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2012-01-04, 12:39 PM
Because who are we kidding?

There is a thunderstorm. In the unfortunately named establishment known as the Half-way House, adventurers of all races and creeds are seeking shelter from the rain. The noise is loud, the food is warm, and the liquor is cheap. Tomorrow you will travel on... who knows where? But for tonight, the weather is a little rough, and at any rate you would have had to stop somewhere before long.

The place is crowded, and at your table sit figures in hoods much like your own.

2012-01-04, 01:51 PM
A small figure with carved quarterstaff leaning against the wall at hand's reach slurps mulled wine and tries (without much success) to covertly size up other people in the room. The hand holding the mug is large for the person's size, covered in light brown fur and dark leather wraps, and sporting impressive claws. When the figure notices the hand showing, it hurriedly wraps the sleeve of the robe over it.

2012-01-04, 02:25 PM
A massive, both in height and muscle, rocky seeming man with a frail, sickly face stares out of his hood at the others sat around him "Well now" he says with a voice that rumbles like moving rock "What do we have here?"

2012-01-04, 03:15 PM
A hunched... person... sits in the corner, as far from the light as he can get. While not much can be seen under the raggedy hooded robes it wears, but anywhere you think you ought to see flesh there's nothing but bandages.

The figure has a hunch back, and several strange bulges about his person. In one hand is a tin cup, and the other holds a staff made out of a broken tree branch. The figure's demeanour is downcast, and does he does not raise his head, meaning his face is concealed by the hood.

When he speaks his voice is strange, slightly hissing.

"Coppers, sirs? Coppers for a poor, unfortunate sick man who has fallen on hard times?"

Overlord Rion
2012-01-04, 04:27 PM
One of the figures in robes is obviously restless, and seemingly more lively than the others in hoods near him. After a few moments of drumming on the table, he stands up with a flourish.

"May I have your attention please?" He begins in a low voice. Realizing his mistake quickly, he pauses and tries again, doing his best to make sure he's loud enough to be heard over the din.

"May I have your attention please!?"

2012-01-04, 05:54 PM
Ilikan simple turns his head slightly towards the loud demanding one and stares at him with an unreadable expression.

2012-01-04, 07:32 PM

Of those present, one seems to have wandered to the wrong table; a young human. Wild eyes and bushy hair make his silhouette appear distorted in the candlelight. He sits in a precarious crouched position in the chair, knees almost up to his shoulders. There he stares worriedly into a small mug of barely palatable water while absentmindedly chewing his lip.

He glances up as each person talks, quick to return his gaze back to his drink before the speaker is finished. When the hooded man stands and raises his voice, however, he visibly jumps causing his chair to wobble before steadying himself with the table. Eyes focused, he awaits a follow up to this attention grabber.

2012-01-04, 07:37 PM
A tall man, clad in a stormy gray robe with blood red trim, turns his head to the loud, demanding one, setting down his mug softly, he speaks in a flowery, but clearly annoyed voice, "Go on.". Though most of his face is obscured, you can see a dark goatee and long, drooping mustache, both in stark contrast to his deathly pale skin. Another man sits with him, though he drinks nothing. Looking to the abrasive speaker, this individual is cloaked all in black, and no part of his body is visible underneath his thick cloak. "Yes, please; we are all positive dying to know what you have to say." The gray-cloaked man beside him chuckles slightly, as if the statement had some private, connotative meaning.

Spells Currently Prepared (Should they be needed)

0. Read Magic x2, Mage Hand, Message

1. Blades of Fire, Fiery Eyes, Protection From Good, Seething Eyebane, True Strike

2. Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, Hold Person, Invisibility

3. Fireball, Magnetism, Mass Snake's Swiftness

Overlord Rion
2012-01-04, 07:58 PM
"I am a traveler headed towards the Avaska region for some exploration and research. However, I find myself in need of some company, maybe even a bit of protection, as the case may be. I can promise you will be paid a reasonable fee, as well as a small cut of any loot I might find. Your fee is completely negotiable, of course. To those interested, I'll be sitting right here!" Now, was that little speech going to work? Eh, who knew? Knowing how people worked, Haine figured he'd get at least one or two people to back him up. He certainly knew he needed the help. He may not have looked it, but Haine wasn't all that strong physically, and knew his limits...most of the time.

