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View Full Version : You Can't Hide Anything From Me! (3.5 Specialist Wizard Spell, PEACH)

2012-01-02, 10:50 PM
Divination is tricky, as divination is really such a vague school that it's really easy to break. But I think I've got something special here.

Complete Analysis
Level: Diviner 8
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Negates
SR: Yes

You learn absolutely everything there is to know about the target creature. If the creature fails its Will save, you immediately become aware of all its special qualities, special attacks, its type, its subtypes, its gender, its name, its Truename, all spells/powers/invocations/utterances it knows (if a spontaneous caster or a manifester/invoker/truenamer), all spells/maneuvers it has readied (if a prepared caster or an initiator), all spell-like abilities it has available, all languages it is able to speak, all soulmelds it has currently shaped, all chakras it has currently bound, all equipment it is carrying, all its feats, all magical effects that are currently affecting it, and which of its base saving throws is weakest.

Arcane focus: A special spyglass worth at least 1500 gp

2012-01-02, 11:58 PM
Not only is the spell too powerful, but it's also a game stopper spell. Once it is cast the game has to be stopped while the DM somehow tells the player all the details. If the DM has a sheet made up, it would not be so bad, but otherwise it will just stop the game.

2012-01-03, 12:06 AM
Not only is the spell too powerful, but it's also a game stopper spell. Once it is cast the game has to be stopped while the DM somehow tells the player all the details. If the DM has a sheet made up, it would not be so bad, but otherwise it will just stop the game.

And? It's a homebrew spell. You have to get DM approval to use it, and if the DM knows you've got it, he can prepare around it by making sheets for all his important characters (Most DMs I know do that anyway). If your DM doesn't want you to know everything meta about the game, you shouldn't have decided to play a diviner anyway.

Circle of Life
2012-01-03, 12:25 AM
I'm going to second this being too powerful for its level. Despite the casting time, it's probably the most informative Divination spell to date even if you knocked it up to 6th level. For comparison's sake, Assay Spell Resistance is also a 4th level spell. Yes, the two aren't exactly identical, but...

2012-01-03, 12:38 AM
I'm going to second this being too powerful for its level. Despite the casting time, it's probably the most informative Divination spell to date even if you knocked it up to 6th level. For comparison's sake, Assay Spell Resistance is also a 4th level spell. Yes, the two aren't exactly identical, but...

Yes, but that's the point of the specialist spells. They're supposed to represent the core values of the school and do everything the best spells can do, but better.

Still, I can see your point about the level being too low. I will move it up to 6th.

2012-01-03, 01:49 AM
I'd call this an 8th level. It is nifty, if uber-powerful.

2012-01-03, 02:07 AM
I'd call this an 8th level. It is nifty, if uber-powerful.


Look at greater arcane sight. This is one level lower and Oh so oh so much stronger. I know this is a specialist, but thats crazy powerful. Besides, the specialist can still cast regular wizard spells.

Okay, lets put it this way. What would you consider a 9th level divination effect?

2012-01-03, 02:10 AM
I'd remove the "learn the truename" component. Either that or make it require a truespeak check.

A truename to a person who doesn't have ranks in truespeak is just gibberess. Plus it costs thousands of gp to research a truename, this is just...it makes the truenamer more useless than it already is.

Please people I know we all like wizards but you don't need to keep buffing them!

2012-01-03, 07:53 AM
Range should probably be Touch. I don't see how you could possibly learn that much from a creature that is 100+ feet from you.


2012-01-03, 10:15 AM
Okay, lets put it this way. What would you consider a 9th level divination effect?

God. Complete omniscience and omnipresence. The ability to know all, see all, scry all.

The Truename is just for completeness, though of course you could assist your truename friend. That, or you could be a gestalt truenamer//diviner.

Anyway, dropped the casting time to 1 standard action, but made it touch range, and moved it up to 8th level.

2012-01-03, 10:36 AM
Will it let you get fingerprints off of the surface of the water?

2012-01-03, 10:50 AM
Will it let you get fingerprints off of the surface of the water?

If that's some kind of reference, I don't get it. To answer your question, no, you have to touch a creature to identify them.