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2012-01-05, 08:20 AM
Dark Millenium
The OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=227790)

The call has gone out, and you have answered. The Heavenly Kings are gathered in the High Council for the first time in a decade. Champions of your respective peoples, your names and faces are known by millions. You are respected and adored... for now. Recent events have shaken public confidence, and though they still look to their Heroes as the ones to carry them through and preserve the life they know and love, that trust can quickly turn to blame and vilification if results are not forthcoming.

Prince Endymion looks across the gilded room. He seems impossibly young to wield so much power - even the youthful Zoicite is older - but he holds himself with a dignity that rivals that of his father. And his eyes have steel to them. "I thank you all for answering my summons. Lazurite of Australia sends his regrets, but his injury prevents travel for now.

He leans over the table, hands planted wide. "You all know why I've summoned you." It isn't a question. When the Moon Empire announced a doubling of tariffs on trade through their Light Kingdom Nexis, it caused a ripple of dismay around the world. The Moon Empire's flimsy claims of "increased operational costs" are all the more transparent given the recent unreliability of the Nexus - routes closed with little warning, and "repairs" blocking out whole regions for weeks. South America in particular has been hard hit, and only regained service last week. Merchant cartels there are screaming for Moon Empire blood, and the rest of the world is not far behind with these new tariffs. "The situation is even more precarious than the press claims. Punitive as these tariffs are on our own citizens, my concern is for the Outer Worlds. If the Moon Empire can use these new tariffs to force them into signing, our own days as an independent power may soon be at an end. Generals, we are talking not about some petty economic skirmish, but about the end of our very way of life."

He lets that sentence sink in fully. Though the Earth and the Moon Empire are both aristocracies, Earth has a proud democratic tradition. Any man with the acclaim of his peers can become a Hero, and any Hero with enough support can become High King. The Moon Empire, though, was a rigid aristocracy. Queen Serenity's line was unbroken and unquestionable. Those born to noble families lived in luxury, while the rest had no hope of advancement. They lived and died at the whims of their Lords and Ladies.

Steel-blue eyes surveyed the silent room. "The threat is, I hope, not immediate. The Outer Planets have been quite public in their defiance of the Moon Empire's ambitions. With any luck, we can hold with them for decades at least. But let me assure you this is only the first step. With uncontested mastery of travel and trade between planets, they can squeeze us as hard as they want.

"Generals, this is intolerable; I refuse to see the planet I love and serve blackmailed. The situation must be changed before it deteriorates any further. I see no path forward that does not lead to subjugation, but I know in my heart there must be a way. And so I look to you, my most trusted advisors, my fellow Heavenly Kings. Your people have put their trust in you, and I do as well.

"Our world hangs in the balance. What do we do to save it?"

2012-01-05, 08:48 AM
Seated in a somewhat informal, lounging pose immediately to the left of Jadeite, Zoisite looks pensive for a moment, gently stroking his lips with a slender finger.

"If I may, Master," he pipes up after a moment, "the moon is certainly a great power, but they ARE an allied power. Perhaps we should address this issue with some of the other Inner planets. If we can convince representatives from Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter to oppose the tariffs, it may be enough pressure to have them repealed, or at least highly diminished. These kingdoms may be loyal to the Moon Empire, but they are still worlds in their own right and their people are - to varying degrees--" he grins and rolls his eyes for effect. "--As rational as any on Earth. I would be happy to lend my services as a negotiator, if Master desires it."

He smiles at the Prince with all the sweetness of a child who hopes he's done well, and then, making it sound as if it were an afterthought, he adds, "P-purely as an example, Mercury would be my first choice for a first mission in such a case. Their society is highly reliant on trade and the tariffs may be putting a strain on their economic and technological infrastructure."

2012-01-05, 09:37 AM
The Warlord Kunzite, as regal and mighty in stature as the legends claim, had chosen a seat directly opposite of the young prince, the long white hair framing his shoulders neatly flowing into the equally white cloak that now draped over the back of his chair.

A stark contrast: his armor; black as a raven's feather, with thin veins of silver running along its frame -- protective runes, ancient magic carved deep into the protective shell that was, supposedly, worn by each Hero of the Middle East, passed onto their successors again and again.

