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2012-01-04, 04:08 PM
The Return of Evil

http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/65201/640x358_1670_Tigrammanton_place_2d_landscape_castl e_fantasy_picture_image_digital_art.jpg

The World

The dream has ended. A thousand years of stability, wealth and prosperity and the safety of an all embracing religion has gone. In its place anarchy, competing realms, war and strife...

50 years ago the Doomstar - the dark moon, home of the Gods and the foundation of divine magic was defeated. In its place a pantheon of petty competing sun and nature gods and goddesses that support weak kingdoms composed of demi-humans and peseants.

Now the last vestiges of the followers of the Doomstar have awoken. They have sought the last of faithful and asked them to rebuild the Empire, the dream for another millenia of prosperity...

A thousand years of Evil rule have ended. Adventurers, paladins and the followers of some petty sun gods overthrew the divine rulers drawn from the ranks of Tiamat, Hextor and Grumsh's favourites...

Now the last vestiges of the Dark Gods' Empire has found some new heroes to try and restore the balance and bring about another stable Evil Empire.

However there are problems... 50 years of neglect and petty monsters stealing all the old Evil Lairs and the good and happy new countries that have sprung up.

A Map

In the depths of the ash wastes of Kreegar the wind howled across the black, barren plains winding around the spires and ruins of the magically destroyed city of Nessus.

A light flickkered in the darkness however. A solitary sign of life amidst the devastation and lifeless magically defiled soil and dust. A closer look at the flickering light reveals an isolated watchtower. Once part of the perimeter defences for the evil metropolis. The building is squat, functional and studded with black spikes that ouline its allegiance. A single long bridge slowly approaches the doorway before spreading out in long unused filthy squalid hallways. A few servants scrurry about but the noise of strident voices can be heard from the grand hall where the dirty oily and smoky fire burns.

The few demi-human and human servants scurry round. Its has been 2 long decades since last the tower had any guests of note. For 20 long years they had served at the whim of the Adept of Pazuzu Haggard the Broken and fed, clothed and prayed along with the small staff of guards and waited... Now some heroes had been found. Heroes that could return the Empire to the glory it had once been and bring life back to the blasted ash wastes and rebuild the once great metropolis of Nessus.

In the grand hall the old man sat at the head of the table, his robes black with soot and grime, a gnarled witch staff clutched in his hand as he surveys the recent arrivals. All crossing the dead, lifeless, haunted plains and surving that journey, and even mroe dangerous the sacred monks of the Broken Spear- a group of do-gooders that had assisted in the downfallen of the true Empire and now patrolled the wastes trying to prevent any true believers returning on a pilgrammage to Nessus.

Peering through myopic catarract filled eyes he squints trying to make out the pilgrims. "Welcome those of the true faith. Too long have these dusty halls laid empty since the great fall. I place my followers and my keep in your care as a the ember that lights the firestorm of the rebirth of the Empire and return of the Doomstar where our Lords reside...

Your Tower:-


This is your lair.
It has basic furniture clothes etc...
Some basic foodstuffs and supplies

Also a small staff.
10 Evil Guards (3rd level Halberd wielding chainmail wearing warriors-humans)
A pet two-headed dire dog (5HD angry two headed dire wolf)
10 assorted menial servants (3 goblin, 4 human, 1 drow, 2 half-orc)
Haggard the broken -V.Old (in his 80s) Human adept of evil (Level 5)

Link to OOC thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12475561#post12475561)

2012-01-04, 04:59 PM
Alistair looks around the table at the others, surveying them for what they could be and taking stock of them. He didn't seem to impressed and wished not for the first time that he hadn't come to this strange meeting.

But if what the old man says is true, we could bring forth the change necessary, and with it the political power and freedom to do as I please!

He grins to himself, not showing his emotions outwardly yet.

Yes, this shall be an excellent opportunity

Not caring whether it would break protocol or not, he spoke to the group.

"Well then, I'm thinking those damned Monks should be the first to go, destroy them and put up a fake monastery with our own people so the rest of the world is none the wiser, then we can move people and things in and out as we please."

2012-01-04, 06:31 PM
The bandaged figure appears from the middle of the fairly well lit room. As his enchantment fades, you can see he wears a light-weight white shirt, loose tan pants and a red sash as a belt. His face is covered in cloth wrappings as well as his arms. You can tell that he is a desert traveler.

"We need 3 things before we can make any great ambitions. First, we need resources and wealth. Second, we need manpower. Third, and finally, we need the utmost caution and planning. As of now, being newly formed, we are completely unknown to the world. We have the opportunity to take our time and properly prepare before making any movements. I am Sensra, Walker of the Waste and Searcher of the Sands."

Senra turns to face Alistair at the table, "I agree that we will need to make sure the monks won't interfere with our business, maybe we can plan for an attack.." As he starts to talk, the temperature in the room seems to rise to a very hot and heavy feeling. After a minute of heat as Senra talks, he apologizes for the rise in heat and the room immediately goes back to its original temperature.

2012-01-04, 09:10 PM
Among the group is a small skittering creature wearing a dark cloak with a hood pulled up over his eyes. Upon closer inspection, you'll see that he has scales the color of dried blood, and eyes that resemble emeralds. Along with him is a dark brown pony, with eyes the same color as the kobold's scales. "I also agree that those monks seem pesky and we should eliminate them, but first we should acquaint ourselves with this, our base of operations (at least for the moment)"

2012-01-04, 10:20 PM
"It's a good idea, there's not much to see though. How about we spend three days here, getting acquainted with the place and making preparations, then we head out?" Senra sits down, and takes a drink from his goblet, satisfied with the current conversation and planning.

2012-01-05, 02:07 AM
Sweat dripping from his furrowed brow the old man wipes it with a piece of mouldy cloth that he pulls from a pouch. "Hmm. Its hot in here, like breath of Imix himself".

At hearing the words flitting between the newly arrived heroes he nods and smiles a smile filled with rotten and missing teeth. "The monks are a bane to us. They ignore here, cominh to watch now and then and mocking me by name, killing any of my servants that dare venture out." he spits a large gobbet of bloody phlegm on the dirty girmey ash streaked floor "A lesson in humility they call it as they bring their new recruits to see us laid low." a little fire comes into the old man's voice as he makes his request, "I would dance and caper with glee if you were to bring me the head of Master Koda- the head of the Order"..

With a wave of his hands the servants come forward with the finest that the Tower has to offer. Rough red wine that tastes nearer to vinegar than wine and dry and blackened meat of some unkown kind from one of the bizzare creatures that roams the waste, and some nasty black speckled grain.

2012-01-05, 06:40 AM
"I remember when the Order was but a single madman wandering the wastes, a man struggling to survive by the arts of the monk." The fey-looking artist steps forth, wrinkled skin suggesting an age approaching that of their host. But he carries a crystal blade at his side that seems to sing of danger and pain, and so wariness is in order. "Ortassas the Dark Bard," he says simply. "Yes. To know your lair and those who hold it gives you knowledge, which is of the greatest value. We have all the tools we need to retake our world, we only lack the experience to use it. I promise such efforts will see us victorious, with such creatures of power at our side."

His works are oddly hypnotizing, even though there is nothing of magic in them. The designation the "Dark Bard" certainly seems adequate; this man is used to being listened to.


The name Ortassass seems familiar; DC 15 or higher Knowledge (history) check reveals it is a common name for generals of several dark armies, but that the name appears across so many ages that it is widely accepted the "Dark Bard" of legend is either a myth, or a title taken by some order of dark musicians.


2012-01-05, 02:50 PM
A figure sits enshrouded by enormous wings in the corner of the room. He listens intently to all of the others before stepping forward, and the light coming through the windows of the tower casts his pale face in stark contrast to his dark clothing and hair. His eyes, red as fresh blood, stand out from his pallid skin like an albino's. White scales jut from his skin at odd angles, looking at once both reptilian and skeletal.

"Does thisss tower have a graveyard or crypt?" he hisses. "The Deathlesss Dragon could create usss an army with but a moment'sss notisss. We shall prepare as discusssed, then we shall ssstorm the monassstery. Onsss the monksss are dead, we shall have new sssoldiers for our army." As he finishes his thought, he arches an eyebrow and cracks a wry smile. "The Avarisssiousss will be proud," he whispers, looking to the old man for an answer.

2012-01-05, 04:26 PM
Haggard looks at the sibilant hissing voice "a daughter of Tiamat is that I hear?" he chuckles, I have not seen a scaled one for many years. "Dead you want. We have uncounted dead in the streets and the ruins for miles around".

His smile collapses inwardly... "save those that the monks burn on pyres to mock the true faithful".

To Ortassas he ***** an ear. "The dark bard. I have heard him play once many decades ago. He seemed different... his voice tales off to a whisper, "it was a different time."

2012-01-05, 05:49 PM
"I was thinking along the lines of a skirmish. We make a small ambush team, so we can move with little attention to ourselves. I'd be willing to aid you in creating these troops. We should go search the dead in the nearest areas, and look for suitable soldiers." Sensra gestures towards the outside. If the Draconic Necromancer agrees, he will go outside to search for corpses.

Search roll for Sensra to find bodies of Outsiders, and other strong looking corpses:[roll0]

2012-01-05, 06:32 PM
Alistair looks to the Draconic being and smiles, "I like your style, an undead army would suit our needs perfectly."

"But we must ensure we do not create too many, or if we do, that we hide them until the time is right. Too many undead and people start thinking, religious type come looking, that will lead us down a road we do not want to go."

Turning to Senra he nods in affirmation, "Then perhaps we could send out some scouts? A few of us can go, stir up some trouble and then others can strike in a different place?" he smiles a wolfish grin "Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here, we should send a few scouts, I'm willing to bet they patrol a set route on a rough schedule, monks being so rigid and strict."

