View Full Version : Help with a Pathfinder Cleric

2012-01-03, 07:09 AM
Hi, everyone. I want to play a level 4 Gnome Cleric and i need some help with the build, since is the first time i'm playing one. I have in mind something of a balanced cleric between spells, channeling and buffs. Don't ask me what kind of enemies are we facing, the DM likes to throw at us lots of different monsters. The party is made of:
2 Monks, one dwarf and the other human
Human Inquisitor
Half-Elf Barbarian
Dhampyr Ninja

Any suggestions?

2012-01-03, 07:34 AM
We need more informations.

How are your stats chosen? Buy point, rolling dice, specific array?
How many gold piece do you have?
What do you want to do with your priest (erudit, front line warrior, heal bot...)?
What is your alignment?

Otherwise Some help (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=cleric+handbook#seen) .

2012-01-03, 07:47 AM
15 points buy,5000 (long story...), something between front liner buffer and healer, lawful neutral so that i could channel both type of energies.

2012-01-03, 09:31 AM
Cleric should have plenty of tools for you to work with, though damage spells are a little difficult to come by at low levels so self-buffs and some good armor/weapons will be beneficial to you. If you go for ranged combat, your channel energy options becomes one of your best healing tools since it minimizes the time you spend within range of melee attackers to heal your team. If you go for melee combat, invest in some good armor and consider some of the channeled buffs from Ultimate Magic instead since you'll be in a position to drop a Cure spell if needed.

The battle cleric archetype in Ultimate Combat replaces your normal spontaneous casting in favor of a number of enchantment and control spells of which can function as battle-field control or even offensive spells if used right; channel healing works well to supplement your lack of free Cures.

I'm playing a ranged, Gunslinger Cleric with a dip into Spellslinger, so I'll soon be tossing Inflict spells on my shots when needed (Spellslinger doesn't specify Wizard spells as being the only ones allowed for this feature) while channeling healing and AOE buffs to the party, and it's worked well for me.

Edit; even neutral clerics can only channel one type of energy. They chose which one at character creation and are stuck with it.

2012-01-03, 12:21 PM
even neutral clerics can only channel one type of energy. They chose which one at character creation and are stuck with it.

True, but there is Versatile Channeler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/versatile-channeler), which lets neutral clerics channel both positive and negative, with limitations.

2012-01-03, 06:26 PM
Wisdom's your main ability score with charisma a close second. Dip a bit of dex and con for AC and HP. You can dump int and strength. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're a main-combatant; if you've got nothing else to do whip out a crossbow and plink away.

Feats I recommend:

1: Selective Channeling.
2: Scribe Scroll. Always have a half dozen or so scrolls of bless, CMW, or CLW on you. Protection from ____ is good, and don't forget the communal options in the APG. Prayer too, when you hit level 5. Think of it as spending a bit of money to add lots and lots of spell slots to your daily list. Wands make a viable option when you hit level 5. These are spells that you'd LIKE to be able to cast every combat, but can't. Don't let the GP cost bug you too much.