell! Russell?" he called. Where’d-ee go?
He heard voices coming from upstairs. Quinn opened the door to see everyone sitting around.

”Hey Russell I checked out the cabs. A few small parts are nee…” it was obvious he had just walked in on some sort of serious conversation. ”Oh…uh…sorry guys. Didn’t mean to barge in on your…um…yeah sorry.” Quinn said awkwardly as he genty shut the door and tried to quietly slide into a nearby chair.

It had only been a few days since Russell had found him and asked him to join the pack. He felt he had Russell’s acceptance, but wasn’t too sure about the others. He couldn’t blame them…not like he knew how he’d react to having someone like him…someone with that kind of nasty inside. Still…it seemed like pack business was happening, and since he was now apart of their pack he probably should sit in. ”What did I miss?”

2012-01-09, 09:40 AM
Russell turned as Quinn entered the room. "Not much. We're planning our first major move here in Gotham. We need more current information about the city before we do anything else, so Lewis is going to be summoning up a spirit to see what we can get from it. Then we're going to head for a locus and go hunting for a totem in the Hisil. What were you saying about the cars?"

2012-01-10, 08:43 PM
Lesse here:(3d10) [roll0][roll1][roll2]

Alice scours her memory over Anya's old methods and haunts...

2012-01-10, 08:49 PM
Alice distantly recalls the name of a lesser information spirit that her master used to converse with about the goings on of the spirit reflection of Gotham.

The Robin.

2012-01-10, 08:54 PM
And Alice shares this information with Lewis. "Although, truth be told, I don't know what Anya promised or did to secure her "Little Informant." Or if he's willing to deal with us since I couldn't see to any needs of his. if push comes to shove, your vehicle spirit idea may hold up better."

2012-01-11, 11:49 AM
”Oh the cars seem fine. Just a few small things here and there but I can get em anywhere they sell small parts.” Quinn paused a moment, a little hesitant about all the forsaken business Russell explained. As a social outcast and someone that hadn’t been accepted by werewolf society…well…ever, Quinn had never been given a chance to really understand or explore the details of the history of the People. He knew there were spirits and such, and knew that packs claimed territories due to his encounters while he was a drifter…but locus? Totems? Might as well be discussing classical Russian literature.

”Forgive me Russell, but I’m not exactly current on werewolf society and culture. Totems? Hisil? To be blunt…I have no damn clue what the hell you just said.” His brows arched as his eyes softened into an expression of embarrassment.

2012-01-11, 12:10 PM
Russell smiles, shakes his head, and chuckles to himself. "A locus is a a spot or area where the Gauntlet, the barrier between the physical world, called the Gurahal, and the spirit world, the Hisil, is thin enough to allow us to cross between the worlds. Spirits can cross between the worlds at these points, too, and they also bleed essence into the Gurahal. All of these factors make them very valuable to us. A totem is a spirit that we convince to be our pack's patron. Lewis should be able to give you a bit more detailed information."

2012-01-11, 01:19 PM
"Sounds simple enough for now." Quinn said with a shrug. "Just let me know when you want me to go grab those parts and I'll head out. The cabs will be good to go once I get them put in. Shouldn't take me but a couple hours. As for the other business...just let me know how I can help and I'm on it." Quinn may not be the most enlightened of the pack, but he was as loyal as they come and wouldn't question Russell's decision.

2012-01-11, 04:56 PM
"Damn girl" Davey says "I say we go with your idea first, i mean it can't hurt us to try, right boss?"

2012-01-15, 07:51 PM
Lewis gathers everything together for the rite. He is visibly nervous. "I hope it works, i've never done this before." he then proceeds to draw the circle and drink a can of energy drink before commencing the ritual. After nearly half an hour he can fell the spirit begin to manifest. Howling in triumph he says "Boss it's working get ready quick."

2012-01-15, 08:25 PM
As the group gathers around, a small bird appears before the group, growing in a more humanoid visage as it looks around at the group. It studies the group for a long moment before a bizarre sort of grin crosses its face, "Hehehehe. Now isn't this a surprise. Uratha, and new ones at that. How is that, I wonder..."

2012-01-16, 11:02 PM
Russell speaks up. "Greetings, spirit. We have summoned you so that you can answer a few of our questions, and then you'll be free to go. Do you have a name you'd prefer to be called, or are you willing to answer simply to "Spirit?"

2012-01-16, 11:07 PM
The birdman turns slowly, the weird beak-grin never leaving his face, "I am called The Robin. You may refer to me as such. But who are you? And why should I answer anything at all?"

2012-01-16, 11:40 PM
"I am called Russell, and these are my packmates, Lewis, Harley, Sings of Spires, Alice, and Quinn. We're looking for information about recent happenings in the city, particularly where other packs mark their territory, especially the ones who call themselves the Silver Fangs. What could convince you to answer our questions?"

2012-01-17, 07:16 AM
Harley gives a short wave to the summoned spirit as his name is spoken, but stays at his table, tapping on the surface. He suddenly wished he had a drink; he didn't know how to make a deal with a spirit.

2012-01-17, 12:18 PM
Quinn sat quietly...looking around the room at the rest of his packmates expressions. He figured he'd just keep his mouth shut and try not to screw this up.

2012-01-17, 02:16 PM
"Hey man" Sings says to the Robin when Russel mentions his name "What up?"