He folds his arms as he talks, getting a little more comfortable. "We just have to observe the patrol pattern for a few days and then we can act from there, some good recon can make the difference in something like this."

Looking around the room at the others who did not go out and search for bodies "I can be a pretty good scout, any of you willing to come along?" he finishes with a feral grin, as if he is enjoying the prospect of being out and on the prowl.

2012-01-05, 06:39 PM
Since Senra hasn't left yet, "I can fly, and be invisible. Scouting would be fine with me. I'll be willing to start following their patrols with you tomorrow. If you want to go ahead and start watching them, that's fine. Just meet back here at sun down. If you can, try to find out where the monastery is, and when their guard system is weakest."

2012-01-05, 07:26 PM
Standing in the far corner of the room stood a fiendish creature. He had a certain aura about him that sends chills down your spine. He has blood red eyes, vicious looking teath, and huge leathery bat wings tucked behind his back. At his feet lies a fairly large viper who perks up at the sound of his master's voice.

Keeping quiet till now, Balareyl speaks up. "I am trained in the art of shadows. I shall accompany you on your scouting mission. If needbe I can deliver devistating attacks from a distance in case they do spot someone and try running." The thought of killing causes him to lick his lips with his long tongue and a smirk crosses his face.

"As for the undead army, a brilliant idea! I'd be more than pleased to help add to the corpse count and my abilities can enhance them in combat. This should indeed be a fun process." With this his smirk turned into a full grin showing all of his sharp teeth.

2012-01-06, 02:51 AM
The broken old man nods in agreement with the werewolve's words. "You cannot be rash brave heroes. If we move too quick the Monks can call for aid. The iron clad Irollan legions and Griffon knights will return, the Elemental masters of the Silver Cities will bring fire, water and ice and the hope of a brave new world will be gone..."

He looks back up at the party through his mostly blind eyes The fortress is a hidden one, only those of the of the Order know where it is, though I believe it lies in the West near the border with the Queen's filthy realm of the griffon.

2012-01-06, 06:20 AM
"I could also help in the formation of our army, I can raise the dead, and can also designate a few undead to be lieutenants, to ease the burden of organizing the horde

2012-01-06, 11:30 AM
Alistair listens to the old mans words and nods "You are right old man, you also remind me of other things, this is going to be a large undertaking, if we wish to successfully destroy established empires, we will need spies, a network of intelligence, you can't conquer countries with just brute strength alone, although it is fun to try." he stops laughing to himself, stopping short as if realizing what he was doing and continues "we are going to need gold, and lots of it. gold pays for undead armies, gold pays for alive armies, gold pays for loyalty and spies."

"Gold, my fellow evil malign beings, is what determines whether or not we win or lose."

2012-01-06, 12:27 PM
The draconic creature looks displeased, and voices an opinion that supports his countenance. "Ssskirmishes and sssneak attacksss are for the cowardly," he scoffs. "Let us ssscout their patrol then ssstrike when they are weakessst, yesss, but let us ssstrike hard. Let people talk! Let them sssay how mighty and awful we are! Let them call for aid, ssso that we may have even more corpses to replenish our ranksss! Let them beg before our ranksss, and let us trample them underfoot without breaking our gait. Then they shall fear the Deathlesss Dragon!"

His hissing voice has raised from a whisper to a shout, and small tongues of flame jump forward from his mouth as he speaks. However, he is cut short as his host informs them that the location of the fortress is secret. At this, he intertwines his fingers and extends his palms outward, cracking every bone in his hands one by one. "Ssso then we find one of these monksss and presss him. We presss until he forsssakes his preciousss code and tells usss all...then we keep presssing."

2012-01-06, 12:47 PM
Alistair was about to change form and rip this ones throat from his body, not that i would do anything to the wretches body, his mouth was open as he spoke, his rage barely kept in check, the hackles on his back aroused from the anger within.

And then the dragon thing agrees and says something about torturing a monk. In an instant his anger fades and he is smiling.

"Yes, I like that idea a lot." he simply says, with another wolfish grin. This time however his eyes are yellow, as if he was in midst of a transformation.

2012-01-06, 02:15 PM
Teibrus hadn't entered the front gate with the others, but flew up to a window to look around. To his surprise, Teibrus heard no voices, ordering him to set this place afire. Perhaps the voice knew the importance of the base. Or maybe there was something stopping it. Whatever was causing the voice to be silent, Teibrus was happy to be without it.

After wandering around for a while, Teibrus followed the voices of his comrades down the stairs. "I'm all for getting an upper hand, but I didn't join this group to sit on my *ss all day." Teibrus chimed in, his quiet voice carried by its harshness. "I agree that those of us more capable of being unnoticed," He fluttered his fiery wings as he said it, "should go watch for an opportunity to grab one of the guys, bring him back here, and we'll do what it takes to get what we need out of the non-believer." Teibrus' fiery aura flared up as he finished, and a grin twisted his face. The idea of causing pain pleased him. Though, if he had to wait, he would have to find something else to sate his compulsion to burn.

2012-01-06, 04:12 PM
"Or one could travel as a sage of the wilds seeking refuge from the remnants of darkness here, and gain such information without arousing their ire," the bard says. "No power yet exists that can wrench from me the secrets of my alleigences, and I can take on the true weight of my age, if you would give me some time. They would not suspect a creature of such age to be a spy, and we might be able to lure them in such a place as to grant us advantage." The creature's lips curve up. "Trickery is the way when your foe is greater than you - I never sang of any creature who died in vain with such foolish risks."

2012-01-06, 04:51 PM
As the party speaks the servants move around silently, a large piece of meat on skewers being slowly roasted on the fire eventually being cut up and served with hard root vegetables for a simple if tasty meal.

The adept sits back almost asleep in his chair as the party continues to discuss their plans...

Just a post to say I'm keeping an eye on the discussion. When you have a plan and want to leave your tower, or ask the old man anything I'll post something more useful :smallsmile:

2012-01-06, 06:47 PM
Sensra is amused at the tension in the room, however, it is more important for them to set a plan in motion. It an attempt to move things forward, "Let's get started with the things we know for certain. We can definitely start raising undead, and we can at least have someone watch the patrol. The observer should note how they are armed and how far between the patrols are. I'm ready to start going, if you want to continue to make plans, go ahead, but we should move forward with our plan."

Drk : In an above post I went outside and rolled search for suitable bodies to raise as undead.(Outsiders, and such) Senra is going outside now to gather the bodies.

2012-01-06, 07:18 PM
Alistair grins with malice, he was looking forward to dealing severe mental torment to the first monk he cam across.

"Well then, lets go. Those of you wanting to come along to scout out the monks and take one as prisoner, can come along."

He summarily leaves the table and strides outside towards the direction the old man had said the monks housed their monastery.

2012-01-07, 03:26 AM
Sensra and Deathlessdragon

As the flying dragonfire adept and the walker in the waste leave the room and head out into the diffuse greay ash laden light in search of bodies.
It takes hours of searching, burial pyres and caverns of dead being hard before they find what they want... an ancient flag, the burial pile of the 118th Black Fist more than 200 elite ogres that served the Lords of Nessus well until they were wiped out.

The Rest

While the dragon and the walker head out to search of bodies the rest strike out in a vageuly westerly direction towards the distant border with the Griffon Empire. With a handful of people walking and a couple flying its a strange procession.

2012-01-08, 01:50 PM
As he walked outside Alistair thought to himself, he was going to enjoy this whole thing, just up his alley.

And torture! ah yes, he was an expert in political intrigue it should transfer over nicely!

As they moved out, he began thinking to himself;

hmm, maybe I should bind another vestige for this sojourn? Naberius isn't really suited for all this sneakery and I'm not going to need him until talks start happening...

At that thought he felt a silent stirring within him, as if the vestige itself was displeased with the thought of being replaced, smiling wickedly Alistair continued on, it would have to wait anyway we wont be getting there for a while. With that the stirring ceased, like soft ripples on a pond.

And with evil malice in his eyes "Ah yes, I do believe Malphas would be a more appropriate bind." the stir in his soul increases to a small flutter, the sheer control over his binds was sure and solid. Naberius could only wait and watch, reveling in the feeling and experiences he was receiving now.

At the first day of travel Alistair will drop Naberius and Bind Malphas and Ronove(in essence rebinding her), he will make no effort to hide his pact making and if people watch make a small show of it.

Once bound to his chosen vestiges, he will summon a raven (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/raven.htm) and send it out scouting in an ever widening zig zag pattern in front of where they walk.

He can see everything the raven does using its spot and listen checks:
Listen +5, Spot +7

Listen & spot checks
spot [roll0] and listen [roll1]
spot [roll2] and listen [roll3]
spot [roll4] and listen [roll5]
spot [roll6] and listen [roll7]
spot [roll8] and listen [roll9]
spot [roll10] and listen [roll11]
spot [roll12] and listen [roll13]
spot [roll14] and listen [roll15]
spot [roll16] and listen [roll17]
spot [roll18] and listen [roll19]
spot [roll20] and listen [roll21]

Bind check for Malphas
DC 15, [auto succeed with a +20 on Binder check]

Bind check for Ronove
DC 15, [auto succeed with a +20 on Binder check]
Both good pacts, supressing both signs

2012-01-08, 02:00 PM
After finding some Ogre soldiers, Sensra starts to prepare to build the army. "Ah yes, you have all fallen..But, I will give you another chance to serve your masters,the gods, well." Sensra starts by building a small altar to his unknown patron, then casts Desecrate on the altar. After which he places onyx on all the dead ogres, and casts Animate Dead to raise them as skeletons. "Rise up! Now I call you to serve, to bring in a new erra!"