2012-01-04, 08:01 PM
The smallest hooded shape sniffs the air. "Brimstone. You have my attention."

2012-01-04, 10:40 PM

Placing both hands on the edge of the table, the boy leans forward with a hopeful look on his face. He swallows once before speaking in a hoarse voice unfitting of his appearance. "C-can I come? I can carry your bags and stuff..."

2012-01-05, 12:42 AM
Akuso doesn't trust this man; however, he is at a great need for money at present. Turning to this potential employer, Akuso mutters an incantation under his breath, attempting to discover his true intent.

Cast Detect Thoughts at the man.

Move Silently Check: [roll0]

Overlord Rion
2012-01-05, 02:42 AM
"Ah, wonderful, takers already." Haine took a quick look at the two. The boy didn't look like much, but he figured it was the boy's prerogative. If nothing else, traveling alone was a pain. If the boy offered to carry his stuff, so be it. "So, let us begin the negotiations. What is your starting offer?"

I suppose I should make a Will Save, shouldn't I?


2012-01-05, 03:39 AM
"What kind of Research?" Ilikan rumbles with narrowed eyes "i was led to believe this was a gathering of those....Displaced, shall we say by the recent social upheaval in Avaska, if this is not the case i shall leave"

2012-01-05, 09:32 AM
"'Recent social upheaval'!", the small robed figure scoffs, or maybe sniffs.

2012-01-05, 10:21 AM

"Displaced, sir? Displaced? I suppose that could be said of me, sir. The, what-have-you, upheaval was that cause of my terrible affliction, sir, most terrible. And you, sir," the figure gestures towards Haine with his jingling tin mug "If you'd take a poor unfortunate with you, sir, I would be most grateful to visit my old home, sir, most grateful. I'm but a humble conjurer sir, little enough that's special, but maybe of some use to you, sir, gods bless you if you'll have a poor old man with you."

2012-01-05, 03:02 PM
"And this 'research', would it happen to be into setting right what once went wrong?" The small figure sounds sceptical but intrigued.

2012-01-05, 04:54 PM
Akuso chuckles to himself as his magic easily pierces Hiane's resistances, focusing his will, the wu jen delves through the man's mind, attempting to discover whether his offer was genuine.

Overlord Rion
2012-01-05, 11:44 PM
To the probe into Haine's mind, he would find the offer was indeed genuine. If anything, Haine was a man of his word. He would also know Haine's final offer was going to be four gold pieces, with an extra for expenses. If enough people wanted to travel with him, he would drop it to 2 pieces a week. You call it a social upheaval. I call it a delicious story to be told. Now...I'm going to offer you all one gold piece a week."

And, to himself, Haine would simply think "And once I find out what went wrong, I'll fix it."

2012-01-06, 12:23 AM
Akuso smirks to himself; he always enjoyed delving into the minds of others. "My...assistant and I would be obliged to join your cause, but for three gold pieces a week, and not a copper less. More than a bargain, as the two of us together are worth far more than three of the normal sort. In addition, I request that I am granted an even share of whatever loot we happen to obtain along the way." Akuso knew, of course, that that is where the real money can be found. Grinning, he lifts back his hood slightly, revealing his handsome, if somewhat gaunt and pale, face. The wu jen reaches his hand over, gesturing for a handshake. His companion remains where he is, his hand clutching the handle of his mace.

2012-01-06, 03:24 AM
"I'm in, for the same terms as him" Ilikan points to Akuso "I trust that is acceptable?" he asks with a touch of amusement to his voice.

2012-01-06, 07:39 AM
"I-I don't need that much. One gold'll be okay." He says with a hopeful look.

2012-01-06, 08:23 AM
Small figure hesitates for a moment, then seemingly reaches a decision and stands up. "Same terms for everyone, and I'm in."

Overlord Rion
2012-01-06, 11:05 PM
"Wonderful, wonderful. Everyone in for three gold pieces a week. Make any preparations you need to and we shall leave in the morning. Now, since I never introduced myself...I am Haine Wilkes. It is a pleasure to do business with you."

