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View Full Version : Wargame-Based RPG needs help

2012-01-04, 01:25 AM
Hi forumites. I'm in the beginning of making an RPG and I'd like your opinions and ideas.
basically I want to pick the collective brains of the forum.

Note: The characters right now have to be Magic-Users of some kind. I might add Martial if you guys want it but as of right now, Melee is for the Minions only.
The main method of Combat is using Minions (rather weak summoned or controlled beings, usually Mindless who are either directly controlled or follow embedded orders) though almost all Mages (Aura-Magicians lack Magical-Attacks, though that is only if they don't select other skills)

Right so basically the main things are Roles and Features.

Roles affect prereqs for Features and add bonuses to rolls. The Roles are areas of magic to gain mastery over.

Features unlock different uses of a Role, like different types of attacks or upgrading existing ones.

Each PC has 5 points that buy ranks in the Roles
The Roles are:

Aura Magic: Magical Control/Senses. Aura Magicians excel in Minionmancy and Detecting Magic. Every living thing and every magical effect creates an aura that can be observed or affected with sufficient training.
Everyone exhibits some control over Auras, usually merely their own. This is generally unconscious like breathing or thinking or growing. This is why each person's Aura is constantly shifting as they grow and take in new experiences.
Aura magicians focus almost entirely on Minion-Management, whether it's stealing Enemy Minions or On-The-Fly changing of Minion's Orders during Combat. Due to this they lack combat ability on their own but can create new Minions during battle (by stealing them from the enemy).

Soul Magic: Death Magic/Necromancy. Necromancers excel in Minionmancy and Death Effects. They use the empty corpses and fill them with Negative-Souls, Souls of the Undead, rather than the Living (which are Positive Souls). Necromancers are also adept at removing the ties of a soul to bodies (and the other way around) allowing them to kill/revive with spells or rituals.
Necromancers are the Healers of a group, reviving and healing the Minions and their Mage Allies if they should fall. They use lots of spells that kill the enemy, not dealing direct-damage like Minions or some other Mage-Types

Elemental Magic: Creation/Destruction. Elementalists control the forces of nature, Fire, Earth, Air, Water etc. They are good at damaging opponents and affecting the battlefield. They control the Planar Traits of the World to create their effects, due to this if too many Elementalists specializing in the same area (fire, water, etc.) are on the same Plane they could permanently change a Planes Traits from the amount of Magic shaping it.
They are one of the few Mage-types that don't summon Minions, preferring to do it with their own magic. Many other Mages dabble in this for when their Minions are overrun but few choose it as their main vocation due to the danger of being the only one on a field of battle.

Features: Similar to feats crossed with Class Features in D&D.
Tags are used for bonuses. Each Feature that grants a dice roll selects 1-2 tags that give a +1 to said roll. If another Feature has both selected Tags they still only give a single +1

Tags: Animal, Minions
Prereq: Aura1
1 Minute: Roll a D10+Aura Vs Will to command Direct-Controlled Animals. This affects all known Animals in 1 mile, though each
Bonus Tags: Animal
Note: Only works on Uncontrolled Animals (not owned by other Mage)

Tags: Animal, Programming
Prereq: Aura3
Thrall: If the caster spends and extra minute and takes a -5 penalty he may gain Programmed Animals instead.
Change Program: You may spend 1 day to change the orders of up to 100 Minions within 1 Mile. The final order affects every affected Animal.
Bonus tags: Programming

Tags: Undead, Minions
Prereq: Aura1/Soul1
1 Minute: Roll a D10+Aura Vs Will to command Direct-Controlled Undead. This affects all known Undead in 1 mile, though each
Bonus Tags: Undead
Note: Only works on Corpses (not owned by other Mage)

Tags: Undead, Programming
Prereq: Aura3/Soul4
Thrall: If the caster spends and extra minute and takes a -5 penalty he may gain Programmed Animals instead.
Change Program: You may spend 12 hours to change the orders of up to 100 Minions within 1 Mile. The final order affects every affected Undead.
Bonus tags: Programming

Change Programing:
Tags: Minions, Programming
Prereq: {Any}-Thrall
1 Hour: As Change Program with the changed duration.
Note: this change affects all Change-Program, even if gained later. eg. If you have Undead-Thrall, then gain Change Programming. Should you gain Animal-Thrall later on (or already have it) this applies to it as well. Though you can only affect Animals OR Undead at any one time, never both

This is what I have so far.
I need to add in more Roles (I'm thinking something with Demons, Angels, Far Realms) and expand the Features.
I also need to come up with a way of getting more Role-points & Features as you progress, stat up some Minions and decide how Combat will be resolved.

What does everyone think so far and any Roles/Features I should add?
I know it's tiny right now but I'll add in more later on.