2012-01-08, 03:33 PM
After finding some Ogre soldiers, Sensra starts to prepare to build the army. "Ah yes, you have all fallen..But, I will give you another chance to serve your masters,the gods, well." Sensra starts by building a small altar to his unknown patron, then casts Desecrate on the altar. After which he places onyx on all the dead ogres, and casts Animate Dead to raise them as skeletons. "Rise up! Now I call you to serve, to bring in a new erra!"

At the tower the Ogres begin to stir. Their ancient bronze half plate and barbed halberds slanted and ready for war. The servants and guards of the tower watch the growing force, grim smiles on their faces as they see the growing army...

How much Onyx do you have? They are 4HD each

In the Wilderness

After a day of walking and a brief camp in the icy darkness on the ash wastes the morning starts with the shaggy looking warlock drawing strange circles on the ground with strange deific creatures appearing in the circles.

The walk across the featureless waste, each step kicking up a cloud of throat cloying dust is empty and depressing as there is no apparent life save for small vermin that are mostly claws and stingers or the occsional strange cactus or dessicated tree dripping with thorns and poison coated leaves...


The raven soaring in the windswept skies sees little to nothing save for ruins, the remnants of scarred trenches from ancient battle and broken walls and towns.

For an hour or more it sees nothing until a aflicker of movement catches its beady little eyes. Descending lower it can make out 4 shapes ghosting across the wasteland. All 4 clad in long greyish cloaks and grey cloths over any armour that they might possess. 2 walk quickly carrying longbows, quivers at their waists. 2 trailing with sword hilts strapped to their waists...

As the raven flies they are probably about 3 miles to the Northwest and moving fairly quickly.


2012-01-08, 03:46 PM
Sensra turns to his companion and grins. "See this, this is only a fraction of the power our future holds. I have an idea for how we can have a few elite archers. So, you should hold off on your animate. Do you think we can handle a Genie?"

Check the OoC thread for the statistics of my spending. I already took it off my sheet. I have a little left, but I made sure to have enough oynx for my full CL.

2012-01-08, 05:21 PM
Alistair occasionally checked through his birds eyes, not wanting to trip on a small rock while doing so. He smiled as he saw the figures moving through the wastes, although not what he would assume a monk would look like he shrugged. They would be caught and questioned regardless of who or what they were.

Signalling to the group to stop he waits for them to come to him.

Once all are within hearing range he will speak:

"I have located 4 travelers, 2 are armed with bows and the other 2 armed with swords. No armor is evident, but it could be covered by the rags they wear. They are moving fast, about as fast as I" he motions with his hand to the northwest "in that direction about 3 miles from us." he waits a moment for it to sink in. "I do believe we found what we were looking for. While it is possible they are not the monks, capture and interrogation should be in their near future either way." he finishes with another feral grin, his eyes momentarily changing from blue to stark yellow like that of a wolf, and then back again.

"I suggest we move to intercept, I can keep watch to see if they do anything or split up." he looks to everyone awaiting their comments on the matter.

2012-01-08, 06:58 PM
As Teibrus walked through the wastes, he felt no chill, the fires of Imix that ran through his body heating him well. Though, he would gladly feel the sting of ice, should it mean the voices would depart. The whispers grew excited at the prospect of seeing action again.

In hopes it would satisfy his hunger for a while longer, Teibrus spoke rashly "What are we waiting for?!" He spread his wings and readied to shoot off.

2012-01-08, 08:52 PM
"What are we waiting for?!"

"Great question, lets go!"

With that he moves off, not really caring if the others had things to say, if they wanted to say it they could move near him and converse on the move.

2012-01-09, 02:28 AM
Teibrus immediately took off with Alistair, flying directly ahead of the lycan.

2012-01-09, 05:07 AM

Standing up with a sigh of relief he follows the others, his snake close behind. "About time, it's been too long since I've spilt blood... An intercept sounds like a good plan, we should make sure to keep one alive. At least for a little while."

2012-01-09, 08:28 AM
"Not fast enough! Leave them behind. Go, burn my enemies!" the voice shouted over itself, echoing in his mind. Teibrus needed the trust of his new associates, and that involved working together, and most importantly, it meant not listening to the general muttering he always heard to burn any living thing he saw.

Teibrus began ascending, to mostly keep out of view, and to get one of his own. With about a mile to go, he was keeping an eye out for the targets ahead of them.

Do you want spots to see non-hidden targets? Move Silently for flying? Hide for the middle of the sky?

2012-01-09, 01:20 PM
Alistair moves quickly knowing that 3 miles was not far to cover, he kept watch on the targets with his pet raven at a good distance. He knew that he was the only one who could watch the monks and therefore they were depending on him somewhat, he would not attempt to hide causing the monks to converge on him.

At about the mile mark he yells at anyone who can hear "Those of you who can turn invisible do so now! I will lure them out, you all close in after that!"

He was confident in his abilities and knew if the archers became to much of a problem he could turn invisible with the aide of Malphas, and they would feel the pain of his teeth in their flesh!

At this Alistair starts to change dramatically, his arms extend nails joints popping as they form to their new length, his darkens and thick shaggy fur grows quickly all over, his mouth extends into a muzzle and his eyes retain that previous yellow.

2012-01-09, 01:35 PM
Sensra turns to his companion and grins. "See this, this is only a fraction of the power our future holds. I have an idea for how we can have a few elite archers. So, you should hold off on your animate. Do you think we can handle a Genie?"

Check the OoC thread for the statistics of my spending. I already took it off my sheet. I have a little left, but I made sure to have enough oynx for my full CL.

The Deathless Dragon's countenance becomes a wide, crooked grin. "Oh yesss," he hisses with glee, "yesss indeed. Anything you can call, we and our army can kill. Anything we can kill, I can raise."

2012-01-09, 03:32 PM
The Ashwastes

Aslidair, Ortassas, Balareyl, Falix and Teiberius made their way towards the human patrol. Alisdair unerring guiding them as the raven twisted and soared in the heavy putrid air.

As you close with them you can see them pausing by a small pond of inky black liquid and a few dessicated trees. Food comes out of parcels and they seem to be relaxing as they blend effortlessly into the background...

Keegan_D: You can't really hide in the open air? If you're flying high they'll see you coming very easily.

Is Balareyl hiding/flying? What of the others?

A rough map here- it may change depending on what you're plans were...

Battle Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1455)

The Tower

In the dungeons of the Tower the servants have cleared out a large and empty room for the two necromancers. The room is relaxing and pleasant for the two heroes. Shackles decroate the walls in places and the scrape makrs indicate where large wooden contraptions have been taken out to be used for fuel...

Some guttering candles of some sort of rendered humanaoid wax burn with a greasy meaty aroma and the thick smoke gathers in strange whorls near the curved stone ceiling that bears decades of smoke and blood stains.

A small table in the corner has a haunch of cooked meat, bottle of rough red wine and 2 glasses left out for the casters by the near silent servants that ghost around tower without speaking too much...

What are you guys doing and do you have your ogres with you?

2012-01-09, 04:47 PM
Sensra is glad to be back in the tower, and will be studying his spells and picking more appropriate ones for the next day. The Ogres have orders to guard the gate, and not to attack anyone unless they are attacked. "So, do you have a name, or just a title?" he addresses Dragon.

"Also, I am curious as to where you get your power. Have you always been this strong? I learned a long time ago to take the magic from these new gods and bend it to my will. However, I have also been gifted with abilities from some unknown benefactor. He is powerful, but does not directly intercede for me. I have a feeling that he is unable to."

Sensra waits for a response and then asks Dragon another question, "So, after we raise some more soldiers tomorrow, where do you think we should go next?" Sensra snaps his fingers and his imp appears at his side, "Be ready to ask our patron whether or not these are good ideas." aka prepare for commune spell-like ability

2012-01-09, 06:40 PM
Balareyl draws his bow and starts sneaking up as far as he can while still retaining some sort of cover. Waiting for Allistair to make his move, he crouches quietly with Nagini close behind him.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2012-01-09, 07:02 PM
The Deathless Dragon tears into the meat with abandon, barely raising it from the table in his hands before biting into it. As he finds parts that are cooked too rare for his taste, he belches small licks of flame over the meat to cook it perfectly. "The Deathlesss Dragon is both a name and a title," he rasps. "It is what I do as much as it is who I am. I live to ssserve Tiamat," he continues, "and her eternal power provides my ssstrength...provides all of our ssstrength."

He finally pauses from devouring the meat to consider their next steps. "After filling out our ranksss, I would like to ssspeak with any monksss the others capture...to sssee their fassses twissst in horror at our might. Then, we march on the monassstery; no ussse tarrying."

2012-01-09, 07:25 PM
Alistair will wait for the others to spread out and hide before stepping out and walking towards the campsite [move to G-11].

He walks up right and erect towards the monks, his form now changed back to his human form and looks ever the regal politician. He holds his arms wide showing that he is not armed.

"Greetings!" his voice booms across the area, reverberating off the trees "I am so glad to have found you!" He smiles a winning smile as if he was lost and had found refuge.

Stopping near a pile of stone he keeps his distance "Would you allow me to come closer and take refuge in numbers? I have been traveling long and hard," he pauses as if to think of what to say, weighing his options [at least trying to convey that] "I must confess, I am not a man of the wild, especially..." he pauses again and gestures to the scenery "...in a place like this."

Diplomacy : [roll0]
Bluff : [roll1]

Currently (and usually) he is unarmed, the only belongings on him a quiver on his back and the usual gear of an adventurer.

In regards to changing back and forth, the DC's to change are as follows:

DC's for changing form
Return to humanoid form (full moon*) 25
Return to humanoid form (not full moon) 20
Assume hybrid form 15
Voluntary change to animal form (full moon) 15
Voluntary change to animal form (not full moon) 20
So unless its a full moon (for which he would change things up) he auto makes the Control shape check.