2012-01-17, 07:55 PM
Alice just sort of looks at Sings with a half dirty half incredulous look and mutters something unintelligible. She tries to act discreet/innocent should someone notice.

2012-01-17, 10:24 PM
The Robin turns to stare at Sings for a few seconds, his "smile" fading away in his silence. He finally points to Alice, without taking his gaze off of Sings, "Your friend makes a very good point."

He turns back to Russell and fixes his gaze squarely on the pack Alpha, "You seem new to all of this. I suppose I can help you, a little bit. When you summon one of my brethren, you must provide us with some form of payment if you expect us to provide you with anything, and it's usually best to have said payment available before you summon. Sometimes you can make a deal to perform some task in exchange for services, as well."

He turns and looks at Lewis for a moment before returning his gaze to Russell, "I thrive on information. Knowing that there is a new pack in my city earned you what you now know. If you want any other information from me, you had best be able to give me fair value in return."

2012-01-18, 09:30 AM
Lewis sits listening patiently to the spirit. When he has finished speaking he replies. "So you're saying that if we tell you things you don't know you'll tell us the same?"

2012-01-18, 11:59 AM
This thing wants info for info? Hell. Half an hour ago I didn't even know what a locus or a hisil was. Quinn thought to himself. Better just keep quiet and hope somebody here knows what they're doin.

2012-01-18, 02:17 PM
The Robin turns to Lewis, still grinning, "Indeed, wolfcub. I want to know about you. What moon were you all born under? What tribe do you owe allegiances to? What are your plans here in my city? Who is your totem? Anything."

Jolly, roll me Int+Occult.

2012-01-18, 03:31 PM
Oh crap. Spirits have never really reacted favorably upon discovering Quinn's auspice. This was the first information spirit he'd ever come across though. Perhaps it would be more receptive. Either way, he would wait for Russell's action before volunteering his nature to the Robin.

2012-01-18, 03:41 PM
"I'm Sings of Spires man, a proud Cahalith of the Blood Talons" he says with a big smile "I can sing for you if you want" he continues earnestly.

2012-01-19, 06:14 PM
Alice sighs. "I'm Tree Shadow over Asphalt," she says with an odd clarity to her voice, Or just Tree Shadow, if you prefer. I know you from when you served information to my late mentor, Winterfangs." She stresses the 'late' part; having no idea how the little bird has handled her mentor's absence.

2012-01-19, 10:18 PM
((You guys MIGHT want to wait for Lewis on that one.))

Lewis: You know that giving out information to this spirit might not be the best plan. If he trades in information as he says he does, then there is no way to ensure that he won't give your information out to other spirits or packs in the area.

2012-01-20, 04:26 PM
Lewis appears to be thinking deeply he suddenly asks the Robin "So you trade information to whoever asks?" before turning to Russel "Boss i wouldn't tell him anything sensitive. We can't control who he'll tell and we don't know what lurks in this city. I'd advise caution until we're more secure."

2012-01-20, 04:41 PM
Russell nods in response. "Fair enough. Robin, can you tell us where the nearest locus is, and who, if anyone, controls it?"

2012-01-20, 06:01 PM
"Whatever man" Sings replies when Lewis urges caution "I don't care who knows about me, i ain't scared"

2012-01-20, 10:30 PM
The Robin smiles at Lewis and Russell, then bends his head to indicate Sings, "He's not very smart, is he?"

He cackles a moment to himself, then recomposes himself, "The nearest Locus to our current location? That will cost you your moons and tribes. I already know his." He indicates Sings once more.

2012-01-20, 10:31 PM
Alice's lip doesn't even move, she just looks to Russell for a yay or nay, her curled hair bobbing behind her.

2012-01-20, 11:43 PM
Russell considers for a moment. "We're a mixed group. Two full moons, two new, one crescent, and you already know of our gibbous. All tribes are represented amongst our number. Now, the locus?"

2012-01-20, 11:58 PM
The Robin considers Russel for a long moment, "There's an abandoned church on the corner of 32nd and Arbor. Three blocks away. The old bell used to be such a symbol of hope that it eventually became a locus. It's power is waned, but it's still there."

He looks around at the group again, "Now which is which?"

2012-01-21, 11:27 AM
Alice immediately leaps onto the information provided, wracking her thoughts for memories or facts she may know about the place, giving Russell a look to hint that she may (or may not) be able to pick up the slack from here...

2012-01-21, 07:08 PM
Reasoning that it would foolish to offend the Robin Lewis cheerfully complies with his request. "I'm the Ithaeur and a Hirfathra Hissu. I'm pleased to meet you."

2012-01-21, 10:53 PM
Alice remembers the church, and the fact that it closed about 2 years ago. More details elude her.

2012-01-21, 11:12 PM
And she relays this information directly to Russell. ..couple years back. Should I go check it out first before we go, or do you want us all to head out?"

2012-01-22, 11:27 AM
"I'll go grab those parts we need if that's okay, Russell." Quinn is trying to exit the situation as quickly as possible before the Robin gets too much more intrigued with the pack members identities. He glares at Russell, hoping he understands his reservations about letting the spirit know too much about exactly what he is.

2012-01-22, 01:15 PM
Realising this might be a good opportunity to further his research Lewis decides to try making his own bargain with the Robin. "Spirit i have my own question. I would like to study human ghosts can you tell me the name of a spirit that could help me and what information would i need to give you for that?"