His pale emerald eyes, sharp with intelligence and will, kept their focus unwaveringly on his liege as Endymion laid out the threat they now faced, his position thoughtful but, mindful of his surroundings, not too relaxed.

"Yet they are also said to be calculating," the dark warrior offered, after listening to Zoisite's reply. "And highly intelligent. It might well be their Princess whose scheme we now face."

The man rose, placing a hand upon the table as he did. "We are too dependent on these trade routes provided by the Moon Empire, even if the current situation is resolved. An alternative must be found."

2012-01-05, 09:47 AM
As the generals talk, Prince Endymion resumes his seat and clasps his hands in front of his mouth in silent watchfulness. Despite his preeminent position, he held no actual authority to command the Generals one way or the other - he could merely lead by rhetoric and inspiration and example. Any real decision would have to come from the group as a whole.

Those eyes, which so resembled the reigning monarch's, observed silently.

2012-01-05, 09:49 AM
Being called right in the middle of taking care of the said problems in South America, Hematite wasn't in the mood to tolerate Moon's economic and political threats. Still, he maintained his calm public face - it would be totally improper to rage at King's court.
- My Lord -- he spoke quietly with his eyes half-shut- I would advise against direct actions. They want to raise the tarrifs - so be it, and I will thank Her Lunar Majesty for giving us allies in the merchant cartels. We should accept it as is. Instead - let us continue our advance to the Dark, clear the routes to outer planets from Youma and get us an alternative trade routes. As a side effect, such measures will give our army some training and show the people, that warriors are doing their job.
Hematite took a breath, and continued
- As for the retaliation - his voice became cold - the most vulnerable point of Moon Kingdom's economy is Mars. I advise economic and political pressure against Mars to endanger Moon Kingdoms food supplies. That will either make them back of or force them to more direct actions, and I assume, we are ready for those. I finished - and he settled back in his armchair

2012-01-05, 10:17 AM
Kunzite narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as he heard Hematite speak, a tightness about his jaw that a more perceptive man might take notice of.

"Indeed," the warlord said coldly, the temperature around him seemingly dropping a few degrees. He could not fault his fellow General's logic; after all, he had sought to propose the very same move. "A path carved through the Shadow Kingdom, reinforced with shielding technology and anti-youma magic should serve us well enough."

The tall warrior crossed his arms in front of his chest, still towering over the table. "Yet I cannot recommend making an enemy of Mars. They are considered a honorable people and well-regarded in the galaxy." Whether Kunzite shared that opinion was not apparent from his expression, his deep tone remaining neutral as he elaborated. "And they keep long grudges. An envoy should be sent. If we open our doors to their spiritualism, we could win their favor."

And a good word from the princess of Mars in Serenity's ear might make quite a difference.

2012-01-05, 03:23 PM
Jadeite sat up a little straighter in his chair as he listened to the other generals discuss their plans. Crossing his arms, his eyes followed the path of conversation as each general speaks in turn.

"I'm afraid I must agree with Kunzite." Jadeite spoke loudly, with only the slightest hint of condescension. "Political and economic pressure against Mars will only turn the Martian royals against us. We already suffer minor bouts of ill-will for simply refusing to be annexed into the Moon empire, I'd really rather not garner more."

Pausing in thought, he stroked his lips in a gesture similar to the one Zoisite had done. "Perhaps a better alternative would be to deal with their senshi directly. While there is no doubt that she's powerful, she's also vain and rash. She could be easily manipulated into doing what we wish..." Jadeite looked at Kunzite with a slight wry twist to his lips "Without having to 'open the doors to their spiritualism' as you say."

2012-01-05, 07:17 PM
Zoisite looks rather annoyed that they've both rejected and then spun around back to accepting his idea without actually crediting him, but figures it's good enough that they're making progress. "Mars it is, then. Though I still think the more support from all possible worlds, the better. The senshi are the Queen's closest counsel. If we have their personal opinions in our favour, she'll listen. Sailor Mercury may indeed be intelligent, but she is also very unsure of herself and highly prone to hesitation and wavering. Even if the tariffs were her idea originally, I doubt she's so married to the concept that she couldn't be swayed to go back on it. It's why I suggested her in the first place: she's easiest to influence. But my brother is right." He glances at Jadeite and offers him a slight grin. "Mars would be a very important ally to have in this matter. In fact, if she were the first to speak against the tariffs, it might be less suspicious than if it were Mercury."