BattleMap (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1463)

2012-01-09, 10:01 PM
Clicked a few things on the battlemap, not knowing what they were. I think I changed turns around. Don't really know what I'm doing in that department yet. Still new to PbP. Sorry.
Seeing Alistair change back to his human form, Teibrus figured he was trying something sly. With a sigh, Teibrus descends to [I, 3], moving around the trees to [D, 2]. He would wait here for Alistair's plan to fail before striking.

Hide: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2012-01-09, 10:18 PM
"I think you are right, we can wait for the others. In the meantime, I would like to talk to the Priest." Sensra will get up and find the priest, and go to ask him some things.

"Sir, if it isn't too much trouble, I was wondering if you knew of any current groups/people who would join us near by. My colleague and I were thinking of recruiting some living soldiers, and I'm not sure where to start. I was also wondering if you knew where we could get some oynx? Of course this all makes me want to also ask where is the nearest town?" Sensra calmly sits down and starts to relax, knowing that he has plenty of time. Despite his cool demeanor, he feels a stirring to action, that they need to continue making progress.

He also has a feeling of unease for his new allies, and hopes that they bring a monk back alive. This reminds him that he needs to prepare new spells for the next day.

2012-01-10, 02:11 AM
THe Ash wastes

As Balayrel and Teibrus land and both vanish into the glom and shadows behind large piles of rocks and dying trees Alisdair walks out towards them.

As he speaks the 3men and a women all look, hands flying to bows and swords... These lands are barred travellor, by ancient accord. Come forth. Why are you in this accursed place- answer swiftly as only death will come otherwise".

As you look at them all are wearning heavy grey cloths over their surcoats, the two archers both lean rangy men handle the long bows well and the woman looks competent with her swords as does the man who spoke...



@Keegan_D don't worry about moving it. It creates a new saved url every time you hit the End turn button. So if you don't press that you don't save anything

Battle Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1474)

2012-01-10, 11:16 AM
These lands are barred travellor, by ancient accord. Come forth. Why are you in this accursed place- answer swiftly as only death will come otherwise"

Alistair smiles ruefully at the expected response, "..Ah yes...I thought that might come up, You see..." he stops again thinking of what to say "...I was the target of a hateful Nobleman" he now smiles as if he is recalling a good time (and he really is) "You see, his daughter was a beauty and I had put it to myself to conquer her..." he pauses acting out the social awkwardness of bringing up the subject, smiling impishly he continues "...well lets just say to get intimate with her, yes? Well her father is a rather powerful man and he having caught me in her bed chambers had his house mage send me to this..." he gestures again, this time with both arms to the surrounding's "...place. I beseech you allow me the comfort of your company and let me exit this place without harm? I meant no harm by my escapades!"

Bluff [roll0]

I didn't put any names into it but other than that he's telling the truth, except why he is here, he had all this happen to him before, hes just restitching it all for this encounter.

If place comes up, can I just make up names for now and have them be from where he is actually from?


2012-01-10, 08:09 PM
Falix chants and gestures to himself and then, in a blink of an eye, he disappears. While invisible, Falix approaches where Alistair is, but still keeping his distance.

Casting invisibility, and going to [J,10]

2012-01-11, 01:58 AM
Alistair smiles ruefully at the expected response, "..Ah yes...I thought that might come up, You see..." he stops again thinking of what to say "...I was the target of a hateful Nobleman" he now smiles as if he is recalling a good time (and he really is) "You see, his daughter was a beauty and I had put it to myself to conquer her..." he pauses acting out the social awkwardness of bringing up the subject, smiling impishly he continues "...well lets just say to get intimate with her, yes? Well her father is a rather powerful man and he having caught me in her bed chambers had his house mage send me to this..." he gestures again, this time with both arms to the surrounding's "...place. I beseech you allow me the comfort of your company and let me exit this place without harm? I meant no harm by my escapades!"

Bluff [roll0]

I didn't put any names into it but other than that he's telling the truth, except why he is here, he had all this happen to him before, hes just restitching it all for this encounter.

If place comes up, can I just make up names for now and have them be from where he is actually from?


The woman spits into the dust with obvious disgust for Alistair but the older of the two bowmen waves her to silence, "Foolish stioll to travel into these wastes. They have an ill reputation for a good reason.. He motions to the small grove of dead trees, "Sit, join us for water and food. We shall escort you to the Border of the waste where you will be safe..."

If/as you move to join them the other swordsmen puts up a hand, "Do you hear that? Are you alone travellor?

The Tower

"I think you are right, we can wait for the others. In the meantime, I would like to talk to the Priest." Sensra will get up and find the priest, and go to ask him some things.

"Sir, if it isn't too much trouble, I was wondering if you knew of any current groups/people who would join us near by. My colleague and I were thinking of recruiting some living soldiers, and I'm not sure where to start. I was also wondering if you knew where we could get some oynx? Of course this all makes me want to also ask where is the nearest town?" Sensra calmly sits down and starts to relax, knowing that he has plenty of time. Despite his cool demeanor, he feels a stirring to action, that they need to continue making progress.

He also has a feeling of unease for his new allies, and hopes that they bring a monk back alive. This reminds him that he needs to prepare new spells for the next day.

The old adept smiles and laughs a little at the Walker's words. "There are none near us. The monks kill most who do and no-one lives in the wastes... well. Almost no-one". He waves Sesnra and Deathless dragon over to the wall pointing at the map on the wall. "There are many who used to live here but only a few now. In the seas of the Claw to the North there are still some of the old Sais tribes. The Sais were once a familiar name, blood drinking savage tribes- brothers to the Northern Barbarians of Crimenia but descended into savagery.

Of particular interest you may want are the Onyx Mines of Karak Onak. As he speaks he points at a small dot near the border of Iotan. "You want your army of the walking dead to gorw yes? I shall begine to map the ancient battles of the last glorious days of the Empire for you..."

2012-01-11, 02:06 AM
"Thank you kind sirs, I will not be a problem I assure you, once I am to the border I shall leave this place the wiser." he smiles slightly, as if he regrets what had got him there.

Alistair moves as close as he can, not rushing but walking. At the others response to noise he crinkles his face "Noise, I hear nothing. Yes, of course" he states frankly. As if his story had explained everything.

Thinking to himself Why Don't these damned fools attack? They are obviously what we are looking for!

Bluff: [roll0]

If they get violent with him Alistair will turn invisible as a move action for 10 rounds using Malphas's invisibility.

BattleMap (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1494)

He's just trying to get as close as he can to them.

2012-01-11, 06:55 AM
"Sssounds like we should hit the minesss," the Deathless Dragon hisses, almost licking his lips. "How long would the journey take from here?"

2012-01-11, 01:36 PM
Alistair was taking his sweet time, spewing nonsense, and it was pissing Teibrus off. As soon as one of them suspected something, he was finished waiting for something interesting to happen. He flew full speed at the nearest one and began swinging madly. "You're too slow at this!" Teibrus shouted to Alistair.

Raging, charging, hovering at ground level [l, 6] (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1527)
First attack: [roll0] ([roll1])
Second attack: [roll2] ([roll]2d6+10])

2012-01-11, 01:38 PM
Messed up the damage rolls.
Forgot to adjust Str for rage, and the second one just wasn't typed right.

2012-01-11, 02:09 PM
Alistair was taking his sweet time, spewing nonsense, and it was pissing Teibrus off. As soon as one of them suspected something, he was finished waiting for something interesting to happen. He flew full speed at the nearest one and began swinging madly. "You're too slow at this!" Teibrus shouted to Alistair.

Raging, charging, hovering at ground level [l, 6] (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1527)
First attack: [roll0] ([roll1])
Second attack: [roll2] ([roll]2d6+10])

As a gigantic flame wreathed fire breathing devil crashes into the swordsman a swing of the sword catching him unawares and leaving a horrid gash in his chest. The monks glare at the werewolf- "Die spawn of evil...". The women and the swordsman both turning to the flaming devil elf swords leaping out of their scabbards....

Iniative good guys [roll0]
Initiative bad guys [roll1]

Keegan_D surely only 1 attack? The lion barbarian pounce was not allowed.

"Sssounds like we should hit the minesss," the Deathless Dragon hisses, almost licking his lips. "How long would the journey take from here?"

The old man pauses, a sly smile on his face. "It depends Master Dragon. FOr you and your flight maybe 6 days. for a skeletal ogre maybe 7 days.I warn you, the dwarves protect their treasures....

2012-01-11, 02:16 PM
The Ash wastes

The monks recover with amazing swiftness the female swordsmen darting forward, long curved blade leaping out she leaps inthe air twinning and spinning with devastating grace. Her companion staggers back with blood spraying from his chest. Recovering in seconds he pulls out the heavy serrated broadsword driving it forward with blurring speed...

Woman moves forward and attacks:
Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

Man quickdraws and flurries:
Attack [roll2] damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] damage [roll5] doesn't confirm
Attack [roll6] damage [roll7]

The two bow carrying rangers roll to their feet bows leaping into their hands and massive broad headed arrows thrumming the air towards the werewolf...

Attack: [roll8] damage [roll9]
Attack: [roll10] damage [roll11]
(+4 if evil outsider, +2 if monstrous humanoid)

Bad Guy status

Bow 1:
Bow 2:
Male sword: 19
Female sword:

Battle Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1528)

2012-01-11, 02:55 PM
Alistair is surprised when one of his companions comes whirling out of no where claiming him incompetent.

He growls low "Fool, do you know nothing of maneuvering I had them just where I wanted!"

He grunts in pain as he gets nailed by an arrow the tip punching into his flesh but gets pushed out as his body heals the wound instantly, howling in rage he disappears from sight and changes into hybrid form.