2012-01-22, 05:50 PM
Russell nods in Quinn's direction. "That's fine, Quinn. We'll wait for you to get back before we head for the locus. Speaking of which," Russell turns his attention back to the Robin. "You never told us who controls it."

2012-01-23, 01:58 AM
The Robin grins at Russell, "And you haven't told me which of you is which moon and tribe. I know two, but not three."

He turns to Lewis, "I have information about ghosts, but that is not something I believe you have anything to trade for."

2012-01-23, 12:04 PM
Lewis smiles "Ah but spirit i don't want information on ghosts from you. I want the name of another spirit who could help me, one who i can trade with." remembering Quinn's discomfort he tries to cover for him "Oh and the one who just left to get parts is a Full moon who has yet to be welcomed into any tribe."

2012-01-23, 12:56 PM
Russell lets out a low growl to hint to Lewis not to say anything more about auspices or tribes. "Robin, you now know three. Who controls the locus in the old church?"

2012-01-23, 06:47 PM
Harley shakes his head as Lewis reveals more information, still sitting at the table by the window. Saying it just as he left? That was the behavior of a snitch where he was from. A backstabber if you were lucky.

2012-01-23, 09:34 PM
Alice A notices Harley's discontent and nods back in his direction. Seems she isn't all that happy either about loose-lips-Lewis, and wonders if it'd be overstepping bounds to straighten him out later...

2012-01-24, 03:25 AM
"It don't matter who controls the "locus" Chief" Sings says nearly mispronouncing the word Locus "We can take them" he continues with absolute confidence.

2012-01-27, 01:13 AM
The Robin's eyes narrow at Lewis, his smile disappearing entirely, "You pay me insult, pup. I was going to give you a chance to earn the information you seek, but that chance is gone."

His head snaps around to stare at Russell, "The locus is what you would call, 'in contention.' You will give me the information I desire, all of the information, if you wish to know more."

2012-01-28, 12:43 PM
Sings bursts into laughter "Don't you listen little spirit dude?" he shakes his head bemused "It don't matter who's fighting for it, we'll just ride in and take it if we want"

2012-01-28, 02:55 PM
Russell nods as Sings speaks. "As surprised as I am to say this, Sings is right. If it's "in contention," as you say, it won't make any difference for another group to step in. We might even be able to spin it to our advantage. That's all the information I want from you, Robin. Everyone else, ask any questions you have now. Don't reveal anything that could be reasonably used against us. That includes," Russell turns to Lewis as a slight growl enters his voice, "assigning our auspices and tribes. Once everyone's asked any other questions they have, you can dismiss him, Lewis."

2012-01-28, 06:15 PM
"That's not how it works Boss the spirit can leave when it wants." and noting how everyone is growling at him "And he won't leave till you honour the bargain and tell him our Auspices and Tribes."

2012-01-28, 06:25 PM
Harley clears his throat, speaking up for the first time since the spirit was summoned. "Actually, the spirit knows our moons and tribes. Russell told him them; he never specifically stated he wants to know who is which moon and tribe. The deal is done; it is the Robin's own fault for not being more specific of the knowledge he wants." He looks directly at Lewis. "I'm not wrong, am I?"

2012-01-28, 06:33 PM
Lewis carefully considers Harely's point "Unfortunately since we're newcomers it's up to Robin. If he feels we cheated him he can ruin our reputation among the local spirits which would make things a lot harder for us."

2012-01-28, 06:35 PM
Harley cracks a smile, leaning back in his chair and looking to the Robin. "What? It will admit it got outsmarted by newcomers to the city? No, he doesn't seem like the type to do that."

2012-01-28, 06:48 PM
Lewis chuckles softly "You think that's how he'll tell it?" He turns to the Robin who can doubtless hear this "No offense intended spirit" before turning back to Harley "I worked a s a journalist so i know it's all about perception and spin. If he claims we refused to honour our word, even if we can convince others of our side we'll still have a stain on our reputation."

2012-01-28, 07:02 PM
Russell turns his attention back to the Robin. "It is as Harley said. You asked for our auspices and tribes; I gave them. You asked for three specifics; you know them. Our bargains, as there were two, are finished."

2012-01-28, 07:15 PM
Harley goes quiet as Russell speaks up; he would continue to talk with Lewis at a later date. He, too, knew how people put spins on things, and also how some people had too much pride to accept being outsmarted. He didn't think Robin would stain their name; he would interfere with them hisself until he outsmarted them in return, and only then would he tell other spirits about them.

Grovelling to anybody was no way to earn respect; much less to a spirit.

2012-01-28, 10:33 PM
((I ned to check this more often at work...))

The spirit turns and glares at Sings for a long moment, continuing as Russell speaks. As he finishes, the Robin snaps back around, cutting off anyone else, "Don't bother. I've been insulted twice today. We are done."

With that, he vanishes, before anyone else can say a word.

((So, after
Russell nods as Sings speaks. "As surprised as I am to say this, Sings is right. If it's "in contention," as you say, it won't make any difference for another group to step in. We might even be able to spin it to our advantage. That's all the information I want from you, Robin. Everyone else, ask any questions you have now. Don't reveal anything that could be reasonably used against us. That includes," Russell turns to Lewis as a slight growl enters his voice, "assigning our auspices and tribes. Once everyone's asked any other questions they have, you can dismiss him, Lewis."