2012-01-06, 11:43 PM
"Ah, excellent, master Wilkes. I am Akuso."
The half-vampire stops briefly, stressing the last name of his vampiric father. "Akuso Xar"
Akuso gestures to the cloaked man beside him.
"And this is my companion, Kraath Gravewrought. Despite his...condition, the man is a rather effective healer when the need is great."

2012-01-07, 03:15 AM
"Ilikan" he states before asking "When do you plan on leaving?"

2012-01-07, 10:04 AM
"Man said, come morning." The small figure grunts as it picks up it's staff. "Name's Rhush."

2012-01-07, 12:30 PM

The boy hops down from his perch atop the chair, standing to his full height and exposing just how lanky he is. "Lyndall, at your service sirs!"

2012-01-07, 06:32 PM

The figure makes a gesture that could be construed as a bow."Oh, thank you, sir, and godsbless you for having such kindness on one such as I. Those as know me call me Krel. You, sir, may call me Krel or whatever so pleases you."

2012-01-09, 12:29 PM
And so the group came together, and decided to travel together to Avaska the next day.

Some of you will have been there before, but it's pretty big, and most of your... contacts... will have disappeared since then.

The trip does take a while, and on the way you visit many inns and taverns, and hear many tales of wonder and adventure. Most of these are gross exagerations, but you learn (and/or knew before) that the land ahead of you is divided up as follows:

A forest region with many small villages and the occasional town. There used to be a kingdom here under the leadership of Myrkenthraal, an evil lich. He was slain 12 years ago, and the people of former Myrka are flourishing as well as they can in their newfound freedom. There is no new 'country' here, rather each town controls a few villages and the many lone farms that are spread through the woods. Adventurers pass through, but they find little here to catch their interest. The ruin of Myrkenthraal's fortress has been searched many times, and nothing undiscovered has been found there for years.

Beyond former Myrka lies ArkiSaahl. This is the only real country in Avaska, and it is ruled by a merchant council who have set themselves up as nobles. They are not very good rulers, but at least the people know peace under them, and there are no more Friday Fun Eugenic Animal Breeding programs, like there was under Baron Setzer. The area has several iron mines, one of which has accidentally become an entrance into the Underdark. Adventurers come here by the score, as it is the closest known entrance to the Underdark for most of the world.

West of ArkiSaahl lie the Misery Marches, where live many disgusting monstrous humanoids. There are also many ruins littering the swamps, but few settlements. Adventurers go there reasonably often, but there do not appear to be any aspiring dictators in the swamp at the moment.

Beyond ArkiSaahl and the Misery Marches lies a large flat grassland, with little of interest except traveling adventurers. Beyond this grassland lies the Dark Forest, where the other two known entrances to the Underdark are. This area is known to be more dangerous than the closer ones, as it's larger and less traveled by adventurers. Though there are no evil lords at large, the forest is full of nasty creatures that have escaped into the wild, mostly descended from bears and/or spiders. There are also ruins of old fortresses, and, of course, the two entrances to the Underdark. The Drow do not visit the surface, but they do live closer to the entrances here than they do under ArkiSaahl.

2012-01-09, 11:33 PM

Looking up to his new employer, the boy half-heartedly gestures toward this metaphorical fork in the road. "Which way do we go from here Mister Haine?"

Overlord Rion
2012-01-10, 01:22 AM
"We've been told tales of a fortress near the former country of Myrka. While the place has been explored, I doubt it has been explored by people of our...persuasion." Admittedly, picking through ruins wasn't quite how he wanted to start this off, but it was the first stop, and it couldn't hurt to look through the place.

2012-01-10, 09:19 AM
"I don't know what you think is to be found from the ruins of the Lich's failure," Rhush mutters. "That's past, and a failure, and we need neither."

2012-01-10, 12:40 PM
Akuso stands, his grey and red cloak billowing around him. His eight total companions are all along too, each one cloaked head to toe in black. Two stand directly next to him, one gripping a longsword, the other, whom you recognize from before, wields a mace; the six others all hold crossbows at the ready. He grins, showing teeth that are surprisingly pristine, yet also slightly sharper than normal.