Move action: turn invisible
Standard action: shapechange into hybrid form.

Damage taken: 10 - Dr 10/silver = none

Alistair is neither an evil outsider or monstrous humanoid

That hit was a crit, so I'm assuming some more damage?

2012-01-11, 03:55 PM

Looking over at Falix with slight annoyance, Balareyl looks back at the battle. Making a swift movement with his hands he casts a spell then fires an arrow at one of archers. Then quickly tries to hide once again.

Spell Sniper's Shot, swift action, no range limit on sneak attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] = 27
Hide: [roll3]

edit: Hopefully that gets past him flat-footed.

2012-01-11, 05:03 PM
"I think we should leave as soon as possible, in the morning perhaps? I'd like the servants to pack our bags with supplies such as food. Also, if you could inform the others of our location. I will teleport back after we reach our destination and then take the time to teleport all of us there." After this Sensra, bows politely to the others and heads upstairs to his room to prepare different spells for travel.

2012-01-11, 05:56 PM
Falix maneuvers over to an out-cropping of rocks and conjures a fireball to hit all of the monks (and if possible takes a 5ft. step N)

Reflex Save DC: 19 for half damage
Battle Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1534)

2012-01-12, 03:15 PM
The Ash Wastes

The battle grew fast and brutal. An arrow from the rogue/ranger slamming into the nearest archer in a gout of blood sending him staggering. Seconds later a pellot the size of a child's fist descended into the heart of the encampment exploding in a massive pillar of fire that came close to scalding Alisdair's fur whilst the favoured of Imix glorified in the heat... The archer already pierced by the arrow now a mangled blistered mass of barely moving pain. The male swordsmen horrically burned, one eye bursting open with the heat...

Vs DC19
Male swordsmen [roll0]
Women swordsmen [roll1]
Archer 1 [roll2] Evasion
Archer 2 [roll3] Evasion

As the flames receeded the 2 archers leapt into action bounding over the rocks... The sniper is mine, you take the mage..." The lead on staggering towards the sorcerer an arrow flying forth as he struggles with his hideously burned body. The second ducking backwards a series of shots streaking towards the badly hidden rogue ducking down between the rocks...

Archer 2- moves forwards towards Falx
-- Attack [roll4] damage [roll5] + [roll6] skirmish

Archer 1- 5ft step back and launch a full attack at Balareyl
--Attack [roll7] damage [roll8]
--Attack [roll9] damage [roll10]
--Attack [roll11] damage [roll12]

Rapid shot and cover from the rocky ground included in the attack roll

Meanwhile burning and broken from the flames the swordsmen rolls forward bracketing the raging fire demon "Die hellspawn" the man mutters... "Feel the wrathe of righteousness" the woman's version of the battle cry.

The man flurries
Attack [roll13] damage [roll14]
Attack [roll15] damage [roll16]
Attack [roll17] damage [roll18]

The woman lashes out with a spinning powerful blow...
Attack [roll19] damage [roll20]

UPDATED MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1534)

Bad Guy status

Archer 1
Archer 2 61
Male swordsman 53
Women swordsman 17

2012-01-12, 03:52 PM
Alistair moves as close as he can waiting for the right time to unleash his fury against the unsuspecting archer.

BattleMap (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1592)

He is still invisible and will NOT take AoO that present themselves against the archers, he wants to remain invisible and unleash a full attack next round.

2012-01-12, 06:57 PM
Falix stays his ground, and conjures three motes of magical energy, directing two at the closer archer (bow ranger 2), and the other one at the male swordsman
rolls in the OOC

2012-01-12, 07:19 PM
After a good nights sleep, and making his preparations, Sensra heads down to the main hall to meet with the others. Then he proceeds to the main courtyard, and will position his Ogres for travel. Apparently I have no idea how to make a table or anything... I'll try doing something on pyromancers, link will be up in a bit..Initiative for Ogres?

2012-01-12, 09:33 PM
The voice was filled with delight, due to the action finally being seen. Teibrus had gone weeks without bloodshed - his own, or otherwise. Even more excited at the great ball of fire that demolished the scene. Teibrus enjoyed the blast of heat that waved off of it. As he savored the little things, he sliced through his enemies, ignoring the return of criticism from the disappearing one.

Attacking the one hit by Teibrus before.
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Kicking on the DR as well.

2012-01-12, 10:13 PM

He smiles as his shot pierces the archer's flesh. Your's am I? We'll see about that. He motions at Nagini to stay put and pulls out his wand making himself Invisible.

Casts Invisibility on self and moves to D19
Use Magic Device: [roll0] DC: 20
Move Silently: [roll1]

Battle Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1608)

2012-01-15, 01:16 PM
Once Deathless arrives downstairs, Sensra will speak up, "I've come up with a way for us to have the party come to the mines when they get back. I'm going to stay invisible, and fly overhead. Are you ready?" At this point, the group will head off towards the mines.

2012-01-15, 03:36 PM
The Ash Wastes

THe hidden werwolf prowls around moving ever closer to its prey even as the rogue also puffs out of sight. Shouts of alarm from the monks as he vanishes.

Even as that happens the fire elf hews left and right with abandon, the female swordsmen delicately dodging the first two blows before the thir blow cuts into her chest with a horrific wet thud trailing blood and fire behind the blade... The Imix touched glowing with divine protection as the monk's blades make bloody work of him.

Things change however as the kobold casually waves a scaled hand, 3 glowing motes of energy rocketing through the air with explosive force, each impact a terrifying one crushing bones and rending flesh... THe force of the magical onslaught is horrific, the nearest archer losing his right arm before a scond mote cuases his entire skull to explode with silvery light. The last of the motes slamming into the male swordsmen's back before tearing a hole right him sending him sprawling at the Imix touched's feet...

Archer 1 0
Archer 2 96
Male swordsman 78
Women swordsman 42

THe women calls to the last archer "Run while you can... the order must find out" but the stubborn man- unawre of the wolf beside him shakes his and doggedly nocks another arrow that he sends towards the kobold ... "We stand as one, we die as one".... She nods as she launches another savage attack at Teibrus

Archer 1 rapid shot the kobold
[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]

Women take down the fire elf...
[roll4] damage [roll5]
[roll6] damage [roll7]

Updated Battle Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1769)
- To save confusion (like with the lighnting bolt, if you update the battle map could you make it obvious in your IC posts please :smallsmile:
- Sorry for the slow response, I lost my broadband and my phone does neither the map nor the []/ needed for dice rolling very well.

2012-01-15, 03:52 PM
The road to Iotan

The 4 Ogres move off across the ash wastes, halberds carried at the slope, bronze armour gleaming in the watery light. Each step kicking up a cloud of weak dust around the walker inthe waste, his draconic companion flapping overhead.

2 longs days pass trudging through the dead lands. Straggling trees, crushed walls and long filled in trenches a memento to ancient war. No life really moving bar vermin and strange fanged and clawed creatures birthed the catacysmic magics unleashed.

On the 3rd day, the dark peaks of Iotan getting ever closer and the land startig to get wilder and rockier the dragon and the walker can both hear the sound of noise from a dip in the land ahead and the heavy sound of metal on rock. The source of the noise can't be seen but a collection of ladder tops at the top of a large crevasse can be seen...

2012-01-15, 05:06 PM
Alistair listens to the quick conversation and smiles at the mans supposed stoicism, he shall learn the pain of his actions soon.

Striking out at the man Alistair was intent on knocking the man out to be captured, utilizing his claws and bite to a lesser affect but he knew the deadly combination of Malphas and his striking prowess from Ronove was going to whittle this man down a few notches.

Full attack 2 claws and a bite @ -4 for non lethal damage with no sudden strike damage

Claw 1 vs Flat footed AC
Hit [roll0]
Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

Claw 2 vs Flat footed AC
Hit [roll4]
Confirm [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Crit Damage [roll7]

Bite 1 vs Flat footed AC
Hit [roll8]
Confirm [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
Crit Damage [roll11]

2 unarmed strikes @ non lethal with sudden strike.

Unarmed Strike 1 vs Flat footed AC
Hit [roll12]
Confirm [roll13]
Damage [roll14] + [roll15]
Crit Damage [roll16]

Unarmed Strike 2 vs Flat footed AC
Hit [roll17] - MISS (nat 1)
Confirm [roll18]
Damage [roll19] + [roll20]
Crit Damage [roll21]


Attacking to subdue with non lethal damage. The claws and Bite take the -4 and cannot deliver sudden strike damage (due to non lethal)
Improved Unarmed strike allows the attacker to freely switch from lethal to non-lethal, allowing me to deliver sudden strike bonus damage via them.
All natural attacks are considered Magic and Cold iron for DR purposes.

2012-01-15, 07:04 PM
The road to Iotan

I actually have 9 skeleton Ogres

Sensra notices the ladders, and decides to call for the company to halt. Sound like a mine, but whatever is ahead might be hostile. Flying down so his minions can hear him, he gives them new orders, gesturing at Deathless, "Follow him, and attack anyone that he indicates." Next he floats by Deathless, "I will fly ahead and scout the area, I will return soon." Sensra re-engages his invisibility, and flies over the dip in the land.

2012-01-16, 10:35 AM
The Deathless Dragon nods at Sensra's plans. While he wished he had learned the trick of invisibility long ago, he was glad that its absence meant that Sensra had now left him in command of these undead. "Hello, my beautiesss," the Dragon hisses, "we're going to have such fun." With that, he patiently waits for Sensra to return, spending his time casting invocations upon the undead. He tests its effects a few times, breathing wreaths of flame over the entire unit.

Invoke Endure Exposure on every ogre, causing them to be immune to my breath weapon.

"SSSoon, my beautiesss," he coos, "sssoon you will be our sssergeantsss, and we will have many troopsss to command. Yesss, very sssoon."