, he's gone. Continue on as you will.))

2012-01-29, 12:09 AM
As the Robin leaves, Russell lets out a small sigh of relief. Thank God he's gone. He then spins and focuses his gaze on Lewis. "I respect your role as Ithaeur. I realize Luna chose you to be closer to the spirits than the rest of us, and I respect that you take that role seriously enough to seek not to anger or insult the spirits. However, Luna chose me to be a warrior, a defender of the People from all of our enemies. That is my primary role in this pack, both as Rahu and Iminir, and that role is very hard to maintain when members of my own pack give intimate information that could be used against us to beings, be they spirit, human, or Uratha, that we have no reason to trust not to misuse it. The Robin deals in information; that is why you summoned it. Giving it specific information about individual members of the pack could have catastrophic consequences, should it deliver that knowledge into the wrong hands. Overstep your bounds like this again, and there will be consequences." Russell snorts, then relaxes, his hard expression softening. "Now, that being said, good job. Dangerous as the Robin was, he provided us some useful information. I'm sorry you were unable to get the answers to your questions about ghosts. Alice!" Russell turns to Alice A. "You offered to investigate the church before we all charged in, yes? If you're still willing, I'd appreciate it if you would do so before Quinn gets back. If one of you would like to go with her, that'd be best. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a drink. If anyone wants to discuss anything that's transpired thus far, I'll be in the kitchen." With that, Russell walks into the kitchen to pour himself a tall glass of scotch. We're gonna get ourselves killed in this city.

2012-01-29, 06:10 AM
"I'll go with her boss" Sings says stepping forward "I know the streets so i'll be able to watch her back better than anyone else" I've also got to find a dealer tonight anyway he thinks to himself "That okay with you girl?" he asks Alice.

2012-01-29, 10:43 AM
Alice A. holds up a finger (no, not that one) for Sings to wait a moment, the honey skinned woman sauntering after Russell and (assuming there is one) closes the door behind her.

Unless everyone just crowds up against the door all sitcom fashion, this is intended for Russell/TSC and anybody who bugged the room and them alone.

"Does this happen often?" She asks, leaning against the door at first. If she meant it as a criticism, jibe, or just an honest question, it's impossible to tell. "Still not regretting my choice in bringing you all home, but our mistakes have got to end here tonight. Now that has got a tone easily read: she said it with a hint of command. Not to challenge Russell, but... "We're all green here and we need to tighten up until we can trust everyone's initiative to work for us all. I don't want Anya to have died just so I help rear in a pack that'll fail this city.

So that's it. She wants to be beta. And she's willing to work for it. Alice a leaves the door and heads a bit closer, looking for something to write with and write on. Probably not finding anything, she hopes Russell's got a good memory.

"I'm not stupid enough to pick a fight with anyone that might be lurking around the church, but you and the boys are still green. If anything gets dicey, I'll drag Sings over to the Ruckus Hall over on 57th and Ames. We call in from there and you get over and pick us up.

The Ruckus Hall. It's a burger chain a few steps above a fast food joint but a step behind anything actually classy. Alice A. remembers the one that stays open till dawn, opens at lunch time.

"Call me paranoid, but I think we oughta cover our tracks; I don't know if that bird can lead people here, but it's up to the two of us to make sure no one follows us back here, hm?"

2012-01-29, 01:16 PM
"One should certainly hope not. I blame myself for all of this as much as, possibly more than, Lewis. Poor communication kills, after all. We could have avoided offending the Robin if I'd made it more clear that I didn't want him knowing what our individual auspices are. It's a mistake that should be below an Iminir, and I'm not going to make it twice. Mess up once and learn, mess up twice and get people hurt or worse."

Russell nods along as Alice tells him where the bolt-hole is. "Ruckus Hall, 57th and Ames, got it. Listen, it's only paranoia if everyone isn't out to get you, and we really don't have that luxury. How long do you think it'll take you to scout out the church and get back here, assuming no mishaps?"

2012-01-29, 01:35 PM
"An hour, hour half inspecting the site to be safe, and give or take another hour. I want a damn burger and to see if any word on the street can help out. Apparently Ruckus serves more than a big rare burger and root beer.

2012-01-29, 03:26 PM
"Call it three hours, altogether then. Allow half an hour for trouble, and if there's no word from you inside of three and a half hours, the rest of us will head out. I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but move fast, keep in touch, and don't draw unnecessary attention. Call in when you finish investigating the church. Any objections?"

2012-01-29, 08:32 PM
"None, but I'm exercising a right to discipline anyone who acts the fool out there under my charge. Anya would have been halfway to tossing us into traffic for those mistakes."

2012-01-29, 08:39 PM
"Very well. Be safe."

2012-01-31, 06:00 AM
Sings paces around the room looking quite on edge "Man how long they gonna take? I-we, need to go" Sings grimaces at his slip of the tongue.

2012-01-31, 04:07 PM
On cue, Alice A. emerges from the kitchen and without a word heads into the room where she dumped her things earlier. Not a moment passes before she's out again, adjusting a knife longer than the span of her hand into an interior coat pocket.

"C'mon. I need you to drive." she says pulling Sings by the arm without apology.

