View Full Version : Cerebrosis

Little Brother
2012-01-05, 08:56 AM
Okay, I have a player who really wants to play a sorcerer/List caster, and wants to use this feat. I like this feat, it gives me an opportunity to bring more Lovecraftian stuff into it, but I REALLY dislike the idea of my players spontaneously killing themselves. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of risk of using Far Realm power, but it can screw everything up. How should I respond to this?

Should I just extend the table for damage on Dimension Rift? Maybe incorporate Wis damage? Should I just make it so that Finger of Expulsion effectively shot on them(Getting another save)?

As I said, I love the idea of risk from using Far Realms power, but I really, REALLY dislike the idea of players dropping dead. I always warn my players for upcoming SoDs, and I tend to avoid them.

Finally, this player also talked about picking up Mother Cyst and any other such feats he could. Is there any issue, balance-wise, with that? Any fluff thing I can't find?

Also, how do Wisdom penalties work? Is it like a bonus, or are the points lost?

And finally, are there any other feats like those, or anything else I should watch out for from this kinda build?


2012-01-05, 12:04 PM
That sounds Dragon Mag-ish. Wanna give those of us who don't have the book a rundown?

2012-01-05, 02:12 PM
Cere-what now?

2012-01-05, 02:22 PM
Dragon 330, gives you access to a bunch of spells, -1 Constitution and +2 on saves VS Far Realm denizens.

2012-01-05, 02:29 PM
Looking at all of the spells, only Dimension Rift is inherently dangerous. All the other spells require the spellcaster to put their neck on the line at their choice, so I'd say that it's fine. Hell, some of the escalations (Far Realm Visitation is one that sticks out) are so rubbish that they won't be used anyway.
If you still don't like it, just slap the player with Wis Drain equal to the spell's level if they fail the Will Save (they can still have the basic effect if they fail the save, I guess).

2012-01-05, 03:18 PM
Huh. I did not know this feat existed. Now I'm gonna have to track it down.

All hail the far realms.

2012-01-05, 04:02 PM
Dragon 330, gives you access to a bunch of spells, -1 Constitution and +2 on saves VS Far Realm denizens.

Also if you succeed on two difficult (DC 28) knowledge (planes) checks and either pay 400 gp and doing a mini quest or pay 1400 gp, you can get this feat for free (read all the article).

Your best bet is to convince the player to have a high will save (+22 at 17th level when call the amoebic sea is available) and use methods that make you treat 1's on saves as normal (Pride domain power for example). Alternatively there are maneuvers that you can substitute your will save roll with a concentration check roll.

2012-01-05, 05:58 PM
grab a mantle of second chances and a luck blade, and either a ring of diamond mind, some sort of persisted heroics for martial study, or an initiator dip.

that will get you at least 1/encounter (because caster, concentration should be through the roof), and save you from 99.75% of failing saves otherwise.

if allowed, grab multiple luck blades, just in case.

then pile on will save boosters.