Ah, but do not forget that anyone who has already searched the area would have had no interest in anything that could be found therein. There could be spell scrolls, or even the lich's spellbook, within. Just think of all the power I could wield with that knowledge! There could be all manner of things that could be wielded by only those with the sheer strength of will that we, and indeed the lich, possess, left behind by the pathetic adventurers of yesteryear!

OOC: "strength of will" really means "evil." :smallcool:

2012-01-10, 11:32 PM

Shouldering whatever he has been tasked with carrying, the boy continues down their path with an inquisitive look on his face. "What if there's still bad critters in there? Or adventurers? Or worse... paladins?" He wets his lips, but quickly catches his attention drifting and continues down his line of thought. "Do you know anything about this place we're heading to?"

2012-01-10, 11:56 PM
Akuso turns to the lad, snarling in anger. We can take care of any "bad critters," adventurers, and paladins with ease, boy. Monsters will fall before our spells and blades, and adventurers will believe that we are like them, so, assuming that you do not fail to keep our natures secret, they, too, can be passed with ease. The quest for power is never an easy one, lad, but I will not hesitate to destroy you if you make it any harder.

2012-01-11, 12:07 AM
Rhush barks out a short laugh. "The lich's spellbook? Why not his phylactery, too, while we're at it?"

2012-01-11, 12:16 AM
Enough of this! Are we going, or not?

Overlord Rion
2012-01-11, 12:32 AM
Haine chuckles slightly, adjusting the book he always seemed to carry with him. "I was simply waiting for you all to finish. Now, since the bickering is done, we forge forward. If nothing else, we must take down the history, we must know what the Lich did wrong, so that we may not make the same mistakes. I also wish to discover if the ruins are salvageable as a base of operations." Haine looked at his employees. Hopefully they would serve him as long as he paid them. At least, he hoped so. He was already out of place among this group because of the butterfly wings.

"Out of curiosity, do any of you have knowledge of architecture?"

2012-01-11, 12:38 AM
Well, I've learned a bit of everything in my studies, but I've never concerned myself in particular with such things.

2012-01-11, 05:02 AM
Turning left at the fork in the road, you soon find yourselves in the town of Agelos. A few minutes in the town will tell you that:
1: There used to be so many adventurers coming here that there was a booming tourist industry.
2: The ruin/woods ran out of things to award hopeful adventurers with.
3: The people wishes something new and exciting would happen to draw more adventurers, as they have almost all gone.
4: The ruin is a mere four hours walk thataway, just follow the path through the forest.

There is a small village closer to the ruin, called Cottage, that you will see on the way.

2012-01-11, 04:59 PM
"Out of curiosity, do any of you have knowledge of architecture?"

"Me" Ilikan says "Why?"

2012-01-11, 07:49 PM

The boys eyes narrow for the briefest moment when scolded by Akuso, but he returns his eyes to the ground. Still he continues to softly add to the conversation. "Is it a good idea to set up shop in a place know to be frequented by bloodthirsty adventurers? Seems like it's be better to settle further inland."

2012-01-11, 08:48 PM
At this point, Akuso is getting very annoyed at Lyndall's yammering about adventurers.

Akuso can be heard muttering to himself, and suddenly, a man dressed in white armor engraved with holy symbols appears behind the youth, and places his hand on Lyndall's shoulder.

Cast Unseen Servant and Silent Image. The unseen servant grasps Lyndall's shoulder, while the silent image makes the servant appear to be an adventurer.

2012-01-11, 09:55 PM

The boy flinches slightly at the touch on his shoulder, but springs backward at the sight of the illusion. "W-what?"

2012-01-11, 10:01 PM
The illusion draws its sword, and, just before seemingly plunging it through the boy's heart, Akuso smashes it with his mace, and the illusion dissipates. The half-vampire chuckles. See? Nothing to be afraid of.

2012-01-11, 10:27 PM

Not finding any humor in that demonstration, he hurtfully glares at the mage. "I was speaking of something that's a real threat! You'd share my concern if you had stared down a paladins blade!"