2012-01-31, 05:54 PM
"Wait" Sings rushes into another room and quickly returns with his shotgun "We can't leave without this, girl" he explains before allowing Alice to lead him to a car.

2012-01-31, 07:31 PM
"This is a big city, you clod!" Alice A. swears at him, "Bring it but don't brandish it around like it's your new Red Rider, okay? That piece is going in the damn trunk." Saying something under her breath, almost intelligible for a change, she goes down to the car port.

2012-02-02, 08:54 AM
As Alice and Sings leave, Russell opens the cupboard and looks at the bottle of scotch sitting on the shelf. He starts to reach for it, but something stops him, freezing him in mid-reach. What am I doing? I get a little stressed out and reach for the booze? No. I'm not this man. I'm not him. Russell closes the cabinet, and grabs a water from the fridge instead. He takes a big swig, then, letting out a small sigh, heads back out of the kitchen. "Lewis. My apologies about my earlier tirade. You're not to blame for the Robin getting angry. The blame for that falls squarely on Sings and myself. Next time, let's just be a little more tight-lipped about sensitive information, especially Quinn's auspice."

2012-02-03, 12:06 AM

The streets of Gotham are rough and dirty, and down most every alley Quinn can see the homeless huddling together. ((Roll me a chance die.))


Alice easily remembers where the church is, and can navigate there without incident. ((Are you parking out in front? Or round a corner? Whatchu doing?))

2012-02-03, 12:43 PM
Quinn managed to find a car parts store a little ways away in the phone book. Instead of driving one of the cabs, he decided it wasn't too far and he'd just walk. He grabbed his jacket, an old, brown bomber jacket he had picked up at an army surplus store a while back. He looked at his watch...should take about twenty minutes.

As he walked to dark streets of Gotham, he wondered about how the meeting between the pack and the spirit went. He felt bad ducking out like that, but the Robin had seemed extremely curious about the history of the pack members and it was making Quinn very uncomfortable. He didn't want to risk giving himself away or saying the wrong thing should the Robin's inquisitive assault turn to him. If there were any other packs in the area, Quinn's auspice would surely bring about conflict...it always had.

Gotham was littered with vagrants it seemed...unfortunate folk that Quinn identified with more than he cared to admit.

Chance roll: [roll0]

2012-02-03, 11:26 PM
Lewis quietly absorbs Russel's tirade feeling like an idiot. When he apologises he sighs before replying "Yeah sorry boss i'm still new at this, i'll keep my mouth shut in the future.".

2012-02-04, 01:21 AM
"There's no need to keep your mouth shut. Just don't volunteer information that can be easily used against us. Auspices, locations of loci, things like that aren't good ideas to give away freely."

2012-02-05, 06:14 AM
"Come on girl, are we there yet?" Sings ask Alice as she drives them towards the church "I've got to be doing something, you know what i mean?"

2012-02-05, 10:57 AM
"No I don't know what you mean." Alice half snarls, wondering what in the world is possessing him now..."You do want to survive, right?"

Though it's a bit of risk Alice demands Sings drive past the church ("slower, dammit!") first before heading about two blocks and around a corner from it.
So she can get an idea of what she's up against. This is an investigation check right? Adding wits to the roll: 6d10v There's bound to be a penalty for this impromptu 'spot check'

"I'm going to scope the place. You find someplace nearby here and either drive around, find a hidey hole to park in, or whatever, I don't care just as long as you're not out in the open. Keep the window rolled down and wait an hour. If I'm not back in an hour, you move the car here where we are right now and keep the motor running and ready to gun it. If you hear any trouble before that, you get your ass back over here so we can bail. Got it?" She opens the door without waiting for the answer, but some sense of paranoia stops Alice A. from just vanishing off into the streets just yet. From the open car door she bores eyes into Sings, expectantly.

2012-02-05, 12:51 PM
From what Alice can tell, the church is abandoned, boarded up.

Quinn makes it to the store unaccosted, but does notice that he's picked up a few followers....

2012-02-05, 03:32 PM
Alice hugs her coat closer to herself and steps out of the lamp's street light. Nimble on her feet she half walks half glides (or so she hopes) in shadow along the walk opposite the church before she tries to get any closer. Sure, if anyone would happen to see her, she's obviously making an attempt to stay hidden, but in this neck of Gotham no one would think it justified. Assuming they weren't about to go after her for vile reasons...

rolling stealth/dex for this bit of sneakery: [roll0]

If all's well and she causes no disturbance, she slinks like a snake across the street and within reach of the church, keeping to more shadows but searching. Quietly.

[roll1] Again for stealth, and for investigation: [roll2]

2012-02-05, 07:20 PM
Harley places the tip of his finger on the table beside him again before stopping himself, a frown crossing his face for a moment. Goddamn nervous ticks... The man stands from his seat, brushing down his shirt and nodding to Russell in a subtle attempt to get his attention. "Russell, I was just wonderin' if you'd mind talking about what I should be doing in this waiting hour."

"I was thinking we should take a quick drive-around the city. Get to know the area some for ourselves, and it'll be a damn sight quicker to get to Alice and Sings if we're already drivin'."

2012-02-05, 07:34 PM
((I've been operating under the assumption that its daylight. Did I say otherwise elsewhere that I don't remember?))