2012-01-06, 01:49 AM
"You are a cunning man, Zoisite," Kunzite offered, a thin smile on his lips. The General finally sat back down again, white hair billowing with the sudden rush of movement. "And perceptive." The warlord creased his brow in thought, clearly mulling over the situation again, and re-examining what his fellow Heavenly King had said.

"While Mars is a better diplomatic target, we should still send someone to Mercury as Zoisite has suggested," the man pondered. "You say she wavers and hesitates -- excellent, then send someone to spy on her. She may well reveal far more than intended. Make a grand show of sending someone and let Serenity think it our main hope while we deal with Mars."

His black armor shifted as Kunzite rested his chin against his closed fist, pale emerald seeking out Jadeite's own eyes.

"You have a point," Kunzite admitted. His eyes narrowed as he leaned forward a little, putting his hand back onto the table. "Dealing with them is a necessity, whatever else we pursue. Jupiter should be another target -- all we need is show our strength. Challenge their Princess, agree upon some winning stakes, and win."

2012-01-06, 04:52 AM
Zoisite beams. "You are very wise, Lord Kunzite. Leave the grand show on Mercury to me! As for Jupiter, I agree. I'm guessing Venus is likely the toughest challenge. I've always been under the impression that they are closest to the Moon Queen's ear and heart, but that may just be hearsay. Do we know of any weaknesses on their end? Or dare we avoid them altogether?"

2012-01-06, 05:46 AM
Hematite sighned. He personally saw no wisdom in trying to reason with the Empire's satrapies. But he also understood that arguing would do nothing, but create more arguing and paralyze the work of the counsil. So he decided to put arguing aside and do what he can do.
- Good. Let us hope, that matters still can be resolved diplomatically. Meanwhile - if my Lord approves it - I'd inspect the nearby Dark personally to evaluate what forces we would need to build a stable trade route - say, to Neptune. And, if my abilities would allow it - start working on one

2012-01-06, 07:19 AM
Jadeite rolled his eyes at Zoisite's suggestion about taking over the show on mercury. Of course, if any one could do it, it would be him.

Glancing down at some notes he had taken in preparation to this meeting, Jadeite spoke again. "I'd also like to agree with Hematite. Frankly, opening the trade routes to the outer planets needs to be one of our highest priorities if we hope to maintain their independence."

Handing out a few copies of a few charts and graphs to his fellow generals. An analysis of the trade patterns show that, though the outer planets make a show of self-sufficiency, they are almost entirely dependent on imported food. As long as the moon controls their food supply, it seems inevitable that they'll join the empire and soon. The only way to prevent that is to create an alternate route for trade."

2012-01-06, 07:43 AM
Zoisite stifles a giggle and delicately holds his fingers over his mouth to hide the smile he's beating back as he receives one of the graphs. When he's composed himself enough, he simply says, "Thorough as always, Jadeite. And yes, I think a two-pronged plan of action is a good one. Unfortunately my knowledge of the Outer planets is . . . well, suffice it to say, it's nowhere near my brother's."

2012-01-06, 04:54 PM
Kyanite sat with elbows leaning on the table, his hands clasped under his chin, holding it upright. He wore a seemingly blank stare as he gazed at the center of the table, not seeming to pay attention, but he listened to the words of the other generals intently. He finally decided to inject himself into the conversation. Leaning against the back of his chair, he allowed his hands to drop and remained clasped in his lap, then he spoke.

"I believe that at the moment this 'plan' has some merit. Zoicite, if you can hold the empires attention with your visit to Mercury, then that will allow the rest of us to act with somewhat more freedom."

He gave a short pause as he ran inventory of what he knew about the other generals, then he continued. "Since we seem to be deciding that this is the best course of action, that is to say, dividing the work load between us and each dealing with a separate problem, then I believe that Kunzite should visit Jupiter as envoy. If a show of strength is all you really need for them pay attention, then he is the obvious choice as he is the strongest of us."

[COLOR="red"]"I believe, that you, Hematite would be best suited as the envoy to Mars. As I'm not particularly familiar with Venus I'm not sure which of us remaining would make most sense, although I think that Nephrite would make for the best choice."