2012-01-12, 12:15 AM
Akuso scoffs. Pah! I'd never give a paladin the chance. Even if my magic failed to destroy it, I could simply use it to flee.

Realizing that the group had gone off-topic again, Akuso shakes his head.

Well, shall we head off, then?

2012-01-12, 05:29 AM
The party has soon passed through the village of Cottage and reached the ruin.

A quick search of the fallen fortress reveals the following:
1: The walls are made of stone.
2: Most of the roof was made of wood, and has been burned, leaving the ruin for the most part without a roof.
3: The basement holds a giant sacrifice room, with the remnants of a summoning circle etched into the stone floor and a great big elaborate stone altar. It has been stripped of all valuable ornamentations and de-desecrated.
4: The altar and the wall behind it is full of writing. Mostly along the lines of "Kraagor was hear" and "For Alliance!"

2012-01-12, 08:45 AM
Akuso smirks. Kraath, if you will....
The tall, cloaked man that has been accompanying Akuso throws back his hood, revealing a skeletal head underneath. Kraath begins to chant, and suddenly, every aspect of the room seems a bit more malicious.

He cast desecrate, using his divine metamagic, extra turning, and persistent spell feats to use 6 turning attempts to make the spell persistent.

2012-01-12, 09:05 AM
"Well, here we are. Ain't it glorious?" Rhush waves a hand to indicate the decrepit, graffiti-infested ruins. "Rocks, stones, and more rocks, just waiting for their taker!"

In a more serious voice, he continues, "the boy-o has a point about paladins. You won't talk so big when they come for you."

2012-01-12, 09:22 AM

The hooded figure that introduced himself as Krel, as well as another, mute cloaked figure who has been simply following everyone since they left the Inn, are standing close together. All the way along the road, the two have been moving at a slow lip, still bent over with their hunch-backs.

Krel suddenly snarls at Kraath, and when he speaks his voice is fuller, stronger and more confident than it was back at the Inn.

"What are you doing? Do you know anything about what that circle could do? Unless you know, I advise against meddling with it or the altar. It has power enough to stop the Alliance destroying it, else it wouldn't be here."

Without actually touching it, or entering in to the circle, he crouches beside it and traces out several of the symbols in the air along side the circle.

Knowledge: Arcana and Spellcraft checks to see what it does and if it still works.

EDIT: Forgot the synergy bonus. Spellcraft has another +2 to it, for a result of 18.

2012-01-12, 12:07 PM
Upon entering the ruins Ilikan leaves the others to explore "Hmm" he says while wandering around inspecting the state of the ruins.
Knowledge Architecture and engineering check to assess the ruin and see how easy it would be to fix up to [roll0]

Overlord Rion
2012-01-12, 06:14 PM
Haine would look at the circle and grimace as the spell was cast. It was foolhardy to mess with something before you knew what it was. In any case, the deed was done, and Haine would compare everything he knew to his surroundings, consulting a book in the process once he started looking around the area. "These ruins might do well enough for a temporary camp. If we're lucky, we can convince the townfolk our intentions are nothing but good and lull them into a complacent stupor."

Throwing out several knowledge checks here.

Arcana for the Circle: [roll0]

Spellcraft as well: [roll1]

Once done, Architecture and Engineering, using the Tome of Worldly Memory to boost it. [roll2]

2012-01-13, 11:33 AM
"Camp, here? Why, yes, that's a great way to advertise our presence and intentions!" Rhush tosses his staff clattering away. "We're in no position to set up shop, and 'old evil ruins' is no place to do it!"

2012-01-13, 01:04 PM
You all turn to the sound of a sword being unsheathed, and see the staff has clattered to a stop at the feet of a young human. He looks at Haine with a stunned expression. Surprise turns to anger. "You... you monsters!"

Ilkian, who had wandered off on his own, happens to be conveniently close by, and hears the exchange. He may act on round one, like everyone else.

I am having difficulties learning how to use Google Docs to make maps. For the first battle, therefore, we will use a table for the map.

A: Altar
C: Summoning Circle.