Alice doesn't think she's been seen, but closer inspection shows that the church is not as abandoned as it seems. Some of the boarded up doors and windows can be opened, and the ones that can't be provide a good amount of visual range, like stronghold windows.

2012-02-05, 08:00 PM
((...I... honestly thought it was night time. I mean, it's a werewolf campaign... Gotham city... you know. Dark.))

2012-02-05, 08:03 PM
((The sun still passes over Gotham. Daily, in fact. I mean, when else can batman run Wayne Enterprises? :P ))

2012-02-05, 10:12 PM
((I, too, had assumed it was evening, or at least late afternoon. Doesn't matter much, though.))

"Alright then. I'll give Quinn a call and let him know where we'll be, and then we can go." Russell pulls out his phone and hits Quinn's speed dial, then holds the phone to his ear, waiting for his packmate to pick up.

2012-02-07, 07:34 AM
Quinn noticed a few individuals who seemed to be taking all the same turns as him. He saw the shop just ahead and jogged across the street then ducked in the front door. He looked around, then walked over to some random parts on the wall near the front window. Whoever they had been that were following him, they were across the street, standing around as if they were waiting on something...or someone. He hoped this wouldn't mean trouble, but had a bad feeling it just might.

Quinn tried to look casual as he hurried to get the parts he needed. He was in the checkout when his cell started to ring. Russell. He flipped it open "Hey chief, I'm about to leave the parts store. What's up?"

2012-02-07, 08:27 AM
"Harley, Lewis and I are gonna take one of the cars on a quick drive around the city while we wait to hear back from Alice and Sings. They went to take a look at the church the Robin told us about. You want us to come pick you up?"

2012-02-07, 10:17 AM
Sings gets increasingly fidgety while he waits for Alice to get back, finally when a slight tremour runs through his hands he pulls out his phone and starts dialing a number he got before coming to this city, a number he could call when he started to get the shakes and needed a something to fix it "Hey i'm looking for some coke" he pauses briefly then says "Hey i ain't no pig fool now give me a name and a location"

Rolling Streetwise+Wits to convince the person on the phone that Sings is customer not a cop [roll0]
possible exploding dice [roll1]
So 3 successes

2012-02-08, 12:38 PM
"Yeah...you should probably head this way. Think I may have caught someone's eye along the way. Couple randoms followed me here. Could be nothin, but I can't really tell...don't recognize em. You could come by and swoop me up. Or we could set a trap and confront em. Your call, boss."

2012-02-08, 01:31 PM
"We'll come and grab you, then. I'd rather avoid unnecessary fights if we can; I have no problem with fighting, but picking fights and beating people needlessly is beneath us. What shop are you at?"

2012-02-08, 02:19 PM
The dealer finally, reluctantly, agrees to give Sings a location to purchase some snow.

2012-02-10, 11:44 AM
"Cool i'll be round later" Sings says before hanging up the phone and waiting for Alice to get back "Come on girl whats taking you so long" he grumbles quietly to himself.

2012-02-12, 06:13 PM
Alice A. is taking all the time she wants, blissfully unaware of crack habits and potential team-strife.

Sneaking along to the first truly secured window away from the street, she tries to peek inside quickly. Assuming the coast looks clear she proceeds to try to enter through another off street window that's faked to look secure with none the wiser.

Again, investigations and sneakery: [roll0] [roll1]
Sorry for my delays; waited to see what everyone was gonna do and I needed to get my head straightened out there due to some RL hassles.

2012-02-12, 11:27 PM
Alice sees something moving within. And judging by how quick it moved out of the room, it saw her, too.

((If you still want to enter, lemme know.))

2012-02-15, 01:26 PM
Alice quickly loosens the knife in her jacket before heading over to one of the entry ways she discovered (again, not on in front of the damn place) and tries to gain entry. It may be a trap and it's a gambit she's playing here, but better discover now what may be waiting for her pack than to lead them into something unknown...

About how much time would you say has passed so far once she's inside?

2012-02-15, 01:49 PM
The window resists being opened.

About 10 minutes has elapsed since they parked. About 35 since they left the pack.

2012-02-16, 06:47 PM
Regardless of the noise, Alice A. tries to pry the looser boards apart, though she keeps looking into the window to see if this causes a sudden onset of enemies or dangers...

2012-02-17, 12:15 PM
"Yeah no reason to start trouble I guess. Just pull up and I'll act like I'm hailing the cab. That way they don't get too suspicious." Quinn responds.

"I'm at Ricky's Auto Spot a few blocks away. Do you know where that is or do you need directions?"

Hope its okay I just made up the name of the shop. Also, should I know the address? Street names? Intersection?

2012-02-17, 10:15 PM
Yanking on the boards a few times, Alice finds that the window is latched from the inside. ((Strength + Stamina to break it down.))

Closet: Yeah, you're fine.

2012-02-18, 12:15 AM
"Yeah, I think I know that one. Passed it a couple times on walks this past week. We'll be there in a couple minutes." Once Russell gets off the phone with Quinn, he turns to Harley and Lewis. "Quinn thinks he picked up some friends. Grab your preferred fighting implements and meet me in the garage. We're gonna pick him before we start our tour."

2012-02-20, 07:22 AM
Harley shakes his head as he pulls his keys out of his pocket, swinging htem around his finger and heading to the garage. "Fighting...no thanks." He mutters benneath his breath before beginning to whistle a tune.