"That leaves Jadeite and myself to begin clearing the trade routes to the outer planets. I happen to know a few things about them, Jadeite also seems to know a few thugs about their economic conditions if these charts are anything to go by."

"Now if I may be so bold as to incorporate you, my Lord," he nodded at Endymion, "Into this outline, then I believe you would actually make the best person to visit Mars. The problem with that though is that your presence would be sure to cause more waves than any of the other envoy's combined. So perhaps it would be best if you joined Jadeite and myself with expansion of trade routes in the Dark Kingdom. This is all assuming of course that the final decision is divide and conquer."

Kyanite stopped and took a look around the table, eyes trying on each member of the meeting for a few seconds. "Thoughts?"

2012-01-06, 09:37 PM
Endymion considers the thoughts of his Generals before responding. "Passage to the various Inner Worlds could be easily arranged. I may even be able to do it in a way that does not attract too much attention and does not give our motive away too readily.

"There is, additionally, a masquerade ball to be held on the Moon on Queen's Day. We have never accepted in the past, but there is a standing invitation to all the Lords and Ladies of the solar system - including the Heavenly Kings of Earth." He pauses for a moment. "The Outer Planets are unlikely to attend, but it is certain that the ruling powers of each of the Inner Worlds will be there.

"However, there are downsides. First, it will not give the appearance of action to the population here on Earth. This, I trust, is a minor concern for those present, and alone would not tempt any of you to forgo the mission. But a masquerade provides additional obstacles. It may be difficult to locate the correct members to talk to - and, in locating them, it may be difficult to turn the conversation to such weighty topics in such a frivolous setting."

"Still it is an option open to us, and perhaps a subtler one than an openly diplomatic envoy. I lay it before your judgement." His voice seems to waver here; despite his composed exterior, there seem to be some deeper emotions under the surface here than mere concern for his planet.

2012-01-06, 10:51 PM
After hearing that Endimion actually considers attending the lunar masquarade an option, Hematite looked shoked. Hell, he was shoked. Almost to the point of dropping his mask of composure
- My Lord. Attending the masquarade would be a political suicide we simply cannot afford in current situation. Let me explain. - he make a deep breath and continued more calmly. - We, Heavenly Kings of Earth never accepted an invitation to attend the ball and praise Her Serenity. But they apply economic pressure to the Earth - and we accept the invitation. On diplomatic level that would mean that Earth can be pressed into submission. After such act Outer Planets could not rely on us anymore - that would ensure inconsistency in independent kingdoms, and eventually, will inevitably lead to Moon Empire domination over Solar system. Thus, we cannot allow such diplomatic faux pax. Right now we need to show our confidence in our own strengh secure the support from merchant's cartels and unite all harmed by Moon's abuse of their monopoly. And to my greatest grief - that doesn't include inner planets, for I'm sure, the act of raising the tarrifs was allready heavily discussed by Her Serenity's advisors. And we have the results.

2012-01-07, 01:46 AM
Gears are very obviously turning in Zoisite's head. He exchanges frequent glances with Jadeite as he speaks. "Hematite is right that the ball is very risky . . . but there is potential there, which is worth considering." He leans forward, placing his elbows on the table in front of him. "Since it IS a masquerade, there is the possibility for us to get in and out without attracting too much unwanted attention, particularly with the general Earth public, and particularly if our envoy is small. Even two or three people would suffice. For example, Jadeite and I could attend the ball and carry out our diplomatic mission with the senshi. This allows us to devote more resources and mindpower to working toward clearing the new trade routes, and appealing to the merchant cartels. Essentially the same plan, but without sacrificing time and manpower to missions to each of the inner planets. My attending would raise little suspicion: Moon Kingdom galas are said to be absolutely sublime and I personally have been wanting to verify that claim for years. It's perfectly within expectations that I would go purely on a whim, without any agenda to speak of. And where I can be the amusing distraction, Jadeite can be the covert operative. He has a talent for blending in without drawing too much unnecessary attention, when he needs to. While we're taking care of the diplomatic work, Kunzite and Kyanite could work on the new trade routes, and Hematite could speak with the merchant cartels - but of course, that is mere suggestion. As I admitted earlier: it is a gamble, but I think it's a worthwhile one, given the right planning and execution."