H1: Melee looking human guy with blond unkempt hair.
H2: Half-elf woman in light robes. Holding a quarterstaff.
H3: Dwarven Cleric in full plate.
H4: Halfling rogue. It's got a dagger.
H5: Young human male in a robe. A pouch is hanging from his belt.

Rh: Rhush
Ha: Haine
Il: Ilkian
Kr: Krelkith
Ak: Akuso
k: Kraath
Ly: Lynd

We will be using Initiative blocks. Meaning you may act when all opponents with higher initiative than you have acted, even if a party member has higher Initiative than you and has not yet acted.

Lynd: [roll0]
Akuso: [roll1]
Ilkian: [roll2]
Krelkith: [roll3]
Rhush: [roll4]
Haine's sheet is not loading for some reason, so I don't know his Initiative modifier.
Cohort Kraath's sheet is buried somewhere in the recruitment thread. Akuso, please roll for him.

H1: [roll5]
H2: [roll6]
H3: [roll7]
H4: [roll8]
H5: [roll9]

No surprise round, but since they surprise you, you are flatfooted until you have acted, while any slow good guys are not.

2012-01-13, 04:57 PM
Akuso trots over to Haine and Lyndall, and looks towards his enemies with fiery eyes. Now, he delivers no dramatic speech. He utters one word, full of malice. Burn. And suddenly, a fist-sized globe of heat extends from his fist, propelling itself toward the adventurers, before exploding, massively.

Move to F4, pushing past comrades as necessary.
Cast fireball at G9, using sudden maximize feat to maximize the damage. Because it is my chosen element, my caster level is increased by two, so it deals 8d6 damaged, which becomes 48 when maximized.

Kraath's Initiative: [roll0]

EDIT: Oh yes, the reflex save DC is 19 . (5 from my int, thirteen base, and 1 from spell focus (evocation)

2012-01-13, 05:15 PM
Reflex saves (modifiers will generally be kept secret):
H1: [roll0] - The melee man's hair is on fire. He looks seriously pissed. Also near death.
H2: [roll1] - The half-elven woman falls over, unable even to scream.
H3: [roll2] - The dwarf is hurt, but stays on his feet.
H4: [roll3] - The halfling, at least, looks completely unperturbed.
H5: [roll4] - The man looks seriously hurt, but he remains standing.


Also, doesn't the fireball hit Haine?

2012-01-13, 06:07 PM
Ooch, yeah, I guess it does. :smalleek:

2012-01-13, 06:08 PM
With lightning speed, Akuso throws a ball of fire on the adventurers. One of the unfortunate would be heroes goes down, but with almost as amazing a display of speed as Akuso's, the halfling darts forward to stab at Haine.

The halfling moves to G6, and attacks the flatfooted Haine.
Attack: d20+13
Damage: [roll0] + [roll1] sneak attack.

2012-01-13, 06:10 PM
Spelling. [roll0]

2012-01-13, 06:42 PM
Kraath's skull-face turns to the halfling, cackling. Nerull's cold hand will take you! His skeletal hand gestures towards the halfling, surrounded by black energy.

Cast Wither Limb (Book of Vile Darkness) on the halfling's arms. The halfling must make a DC 16 fortitude save, or his arms are withered and useless for 3 rounds, making him unable to attack, or do anything else that requires arms.

2012-01-13, 06:50 PM
Halfling tries to save against [Evil], [Evil] magic. [roll0]

His big, innocent eyes stare up at Kraath with fear, but he escapes the spell.

2012-01-14, 06:17 PM
((I'm slightly confused as to Initiative - I post whenever I can, and then the action happens on my turn in the order, right?))

((Also noticed the wording of spells is a little odd. So, I cast Web - the spell says it has an effect radius of 20ft. Does that mean the spell actually affects a 40ft area?))

((Also, I do have a cohort too! He's called Dorel, though he has thus far not been introduced.))


He looks up from his work on the circle, and snarls, uttering several words in a guttural language, waving a bandaged hand at the group that just burst in. Strands of sticky cobweb begin to coalesce around the group that have just arrived.

"Elf!" Krel hisses, and while it cannot be seen, his grin can all but be felt. "If she lives, she's mine."