2012-02-20, 12:28 PM
As Russel speaks Lewis's head snaps up from the book he was reading. "Sure thing Boss, though i'd rather not fight if we don't have to." After saying this he goes and fetches his pistol and holster and wait in the garage.

2012-02-20, 02:37 PM
Russell heads down to the garage with Lewis. "I'm hoping to avoid fighting, too. No need for people to get hurt, after all. You drivin', Harley?"

2012-02-20, 02:48 PM
"Sure am." Harley tells Russell, heading straight for one of the cabs and slipping into the driver's seat. He gives his porsche a forlorn look briefly, but starts the cab.

2012-02-20, 03:02 PM
Russell ducks into the passenger seat. "Alright, then. Quinn's at Ricky's Auto Spot."

2012-02-22, 10:04 PM
Puttering her back into it, Alice takes a good grip on the first plank and gives it a tug, shoving off with her booted foot.


2012-02-23, 11:03 PM
Alice pulls hard, but doesn't manage to break through.

2012-02-27, 07:43 AM
As he gets into the car Lewis says "Lets get going, i'd like to meet up with the others to learn what they discovered about the church."

2012-02-27, 07:47 PM
Alice attempts it again, really putting her back into it this time.


2012-02-27, 07:59 PM
Harley nods, pulling the taxi out of the driveway. "Right away." He speaks, turning the car to head to Ricky's Auto Spot at a speedy but still legal pace.

2012-02-27, 11:38 PM
Alice gives it another tug, but still makes no progress.

((2 successes on 1 roll and you're golden...))

The others make it to the auto parts store quickly enough. They can see the men Quinn had mentioned waiting across the street...

2012-03-01, 10:24 PM
Whelp... Her parents never did raise a quitter...

and [roll1]
and finally: [roll2] If none of these work, however, she may just go home and come back another day with a cadre and a crowbar...

2012-03-01, 10:45 PM
Russell glances at the men across the street. "I don't know if I like the look of them. Harley, keep an eye on those guys. I'm gonna go get Quinn." Russell exits the vehicle and enters the parts store. When he finds Quinn, he walks up to him. "We saw your 'friends' on the way in. Did you get everything you need? I'd rather not give them more time to start something with Harley and Lewis than we need to."

2012-03-01, 11:19 PM
((Heh. Bad choice. Lewis and Harley, gimme chance rolls.))

Alice finally manage to overpower the window covering, breaking the latch and pulling the section free, opening the window into the inside. The inside of the church is dusty, but livable. Several of the former furnishings have been upturned, seemingly as cover, or used as barricades against doors or windows.

There is no one inside that Alice can see.

Edit: The thugs across the street look as if they were about to make a move, but something about Harley and Lewisas frightens them just enough for them to slink back into the alleyway instead.

2012-03-02, 02:38 PM
Quinn sighs a bit of relief as the cab pulls up and is surprised as Russell exits the vehicle to come inside.

"Yeah I got what we need. Let's make moves." Quinn says as he heads to the door. He walks out and opens the rear passenger door, ducking in quickly.

"Let's get the helloutta here."

2012-03-07, 04:05 PM
With a guttural growl, Alice flings the last of the wooden barrier aside and makes her way into the abandoned church. Cases the room she's in for exits, and then makes for the stairs. Without haste but neither charging along, looking about for any surprises.

[roll0] I THINK that's what i roll for this investigation; my books are gone for the moment due to the harddrive failure...

2012-03-07, 05:21 PM
Russell follows Quinn outside, and glances into the alley where the thugs had been before he went inside. "Huh." He ducks into the car, and nods for Harley to go. "It looks like those guys are gone. They try anything, or did they just leave?"

2012-03-08, 06:14 AM
Lewis nods as Quinn enters the car "They just left, i guess they didn't want to mess with all four of us." He then goes back to reading the newspaper he brought with him.

2012-03-08, 07:14 AM
"Works for me."

2012-03-08, 07:42 AM
Harley starts the car up again, going back to a gentler pace for their casual drive. Bloody street thugs; thinking that they would be able to brute force people, their only advantage being overpowering a weaker opponent...

2012-03-11, 09:50 PM
Alice moves through the old church, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Even as she moves up the staircase into the bell tower, she notices nothing, until she makes it to the door to the belfry...

((Does she head into the belfry?))

2012-03-12, 06:30 PM
Yes, but she does so carefully assuming the door opens inward: by situating herself next to the door, turning the knob and none too gently shoving it open rather than do so while standing in the doorway. That would be dumb.

(If the door opens outward, she will still try to get on the side of the wall that the door will not hit.)

Either way, she tenses and poises for either some sort of rash volley, or someone lunging out of the room, her hand on her trusty knife.

2012-03-12, 10:29 PM
The door doesn't give any resistance as Alice throws it open, and doesn't come crashing back closed. It simply stays there.

2012-03-13, 02:49 PM
((Whoa whoa whoa. I specifically said that she just opens the door and braces herself against the wall opposite the one where the door hits. She is NOT charging in, she is waiting to see if anyone ELSE charges out.))

Alice draws her knife and scans the room from where she stands, only entering if she doesn't sense or see anything threatening.