2012-01-10, 04:54 AM
A frown appeared on Kunzite's brow as he heard an all-too-familiar name, one that might well prove more trouble than it was worth. "Venus?" he repeated, his tone thoughtful, but the worried expression was quickly replaced with a knowing smirk. "Best left alone. I'll handle it if they choose to become a problem."

"As for the expansion into the Dark Kingdom," he began, his pale emerald darting towards Kyanite and Hematite. "With His Grace's permission, I will lead the efforts." The Heavenly General kept a stern yet watchful gaze on the two, intent on seeing any averse reaction they might show.

"None here know the Dark Kingdom and have fought against youma hordes their entire life, as I have. My liege," the pale Eastern man continued as his attention wandered to their royal leader, "we need to coordinate with Neptune and Uranus, make them see the urgency of the situation, and attack from both sides to meet in the middle. It will not do to be caught there with a single force, with enemies around us."

Hearing Endymion's idea of attending the ball, however, left the armored man unimpressed. "A masquerade perhaps, yet also seated in their very heart of power. Would you become a hostage for the Moon Kingdom, Endymion?" His tone sounded harsher than before -- perhaps he knew something that the others did not. It certainly seemed that something else was at play, with the Prince wavering and Kunzite reacting in a surprisingly strong manner -- addressing the Prince by his name, which, as some others present might know, he normally did only in battle.

Or, as only the Prince would know, in private. The harsh deserts and brutal conflicts of the Middle East had taught Kunzite a healthy appreciation of rank.

I'm assuming here that Endymion knows that Kunzite knows. I figure he probably confided in him at some point, rather than Kunzite having found out in other ways.

2012-01-10, 09:22 PM
Jadeite looks at Kunzite curiously. "Is there anything you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Kunzite?

2012-01-11, 05:18 AM
As Jadeite suddenly interjected his own query before Endymion himself could answer, Kunzite's eyes darted over towards the Heavenly General of the Far East; his white hair remained unmoved as his head did not move along with it, giving the impression that he had no intention of giving a prolonged response of any sort.

"I think not," the black-clad man replied, "it's no concern of yours."

Mid-sentence, his attention had already returned to their king.

2012-01-11, 06:24 PM
Endymion's eyes darken. "You talk of hostages? My father would never trade the security of the realm for my own safety." It's unclear from his tone whether the Prince agrees with this policy or not.

Rising from his seat, he continues. "And such an act would be one of war, uniting their enemies against them! With Saturn and Pluto on our side..." But he stops himself here, and looks around the room.

He re-takes his seat and takes a deep breath, calming himself forcibly. "I under your concern for my wellbeing, Kunzite, and it is appreciated for what it is. Yet if I am to risk my Generals being taken hostage individually on Mars or Jupiter or Mercury, then I must be willing to run the same risk. The Crown Prince may be the first among equals of Earth's Heroes, but it is essential that he remains an equal. You are all each just as important to the continuation of the realm as I am. I am its favoured son, but you are its champions, its heroes, its heart. I do appreciate your concern, Kunzite. And I respect your wisdom and confidence. I will think on it again.

"But for now let us look to the rest of you. Zoicite and Jadeite are free to attend the masquerade; it is there decision whether to bear that risk." Endymion's tone is a little forced here, his meaning clear. "Would anyone go with Kunzite to the Dark Kingdom, or join the ball? Or perhaps both - I am certain a break could be taken from the work there for so short a trip as the moon and back."

2012-01-11, 11:29 PM
Zoisite has the biggest grin on his face. He's already planning his costume!

2012-01-12, 02:01 AM
"My liege," Kunzite acknowledged, putting his concerns aside for now. Already Jadeite was growing suspicious and it would not do to compromise the integrity of their crown prince. He would speak to Endymion later in private and give his counsel. Perhaps the younger man would listen to him then.

There were, after all, more subtle ways to get what one desired, and not all hostages were proclaimed such.

2012-01-12, 06:02 AM
Hematite sighed. His warnings were at waste, as were the warnings of his fellow general. At the very least, the other part of his proposal was accepted. So, as he thought it was his duty to see that part done properly.
- My lord, I will work with Kunzite in the Dark Kingdom - he said nothing more, for it would be futile.