Krel's companion in a hooded cloak removes a short-bladed sword from beneath his cloak and moves closer to Krel.

Casts Web at E9, anchoring it to the floor and ceiling if the ceiling is low enough. If it isn't then he casts at E10, anchoring it to the walls.

DC17 reflex to become Entangled, otherwise held in place.

Dorel moves to an adjacent square to Krelkith

2012-01-14, 11:36 PM
"See? What did I say?" Rhush shouts and disappears from the view.

Swift action: Cloak of Deception, invisible for turn.
Free action: Frenzy (duration 8/8 rounds)
Move action: Move B5->D3->G5 (avoiding the circle).
Standard: Touch attack [roll0] vs. halfling's flat-footed touch AC). (Provokes AoO if halfling can see invisible.) If successful, [roll1] vs. halfling's grapple check to initiate grapple. If halfling fails, takes [roll2] non-lethal damage.

2012-01-15, 06:19 AM
The invincible halfling cannot see invisibility. This time.

Grapple check to avoid being grappled: [roll0].

This is why these guys are the heroes. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-25, 01:26 PM

W: Area covered by web

Wow, Web is... nasty! No wonder I like it so much when I'm a player.

Reflex saves:
Hero 1: [roll0]
Hero 3: [roll1]
Hero 5: [roll2]

2012-01-25, 03:06 PM
The dashing young man with unkempt hair screams angrily as he tries to tear free of the debilitating web.

Full round action to make a Strength check: [roll0] - The man struggles, but he does not manage to free himself from the immobilizing grasp of the webs.

No one can actually see the human sorcerer beyond the thick webs (total cover, as per the spell). However, you hear him shout to his comrades: "What the ****?!" After that, you hear the verbal component of a spell being uttered. No effect comes of it, that you can see.

2012-01-26, 03:13 PM
Ilikan, hearing the sounds of battle coming from the chamber ahead, barrels around the corner and spots an unknown robed human trapped in webs blocking his view and with a cruel smile launches an attack against him.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
and the Electricity damage [roll2]

2012-01-26, 09:59 PM
...Is perhaps what would have happened, but, turning the corner, Ilikan does not, in fact, see anyone stuck in the web.

So you do not see him, having just turned the corner. If there is some action you would like to take or some square you would like to do so, you can change what you do after turning the corner.

The vocal component of the spell was quite easy to hear, so people can attempt Spellcraft checks to identify the spell.

The half-elven woman is dead or dying, so it is now Lynd and Krelkith's go.

2012-01-26, 11:25 PM

After watching everything explode around him, the boy finally snaps out of his daze. The transition happens too fast for anyone to notice until the tendrils had already been sent in for the attack.

What bare skin you can see hardens and divides into bony sections of chitin. The flesh on his face pulls back into a terrible rictus, revealing jagged teeth and powerful jaws. Two leathery wings sprout from his back, though they do not appear to have any skeletal structure, they seems to be supported entirely by muscle. A second set of legs sprout just behind his first set, which combined with his now slightly hunched back, give him a vaguely tauric appearance. Finally a pair of massive tentacles covered in barbs and spines sprout from just above his waistline.

Swift action to manifest form.

Any enemy with line of sight must make a DC17 will save vs the shaken condition.

Taking a step toward his fallen comrade, he lashed forward with his new appendages in an attempt to end the fortune of the halfling.

5ft step to H4

Full Attack action replacing attacks with grapple attempts:


I'm not sure if I get the bonuses to grapple from my features just yet, but if I do, add an additional +4 to each grapple check.

2012-01-28, 09:00 PM
Looking somewhat drained, but even more invigorated, Akuso turns to the human, and looses a jet of flame.

Cast Scorching Ray at the human with the sword. If the first ray incapacitates him, the second is directed at the halfling.

Ranged Touch Attacks:

[roll0] (I don't think the human gets his dex bonus, due to the web)

2012-01-28, 09:06 PM
Sorry, forgot the second attack and both damages.
Second attack roll:
1. [roll1]
2. [roll2]

2012-02-02, 03:19 PM
Will saves against Freaky Transformation:
Hero 1: [roll0] - Not shaken.
Hero 3: [roll1] - Not shaken.
Hero 4: [roll2] - the halfling is terrified. What kind of monsters are you people, anyway?