2012-03-18, 09:38 PM
Russell leans back in the passenger seat and stares out the window. "Well, despite earlier, we managed to avoid confrontation this time. That's a good sign. Hopefully the rest of the evening will keep getting better. So, who wants to guess what Alice and Sings find at the church?"

2012-03-18, 11:23 PM
Alice sees nothing out of the ordinary within the room. Tons of dust, but otherwise, all she can see is belfry...

2012-03-22, 06:37 AM
Lewis looks up from his newspaper "Well seeing as it's a contested area there could be other Forsaken keeping watch. But i'm sure Alice is smart enough to stay out of trouble."

2012-03-27, 08:14 AM
With a silent command, the honey skinned woman's nose gets darker, bigger, and more than a little sharper. One hand on the doorknob, the other holding her knife, Alice takes a cautious, but audible step into the room, quite literally sniffing about the place. The silence could betray her but her ability to smell rarely if ever has.

2012-03-28, 05:47 PM
As she steps next to the door, Alice transforms her nose, and immediately catches the scent of Uratha. The entire building almost reeks of the forsaken.

2012-04-01, 05:06 PM
A bit ripe and a bit fresh, Alice swears. She's gotten careless; the change should have been the first thing she did in the building. And since there's only one of here and presumably more than just one smelly uratha, the detective backpedals. Fast. She tries to get down the stairs two at a time and back to the window, forcing her nose back to normal. Russel needs to know this if she wants to make any sort of claim; she knows she can't do it alone.

2012-04-01, 06:33 PM
As Alice turns to run, she hears movement behind her, as something big starts to chase her down the stairs...

((Roll Dex+Athletics))

2012-04-04, 10:36 PM
[roll0] Sorry I was delayed; kept getting called into work *all week*

Alice doesn't even bother to look back, just pumping her arms and sprinting for all she's worth, even though it may not be enough.

2012-04-04, 11:21 PM
((Be glad I'm not using botch rules. Though it didn't exactly roll any better...))

In her rush to get down the stairs, Alice loses her footing and tumbles down the stairs, even doing a somersault in the process. As she stands back up, a large appendage strikes her in the back. She can feel large claws tear her clothes, but thankfully she has enough momentum that they barely scratch her skin...

Alice makes it to the window, but it isn't exactly easy to get back out of.

((Dex+Ath again, please.))

2012-04-10, 02:56 PM
(I would have posted 4 days ago but I got heinously sick with a monster cold and was laid up all Easter)

[roll0] Athletics Slipping her knife into an inverted grip, Alice A. hurls herself for all she's worth at the open window, hoping she can roll with the resulting crash.

2012-04-10, 03:02 PM
"Damnit girl whats talking you so long" a concerned sings mutters before getting out of the car.

2012-04-10, 10:11 PM
((Lol she's been gone probably 35-40 minutes. Still within the time she alotted.))

Alice leaps at the window, but doesn't quite make it. Instead, she slams through it, falling on the concrete outside, HARD. (1 bashing damage. It'll heal.)

The window carries its momentum and springs back closed after her. Inside, she hears a low, guttural growl, but whatever was chasing her doesn't come after her.

2012-04-16, 06:32 PM
Only taking one hard look into the window, Alice springs lightly from the alley back into the street. Briskly walking, or lightly jogging, take your pick, she hauls it back to the meeting place where she hopes a car is waiting for her, with a driver that doesn't secretly have a drug issue.

2012-04-19, 01:43 PM
So, position check...

Sings is standing outside of the, Alice is arriving at said car.

The rest are driving...somewhere.

2012-04-22, 06:45 AM
"There you are girl, what happened?" Sings asks with a twitch when he see's alice

2012-04-25, 07:20 PM
"Crap happened..." Alice A. replies wiping her brow and dusting herself off.

"And I thought I told you to stay in the car, not outside of it. C'mon, we need to get to the Alpha pronto; the church has some violent squatters in it."

2012-04-28, 09:50 AM
"What ever you say girl" Sings says while climbing back into the car and switching on the engine "Where too chief?"

2012-05-09, 01:19 AM
So, is everyone headed to the meeting point?

2012-05-09, 07:22 AM
OOC: I believe so, yes.

2012-05-10, 09:30 PM
OOC:Yeah i think so though who is still interested?

2012-05-10, 10:04 PM
While the majority of the pack arrives at The Ruckus Hall a good half hour before Sings and Alice, the latter DO arrive, albeit a little frazzled and (in Sings' case) yearning for a fix...

2012-05-11, 08:34 AM
When the door opens, Russell looks up. Third time's apparently the charm, as Alice and Sings walk. Russell waves them over to their table. "There you two are! What happened at the church?"

2012-05-11, 09:53 PM
"It's got a squatter problem. The kind I'm sure we're all familiar with. Alice A. looks rather disheveled and her clothes a bit dirty, though no one could say she's been in a fight from the looks of things.

"I went in and checked the place and had to bail before finding out how many derelicts are hiding out in there but the damndest thing is the one that almost got his paws on me wouldn't leave the building to chase after..."

2012-05-11, 11:20 PM
"Intriguing. Why do you suppose that is? If they're really unwilling to leave the building, that may be able to work to our advantage."

2012-05-12, 08:22 AM
Alice wastes time ordering a burger meal before answering. "There's still so much I misunderstand still about our little 'club' as it were. For all I know they're just crazy, but it could be more than some unwillingness to leave. Maybe they can't..."