2012-01-12, 07:16 PM
"Kunzite and Hematite to the Dark Kingdom. Zoicite to the ball, though you are welcome to assist in the Dark Kingdom until then. Jadeite, Kyanite, Nephrite - what of you?"

2012-01-12, 09:29 PM
I will accompany Hematite and Kunzite. I am perfectly fine with Kunzite leading the efforts just so long as he makes good use of the assets at his disposal.

As for the ball, I believe that you, Jaedite and Zoiscite will be enough for the political portion of this endeavor, although I will gladly accompany if you deem that you need an extra hand. If not, then I am content to work on clearing the trade routes.

2012-01-13, 09:17 PM
Jadeite looks a bit put out that everyone is just assuming that he's going to the ball. "Very well, I'll go to the ball. It would hardly be prudent to leave this one" He nods towards Zoisite. "Unattended at a major political event. Besides, subtlety isn't exactly his strong suite." He turns his eyes on the other generals. "Perhaps we can join you in the dark Kingdom after the ball....assuming nothing horrible happens" He says the last part wryly, casting an almost amused look in Endymion's direction.

2012-01-13, 10:28 PM
Sitting back, in a comfortable position, Nephrite is quietly pondering everyone's stances, trying to get a feel for these other generals he has never met. Being relatively new to the position, he wants to be careful not to overstep himself.

But it is clear that he will need to weigh in on this topic, and while fighting in the Dark Kingdom is not without its enjoyable points, meeting with the royalty of the Moon Kingdom sounded very appealing.

As he leans back in his chair, Nephrite finally speaks up, "Well of the two, the ball certainly sounds more entertaining, but I'll go where the prince wishes me of course". With a smile and a slight nod towards Endymion.

2012-01-15, 10:37 PM
"Very well then, it's settled. Kunzite, Hematite, and Kyanite will go to the Dark Kingdom to clear trade routes; Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoicite will go to the masquerade to put political pressure on the Moon Kingdom. Are there any further proposals?"

2012-01-15, 11:25 PM
"Just a question, milord." Jadeite asks in amusement. "Will you be joining us on the moon, or them in the dark kingdom?" Jadeite lets a small smirk slip onto his lips.

2012-01-16, 12:43 AM
"If we are to open our own trade routes to the Outer Planets, then someone will need to work out the details with their leaders. I will travel to Neptune and Uranus to conduct talks there. If we can bring those two to our side, they can likely bring Saturn and Pluto with them."

2012-01-18, 07:47 PM
Silence fills the room for several moments. Endymion's eyes sweep each of them in turn. "Very well then. We each know our purposes. Let's be about it." He stands, his regal bearing apparent once more, and gives the assembled Heavenly Kings a crisp salute.

This scene is over; if any of you have things you want to take care of in character before moving to the expedition threads, you can post here or PM me.

Dark Kingdom / Outer Planets (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12534318#post12534318)
Light Kingdom / Masquerade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12543957#post12543957)

2012-01-20, 07:29 AM
Kunzite nodded, an expression on his face as severe as befitted a man about to go to war. Even if the Dark Kingdom was no kingdom in truth as far as they were aware, they would be facing bad odds and dangerous foes. As he rose from his seat, the man glanced over all the assembled Generals with a critical eye.

"Assemble the best men you can spare," he began. "All of you, not just those going to the Dark Kingdom. We will require reinforcements. Not mere swords, but men who can build and mount a defense. That we can hold the territory we venture through is as important as that we take it."

While it was bold that the Easterner would presume to demand something like that of the other Heavenly Kings, he never named specific numbers. Those who felt they couldn’t spare any forces would not suffer his scorn for such a decision.


As the others began to leave, however, the silver-haired warlord remained behind. He still wished to trade words with Endymion.

2012-01-21, 12:15 AM
Endymion remains standing as the Generals sort out their parting business.

2012-01-21, 01:48 PM
Standing quietly, Kyanite nods in response to Kunzite. I will begin making my preperations then. Call on me when it is time for expedition to begin. I will be ready.

2012-01-22, 01:49 AM
Hematite noded - You didn't have to state obvious details, you know.

2012-01-30, 10:49 PM
After the other generals leave, Endymion turns to Kunzite. "You wanted to speak with me further?"