Hero 2 is down, and if hero 5 is still in the square he was last seen in, the web spell provides total cover.

Regardless of save results, 14 on a touch attack is not enough to connect with the halfling, so the grapples fail.

The halfling still gets an attack of opportunity per attempt, I believe (unless Lyndall does not provoke when trying to start a grapple)

AoO1: [roll3], damage [roll4]
AoO2: [roll5], damage [roll6]
(Which looks... less effective than when I imagined him getting sneak attack all the time, I must admit.)

2012-02-02, 03:33 PM
The dwarven cleric leans over and touches the human with the until recently very impressive hair. Two spells are cast. Immediately the man's burn wounds close slightly [roll0], and the strands of the web spell slide off him. (After this, Akuso's second turn takes place.)

I believe both targets must be chosen at the time of casting. Since you saw the cleric heal the man, however, you would know that he has recovered somewhat from the Fireball.

The man is struck by both rays. He looks severely wounded, but he is still standing.

2012-02-02, 03:56 PM
The little halfling, freaked the hell out by Lyndall's tranformation, makes a run for it.

He takes a five foot step to G7, and tries to make his escape through the mass of sticky webs. Escape Artist check: [roll0]

He makes it all the way to E12. There is apparently no sorcerer in E11 to block his path.

There is, however, Ilikan in E12. Ilikan gets an attack of opportunity as the entangled halfling enters his square.

Rhush & Kraath are up.

2012-02-02, 04:37 PM
Sneering with distaste, Kraath moves behind Haine, and utters words of healing.

Cast Cure Moderate Wounds

Overlord Rion
2012-02-03, 03:05 AM
Back from the brink of death, Haine's first thought was I'm docking his pay for that one. What caster DOESN'T check where his allies are!?" Despite the rage Haine felt, he knew he couldn't attack just yet. So instead, he'd head behind the altar to heal himself. Chances were good they would do their job and not need him, but he'd summon something in any case once he was sure he was good on the while staying out of the way and not returning to the brink.

I believe I have enough move to get over to E2, if not, as close as I can. And then I'm using a charge from my healing belt.


2012-02-07, 03:47 PM
As a halfing runt comes rushing through the webs towards him Ilikan swears loudly before bring his hammer down in an attempt to crush the miserable creatures skull.

AoO against the halfling
damage [roll]3d6=10 see here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12677117&postcount=145)
electric damage [roll1]

2012-02-07, 04:13 PM
The halfling runt is not untouchable after all, it seems. The hammer blow draws a cry of pain.

2012-02-09, 09:23 AM
Rhush, once again visible and looking quite annoyed, spends a moment focusing on his kung fu and glaring after the halfling.

Full round action: Adaptive Style.
Readying: Sudden Leap, Soaring Raptor Strike, Burning Blade, Burning Brand and Cloak of Deception.

2012-02-10, 08:25 AM
No trace of the spellcaster.

The melee looking man, free of the strands of the spell thanks to the cleric's spell, howls with righteous anger. His friend is dead.

He Charges to G6, and strikes at Rhush with a savage flurry of slices.
(A la Pouncing Charge)

Attack: [roll0] - misses
Damage: [roll1]
Attack2: [roll2] - misses
Damage: [roll3]
Attack3: [roll4] - hits, I believe.
Damage: [roll5]

2012-02-10, 01:39 PM

Krelkith raises an arm and points at the dwarf, muttering under his breath. A beam of fire leaps from eis extended arm.

Damn. Posted in the wrong thread by accident - post changed now.

2012-02-10, 08:57 PM

Leaving Rhush to deal with the axe-wielder, Lyndall darts forward on wings of sinew to cut off the halfling before he can escape.

Full attack action to perform an aerial charge toward the halfling, ending in a grapple attempt. I'm not sure who is in what square, but he will maintain a ten foot distance from his target. He has 15ft reach so that shouldn't be a problem.

Touch attack:[roll0] Including +2 for charging
Grapple(If successful):[roll1]

RDG is mad at me :(