2012-01-16, 11:57 AM
His frenzy continuing, Teibrus could barely feel the woman's blade pierce his skin. "There is no escape!" he shouts out at his foe, as he let loose another barrage of attacks. His mind was swimming with excitement and joy with all the blood being shed.

Attack [roll0] - Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2] - Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] - Damage [roll5]
Turned off the DR.

2012-01-16, 03:04 PM
The Road to Iotan

The 9 skelatal ogres glitter as the magic settles over them and the dragon can admire his work.

As the Walker flies silently through the ash laden air he soon skims over the edge of the chasm... A 40ft wide gash in the earth runs for some 800ft in each direction, the result of some sort of large scale earth related magic in the war a half century ago. At the base of the rift Sensra can see a small industrious band of figures working at the cliff face gathered around a seam of crystalline metal. A further crevice at the base of the rift a sign that these creatures may have come from somewhere deeper.


Each of the diminutive figures appears to be bald save for a white or silvery beard armed with a variety of picks and hammers and large crossbows as they work the seam. The language they speak a guttaral tone that Sensra doesn't understand...

2012-01-16, 06:10 PM
Sensra flies close enough to hear them, but casts Comprehend Languages before approaching. Interesting, I think I might remember these from my studies... He looks at them a little longer, and will approach if he can Identify them. I'm unsure what knowledge to roll... Also, I am saddened to realize I don't know tongues...

2012-01-17, 01:48 AM
The Ash Wastes

THe second archer is suddenly shocked and abused as the werewofl appears beside him, claws and fange battering and beating his fragile body. The female swordswomen is less lucky, the fire elf's blade shearing through her body numerous times as she's chopped into bloody chunks scattered on the ground...

The Road to Iotan

As the magic settles over Sensra he begins to ctach the words... Crystal good no? ... The white-hairs will be happy... Want the bloodwine, heavy work.... . Most of the talk seems mining related that Sensra still doesn't really understand. She vageuly recalls that these deep dwarves may be of an evil bent....

2012-01-17, 10:54 PM
Sensra(who is a man :smallamused:) descends until about 30ft. from the dwarves, and then turns visible. "I come with a message to you. This message is from the gods of your ancestors." Sensra first says this in Infernal, then Draconic, and finally in Common. "Do you understand any of these tongues?" I can convert these to allies, Sensra thinks as he takes the opportunity to make a grand entrance. As he comes within 20ft. to speak to them, they will feel the heat increase two steps or up to desert temperature. His cloak of bandages bellows in the harsh winds of the waste, and he lifts his hands to the sky. Raising his voice to match the change in heat, speaking with the will and confidence of one who has the power of a god...

"Speak your response now! The Sands of Time have been stirred, and if you do not take a stand, you will be forgotten and destroyed!"

2012-01-18, 04:06 PM
"Speak your response now! The Sands of Time have been stirred, and if you do not take a stand, you will be forgotten and destroyed!"

At the sudden blast of heat and the booming voice the collection of some dozen dwarfs spin round, axes, picks and crossbows held up. A guttral voice from the leader "Who be's there? Show yourself dirty mage"

2012-01-18, 04:50 PM
Sensra raises his hands again to show that he carries no weapons. He lowers his voices and flies closer to their leader, speaking first to him and then to the whole assembly."I am Sensra, Seeker of Forgotten knowledge, Walker in the Waste, and Chosen of the gods. I come to you on behalf of The New Order. We have formed in order to bring back glory to certain races, of which you have been chosen. Now, give me your response. Will you join our cause?"

2012-01-19, 02:54 PM
The Road To Iotan

The duregar look to the leader, a massively wide dwarf with thick black furs and heavy mail, a double barrelled crossbow clutched in his hands. "Show yourself Walker. I trust no invisble beasts. We have long learned the cost of trusting the surface dwellers...".

The Ash Wastes

As the werewolf appears beside the archer a bolt of magical energy from the kobold soars harmlessy past and an arrow stops dead impacting on his thin mail coat...

With his allies dead, torn apart by the hideous fire elf and powerful magics and his body bleeding and bruised form the sudden appearance of the werewolf the archer whips out a curved silver kukri from a selection on his waist, slashing at Alasitair once before rolling some 20ft away in a series of tumbling cartwheels...

Skip Falx and Balareyl.

Quick Draw and attack [roll0] (if threat 15+, [roll1])
Damage [roll2] (if crit add [roll3])

Then tumble 20ft away from Alasidair [roll4] Vs 15

2012-01-19, 08:57 PM
"I am here before you, I am no beast, and I am not a surface dweller, nor am I from bellow. However, you have no reason to distrust me. I come in peace, and am unarmed. I've been traveling with invisibility merely to protect myself in this barren land as I look for allies." Sensra has been visible for the whole conversation, and has made clear that he is not armed and comes in peace.

2012-01-19, 09:09 PM
Alistair will move up to the last man and kick at his legs. He snarls as he does so
"Your flesh is going to taste nice!" he barks at the man.

attack unarmed strike for non lethal [roll0]
damage [roll2]

2012-01-20, 02:07 AM
The Road to Iotan

The dueragr look at the wizened walker as he becomes visible then slowly beckons with the crossbow "Approach walker. Speka to us of this dream of yours. With the loss of Nessus the earth shook and the caverns trembled, we lost many thousands in those dark days"

He mutters in under-dwarven to a fellow grey skinned dwarf- Sensra still barely understanding the man's mumbles but the intent is clear as large boulder is rolled out with 2 smaller ones and a metallic bottle sloshing with liquid inside is placed on the improptu table. "Sit, Drink. We will nae harm you".

2012-01-20, 05:01 PM
Sensra is glad to see the gesture, and sits politely. "I was once a field worker. I was a common laborer. In my country, we had no concept of the Epic clashes of the gods that were going on. However, as the gods focused their attention on warfare, the soil turned to waste and we were to perish in the desert. I wandered for years. It was at this point that I became enlightened by an unknown patron. I wandered into a group called The Walkers in the Waste and studies with them. There are only 7 of us now.

Recently, my group sent me as a representative to meet with a few others. We gathered at a place in these lands, and decided how we are to bring about the golden age again. The first stage involves gathering troops. I was raising some of the fallen warriors of the last war with a colleague and we ran out of onyx. So we are off to Ioten to try and gain more. My associate is nearby, I wanted to make it obvious that we came in peace, so I came forward as an individual. I can signal for him to come if you'd like. He has some of our troops with him. "

2012-01-22, 05:32 AM
The road to iotan

The deep dwarf looks at the mage aye. Bring em forward. Let's discuss these things. We would dearly to see our kin broken.

Ash wastes

The mM takes one mire look at the werewolf before turning and running some 200ft, the intention of escape and evade clear to all...

2012-01-22, 10:58 AM
Sensra sends an Eldritch Blast up in the air as a signal. Hopefully, my associate won't think I'm in trouble.

2012-01-22, 03:14 PM
Seeing the monk run off, Falix aims a fireball at him and let's it loose

DC: 19 for 1/2 damage

2012-01-24, 12:41 AM

Seeing the monk take off at such a fantastic speed, Balareyl waste no more time stalking his prey. Still invisible he darts toward his enemy at full speed in hopes the monk will slow down after some distance. Seeing the fireball fly he has a mixed feeling on whether he wants it to kill the coward or if it would be more fun to torture him. He smiles, Either way we win and you lose

Running 160ft in a straight line and trying to stay quiet. (-20 for running)
Move silently: [roll0]

2012-01-24, 01:13 AM
Alistair smiles at the last mans response,

"Typical, no one ever lets me have fun" he says to himself, the stirring inside him moves slightly and he registers a the faint feeling of amusement.

Smiling he moves towards the fleeing the man and conjures up the dark power within him, purplish energy coalescing around his right hand as he walks. Flexing his fingers the energy builds up, it spittles a bit like a ochre flame until he targets the man and unleashes the ball of dark energy.

He knew the man was low on health, he had hit him hard and he need only take a few more scrapes, if that fireball hadn't put him down this hopefully would.

Ranged attack vs Touch ac:
Eldritch Spear [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

And if it killed him, oh well, they could probably find a cleric to talk to the dead, or find another monk. He continued to smile as the purple ball of flame veered towards his target.

Move action 40ft towards fleeing man
standard action to shoot eldritch blast

2012-01-24, 02:07 AM
Ash Wastes

As the man turnes to run, an invisble stalker close on his heels he is blasted by a fireball that sends him tumbling 15-20ft through the air landing like a rag doll. As he struggles to his feet, clothes burning and face blistering, he turns to keep running but not before Alistairs blast of purple fire slammed into him and blew him backwards over the ash ground.

As Balareyl gets closer he can see however that under the burned wreckage of his skin the man's chest still moves.

Reflex save [roll0]
He lives! Mainly to all the non-lethal damage that the werewolf did.

The Road to Iotan

THe blast explodes into the air and lining the edge of the cliff you can hear the heavy thud of ancient feet. A few moments later the cliff edge is lined with the 9 massive hulking armoured skeletons with their ancient armour and strangely barbed ceremonial halberds. The dragon however remains strangely missing.
The dueragar looks at Sensra "I recognise 'Em Walker. The armour its made by us. We made all the armour for the Ogre legions. Your human armour being too weak and fragile for war." The last said with a large amount of racial pride.

"You say you want us to join you. There be 1 of you with some armoured bones. Why don't you be joiing to me and my warriors?. His men, those that speak common, nod assent at his words. A few hefting weapons in a showing off not threatening way. "What do you suggest Walker?"

