View Full Version : (Unofficial) Q&A Thread for Legend

2012-01-05, 12:32 AM
I intend this thread to be a simple Q&A thread about the system mechanics of Legend (Since here isn't one now and I definitely have questions). If someone way more responsible than I wants to re-do this thread at some point and actually make a FAQ, cool. Otherwise, let's keep this simple.

I'll start with a (probably stupid) question about skills. It seemed to me that the book implied that one simply picks a number of skills at character creation and these then level up automatically every level, but it was not stated explicitly. Is this correct? Or can one choose to put a rank in X skills when one levels up? Or can one, as in 3.5, spend X ranks at each level-up?

Doc Roc
2012-01-05, 02:05 PM
You pick them, and they auto-level. Our experience indicates that most generalist builds in 3.x suffer unless they're designed to hit specific DCs for given tests. The result is that it's a false choice.

2012-01-05, 08:01 PM
You're right, for the most part. For high-level skill monkeys, though, it's nice (in 3.5) to be able to move some things around, as the DCs for certain skills really don't change significantly with level. In the Legend system, this seems to be less true, so I can see why the mechanic would work just fine.

Some more questions:

Are there character sheets for Legend yet?

Any Plans for a Monster Manual? If not, how transferrable are 3.5 monsters (Or, how difficult would it be to transfer them)?

As written, one gets a number of skills from one's class and INT has no bearing on the number of skill points, correct?

PS: I've been skimming through the Player's guide, and it looks like a great system from what I've seen so far.

EDIT: What I mean is, the DCs for common uses of the skills don't scale. Tumble is a great example.

2012-01-05, 08:12 PM
Character sheet (http://www.ruleofcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/CharacterSheet-0.224.pdf)

2012-01-05, 08:18 PM
DocRoc and imperialspectre are both on record as saying a monster book is in the works, but a few months out, give or take. In the meantime, many concepts can be approximated through the track system. While loosely based off the OGL, Legend is not particularly backwards-compatible, and is intended to be less so as more material is available.

2012-01-05, 08:43 PM
If not, how transferrable are 3.5 monsters (Or, how difficult would it be to transfer them)?You can use the fluff.

As written, one gets a number of skills from one's class and INT has no bearing on the number of skill points, correct?Correct.

2012-01-06, 01:52 AM
As of the current version, Page 9 claims that D20 rolls of 1 aren't automatic failures, and 20s aren't an automatic success, yet Acrobatics 3rd Circle ability claims you no longer fail reflex save on a natural one.

Is the rogue circle ability an editing error, and if so are there any suggested additions to that circle's ability to balance out the loss?