View Full Version : Is there a Dungeon Generator that:

2012-01-03, 03:57 PM
Has the ability to print out to scale?

Obviously this isn't exactly possible as one print out with normal printers but, if it can be broke up into sections, it could work.

Any out there that can do that?

I have lots of peices that add up to what I want, but I really want the whole 9 yards. The encounters built it, traps, randomness, environment, all of it!

2012-01-03, 08:52 PM
This one (http://www.myth-weavers.com/generate_dungeon.php?) might be able to do it if you stretch it. It's the only one I ever use. If that doesn't work, you may have to just buy some chart paper and make the map yourself, although that can be annoying.

2012-01-03, 09:13 PM
This one (http://www.myth-weavers.com/generate_dungeon.php?) might be able to do it if you stretch it. It's the only one I ever use. If that doesn't work, you may have to just buy some chart paper and make the map yourself, although that can be annoying.

Didn't even know this existed, good, good stuff indeed. :)

Thanks for this man!

2012-01-03, 09:29 PM
If only that let you download the dungeon in pdf scale, I believe pdf can tile things,

actually I just figured it out If download the picture to scale, open it in photoshop, then saved it as a pdf, opened it back up, scaled it to 100%, and you can tile it as normal.

Of course the one I saved was far to big for any party I have lol. It was like 130 rooms haha.

2012-01-03, 10:18 PM
I don't know about scale, but this one had PDF download:


There are multiple generators, covering several systems.

2012-01-03, 10:33 PM
This one (http://www.myth-weavers.com/generate_dungeon.php?) might be able to do it if you stretch it. It's the only one I ever use. If that doesn't work, you may have to just buy some chart paper and make the map yourself, although that can be annoying.

If nothing else, you can just install Cute PDF (http://www.cutepdf.com/), and then print it to PDF, which should then let you zoom or whatever.

2012-01-03, 10:44 PM
Yeah that don jon was one of the first to raise the question, but for some reason it completely went over my head. The donjon one lets me download the picture and just save it as a pdf, it still keeps it crazy large size, and will tile automatically and print only what it can on each 8.5x11 sheet.

2012-01-04, 05:26 PM
i don't think you'll find anything online that automatically breaks up a map like that, simply because of the variety of printers and capabilities available, and since its entirely on your side of things.

the best you can do is grab the best quality dungeon map available (for example, on the donjon generator, create your dungeon, then click on the "Print Scale Map" button) and print it using something which can break it up for your printer.