2012-01-24, 10:46 AM
The Road to Iotan

A large shadow blots out a considerable area of sunlight for a moment. As those on the ground look up, the shadow grows smaller and smaller until it is clear that the shadow belongs to the winged man swooping down from above. He shoots a swatch of fire from his mouth over the protected ogres before hovering in place above the lot of them. The fire dissipates from around the ogres without harming them, the last few licks of flame rising up and dancing over the skin of the man himself.

"What sssay you, Sssensssra," the Deathless Dragon breathes to his companion. "Be they friends or foesss?"

2012-01-24, 03:27 PM
Balareyl presses his boot against the burnt flesh of the monk, inhaling the rancid stench coming off him. He nocks two arrows and points then at the monk. "My associates and I have a few questions for you. If you know what's good for you and your people you'll answer my questions. We will get out of this damned place, and you're going to tell us where to avoid. We get out and avoid confrontation with your people. Be honest monk, cause if we run into another patrol or your temple I promise you we are going to take out as many of them as we can before we fall. Now where is your temple and patrol routes!?" He presses down harder with his foot then lets up to hear a reply.

Bluff: [roll0]

In case he starts spilling.
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2012-01-24, 03:46 PM
Alistair jogs up to the fallen monk as the human he was, ever looking like the handsome man he was.

shaking his head he looks disappointed "No, no, no, that's not the way you do it at all!" he looks to Balareyl "have you never interrogated someone before? It is a fine art my friend! we shouldn't just hastily come crushing down upon this man and demand things, you sounds like a church inquisitor at a witch trial! Beleive me, I've been to enough to tell you, they don't work"

he stops and washes his face with his right hand from forehead to chin, "no, we must take him back to where we came, then we can do it properly." he thinks for a moment "and on second thought, we should probably bring back the others too, the ones we left could easily raise them and that's more for our army, and there weapons will come in handy also. We're going to need cool heads and everything we can get our hands on if we're going to do this right."

Moving up the monk Alistair delivers two blows to knock the man out (unarmed strike for non lethal), picks the man up and moves to signal the others to do the same to the fallen monks.

Alistair had no love for his current companions and if they didn't like him taking charge, then they should say something, he had no love for whiners either and would happily murder anyone of them in their sleep. As he stood waiting, he smiled again and the feeling deep down in his soul stirred once more.

2012-01-24, 10:41 PM
The Road to Iotan

Sensra turns to Deathless, "Depends on your definition of friends."

As for the dwarven leader, "I understand your concerns, as you can see there are two of us. However, we are an offshoot of a larger Council. I tell you, you can trust that our contribution to this agreement will not be smaller to yours. So rather, let's come together, not as one group 'following' another, but we become unified as equals. Let's admit, the Time is coming again, and your people's skill will be needed again. I would merely ask that you work with us, not under us."

Sensra turns to now address the larger assembly, speaking with respect an honesty. Sensra is not the type who sees himself by race, but by his following to Truth and Knowledge. He is strengthened by the prospect of such allies, and shows it as he addresses the rest, "This means that your voice would be welcome in the Council as much as the rest of ours. As part of this new partnership, we'd be glad to assist you with whatever situation you'd like. Sometime in the near future, I'd like to return to the base we have to gather the others, so you can meet the rest."

2012-01-26, 02:08 AM
Road to Iotan

THe duregar looks at the dragon and back to Sensra. "Hmm, wht you says is interesting. I will say this walker, if I and my fellows join you now we will assist in the raiding of the Iotan mine. We shall see your mettle when we do that! If you prove powerful we shall take control of the mine, we could speak of ruling the mine, trading with you and sending warriors and smiths to aid you?

The Ash waste

The archer has time for a brief groan and shout of terror before the heavy two punches from the werewolf slams his head against the dusty ground and leaves him flopping senselessly on the ground...

Are you heading back to the tower or interrogating him there?

2012-01-26, 05:14 PM
"This sounds like a fine task indeed! We agree. On account of our relations, the Warriors and Smiths would be welcome, along with trade, as allies normally do. However, we are in need of Onyx to create more soldiers, so in the more immediate future, we would like a loan of Onyx from you." Sensra returns to talking to the larger group, hoping to stir up their pride.

"Also, as one of the first new nations, we would expect your people to live up to your reputation, and be a successful nation."
Sensra moves on to the matter at hand, this 'task' of raiding the mine.
"So, what do you know about the fortifications of this mine? I'd like to know what would be the most efficient course of action."

2012-01-27, 03:22 AM
The Road to Iotan

The dueragar look at the two strange adventurers facing them before nodding. "The deal sounds good Walker. We shall have the mine and trade for gold and arms but we shall send a tribute of onyx as you need it to your watchfort.

Looking at his sodiers and miners he nods to himself, "We shall accompany you to help take the mine. Then we shall drink victory and toast with the skulls of our surface kin".

"We shall finish our food and the march with you. The mine is well defended with a small redoubt and a gate but once taken the mine is easily overrun"

He'll go with you and bring his 20 or soldiers.

2012-01-27, 04:49 PM
"Sounds like a plan." Sensra will spend the meal getting to know any of the Deugar that speak one of his languages. He's comfortable in this situation, but wonders if he should return to the base..He decides to wait until later.

After the meal he looks for an animal, which he lures nearby using some food and casts Animal Messenger on.

The note:

Walker and Dragon are at the mine. Made new allies, some dark dwarves. We made a bargain, and are about to raid the mine. Walker will teleport back in two days from (Whatever day it is today, Mr.GM...). Hopefully the monk-hunt went well, make sure you didn't leave any evidence of your ambush, we wouldn't want the monks to up security.

Sensra, Walker in the Waste

2012-01-27, 05:09 PM
Alistair hefts the monk and takes off toward the tower. Before he does, makes sure the man is bound properly (taking 20) with rope.

If the man wakes up during the travel back he will deftly knock him back out.

All the while he will be scanning the area behind him with his raven to make sure there is nothing following them.

Once at the tower he will ask the servants for a prison cell, place the monk there still bound, heal the man with is wand of cure light wounds and then leave him (making sure the cell is locked) be.

He will then bind Naberius and begin the mind games.

2012-01-27, 06:18 PM
The Wastes

Its another day and half to return back to the tower that is to become the anti-heroes home. The adept smiling and welcoming them as they return to his dwelling. "Ah brave heroes. Tiamat's 5 heads were all smiling down upon you to bring you home with fresh blood. Come, come, I have quarters suitable for our new "guest".... the words tinged with evil, as is the small cramped 4ft by 4ft by 4ft sewage duct that the prisoner is locked within while he awaits to regain his senses.

Inviting the party upstairs he looks them over "I am glad to see that wounds are minor, but I will have my servants tend you and take care of you. Fresh wine will be provided. There is also this note... he mutters as he hands over the note from Sensra that is now 2 days old.

The note

Walker and Dragon are at the mine. Made new allies, some dark dwarves. We made a bargain, and are about to raid the mine. Walker will teleport back in two days from (Whatever day it is today, Mr.GM...). Hopefully the monk-hunt went well, make sure you didn't leave any evidence of your ambush, we wouldn't want the monks to up security.

Sensra, Walker in the Waste

The Road to Iotan

After a meal with the Dueragar they join with the ogres as you begin to march across the ash wastes. 4 longs days later, each day filled with more depressing grey ash and desolatio, the mountains slowly drawing closer you finally reach you destination....

Below you in the nape of a small valley you can see the cook fires of the small dwarven mine burning away. 2 long log houses give accomodation to the miners whilst a stout stone tower in the centre near the well lut mine entrance gives a good view for the dwarven guards. Its a small minig outpost, Onyx not being in high demand, though the ruins of a much larger outpost and mining operation from earlier and happier times litter the vally floor.

Wait and see if anyone from the tower races to join you before we raid...

2012-01-27, 08:51 PM
Actually, two days ago, during the middle of the travel, I would have teleported to the base, and back. Using my teleport, I can bring three others with me. So, I'm a little confused now.

2012-01-28, 04:02 PM
EDITED timeline...

The Tower

Shortly after the party from the ash wastes return to the tower and their prisoner is installed in his cell there is a faint Crack as Sensra appears back in the abse of the tower. The crippled adept is quick to meet him "How goes the hunt for onyx?, your companions have returned with a guest..."

2012-01-28, 06:25 PM
The Walker is glad to see the success of his allies,"We're on our way to raid the mine, the group should arrive shortly. I was wondering if any of you would like to come with, I can take three."

Sensra will wait 10min for people to make up their minds, and then the bus will leave.

Spells re-chosen on the understanding that my next set of actions will be the raid in four days. Also, I had two teleports prepared and used fyi..

2012-01-29, 09:56 PM

Smiling at The Walker, "You can sign me up for that, and if there remains a spot Nagini would gladly accompany us as well. Otherwise she can stay here and help guard the monk. Good to hear we have dark allies willing to help help. Should make our campaign a little smoother."

2012-01-29, 10:56 PM
"First time teleporting? Hold on, its a bit like...WHOOSH" Sensra finishes Teleporting in the middle of his sentence, taking whoever decided to go with him. Once they arrive, a short distance from the dwarves, Sensra speaks again, "I've made several deals with them, be careful in dealings. We wouldn't want the delicate relationship we've developed to come crumbling down."

2012-01-29, 11:41 PM
Alistair smiles and replies in kind.

"I shall not be attending your soiree, I have" he looks towards the area of the prison cell "some special treats in store for our captive" he says with a wicked smile. As soon as he is done talking his form shifts, but not into that of a hybrid werewolf, before you stands a young man with blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. He moves toward the prisoners area.


I will be using my disguise self at will to appear as many different people as I can, basically I will be messing with him, I can take 10 on my bluff. And my bluff mod is +25. He'll do stuff like god cop/bad cop etc.

So 35 bluff all day long, eventually he will cave in.

2012-01-30, 03:22 PM
The Onyx Mine

After a meal with the Dueragar they join with the ogres as you begin to march across the ash wastes. 2 longs days later, each day filled with more depressing grey ash and desolatio, the mountains slowly drawing closer you finally reach you destination....

Below you in the nape of a small valley you can see the cook fires of the small dwarven mine burning away. 2 long log houses give accomodation to the miners whilst a stout stone tower in the centre near the well lut mine entrance gives a good view for the dwarven guards. Its a small minig outpost, Onyx not being in high demand, though the ruins of a much larger outpost and mining operation from earlier and happier times litter the vally floor.

Camped with the 9 ogres and the 20 or so deep dwarves the dwarven leader looks about at the new people, finally deigning to talk to them all rather than just Sensra that he has come to trust. "So Walker. What is your plan. We yearn to slay the surface dwarves".

In the Tower

50 hours of torment, physical and mental pass. The good orc/ bad maiden routine grinding the man down along with the tainted food and water that left him wretching and vomiting for hours as thirst and hunger leave him delirous, smoke blinds him and the manay faces of Alisdair confuse and dismay him.

As the hours roll by, the scars and burns begin to ache, and he desires to die he eventually snaps. Collapsed in the corner weeping piteously, huddle naked in the corner smeared in his own filth.... "Kill me. Kill me please. I will tell you what you want. But please release me or kill me and free me from this tormernt."

2012-01-30, 03:39 PM
Alistair smiles wickedly in his latest form, that of a Guard who was about to inflict some terrible torture.

He leans in close and speaks to the beaten man:
"Answer me these questions and I will release you from this pain." he was not lying.
"Where is your monastery" he holds out a map of the area he acquired from the caretaker "Point to it, it will be verified and if you lie you will remain here indefinitely for me to torture and torment."

"show me the patrol routes, how often do they go out, how strong are they?"

"How many monks and warriors are in the monastery, how many spellcasters? What would it take to bring them out in force? Who do they keep in contact with?"

He knows he's asking a lot of questions, he will wait for however long it takes. And once the man has answered them all he will Bind Malphas the next day and send another Raven out to near the designated spot to make sure he was telling the truth.

If he was, he will kill him.

2012-01-30, 04:31 PM
Alistair smiles wickedly in his latest form, that of a Guard who was about to inflict some terrible torture.

He leans in close and speaks to the beaten man:
"Answer me these questions and I will release you from this pain." he was not lying.
"Where is your monastery" he holds out a map of the area he acquired from the caretaker "Point to it, it will be verified and if you lie you will remain here indefinitely for me to torture and torment."

"show me the patrol routes, how often do they go out, how strong are they?"

"How many monks and warriors are in the monastery, how many spellcasters? What would it take to bring them out in force? Who do they keep in contact with?"

He knows he's asking a lot of questions, he will wait for however long it takes. And once the man has answered them all he will Bind Malphas the next day and send another Raven out to near the designated spot to make sure he was telling the truth.

If he was, he will kill him.

the sobbing wretch of a man points to a small isolated mountain valley high in the hills beside the border with the Griffon Empire. "Its there. Where the two waterfalls meet. Behins the waterfall..." he sobs cradling his bruised and burned limbs. "The order has shrunk over the years. A shadow of what we once we were. We thought your sort dead. he pauses, a wracking cough sending shudders of pain through broken ribs. "There are some 50 in the Order. Master Yatsu, a high mage rules us".

Another cough, another sob. "We have no set patrols. We patrol in small groups as we wish. But wander as we want.". He sobs again, the shame of the betrayal burning into his soul. "Please end it. By Kord's arm kill me....

The point of the map is also some 10-12 days walking so too far for a raven to really fly with maintaing focus all the way...

2012-01-30, 05:38 PM
Teibrus chooses to stay, standing outside the cell, listening to the torture going on. The many-faced torture method Alistair used was interesting. While he couldn't replicate it, he could participate in it. If permitted, he plays one of the bad cops to inflict some greusome burns. Never speaking, he simply touches the man, searing his flesh until bone.

When it was done, Teibrus went to the main hall. "Bring food to the table." He commands the adept. Plans are to be made.

2012-01-30, 06:09 PM
"My soldiers are...expendable, they can be renewed. Your men should suffer no losses today, we must be cautious. I'll take out their structures, then we send in the Ogres to draw their ranged attacks, and your men finally move in for the close combat."
He turns to his higher level companions, "You are free to assist in what manner you perceive best, I would suggest helping the ogre wave, since it lacks firepower."

After the others are prepared, Sensra casts Control winds near the log houses and wherever appears to be the most dwarves in the open areas. He raises thew wind level to Windstorm and will let the windstorm rage until it appears the log buildings are mostly destroyed, then he will stop the spell and turn invisible. While invisible, he flies over the enemies and raises the heat index, making the ones in heavy armor exhausted/fatigued.

OOC: Are we going to map this combat out?

2012-01-31, 03:50 PM

I'll try and make a map over the next day or so but otherwise I'll describe it.

The mining settlement in its gentle bowl is some 300ft wide with a cliff dominating the eastern side that has a large 15ft diamater hole vanishing into and a selection of small pit ponies nearby.

The two wooden lodges, both some 60ft long lie side by side in th centre of the basin a small squat watchtower nestled between them. As you watch from a fold in the rocky ground some 400ft away you can see ~6 dwarves, dressed in leather with picks and hammers wandering between the mine and the long house. Another 2 dwarves dressed in mail with big crossbows in the tower.

As Sensra floats invisibly towards the centre of the valley the wind picking up the dwarves shout in alarm. 3 of the 6 dwarves hustling into the shelter of the mine. THe other 3 running to the nearest lodge. The two in the tower merely hunker down in the blast of wind.

THe heat rising prompts shouts of alarm that can barely be heard over the wind and bangs and noises can be heard from within the two lodges even as the heavy wooden lodges withstand the buffeting wind- the reliable dwarf construction solidly built...

What's the plan for the dwarves and the ogres...

2012-01-31, 04:38 PM
Alistairs grimaces when he realizes he has no way of checking the information, he would have to check the tomes to see if any Vestiges could help in this endeavor.

In the meantime he goes to the main hall and joins Teibrus in eating.
"We need someway to confirm the data my friend, as of now I cannot see that far and I have no means to scry." he shows Teibrus the point on the map where the monk had shown him.

2012-01-31, 09:53 PM
Mining Settlement

While Sensra unleases his fury on the settlement, Balareyl casts Invisibility on himself from his wand and begins running, bow in hand. When he gets close enough where he thinks one of them have a chance of hearing him he slows down and continues at a much quieter pace serveying the surrounding for a good vantage point and waits for the troops to move in before making his move.

Moving within 220ft of the furthest enemy, high ground if possible, flying to it if neccesary.
Use Magic Device DC20: [roll0]
If failed, try again: [roll1]
Might need Move Silently: [roll2]
I'll take a 1 on my hide check, if anything can get close to 40 on a spot check not including distance penalties I deserve to get seen. :smalltongue:

2012-02-06, 12:53 AM
Before responding, Teibrus filled himself. "I take it you don't have," taking a quick stop to breath and put another charred piece of meat in his mouth. "any long-distance teleports either." Teibrus beckoned over their host. "Do you have any skills or spells scrolls for scrying or teleportation?"

2012-02-06, 01:40 PM
Alistair turns to the other man and smiles "No, I have no such ability. And I will have to do some research for any vestiges I may be able to bind"

He slams his hand on the table, motioning for the slaves to bring more food and drink.

"I see no recourse except to mount an expedition out to the area and see for myself, would like to come along?"

2012-02-06, 04:39 PM
A smile made it's way to Teibrus' face. Should they be spotted, they'd probably get to fight, since they'd have no teleport out. "How fast can you move?"

2012-02-06, 04:57 PM
"Depends on who I bind", he shrugs, "Pretty fast I guess"

2012-02-07, 12:28 AM
"Let's go then. I can get to the destination in less than 5 days. See if we can get back before the rest." Teibrus stood and went to fetch his gear.

I can fly at 60 with 4x movement about half the time, resting every other day or so (since I'm an elf). Unless Pazuzu has scrolls.

2012-02-07, 01:34 AM
Alistair nods "best we check with the old man, maybe he has something that can help?"

He tells one of the slaves to fetch the old man and diggs into another bird of some kind with black meat.

If I go wolf form, I can do 60 on land and can push almost indefinitely as I can gain fast healing which negates the non lethal damage (and thus the fatigue) from pushing.
But if pazazu has an item or something that would probably be better ( and I can bind karsus to use the item freely at my own caster level.)

2012-02-07, 04:45 PM
The Tower

As the fire elf and the werewolf send servants Haggard the Broken slowly limps downstairs to greet them. "Well met. Bleeding tears of the dread moon bless you". LIstening to the question of speed he shakes his head sadly.

"I fear not. Resources we do not have in abundance here. Hoping that will change as your begin to restore our glory of old"

How can Teiberus travel at 4xspeed for hours at a time? Running is con in rounds then con checks per round and you can't run fr long periods of time.

Hustling is x2 move with incremental nonlethal damage and fatigue. And even though Alisdair won't accrue the damage he'll still be fatigued by the hustling

2012-02-07, 06:34 PM
The Raid

"Go for the housing!", Sensra calls, commanding his Ogres to attack the wall of the lodge. As soon as the dwarves come out, our dwarves will start firing ranged weapons, and then will rush to melee when the enemy moves to confront the Ogres in combat.

Sensra is looking for someone who is giving them orders, while invisible. If he can't find the leader, he'll summon the power of his god and shoot black flames, scorching his foes with the taste of death.

Spot [roll0]
Eldritch Blast [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-02-07, 08:11 PM
I figured I could glide every other round or so like real birds do.